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1299 Promenade Pl - Outdoor Food Sales
GLUE d- 62(k^-0 cutti d For Office Use 6, • License#: E AGA Permit Fee: Date Received: --/o:,g- 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5675 I TDD: (651)454-8535 I FAX: (651)675-5694 MAY 10 g18 Staff: ` buildinginspections(a�citvofeagan.com L Permit Fe : $25.00 2018 OUTDOOR FOOD SALES PERMIT Outdoor Food Sales include sale or service to the general public of prepared food or beverage from a temporary structure or stand or a mobile food unit as defined by MN State Law. Outdoor Food Sale Permits are limited to 90 days for each issued permit and no more than 4 permits shall be issued in a calendar year. Please include the following with your permit application submittal: ❑ A site plan, including adequate off-street parking ✓ Events are not allowed in the public Right-Of-Way(ROW). ✓ Events are to take place in an area no less than 10 feet from all property lines. ✓ Events are to be a minimum of 100 feet from residential zoned property lines. ✓ Outdoor Food Sales events shall take up no more than 5%of the total lot coverage ❑ Events shall comply with City Code sign regulations. A separate Sign Permit may be required. ❑ Tents/canopies greater than 400 square feet and stages require a Building Permit. ❑ The hours of event operation to comply with City Code. ❑ Parking on adjacent parcels is prohibited without owner written approval. ❑ Any sound between 10:00PM &midnight(12:00AM) requires a Sound Amplification Permit. ❑ Written permission of fee owner. Event Address: 1299 Promenade Place BusinessssNableZoning stng(' pplicable; Byerly's, Inc. dba Lunds & Byerlys ori : PO Purpose of provide free grillingfood samples to our customers event: Event Details Dates of event& 05/19/18 - Saturday days of the week: Times of event: Start: 12:00 pm Finish: 4:00 pm Set up begins at: 11 :00 am Take down completed 5:00 pm (Date/Time) by:(Date/Time) Maximum number of people in 25 attendance on any day: Name: Ashley Oliver/Laurie Geisel Applicant 1299 Promenade Place Address: (Individual organizing 651-686-9669 Alternative event) Phone: Phone: Fax: Email: ashley.oliver@lfhi.com 4 10'1112—Page 1 of 2 jlm.A..Q — 256111 Name of individual AshleyOliver/Laurie Geisel responsible for event: 1299 Promenade Place Contact phone 651-686-9669 Event Contact Address: during the event: Information* Phone: Alternative Phone: Fax: Email: ashley.oliver@Ifhi.com *This person must be present at all times during the event and act as the on-site contact for City officials during the event. The permit shall be presented to any City official or law enforcement officer upon demand. Describe the event in detail. grilling food samples giving them away free to our customers by our front entrance, will not block any exits or entrances of the parking lot, will have our normal 10X10 tent, will have the grill away from tent. 8 Attach 2 copies of a Site Plan. Include location of tents, stages, booths, first aid/relief stations, dumpsters, portable toilets, sound amplification equipment, signs and banners. NOTE:Additional Permits may be necessary I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, state the application i cgrre t, and agree to com with Eagan, MN laws regulating outdoor food sales, and all other City Codes and State laws. X Frederic M. Miller; Vice President, Finance x ,t,G(Ili /f Applicant's Printed Nam Applicant's Signature .c/34o, Date You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.citvofeagan.com/subscribe. FOR CITY OFFICE USE ONLY Permit reviewed by: �? ---r-A6 Plannin Date5 1O -i D Page 2 of 2 '+di7143Grl8beb3310,1148rIoni'.3rfA i.V46477.6:4d-93155a- j;Pla 7299 Promcrwde%,Eagan.MN i i 7249 pntmenadc GI -3%, --"`°-' jj * ,of ^ �- tt „- a- _-'BSc p+„ � _ 0 -, 4 0 e 0 � e res� t see-` ; veto Fry, , �26�Ntes `l..s�.. ,.� "' #'€ +..... III ...�...,a�..4,..wa..uv�sat ..�. r �1M _ u+trgia _.To rte.e o 'O ; „�, sw Fire Code requires a minimum 10' setback from any buildings, & 20' setback from other tent or canopy structures. REVIEWED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE A 10 pound ABC fire extinguisher is required to be within the ,i.: [)ATE: �i. © , g tent at all times. r . � CITY OF N—CODE ENFORCEMENT LUNDS&BYERLYS May 7, 2018 Building Inspections City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 To whom it may concern: Byerly's, Inc. dba Lunds & Byerlys Eagan are requesting a 2018 Outdoor Food Sales permit for a Customer Appreciation grilling event we are planning for Saturday, May 19, 2018. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Dawn Halvorson Senior Accounting Specialist 952-915-3709 dawn.halvorson(cr?Ifhi.com Suite B-102 3948 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1204 City of Eagan LICENSE: 000025941 ;" Byerly's IncExpiration: 8/7/18 9 Promenade PI Eag •'•.,",,', E A1G Ea an MN 55121 •--� �-• Pursuant to all applicable statutes and ordinances and conditioned upon payment of required license fee. License granted for the term and License Type: Outdoor Food Sales Permit purpose stated. it II� POST AT LOCATION LICENSED gat...NOT TRANSFERABLE Ci Clerk - - W CUT HERE City of Eagan Expiration: 8/7/18 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Description Type Units Fge Mail To: Byerly's Inc 1299 Promenade PI Eagan MN 55121 r-----------------I 1 I For Office Use a a II Permit* 0I N EAGA I Fee: I I I I I Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 I I (651)675-5660 1 FAX: (651)675-5694 j Staff: �� I sianperm itsacityofeaaan.com ————————— OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT APPLICATION ® Attach 1 copy of a Site Plan The site plan shall include locations for parking, tents, stages, booths, sound amplification equipment, fencing, food/alcohol serving areas, signs, banners, portable toilets, trash, and First Aid. ® Attach written permission of the property owner. Please note: ✓ Events under this permit are not allowed in the public right-of-way. If your event is going to take place on City property or within public streets or trails, please contact the City Clerk at(651)675-5000. ✓ The location of your event should be 10 or more feet away from all property lines. ✓ This event must be a minimum of 100 feet from residential zoned properties. ✓ Recycling is required. Recyclables must be collected, including paper and cardboard, cartons, glass bottles and jars, metal cans, and plastics labeled#1, #2, and#5 (Dakota County Ordinance 110, 16.05). • Recycling containers must be clearly labeled and located within 10 feet of each trash receptacle. • Event employees, volunteers, and custodial contractors must adhere to Dakota County requirements. A) EVENT INFORMATION Name: Lund Food Holdings, Inc. dba Lunds & Byerlys Eagan Applicant Address: 4100 W 50th Street; Suite 2100; Edina MN Phone: 952-915-3709 Email: dawn.halvorson@Ifhi.com Event Address: 1299 Promenade Place; Eagan MN Business Name: Zoning (if applicable) Lunds & Byerlys District: _ Purpose of event:t: g Grillin event Event Details Dates of event& 07/02/22 - 07/30/22 Saturdays in July days of the week: Times of event: Start: 10:30 AM Finish: 2:30 PM Set up begins at: 9.30 AM Take down completed 3:30 PM (DatelTime) by: (Date/Time) Maximum number of people in 150 attendance on any day: Name of individual Laurie Geisel responsible for event: Event 1299 Promenade Place Contact phone 651-686-9669 Contact Address: during the event: Information Phone: 651-686-9669 Alternative Phone: N/A Fax: N/A Email: laurie.geisel@Ifhi.com OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT Page 1 of 5 B) TENTS, CANOPIES, & STAGES rr77II Will there be any tents (more than two sides)or canopies (two or fewer sides)at the qu Yes ❑ No event? If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. Does any tent exceed 400 square feet? ❑ Yes No If you answer"yes," please have the tent contractor apply for a Commercial Building Permit. Inspections are required prior to use of a tent that exceeds 400 square feet. Does any canopy exceed 700 square feet? ❑ Yes No If you answer"yes," please have the canopy contractor apply for a Commercial Building Permit. Inspections are required prior to use of a canopy that exceeds 700 square feet. Will there be any stages or elevated platforms at the event? ❑ Yes No If you answer"yes," please contact Building Inspections at(651)675-5675 to see if a Commercial Building Permit is required. C) TEMPORARY SIGNAGE rnrn Will there be signs posted at the event? ❑ Yes W3 No If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. Number of signs: (maximum of 3) Sizes of the sign(s): 1. 2. 3. Message of the sign(s): 1. 2. 3. Dates of sign placement: The combined square footage of all signs cannot exceed 100 square feet. Signs must be placed securely and in a sound manner to ensure safety of the public& in accordance with reasonable standards employed by sign makers. D) FOOD & ALCOHOL J Will food be served at the event? 4L� Yes ❑ No If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. Will alcohol be served at the event? ❑ Yes No ® If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. if you answer"yes," please contact the City Clerk's office at(651) 675-5000 for Liquor License requirements. OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT Page 2 of 6 E) FIREWORKS Will there be a display of Fireworks at the event? ❑ Yes 0 No If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. Name of Supervising Operator: Certificate Number: Manner&place of storage of fireworks/pyrotechnic special effects prior to display: Type of fireworks/pyrotechnic special effects to be discharged: Quantity: ❑ Attach proof of$1,000,000 Bond or Certificate of Insurance. ❑ Attach a diagram of the display facilities, drawn to scale. Illustrate the following: ✓ Location of where the fireworks/pyrotechnic special effects are to be discharged ✓ Location of ground pieces ✓ Location of all buildings, highways, streets, communication lines, or other possible overhead obstructions ✓ Location of lines behind which the audience will be restrained ✓ Fallout radius for each pyrotechnic device used during the display Pyrotechnics plan requirements: Certifications that are set, scenery, and rigging materials are inherently flame- retardant or have been treated to achieve flame retardancy. (NFPA 1126: 4-3.2) Application must be completed and returned at least 15 days prior to the date of display. F) CONTRACT POLICE OFFICER Will there be a request for contract Police Officers? ❑ Yes ® No If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. If you answer"yes," please contact the Eagan Police Department at(651)675-5700. OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT Page 3 of 5 G) SOUND AMPLIFICATION r� Will there be amplified sound at the event? El Yes 0 No If you answer"no," please proceed to the next section. ��77II Will there be amplified sound after 10PM? 11 Yes 0 No Has this location previously received City Council Approval for Sound ❑ Yes ® No Amplification? If liquor will be present and amplified sound is scheduled to occur after 10PM, City Council approval is required. City Council approval may take up to several weeks. Please contact the City Clerk's office at(651)675-5000 for submittal requirements. Name of individual responsible for event*: Contact phone number during the event: Contact Email: *This person must be present at all times during the event and act as the on-site contact for City officials during the event. The applicant and the contact person shall be responsible for compliance with the terms and condition imposed by the permit and Section 10.31. The applicant or contact person shall maintain the permit on the permitted premises at all times during which the permitted electronic sound system or audio equipment is in use. The permit shall be presented to any City official or law enforcement officer upon demand. Description of electronic sound system or audio equipment: Type of sound to be generated(live music,recorded music, announcements,speeches,etc.): Sound will be generated during these hours each day: Name of contractor/individual responsible for sound: Address: Phone: Alternative Phone: Will there be hired speakers/performers at the event? ❑ Yes ® No If yes, name individuals Description of entertainment to be provided: Name Address City/State/Zip Name Address City/State/Zip Name Address City/State/Zip Sound produced under the permit shall not exceed the maximum allowable sound pressure level as measured by Type 1 or 2 decibel meter, using the A-weighted fast response scale meeting ANSI Specifications, Section 1.4—1971. o '/.mile radius from the property line,3-5 feet above ground level—55 decibels o '/s mile radius from the property line,3-5 feet above ground level—50 decibels OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT Page 4 of 6 APPLICANT SIGNATURE I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate; that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. 0 / X Frederic M. Miller;Vice President, Finance X Applicant's Printed Nam Appli n s Signature )�►I Date You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the city of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cityofeacian.com/subscribe. FOR OFFICE USE STAFF APPROVAL Required NA Department Name to ❑ Planning &Zoning ?� City Clerk ❑ Fire Department Police Department ❑ Public Works ❑ Parks ❑ Building Inspections RequiredNA Fees ❑ Temporary Outdoor Event Registration NA ❑ Temporary Sign Permit $25.00 ❑ ❑ Sound Amplification $75.00 ❑ Outdoor Food Sales $25.00 _- _— Cultural/Entertainment Event $25.00 ❑ Fireworks Display $105.00 Tent and Canopies ❑ ❑ (separate permit required) See Building Permit Total Fees 25, ex) Required Inspections: ❑ NA ❑ Final Permit Comments: OUTDOOR EVENT PERMIT Page 5 of 5 j' o S i 4 a. �. Ar " 3sti saT y x si & 10 Halvorson, Dawn From: Brandon OConnell <boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Sent: Thursday, May 19, 2022 3:29 PM To: Halvorson, Dawn Subject: RE: Lunds & Byerlys Eagan - summer grilling events CAUTION. This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content Is i safe. If you think you received a suspicious email please report it to IS by forwarding it to Phishing@ifhi.com This looks good,thanks Dawn. Brandon O'Connell I Principal I Vice President of Property Management Mid-America Real Estate- Minnesota, LLC 5353 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 650 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 AT'J N� Direct: 952.563.6662 1 Cell: 715.829.0335 4 Email I Website I Linkedin I Marketplace I Instagram Follow our new Real Estate Marketplace page on Linked1n: Midarnerica retail From: Halvorson, Dawn <dawn.ha Ivorso n @ Ifhi.co m> Sent:Thursday, May 19, 2022 8:17 AM To: Brandon OConnell<boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan-summer grilling events [EXTERNAL Attached is the C01, please reply back with your approval. I will forward to the City of Eagan along with their application for the special event. Sincerely, Dawn Halvorson (She/Her) License & Contracts Admin/RE Acctg W:952.915.3709 1 dawn.halvorsonCoWhi.corn Lund Food Holdings, Inc. 3948 West 501h Street Edina MN 55424 LU N DSa nd BYER LYS.corn/StayCon nected From: Brandon OConnell<boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Sent:Thursday, May 19, 2022 7:51 AM To: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.halvorson@lfhi.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan-summer grilling events CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you think you received a suspicious email please report it to IS by fonvarding it to ishina(Whi.com Thanks, Dawn. Brandon O'Connell I Principal Vice President of Property Management Mid-America Real Estate- Minnesota, LLC 5353 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 650 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Direct: 952.563.6662 1 Cell: 715.829.0335 EffigLq I Website I LinkedIn I Marketplace I Instagram Follow our new Real Estate Marketplace page on Linked1n: Midamericaretail From: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.haIvorson6@lfhi.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 18, 2022 2:03 PM To: Brandon OConnell<boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan-summer grilling events [EXTERNAL SENDER] I will request a COI from our insurance rep, I'll forward it once I have it. Thanks Dawn From: Brandon OConnell<boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:52 AM To: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.ha Ivo rson @If hi.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan-summer grilling events CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 2 If you think you received a suspicious email please report it to IS by forwarding it to Phishinca►tc0thi.com That certificate is for your space. We ask for an insurance certificate that covers the event dates and covers the exterior of the building where you will be setup.This is in addition to the coverage you have for your space. Brandon O'Connell ( Principal I Vice President of Property Management Mid-America Real Estate- Minnesota, LLC 5353 Wayzata Boulevard,Suite 650 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Direct: 952.563.6662 1 Cell: 715.829.0335 Email I Website I Linkedln I Marketplace I Instagram Follow our new Real Estate Marketplace page on Linkedln: Midamericaretail From: Halvorson, Dawn <dawn.halvorson@lfhi.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:45 AM To: Brandon CiConnell<boconnell midamericagrp.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan-summer grilling events -SENDER] Will this be suffice? Thanks Dawn From: Brandon CiConnell<boconnell@midamericagrp.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:37 AM To: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.halvorson@lfhi.com> Subject: RE: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan -summer grilling events CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. If you think you received a suspicious email please report it to IS by forwarding it to Phishinq .Ifhi.com Hi Dawn, Thanks for asking,you are approved. 3 Can I get an updated insurance certificate for the events please? Thanks, Brandon O'Connell I Principal I Vice President of Property Management Mid-America Real Estate- Minnesota, LLC 5353 Wayzata Boulevard,Suite 650 1 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Direct: 952.563.6662 1 Cell: 715.829.0335 Email I Website I Linkedin I Marketplace I Instagram Follow our new Real Estate Marketplace page on Linkedln: Midamericaretail From: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.halvorsonCa@lfhi.com> Sent: Wednesday, May 18, 2022 7:33 AM To: Brandon OConnell<boconnell@midamerica rg_p.com> Subject: Lunds& Byerlys Eagan -summer grilling events [EXTERNAL SENDER] Hello Brandon, Hope you are well,we are getting geared up for the summer by planning grilling events at our Eagan location. We are planning as follows: 7/2/22; 7/9/22; 7/18/22; 7/23/22; 7/30/22. It will be similar to our past grilling events pre-covid, outside of the building by the entrance on the sidewalk. Please reply with your approval. I will need to forward the approval to the City of Eagan along with their application. Thanks Sincerely, Dawn Halvorson (She/Her) License &Contracts Admin/RE Acctg W:952.915.3709 1 dawn.halvorson@IN.com Lund Food Holdings, Inc. 3948 West 50th Street Edina MN 55424 LUN DSandBYERLYS.com/StayConnected From: Geisel, Laurie<Laurie.Geisel@lfhi.com> Sent:Thursday, May 12, 2022 10:49 AM To: Halvorson, Dawn<dawn.haIvo rson@lfhi.com> Subject: RE: Outdoor Events Request week of 6/28-7/8 (7/2/2022) Yes, we are asking for a total of three event weeks; but they cover 5 weekends (all Saturdays). If weather is inclement we will cancel as needed. Dates are currently as follows: 7/2/22; 7/9/22; 7/18/22; 7/23/22; 7/30/22. 1 am finishing up the outdoor request forms and will have those to you by tomorrow. 4 Thank you for all your help Dawn, I really appreciate it! Sincerely, Laurie From: Halvorson, Dawn <dawn.halvorson@lfhi.com> Sent:Wednesday, May 11, 2022 4:41 PM To: Geisel, Laurie<Laurie.Geisel@lfhi.com> Subject: RE: Outdoor Events Request week of 6/28-7/8 (7/2/2022) Do you know if you are planning to have more than one event this summer? I need to notify the Landlord. I'd prefer to communicate all of them in one email. If you don't have the food planned that is fine. I would just need dates of the planned grilling dates. Thanks Dawn From:Geisel, Laurie <Laurie.Geisel@lfhi.com> Sent: Monday, May 9, 2022 5:32 PM To: Ryan, Kristi<Kristi.Rvan@lfhi.com>; Halvorson, Dawn <dawn.halvorson@Ifhi.com> Subject: Outdoor Events Request week of 6/28-7/8 (7/2/2022) Hello, Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Laurie Geisel FoodE Expert Phone: 651.686.9669 1 Laurie.Geisel@lfhi.com Lunds& Byerlys Eagan 1299 Promenade Place Eagan, MN 55121 LUNDS&BYERLYS 5 ECEIVE JUN 0 3 2022 LUNDS&BYERLYS BY: May 31, 2022 Building Inspections City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan MN 55122 To whom it may concern: Lund Food Holdings, Inc. dba Lunds & Byerlys Eagan are requesting a 2022 Outdoor Food Sales permit for some Customer Appreciation grilling events we are planning for the Saturday's in July, 7/2, 7/9, 7/16, 7/23, 7/30. Please contact me with any questions or concerns. Sincerely, Dawn Halvorson Licensing & Contracts Admin 952-915-3709 dawn.halvorson(a),lfhi.com Suite B-102 3948 West 50th Street Edina, MN 55424-1204