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521 Classic Ct C101
1 For Office Use A \I 1 I ;s0 Permit#: tO %. .0 4,0 E AG Als1-2..„,rvED Permit Fee: v 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810pR 06 201$ Date Received: (651)675-5675 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginspectionsacityofeagan.com L 2018 COMMERCIAL BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION Site Address: 521 Classic Court, Eagan, MN 55122 Date: 4/5/18 Tenant Name: Jesse Garcia(JGTG Enterprises LLC) (Tenant is: X New/ Existing) Suite#: C101-102 Former Tenant: Eagan Car Name: Jesse Garcia (JGTG Enterprises LLC) one. (214) 878-9680 Property Owner Address/city/zip: 5444 134th St W, Apple Valle , N 55124_� Applicant is: X Owner Contractor Type of Work Description of work: Adding a mezzanine $45e4i2 tis Construction Cost: y J a Name: TBD -Twin Cities Custom Remodelers License#: CR664407 Contractor Address: 9429 Imbler Trail City: Lakeville State: MN Zip: 55044 Phone: (612) 600-0350 contact: Nick Ahrens Email: nick.ahrens@TCCustomLLC.com Name: Save Haven Structural Engineering Registration#: 47507 Architect/Engineer Address: 4852 38th St City: Minneapolis State: MN Zip: 55417 Phone: (612) 284-7033 Contact Person: Derek 0 Phillips Email: derek@safehavenSE.com Licensed plumber installing new sewer/water service: Phone#: NOTE Plans and supporting documents that you submit are considered to be public Information. Portions of the information may be classified as non-public if you provide specific reasons that would permit the City to conclude that they are trade secrets. You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at www.cityofeagan.com/subscribe. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.gopherstateonecall.orq I hereby acknowledge that this information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance e or.I nces and codes of the City of Eagan; that I understand this is not a permit, but only an application for a permit, and work .1mo '- pe ; that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approv- •i xJesse R. Garcia Applicant's Printed Name "'plica • 5-D-1 C:(Qs5t-c itfcibl / 1-67,CL, -)-- (b DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE SUB TYPES Foundation _ Public Facility _ Exterior Alteration-Apartments Commercial/Industrial _ Accessory Building _ Exterior Alteration-Commercial _ Apartments _ Greenhouse/Tent _ Exterior Alteration-Public Facility Miscellaneous Antennae WORK TYPES New xInterior Improvement Siding — Demolish Building* Addition _ Exterior Improvement Reroof _ Demolish Interior Alteration Repair Windows Demolish Foundation Replace _ Water Damage Fire Repair _ Retaining Wall Salon Owner Change *Demolition of entire building-give PCA handout to applicant DESCRIPTION rt / Valuation , . Occupancy S-Z- MCES System / Plan Review / Code Edition 1i,.... SAC Units fl (25% 100% Zoning City Water t/ Census Code Stories Booster Pump #of Units Square Feet PRV #of Buildings Length Fire Sprinklers Type of Construction .' Width REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Footings_New Building_Deck_Addition Drain Tile Foundation Foundation Before Backfill Retaining Wall Vapor Barrier Erosion Control > Framing 30 Minutes`7(. 1 Hour Steel Reinforcement Insulation Street/Curb Cut Inspection Sheetrock Other: Roof:_Decking _Insulation _Ice&Water _Final Meter Size: Siding:_Stucco Lath _Stone Lath _Brick_EFISf Electronic Set of Final Revised Plans Windows Fireplace: Rough In Air Test _Final ,� Final/C.O.Required Pool: Footings as Tests Final Final/No C.O.Required Final C/O Inspec Fire Marshal to be present: Yes No tet' . Reviewed By: , Planning New Business to Eagan: 4 Reviewed By: -..- , Building Inspector FEES Water Quality lir Base Fee �,D� Storm Sewer Trunk Surcharge 2/, S° Sewer Trunk Plan Review ¢? TW. 23 Water Trunk MCES SAC Street Lateral City SAC Street S&W Permit&Surcharge Water Lateral Treatment Plant Stormwater Performance Security Treatment Plant(Irrigation) Landscape Security Park Dedication Other: Trail Dedication TOTAL: EGD ZZ. Page 2 of 3 For Office Use i 0 1 1 Permit#: %- '4.,. ,s.„,„, iiik ic> 0... 3 %,. ....v., Permit Fee: Date Received: - 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD 1 EAGAN, MN 55122-1810 KLC„ (651)675-56751 TDD:(651)454-85351 FAX: (651)675-5694 Staff: buildinginspectIonsaortyoreagan,corn MAY oy 2018 L )41,--- c. V' 2018 FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 5/3/2018 Site Address: 521 Classic Court Unit C101 & C102, Eagan Tenant: JGTG Enterprises Suite#: C101 & 0102 El Requirements:2 complete sets of drawings and specifications,cut sheets on materials and components Name: JGTG Enterprises LLC Phone: 214-878-9680 Property Owner Address/City/Zip: 521 Classic Court; C101 & C102 L. Aoslicant is: X Owner Contractor Type of Work , drop 4 heads under new mezzanine Descrintion of work.- ' • $1,250.00 5/11/2018 Construction Cost- Estimated Com.letion Date: . . . . . . , Name: Brothers Fire & Security License#: C059 .., 9950 East Highway 10 Elk River Contractor Address,- City: State: Zip: Phone: MN 55330 763-441-2290 Contact Margaret Jacques Email: MargaretJ@Prothersfire.com -----, ARE PERMIT TYPE WORK TYPE 1 Sprinkler System(#of heads 4 ) New Addition — Fire Pump Standpipe - 1 Alterations Remodel Other. Other: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: 1 Commercial Residential Educational FEES i ...\ e-p) Contract Value$ I 60-.5 V x.01 _ $60.00 Permit Fee Minimum ' =$ Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x$0.0005 If the project valuation is over$1 million, please call for Surcharge .....$ _ Surcharge I al° • $100.00 Residential New(includes State Surcharge) =$ TOTAL FEE • 3/4"Fire Meter-$290.00 =$ Fire Meter =$ TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's website at wvirw.citycifeauan.com/subscribe. I hereby apply for a Fire Suppression System permit and acknowledge that the information is complete and accurate;that the work will be in conformance with the ordinances and codes of the City of Eagan and with the Minnesota Building/Fire Codes;that I understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,and work is not to start without a permit;that the work will be in accordance with the approved plan in the case of work which requires a review and approval of plans. x Margaret Jacques _ Lfiliz - i v. ,i, ..... if Alai 0 ' Applicant's Printed Name Applicant's - .t nature /L/7 FOR OFFICE USE REQUIRED INSPECTIONS Hydrostatic Flow Alarm Drain Test V Rough In Trip Pump Test Central Station Finai Conditions of Issuance: 9 c Permit Reviewed by: Date: ! 3 L Mi For Office use .„,z /,`/rb APR o Zona •• • F : Permit it:,,,,,1 r 1- 1.../...„:::L...I Zati_ . .. •Date'Red tau: i; __ 3830'Pii.,01..4ionAbAti I IW.ACi Ni MN'55122,4 SO . ..... ••• • (651)675-5675 l T'l Ca,('651)•4,54.8535 l FAX:(651)67 5.560+1 Statfi` 'El 'l]leeie,SUbm.it.two(2)sets•.of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronic set•ot'the' 'submittal,submitted via email, CD or flash drive :. row • • bate:„A„W :1't`ee Site Address: iek ) »_, 1 C, ( V",k ,� ) _M .... — ; . ' Tenant; A .... 4 bJt..R .... , 1 '1�.,.; I i _a4_S�.`"a-�.-». M1 udeCskC) \•' w ,}>,,,dt 4 ::`r;i;?::<: Nm0, �.w4 _. .1. r:t�✓' ._._,... _.. __. Merle'.�,s e: ..""_: .,: - I, , :w•r;a...�w�-g�..: ,w,..w.«. ......;a...e ," w�nw" C:::rc„r. ,i-.. _..�•, '' ,«....,«.«.»« .+. • sty ¢g,':•:>:• '•`^'^'w'"+'�'c:y.;'. M'e �. row 0.. .� + P5 �Ca i +n .•�� 3?c,,,x .e; Y"� � �'"1t� t.t;e� f4k" �' g: Address`. A _1.1r. : +y,A. City; L.4 91 :.�,�.Frii:. a^!c._cctaleyY l"1,2ip+.x• , r rt HIMtim'•nw' Phone:. uw.......w : . wirroroisE.rrra : f„ s; 1 l2w.rwrc,wua�wnmvmn_.._', • Cri�____ wwwww—_,.., .. .fi , E= ( t Tioeosrg . . rowwNew ___Replacement _ Repair w.wRebuild ,,Modify Space _Work in R.O.W, • • M r . ;. "'t)escci,pt}on'of work; 5...t'_,a.;:t' t ';,(1 ft!.,r;L• r4 ro :sf' '' COMMERCIAL _ New Construction _„. mModify Par, , fy __Irrigation.S rerun" es! Ya no) AM{.,,:;«»r Y ._ �'9 t Via d Rain w e i Lw k^t". W nttGra required tf on•irrt aria: �, q ' nSyst�nts i;100114(0,0:6*.:,;;y:'•;•::; ..:.••:,. A g,GPM _„„(2"turbo re quired unless Smaller sizri'1;iiioWed by'Fr'agic Wtrlts): S. %w;fs�r'>%?>'.,:.: i.: ••;.::::;',;: .�"Meters Ceti(r 6.9 a'T5-5'64b to verity that taws.palmed A ; t„ , "" + .`� ',. tt'.r a 'cam {.si:.•s•.•'. y py,sdd�rrrcir to�?3�,e,.,7fi,.4�.St,.ia+'= • ?;,,+',;•yr>;t>;;;;<;:rtd;rs:<r::;'is':: S .TyPe• 1 :,<�.:+:„:;:;s>:r�`,.,;;,,,,�,`�,q,,:` CtonaetStlG'.Sin� _. _ Fire: ' ,,,; F ;? ' 3 Aug.GPM ,„,_High dema ddd devices?M_Yee' No Flushometers„ Yes ;Na• COMMERCIAL FEES Contract Value$ x,01 ' .• $60,00 Lemilt Foe Minbe+Ft1, '$60.00 PV13iRP2,'Permit(tnckides'State Silrciiivr,t: c;_(..„,(1,5,„•„,;,,,0 Permit Fee Surcharge=Contract Value x 0,OOO5 _ «ww • w „M euro#yaror if the project valuation is over$1 rniiilcra” l' • • .F " "' ..._ °-.- ----. Satrc:herg>w =S Y ro TOTAL FEE ' Following foes apply when Instelltng a new lawn Irrigation system $ _,.___ Water ' ..w •' Contact the City%engineering.Department,(651)675-5646;for required fee amounts, ..,S.„.___,......,_____.....,.,,,,Treatment Plant . . • • •S. ...______,,;.w,.w,, . Water Supply t Storage . '.• w.awww..w,_.iJ...;ro:...�w«....ew.ww•»....:::.�:_«.m:...w.«..C:.,.M....�.www«.....,.w,«ro.w.>...w�..•�,w+,.��w,.•..•. ...' C�. ......,.:,u�.,:..::�:.:..,,a-..,w,�::..+•...:.—....,w...,ro. .«,ti_.,..... ._w,_.�'"ItaatdJ•w71SFfwhi9 • You may rrahscrttia receive an electronic.naliltcatipn tr ho City of rez lead tarttknanGas alining, i rar ran arra<ail—"" TOTAL FEE rwt afmbtd cr _ _,{a a' :ivaq, Y R Y [ updnta an thea Clly's vaebHitp at Ye waw «t':: •}Gram! ec rl . 1, Qts t t�. Cati Gopher State Ono Call at m51)454-4002 for pre8te:ction ar aint to tet round utility ei',e c e. I ttereby acknowledge that this information is complete end accurate;that the work will be'in conformance with the oreiinnne%s'end cedes of the'F;ibe of F tater,:that f • . `understand this is not a permit,but only an application for a permit,anti Parke is not to start'without pd:r ,,wit a th.�work will inlet=order=avfih th.G appet9ved ,plan in it •• case of'wnrk which requires a reviewrand approval or plans, r Applicant's:Printed Mann .,,w—._.__w. * .. - ,..:'''1-.1 •" ' Appltoent's Signaturtt ';i;:,i ;•tai: :?•+..•i;."".Q;±;.,n;„•ii,++,i.•N...,+,:+..... z::..:•.;:+:M::�+.,.;:i.1"{;•:N:.{.=�.+:....r:, ..v +. .7'..::. .ryJ:.::;:; A... .,: ..•.... ... l” R F.GE USE.:.. .. . .:J.:..v + rFj.', �F.. i�:":.�•.n::i'::7N{h.,.� :....:+:...,::I,•,•..;..:+ .'+' .+. ..J+:Y;t.:•iY;•r �....�.v��...:r..•:r•r•.n:;....�,:••;•:.••,; .;•.';•:;r.{....v;,•,. '.r.;}.i�i•1. �..+:.....+:ro �y ... .. �.,.�. ..+,...�+ ..... .: .....�. •••+...+.....:... 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"••'.... :,:i.stt� Y'+'.:: FF :u:; "•• 'i:,:?.;i•./ry:.F:w.::.:..:1:.:ry Page 1 of 3 2- . / 3i /L/ Description of work for: 51 classic-0 Ccw( 1 0011 C. l02. Cut down plumbing in garage 102 to below 5 ft. Eliminate what is necessary. Then go to garage 101 run new water lines for laundry tub and spigot on outside wall of bathroom. Run new drain line for upstairs mezzanine and ice maker. Will need to open up wall to access all vents and drains to tie everything* in together. Pull permits and have inspected. Customer will be supplying fixtures. ?It x /61 f'- ) I r cM \ . n S VI i ti t 0 �. N, f" _ �_ _` 4,.... -- V ew k , r <Ln t ,� tet` \ N !. 17(4) 4?/ c I> r"-- Z \ ‘14; CA • ` •, ti —I ` 0 :/ / k` 14, ~l +FI \'-4 2 T �. .� .r.. .� J. :. / / wS Q 1r' $ /i ¶/ 1 / fir /' / it. // / / / \ / /\ . 1i : x" fi/i L if.,e 4. et,,_, _ • For Office Upe _r._�....., / 1f Ø : ' EAGA .N Permit /I L'.)///f%a} J/ �f ..„,„,_,. .,..,:. . ,.„,.... .,..„ PlAn. , Pigtail Peta,_„, ,,,„1_,..,„„,,,,,,‘) ,..,,,,. 3530 PILOT KNOB'i AO I EAGAN,MN$6122,1•810 ,.. .: , DeteRrtltehred"' ..,,,, (6%1)675-50'75 I TOM'(651)45/1.8535 j FAX:(651):67,',5.5 4 i-cL 129 t,,, "*.;')•• , ' , Ealtait:. trt;t�»»i.it 1 cul911.•rr)'r..i P.fg.P.ark,.rom F :F / Commercial Plan Submittal:gpa�n a"�ettecr,gq; E4o,rg Staff;...,,,„_'_,.,,CF:,*!,.,�,.,^.,.w� ' . Commercial �� t: . • ' 2018 MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION' ' ,:• '`'. •• , • , ' . :0 kifra,ae strhl'nit.'two(2)sets of paper plans with all commercial applications as well as an electronie'sot of the . • :submittal,submitted via email,CD or flash drive Data.: _ ,,Sita Address'' '" ! U.-"r,,� p • 'Tenant: Suite g: t Naa C�. � ,may 't Phone': ,•w,...,�;�.,�,w_ � Address f City 1is' � "m mf; �� . ; . ._ .- ,. „m..m -m_ ...mm,m.,.,... u , t. w a 11 "'k CtGi S�^.3: �� .�GAr� '.:: . .: ra..:.gar,:.,,.,;, �- :iF:}'. ;•r,'.}e�',:'y�::;i'r:5'.��"i`iii�;::':>"''i:'Y'':::!+;:",,., 1•� ..CN 1,..... .� rG "��r state. >i i lap> °1.106en" .: .:,� i;›,..mm.m� ;, :: • Contct: 1 S ^ Cnt�lil: ,�, sf .. �„ ,.m�m.,m,•m. - _'_ ..,.w .....,�„�..,..m. NEM Fte itatwertnt AdditionalAlteration 'r t ''r^a i�'Ca r tliPl,l d 7 ,, �..mom» M m-., :Type:::of'Work: t escrnptioni of work: .,, a• .. ft: r�..�`u...',w•.•,w �. ,:.•...,.�m; ' ci ,,. �"' "` "a•' c '"' ,. : ' : . : : . .. , .•. t gd5UIttod`tnt:r9t,' , , Tt cti�:iaica:: ri efitT�raia .fo�tiasctea ®tl : �jtY , •: : ; . ::: a :;: b:ode >Pleasecorltactthe1►A Iiarcalin p tar.F 1diarrn ti omitleC4reen � 4tlltl ':: : .. ,.. : w. .««+:Mawn.aaw ... .: , :: 41 ..4 .: '• . _ .=,1' ..m .ri'�i''.nRESIDENTIAL •,.kF:•i�,.,::y;ir;:;•;:rts'4;iyij•;;;:., Furnn:n New.Constructionta8it n ^�_ -irrtCr15 "r rrv'rt: l ' m �,. • • Air Cancitiai� __Install Piping Processedcawd <r si<' ?.• Ar Fx heegar Gas "xte ICr Ht AC.Un F ,,'c ,.;., Hat Pump .. Jrtc rl AvEOmni Tank L.__...install 1 xrav ) w „ u'wLANwi„uwvMvAFw ' ?'.. .,, .. Urr w� :,.� - m � G” ' = gym• '� • � RESIDENTIAL FEES ' $60.00 MitRInWm•Add or alteration to'an existing-utiit,.Inctucic s State Soni arge • .. $100.00 R.e•sideritiei New^includes State Surchargr ' COMMERCIAL FEES ..^....m...,...�.,.-,.m, m. ;: � • • Contract 1alu© s m x.01 • . ' 560.00 PermitFee Minimum ,. $75.00 Underground tank intailatiotlemoval,iclusState Surcarge ;" Permit Feu ' .� e� r. .e,S"�. . r^ .,,:.'..� .,, m-w.-.Surcharge " Sigel-verge M Contract x 50.6006.. •...•• ,,., ' „, ) ,r•' If the project v7lutitiori i5 ovC'r Si ttaillipn,jalaase'e�mall ftrr SCirCiltarcie :' :$_ ""� ,.„7,;) mmw-.. „,..m,.' TOTAL FEE You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email updato'on the City's / : , , . wab$ite at AwFcwcicrtr.t+, n_cornl ,eM,ttiactibc+. •i hereby ar.knowtoi to alit this intrarm abort i)complete end accurate that the work.wilt be in'cenforrna?rnact;+.with Cites,or�iiaven e.�s anet-vette,'•ref the.City of • Eagan;t11,;7,1,.f^µaerirrt atanri this it net a permit,but only Pe apPlitat'rcin for a pettnit,anti work k rcli'.ters"s rtu�,a,),rtJt.a.i�.rout;,that the:work wilt tea accordance • with ti*r�'%^•"--”-4•..,._-air etiiirtsf�werk wrlric:ia'requirca .a review and approval of plans, ""!' `�,, -2 I .)4145),\„k ^ M "kVA Ot .- ,... ..r , ,;;.F- m.- - A,..ppliedsPfntad Tame :Ap i icent`s S iM•gFM1Qnatu re 'it : fi i ::: 40uradgs do y' .f• : .• : : f� . . r . :- i' set Tlry < %; t ;s; ai5e . : .:r" : � ra ' � «!fit� C�•�c�..en9 g: : : / 9 / O Description of work for address: 521 Classic Court #C101 Eagan, MN 55123 -Reroute gas piping -Return trip to vent boiler outside wall. remove and save all parts and components of one navien combi boiler. Modify and combine existing manifold system to heat both sides of garage. Add second zone to boiler to allow separate heating of space. This line does not include electrical panel work. Reroute intake and exhaust to sidewall (cut existing intake and exhaust and cap at the roof, leave pipes to be removed by construction with wall)