02/13/2018 - Energy and Environment Advisory Commission♦ � 1 I a ♦ 1 I 1 I , a� ♦� wI �0 EAGAN ESTABLISHED 186D MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ENERGY AND ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, February 13, 2018 MINUTES OF MEETING OF FEBRUARY 13, 2018 A regular meeting of the Eagan Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) was held on Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Eagan City Hall. Those present were Member Oxley, Member Fleenor, Member Dugan, Member Trzpuc, Member Supina and Member Pottorff. Member Mirick was absent. Staff members present were Director of Parks and Recreation Andrew Pimental and Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation Jared Flewellen. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Oxley asked if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Pimental stated there were no changes. Member Dugan moved, Member Fleenor seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 APPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES Member Supina moved to approve the minutes from December 12, 2017 meeting, Member Trzpuc seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the minutes presented. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 Member Supina moved to approve the minutes from January, 9 2018 meeting, Member Fleenor seconded, with all present members voting in favor to adopt the minutes presented. Aye: 6 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Ian Ziese - 615 Wildflower Way, Todd Leuse — 3588 Portland Trail and Carl Forsberg — 653 Atlantic Hills Drive represented Citizen Hills Climate Lobby to review and recommend to the City Council to adopt a resolution supporting congressional action on climate. Resolution is attached. Carl Forsberg — 653 Atlantic Hills Drive and James Darabi, Solar Farm requested the addition of solar panels to government buildings as well as discussed the process and benefits of installation. NEW BUSINESS Energy and Environment Advisory Commission February 13, 2018 Page 2 Green Step 5 Sean Gosiewski, Executive Director Alliance for Sustainability discussed upcoming sustainability events organized through Alliance for Sustainability. Discussion carried forward to GreenSteps and how other cities are attaining Step 5 by achieving progress through three separate activities. Community Events and GreenSteps information is attached. OLD BUSINESS Commission Goals 1) Member Supina updated commissioners on the memo was drafted and sent to staff to achieve Green Steps Level 5. Director Pimental updated the status of the application which is due May 1, 2018. 2) Member Oxley updated the status of the solar policy which has been passed onto the city staff and council for future review. 3) Member Fleenor asked the commissioners if they were interested in participating in a booth at MarketFest during Family Night as well as Health and Wellness Night. Member Fleenor also proposed to take future action on a GreenSteps article for the City Newsletter, NEW BUSINESS Staff Reports Member Oxley proposed an option for a workshop on Tuesday, March 13 at 6:00 p.m. and was agreed upon by staff and commissioners. Director Pimental stated that the 2040 Comprehensive Plan is currently posted online and available for public comment. Director Pimental also promoted Community Connections on March 3, 2018 at the Eagan Community Center. Member Oxley proposed the idea of setting position term limits for the commission to promote a rotation. ADJOURNMENT After further brief discussion, Member Fleenor moved, Member Dugan seconded with all members present voting in favor to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m. Secretary Not Approved Date V'fc"' 251