11/14/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (2)2ACAN PAL -4" C:ic.`? '._''i::::` ^i�tGiFLrc: Wove mcAa: .49 1:74 The Eagan Park Committee mat at : ae Eagan City liri.1 on Move.?•ar 14, 197/: at 7;30 p.m. Those present were Barbnra Schmidt, Chairperson, Nail Coates, iuoZver Mrtin, Paye Cooper, Myrel Lundstan azul David Erb, memb,ars; Robert Rosea;; nnL 'lanl Haug" After the Pledge.oc Allegianr'e, upon motion by Liuidsten, ske.condad Erb, 12, r•-L.were approved as dietributed., David Erb was welcomed as a new member to the committee replacing San Calienius for the balance of her term. COMWJNiTY CENTER, The committee briefly discussed the r:r,yr ;t s o:i the prelimina?y planning for the Community Center which was outlio(:d at: thll last City Council meeting. WOODCATE 3RD ADDITION. Mr, Robert Burger, the developer of propobed Uood- gnte 3rd Addition, North of Woodgate 2nd on Thomas Willmus properi:y appeared x'ege'diag the development. The 31 acres would include 13 acreo cii opan spac3 an -1 he requested taat tine park donation be in the form of $100.00 per ue'_t for 1/40 usL�s. ^.h= ca:nmon areas would be owed by the home owaers aseociawion cahi^`.i LZ a joint aasociation with Woodgates #1 and #2 and only the ponds would bo ded'icn;-.Q-, Trails would he owned ani maintained by the association. Lundsten moved rad Coates.seccaded to approve the proposal submitted by Mr. Burger for. Woodga*.a 3s::' Addition and recommended approval to the Council. All members voted in favo.., GOPHER-EAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK - PM, Mr. Bill Price'from Suburban Engiueev.-. appease! on behalf cf the application of Eagan Realty, Inc. relating to the Gopher -Eagan Iudustrial Park PUD proposal. Ile discussed the ponding dsdicat;.an ?:np•.3s1 covaring at least three ponds and a proposed park on tha South lJ.ae ,, ".•+.e1 de:q%lo;) ent on Wescott Road. There wculd be app_oximately 33 acres of pond -1- acrd pe=ck hind proposed to ;-e dedicr-C4, wi-:_Sfi ar.ree n:'� c; ?, reg?rdenCial of uak,-•m rie:n.sjty. The comaiitteo dioc wsc�; the proximity c` t=ee residential area n CDQ3ed Z&ox; o2 #49 to Burr Oak Park acrd indicated that i' might not be advisaMe to accept Chs 13ni arost?i the pond Each of #49 for park purposes, but only nrcr.'Vt the pending area for dedication. There wss also discussion concerning i"ne ;,e trs31 connection between the ponds East of �k49 aad Burs QP.., Park, iso e 13.:ion was taken on this matter, IC'? MAIPT_�NANC ., Greg Franzen indicated that Rauenhorst Corperati.oa had eS!pr.x1ed "-ha use of a serge tank truck and arrangements are made for insura^,.cc COVal.Zoe at .:a.a present time. He indicated that two additional ra,cic naintenatize pes;p'�,3 wcu=d be needed. He also reviewed the minutes of &::7e e=nittee of 11,�vewber 5th including the change of hours of td, -.e :aarciag houses ea foAloca: Weeksnii Saturday - 10 - 12 a.m.; I - 5 p.m, & G :;0 Weekdays: 4 to 9:30 p.m. Christmas vacation: 1 to 5 p,ma and 6 to 9'30 p.o. C103c6 Christmas Day and idsr Years Day - beth day and night. RRMDOT PATH POND. Bob Rosen appeared and discussed several ir-provemea,t altesaattves for the Peridot Path Pcud area in CedEr Grove Nu. 6 $- L ':zeas ..lteznates 'Faze construction of a poid for about $7,000.00, cleaning out th.3 stream b:d at abort $2,000.00 and prseibla storm sewer ezteasiona 02 a3o:r 15,000.00, ^he.:e was also discussion concerning possible park improvemaats. Seva-al neighboring cwners appeared and requested that the tall gaaas and. mosquito b-.ecdiuc araa be eliminated, the problem with poor soil reaults and difficult mcintonance. There waa consenaus in cleaning out the trench area,. it: Was euggeated Lhat storm sewer maintenance furcds be used for funding the projcc cr in the alternative assessing the benefited owners. It was reccatieadE2. tnat ,.tIie Council cccuider the matter at the nest council meatirg. Pips t� Fy: jI;6H:ZING_ CONTRACT. Bob Resene further reported coucanning the :'.'.ret NtP;:;:u Ergiueering Contract and recommended that the bond not be released -2- wttSx, t3.e _: ee i s+,a V.fte issue ie recolve& b el l :HUAIr-: Gi Urban Planning, pag CONPACT 7�• It cess reiicated That therm was still "cling ani. srlacei a. �osw work to be done under tan-- contrac- a;d vaould pa33ibly rot ba ,straplet6d rrcr;il Spring Of 1975, TLMZF.Li:LNq?,SSOCIATION MEETING. The T:im1erli a Associa.iui regeest:d a ing of tho Council, Park Co:mnittee sail several Eagan consu!ZSe6s regNrding tzs_ o'soposad park in the Timberline area. At a recent meeting bemeen the 9sr.,.ciaticn and 2'er'_r Coanittee i¢ami,ers it was recommended by tho tasociation t --7'a the P=k be "a major type park s3 originally planned and pr=iaed to cOmp:.3.- maat t.':ie Fchoal area and offer quiet open space". Association m.nders indic9'Y.c-4 "it is a unique plan and important because the rest of tk:e rs:-a will be densely dev:.,lrpad". it was noted that a meeting will be held with r'le ocrar-: of clie grcperty fnd Eagan staff mexbers on Novamber 25th at 4:00 p.m. at chs City 11-11 arra it was suggeeted that a Deczmer 5th maeting be scheduled with the TITAba-"line Ausociation at their request. PARK E UIPt cNT.. Acquisition of equipment for several parka wc.s 6:1.1cesze(l. Y: c:a motion by Coates, secow�ed Cooper, all memuers voting in favor, S'.liSc7LIM) that Wo double grills and four tables be ordered for the Re?az School k'fnk. P-kRK FROGRESS BROCPM. It was recommended that a brochure sad sign be pseparod fzr distribution regarding the progress of park development acquis-11rian sa F.agau. MerSCEI_?,6issoUd ITEMS. A. Park k B0uadaK'=Z_Nnr:r'.rz . It was suggested that in the future attempt should Nr -Lica to Hark r:11 Erik boundaries. 3 T:oe rec,rlm-andEtion'of Greg Franzen that a supervisor for the warming house etLe.Udnn-9 hs hired was referred to the Recreation COaal.tteeand the Finsnce -3- • '11nre was diR.crosair.'ra GOnG F.2 °TIv tln pOceu i'rJie ,7�yrllAitiOn Of a aura 'u-Ii�'.c.te asdl G:eg Franzen wao regvcseted to reek bide !!�z a truck primarily fc>r the tre?. prog_•am with the reeommenAetio:.3 to be subxitLed at tra next Park Board mec-ina. KAHN SgNOOL - GREEN ACRES TAYZS. Th= committee discussed tkLa request of a COMty A". itOr for payment in the sum of $6,183,75 as Green Aevas tares he2r� =cer from '0-.3 time of acquisition of the Alexe Barrow property by the City of E&.,an fur Rahn Park, Upon motion by Lundcten, seconded Coates, all members -v0t zIPg in :Favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that such paymeut b3 !xms- from park acquisition funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned 11;00 n.m. NLwAmber 14, 1974 December Ccuncil Meetings; Neil Coates -4- EAGAN PARK COMMITTEE MINES November 14, 1974 0 , .. F.� The Eagan Park Committee met at the Eagan City Hall on November 14, 1974 at p.m. Those present were Barbara Schmidt, Chairperson Neil Coates, Roger M tdinn,,Fa a Coq�er,M ry, el Lundsten and David Erb l -&--4L ✓ v W R 1 After Pledge of Allegiance, upon --motion by Lundsten, seconded Erb the minutes were approved as distributed. David Erb was welcomed as a new member to the committee replacing Jan Calleiius for the balance of her term. COMMUN@TY CENTER. The committee breifly discussed the progress of the preliminary planning for the Community Center which was outlined at the last City Council meeting. WOODGATE 3RD ADDITION. Mr. Robert Burger wke-#e the I developer of proposed Woodgate 3ed Addition Nor h of Woodgate 2nd on Thomas Willmus property qge 31acres f pmt would include 13 acres of open space and 14 — requested that the park donation be in the form of $100.00 per unit for 140 units. The common areas would be owned by the home owners association which Sia is a joint association with Woodgat%.#1 and #2 and only the ponds would be dedicated. Trails would benmaintained by the association ancLowned Lundsten moved and Coates seconded to approve the proposal submitted by Mr. Burger for Woodgate 3rd Addition and recommended approval to the Coucil. All mbmbers voted in fzvor. GOPHER-EAGAN INDUSTRIAL PARK — PUD. Mr. Bill Price from Suburban Egnineering appeared on behalf of the application of Eagan Realty, Inc. relating to the Gopher- Eagan Industrial Park PUB proposal. He discussed theponding dedication proposal covering at least three ponds and a proposed park on the South line of the development on Wescott Road. There would be approximately 33 acres of pond Oldpark land proposed to be dedicated with 60 acres of mixed residential of unknown density -r The committee discusse the proximity of the 0 residential area proposed East of 49 to t1w xa Bur k Park and indicated that it might not be advisable to accept the land arround the pond Samoa East of -(49 for park purposes 7but only accept the ponding area for dedication. There was also discussion concerning the possible trail connection between the ponds East of 49 and Burr Oak Park. No action was taken on this matter. ICE MAINTENANCE. Greg Franzen indicated that Rauenhorst Corporation had approved the use of a large tank truck and arrangements are made for insusuance coverage at the present time. Ee indicated that two additional park maintenance people would be needed. He also reviewed the minutes of the recreational committee of November 5th including the change of Wee houss of the warming houses as follows: 4'0 9:30 weekdays; Weekends Saturday 10 - 12; 1 - 1106 6 -9 9;30F(K t. Su day 1 - 5; 6- 9:30 Christmas vacation 1�J 5 and 6-9:30 QM closed Christmag giay and New Years Day and night night PERIDOT PATH POND. Bob Rosene appeared and discussed several improvementat mi alternatives for the Peridot Path Pond area in Cedar Grove No. 6 & 7 dxmdmakhmm These alternates were construction of a pond for about $7,000.00 , cle ning out p00 the stream bed at about $2,000.00 and possible storm sewer extetisioci� ere was also discussion concerning possible park improvements. Several neighboring owners appeared and requested that the tall grass and mosquito breeding area be eliminated the problem with poor soil results in difficult maintenance. There was con ,Aensus bt.cleaning out the trench area. It was suggested that storm sewer maintenance 71- f `h funds be used for funding project or aiaW alternative assessing the benefited owners. It was recommended that the Council consider the matter at the next council meeting. METRO ENGINEERING CONTRACT. Bob Rosene further reported concerning the 1st Metro Engineering Contract and recommended that the bond not be releaseunt 1 the tree planting issue is resolved ldon Huglen of Urban Planning. l WESTLUND CONTRACT - Sl( 1974. It was indicated that there was still sodding and miscellandous work to be done under that contract and would possibly not be completed until Sprigg of 1975. TIMBERLINE ASSOCIATION MEETING. The Timberline Association requested a meeting of the Council, Park Committee and several Eagan consultants regarding the proposed park in the Timberline area. . _�Iecent meeting between the Y�ssociation� and Park Committee members/it was recommended by the associationthatjoe be a major type park as originally planned and promised to compliment the shcool area and offer quipen space. Association members indicated that itunique plan and improtant because the neat of the area will be densely developed., It was sIZZ;�that a meetin'lbaa-e held with the owner of the property and Eagan staff members on November 25th at 4:00 p.m. at the City Hall It was suggested that December 5th meetigg be ambzmbim scheduled with the Timberline Association at their request. PARK EQUIPMENT. Acquisition of equipment for several parks WO discussed. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED & 4 School that two double grills *X tables be ordered for the Rahn Park. PARK PROGRESS *OCHURE. It was recommended that a brochure and sign be prepared for distribution reagrding the progress of park development acquisition in Eagan. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. A. Park Boundary Marking. It was suggested that in the future we--Wna&d attempt to mark all park boundaries. b. The recommendation of Greg Franzen that a supervisor for the warming shouse attendants sand-4wuees be hired was referred to the Recreation Committee and the Finance Committee. (9 Park �ehicle. There was discussion concerning the possible acquisition of a park vehicle and Greg Franzen was requested to seek bids forAtruck primarily for the tree program with the recommendations to be submitted at the next 19ark Board meeting. the County Auditor for payment in the xum of $6,183.75 as Green Acres taxes held over from the time of acquisition of the Alexa Burrow property by the City of Eagan for Rahn Park. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Coates all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that hhe payment be made from park acquisition funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. t Vz e�w�Q+ei✓ 14 f � On `T RAHN SCHOOL - GREEN ACRES.TAXES. The committee discussed the request of the County Auditor for payment in the xum of $6,183.75 as Green Acres taxes held over from the time of acquisition of the Alexa Burrow property by the City of Eagan for Rahn Park. Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Coates all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that hhe payment be made from park acquisition funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded the meeting adjourned at 11:00 p.m. t Vz e�w�Q+ei✓ 14 f � On `T 0 0 W A4 A F236 i 0 • M �� 0 • -