03/27/1973 - City Council RegularMINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 27, 1973 A regular meeting of the Advisory Planning Committee, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on March 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Those present were Members Dembroski, Hall, Harrison, Helmken, Marble, Murphy and Toso. Upon motion by M. Murphy., seconded by.M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the February 27, 1973 meeting were approved as distributed subject to changing the word "he" rather than "you" in the first sentence on Page 3, Line 3. Mr. D. C. Corrigan appeared on behalf of the application of Indoor Tennis, Inc. for a building permit for an indoor recreation building on Pilot Knob Road on Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Effress Addition. The land is currently zoned C-2 according to the.application. The Planning Committee again was concerned about the possibility of converting the use of all or part of the building to another use and the effect of the amount of parking upon such changa in use. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend that the application be approved subject, however, to tho stipulation that in the event all or part of the building be converted to another use than is originally planned, that an application be made to the Planning Committee and Council for such change in use; to review in particular the effer` that it may have upon the amount of parking available; further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared on behalf of his application for prelim- inary plat approval for Wilderness Run Fourth Addition in Section 27 consisting of 47 acres. It was noted that there will be 5 access locations to the proposed park. Upon motion by M. Toso, seconded by M. Helmken, all members voting in favor., it was RESOLVED that the application be recommended for approval subject to the Village Fnginaer :F;r:d Bu+.ldirb 7.l:jpnctor's approval, Mr. Edward HeMenomy, Attorney and Mr. Elmer ScoL't appeared on behalf of Mr. Scott'a application for rezoning from A-1, Agricultural to I-1, Light Industrial covering a 12 acre parcel for purposes of a truck'repair operation in Section 24, It was noted that in 1971 a Butler building had been constructs,'. on the property and also in 1971 the Eagan Board denied an applic.atiou to razone the Property to I-1. In May of 1972, the applicant received a permit from the Eagan Board to extract gravel from the property and a gravel permit agreement was entered into at which time in a "Whereas" clause it was inadver- tently stated that the property was zoned I-1. Subsequently, Mr. Scott alledgedly entered into a franchise with Mack Trucks for a repeir service and improved the building. The instant application was submitted in October 1972 but the applicant did not appear at an APC meeting until the regular March 1973 meeting. The Planning Committee requested that a zoning map of Inver Grove Heights to the East of the subject property be acquired and reviewed. The applicant indicated that he intends to put an additional building on the parcel, M. Murphy moved to approve the application which died for lack of a second. M. Harrison moved and M. Dembroaki seconded a motion that the application be continued until the regular April 1973 APC meeting, but recommended that the Council schedule the Public Hearing for rezoning for May 1, 1973. All members voted aye. Mr. Fred Katter and Mr. Kenneth Appelbaum appeared on behalf of the application of Creative Housing, Inc, for preliminary plat approval in Section 10 and vacation of a portion of Jurdy Road in conjunction with the PUD Concept approved by the APC at an earlier meeting. Discussion concerned the park dedication changes including a 5 foot wide asphalt path to be constructed by the developer on two walkways leading to the park area. It was noted that accurate descriptions of the proposed plat, the street to be vaca�ed, sad of the new street would be needed for purposes of an easement before public - 2 - 0 0 hearings could be noticed, The C.ons,i(:Cc also discussed whether to recommend that the pathways be acquired by Narranty Deed or easement Z:ok the developers and it appeared that it was advisable to accept an easement in the event that the Village should ever determine that the pathways should be abandoned and vacated. It was noted that the current Creative Housing development would r,,:luce the number of dwelling units from 74 to 71. Numerous adjoining property owners appeared and objected to alleged surveying errors and the result that corrected surveys of the property would have upon their property lines. Any interest that the Village would have may be as to whether the location of the park property lines would conflict with private property owner's lines. The Planning Committee requested that the property owners review the descriptions and possibly meet with the developer to determine if some satisfactory solution can be reached. Neighboring owners also asked about whether the small pond was plsnned to be used for ponding purposes on a permanent basis and the methods necessary to control the pond levels. It was noted that the park area pond and ..not the Northerly area could be used for ponding also. M. Hall indicated that he felt the ponding area could be adequately controlled for park purposes with proposed outlet to LeMay Lake. Some owners objected to the rising, and falling Z the pond and the effect that additional development would have on the pond ievcls„ There did not appear to be any objection to the use of the entire pond for ponding purposes. It was further noted that the Village appeared committed to s GO foot easement on Jurdy Read at its intersection with Pilot Knob Road for cor_st=uction of the road at some time in the future. Upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the preliminary plat be approved ami that the street vacation proceed to a Public Eearing and recommended that t113 developer and the affected neighbor$ag property owners come to an ag>_eement concerning a resolution of the survey line problem. It was understood, - 3 - 0 0 however, that a reriatration of title ac'.i.on may be necessgry to determine the correct location of the property lines. Mr. James Parker appeased on behalf of the application of Howard Ryl.l* for preliminary plat approval on the Kyllo property in Section 17, North of Blackhawk Lake. Mr. Parker indicated that he had contacted the aaners of Blackhawk Hills Addition because of the need for a proposed street from the. Piackhawk Hills Addition immediately East to connect to the proposed plat to +void two cul-de-sacs. The Planning Committee was concerned about the steep grndes of the proposed single family lots and was further conenrned that proper:% cwnera in Blackhawk Hills Addition be contacted so that they could exoreaa Llai.: attitude toward the proposed additional easement running Easterly from Blackhawk. Hills to the new development. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, F-11 members voting in favor, the application was continued for consideration at the regular April 1973 meeting but recommended that the Council schedule a public hearing on the preliminary plat on May 1, 1973. Mr. David Carroll and Mr. Arthur Shields appeired on behalf of the t;»lication of Wall Corporation and Mr. Shields for a trailer coach park permit ^v% s 63 acre parcel at the Northwest corner of Wescott Road, Highweys P49 F.#6 ., It was proposed that there be located 290 units at about 4.6 units per acre on," !-he area would include 21.1 acres of recreational space. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. The applicant proposed to install its own. municipal .tilities, sidewalks throughout, landscaping, blacktop streets averagin-v 36 fect., cuncrete curb and gutter, and that it would inplude two car off-street parking =.ach lot. There would be no dedicated streets. The. park would include up to 1.;000 people upon full development according to Mr. Carroll. Use of the ;property for mobile park purposes on an interim basis and tax implications were aiscussed. Numerous neighboring property owners appeared objecting to the propose]. including the two property owners surrounded on three sides by the proposed development. It was noted that similar objections had been voiced Lt -4- 0 0 the time that the application was firr.c a::erd and denied by the Board of Super- visors in February, 1972. The reason Fur deuivl given at that meeting included the fact that the land to the West where a mobile home park permit had been granted has not as yet been developed, that amenities in the area may not be adequate, neighboring, owners objections and objections of the school district. Mr. Robert Ferguson appeared as a representative of Dr. John Bristol, Superin- tendent of the Rosemount School District, expressing his concern about and objecting to the development. It was noted that there is a mobile home park called Emerald Hills Park in Inver Grove Heights directly East of the proposed nevalopment area. Mr. Arthur Shields, the owner of the property expressed concern over the high amount of assessments levied against the property and the need for an interim use of the land to relieve the tax burden. The Planning Committee members expressed their concern that the Wall development appeared to be very dense and possibly the 50 foot set -back had not been excluded from recreational computations along the borders of the parcel to determine the recreational area and possibly needs to be recomputed. There was .:cncern as to the location of the mobile home park in the immediate area and some members expressed their desire that mobile home parks be located in Lasidantial rather than industrial areas. It was noted that the Eagan officials era working on a Goals and Policy.Report and community planning for the entire Village and that mobile home park planning is a phase of this project. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Helmken, seconded by M. Hall, it was recommended that the application be denied and that the Village review the planning concepts concerning the establishment and location of mobile home parks; in addition, the reason that there was concern over hazards concerning potential fires in mobile homes; the concern of local residents, the opposition by the school district officials and for the other reasons cited shove. Those voting in favor were: Members Helmken, Hall, Toso and Harrison. Those against were: Members Murphy and Dembroski. - 5 - 0 0 The Coimair.tee also discuss e.. the possibility of plecing a limit on cutting off the time of the permit for the mubile home park hermit issued to Dan Gustafson on the parcel of property immediately [-?est of the subject land. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, it a•Qs RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the mobile home park permit on the Gustafson property immediately to the West be revoked bn.cause of the extremely long period of time since the permit was granted and teat there had been no action by the owners on the property; further for the reason that general planning for mobile home parks was proceeding and the possibility of new concepts as to location of mobile home parks in Eagan. Mr. Les Blum appeared.on behalf of the application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit for 125 foot addition to the Chicago Tube and Iron industrial building on Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. The Village Engineer expressed his concern that the Service Road on the West side of I-35 E connect to Eegandale Boulevard on the West and Mr. Blum indicated that Rauenhorst plans to dedicate an easement to connect the service road directly West to Eagandale Boulevard through Lots 5 and 12, Block 5. Upon niccion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Dembroaki, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the application be subject to the above recommendation as to provision for a new street due to the fact that the service road appeared to be too close to I -35E ramp according to the Minnesota Highway Department proposals and further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. A representative of Osman Temple on Highway #13 appeared for an application for a building permit for the construction of a pole building for storage of golf course equipment for the Lost Spur Golf Course. After concern about putting up a pole building on the property but recognition that the lr�ilding would appear to be out of normal view of the general public, upou motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, it was recommended that the application be approved. All members voted in favor except M. Hall who abstained -6- A represeotive of Colonial Self Storage *Minnesota apr;bared on behalf of its request to revise the layout for the garages proposed to be built on its property near Highway #13 to turn the location of the buildings 900 from their original proposed location and to construct only two rather than four garage buildings. It was noted that the original application had been approved at an earlier time. The Planning Committee discussed street access to the property and set -backs from street right-of-way. It was noted that complete plans were necessary. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Hall, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the concept change be approved subject to the Village Engineer's approval and submission -of a formal application. The application of K. N. Westman to divide Lot 7, Block 8, Country Home Heights Addition into two (2) approximately equal single family residential parcels was next reviewed. It was noted that the Board of Appeals & Adjustments recommended approval of the division. It was further noted that the neighboring property owners objected to the division partially for the reason that single- family restrictions on the lots in Country Home Heights appear to preclude z subdivision of lots and construction of two (2) single family homes. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Hall seconded by M.'Toso, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the application be returned to the Board of Appeals & Adjustments and that the Board review and rescind the approval of the division of the lots. All members voted in favor except M. Harrison who abstained. After considerable discussion concerning the division of lots in Eagan and the potential of many applications for variance for lots in the future, upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend that procedures be set up to consider the division of lots and further that more definite procedures be set up to control the operation of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments in view of such matters. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. 12ated a 11arch 27, 1973. _ 7 _ L I.. dC _ �e1.JI i• ,TEr:l J. '_, _`) :.,i!,r ./,: {l::v]p • ..-[r. .. ..-_ .S i' t , '-NOTI•CE There will be a meeting of the Development Guide Committee on April 10, 1973 at ::r..• .. ..i : 51 ,. 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall ' � ..Itii ,. "1 .-- 'a `!C• ., ..,' 'ai:: .��` !^yt�i •' ... fut.l .. ... ... ... „ �r.ti.. y .,7 ..:r °Cr r[ ,.•1 4,.�! f3O. .. yt,,.a 'fi _ ::IJ<:i.� - `D U:, -.0") 'Ib:i -...-rct;ri ntC: .'.C.:i7 :1- .l{",."I! .'r•.',:'; at.'..:'1 ::r'�.:tt i.t. '';1 :;i U'1° .>N:Yc;i, ' �! 1,1:J�. :.., '.:.1. '. 4: r�.. -: i, �.,�1,: .-'�.i..:l •: �t. �il�l�'�: it: ��:"•iy i - J -Y''' ir+ of ,c Ji' ..-.. 1 i .. A :'r. 7hT J',''Yl._.- Liz :'iU 'iG. :1 �• - .t ... _ .. r .): , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OY ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 27, 1973 A regular meeting of the Advisory Planning Committee, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was',held on March 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Those present were Members.Dembroski, Hall, Harrison, Helmken, Marble, Murphy and Toso. Upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded -by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the February 27, 1973 meeting were approved as distributed subject to changing the word "he" rather than "you" in the first sentence on Page 3, Line 3. Mr. D. C. Corrigan appeared on behalf of the application of Indoor Tennis, Inc, for a building permit for an indoor recreation building on Pilot Knob Road on Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Effress Addition. The land is currently zoned C-2 according to the application. The Planning Committee again was concerned about the possibility of converting the use of all or part of the building to another use and the effect of the amount of parking upon such change in use. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend that the application be approved subject, however, to the stipulation that in the event all or part of the building be converted to another use than is originally planned, that an application be made to the Planning Committee and Council for such change in use; to review in particular the effect that it may have upon the amount of parking available; further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared on behalf of his application for prelim- inary plat approval for Wilderness Run Fourth Addition in Section 27 consisting of 47 acres. It was noted that there will be 5 access locations to the proposed park. Upon motion by M. Toso, seconded by M. Helmken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be recommended for approval subject i • • to the Village Fngineer end Building TR3pectcr's approval. Mr. Edward McMenomy, Attorney and Mr. Elmer Scott appeared on behalf of Mr. Scott's application for rezoning from A-1, Agricultural to I-1, Light Industrial covering a 12 acre parcel for purposes of a truck repair operation in Section 24. It was noted that in 1971 a Butler building had been constructol on the property and also in 1971 the Eagan Board denied an application to rezone the property to I-1. In May of 1972, the applicant received a permit from the Eagan Board to extract gravel from the property and a gravel permit agreement was entered into at which time in a '4dhereas" clause it was inadver- tently stated that the property was zoned I-1. Subsequently, Mr. Scott alledgedly entered into a franchise with Mack Trucks for a repair service and improved the building. The instant application was submitted in October 1972 but the applicant did not appear at an APC meeting until the regular March 1973 meeting. The Planning Committee requested that a zoning map of Inver Grove Heights to the East of the subject property be acquired and reviewed. The applicant indicated that he intends to put an additional building on the parcel. M. Murphy moved to approve the application which died for lack of a second. M. Harrison moved and M. Dembroski seconded a motion that the application be continued until the regular April 1973 APC meeting, but recommended that the Council schedule the Public Hearing for rezoning for May 1, 1973. All members voted aye. Mr. Fred Katter and Mr. Kenneth Appelbaum appeared on behalf of the application of Creative Housing, Inc, for preliminary plat approval in Section 10 and vacation of a portion of Jurdy Road in conjunction with the PUD Concept approved by the APC at an earlier meeting. Discussion concerned the park dedication changes including a 5 foot wide asphalt path to be constructed by the developer on two walkways leading to the park area. It was noted that accurate descriptions of the proposed plat, the street to be vacated, and of the new street would be needed for purposes of an easement before public - 2 - 0 hearings could be noticed. The Committee also discussed whether to recommend that the pathways be acquired by Warranty Deed or easement from the developers and it appeared that it was advisable to accept an easement in the event that the Village should ever determine that the pathways should be abandoned and vacated. It was noted that the current Preative Housing development would zi.-loce the.number of diialling units from 74 to 71. Numerous adjoining property owners appeared and objected to alleged surveying errors and the result that corrected surveys of the property would have upon their proparty lines. Any interest that the Village would have may be as to whether the location of the park property lines would conflict with private property owner's lines. The Planning Committee requested that the property owners review t&; descriptions and possibly meet with the developer to determine if some satisfactory solution i can be reached. Neighboring owners also askedabout whather tfte emAll poud was i plaz,n`,.d to be used for ponding purposes on a permanent b&nsis .--Aid the methods necessary to control the pond levels.. It was noted that tho park srea pond and chat the Northerly area could be usad for ponding also. , M. Hall indtcaLed that !ie ielt the ponding area could be adequately controlled fair park purpoaea with a propoied outlet to.LeMay Lade. Some owners objected to the rising and falling wf the peed eu1 tho effect that additional development wood hava oil the pond i::vela. There did not appear to be any objo6tioq•to the uca 6i -the 3^tire poiul f3:-pondiao'purposes. -It iras further doted`.thii' the Vill-g3 z;p-peex.^-d cn;^mnittcd to a 60 fodt'epdemmnt. on Jurdy'Ruad at"itsIgNersecLion oiith P3Iot Kn^b Road for rvuacrut.t'.Cn of the iced at' some! time'in the 'future. Upou't'wti^.. "Ly M. Murphy, aecaaddd by M.. Harrldon;•all mrm7,6re'voting"in`favor,'it wee ASOLVLO that tier r4s�Lni: G�itlra;ttae t1?_q"kpaneil'tfil•V,'bhS'8rol ri?nvy s4if be approved'airl that the stroar-6acation-proceed'to a Public :aarirkv ark} r:=oniumndr,4 LhaL elro dnLelop.r wm_Labdor$pw rVQrurcy os..crs c;cc to an agreem:aut•concerning-a resolution, of., the survey line problem.• It was'underatood, .. 1. . . - 3. 1 1 - .. however, that a registration of titic: action nay be necessary to determine the correct location of the property lines. Mr. James Parker appeared on behalf of the application of Howard Kyl.lo for preliminary plat approval on the Kyllo property in Section 17, North of. Blackh.Tdk Lake. Mr. Parker indicated that he had contacted the owners of Blackhawk Hills Addition because of the need for a proposed street from the Blackhawk Hills Addition immediately East to connect to the proposed plat to avoid two cul-de-sacs. The Planning Committee was concerned about the steep grades of the proposed single family lots and was further concerned that property owners in Blackhawk Hills Addition be contacted so that they could express tb:i_ attitude toward the proposed additional easement running Easterly from Blackhawk. Hills to the new development. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the application was continued for consideration at the regular April 1973 meeting but recommended that the Council schedule a public hearing on the preliminary plat on May 1, 1973. Mr. David Carroll and Mr. Arthur Shields appeared on behalf of the application of Wall Corporation and Mr. Shields for a trailer coach park permit en a 63 acre parcel at the Northwest corner of Wescott Road, Highways #49 & 963. It was proposed that there be located 290 units at about 4.6 units per acre and f.he area would include 21.1 acres of recreational apace. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. The applicant,proposed to install its own municipal utilities, sidewalks throughout, landscaping, blacktop streets averaging 36 feet-, concrete curb and gutter, and that it would include two car off-street parking for each lot. There would be no dedicated streets. The park would include up to 1,000 people upon full development according to Mr. Carroll. Use of the property for mobile park purposes on an interim basis and tax implications were discussed. Numerous neighboring property owners appeared objecting to the proposal including the two property owners surrounded on three sides by the proposed development. It was noted that similar objections had been voiced at 4 - the time that the application was firnt heard and denied by the Board of Super- visors in February, 1972. The reason for denial given at that meeting included the fact that the land to the West where a mobile home park permit had been granted has not as yet been developed, that amenities in the area may not be adequate, neighboring• owners objections and objections of the school district.. Mr. Robert Ferguson appeared as a representative of Dr. John Bristol, Superin- tandent of the Rosemount ,School District, expressing his concern about and objecting to the development. It was noted that there is a mobile home park called Emerald Hills Park in Inver Grove Heights directly East of the proposed development area. Mr. Arthur Shields, the owner of the property expressed concern over the high amount of assessments levied against the property and the need for an interim use of the land to relieve the tax burden. The Planning Committee members expressed their concern that the Wall development appeared to be very dense and possibly the 50 foot set -back had not been excluded from recreational computations along the borders of the parcel to determine the recreational area and possibly needs to be recomputed. There was ccncern as to the location of the mobile home park in the immediate area and some members expressed their desire that mobile home parks be located in r--sidential rather than industrial areas. It was noted that the Eagan officials are working on a Goals and Policy Report and community planning for the entire Village and that mobile home park planning is a phase of this project. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Helmken, seconded by if. Hall, it was recommended that the application be denied and that the Village r review the planning concepts concerning the establishment and location of mobile home parks; in addition, the reason that there was concern over hazards concerning potential fires in mobile homes, the concern of local residents, the opposition by the school district officials and for the other reasons cited above. Those voting in favor were: Members Helmken, Hall, Toso and Harrison. Those against were: Members Murphy and Dembroski. - 5 - The Committee also discussed the possibility of placing a limit on cutting off the time of the permit for the mobile home park permit issued to Dan Gustafson on the parcel of property immediately West of the subject land. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the mobile home park permit on the Gustafson, property immediately to the West be revoked because of the extremely long period of time since the permit was granted and that there had been no action by the owners on the property; further for the reason that general planning for mobile home parka was proceeding and the possibility of new concepts as to location of mobile home parks in Eagan. Mr. Les Blum appeared on behalf of the application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit for, 125 foot addition to the Chicago Tube and Iron industrial building on Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. The Village Engineer expressed his concern that the Service Road on the West side of I-35 E connect to Eagandale Boulevard on the West and Mr. Blum indicated that Rauenhorst plans to dedicate an easement to connect the service road directly West to Eagandale Boulevard through Lots 5 and 12, Block 5. Upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Dembroski, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the application be subject to the above recommendation as to provision for a new street due to the fact that the service road appeared to be too close to I -35E ramp according to the Minnesota Highway Department proposals and further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. A representative of Osman Temple on Highway 413 appeared for an application for a building permit for the construction of a pole building for storage of golf course equipment for the Lost Spur Golf Course. After concern about putting up a pole building on the property but recognition that the building would appear to be out of normal view of the general public, upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, it waa recommended that the application be approved. All members voted in favor except M. Hall who abstained. - 6 - A represe*ive of Colonial Self Storage *innesota ap(,eared on behalf of its request to revise the layout for the garages proposed to be built on its property near Highway #13 to turn the location of the buildings 900 from their original proposed location and to construct only two rather than four garage buildings. It was noted that the original application had been approved at an earlier time. The Planning Committee discussed street access to the property and set -backs from street right-of-way. It was noted that complete plans were necessary. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Hall, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the concept change be approved subject to the Village Engineer's approval and submission of a formal application. The application of R. N. Westman to divide Lot 7, Block 8, Country Home Heights Addition into two (2) approximately equal single family residential parcels was next reviewed. It was noted that the.Board of Appeals & Adjustments recommended approval of the division. It was further noted that the neighboring property owners objected to the division partially for the reason that single- family restrictions on the lots in Country Home Heights appear to preclude subdivision of lots and construction of two (2) single family homes. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Hall seconded by M. Toso, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the application be returned to the Board of Appeals & Adjustments and that the Board review and rescind the approval of the division of the lots. All members voted in favor except M. Harrison who abstained. After considerable discussion concerning the division of lots in Eagan and the potential of many applications for variance for lots in the future, upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend that procedures be set up to consider the division of lots and further that more definite procedures be set up to control the operation of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments in view of such matters. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. Dated: Narch 27, 1973. 7 - MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 27, 1973 A regular meeting of the Advisory Planning Committee, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was held on March 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Those present were Members Dembroski, Hall, Harrison, Helmken, Marble, Murphy and Toso. Upon motion by M. Murphy., seconded by.M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the February 27, 1973 meeting were approved as distributed subject to changing the word "he" rather than "you" in the first sentence on Page 3, Line 3. Mr. D. C. Corrigan appeared on behalf of the application of Indoor Tennis, Inc. for a building permit for an indoor recreation building on Pilot Knob Road on Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Effress Addition. The land is currently zoned C-2 according to the.application. The Planning Committee again was concerned about the possibility of converting the use of all or part of the building to another use and the effect of the amount of parking upon such changa in use. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend that the application be approved subject, however, to tho stipulation that in the event all or part of the building be converted to another use than is originally planned, that an application be made to the Planning Committee and Council for such change in use; to review in particular the effer` that it may have upon the amount of parking available; further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared on behalf of his application for prelim- inary plat approval for Wilderness Run Fourth Addition in Section 27 consisting of 47 acres. It was noted that there will be 5 access locations to the proposed park. Upon motion by M. Toso, seconded by M. Helmken, all members voting in favor., it was RESOLVED that the application be recommended for approval subject to the Village Fnginaer :F;r:d Bu+.ldirb 7.l:jpnctor's approval, Mr. Edward HeMenomy, Attorney and Mr. Elmer ScoL't appeared on behalf of Mr. Scott'a application for rezoning from A-1, Agricultural to I-1, Light Industrial covering a 12 acre parcel for purposes of a truck'repair operation in Section 24, It was noted that in 1971 a Butler building had been constructs,'. on the property and also in 1971 the Eagan Board denied an applic.atiou to razone the Property to I-1. In May of 1972, the applicant received a permit from the Eagan Board to extract gravel from the property and a gravel permit agreement was entered into at which time in a "Whereas" clause it was inadver- tently stated that the property was zoned I-1. Subsequently, Mr. Scott alledgedly entered into a franchise with Mack Trucks for a repeir service and improved the building. The instant application was submitted in October 1972 but the applicant did not appear at an APC meeting until the regular March 1973 meeting. The Planning Committee requested that a zoning map of Inver Grove Heights to the East of the subject property be acquired and reviewed. The applicant indicated that he intends to put an additional building on the parcel, M. Murphy moved to approve the application which died for lack of a second. M. Harrison moved and M. Dembroaki seconded a motion that the application be continued until the regular April 1973 APC meeting, but recommended that the Council schedule the Public Hearing for rezoning for May 1, 1973. All members voted aye. Mr. Fred Katter and Mr. Kenneth Appelbaum appeared on behalf of the application of Creative Housing, Inc, for preliminary plat approval in Section 10 and vacation of a portion of Jurdy Road in conjunction with the PUD Concept approved by the APC at an earlier meeting. Discussion concerned the park dedication changes including a 5 foot wide asphalt path to be constructed by the developer on two walkways leading to the park area. It was noted that accurate descriptions of the proposed plat, the street to be vaca�ed, sad of the new street would be needed for purposes of an easement before public - 2 - 0 0 hearings could be noticed, The C.ons,i(:Cc also discussed whether to recommend that the pathways be acquired by Narranty Deed or easement Z:ok the developers and it appeared that it was advisable to accept an easement in the event that the Village should ever determine that the pathways should be abandoned and vacated. It was noted that the current Creative Housing development would r,,:luce the number of dwelling units from 74 to 71. Numerous adjoining property owners appeared and objected to alleged surveying errors and the result that corrected surveys of the property would have upon their property lines. Any interest that the Village would have may be as to whether the location of the park property lines would conflict with private property owner's lines. The Planning Committee requested that the property owners review the descriptions and possibly meet with the developer to determine if some satisfactory solution can be reached. Neighboring owners also asked about whether the small pond was plsnned to be used for ponding purposes on a permanent basis and the methods necessary to control the pond levels. It was noted that the park area pond and ..not the Northerly area could be used for ponding also. M. Hall indicated that he felt the ponding area could be adequately controlled for park purposes with proposed outlet to LeMay Lake. Some owners objected to the rising, and falling Z the pond and the effect that additional development would have on the pond ievcls„ There did not appear to be any objection to the use of the entire pond for ponding purposes. It was further noted that the Village appeared committed to s GO foot easement on Jurdy Read at its intersection with Pilot Knob Road for cor_st=uction of the road at some time in the future. Upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the preliminary plat be approved ami that the street vacation proceed to a Public Eearing and recommended that t113 developer and the affected neighbor$ag property owners come to an ag>_eement concerning a resolution of the survey line problem. It was understood, - 3 - 0 0 however, that a reriatration of title ac'.i.on may be necessgry to determine the correct location of the property lines. Mr. James Parker appeased on behalf of the application of Howard Ryl.l* for preliminary plat approval on the Kyllo property in Section 17, North of Blackhawk Lake. Mr. Parker indicated that he had contacted the aaners of Blackhawk Hills Addition because of the need for a proposed street from the. Piackhawk Hills Addition immediately East to connect to the proposed plat to +void two cul-de-sacs. The Planning Committee was concerned about the steep grndes of the proposed single family lots and was further conenrned that proper:% cwnera in Blackhawk Hills Addition be contacted so that they could exoreaa Llai.: attitude toward the proposed additional easement running Easterly from Blackhawk. Hills to the new development. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, F-11 members voting in favor, the application was continued for consideration at the regular April 1973 meeting but recommended that the Council schedule a public hearing on the preliminary plat on May 1, 1973. Mr. David Carroll and Mr. Arthur Shields appeired on behalf of the t;»lication of Wall Corporation and Mr. Shields for a trailer coach park permit ^v% s 63 acre parcel at the Northwest corner of Wescott Road, Highweys P49 F.#6 ., It was proposed that there be located 290 units at about 4.6 units per acre on," !-he area would include 21.1 acres of recreational space. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. The applicant proposed to install its own. municipal .tilities, sidewalks throughout, landscaping, blacktop streets averagin-v 36 fect., cuncrete curb and gutter, and that it would inplude two car off-street parking =.ach lot. There would be no dedicated streets. The. park would include up to 1.;000 people upon full development according to Mr. Carroll. Use of the ;property for mobile park purposes on an interim basis and tax implications were aiscussed. Numerous neighboring property owners appeared objecting to the propose]. including the two property owners surrounded on three sides by the proposed development. It was noted that similar objections had been voiced Lt -4- 0 0 the time that the application was firr.c a::erd and denied by the Board of Super- visors in February, 1972. The reason Fur deuivl given at that meeting included the fact that the land to the West where a mobile home park permit had been granted has not as yet been developed, that amenities in the area may not be adequate, neighboring, owners objections and objections of the school district. Mr. Robert Ferguson appeared as a representative of Dr. John Bristol, Superin- tendent of the Rosemount School District, expressing his concern about and objecting to the development. It was noted that there is a mobile home park called Emerald Hills Park in Inver Grove Heights directly East of the proposed nevalopment area. Mr. Arthur Shields, the owner of the property expressed concern over the high amount of assessments levied against the property and the need for an interim use of the land to relieve the tax burden. The Planning Committee members expressed their concern that the Wall development appeared to be very dense and possibly the 50 foot set -back had not been excluded from recreational computations along the borders of the parcel to determine the recreational area and possibly needs to be recomputed. There was .:cncern as to the location of the mobile home park in the immediate area and some members expressed their desire that mobile home parks be located in Lasidantial rather than industrial areas. It was noted that the Eagan officials era working on a Goals and Policy.Report and community planning for the entire Village and that mobile home park planning is a phase of this project. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Helmken, seconded by M. Hall, it was recommended that the application be denied and that the Village review the planning concepts concerning the establishment and location of mobile home parks; in addition, the reason that there was concern over hazards concerning potential fires in mobile homes; the concern of local residents, the opposition by the school district officials and for the other reasons cited shove. Those voting in favor were: Members Helmken, Hall, Toso and Harrison. Those against were: Members Murphy and Dembroski. - 5 - 0 0 The Coimair.tee also discuss e.. the possibility of plecing a limit on cutting off the time of the permit for the mubile home park hermit issued to Dan Gustafson on the parcel of property immediately [-?est of the subject land. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, it a•Qs RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the mobile home park permit on the Gustafson property immediately to the West be revoked bn.cause of the extremely long period of time since the permit was granted and teat there had been no action by the owners on the property; further for the reason that general planning for mobile home parks was proceeding and the possibility of new concepts as to location of mobile home parks in Eagan. Mr. Les Blum appeared.on behalf of the application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit for 125 foot addition to the Chicago Tube and Iron industrial building on Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. The Village Engineer expressed his concern that the Service Road on the West side of I-35 E connect to Eegandale Boulevard on the West and Mr. Blum indicated that Rauenhorst plans to dedicate an easement to connect the service road directly West to Eagandale Boulevard through Lots 5 and 12, Block 5. Upon niccion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Dembroaki, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the application be subject to the above recommendation as to provision for a new street due to the fact that the service road appeared to be too close to I -35E ramp according to the Minnesota Highway Department proposals and further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. A representative of Osman Temple on Highway #13 appeared for an application for a building permit for the construction of a pole building for storage of golf course equipment for the Lost Spur Golf Course. After concern about putting up a pole building on the property but recognition that the lr�ilding would appear to be out of normal view of the general public, upou motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, it was recommended that the application be approved. All members voted in favor except M. Hall who abstained -6- A represeotive of Colonial Self Storage *Minnesota apr;bared on behalf of its request to revise the layout for the garages proposed to be built on its property near Highway #13 to turn the location of the buildings 900 from their original proposed location and to construct only two rather than four garage buildings. It was noted that the original application had been approved at an earlier time. The Planning Committee discussed street access to the property and set -backs from street right-of-way. It was noted that complete plans were necessary. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Hall, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the concept change be approved subject to the Village Engineer's approval and submission -of a formal application. The application of K. N. Westman to divide Lot 7, Block 8, Country Home Heights Addition into two (2) approximately equal single family residential parcels was next reviewed. It was noted that the Board of Appeals & Adjustments recommended approval of the division. It was further noted that the neighboring property owners objected to the division partially for the reason that single- family restrictions on the lots in Country Home Heights appear to preclude z subdivision of lots and construction of two (2) single family homes. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Hall seconded by M.'Toso, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the application be returned to the Board of Appeals & Adjustments and that the Board review and rescind the approval of the division of the lots. All members voted in favor except M. Harrison who abstained. After considerable discussion concerning the division of lots in Eagan and the potential of many applications for variance for lots in the future, upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend that procedures be set up to consider the division of lots and further that more definite procedures be set up to control the operation of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments in view of such matters. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. 12ated a 11arch 27, 1973. _ 7 _ L I.. dC _ �e1.JI i• ,TEr:l J. '_, _`) :.,i!,r ./,: {l::v]p • ..-[r. .. ..-_ .S i' t , '-NOTI•CE There will be a meeting of the Development Guide Committee on April 10, 1973 at ::r..• .. ..i : 51 ,. 7:00 p.m. at the Village Hall ' � ..Itii ,. "1 .-- 'a `!C• ., ..,' 'ai:: .��` !^yt�i •' ... fut.l .. ... ... ... „ �r.ti.. y .,7 ..:r °Cr r[ ,.•1 4,.�! f3O. .. yt,,.a 'fi _ ::IJ<:i.� - `D U:, -.0") 'Ib:i -...-rct;ri ntC: .'.C.:i7 :1- .l{",."I! .'r•.',:'; at.'..:'1 ::r'�.:tt i.t. '';1 :;i U'1° .>N:Yc;i, ' �! 1,1:J�. :.., '.:.1. '. 4: r�.. -: i, �.,�1,: .-'�.i..:l •: �t. �il�l�'�: it: ��:"•iy i - J -Y''' ir+ of ,c Ji' ..-.. 1 i .. A :'r. 7hT J',''Yl._.- Liz :'iU 'iG. :1 �• - .t ... _ .. r .): , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OY ADVISORY PLANNING COMMITTEE VILLAGE OF EAGAN, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA March 27, 1973 A regular meeting of the Advisory Planning Committee, Village of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, was',held on March 27, 1973, at 7:30 P.M., at the Village Hall. Those present were Members.Dembroski, Hall, Harrison, Helmken, Marble, Murphy and Toso. Upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded -by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the February 27, 1973 meeting were approved as distributed subject to changing the word "he" rather than "you" in the first sentence on Page 3, Line 3. Mr. D. C. Corrigan appeared on behalf of the application of Indoor Tennis, Inc, for a building permit for an indoor recreation building on Pilot Knob Road on Lots 6 and 7, Block 8, Effress Addition. The land is currently zoned C-2 according to the application. The Planning Committee again was concerned about the possibility of converting the use of all or part of the building to another use and the effect of the amount of parking upon such change in use. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend that the application be approved subject, however, to the stipulation that in the event all or part of the building be converted to another use than is originally planned, that an application be made to the Planning Committee and Council for such change in use; to review in particular the effect that it may have upon the amount of parking available; further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. Mr. Arnold Carlson appeared on behalf of his application for prelim- inary plat approval for Wilderness Run Fourth Addition in Section 27 consisting of 47 acres. It was noted that there will be 5 access locations to the proposed park. Upon motion by M. Toso, seconded by M. Helmken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the application be recommended for approval subject i • • to the Village Fngineer end Building TR3pectcr's approval. Mr. Edward McMenomy, Attorney and Mr. Elmer Scott appeared on behalf of Mr. Scott's application for rezoning from A-1, Agricultural to I-1, Light Industrial covering a 12 acre parcel for purposes of a truck repair operation in Section 24. It was noted that in 1971 a Butler building had been constructol on the property and also in 1971 the Eagan Board denied an application to rezone the property to I-1. In May of 1972, the applicant received a permit from the Eagan Board to extract gravel from the property and a gravel permit agreement was entered into at which time in a '4dhereas" clause it was inadver- tently stated that the property was zoned I-1. Subsequently, Mr. Scott alledgedly entered into a franchise with Mack Trucks for a repair service and improved the building. The instant application was submitted in October 1972 but the applicant did not appear at an APC meeting until the regular March 1973 meeting. The Planning Committee requested that a zoning map of Inver Grove Heights to the East of the subject property be acquired and reviewed. The applicant indicated that he intends to put an additional building on the parcel. M. Murphy moved to approve the application which died for lack of a second. M. Harrison moved and M. Dembroski seconded a motion that the application be continued until the regular April 1973 APC meeting, but recommended that the Council schedule the Public Hearing for rezoning for May 1, 1973. All members voted aye. Mr. Fred Katter and Mr. Kenneth Appelbaum appeared on behalf of the application of Creative Housing, Inc, for preliminary plat approval in Section 10 and vacation of a portion of Jurdy Road in conjunction with the PUD Concept approved by the APC at an earlier meeting. Discussion concerned the park dedication changes including a 5 foot wide asphalt path to be constructed by the developer on two walkways leading to the park area. It was noted that accurate descriptions of the proposed plat, the street to be vacated, and of the new street would be needed for purposes of an easement before public - 2 - 0 hearings could be noticed. The Committee also discussed whether to recommend that the pathways be acquired by Warranty Deed or easement from the developers and it appeared that it was advisable to accept an easement in the event that the Village should ever determine that the pathways should be abandoned and vacated. It was noted that the current Preative Housing development would zi.-loce the.number of diialling units from 74 to 71. Numerous adjoining property owners appeared and objected to alleged surveying errors and the result that corrected surveys of the property would have upon their proparty lines. Any interest that the Village would have may be as to whether the location of the park property lines would conflict with private property owner's lines. The Planning Committee requested that the property owners review t&; descriptions and possibly meet with the developer to determine if some satisfactory solution i can be reached. Neighboring owners also askedabout whather tfte emAll poud was i plaz,n`,.d to be used for ponding purposes on a permanent b&nsis .--Aid the methods necessary to control the pond levels.. It was noted that tho park srea pond and chat the Northerly area could be usad for ponding also. , M. Hall indtcaLed that !ie ielt the ponding area could be adequately controlled fair park purpoaea with a propoied outlet to.LeMay Lade. Some owners objected to the rising and falling wf the peed eu1 tho effect that additional development wood hava oil the pond i::vela. There did not appear to be any objo6tioq•to the uca 6i -the 3^tire poiul f3:-pondiao'purposes. -It iras further doted`.thii' the Vill-g3 z;p-peex.^-d cn;^mnittcd to a 60 fodt'epdemmnt. on Jurdy'Ruad at"itsIgNersecLion oiith P3Iot Kn^b Road for rvuacrut.t'.Cn of the iced at' some! time'in the 'future. Upou't'wti^.. "Ly M. Murphy, aecaaddd by M.. Harrldon;•all mrm7,6re'voting"in`favor,'it wee ASOLVLO that tier r4s�Lni: G�itlra;ttae t1?_q"kpaneil'tfil•V,'bhS'8rol ri?nvy s4if be approved'airl that the stroar-6acation-proceed'to a Public :aarirkv ark} r:=oniumndr,4 LhaL elro dnLelop.r wm_Labdor$pw rVQrurcy os..crs c;cc to an agreem:aut•concerning-a resolution, of., the survey line problem.• It was'underatood, .. 1. . . - 3. 1 1 - .. however, that a registration of titic: action nay be necessary to determine the correct location of the property lines. Mr. James Parker appeared on behalf of the application of Howard Kyl.lo for preliminary plat approval on the Kyllo property in Section 17, North of. Blackh.Tdk Lake. Mr. Parker indicated that he had contacted the owners of Blackhawk Hills Addition because of the need for a proposed street from the Blackhawk Hills Addition immediately East to connect to the proposed plat to avoid two cul-de-sacs. The Planning Committee was concerned about the steep grades of the proposed single family lots and was further concerned that property owners in Blackhawk Hills Addition be contacted so that they could express tb:i_ attitude toward the proposed additional easement running Easterly from Blackhawk. Hills to the new development. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, the application was continued for consideration at the regular April 1973 meeting but recommended that the Council schedule a public hearing on the preliminary plat on May 1, 1973. Mr. David Carroll and Mr. Arthur Shields appeared on behalf of the application of Wall Corporation and Mr. Shields for a trailer coach park permit en a 63 acre parcel at the Northwest corner of Wescott Road, Highways #49 & 963. It was proposed that there be located 290 units at about 4.6 units per acre and f.he area would include 21.1 acres of recreational apace. The property is zoned I-1, Light Industrial. The applicant,proposed to install its own municipal utilities, sidewalks throughout, landscaping, blacktop streets averaging 36 feet-, concrete curb and gutter, and that it would include two car off-street parking for each lot. There would be no dedicated streets. The park would include up to 1,000 people upon full development according to Mr. Carroll. Use of the property for mobile park purposes on an interim basis and tax implications were discussed. Numerous neighboring property owners appeared objecting to the proposal including the two property owners surrounded on three sides by the proposed development. It was noted that similar objections had been voiced at 4 - the time that the application was firnt heard and denied by the Board of Super- visors in February, 1972. The reason for denial given at that meeting included the fact that the land to the West where a mobile home park permit had been granted has not as yet been developed, that amenities in the area may not be adequate, neighboring• owners objections and objections of the school district.. Mr. Robert Ferguson appeared as a representative of Dr. John Bristol, Superin- tandent of the Rosemount ,School District, expressing his concern about and objecting to the development. It was noted that there is a mobile home park called Emerald Hills Park in Inver Grove Heights directly East of the proposed development area. Mr. Arthur Shields, the owner of the property expressed concern over the high amount of assessments levied against the property and the need for an interim use of the land to relieve the tax burden. The Planning Committee members expressed their concern that the Wall development appeared to be very dense and possibly the 50 foot set -back had not been excluded from recreational computations along the borders of the parcel to determine the recreational area and possibly needs to be recomputed. There was ccncern as to the location of the mobile home park in the immediate area and some members expressed their desire that mobile home parks be located in r--sidential rather than industrial areas. It was noted that the Eagan officials are working on a Goals and Policy Report and community planning for the entire Village and that mobile home park planning is a phase of this project. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Helmken, seconded by if. Hall, it was recommended that the application be denied and that the Village r review the planning concepts concerning the establishment and location of mobile home parks; in addition, the reason that there was concern over hazards concerning potential fires in mobile homes, the concern of local residents, the opposition by the school district officials and for the other reasons cited above. Those voting in favor were: Members Helmken, Hall, Toso and Harrison. Those against were: Members Murphy and Dembroski. - 5 - The Committee also discussed the possibility of placing a limit on cutting off the time of the permit for the mobile home park permit issued to Dan Gustafson on the parcel of property immediately West of the subject land. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Toso, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Planning Committee recommend to the Council that the mobile home park permit on the Gustafson, property immediately to the West be revoked because of the extremely long period of time since the permit was granted and that there had been no action by the owners on the property; further for the reason that general planning for mobile home parka was proceeding and the possibility of new concepts as to location of mobile home parks in Eagan. Mr. Les Blum appeared on behalf of the application of Rauenhorst Corporation for building permit for, 125 foot addition to the Chicago Tube and Iron industrial building on Lots 5 and 6, Block 5, Eagandale Center Industrial Park. The Village Engineer expressed his concern that the Service Road on the West side of I-35 E connect to Eagandale Boulevard on the West and Mr. Blum indicated that Rauenhorst plans to dedicate an easement to connect the service road directly West to Eagandale Boulevard through Lots 5 and 12, Block 5. Upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Dembroski, all members voting in favor, it was recommended that the application be subject to the above recommendation as to provision for a new street due to the fact that the service road appeared to be too close to I -35E ramp according to the Minnesota Highway Department proposals and further subject to the Village Engineer and Building Inspector's approval. A representative of Osman Temple on Highway 413 appeared for an application for a building permit for the construction of a pole building for storage of golf course equipment for the Lost Spur Golf Course. After concern about putting up a pole building on the property but recognition that the building would appear to be out of normal view of the general public, upon motion by M. Murphy, seconded by M. Harrison, it waa recommended that the application be approved. All members voted in favor except M. Hall who abstained. - 6 - A represe*ive of Colonial Self Storage *innesota ap(,eared on behalf of its request to revise the layout for the garages proposed to be built on its property near Highway #13 to turn the location of the buildings 900 from their original proposed location and to construct only two rather than four garage buildings. It was noted that the original application had been approved at an earlier time. The Planning Committee discussed street access to the property and set -backs from street right-of-way. It was noted that complete plans were necessary. Upon motion by M. Harrison, seconded by M. Hall, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the concept change be approved subject to the Village Engineer's approval and submission of a formal application. The application of R. N. Westman to divide Lot 7, Block 8, Country Home Heights Addition into two (2) approximately equal single family residential parcels was next reviewed. It was noted that the.Board of Appeals & Adjustments recommended approval of the division. It was further noted that the neighboring property owners objected to the division partially for the reason that single- family restrictions on the lots in Country Home Heights appear to preclude subdivision of lots and construction of two (2) single family homes. After considerable discussion, upon motion by M. Hall seconded by M. Toso, it was RESOLVED to recommend to the Council that the application be returned to the Board of Appeals & Adjustments and that the Board review and rescind the approval of the division of the lots. All members voted in favor except M. Harrison who abstained. After considerable discussion concerning the division of lots in Eagan and the potential of many applications for variance for lots in the future, upon motion by M. Hall, seconded by M. Murphy, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to recommend that procedures be set up to consider the division of lots and further that more definite procedures be set up to control the operation of the Board of Appeals and Adjustments in view of such matters. Upon motion the meeting was adjourned. Dated: Narch 27, 1973. 7 -