03/29/1982 - City Council Special0 MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 29, 1982 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL ITEM FOR SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3-30-82 The public school facilities discussion was inadvertently left off this special City Council meeting agenda and Mayor Blomquist has asked that it be placed on the agenda for discussion tomorrow evening. Enclosed is a copy of the revised agenda. Also enclosed is a copy of the letter sent to Dr. Foot dated March 10, 1982, that addresses the "proposed use of Cedar School building located in the City of Eagan". I contacted the superintendent's office this morning to ask whether this special subcommittee to investigate the proposed use of Cedar School had been appointed by the school board. I was informed that the committee will be appointed by the school board this coming Thurs- day evening at their school board meeting. The committee will be compiled of eleven members, three of which will represent Cedar Elementary and the remaining eight will be taken from each of the eight remaining elemen- tary schools. The three (3) members to be appointed from the Cedar School are as follows: (1) Mary Ann Reents, 4184 Diamond Drive, (2) P. L. Powell, 3893 Calcite Drive, and (3) Tom Tomanek, 1719 Davenport Circle. V_. M ..;V : / Rate. 5 v �\�fAd6 k ity Administrator — 3i s . N SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1982 6:45 P.M. 1. 6:45 — ROLL CALL & BRIEF REVIEW OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 11. 7:00 — BRAUER & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW 111. 8:15 — ERKKILA & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW 1V. 9:20 — DISCUSSION OF CONSULTANT CANDIDATES V. PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES DISCUSSION VI. OTHER VIl. ADJOURNMENT. BEA SLOMOUIST WYOR THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER COUNCIL MEMBERS March 10, 1982 DR THEODORE FOOT CITY OF EAGAN 7795 PILOT KNOB ROAD P.O. SOME 711" , EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE 454-8100 FJ - W SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 191 100 RIVER RIDGE CT BURNSVILLE MN 55337 Re: Proposed Use of Cedar School Dear Dr. Foot: THOMASHEOGES CITY ADMINiSTRAIOR EUGENE VAN OVE R SERE CITY CLERK Located in the At the last regular meeting of the Eagan City Council held on Tues- day, March 2, 1982, I was directed by the City Council to write a letter to Independent School District #191 to request information regarding the proposed use of Cedar School after its official closing this year. Since Cedar Elementary School is located within the City of Eagan adjacent to a residential neighborhood, the City Council is con- cerned about the proposed use of Cedar School upon its official closing this year. The City of Eagan has completed a comprehensive guide plan and this property is shown as a public facilities use. The City of Eagan has expended many hours analyzing the overall land use for the community and is satisfied with the land use balance proposed in the guide plan. Therefore, the City is con- cerned that the school district does not consider other types of land use for the Cedar Elementary School such as a commercial use. Since the City of Eagan has an adequate designation of commercial land throughout the City, this site shall maintain a land use integrity• that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The City of Eagan has also worked through a cooperative arrangement with your school district to provide ballfields for many age groups at Cedar Elementary School. The City is concerned that this land will be kept available for recreational and athletic events, unless the property is disposed of by the school district. Many of the users of the recreational area are residents of Independent School District #191; therefore, the City is hopeful that maintenance will continue on the ball diamonds and other recreational areas within the school grounds. THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. City of Eagan/Cedar Elementary School March 10, 1982 Page Two The City of Eagan would appreciate being advised of any proposed uses that the school district might consider for the Cedar Ele- mentary School building and property. If our staff or City Council can be of any assistance in your planning process, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Thomas L. Hedg s City Administrator TLH/hnd SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1982 6:45 P.M. 1. 6:45 - ROLL CALL & BRIEF REVIEW OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 11. 7:00 - BRAUER & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW III. 8:15 - ERKKILA & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW IV. 9:20 - DISCUSSION OF CONSULTANT CANDIDATES V. OTHER VI. ADJOURNMENT 0 MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 26, 1982 SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL Burnsville/Eagan Cable Commission Meeting The first Burnsvill/Eagan Cable Commission meeting was held last evening at the Eagan City Hall. Mayor Blomquist provided a warm welcome to the group for the Cities of Burnsville and Eagan in Mayor Paul Scheunemann's absence (who was ill and could not attend the meeting). Since the last City Council meeting, some concerns have arisen regarding the appointment of two (2) City Councilmembers to the commission from the City of Eagan, mainly due to the scheduling of meetings outside of the City. The City Administrator, City Attorney and our cable television legal counsel, Tom Creighton, discussed in great detail whether two City Councilmembers appointed to the commission and attending meetings on a regular basis could be viewed as a potential violation of the open meeting law by a cable television company in the future. After considerable thought and discussion with City Councilmember Egan, it was City Councilmember Egan's decision to withdraw as a member of the joint cable commission. This item will be taken up at the April 6, 1982 meeting. Mr. Rick Bertz, who is the first alternate did vote in City Councilmember Egan's place at the meeting last evening. Mr. Ron Voracek was present as the City's alternate. The first formal action of the commission was to appoint a chairman. Nomina- tions were received from the floor and both Paul Wood, who is the former chairperson of the Burnsville Cable Committee, and City Councilmember Jim Smith, who is the former chairperson of the Eagan Cable Committee, were nominated for the chair. The vote was four to four and due to the deadlock it was decided by the group that a coin would be flipped to determine the chairmanship. The coin was flipped, heads was called and the coin landed as tails favoring Paul Wood for the chairmanship. City Council - member Jim Smith is the vice chair and Barry Tilley was appointed secre- tary/treasurer. The bylaws were reviewed and continued due to some minor changes until the next regular meeting which is scheduled for April 22, 1982. It appears there is a consensus to hire Tom Creighton at the next meeting as legal counsel. There was some discussion regarding the selection process for a technical consultant and apparently there are mixed emotions from the Burnsville members as to whether Rich Anthony and the MARC group should be considered for that appointment. Due to the uncertainty, it appears the commission will go through a formal interview process for selec- tion of a technical consultant. Mayor Blomquist suggested that. each City Council agenda contain an agenda item that would provide for the Burnsville Eagan Cable Commission update and this will be practiced on each City Council agenda until the system is franchised. There are a number of rough edges to work out regarding the joint commission; . however, the first meeting is now behind both communities and hopefully a constructive work program can begin and the goal of cable franchising will be expedited as thoroughly and quickly as possible. Information Memo March 26, 1982 Page Two Special City Council Meeting for 3-30-82 Enclosed is a copy of agenda, memorandum and attachment regarding the selection of a consultant to prepare the park master plan for the City of Eagan. Hopefully, this background information and questions prepared in a work session by the City Administrator and Director of Parks & Recrea- tion will be helpful in your preparation for that meeting. The Advisory Parks & Recreation Committee will more than likely funnel most of their questions through their spokesperson, Mr. Dick Carroll. However, individual questions would certainly be acceptable. With the Mayor, four members of the City Council and one spokesperson, this totals six persons who could feasibly be asking questions. If anyone wishes to have a copy of the scope of services that was prepared and distributed to each consultant, please contact this office. Copies have been sent to the City Council on two previous occasions. Dakota County Multi -Family Housing Revenue Bonds At a recent City Council meeting, I explained the status of the HRA multi- family housing revenue bonds as proposed by the Dakota County HRA. At that time, it was suggested that an informational meeting be held for mayors and city councilmembers from all three cities (Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan) to learn more about the proposed HRA multi -family housing revenue bond issue. The idea of a meeting was acceptable; however, you desired additional information in summary form about the proposed program. That information was requested from this office and has now been received from Holmes and Graven and a copy is enclosed for your review. It appears that the week of April 12 through 16 will work the best for all three com- munities for a meeting and, more specifically, the nights of April 14 or 15 (a Wednesday or a Thursday evening). The City Administrator will confirm the meeting date with the City Council on Tuesday, March 30, so it is possible to designate a meeting as far in advance as possible. Architect's Prospectus for the New City Hall Expansion The City Administrator has completed the architect's prospectus and copies were mailed out to nine architectural firms this week. The City Administra- tor during the past one to three years has received inquiries from various architectural firms asking that they be given consideration if and when a building is considered for a public facility in the City of Eagan. These firms have been kept on record and were sent a copy of this prospectus as they had requested. If there are any questions or additional considera- tions that should be given, please contact me at any time and they will be included as an addendum or supplement to the architect's prospectus. There was some discussion at a recent special City Council meeting about the possibility of expanding the second story addition to a fire station shell which would allow for better planning of administrative offices as a part of the second story addition. By dividing the proposal into Information Memo March 26, 1982 Page Three Parts A & B, it will allow the City Council to evaluate administrative office needs in relationship to cost before making a final decision as to how large an expansion the City should consider at this time for the new City Hall expansion. Proposed Lexington Place Addition At the last City Council meeting, the CiCy staff was directed to investigate a number of concerns regarding potential construction of units that are smaller than normal sized residential size condominium units specifically as a part of the proposed Lexington Place Addition condominium project. Please review the attached memo prepared by the City Administrator and submitted to the City Planner to determine whether any additional questions should be addressed by the City staff as a part of the fact finding report to be prepared for the April 20, 1982 City Council meeting. The City Administrator will notify the City Council as to where units are located in the Twin Cities if you should desire to review them on your own. City Administrat r 0 MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 29, 1982 SUBJECT: ADDITIONAL ITEM FOR SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 3-30-82 The public school facilities discussion was inadvertently left off this special City Council meeting agenda and Mayor Blomquist has asked that it be placed on the agenda for discussion tomorrow evening. Enclosed is a copy of the revised agenda. Also enclosed is a copy of the letter sent to Dr. Foot dated March 10, 1982, that addresses the "proposed use of Cedar School building located in the City of Eagan". I contacted the superintendent's office this morning to ask whether this special subcommittee to investigate the proposed use of Cedar School had been appointed by the school board. I was informed that the committee will be appointed by the school board this coming Thurs- day evening at their school board meeting. The committee will be compiled of eleven members, three of which will represent Cedar Elementary and the remaining eight will be taken from each of the eight remaining elemen- tary schools. The three (3) members to be appointed from the Cedar School are as follows: (1) Mary Ann Reents, 4184 Diamond Drive, (2) P. L. Powell, 3893 Calcite Drive, and (3) Tom Tomanek, 1719 Davenport Circle. V_. M ..;V : / Rate. 5 v �\�fAd6 k ity Administrator — 3i s . N SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1982 6:45 P.M. 1. 6:45 — ROLL CALL & BRIEF REVIEW OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 11. 7:00 — BRAUER & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW 111. 8:15 — ERKKILA & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW 1V. 9:20 — DISCUSSION OF CONSULTANT CANDIDATES V. PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES DISCUSSION VI. OTHER VIl. ADJOURNMENT. BEA SLOMOUIST WYOR THOMAS EGAN JAMES A. SMITH JERRY THOMAS THEODORE WACHTER COUNCIL MEMBERS March 10, 1982 DR THEODORE FOOT CITY OF EAGAN 7795 PILOT KNOB ROAD P.O. SOME 711" , EAGAN, MINNESOTA 55122 PHONE 454-8100 FJ - W SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 191 100 RIVER RIDGE CT BURNSVILLE MN 55337 Re: Proposed Use of Cedar School Dear Dr. Foot: THOMASHEOGES CITY ADMINiSTRAIOR EUGENE VAN OVE R SERE CITY CLERK Located in the At the last regular meeting of the Eagan City Council held on Tues- day, March 2, 1982, I was directed by the City Council to write a letter to Independent School District #191 to request information regarding the proposed use of Cedar School after its official closing this year. Since Cedar Elementary School is located within the City of Eagan adjacent to a residential neighborhood, the City Council is con- cerned about the proposed use of Cedar School upon its official closing this year. The City of Eagan has completed a comprehensive guide plan and this property is shown as a public facilities use. The City of Eagan has expended many hours analyzing the overall land use for the community and is satisfied with the land use balance proposed in the guide plan. Therefore, the City is con- cerned that the school district does not consider other types of land use for the Cedar Elementary School such as a commercial use. Since the City of Eagan has an adequate designation of commercial land throughout the City, this site shall maintain a land use integrity• that is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The City of Eagan has also worked through a cooperative arrangement with your school district to provide ballfields for many age groups at Cedar Elementary School. The City is concerned that this land will be kept available for recreational and athletic events, unless the property is disposed of by the school district. Many of the users of the recreational area are residents of Independent School District #191; therefore, the City is hopeful that maintenance will continue on the ball diamonds and other recreational areas within the school grounds. THE LONE OAK TREE ... THE SYMBOL OF STRENGTH AND GROWTH IN OUR COMMUNITY. City of Eagan/Cedar Elementary School March 10, 1982 Page Two The City of Eagan would appreciate being advised of any proposed uses that the school district might consider for the Cedar Ele- mentary School building and property. If our staff or City Council can be of any assistance in your planning process, please feel free to contact me at any time. Sincerely, Thomas L. Hedg s City Administrator TLH/hnd SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING TUESDAY, MARCH 30, 1982 6:45 P.M. 1. 6:45 - ROLL CALL & BRIEF REVIEW OF INTERVIEW PROCESS 11. 7:00 - BRAUER & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW III. 8:15 - ERKKILA & ASSOCIATES/PARK MASTER PLAN INTERVIEW IV. 9:20 - DISCUSSION OF CONSULTANT CANDIDATES V. OTHER VI. ADJOURNMENT 0 MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: MARCH 26, 1982 SUBJECT: INFORMATIONAL Burnsville/Eagan Cable Commission Meeting The first Burnsvill/Eagan Cable Commission meeting was held last evening at the Eagan City Hall. Mayor Blomquist provided a warm welcome to the group for the Cities of Burnsville and Eagan in Mayor Paul Scheunemann's absence (who was ill and could not attend the meeting). Since the last City Council meeting, some concerns have arisen regarding the appointment of two (2) City Councilmembers to the commission from the City of Eagan, mainly due to the scheduling of meetings outside of the City. The City Administrator, City Attorney and our cable television legal counsel, Tom Creighton, discussed in great detail whether two City Councilmembers appointed to the commission and attending meetings on a regular basis could be viewed as a potential violation of the open meeting law by a cable television company in the future. After considerable thought and discussion with City Councilmember Egan, it was City Councilmember Egan's decision to withdraw as a member of the joint cable commission. This item will be taken up at the April 6, 1982 meeting. Mr. Rick Bertz, who is the first alternate did vote in City Councilmember Egan's place at the meeting last evening. Mr. Ron Voracek was present as the City's alternate. The first formal action of the commission was to appoint a chairman. Nomina- tions were received from the floor and both Paul Wood, who is the former chairperson of the Burnsville Cable Committee, and City Councilmember Jim Smith, who is the former chairperson of the Eagan Cable Committee, were nominated for the chair. The vote was four to four and due to the deadlock it was decided by the group that a coin would be flipped to determine the chairmanship. The coin was flipped, heads was called and the coin landed as tails favoring Paul Wood for the chairmanship. City Council - member Jim Smith is the vice chair and Barry Tilley was appointed secre- tary/treasurer. The bylaws were reviewed and continued due to some minor changes until the next regular meeting which is scheduled for April 22, 1982. It appears there is a consensus to hire Tom Creighton at the next meeting as legal counsel. There was some discussion regarding the selection process for a technical consultant and apparently there are mixed emotions from the Burnsville members as to whether Rich Anthony and the MARC group should be considered for that appointment. Due to the uncertainty, it appears the commission will go through a formal interview process for selec- tion of a technical consultant. Mayor Blomquist suggested that. each City Council agenda contain an agenda item that would provide for the Burnsville Eagan Cable Commission update and this will be practiced on each City Council agenda until the system is franchised. There are a number of rough edges to work out regarding the joint commission; . however, the first meeting is now behind both communities and hopefully a constructive work program can begin and the goal of cable franchising will be expedited as thoroughly and quickly as possible. Information Memo March 26, 1982 Page Two Special City Council Meeting for 3-30-82 Enclosed is a copy of agenda, memorandum and attachment regarding the selection of a consultant to prepare the park master plan for the City of Eagan. Hopefully, this background information and questions prepared in a work session by the City Administrator and Director of Parks & Recrea- tion will be helpful in your preparation for that meeting. The Advisory Parks & Recreation Committee will more than likely funnel most of their questions through their spokesperson, Mr. Dick Carroll. However, individual questions would certainly be acceptable. With the Mayor, four members of the City Council and one spokesperson, this totals six persons who could feasibly be asking questions. If anyone wishes to have a copy of the scope of services that was prepared and distributed to each consultant, please contact this office. Copies have been sent to the City Council on two previous occasions. Dakota County Multi -Family Housing Revenue Bonds At a recent City Council meeting, I explained the status of the HRA multi- family housing revenue bonds as proposed by the Dakota County HRA. At that time, it was suggested that an informational meeting be held for mayors and city councilmembers from all three cities (Apple Valley, Burnsville and Eagan) to learn more about the proposed HRA multi -family housing revenue bond issue. The idea of a meeting was acceptable; however, you desired additional information in summary form about the proposed program. That information was requested from this office and has now been received from Holmes and Graven and a copy is enclosed for your review. It appears that the week of April 12 through 16 will work the best for all three com- munities for a meeting and, more specifically, the nights of April 14 or 15 (a Wednesday or a Thursday evening). The City Administrator will confirm the meeting date with the City Council on Tuesday, March 30, so it is possible to designate a meeting as far in advance as possible. Architect's Prospectus for the New City Hall Expansion The City Administrator has completed the architect's prospectus and copies were mailed out to nine architectural firms this week. The City Administra- tor during the past one to three years has received inquiries from various architectural firms asking that they be given consideration if and when a building is considered for a public facility in the City of Eagan. These firms have been kept on record and were sent a copy of this prospectus as they had requested. If there are any questions or additional considera- tions that should be given, please contact me at any time and they will be included as an addendum or supplement to the architect's prospectus. There was some discussion at a recent special City Council meeting about the possibility of expanding the second story addition to a fire station shell which would allow for better planning of administrative offices as a part of the second story addition. By dividing the proposal into Information Memo March 26, 1982 Page Three Parts A & B, it will allow the City Council to evaluate administrative office needs in relationship to cost before making a final decision as to how large an expansion the City should consider at this time for the new City Hall expansion. Proposed Lexington Place Addition At the last City Council meeting, the CiCy staff was directed to investigate a number of concerns regarding potential construction of units that are smaller than normal sized residential size condominium units specifically as a part of the proposed Lexington Place Addition condominium project. Please review the attached memo prepared by the City Administrator and submitted to the City Planner to determine whether any additional questions should be addressed by the City staff as a part of the fact finding report to be prepared for the April 20, 1982 City Council meeting. The City Administrator will notify the City Council as to where units are located in the Twin Cities if you should desire to review them on your own. City Administrat r