09/15/1982 - City Council SpecialMEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 SUBJECT: SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING The referendum is over and what a relief to have all eleven pre- cincts soundly vote yes on the city hall expansion project! It was a long several months and everyone that participated in the referendum is totally excited today. I feel the results of the election indicate both community awareness and acceptance to a much needed project as well as a vote of confidence for the Mayor and Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee Members and management team that recommended the facility to the voters. Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum on some proposed increases to the defined benefit plan with a lump sum alternative as suggested by the City Council following the meeting with the general fire department on August 30, 1982. The City Administrator has worked out various calculations based on certain assumptions if the lump sum payment was increased for the defined benefit program to $30,000 or $36,000. Please refer to the attached memorandum as prepared by the City Administrator for a review of the functions and cost estimates as they relate to and would impact the City of Eagan. \1 ity A ministr or MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL TO CONSIDER INCREASE IN VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION PENSION FUND Since the City Administrator has not had an opportunity to prepare the cost estimate and effects on the unfunded liability regarding any increase in a lump sum payment under the defined benefit plan as suggested by the City Council, it seemed appropriate to Fire Chief Childers and the City Administrator that the City Council have an opportunity to review and discuss the proposals at the special City Council meeting on the September 16 without the pension committee present. As soon as the City Council has a recommenda- tion, it would seem appropriate to have an early evening meeting to discuss the proposal with members of the pension committee and possibly before a fire department meeting and prior to a regularly scheduled budget meeting during one of the next few weeks. Following a special City Council meeting that was held at Fire Station #1, it was suggested to the City Administrator by members of the City Council that numbers be calculated to determine what the accrued liability would be if there was an increase in the lump sum benefit from $24,000 to $30,000, and for comparitive pur- poses to illustrate a lump sum increase to $36,000. Obviously the accrued liability can be calculated for any amount between $24,000 and $36,000 by utilizing the formula that calculates the accrued liability. The formula is simply a division of the new value by $24,000 which equals an amount taken times $ 937,069 which is the accrued liability for the $24,000 figure and that will give the new accrued liability amount. The City Administrator will review that formula at the City Council meeting on Thursday if a value is to be calculated other than the $30,000 or $36,000 figure. Without the new actuarial report, there were a number of assumptions that had to be made by the City Administrator and Director of Finance with the assistance of Jerry Wobschall, a consulting accountant who has been working with a number of the debt service funds and assessments for the community during the past two years. First of all, for assumption purposes, we are using either twenty years of service or fifty years of age, whichever is the longer time period. The ages and years of service were researched for every volunteer fire fighter who is presently an active fire fighter. Accrued Pension Fund Memo September 15, 1982 Page Two liability was established as of September 1, 1982 for (1) $24,000 Lump sum, $937,069; (2) $30,000 lump sum, $1,171,336; and (3) $36,000 lump sum, $1,405,603. According to Marquette National Bank, the assets as of September 14, 1982 for the relief association special fund are $459,518. As of December 31, 1978, according to the last actuarial report, the unfunded accrued liability was $186,752. Since the City has made payments that have applied to the unfunded liability during the past four years, there has been. a portion of the unfunded liability retired. However, there are certain assumptions that must be considered regarding the ages of the fire fighters whereas the unfunded accrued liability will increase according to the actuarial studies; and, therefore, based on the accrued liability projection for September 1982, less assets, the accrued liability is $436,185 for a $24,000 lump sum. The amount for the accrued liability for $30,000 and $36,000 is $670,452 and $904,719, respectively. The amount required for budget purposes to handle normal costs and unfunded liability cannot be determined until the actuarial study is completed. In summary, to resove the lump sum amount for the pension increase, it would be appropriate to consider either a lump sum amount or a budgetary appropriation for the pension account. With a budgetary appropriation of $65,000 and the state aid insurance premium tax of approximately $46,000, the City Council has a total, of approxi- mately $111,000 to consider. Since the accrual is required before a final payment is possible, it is suggested that the City Council approve a budgetary appropriation for the pension plan. This allows City Council flexibility to determine the final amount of the lump sum benefit once the new actuarial report based on lump sum benefits only is prepared. ity ministr for MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 SUBJECT: SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING The referendum is over and what a relief to have all eleven pre- cincts soundly vote yes on the city hall expansion project! It was a long several months and everyone that participated in the referendum is totally excited today. I feel the results of the election indicate both community awareness and acceptance to a much needed project as well as a vote of confidence for the Mayor and Council, Citizens' Advisory Committee Members and management team that recommended the facility to the voters. Enclosed is a copy of a memorandum on some proposed increases to the defined benefit plan with a lump sum alternative as suggested by the City Council following the meeting with the general fire department on August 30, 1982. The City Administrator has worked out various calculations based on certain assumptions if the lump sum payment was increased for the defined benefit program to $30,000 or $36,000. Please refer to the attached memorandum as prepared by the City Administrator for a review of the functions and cost estimates as they relate to and would impact the City of Eagan. \1 ity A ministr or MEMO TO: HONORABLE MAYOR & CITY COUNCILMEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: SEPTEMBER 15, 1982 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL TO CONSIDER INCREASE IN VOLUNTEER FIRE FIGHTERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION PENSION FUND Since the City Administrator has not had an opportunity to prepare the cost estimate and effects on the unfunded liability regarding any increase in a lump sum payment under the defined benefit plan as suggested by the City Council, it seemed appropriate to Fire Chief Childers and the City Administrator that the City Council have an opportunity to review and discuss the proposals at the special City Council meeting on the September 16 without the pension committee present. As soon as the City Council has a recommenda- tion, it would seem appropriate to have an early evening meeting to discuss the proposal with members of the pension committee and possibly before a fire department meeting and prior to a regularly scheduled budget meeting during one of the next few weeks. Following a special City Council meeting that was held at Fire Station #1, it was suggested to the City Administrator by members of the City Council that numbers be calculated to determine what the accrued liability would be if there was an increase in the lump sum benefit from $24,000 to $30,000, and for comparitive pur- poses to illustrate a lump sum increase to $36,000. Obviously the accrued liability can be calculated for any amount between $24,000 and $36,000 by utilizing the formula that calculates the accrued liability. The formula is simply a division of the new value by $24,000 which equals an amount taken times $ 937,069 which is the accrued liability for the $24,000 figure and that will give the new accrued liability amount. The City Administrator will review that formula at the City Council meeting on Thursday if a value is to be calculated other than the $30,000 or $36,000 figure. Without the new actuarial report, there were a number of assumptions that had to be made by the City Administrator and Director of Finance with the assistance of Jerry Wobschall, a consulting accountant who has been working with a number of the debt service funds and assessments for the community during the past two years. First of all, for assumption purposes, we are using either twenty years of service or fifty years of age, whichever is the longer time period. The ages and years of service were researched for every volunteer fire fighter who is presently an active fire fighter. Accrued Pension Fund Memo September 15, 1982 Page Two liability was established as of September 1, 1982 for (1) $24,000 Lump sum, $937,069; (2) $30,000 lump sum, $1,171,336; and (3) $36,000 lump sum, $1,405,603. According to Marquette National Bank, the assets as of September 14, 1982 for the relief association special fund are $459,518. As of December 31, 1978, according to the last actuarial report, the unfunded accrued liability was $186,752. Since the City has made payments that have applied to the unfunded liability during the past four years, there has been. a portion of the unfunded liability retired. However, there are certain assumptions that must be considered regarding the ages of the fire fighters whereas the unfunded accrued liability will increase according to the actuarial studies; and, therefore, based on the accrued liability projection for September 1982, less assets, the accrued liability is $436,185 for a $24,000 lump sum. The amount for the accrued liability for $30,000 and $36,000 is $670,452 and $904,719, respectively. The amount required for budget purposes to handle normal costs and unfunded liability cannot be determined until the actuarial study is completed. In summary, to resove the lump sum amount for the pension increase, it would be appropriate to consider either a lump sum amount or a budgetary appropriation for the pension account. With a budgetary appropriation of $65,000 and the state aid insurance premium tax of approximately $46,000, the City Council has a total, of approxi- mately $111,000 to consider. Since the accrual is required before a final payment is possible, it is suggested that the City Council approve a budgetary appropriation for the pension plan. This allows City Council flexibility to determine the final amount of the lump sum benefit once the new actuarial report based on lump sum benefits only is prepared. ity ministr for