07/12/1983 - City Council Regular0 !. MINUTES OF A CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12, 1983 A continued meeting of the Eagan Advisory Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 12, 1983 at the Eagan City Hall, commencing at 7:00 p.m. It was noted the meeting was continued from June 28 to June 30, 1983, at which time a quorum was not present. The meeting was then continued to July 12, 1983. Those present were Members Turnham, Wold, Wilkins, McCrea,.Bohne and Krob. Absent were Hall and Mulrooney. Also present were City Planner Runkle, Assistant City Engineer Hefti, and City Attorney Keller. Vice Chairman Wold called the meeting or order. U.S. HOMES - LEXINGTON PLACE - PRELIMINARY PLAT The continued public hearing regarding the application of U.S. Homes Corporation for preliminary plat revision of Lexington Place consisting of 84.6 acres of multiple development containing 240 dwelling units located in part of the West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of Section 14, lying East of Lexington Avenue, was first brought before the Commission. Presentation was made by City Planner Dale Runkle who pointed out, in addition to many other factors, that net density had been reduced from approximately 9.16 units per acre to 8.19 units per acre in relation to the prior preliminary plat on the same property. The plat provided for 2.24 parking spaces per unit. The:problem with the southern -most unit had been resolved. There were no efficiency apartments or units involved as had been objected to during the prior preliminary plat. The developer further discussed its request to allow a 10 foot setback for parking from street right-of-way as opposed to 20 feet. Mr. David Sellergren, attorney for the developer, accompanied by two represents- tives of U.S. Homes, an architect, and Mr. Charles Winden, Surveyor, provided a formal presentation illustrating the style of homes, the prospects for a central recreational area, types of plantings intended in the landscaping, use of smaller units to face Lexington Ave., and the effectiveness of using a 10 foot setback from right-of-way to the parking area, in light of a 23 foot setback from curb line, planned landscaping and the need for amenities in other areas. Concern was expressed with regard to the use of the 10 foot setback, in spite of a policy of a 20 foot setback in residential areas. There was also concern expressed regarding the provision for an adequate amenity and for berming along Lexington Avenue. After considerable discus- sion, Krob moved, Bohne seconded the motion to approve the preliminary plat revision for Lexington Place consisting of 84.6 acres of multiple development, containing 240 dwelling units located in part of the West 1/2 of the W,1/2 of Section 14, subject to the following conditions: 1. Cross easements and parking easements shall be provided on the lots which are served by common access with more than one dwelling unit. 1 0 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 2. The outside parking spaces shall be 10 x 20 feet and parking areas shall be surfaced with concrete curbing around the perimeter of the parking area. 3• The homeowners association restrictions, articles and by-laws shall be submitted and reviewed by the staff prior to the final plat of the first stage. 4. The applicant shall submit a typical landscape plan for a unit. This landscape plan shall be adhered to and an adequate landscape bond shall be required and not released until one year after the landscaping has been completed. 5. Preliminary plat shall be reviewed by the Eagan Park Commission and subject to their recommendations. They shall also review the amenities the developer is proposing to install for the development. 6. Preliminary plat shall be subject to Dakota County Plat Commis- sion's review and comment, because the development abuts Lexington Avenue. 7. The green area between the parking area and rights-of-way shall be decreased to 10 feet as proposed, allowing for a deviation from standard city policy based on the need for a maximum amount of amenity in the central area of the plat. _ 8. All other City ordinances shall be adhered to. 9. Service for sanitary sewer shall be allowed through Tomark Addition for this proposed development, under the condition that the internal sanitary sewer system shall provide flexibility in allowing approximately 60% of this development to be redirected in the future through the Windcrest trunk system to the south. 10. A storm sewer system connecting the proposed northerly pond (DP -18) with the pond in the northwest corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Lexington Avenue (DP -5) shall be constructed as part of Phase I improvements by the City. 11. A positive gravity storm sewer outlet to service the property south of Duckwood Drive shall be constructed to Hurley Lake in addition to develop- ing the internal ponding area referenced as JP -45. 12. The construction of a 44 foot, 9 ton collector street for the extension of Duckwood Drive to the east plat line shall be the responsibility of this developer. 13• A 60 foot half right-of-way shall be dedicated for Lexington Avenue. An 80 foot right-of-way shall be dedicated for Duckwood Drive. 2 E Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 14. All related trunk area assessments and lateral benefits from exist- ing trunk utilities shall be levied in accordance with the Lexington Place Development Contract, to which these conditions are attached at the time of finalplatapproval, if not listed as a pending assessment under an approved project of the City of Eagan. 15. Drainage/Ponding easements approved by the City shall be dedicated of sufficient size to incorporate the required storage capacities as follows: (DP -18 - 11.2 acre feet for controlled elevation of 876.0) (JP -45 - 7.8 acre feet with a controlled elevation of 890.3) 16. This development shall provide for a future storm sewer outlet from Pond JP -45 within the Carriage Hills Golf Course. 17. Ten foot drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all public rights-of-way and adjacent to private property lines. All voted in favor.. SON CLIFF ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT The continued public hearing regarding the application of Advance Developers, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of Sun Cliff Addition, consisting of approximately 89.1 acres containing 277 dwelling units of which 191 were proposed for small single family lots and 43 duplex lots (86 dwelling units) located in part of the NW 1/4 and part of the NE 1/4 of Section 29, lying South of Diffley Road and between Beaver Dam Road and Blackhawk Road, was next brought before the Commission. City Planner, Dale Runkle, provided a presentation to the Commission providing a history of Eagan Hills West Planned Development consisting of 386 acres and controlled by the 1979 Planned Development Agreement which provided that the land in question would revert to R-4 zoning should the Planned Development be discontinued. He also described the remaining land to be developed and the 12 -plus acre park located to the south of the.proposed plat. While the Planned Development Agreement provides for density of 9 - 12 units per acre, the proposed plat provides approximately 5 units per acre. Minimum lot size within the proposed development is 60 x 125 feet or 7,500 square feet with a 9,200 square foot average lot size. It was pointed out that the addition adjacent and directly Nest of the proposed plat, Meadowlands Addition, residents from which were well represented at the meeting, contained minimum lot sizes of 75 x 120 feet or 9,375 square feet. It was indicated that staff had agreed to 60 foot rights-of-way for streets providing ingress and egress from the development with 50 foot rights-of-way for strictly interior streets. The Park Commission had accepted the proposal for dedication of the entire park area at the time of final plat of this plat, even though it exceeds the dedication necessary for the particular plat which "? can be applied to the dedication requirements for property yet to be platted within the planned development. 3 0 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 Mr. David Sell"ergren was present to represent Advance Developers, Inc. which was indicated to be the new name for Cliff Road Properties. Also present were Patrick Hoffman and Mr. Schneider. Mr. Sellergren indicated that the Planned Development Agreement allows for much more dense develoment. He also indicated the future plans for development of the areas south and north of this plat. A request was also made for a reduction in the side yard setback to 20 feet on corner lots adjacent to interior streets. It was indicated that it was intended by the developer to provide architectural controls to give the plat uniformity, but avoid an aesthetically displeasing. boredom in design. It was indicated that the reduction in density was the greatest reduction the developer could allow financially. A great deal of public concern was expressed by residents of Meadowlands Addition, relative to the proposal of 60 foot lots directly across from Meadowland Addition lots, with minimums of 75 feet. In addition, objections were expressed relative to the duplex units located at the north end of the project adjacent to Beaver Dam Road. It was indicated that the units would have values of $70,000.00 to $100,000.00 with lot values of $15,000.00 to $18,000.00. After a great deal of discussion relative to the lot widths on Beaver Dam Road and elimination of duplex lots on Beaver Dam Road, it was determined that the developer should present its proposal to the City Council with some provision in regard to the objections and concerns expressed by the Commission on the motion for recommendation for approval or denial. Krob moved, McCrea seconded the motion to recommend denial of the application, based upon the objections and 'concerns including those mentioned above and the following: 1. The 60 foot lot widths along Beaver Dam Road are objectionable in terms of continuity with the adjacent development. 2. Duplexes located on Beaver Dam Road are not a proper buffer between single family and more dense development and have an adverse impact on adjacent single family lots presently in existence. 3. Provision should be made through formation of a. homeowners associa- tion to assure proper maintenance of duplexes within the development. 4. Future purchasers should be advised of the concepts for the develop- ment of the remainder of the planned development. 5. Concern was expressed in regard to changing the underlying zoning from R-4 to R-2 to be more in compliance with the intended development. All voted in favor except Bohne who voted no. 4 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 E VALLEY RIDGE TONNHOME3 - PRELIMINARY PLAT Chairman Wold next convened the continued hearing on the application for preliminary plat approval of Valley Ridge Townhomes to allow an existing townhouse development to be sold for owner-occupancy,consisting of approximately 10.7 acres and containing 100 dwelling units located on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Robert Karatz Addition and a portion of Donald Avenue in part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, lying North of LeTendre Street. City Planner Runkle made a very short report followed by a report by the surveyor for Jerry Hartman and Tom Hardy, the owners. The only problem appeared to be a possible 16 foot overlap along the westerly line of the property resulting in a boundary dispute with neighboring land owners who were present at the meeting. It appeared that the overlap problem affected only the common area lot and was a private matter to be addressed by the parties and possibly the County Surveyor. McCrea moved, Wold seconded the motion to approve the preliminary plat of Valley Ridge Townhomes to allow an existing townhouse development to be sold for owner/occupancy consisting of 100 dwelling units located in the Robert Karatz Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. City Attorney shall approve the Declaration of Covenants, Condi- tions, Restrictions and Homeowner Association's Articles. 2. All easements shall be dedicated to the City as requested by City staff. 3. The developer shall comply with all applicable ordinances. 4. Purchasers of townhome units shall be advised of the boundary dis- pute prior to such purchase. All voted in favor. COUNCIL MEETING It was noted that the three hearings during this meeting would come before the City Council on Tuesday, July 19, 1983. E Special APC Minutes J July 12, 1983 OTHER BUSINESS City Planner Runkle introduced the Planning Intern Sandra Justin to the Commission. City Planner Runkle advised the Commission of an applicatio for a pro- posed Class A horse racing facility to be brought before the Commission at the next meeting. Staff was directed to investigate additional wording for insuring con- tinuity of the development of Planned Developments, including architectural controls and themes. At 11:00 p.m. Wilkins moved, Krob seconded the motion to adjourn the } meeting. All voted yes. A ;! ��, Secretary U DCK 0 !. MINUTES OF A CONTINUED MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PLANNING COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12, 1983 A continued meeting of the Eagan Advisory Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 12, 1983 at the Eagan City Hall, commencing at 7:00 p.m. It was noted the meeting was continued from June 28 to June 30, 1983, at which time a quorum was not present. The meeting was then continued to July 12, 1983. Those present were Members Turnham, Wold, Wilkins, McCrea,.Bohne and Krob. Absent were Hall and Mulrooney. Also present were City Planner Runkle, Assistant City Engineer Hefti, and City Attorney Keller. Vice Chairman Wold called the meeting or order. U.S. HOMES - LEXINGTON PLACE - PRELIMINARY PLAT The continued public hearing regarding the application of U.S. Homes Corporation for preliminary plat revision of Lexington Place consisting of 84.6 acres of multiple development containing 240 dwelling units located in part of the West 1/2 of the West 1/2 of Section 14, lying East of Lexington Avenue, was first brought before the Commission. Presentation was made by City Planner Dale Runkle who pointed out, in addition to many other factors, that net density had been reduced from approximately 9.16 units per acre to 8.19 units per acre in relation to the prior preliminary plat on the same property. The plat provided for 2.24 parking spaces per unit. The:problem with the southern -most unit had been resolved. There were no efficiency apartments or units involved as had been objected to during the prior preliminary plat. The developer further discussed its request to allow a 10 foot setback for parking from street right-of-way as opposed to 20 feet. Mr. David Sellergren, attorney for the developer, accompanied by two represents- tives of U.S. Homes, an architect, and Mr. Charles Winden, Surveyor, provided a formal presentation illustrating the style of homes, the prospects for a central recreational area, types of plantings intended in the landscaping, use of smaller units to face Lexington Ave., and the effectiveness of using a 10 foot setback from right-of-way to the parking area, in light of a 23 foot setback from curb line, planned landscaping and the need for amenities in other areas. Concern was expressed with regard to the use of the 10 foot setback, in spite of a policy of a 20 foot setback in residential areas. There was also concern expressed regarding the provision for an adequate amenity and for berming along Lexington Avenue. After considerable discus- sion, Krob moved, Bohne seconded the motion to approve the preliminary plat revision for Lexington Place consisting of 84.6 acres of multiple development, containing 240 dwelling units located in part of the West 1/2 of the W,1/2 of Section 14, subject to the following conditions: 1. Cross easements and parking easements shall be provided on the lots which are served by common access with more than one dwelling unit. 1 0 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 2. The outside parking spaces shall be 10 x 20 feet and parking areas shall be surfaced with concrete curbing around the perimeter of the parking area. 3• The homeowners association restrictions, articles and by-laws shall be submitted and reviewed by the staff prior to the final plat of the first stage. 4. The applicant shall submit a typical landscape plan for a unit. This landscape plan shall be adhered to and an adequate landscape bond shall be required and not released until one year after the landscaping has been completed. 5. Preliminary plat shall be reviewed by the Eagan Park Commission and subject to their recommendations. They shall also review the amenities the developer is proposing to install for the development. 6. Preliminary plat shall be subject to Dakota County Plat Commis- sion's review and comment, because the development abuts Lexington Avenue. 7. The green area between the parking area and rights-of-way shall be decreased to 10 feet as proposed, allowing for a deviation from standard city policy based on the need for a maximum amount of amenity in the central area of the plat. _ 8. All other City ordinances shall be adhered to. 9. Service for sanitary sewer shall be allowed through Tomark Addition for this proposed development, under the condition that the internal sanitary sewer system shall provide flexibility in allowing approximately 60% of this development to be redirected in the future through the Windcrest trunk system to the south. 10. A storm sewer system connecting the proposed northerly pond (DP -18) with the pond in the northwest corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Lexington Avenue (DP -5) shall be constructed as part of Phase I improvements by the City. 11. A positive gravity storm sewer outlet to service the property south of Duckwood Drive shall be constructed to Hurley Lake in addition to develop- ing the internal ponding area referenced as JP -45. 12. The construction of a 44 foot, 9 ton collector street for the extension of Duckwood Drive to the east plat line shall be the responsibility of this developer. 13• A 60 foot half right-of-way shall be dedicated for Lexington Avenue. An 80 foot right-of-way shall be dedicated for Duckwood Drive. 2 E Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 14. All related trunk area assessments and lateral benefits from exist- ing trunk utilities shall be levied in accordance with the Lexington Place Development Contract, to which these conditions are attached at the time of finalplatapproval, if not listed as a pending assessment under an approved project of the City of Eagan. 15. Drainage/Ponding easements approved by the City shall be dedicated of sufficient size to incorporate the required storage capacities as follows: (DP -18 - 11.2 acre feet for controlled elevation of 876.0) (JP -45 - 7.8 acre feet with a controlled elevation of 890.3) 16. This development shall provide for a future storm sewer outlet from Pond JP -45 within the Carriage Hills Golf Course. 17. Ten foot drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated adjacent to all public rights-of-way and adjacent to private property lines. All voted in favor.. SON CLIFF ADDITION - PRELIMINARY PLAT The continued public hearing regarding the application of Advance Developers, Inc. for preliminary plat approval of Sun Cliff Addition, consisting of approximately 89.1 acres containing 277 dwelling units of which 191 were proposed for small single family lots and 43 duplex lots (86 dwelling units) located in part of the NW 1/4 and part of the NE 1/4 of Section 29, lying South of Diffley Road and between Beaver Dam Road and Blackhawk Road, was next brought before the Commission. City Planner, Dale Runkle, provided a presentation to the Commission providing a history of Eagan Hills West Planned Development consisting of 386 acres and controlled by the 1979 Planned Development Agreement which provided that the land in question would revert to R-4 zoning should the Planned Development be discontinued. He also described the remaining land to be developed and the 12 -plus acre park located to the south of the.proposed plat. While the Planned Development Agreement provides for density of 9 - 12 units per acre, the proposed plat provides approximately 5 units per acre. Minimum lot size within the proposed development is 60 x 125 feet or 7,500 square feet with a 9,200 square foot average lot size. It was pointed out that the addition adjacent and directly Nest of the proposed plat, Meadowlands Addition, residents from which were well represented at the meeting, contained minimum lot sizes of 75 x 120 feet or 9,375 square feet. It was indicated that staff had agreed to 60 foot rights-of-way for streets providing ingress and egress from the development with 50 foot rights-of-way for strictly interior streets. The Park Commission had accepted the proposal for dedication of the entire park area at the time of final plat of this plat, even though it exceeds the dedication necessary for the particular plat which "? can be applied to the dedication requirements for property yet to be platted within the planned development. 3 0 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 Mr. David Sell"ergren was present to represent Advance Developers, Inc. which was indicated to be the new name for Cliff Road Properties. Also present were Patrick Hoffman and Mr. Schneider. Mr. Sellergren indicated that the Planned Development Agreement allows for much more dense develoment. He also indicated the future plans for development of the areas south and north of this plat. A request was also made for a reduction in the side yard setback to 20 feet on corner lots adjacent to interior streets. It was indicated that it was intended by the developer to provide architectural controls to give the plat uniformity, but avoid an aesthetically displeasing. boredom in design. It was indicated that the reduction in density was the greatest reduction the developer could allow financially. A great deal of public concern was expressed by residents of Meadowlands Addition, relative to the proposal of 60 foot lots directly across from Meadowland Addition lots, with minimums of 75 feet. In addition, objections were expressed relative to the duplex units located at the north end of the project adjacent to Beaver Dam Road. It was indicated that the units would have values of $70,000.00 to $100,000.00 with lot values of $15,000.00 to $18,000.00. After a great deal of discussion relative to the lot widths on Beaver Dam Road and elimination of duplex lots on Beaver Dam Road, it was determined that the developer should present its proposal to the City Council with some provision in regard to the objections and concerns expressed by the Commission on the motion for recommendation for approval or denial. Krob moved, McCrea seconded the motion to recommend denial of the application, based upon the objections and 'concerns including those mentioned above and the following: 1. The 60 foot lot widths along Beaver Dam Road are objectionable in terms of continuity with the adjacent development. 2. Duplexes located on Beaver Dam Road are not a proper buffer between single family and more dense development and have an adverse impact on adjacent single family lots presently in existence. 3. Provision should be made through formation of a. homeowners associa- tion to assure proper maintenance of duplexes within the development. 4. Future purchasers should be advised of the concepts for the develop- ment of the remainder of the planned development. 5. Concern was expressed in regard to changing the underlying zoning from R-4 to R-2 to be more in compliance with the intended development. All voted in favor except Bohne who voted no. 4 0 Special APC Minutes July 12, 1983 E VALLEY RIDGE TONNHOME3 - PRELIMINARY PLAT Chairman Wold next convened the continued hearing on the application for preliminary plat approval of Valley Ridge Townhomes to allow an existing townhouse development to be sold for owner-occupancy,consisting of approximately 10.7 acres and containing 100 dwelling units located on Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 2, Robert Karatz Addition and a portion of Donald Avenue in part of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 9, lying North of LeTendre Street. City Planner Runkle made a very short report followed by a report by the surveyor for Jerry Hartman and Tom Hardy, the owners. The only problem appeared to be a possible 16 foot overlap along the westerly line of the property resulting in a boundary dispute with neighboring land owners who were present at the meeting. It appeared that the overlap problem affected only the common area lot and was a private matter to be addressed by the parties and possibly the County Surveyor. McCrea moved, Wold seconded the motion to approve the preliminary plat of Valley Ridge Townhomes to allow an existing townhouse development to be sold for owner/occupancy consisting of 100 dwelling units located in the Robert Karatz Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. City Attorney shall approve the Declaration of Covenants, Condi- tions, Restrictions and Homeowner Association's Articles. 2. All easements shall be dedicated to the City as requested by City staff. 3. The developer shall comply with all applicable ordinances. 4. Purchasers of townhome units shall be advised of the boundary dis- pute prior to such purchase. All voted in favor. COUNCIL MEETING It was noted that the three hearings during this meeting would come before the City Council on Tuesday, July 19, 1983. E Special APC Minutes J July 12, 1983 OTHER BUSINESS City Planner Runkle introduced the Planning Intern Sandra Justin to the Commission. City Planner Runkle advised the Commission of an applicatio for a pro- posed Class A horse racing facility to be brought before the Commission at the next meeting. Staff was directed to investigate additional wording for insuring con- tinuity of the development of Planned Developments, including architectural controls and themes. At 11:00 p.m. Wilkins moved, Krob seconded the motion to adjourn the } meeting. All voted yes. A ;! ��, Secretary U DCK