06/21/2017 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionCity of Eapn �'ra• r MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Wednesday, June 21, 2017 MINUTES OF MEETING OF June 21, 2017 Approved July 17, 2017 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (APrC) was called to order at 6:31 p.m. on Wednesday, June 21, 2017. Commission Members present included Member Michael Palmer, Member Dorothy Peterson, Member Linda Klein, Member Aileen Hough, and Member Nathan Neuman. Staff members present included Director of Parks and Recreation Andrew Pimental, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation Jared Flewellen and Recreation Supervisor Julie Andersen. Not present was Member Molly Schuetzle, Member Jerry Farlee and Member Anne Weber -Smith. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Palmer asked Director Pimental if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Pimental stated that the May 22 meeting minutes will be presented at the July meeting. Member Peterson moved, Member Klein seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard on items that were not on the agenda. OLD BUSINESS There were no old business items to be discussed at this time. NEW BUSINESS Public Art Director Pimental presented a background on the Public Art projects explaining the budget and funding mechanisms for each project. Supervisor Andersen then explained each of the three projects; parking garage, park benches and anniversary doors as well as how each committee came to the decision for their recommendations. Member Kline moved, Member Peterson seconded to approve the recommendation by the review panel and staff to select "Reflected by our Flight" by Greta McLain, with all present members voting in favor to approve recommendation. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Member Peterson moved, Member Kline seconded to approve the recommendation by the review panel and staff to select the following benches, with all present members voting in favor to approve recommendation. Aye: 5 Nay: 0: Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission June 21, 2017 Page 2 • O'Leary Park — Greg Ingraham • Walnut Hill Park— Korrin Lohman • Highline Trail —Dean Holzman • Bridgeview Park— Greg Mueller Member Klein moved, Member Peterson seconded to approve the recommendation by the review panel and staff to select the following doors, with all present members voting in favor to approve recommendation. Aye: 5 Nay: 0: • Kelly Frankenberg— People, animals, things around Eagan • Mike Grenier— Bold color blocks • Bette Undis — Holz Farm, Art House, nature, animals. • Juliet Parisi — tree/nature painting in blues and greens STAFF REPORTS/PRESENTATIONS Director Pimental recapped the success of the Big Rig Rally held on Thursday, June 8 at the new Fire Station #1 and the Central Maintenance Facility. The event drew over 2500 people and had many family friendly activities Supervisor Andersen promoted the upcoming Eagan Art Festival which will be held on June 24 & 25 at the Eagan Community Center. ROUND TABLE Member Kline shared her experience leading "U Camp" and thought it was a great time for her and the attendee. Member Neuman expressed his gratitude the hard work put in by staff on the public art projects. Member Palmer echoed Member Neuman's comments and is looking forward to future art projects. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, Member Neuman moved, Member Hough seconded with all members present voting to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:27 p.m. 44 4 Secretary Date