02/26/2018 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionI \ i EAGAN ESTABLISHED 1860 WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Monday, February 26, 2018 WORKSHOP MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 26, 2018 A workshop meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (APrC) began at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, February 26, 2018. Commission Members present included Member Michael Palmer, Member Dorothy Peterson, Member Anne Weber -Smith, Member Jerry Farlee, Member Molly Schuetzle, Member Aileen Hough, Member Nathan Neuman, and Member Linda Klein. Staff members present Parks and Recreation Director Andrew Pimental, Parks Superintendent Paul Graham and Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Jared Flewellen. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Palmer asked Director Pimental if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Pimental stated there would be an addition of Walden Heights development at letter E. under staff reports. Member Klein moved, Member Hough seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda as presented with changes. Aye: 7 Nay: 0 STAFF REPORTS CIP Project Update Superintendent Graham thoroughly explained the memo provided by Wenck to investigate the existing trails at Patrick Eagan Park, Bridle Ridge Park, and Wandering Walk Park. The reports discussed the existing condition of the trails including erosion. Graham also summarized the recommendations provided by Wenck's memo. Public Art Director Andrew Pimental updated the commission about the 2018 Public Art projects and the phases of the project. Director Pimental discussed that the comment period for benches will be open for thirty days and available on the city website. Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission February 26, 2018 Page 2 EAB Director Andrew Pimental updated the commission about the City Council Workshop discussion regarding the progress of EAB in the city of Eagan. Director Pimental informed the commission that the same presentation will be brought forward to APrC at the March regular meeting. Department Highlights Director Pimental presented Department Highlights from recent activities in the Eagan Parks and Recreation Department. Walden Heights Assistant Director Flewellen presented on the addition of a cellular tower being located in Walden Heights Park. Flewellen discussed the tower will be 114' high with an additional 9' lighting rod attached. The tower will also have access of off Cliff Road. The tower will not impact recreational activities at Walden Heights Park. Flewellen informed the commission that the tower will generate a monthly payment of approximately $1916. Commissioners had no questions or concerns regarding the placement of the tower. ROUNDTABLE Member Hough commented on the attendance of the Indoor Market Fest. Member Schuetzle commented on the acceptable activities on trails in parks during the winter season. ADJOURNMENT With no further business to discuss, Member Schuetzle moved, Member Farlee seconded with all members present voting to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m. Secretary Approved 3-19-18 Date