03/28/2018 - Advisory Parks & Recreation CommissionEAGAN ESTABLISHED 1060 SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Wednesday, March 28, 2018 MEETING MINUTES OF March 28, 2018 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission (APrC) began at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 28, 2018. Commission Members present included Member Michael Palmer, Member Jerry Farlee, Member and Member Molly Schuetzle, Members Nathan Neuman and Anne Webber -Smith had given notice and were not present. Member Linda Klein and Member Dorothy Peterson arrived shortly after the meeting started. Member Aileen Hough was absent and did not provide notice. Staff members present Parks and Recreation Director Andrew Pimental and Recreation Supervisor Julie Andersen. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Member Palmer asked Director Pimental if there were any changes to the agenda. Director Pimental stated there were no changes. Member Farlee moved, Member Schuetzle seconded, with all members present voting to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 NEW BUSINESS Discussion of finalists for the selection of four public art benches to be installed in 2018 Director Pimental introduced Julie Andersen, Recreation Supervisor located at the Art House and City staff who oversees all public art installations for the City. Julie presented the four different locations, and two different artists and their submissions to be considered. Member Peterson inquired about the public comments received on the benches and if there was any awkward comments received about the Sprout bench, proposed for the Blackhawk Park location. No negative public comments were received through the website or at the ECC on this bench. If selected, staff reported that feedback from this group would be given to the artists as they implement their plans and install the benches over the next four months. Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission March 28, 2018 Page 2 Member Schuetzle asked if there could be a modification to the different location of certain benches. Significant discussion ensued on what the best fits were for each bench, including a modification to the plan for Thresher Fields, knowing the history of those fields as farmland, with the Thresher equipment plowing the fields and the crows coming through and eating the seeds after the harvest. The modification of placing the "Curious George" bench at Thresher was discussed. Several members inquired about whether the group of recommendations and final placements would be voted on as a group or individually. It was decided to make a motion, and decide each recommendation and site individually. The following motions then took place in this order: Member Schuetzle moved to recommend to City Council the "Allium" bench by NM Kelby & SA Milligan for the Holz Farm Park location. Member Klein seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Member Klein moved to recommend to City Council the "Aerodynamic" bench by Craig Snyder for the Eagan Community Center location. Member Farlee seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Member Peterson moved to recommend to City Council the "Curious George" bench by Judd Nelson for the Thresher Fields location. Member Klein seconded. Motion passed unanimously. Member Schuetzle moved to recommend to City Council the "Sprout" bench by Ben Janssens for the Blackhawk Park location. Member Farlee seconded. Motion passed 4-1 with Member Peterson being the Ione Nay vote. A final write up of the APrC's recommendation would be going to City Council for approval at their April 3, 2018 meeting for consideration. STAFF REPORTS Director Pimental spoke briefly to the Commission regarding the second phase of the Central Maintenance Facility project and timeline associated with that construction. Staff will be office out of the wood shop during the next four months while interior work on the main building is completed. ADJOURNMENT Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission March 28, 2018 Page 3 With no further business to discuss, Member Farlee moved, and Schuetzle seconded, with all members present voting to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. Secretary Approved 4-16-18 Date