1809 Cinnabar Ct - Zoning Permits & Plans i i ���� �� For Office Use E AG A N PennftS /^ Date Received: 3830 PILOT KNOB ROAD I EAGAN,MN 55122-1810 (651)675-5685 I TDD:(651)454-8535 I FAX:(651)675-5694 Stat. planning rco citvofeagan.com 2018 ZONING PERMIT APPLICATION p Please Identify improvements on a scaled site plan drawing that shows lot lines,structures and existing conditions. 1809 Cinnabar Court r.� 3r pj Site Address: 1 Infof>Il'1atlon i Erin Cody k s„ Owner Name. Name: Erin Cody Phone: 651-662-7736 Address: 1809 Cinnabar et C;�y/state/rp: Eagan, MN 55122 Contact 12/05/2018 d Applicant Signature: Enc Date: Erin.Cod HelloFurther.com Email address: y� Vi51ii D Retaining Wall<4 feet 0 DrivewayIN R `�OfY4 O Patio D Sport Court * ,r D Sidewalk 0 Fence yx� •, Description of work Shed being built in the backyard 'Pilanniing ; ' Setbaccs.liar t c e rage,shoreland zoning, one/seq icks,etc: i ;s , yb :. � .. .,�. �...,?n ., .-.1...k.. »:� � ., ..?.. .� :'+-.r... ..e M.. "fYS.... ..t,.i .. �Y..:j ♦ ,. :"\Z Y tiZS`h,.�1 11r.... Approved Denied Date: 1-7-2019 Staff: Erik Slettedahl Shed revised to meet height requirements of 8'max wall height. Applicant responsible for verifying shed meets 5'setback from property line. Shed must be 120 sq ft or less to comply with zoning standards. Revised Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Property fines Siff. '"fy Rverified��. o be verified -ti ^" improvements in 'Right- W Approved/Denied Date: Staff: ::Plans Approved: Yes/No Date: Staff, CALL BEFORE YOU DIG. Call Gopher State One Call at(651)454-0002 for protection against underground utility damage. Call 48 hours before you intend to dig to receive locates of underground utilities. www.aooherstateonecall.orq You may subscribe to receive an electronic notification from the City of proposed ordinances by signing up for an email update on the City's webelte at www.citvofeaaan.comisubscrlbe. 1 C3 t.t)i ti 7..... _.__ C)Cffilir"."7:'= Sart Way a 4.1.5 4 E019 6 30 61.1 --0-0 Cvs on e semeecenue I SO0854 141 0,1.5146, 4,,,smze cer,1.81604015 FURTHER 5.,,,,,a,anuar,2019300 PIA wpwe RE 0.vo,,4666 g 1-41 0 ( \-- I 15—155— / / . 110 1809 Cinnabar Ct ( l 1 ----7" -• z ‘ . Cinnabar Ct C ..1. (0) Bixby Vision Scroll capture Draw Crop Share • r— U � � iS t a i y �* rtTIA1 IQs', `1 l' �t " ��• R '8 z �'ti a' da :. 2 ,y,., i' (1 I �' _ } : ,int F . �fr <'� . j "4194� !`r.{ a�� �. A. .,,,, ... .,..,t A..,... .,, ii,• ...,,,, ,f,i.,•,.,:6 .<t- �v ..,,,,.. ,... ‘,. .••. Oji 4; ;. ,� R e.,� \ `y U ��,t` 4 �) �''',y ": ''•'` b'1, y • `#19,,r t'>.1d r �.f' � s zAf 4^¢'Wd't. ,,;4,,-,4 i$' {rlt ,i .:.'{ ''� 'ro.% '.'•'1,4:4,,:;';',,,,,e,11,,,!_.:;01,,,. yf � i e`�� t � ‘..?..7, A�i i l Y P`,-.,./.-.4N,,,..,, .,, * r • � � ; D ,,,),:„.,,i : ... _ ..:Alk‘a 4%, .'' 'flo,,,t,\'1,'.4. 'f,-', .g2/-!T.': f.-1 e ' > a i ,/ ii*° • i- t #!; Yat'. ;„z,z)1 L7..!. i.as # � ° +f- ,, � ` ¢ -',. ;i'��. ,t 4� �,r t'+�.� ��' it ` r� 4�.1 * 'f..�; tt'�+1 •R4�� • A .. +� ' �; ,,: :. ,i7,'"‘,,,,,...... �`1 f: r` ros;i ir! z s r 'u4 a 1 , ••,a /< t ` f �� i,,�' p ',� �Esrq i s p ` y �.: E , : �j1r 1 ij� v. c 4,10 " I` Y'. wA ♦ LZ'. L Fr ',rA � p u ".s a, . u M3 d hs,,F 1u 1c3toI`/ ,-.:, ..-- .-d V. 4#11111 ' i t v. . ', v' .,.. ‘.''. ', ,,c. # ti,.• T, , , palaa t. lik�u�(�� 4444�+ ni j,. 4‘. I r1� it o , 7y �1,,., • .+. 1 4�T } { i - C - ., t 4< i�• 1 ic: I'2' f ; t 4 . :�r i,.0.4k1-0,-j SII_.r _./S.- • Y - '.�j�'#„ .c •,,-- ` �' '�_ - 40. d.- . f - -1.- KN,.^` .5- -�, .► 'f E " #. ' _ .a" '' -+ 'ltir V Yr v r 2s•. 4, - 'r- 'ice_ j' a 41,-.1,,, :m '.` '` a w 1 _ A.. O.'J. 4 b .0J 11 0 3 LC /ti t. ''.' 4',y , ,, :,-,..,,,, ,,,.% ,,,,,.. .‘',, /e.- ......- ' 4 : - t, . *--. ,r1 . , /..0,,- .. 0,,,z-:„...1-.!'-iiii7. q' It' 'Vie 7,* .if 2... '''' 1 i.'.•. °. . . ‘44 .„ 1,, ,...., ,,,„, ..,,,. . - ,,,„, ,......1/4., ,,,,, . , . OS.- 1•.lik:la, 44 .+ Nit lt 744•I '140 t --...-4;"%fl. le;:. Se' ' I et • ,, -.,,,,, ,...ii, tir i... .;:,L , ,L ��- N. � 3 � ' + • f.: ,,, ,i .9� :� _ _ a?+ R V+ _ _ + -sem/- - �g.+ a ".max- y.+4c.„,..,.- '� k i. +tr Ape..s a 41e �+• r S r• `. . , fi,j te `_�.»�'� :� • V \• �1 :,r ,rlife .0_40 ., .4 ..._ , ,;. ), ,...J.._,....4,„, rte' at ��Em