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02/05/2019 - City Council Regular
AGENDA EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING FEBRUARY 5, 2019 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ADOPT AGENDA III. RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS IV. CONSENT AGENDA (Consent items are acted on with one motion unless a request is made for an item to be pulled for discussion) A. APPROVE MINUTES B. PERSONNEL ITEMS C. APPROVE Check Registers D. APPROVE Contracts E. APPROVE Updating Recreation Scholarship Program to a Fee Options Program F. APPROVE Change Order #7 for Project 18-06, Police Department and City Hall Renovation G. SCHEDULE public hearing date for March 5, 2019 to certify delinquent nuisance abatement bills H. SCHEDULE public hearing date for March 5, 2019 to certify delinquent utility bills I. APPROVE Final Payment, Contract 17-09, Vikings Parkway Landscaping J. APPROVE Final Payment, Contract 18-09, 2018 Water Quality Improvements K. APPROVE Plans & Specifications, Contract 19-07, 2019 Water Quality & Storm Sewer Improvements, and Authorize Advertisement for a Bid Opening L. AUTHORIZE Submittal of Application for Dakota County Aquatic Invasive Species Grant - Southeast Eagan Aquatic Invasive Species Control Project M. AWARD Contract 19-10, 2019 Municipal Well Rehabilitations N. APPROVE Telecommunications Lease Agreement with Verizon at Diffley Reservoir O. RECEIVE Petition to Vacate Public Drainage & Utility Easement – Lot 1, Block 6, Gardenwood Ponds (825 Bear Paw Trail), and Schedule Public Hearing for March 5, 2019 P. RECEIVE Petition to Vacate Public Easements, Blue Gentian Corporate Center, and Schedule Public Hearing for March 5, 2019 Q. ACKNOWLEDGE Completion and Authorize City Maintenance of Cedar Grove Townhomes 1 and 2 (Project 15-F) and Dart Warehouse 5 (Project 16-BP-D) R. APPROVE Amendment to Utilities Agreement – MV Eagan S. APPROVE Cross Access and Parking License Agreement with Art Works Eagan T. APPROVE Final Plat (Costco Blue Gentian) – Costco U. APPROVE Planned Development Amendment Agreement and Other Development-related Agreements – Costco V. AUTHORIZE Change Order for ETV Mobile Production Truck Contract to Change Router Control Panel Location W. AUTHORIZE Solicitation of Request for Proposals for the Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan X. APPROVE Extension to record the Final Plat for Prowire 2nd Addition V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1307, Lone Oak Circle B. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1308, Poppler Lane C. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1309, Country Home Heights D. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1312, Ridgeview Acres/ Jon Croft Acres E. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1313, Old Sibley Highway F. APPROVE Street Improvement Project 1314, Meadowland 1st Addition VI. OLD BUSINESS A. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - An Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Sect. 11.70 relative to general building design requirements VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. LEGISLATIVE / INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE IX. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY X. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA A. City Attorney B. City Council Comments C. City Administrator D. Director of Public Works E. Director of Community Development XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on the agenda) XII. CLOSED SESSION XIII. ADJOURNMENT Memo To: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members From: City Administrator Osberg Date: February 1, 2019 Subject: Agenda Information for February 5, 2019 City Council Meeting ADOPT AGENDA After approval is given to the February 5, 2019 City Council agenda, the following items are in order for consideration. Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. Approve Minutes Action To Be Considered: To approve the minutes of January 8, 2019 Special City Council minutes, January 15, 2019 regular City Council meeting, and January 22, 2019 Special City Council retreat as presented or modified. Attachments: (3) CA-1 January 8, 2019 Special City Council Minutes CA -2 January 15, 2019 City Council Minutes CA-3 January 22, 2019 Special City Council Minutes MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 8, 2019 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Acting Mayor Fields, Councilmembers Bakken, Hansen and Tilley. Mayor Maguire was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Community Development Director Hutmacher, City Planner Ridley and Communications Marketing Specialist King. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Acting Mayor Fields noted a change in the agenda, the Recreation Fee Option Policy will be the first item followed by the Joint Meeting with Eagan’s Legislative Delegation. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. RECREATION FEE OPTION POLICY City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting staff will walk through some proposed changes to the Recreation Scholarship Program and are looking for feedback from the Council on the policy related questions. Parks and Recreation Director Pimental gave a summary of the proposed program modifications and policy changes. Parks & Recreation Program Manager Nowariak gave a presentation on the proposed Fee Options Plan. Parks & Recreation Supervisors Champlin and Rivamonte were available for questions. The Council discussed the Recreation Fee Option Policy. The Council discussed the Recreation Fee Option Policy and provided the following feedback: 1) Should the City update its scholarship policy to a more equitable based model, open to more residents and call it a Fee Options Plan? Yes 2) Should funding of this program be initiated through any of the following mechanism; Additional budgeted funds; Donate Now option; or Sponsorship opportunities? The Council agreed all suggested funding options should be pursued. 3) Should the maximum per individual be set at $300 per year? Yes Acting Mayor Fields suggested notifying the community of the new policy changes. Special City Council Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 2 JOINT MEETING WITH EAGAN’S LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION City Administrator Osberg welcomed State Senator Carlson and State Representatives Halverson, Masin and Richardson. State Senator Klein was unable to attend. Also present was Gary Carlson, Intergovernmental Relations Director at the League of Minnesota Cities; Daniel Lightfoot, Intergovernmental Relations Representative at the League of Minnesota Cities; Thomas Poul, Attorney, Messerli & Kramer, representing the Municipal Legislative Commission; Patricia Nauman, Metro Cities Executive Director and Morris Allen, Government Relations staff member for Congresswoman Angie Craig. City Administrator Osberg noted it is the tradition of the City Council to meet with the legislative delegation at the first Council workshop in January. Each member of the legislative delegation introduced themselves and spoke about the committees they will be serving on in the 2019 session. Each representative from the LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities gave an update on several issues their respective organizations plan to address in the coming legislative session. The Council, representatives from the lobbying organizations, and the legislative delegation discussed what they see coming out of the legislature this year. Acting Mayor Fields thanked the legislative delegation and representatives from LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities for attending the meeting. The Council took a short break. R-1S ORDINANCE REVIEW City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting at the joint Advisory Planning Commission/Council Workshop on June 12, 2018, the Council directed the APC to consider revisions to the R-1S ordinance. Community Development Director Hutmacher gave an overview of the R-1S Zoning District. City Planner Ridley was available for questions. The Council discussed the R-1S Ordinance proposed changes. The Council discussed the policy questions and provided the following responses: 1) Would the City Council like additional study on the topic? No additional information is needed. 2) Should staff work with the City Attorney’s office to draft an amendment to the R-1S Zoning Bulk Standards? The Council directed staff to work with the City Attorney’s office to draft an amendment to the R-1S Zoning Bulk Standards. Councilmember Tilley left the meeting at 7:26 p.m. Special City Council Minutes January 8, 2019 Page 3 2018 RESIDENTIAL SURVEY RESULTS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting the findings of our 2018 Community Survey results will be presented tonight. There were 1,600 randomly-selected households that received surveys. Each household received three mailings in September. In total, 448 surveys were completed giving an 28% response rate with a 5% margin of error. Strategic & Digital Marketing Specialist King gave a presentation about the key findings of the survey and was available for questions. The Council discussed the survey results. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to be heard. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to adjourn at 7:59 p.m. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 ______________ Date _______ Mayor _______ City Clerk MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota JANUARY 15, 2019 A Listening Session was held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular City Council meeting. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmember Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Also present were City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Public Works Director Matthys, Assistant City Engineer Nelson, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Community Development Director Hutmacher, Finance Director Pepper, Police Chief New, City Attorney Dougherty and Executive Assistant Stevenson. AGENDA Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATION There were no recognitions and presentations. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to approve the consent agenda as presented: Aye: 5 Nay: 0 A. It was recommended to approve the minutes of January 2, 2019 regular City Council meeting, as presented or modified. B. Personnel Items: 1. It was recommended to accept the resignation/retirement of Tyler Hauge, Full Time Fire Fighter and authorize the recruitment and replacement of this position. 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of part-time, recurring, non-benefit eligible employees as Building Attendant I, Custodian I, Fitness Instructor, Guest Services Representative, Park Laborer, and Recreation Program Assistant. 3. It was recommended to accept the resignation of Alex Johnson, GIS Technician in Public Works and authorize the recruitment and replacement of this position. C. It was recommended to ratify the check register dated December 28, 2018 and January 4, 2019. D. It was recommended to approve the ordinary and customary contracts with Magic Bounce, Inc., Dan Schwartz, Coyote Wild, Ultimate Events, Metro Volleyball Officials Association, Baser PL Umpire Association, Jack Shawn – SMOA Officials Association, and James Benner Sculpture. E. It was recommended to approve a resolution to accept donations from T & K Restaurant Franchise Group, Inc., Target Corporation, Walmart Community Grants and Eagan Fun Fest Committee. City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 2 page F. It was recommended to approve temporary on-sale liquor licenses and waive the license fees for Art Works Eagan on February 8, 2019; March 16, 2019; April 20, 2019; and June 2, 2019 at 3795 Pilot Knob Road. G. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 18-08 (Ponds FP-1, FP-1.4, FP-1.5, FP-1.6 – Water Quality Improvements) in the amount of $324,671.10 to BKJ Land Company and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. H. It was recommended to approve the plans and specifications for Contract 19-05 (Pond DP-3 – Water Quality Improvements) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, February 28, 2019. I. It was recommended to receive the Draft Feasibility Report for Project 1310 (Surrey Heights Drive – Street & Utilities Improvements) and schedule a public hearing to be held on February 19, 2019. J. It was recommended to receive the Draft Feasibility Report for Project 1311 (Donald Avenue – Street & Utilities Rehabilitation) and schedule a public hearing to be held on February 19, 2019. K. It was recommended to authorize the advertisement of a Request for Proposals for Technical Specialty Services, Erosion and Sediment Control, to be received on February 8, 2019. L. It was recommended to approve a one-year extension of Variance approval allowing construction of a 1,500 s.f. accessory structure upon property located at 3640 Elrene Road. M. Item was removed. N. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 18-02 (Lexington Diffley Skate Park Construction) in the amount of $13,853.83 to Global Specialties Contractors, Inc., and accept the park improvement project for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. O. It was recommended to approve the plans and specifications for Trapp Farm Building construction, related site work and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, February 12, 2019. Carol Osness, 1416 East Pond Road, addressed the Council asking to pull Consent Item F. for further discussion. Ms. Osness, along with two other neighbors, Komal Sharma, 1404 Kingswood Ponds Road, and Jeffrey Hyde, 1472 Kingswood Ponds Road, voiced questions and concerns regarding the events scheduled at Art Works Eagan. PUBLIC HEARINGS Project 1315, Woodgate 3rd / Tiberon / Mallard Park 3rd Additions Street Improvements Director of Public Works Matthys introduced the item noting 2019 is the 30th year of the City’s Pavement Management Program. The City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. Assistant City Engineer Nelson gave an overview of the proposed street improvements for Project 1315, Woodgate 3rd / Tiberon / Mallard Park 3rd Additions. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, he turned the discussion back to the Council. City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 3 page Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve Project 1315 (Woodgate 3rd/Tiberon/Mallard Park 3rd Additions – Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Project 1316, Pinetree Pass 2nd, 4th & 6th – Street Improvements Assistant City Engineer Nelson gave an overview of the proposed street improvements for Project 1316, Pinetree Pass 2nd, 4th & 6th. City staff has been working with the residents of 1492 Pinetree Pass for the past couple of years to address significant on-site drainage concerns. An alternate bid for the project will allow staff to evaluate the cost/benefit of the improvements towards the resolution of the overall issues. Nelson noted the street improvement also included a proposed speed limit designation change from 25 to 30 miles per hour (mph) on Summit Pass. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. Tim Ostrem, 4622 Summit Pass, addressed the Council noting he did not support the speed limit change and asked for it to stay at 25 mph. The Council discussed Project 1316 street improvements. It was the consensus of the Council to keep the 25 mph speed limit on Summit Pass. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve Project 1316 (Pinetree 2nd, 4th & 6th – Street Improvements) as presented with the following conditions: 1. Keep the 25 miles per hour speed limit designation on Summit Pass; 2. Include an alternate bid for Storm Sewer Improvements for 1492 Pinetree Pass; and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Street Improvements for Projects 1317, Gardenwood Ponds 4th Project 1318, Oak Pond Hills 1st & 2nd, Project 1319 Majestic Oaks 1st – 3rd Project 1320, Southern Lakes West Assistant City Engineer Nelson introduced the item giving an overview of the proposed street improvements for Projects 1317, 1318, 1319 and 1320. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, he turned the discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to close the public hearing and approve Project 1317, Gardenwood Ponds 4th, Project 1318, Oak Pond Hills 1st & 2nd, Project 1319, Majestic Oaks 1st – 3rd, Project 1320, Southern Lakes West as presented, and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 4 page 2019 CALENDAR YEAR CITY ORGANIZATIONAL BUSINESS City Administrator Osberg noted that organizational business is considered at the second regular City Council meeting in January. The following items were acted on: Acting Mayor Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to appoint Councilmember Hansen as Acting Mayor. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Official Legal Newspaper Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded to designate the St. Paul Pioneer Press as the City of Eagan’s official legal newspaper. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Depositories Councilmember Bakken moved, Councilmember Fields moved to designate Old National Bank and US Bank, NA (4M Fund), and US Bank Trust as the City’s depositories. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Council Meeting Schedule Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve the 2019 schedule of City Council meetings as presented noting the alternate dates. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 2019 Schedule of Regular City Council Meetings (Including January 2020 meetings) JANUARY 2 1 Wednesday MAY 21 OCTOBER 1 JANUARY 15 JUNE 4 OCTOBER 15 FEBRUARY 5 JUNE 18 NOVEMBER 4 3 Monday FEBRUARY 19 JULY 2 NOVEMBER 19 MARCH 5 JULY 16 DECEMBER 3 MARCH 19 AUGUST 5 2 Monday DECEMBER 17 APRIL 2 AUGUST 20 JANUARY 7, 2020 APRIL 16 SEPTEMBER 3 JANUARY 21, 2020 MAY 7 SEPTEMBER 17 City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 5 page 1 Wednesday, January 2 due to New Year’s Day 2 Monday, August 5 due to National Night Out 3 Monday, November 4 due to School District 196 & 197 Elections There will be a Listening Session at 6:00 p.m. before each regular Council meeting. 2019 Schedule of Special City Council Meetings, Workshops and First January 2020 Meeting JANUARY 8 MAY 28 (tentative) OCTOBER 7 1 Monday JANUARY 22 (Council Retreat) JUNE 11 OCTOBER 22 (tentative) FEBRUARY 12 February 26 (tentative) MARCH 12 JUNE 25 (tentative) JULY 9 JULY 23 (tentative) NOVEMBER 12 NOVEMBER 26 (tentative) DECEMBER 11 MARCH 26 (tentative) AUGUST 13 No mtg week of Christmas APRIL 9 AUGUST 27 (tentative) JANUARY 14, 2020 APRIL 23 (tentative) SEPTEMBER 10 JANUARY 28, 2020 (tentative) MAY 14 SEPTEMBER 24 (tentative) 1 Monday, October 7 due to Yom Kipper City Council Meeting Procedures Mayor Maguire moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to acknowledge Robert’s Rules of Order as the means to conduct official business at all regular City Council meetings, and approve the guidelines for public participation in City Council meetings. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Bakken seconded a motion to formally ratify the practice that at least two members of the City Council must make the request of the City Administrator to place an item on an upcoming City Council agenda. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 6 page Standing Committee Appointments / Representative Appointments Councilmember Hansen moved Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to ratify the appointed members of Council standing committees, intergovernmental committees, Fire Relief Association and other appointments as amended. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Standing Committees: Communications Committee: Councilmember Bakken and Councilmember Hansen Finance Committee: Mayor Maguire and Councilmember Bakken Personnel Committee: Mayor Maguire and Councilmember Fields Public Works Committee: Councilmember Fields and Councilmember Bakken Advisory Commission Liaisons: Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission: Councilmember Tilley Advisory Planning Commission: Councilmember Hansen Airport Relations Committee: Councilmember Fields Energy and Environment Advisory Commission: Councilmember Tilley Intergovernmental Committee Appointments: Caponi Art Park Board: Recreation Supervisory Andersen DCC 2017-2018 Board: Councilmember Hansen (Councilmember Fields as alternate) DCC 2017-2018 Executive Board: City Administrator Osberg (Assistant City Administrator Miller as alternate) Eagan Convention and Visitors Bureau: Mayor Maguire Eagan Funfest Board: Director of Parks & Recreation Pimental LOGIS Board of Directors: Director of Finance Pepper (Assistant City Administrator Miller and IT Manager Cook as alternates) MSP Noise Oversight Committee: Assistant City Administrator Miller (Councilmember Fields as alternates) Minnesota Valley Transit Authority Board: Councilmember Hansen (Assistant Finance Director Feldman as alternate) Monthly Mayor/Manager Breakfasts: Mayor Maguire Municipal Legislative Commission Board: Mayor Maguire Other: (No appointment by City Council – information only) LMC & Metro Cities Policy Advisory Committees: Councilmember Hansen Metro Cities Board of Directors: Councilmember Hansen Testimony at Legislature: All as needed Fire Relief Association Board of Trustees: Fire Chief Scott, along with Mayor Maguire and Director of Finance Pepper. City Council Meeting Minutes January 15, 2019 7 page OLD BUSINESS There was no old business to be heard. NEW BUSINESS There was no new business to be heard. LEGISLATIVE / INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE There was no legislative/intergovernmental affairs update. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA There were no administrative agenda items to be heard. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 _______ Date ______ Mayor _______ City Clerk MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL RETREAT JANUARY 22, 2018 5:30 P.M. FIRE STATION #2 (1001 STATION TRAIL) City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Bakken, Fields, Hansen and Tilley. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, and Assistant City Administrator Miller. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF AGENDA Mayor Maguire moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as presented. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors to be heard. 2019 GOALS AND POLICY DISCUSSION The Council and City staff dialogued about current and emerging goals, issues and projects facing the City of Eagan. OTHER BUSINESS There was no other business to be heard. ADJORNMENT Councilmember Hansen moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to adjourn the retreat at 8:31 p.m. Aye: 5 Nay: 0 Date Mayor City Clerk Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA B. Personnel Items ITEM 1. Action to Be Considered: Accept the resignation/retirement of Tom Miklya, Building Inspector, and authorize the recruitment and replacement of this position. Approve Phased Retirement Agreement for Phased Retirement Option under the Public Employers Retirement Association (PERA) for Tom Miklya, effective March 2, 2019, not to exceed one year. Attachment: (1) CB-1 Phased Retirement Option resolution ITEM 2. Action to Be Considered: Approve the status change of the following part time Fire Fighters to full time Fire Fighters; with a start date of March 4, 2019. 1. Andrew Beskar 2. Dan Bonin 3. Josh Freeman 4. Kevin Kiewatt 5. Andrew Klees 6. Nate Miller 7. Tyler Moyna Facts: There are six additional full time positions that were approved in the 2019 Budget. The seventh new hire fills the full time vacated position of Full Time Fire Fighter, Tyler Hauge, who resigned effective January 2019. ITEM 3. Action to Be Considered: Approve the hiring of the following part time, recurring, non-benefit eligible employees at the Eagan Community Center: Cole R Jalivay Guest Services Representative Madeline A Trenholm Guest Services Representative Sarah J Peterson Guest Services Representative ITEM 4. Action to Be Considered: Approve the hiring of the following seasonal recreation positions: Keith L Wallace Winter Recreation Official Terrance J Santori Winter Recreation Official ITEM 5. Action to Be Considered: Approve the status change of Amy Bifulk to temporary Skating School Coordinator-Seasonal; with a start date of January 1, 2019 to expire no later than May 15, 2019. Facts: Ms. Bifulk previously resigned as a full-time regular employee Fall of 2018 and returned on a temporary basis through December 31, 2018 while management recruited for a successor. None of the Skate School Coordinator candidates interviewed were selected. Between Jan 2019 and May 2019, Parks & Recreation management will reevaluate the skate school program and make recommendations to reframe the operational and staffing structure of the skate school to ensure its continuance of quality and popularity. During this reevaluation period, Ms. Bifulk will serve in a temporary capacity without benefits, until May 15, 2019. ITEM 6. Action to Be Considered: Approve the reclassification of the Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk from Level 5 to Level 6. Facts: The job functions of the Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk were formally reviewed via the City’s job classification review system. Upon review, the job functions performed by the Executive Assistant/Deputy Clerk are reflective of classification Level 6. ITEM 7. Action to Be Considered: Approve the reclassification of the Human Resources Generalist, from Level 10 to Level 11. Facts: The Human Resources Department consists of two Human Resources Generalists. One of the generalist positions was reclassified from Level 12 to Level 11 in September 2018 due to a department reorganization, while the other generalist was changed from a Level 9 to Level 10. After several months into the reorganization, the duties of each position have been clearly defined and reviewed via the City’s job classification review system. As such, the Human Resources Generalist position currently classified as Level 10 is suggested to be moved to a Level 11, thus placing the two generalist positions at the same level. The 2019 budget supports the completion of this status change without increasing department expenses. ITEM 8. Action to Be Considered: Approve the hiring of a full time Fitness Coordinator at the Eagan Community Center, To Be Named. Facts: This position was previously vacated on December 28, 2018 at which time the City Council authorized replacement. ITEM 9. Action to Be Considered: Authorize the scheduling of off-duty full time Fire Captains & full time Fire Fighters to work overtime, assisting with fire inspections of new construction. Facts: The City of Eagan continues to see an uptick in construction including that of hotels, and multi- family housing. Fire Fighters will assist the Fire Marshal/Deputy Fire Chief in inspecting smaller scale projects and assisting with large projects as needed. This overtime request includes a budget modification for 2019, as reviewed by the Finance Director. ITEM 10. Action to Be Considered: Ratify the collective bargaining agreement and two memorandums of agreement with the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local No. 1571 Fire Captains Unit. Facts: By order of the Minnesota Public Employer Labor Relations Act, (PELRA) which establishes the rules for collective bargaining between Minnesota public employers and representatives of public employees, the International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 1571 are the exclusive representative of the City of Eagan Fire Department’s full time Fire Captains as of January 1, 2019. This Collective Bargaining Agreement is in effect from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2020, which outlines working conditions; including but not limited to compensation and benefits based on a 56 hour work week and a 40 hour work week. Memorandum of Agreement #1 indicates Contractual Overtime opportunities will be offered to full time Union Fire Captains, full time Fire Fighters and part time Fire Fighters. Memorandum of Agreement #2 indicates sick and vacation leave balances were recalculated for each individual from a 40 hour work week to a 56 hour work week. The full Agreements are available in the City Administrator’s office. ITEM 11. Action to Be Considered: Acknowledge the resignations of the following employees: Daniel R Turin Building Attendant Lauren E Lambert Building Attendant Lidia D Abraha Guest Services Representative Lydia D Mathew Recreation Program Assistant Derek E Degrote Volunteer Fire Fighter Sean L Solberg Volunteer Fire Fighter 1 CITY OF EAGAN Phased Retirement Agreement The City of Eagan acknowledges a benefit to offering a Phased Retirement Option under the Public Employees Retirement Association of Minnesota (“PERA”) to Thomas G. Miklya. The intended purpose of the Phased Retirement Option (“PRO”) is to assist in the succession planning and transfer of institutional knowledge and technically related job functions/skills to the successor(s) of this Building Inspector. It will be imperative to consider the overall benefit and advantages to and for the City for the schedule reduction on a short term and long term basis. This Phased Retirement Agreement (the “Agreement”) is effective on the 2nd day of March, 2019, by and between the City of Eagan (the “City”) and Thomas G. Miklya, who has been serving in the role of Building Inspector (“Employee”) since June 17, 2002, resigning March 1, 2019. WHEREAS, the role and purpose of this temporary Building Inspector position will be determined by the Community Development Director, with input from the Employee, and communicated as specific task assignments on an on-going basis. The Community Development Director maintains the management right to include or exclude certain duties and/or job functions and determine the specific duties to be assigned. WHEREAS, unless modified by this Agreement, the Employee would continue to be subject to the City’s Personnel Policies and Employee Handbook in its entirety. WHEREAS this Agreement does not purport to, and does not grant the Employee any additional benefits to which he is not entitled. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, promises, and agreements contained in this Agreement, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Reduced Schedule. The City hereby acknowledges the Employee will be compensated, up to 30 hours per week and not to exceed 1,044 hours in the 12 month period, beginning March 2, 2019. 2. Time Period for Phased Retirement Option. Per PERA, this initial Agreement shall not exceed one year. However, the Agreement may be renewed for up to one additional year. The total period of a Phased Retirement Option for the Employee shall not exceed a 5 year time period. The City is under no obligation to renew this Agreement. 3. Compensation. The position established with this Agreement shall be classified at Level 11, with an hourly rate based on the 2019 Compensation Plan. 2 4. Severance. All accrued sick leave and unused vacation leave shall be paid out in the same manner as those who exit employment, pursuant to City policies. The payout rate shall be based on the City’s Compensation Plan for Level 11 in effect at the time of separation. 5. PERA Related Benefits and Limits. The Employee agrees to receive the PERA pension and therefore, he will cease to earn service credits and there will be no further adjustments to the high five average salary. PERA contributions will cease by both the Employee and the City effective March 1, 2019. 6. There are no future earnings limits for the Employee. 7. Insurances and Other Benefits. The City addresses insurance offerings and related Employer contributions and other City sponsored benefits in the attachment entitled “Supplemental Benefits Summary”. 8. Agreements. This Agreement must work in tandem with the Phased Retirement Agreement set forth by PERA and titled as such. The Employee and the Employer agree to adhere to all stipulations set forth by PERA related to eligibility, and all other policy stipulations as defined by PERA. The Employer and Employee must complete their respective sections on the PERA Phased Retirement Agreement and the Employer will submit to PERA. In addition, this Agreement and the PERA Phased Retirement Agreement supersedes and replaces any prior agreements, whether oral or written, between the Employee and the City concerning the matters addressed in this Agreement. The Employee represents and warrants that no promise or inducement has been offered or made except as set forth in this Agreement and attached Supplemental Benefits Summary and that the consideration stated in the Agreement is the sole consideration for this Agreement and does not imply a standard practice for other potential phased retirement participants. 9. Amendment. Any amendment to this Agreement shall only be made in writing and signed by the parties. 9. Severability. Should any provision of this Agreement and Release be declared or determined by any arbitrator or court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid, or unenforceable, the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining parts, terms or provisions shall not be affected thereby, and such illegal, unenforceable, or invalid part, term, or provision shall be deemed not to be part of this Agreement. CITY OF EAGAN/CITY REPRESENTATIVE EMPLOYEE By: ______________________________ ___________________________ Date: _____________________________ Date:_______________________ Its:___Mayor_______________________ Lkp/policydev/phasedretirement/TMiklya3.2.19 CITY OF EAGAN Supplemental Benefits Summary for Thomas G. Miklya The following Supplemental Benefits Summary shall be offered Thomas G. Miklya, (“Employee”) a participant in the City of Eagan’s Phased Retirement Program (“Program”) with an initial enrollment period of March 2, 2019 up to December 31, 2019 with an optional renewal clause per City policy. The following benefits shall be offered to the Employee: Medical Insurance: For the length of the Program, the Employee will be offered to enroll in the City’s medical plan like that of an active employee. In this case, the Employee will work not more than 1,044 hours annually. Per the regulations of the Affordable Care Act, the Employee will pay the same contribution level to the insurance premiums as that of full time employee with a work week average of 30 or more hours per week status. Employer and Employee premium contributions will be deducted from the Employee’s paycheck to ensure a pretax benefit. If elected, Medical coverage will continue until the last day of the month in which the Phased Retirement Option ends. Dental Insurance: Likewise, the Employee may (but is not required) to enroll in the City’s dental plan like that of an active full time employee with a work week average of 30 or more hours per week status. Employer and Employee premium contributions will be deducted from the Employee’s paycheck to ensure a pretax benefit. If elected, Dental coverage will continue until the last day of the month in which the Phased Retirement Option ends. 2 Basic Life Insurance, Employee Supplemental and Spousal Supplemental Life Insurance: Effective March 31, 2019, the Employee will have the option to Convert, Port or COBRA the basic and voluntary life insurance policies that are in place as of March 1, 2019. If the Employee elects COBRA for Basic &/or Voluntary Supplemental Life Insurances, the Convert or Port option/s will be available once the 18 months of COBRA election expires. Long Term Disability: The City’s Long Term Disability policy is not available after March 1, 2019. Flexible Spending Account: The Employee is not eligible to participate in the City’s Flexible Spending Account, after March 1, 2019. Insurance Continuation Upon Resignation/Retirement: Upon expiration of the Program, Medical and Dental insurance are COBRA eligible. Health Care Savings Plan: The Employee will not be eligible to make contributions to the HCSP after March 1, 2019. The Employee will not be eligible to access funds from the HCSP until he is no longer employed by the City of Eagan in any capacity. Vacation & Sick Leave Accrual: As a temporary employee effective March 2, 2019, the Employee is not eligible to accrue vacation or sick leave time. Holidays, Funeral Leave, Leaves of Absence: The Employee is not eligible for any paid leave provisions as a temporary employee. 1/31/19 Lkp/policydev/supplementalbenefitssummary/TM Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA C. Ratify Check Registers Action To Be Considered: To ratify the check registers dated January 11, 18, and 25, 2019, as presented. Attachments: (3) CC-1 Check register dated January 11, 2019 CC-2 Check register dated January 18, 2019 CA-3 Check register dated January 25, 2019 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2 LOGIS102V 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203052 1/8/2019 139121 MARCO INC. 4,025.32 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289958 23721899 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 442.29 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289958 23721899 6101.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Water -Administration 66.08 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289958 23721899 6501.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts G/A - Water Quality 69.65 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289958 23721899 6601.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General/Administrative-Arena 480.42 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289958 23721899 6801.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General & Administrative 3,606.88 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289959 23721898 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 396.31 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289959 23721898 6101.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Water -Administration 59.22 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289959 23721898 6501.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts G/A - Water Quality 62.41 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289959 23721898 6601.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General/Administrative-Arena 430.47 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289959 23721898 6801.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General & Administrative 3,786.06 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289960 23898774 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 416.00 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289960 23898774 6101.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Water -Administration 62.15 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289960 23898774 6501.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts G/A - Water Quality 65.51 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289960 23898774 6601.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General/Administrative-Arena 451.86 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289960 23898774 6801.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General & Administrative 1,782.82 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289961 23898773 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 195.89 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289961 23898773 6101.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Water -Administration 29.27 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289961 23898773 6501.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts G/A - Water Quality 30.85 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289961 23898773 6601.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General/Administrative-Arena 212.78 COPIERS/PRINTERS 289961 23898773 6801.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General & Administrative 16,672.24 203053 1/8/2019 100310 POSTMASTER 4,700.00 MARCH 2019 DISCOVER POSTAGE 289957 010719 0904.63461/7/2019 Postage Discover Parks Brochure 4,700.00 203054 1/11/2019 151329 ALL FURNITURE 700.00 ALL FURNITURE, JAN RENTAL FURN 290171 41472 5045.66601/10/2019 Office Furnishings & Equipment Temporary Office/Moving Expens 700.00 203055 1/11/2019 150476 ALLSTREAM 181.01 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0501.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Admn-Finance 213.33 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1108.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Communications 84.04 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 2460.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Building And Grounds 51.72 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1221.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Administration-Fire 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 1/31/19 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203055 1/11/2019 150476 ALLSTREAM Continued... 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 39.92 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3304.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 44.65 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 44.95 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 44.95 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1108.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Communications 44.95 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1105.645712/31/2018 Machinery & Equipment-Rental Investigation/Crime Prevention 44.95 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0301.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits IT-Gen & Admn 12.59 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 0501.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Admn-Finance 14.83 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1108.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Communications 5.84 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 2460.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Building And Grounds 3.60 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 1221.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Administration-Fire 51.27 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 51.27 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 51.27 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 51.27 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 51.27 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 51.26 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 9116.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Cedar Grove Parking Garage 19.39 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6101.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6146.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg North Plant Building 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6146.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg North Plant Building 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6146.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg North Plant Building 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6146.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg North Plant Building 42.06 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6146.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg North Plant Building 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6154.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg South Plant Building 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203055 1/11/2019 150476 ALLSTREAM Continued... 42.07 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6154.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg South Plant Building 42.06 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6154.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg South Plant Building 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6239.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 42.08 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6239.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1.35 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6101.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 25.86 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6601.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General/Administrative-Arena 1.80 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6601.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General/Administrative-Arena 25.86 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6716.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General Administration 1.80 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6716.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General Administration 45.25 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6801.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 3.16 TELEPHONE 289962 15798902 6801.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 2,567.73 203056 1/11/2019 101965 ANOKA COUNTY CLERK OF COURT 300.00 JASMINE NICOLE RING 290172 225589 9001.22601/10/2019 Bail Deposits General Fund 300.00 203057 1/11/2019 100360 APPLE FORD LINCOLN APPLE VALLEY 32.37 RO 1208 289963 446128 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 371.64 RO 1532 289964 446270 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 10.46 RO 1537 289965 5568+9 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 680.34 INV. PO2018-88 290173 446530 9001.14151/10/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 1,094.81 203058 1/11/2019 144673 ARCADE ELECTRIC 867.50 LABOR TO REPLACE RINK BALLAST 289966 10555 6603.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Repair & Maint. 2,075.00 ELECTRICAL FOR BACK LIT SIGNS 289967 10520 6603.663012/31/2018 Other Improvements Building Repair & Maint. 479.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 289968 10556 6827.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 508.75 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 289969 10557 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 1,360.04 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 289970 10559 3314.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Central Maintenance 4,136.62 2018-REPAIR NIGHT LIGHTS FS1 289971 10558 1221.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Administration-Fire 9,426.91 203059 1/11/2019 101609 ASPEN WASTE 1,016.03 DUMPSTER 289972 S1322104-123118 2401.653912/31/2018 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Gen/Adm-Central Services 90.00 DUMPSTER 290174 S1322088-010119 2401.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Gen/Adm-Central Services 268.17 WASTE 290175 S1322021-010119 3304.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 45.78 WASTE 290176 S1321999-010119 3313.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Fire Buildings 288.26 WASTE 290177 S1321981-010119 3313.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Fire Buildings 70.58 WASTE 290178 S1322005-010119 3313.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Fire Buildings 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203059 1/11/2019 101609 ASPEN WASTE Continued... 59.55 WASTE 290179 S1366341-010119 3313.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Fire Buildings 1,838.37 203060 1/11/2019 146829 AT&T MOBILITY 39.23 11/18/18-12/17/18 289979 287262588400X12 252018 2010.63551/10/2019 Cellular Telephone Service General Engineering 102.52 11/18/18-12/17/18 289979 287262588400X12 252018 9701.63551/10/2019 Cellular Telephone Service PEG-eligible 141.75 203061 1/11/2019 140230 BARCLAY AUDIO 260.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 289973 12181811 6827.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 340.00 ELECTRICAL REPAIR 289974 12181812 6827.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 600.00 203062 1/11/2019 100397 BATTERIES PLUS 8.49 BATTERIES FOR VAN KEY 289975 026-P9779892 6602.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Equipment Repair & Maint. 63.92 BATTERIES FOR DOOR COUNTER 289976 026-P9779592 6602.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Equipment Repair & Maint. 72.41 203063 1/11/2019 100016 BAUER BUILT 564.28 UNITY 1131 289977 180241244 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 380.12 RO 1475 289978 180241010 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 944.40 203064 1/11/2019 146483 BIRCH 3,195.00 CONTRACT CDS SNOW REMOVAL 289980 26311 2240.656412/31/2018 Snow & Ice Removal Street Plowing/Sanding 3,195.00 203065 1/11/2019 143108 BLOOMINGTON, CITY OF 735.00 LAB TESTING-DECEMBER 2018 289982 1900005 6149.632312/31/2018 Testing Services Water Sampling/Testing 735.00 203066 1/11/2019 100024 BRAUN INTERTEC 3,560.00 SANITARY DUMP STATION 289983 B156156 6232.6630 P134312/31/2018 Other Improvements Equipment Maintenance/Repair 3,560.00 203067 1/11/2019 145520 BURR OAK I LLC 8,041.41 DEC 2018 RENT 289981 1016 9695.645612/31/2018 Building Rental Dakota Co Drug Task Force 8,041.41 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203067 1/11/2019 145520 BURR OAK I LLC Continued... 203068 1/11/2019 102503 CHAPMAN, ROBYN 21.26 MILEAGE 11/8-12/20/18 289984 122018 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 21.26 203069 1/11/2019 151299 CINTAS 23.65 RUGS 289985 4014225198 3313.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 8.62 RUGS 289986 4014225303 3313.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 32.27 203070 1/11/2019 142286 COMCAST 2.10 1/9/19-2/8/19 290180 877210508073668 5-010119 6146.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services North Plant Building 2.10 203071 1/11/2019 142286 COMCAST 158.89 COMCAST-12/29/18-1/28/19 290182 877210508043374 7-121918 6801.63471/10/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 158.89 203072 1/11/2019 142286 COMCAST 21.08 COMCAST-1/5/19-2/4/19 290183 877210508075712 9-122518 1221.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services Administration-Fire 21.08 203073 1/11/2019 146512 COMPASS MINERALS AMERICA 17,937.08 ROAD SALT 289987 371202 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 14,772.54 ROAD SALT 289988 372052 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 17,503.88 ROAD SALT 290181 373447 2240.62561/10/2019 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 50,213.50 203074 1/11/2019 152916 CORNERSTONE PARKING GROUP 17,436.05 RELIABLE SNOW REMOVAL 290026 1653 9116.625312/31/2018 Turf Maintenance & Landscape S Cedar Grove Parking Garage 17,436.05 203075 1/11/2019 100365 DAK CTY CLERK OF COURT 300.00 RICHARD GUY HICKS 290184 225589 9001.22601/10/2019 Bail Deposits General Fund 300.00 203076 1/11/2019 120622 DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203076 1/11/2019 120622 DAKOTA COMMUNICATIONS CENTER Continued... 113,426.00 DCC MONTHLY-FEB19 290192 EA2019-02 1108.63301/10/2019 DCC Fees Communications 113,426.00 203077 1/11/2019 148127 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCIAL SERVICES (R) 125.36 NOV 2018 FUEL 289989 00033410 9695.623512/31/2018 Fuel, Lubricants, Additives Dakota Co Drug Task Force 125.36 203078 1/11/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC 334.27 CARNELIAN LN HOCKEY RINK 289990 128582-4-NOV18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 15.36 RIDGE CLIFF PARK 289991 170637-3-NOV18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 26.55 PILOT KNOB PARK 289992 177545-1-NOV18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 23.70 BERRY RIDGE STORM 289993 189767-7-NOV18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 20.84 PILOT KNOB WELL SITE RINK 289994 200813-4-NOV18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 65.91 HIGHLINE TRAIL STORM 289995 201116-1-NOV18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 3,047.47 WELL #19 289996 203725-7-NOV18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 14.00 HEINE CT AERATOR 289997 203785-1-NOV18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 40.81 31/WESCOTT SIGNALS 289998 214661-1-NOV18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 88.06 1275 TOWERVIEW RD 289999 321533-2-NOV18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 38.99 CEDAR GROVE SIGNALS 290000 333642-7-NOV18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 257.15 CEDARVALE BLVD LITES 290001 346992-1-NOV18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 14.11 DENMARK AVE #SL SIGN 290002 405764-2-NOV18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 25.86 CHLOE LANE LIFT STATION 290003 472429-0-NOV18 6239.640512/31/2018 Electricity Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1,689.79 FIRE STATION 1 290004 572299-6-NOV18 3313.640512/31/2018 Electricity Fire Buildings 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290005 578913-6-NOV18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 14.00 FISH LAKE AERATOR 290006 198290-9-NOV18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 5,721.87 203079 1/11/2019 100447 DALCO 1,846.57 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 290185 3401627 3304.62231/10/2019 Building/Cleaning Supplies Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 1,846.57 203080 1/11/2019 130735 DAVIS EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 20.50 BRINE BUILDING PARTS 290186 JI34140 2240.62561/10/2019 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 20.50 203081 1/11/2019 100053 DELEGARD TOOL CO 13.48 SMALL TOOLS FOR MAINTENANCE 290015 101958 3103.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Site Amenity Maintenance 76.89 TOOLS 290237 102127 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 90.37 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203082 1/11/2019 101693 DICK'S SANITATION SERVICE INC.Continued... 213.41 COMPOST 290187 DT0002427682 6827.65391/10/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Building Maintenance 213.41 203083 1/11/2019 151004 DYNAMIC MEDIA 395.40 SIRIUS RADIO-2019 290193 652340 6801.63471/10/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 395.40 203084 1/11/2019 100387 EAGAN GENERAL REPAIR 38.87 METAL TO MAKE STAND FEET 290016 27634 3129.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Shop Mtn/General Repairs 38.87 203085 1/11/2019 142034 ELECTRIC PUMP 577.50 YANKEE STORM REPAIRS 290188 0064523-IN 6439.64321/10/2019 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 9,091.00 YANKEE STORM REPAIRS 290189 0064522-IN 6439.64321/10/2019 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 9,668.50 203086 1/11/2019 152585 EPG SECURITY GROUP 99.80 EPG - SECURITY 290017 15490 6801.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services General & Administrative 99.80 EPG - SECURITY 290027 15548 6801.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services General & Administrative 199.60 203087 1/11/2019 102007 ESRI, INC. 500.00 GIS SOFTWARE-1/22/19-1/21/20 290194 93547421 0301.62701/10/2019 Computer Software IT-Gen & Admn 40,000.00 ANNUAL SUPPORT 290195 93552399 6136.62701/10/2019 Computer Software GIS - Utilities 10,000.00 ANNUAL SUPPORT-1/16/19-1/15/20 290195 93552399 6136.62701/10/2019 Computer Software GIS - Utilities 687.50 1/16/19-1/15/20 290195 93552399 6136.62701/10/2019 Computer Software GIS - Utilities 687.50-290195 93552399 9990.22701/10/2019 Sales Tax Payable Investment Trust 50,500.00 203088 1/11/2019 100451 FASTENAL COMPANY 45.07 PARTS 290018 MNTC1225559 6602.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Equipment Repair & Maint. 20.35 STREET SIGN INSTALL 290019 MNTC1225231 2242.625712/31/2018 Signs & Striping Material Signs-Installation & Mtn 81.00 STREET SIGN INSTALL 290020 MNTC1225348 2242.625712/31/2018 Signs & Striping Material Signs-Installation & Mtn 64.35 SUPPLIES STP JEFF T 290021 MNTC1225330 6154.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge South Plant Building 16.47 FILTERCELL D NTP AIR LINE WORK 290022 MNTC1225500 6147.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge North Plant Production 55.56 NTP STOCK 290023 MNTC1225639 6146.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge North Plant Building 282.80 203089 1/11/2019 145035 FELDMAN, JOSH 116.85 OCT-DEC MILEAGE 290238 121818 0501.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking General & Admn-Finance 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203089 1/11/2019 145035 FELDMAN, JOSH Continued... 116.85 203090 1/11/2019 122976 FIRE SAFETY USA INC. 2,953.57 2018 REPLACE FS4 SCBA COMM BRO 290024 118657 1225.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment Fire / EMS Equipment 1,005.00 LADDER TRUCK PARTS 290025 118180 1225.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Fire / EMS Equipment 3,958.57 203091 1/11/2019 153078 FIREHOUSE ID 86.83 EXPLORER NAMEPLATES 290028 513 1228.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Inspection and Prevention 86.83 203092 1/11/2019 143919 FOSTER, JOHN HENRY 929.89 NTP COMP 290029 10403722-00 6146.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies North Plant Building 57.16 FITTINGS AND CONNECTORS FOR AI 290190 10405063-00 6147.62301/10/2019 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge North Plant Production 101.60 FITTINGS FILTERCEL NORTH AIR 290191 10405038-00 6147.62301/10/2019 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge North Plant Production 1,088.65 203093 1/11/2019 111768 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS OF MN 131.50 BISCAYNE AVE SAN LIFT STATION 290030 02231244-S-1834 4-DEC18 6239.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 131.50 203094 1/11/2019 117591 GASTFIELD, BOB 370.00 CLEANING ART HOUSE 290033 12-2018 3106.653712/31/2018 Janitorial Service Structure Care & Maintenance 370.00 203095 1/11/2019 153620 GEIER, CATHERINE 200.00 REIMBURSE MWS EARNEST PAYMENT 290201 010819 6544.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Master Water stewards 200.00 203096 1/11/2019 100578 GENUINE PARTS COMPANY 34.99 PARKS PARTS 290031 14302615-123118 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 1,152.95 INV. PARTS 290031 14302615-123118 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 97.19 STREETS PARTS 290031 14302615-123118 2244.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 35.00 PLASMA CUTTER REPAIR 290031 14302615-123118 2401.623412/31/2018 Field/Other Equipment Repair Gen/Adm-Central Services 11.63 FIRE PARTS 290031 14302615-123118 1224.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Engineer 48.82 UTILITIES PARTS 290031 14302615-123118 6155.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies South Plant Production 1,380.58 203097 1/11/2019 100465 GERTEN GREENHOUSES 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203097 1/11/2019 100465 GERTEN GREENHOUSES Continued... 400.00 ICE MELT 290032 2132/12 3106.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 400.00 203098 1/11/2019 102980 GILBERT MECHANICAL CONTRACTORS, INC. 723.26 HVAC REPAIR 290034 175087 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 937.65 HVAC REPAIR 290035 175088 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 312.50 HVAC REPAIR 290036 175089 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 1,973.41 203099 1/11/2019 100077 GOPHER ST ONE CALL 284.85 ONE CALL FEE 290037 8120336 6234.635612/31/2018 One Call Service Fee Utility Locates 101.25 ONE CALL FEE 290037 8120336 4002.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Fiber capacity project 386.10 203100 1/11/2019 100990 GRAINGER 121.35 BUILDING SUPPLIES 290038 9039675641 6603.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 218.89 T-STATS FOR WELLS & BUILDINGS 290039 9042325762 6146.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies North Plant Building 72.30 FURNACE FILTERS 290196 9044263250 3106.62331/10/2019 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 9.14 DOOR LUBRICANT 290197 9044263268 3106.62201/10/2019 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 45.98 PPE ICE CLEATS 290198 9043802553 6131.62221/10/2019 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies Water Customer Service 37.57 CHIPPER ROPE HOOK 290199 9045572485 3222.62311/10/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Mtn 38.08 UNIT 111 PARTS 290236 9042437054 2240.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 543.31 203101 1/11/2019 153619 GRANNES, ANNA 200.00 REIMBURSE MWS EARNEST PAYMENT 290202 010819 6544.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Master Water stewards 200.00 203102 1/11/2019 145332 GRANNES, MICHAEL 65.00 2019 LICENSE RENEWAL 290203 2019 LICENSE RENEWAL 0812.64791/10/2019 Dues and Subscriptions Conferences/Training-Prot Insp 65.00 203103 1/11/2019 153621 GROMMESCH, GABRIELLE 200.00 REIMBURSE MWS EARNEST PAYMENT 290204 010819 6544.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Master Water stewards 200.00 203104 1/11/2019 111043 H&L MESABI 614.52 CURB RUNNERS 290040 02563 2244.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 614.52 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203104 1/11/2019 111043 H&L MESABI Continued... 203105 1/11/2019 100085 HARDWARE HANK 33.77 TRAINING SUPPLIES 290041 1806433 1223.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Training Fire & EMS 1.50 PLOW EQUIP PARTS 290042 1805183 2240.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 13.47 BRINE BUILDING REPAIR 290043 1805988 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 12.99 SUPPLIES 290044 1805245 3201.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Administrative/General 14.99 PARTS 290045 1805887 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 4.83 PARTS 290046 1806310 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 81.55 203106 1/11/2019 121622 HASTINGS, CITY OF 9,993.60 GIPSON 10/29-12/9/18 290047 201812190679 9695.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Dakota Co Drug Task Force 9,993.60 203107 1/11/2019 100064 HAWKINS WATER TRTMNT GROUP INC 1,573.25 NTP CHEM DELV 290048 4420301 6147.624412/31/2018 Chemicals & Chemical Products North Plant Production 1,573.25 203108 1/11/2019 100267 HAYES ELECTRIC 688.86 BRINE BUILDING PUMP INSTALL 290049 4266 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 867.88 WELDER OUTLET 290235 4273-010319 2401.642812/31/2018 Field/Other Equipment Repair-L Gen/Adm-Central Services 1,556.74 203109 1/11/2019 150980 HD SUPPLY CONSTRUCTION AND INDUSTRIAL 52.58 SAFETY GLASSES 290050 10009853341 2201.622212/31/2018 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies Gen/Adm-Streets 168.17 EQUIPMENT CLEANER 290051 10009890276 2244.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 235.72 BRINE BUILDING REPAIR 290052 50009514623 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 456.47 203110 1/11/2019 153622 HERNICK, PHIL 200.00 REIMBURSE MWS EARNEST PAYMENT 290205 010819 6544.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Master Water stewards 200.00 203111 1/11/2019 111668 HOLM, MARK 48.83 MILEAGE 12/4/18-12/28/18 290055 1218MILEAGE 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 48.83 203112 1/11/2019 138907 HOLMIN HEATING & COOLING 535.00 HVAC REPAIR 290053 701179 3314.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Central Maintenance 535.00 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203112 1/11/2019 138907 HOLMIN HEATING & COOLING Continued... 203113 1/11/2019 101708 HONSA LIGHTING SALES & SVC. INC. 729.00 LIGHT BULBS AND BALLAST 290054 86964 6603.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 729.00 203114 1/11/2019 150406 HUELIFE LLC 2,250.00 OFFICER TRAINING CLASS DEVELOP 290056 1579 1223.632012/31/2018 Instructors Training Fire & EMS 2,250.00 203115 1/11/2019 149612 INTEGRATED LOSS CONTROL INC. 686.00 SAFETY CONSULTANT-JAN19 290206 12696 1001.64751/10/2019 Miscellaneous General/Admn-Human Resources 686.00 203116 1/11/2019 109142 ISD 196 1,186.20 ISD 196 TRANSPORTATION 290057 27 3075.655012/31/2018 Transportation Services CDBG - Teens 764.62 ISD 196 TRANSPORTATION 290058 29 3075.655012/31/2018 Transportation Services CDBG - Teens 1,950.82 203117 1/11/2019 100508 J R'S APPLIANCE DISPOSAL INC 10.00 CONCESSION EQUIP DISPOSAL 290059 96754 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 10.00 203118 1/11/2019 104485 JANECKY PLUMBING SERVICE, INC. 998.00 PLUMBING REPAIR 290060 117629 3315.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services City Hall 2,135.90 PLUMBING REPAIR 290061 117628 6827.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 3,133.90 203119 1/11/2019 153601 JONES, CALEB 230.32 ART SALE VENDOR PAYMENT 290062 2018 WINTER ART SALE 3081.2290.112/31/2018 Art House-Pottery Sale taxable Arts & Humanities Council 230.32 203120 1/11/2019 140758 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 26.88 DOOR QUARRY 290063 IN000188 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 26.88 203121 1/11/2019 124496 KIRVIDA FIRE INC. 279.48 KIRVIDA FIRE-REPAIR UNIT 10 290064 7623 1224.642512/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Labor Engineer 279.48 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203122 1/11/2019 100061 KRAEMER MINING & MATERIALS INC.Continued... 228.70 STREET REPAIR SUPPLIES 290065 275209 2220.625512/31/2018 Street Repair Supplies Bituminous Surface Maint 228.70 203123 1/11/2019 146762 KRAFT CONTRACTING & MECHANICAL LLC 35,000.00 NTP BOILER HIGH EFF 290066 14052 6146.663012/31/2018 Other Improvements North Plant Building 3,925.00 NTP ADMIN FAUSETS 290067 14044 6146.642712/31/2018 Building Operations/Repair-Lab North Plant Building 38,925.00 203124 1/11/2019 100662 LAW ENFORCEMENT LABOR 3,417.00 JANUARY 2019 UNION DUES 290014 OFFICERS/SRGS 1/5/19 9592.20261/11/2019 Ded Pay - Pol Off Unio Benefit Accrual 3,417.00 203125 1/11/2019 151162 LIBERTY ART WORKS 1,050.00 RETIREMENT AXES 290200 5349 1221.64751/10/2019 Miscellaneous Administration-Fire 1,050.00 203126 1/11/2019 147898 LITIN 41.26 CONCESSION RESALE 290068 504158B 6609.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 41.26 203127 1/11/2019 145890 MANSFIELD OIL COMPANY 1,155.94 GENERATOR FUEL OIL 290069 21107954 3304.623512/31/2018 Fuel, Lubricants, Additives Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 1,155.94 203128 1/11/2019 153608 MAVO SYSTEMS INC 2,088.00 GLUE PUCKETS REMODEL 290070 67585 1107.623212/31/2018 Small Equipment Repair Parts Support Services 2,088.00 203129 1/11/2019 100571 MENARDS-APPLE VALLEY 119.51 BAG GAME SUPPLIES 290071 52342 3108.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Park Improvements 119.51 203130 1/11/2019 151196 METLIFE 565.50 METLIFE 290072 50692370 9592.203512/31/2018 Ded Payable-Met Law Benefit Accrual 565.50 203131 1/11/2019 138889 METRO CHIEF FIRE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION 100.00 METRO CHIEFS DUES-SPRINGER 290207 2019-SPRINGER 1221.64771/10/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 100.00 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203131 1/11/2019 138889 METRO CHIEF FIRE OFFICERS ASSOCIATION Continued... 203132 1/11/2019 100133 MIKES SHOE REPAIR 249.00 DON BUECKSLER BOOTS 290073 12272018 3170.211512/31/2018 Clothing Allowance General AdmIn-Parks 249.00 203133 1/11/2019 123677 MILLER TREE SERVICE 3,500.00 TREE REMOVAL TIMBERLINE 290208 1454 RED CEDAR 6148.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services North Well Field 3,500.00 203134 1/11/2019 102753 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES 55.00 C KING BUSINESS CARDS 290074 SOI-076357 0901.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Gen & Admin-Communications 130.00 BUSINESS CARDS 290074 SOI-076357 6101.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Water -Administration 275.00 BUSINESS CARDS TRAINERS 290074 SOI-076357 6801.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General & Administrative 460.00 203135 1/11/2019 100664 MN CHILD SUPPORT 664.51 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290007 GARNISHMENT 1/5/19 9592.20301/11/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 354.86 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290008 GARNISHMENT 1/5/19-1 9592.20301/11/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 230.73 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290009 GARNISHMENT 1/5/19-2 9592.20301/11/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 1,250.10 203136 1/11/2019 100682 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 520.00 SPLASHPAD 2019 290209 FBL-34769-5320- 2019 3307.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services Exterior Maintenance 520.00 203137 1/11/2019 100682 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 1,005.00 CASCADE BAY 2019 290211 FBL-14172-5320- 2019 6713.64801/10/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes Concessions 1,005.00 203138 1/11/2019 102468 MN DEPT OF HEALTH 290.00 CONCESSIONS TRAILER 2019 290210 FBL-15260-17204 -2019 6713.64801/10/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes Concessions 290.00 203139 1/11/2019 120087 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203139 1/11/2019 120087 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP Continued... 198.94 PUMPHOUSE 2 290075 0503993940-0000 1-DEC18 6146.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service North Plant Building 98.19 TRAPP FARM PARK 290076 0506168916-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 41.92 HOLZ FARM 290077 0506678453-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 7,515.35 NORTH TREATMENT PLANT 290078 0505460873-0000 1-DEC18 6146.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service North Plant Building 122.53 WELL #3 290079 0505460873-0000 2-DEC18 6146.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service North Plant Building 489.82 VEHICLE WASH 290080 0505460873-0000 4-DEC18 3304.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 276.19 FIRE STATION 3 290081 0502709856-0000 1-DEC18 3313.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Fire Buildings 10.13 CENTRAL PARK PAVILLION 290082 0506640339-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 694.74 FIRE STATION 4 290083 0502992371-0000 1-DEC18 3313.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Fire Buildings 117.48 GOAT HILL PARK 290084 0502896570-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 134.86 MOONSHINE 290085 0506119075-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 97.26 TIMBERLINE PUMPHOUSE 290086 0502341685-0000 1-DEC18 6146.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service North Plant Building 2,815.48 PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE 290087 0505182087-0000 1-DEC18 3304.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 490.40 EAGAN OUTLETS PARKWAY 290088 0507382197-0000 1-DEC18 9116.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Cedar Grove Parking Garage 721.90 EAGAN OUTLETS COMMONS 290089 0504332209-0000 1-DEC18 9116.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Cedar Grove Parking Garage 203.69 SKYHILL PARK 290090 0505890818-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 5,387.59 POLICE DEPARTMENT 290091 0507280053-0000 3-DEC18 3304.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 181.86 RAHN PARK WARMING HOUSE 290092 0505212492-0000 1-DEC18 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 37.54-QUARRY PARK 290093 0507516709-0000 1-NOV18 3106.64101/10/2019 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 142.48 QUARRY PARK 290094 0507516709-0000 3106.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203139 1/11/2019 120087 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP Continued... 1-DEC18 10,844.92 CITY HALL 290095 0507679172-0000 1-DEC18 3304.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 491.00 CASCADE BAY 290096 0506263442-0000 1-DEC18 6715.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Cascade Utilities 48.01 CASCADE BAY 290097 0506263442-0000 2-DEC18 6715.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Cascade Utilities 31,087.20 203140 1/11/2019 100971 MN ICE ARENA MANAGER'S ASSOC 200.00 ANNUAL DUES-2019 290212 INV_31 6601.64791/10/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General/Administrative-Arena 200.00 203141 1/11/2019 107051 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 77.00 MSFCA DUES-SPRINGER 290213 2019 1221.64771/10/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 77.00 203142 1/11/2019 100663 MN TEAMSTERS 320 1,185.00 JANUARY 2019 UNION DUES 290011 CLERICAL 1/5/19 9592.20291/11/2019 Ded Pay - Clerical Union Dues Benefit Accrual 2,914.00 JANUARY 2019 UNION DUES 290012 PUB WKS MAINT 1/5/19 9592.20271/11/2019 Ded Pay - Pub Wks Union Dues Benefit Accrual 4,099.00 203143 1/11/2019 151420 MRA-THE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION 3,800.00 MRA MEMBERSHIP SERVICE-2019 290214 9114990 1001.63101/10/2019 Professional Services-General General/Admn-Human Resources 3,800.00 203144 1/11/2019 100146 MTI DISTR CO 471.38 UNIT 338 290215 1198099-00 9001.14151/10/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 156.05 UNIT 338 290216 1198077-00 9001.14151/10/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 627.43 203145 1/11/2019 102628 NALMS 575.00 NALMS 2018 CONFERENCE 290168 3680 6511.647612/31/2018 Conferences/Meetings/Training Training/Conferences/Schools 575.00 203146 1/11/2019 125742 NATIONAL DRIVE 2.00 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290013 010519 9592.20371/11/2019 Ded Payable-Teamsters DRIVE Benefit Accrual 2.00 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203147 1/11/2019 108599 OFFICE DEPOT, INC.Continued... 28.63 BRENT 290169 247508848001 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 98.95 STEVE 290170 251163467001 6154.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies South Plant Building 127.58 203148 1/11/2019 142091 OFFICE OF MN IT SERVICES 22.00-CREDIT FOR DOUBLE CHARGE 290098 00000519291 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 21.60 FOBS 290099 DV18090498 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 21.60 FOBS 290100 DV18100498 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 21.20 203149 1/11/2019 144492 OSBERG, DAVE 17.33 DEC MILEAGE 290108 120718 0201.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking General & Admn-Admn 17.33 203150 1/11/2019 100653 PARADISE CAR WASH 59.75 CAR WASH 290101 52025-121018 1221.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Administration-Fire 59.75 203151 1/11/2019 100307 PILOT KNOB ANIMAL HOSP 385.00 ANIMAL CONTROL BOARDING 290102 153903 1110.632512/31/2018 Vet/Kennel Charge/Animal Dispo Animal Control 385.00 203152 1/11/2019 145116 POHL, KENNITH 46.27 11907-OVRPMNT 823 HIDDEN MEADO 290217 121818 9220.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 46.27 203153 1/11/2019 144472 PRECISE MRM LLC 595.28 AVL 290103 IN200-1019484 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 595.28 203154 1/11/2019 150977 RADDATZ DANCE STUDIO 945.00 RADDATZ RENTAL 290104 COE-11-2018 3092.645612/31/2018 Building Rental CDBG - Seniors 945.00 203155 1/11/2019 143557 RANDSTAD (R) 1,408.07 EVID TECH 12/9-12/15/18 290109 R24081247 9695.656112/31/2018 Temporary Help-Labor/Clerical Dakota Co Drug Task Force 1,408.07 203156 1/11/2019 100169 RATWIK ROSZAK ETAL 975.00 OUTSIDE LEGAL CONSULT 290105 63383 0603.631112/31/2018 Legal Outside Legal Counsel 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203156 1/11/2019 100169 RATWIK ROSZAK ETAL Continued... 975.00 203157 1/11/2019 141789 RED WING SHOE STORE 169.99 BOOTS S. MUELLER 290106 20181210019617 2401.211512/31/2018 Clothing Allowance Gen/Adm-Central Services 169.99 203158 1/11/2019 152980 REMTECH INC. PEST PROTECTION 173.60 PEST CONTROL 290107 11391 3304.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 173.60 203159 1/11/2019 121047 RETENTION MANAGEMENT 300.00 RETENTION MANAGEMENT - SOFTWAR 290219 SUP7092413 6801.65691/10/2019 Maintenance Contracts General & Administrative 300.00 203160 1/11/2019 102314 RIVAMONTE, LOUDI 166.23 LOUDI R-MILEAGE 290110 102218 3001.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking General/Admn-Recreation 26.49 LOUDI R-REIMBURSEMENT MEAL 290111 102218-1 3001.647712/31/2018 Local Meeting Expenses General/Admn-Recreation 192.72 203161 1/11/2019 100898 SCHOEPPNER,DALE 38.88 JURY DUTY MILEAGE REIMBURSE 290218 010319 9001.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits General Fund 38.88 203162 1/11/2019 140064 SENTRY SYSTEMS INC. 63.50 JAN 2018 ALARM MONITORING 290220 11616599 9695.65401/10/2019 Alarm Monitoring Srv (DCDTF)Dakota Co Drug Task Force 63.50 203163 1/11/2019 146265 SESAC 475.00 SESAC-LICENSE FOR RECREATION 290221 10270398 3001.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services General/Admn-Recreation 237.50 SESAC-LICENSE FOR CIVIC ARENA 290221 10270398 6601.64801/10/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General/Administrative-Arena 237.50 SESAC-LICENSE FOR CASCADE BAY 290221 10270398 6716.64801/10/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General Administration 475.00 SESAC-LICENSE FOR ECC 290221 10270398 6801.64801/10/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General & Administrative 1,425.00 203164 1/11/2019 146625 SHRED-IT USA 37.05 SHREDDING 290112 8126284376 0501.645712/31/2018 Machinery & Equipment-Rental General & Admn-Finance 37.05 SHREDDING 290112 8126284376 3001.645712/31/2018 Machinery & Equipment-Rental General/Admn-Recreation 74.10 203165 1/11/2019 151184 SIMPLIFILE 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203165 1/11/2019 151184 SIMPLIFILE Continued... 49.00 290113 MNTXJK-12212018 0720.4206 J041712/31/2018 Platting Fees General Admin-Planning & Zonin 49.00 290222 MNTXJK-01042019 0720.4206 J04211/10/2019 Platting Fees General Admin-Planning & Zonin 49.00 290222 MNTXJK-01042019 0720.4095 J03611/10/2019 Conditional Use/Special Use General Admin-Planning & Zonin 147.00 203166 1/11/2019 151416 SMART DELIVERY SERVICE INC 206.40 INTEROFFICE MAIL 12-31-18 290114 65310 0401.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services General & Admn-City Clerk 206.40 203167 1/11/2019 102392 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GROUP, INC. 524.00 SPARTAN - PROMOTIONS 290115 568366 6801.635712/31/2018 Advertising/Publication General & Administrative 475.35 EVENT SUPPLIES 290116 568343 3079.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Special Events 475.35 MARKET FEST SUPPLIES 290117 568362 3061.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Market Fest 462.00 SPARTAN-STAFF TSHIRTS 290118 568354 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 273.03 SPARTAN-CAPS 290119 568355 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 2,209.73 203168 1/11/2019 147327 SPECTRUM SIGN SYSTEMS INC. 17,936.79 SIGNS - LABOR & MATERIAL 290120 18-0558 8245.671812/31/2018 Project - Other Charges P1245 Quarry Rd 17,936.79 203169 1/11/2019 148036 SPOK INC. 4.58 PAGER 290223 C0318109M 3301.63511/10/2019 Pager Service Fees General Management 4.58 203170 1/11/2019 114471 SPRINT 14.26 POLICE STREET POST 290121 204988812-133 1104.634912/31/2018 Teleprocessing Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 14.26 203171 1/11/2019 151382 STEINHOUSE, GARY 600.00 UNIFORM PATCHES NEW SEW ON 290122 122818 1221.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Administration-Fire 600.00 203172 1/11/2019 121824 STEVENSON, CHERYL 17.77 DEC MILEAGE 290125 121818 0201.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking General & Admn-Admn 17.77 203173 1/11/2019 145310 STONER, THOMAS 71.10 11907-OVRPMNT 520 EASTWOOD CT 290224 121818 9220.22501/10/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 71.10 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203173 1/11/2019 145310 STONER, THOMAS Continued... 203174 1/11/2019 100204 STREICHERS INC. 3,162.73 SWAT AMMO 290123 11346393 1104.622812/31/2018 Ammunition Patrolling/Traffic 3,162.73 203175 1/11/2019 127800 SUPERIOR MECHANICAL COLLISION 122.10 RO 1523 290124 0143740 9001.141512/31/2018 Inventory - Parts General Fund 122.10 203176 1/11/2019 107307 SVL SERVICE CORPORATION 7,418.00 HVAC REPAIR 290239 181115-005 3314.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Central Maintenance 7,418.00 203177 1/11/2019 151851 SYSCO-MINNESOTA INC 84.67 CONCESSION RESALE 290126 247174714 6609.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 86.63 VENDING RESALE 290127 247173132 6629.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Vending 85.83-PAPER PRODUCTS 290128 247202891 6603.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 593.94 POP/WATER/PRETZELS 290137 247216381 6806.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Concessions 579.80 ICE CREAM/HOT DOGS/PRETZELS 290225 247235672 6806.68551/10/2019 Merchandise for Resale Concessions 248.07 PAPER PRODUCTS 290226 247239106 6603.62231/10/2019 Building/Cleaning Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 339.72 HOT DOGS/MILK/FRIES/WATER 290226 247239106 6609.68551/10/2019 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 45.45 CONCESSION RESALE 290227 247235194 6609.68551/10/2019 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 1,892.45 203178 1/11/2019 142973 T-MOBILE USA (R) 204.00 18-DC-1881 GPS LOCATE 290138 9340072231 9695.658912/31/2018 Forfeiture Expenditures Dakota Co Drug Task Force 204.00 203179 1/11/2019 113124 TOLL GAS & WELDING SUPPLY 22.08 GAS CYLINDER EXCHANGE 290129 40094239 6130.645712/31/2018 Machinery & Equipment-Rental Curb Stop Inspctn/Maint/Repair 22.08 203180 1/11/2019 100543 TOTAL CONTROL SYSTEMS INC 4,037.70 NTP HSP UPDATES 290130 8570 6147.642712/31/2018 Building Operations/Repair-Lab North Plant Production 4,024.40 HSP SCADA CONTROL CHANGES 290131 8576 6147.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor North Plant Production 945.00 NTP PLATE SETTLER HSP 6,7 290132 8575 6147.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor North Plant Production 2,628.40 STORM SCADA WORK 290133 8585 6439.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 2,136.60 HURLEY STORM 290134 8586 6439.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 4,604.10 LP-51 STORM SS 290135 8603 6439.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 339.10 SCADA STORM WORK 290136 8614 6439.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203180 1/11/2019 100543 TOTAL CONTROL SYSTEMS INC Continued... 3,948.25 SPEED CONTROL NTP FLOCK 290139 8574 6147.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor North Plant Production 22,663.55 203181 1/11/2019 142029 TRI TECH DISPENSING INC. 299.50 ICE MACHINE REPAIR 290140 56019 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 299.50 203182 1/11/2019 150986 TRISTATE VALVES AND CONTROLS INC. 3,283.63 BRINE BUILDING PUMP REPAIR 290141 7000703-00 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 3,283.63 203183 1/11/2019 100228 TWIN CITY GARAGE DOOR CO 148.00 GARAGE DOOR REPAIR 290142 Z075539 6827.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 148.00 203184 1/11/2019 144559 TWITO, RANDY 217.89 BUFFERCOSTSHARE (65-140011)290148 122118 6542.675812/31/2018 Plant Material Capital Proj-WQ dedictn-cr1127 217.89 203185 1/11/2019 100232 UHL CO INC 8,495.21 PHASE1 CITYHALL REMODEL-UHL 290143 56962 5041.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Phase 1-PD,Garage,&Traing room 8,495.21 PHASE2 CITYHALL REMODEL-UHL 290143 56962 5043.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Phase 2-City Hall 420.00 ALARM MONITORING 290228 57096 3313.65691/10/2019 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 420.00 ALARM MONITORING 290229 57097 3304.65691/10/2019 Maintenance Contracts Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 420.00 ANNUAL MAINT AGREE 290230 57095 6603.65691/10/2019 Maintenance Contracts Building Repair & Maint. 18,250.42 203186 1/11/2019 144157 UNITED BUSINESS MAIL 2,000.00 MONTHLY POSTAGE DEPOSIT 290231 208001-1218 9001.14201/10/2019 Inventory - Postage Machine General Fund 2,000.00 203187 1/11/2019 119645 USA SAFETY SUPPLY CORPORATION 662.32 JACKETS 290149 128048 0805.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Construction Insp-Field 662.32 203188 1/11/2019 100912 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0901.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen & Admin-Communications 105.03 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 3057.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Preschool Programs 70.02 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 3101.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Playground Maintenance 3,166.48 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 1104.634912/31/2018 Teleprocessing Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 21Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203188 1/11/2019 100912 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE Continued... 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 505.18 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 1221.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Administration-Fire 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 1221.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Administration-Fire 40.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 2401.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen/Adm-Central Services 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 2010.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Engineering 275.42 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0801.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Admn-Protective Insp 250.07 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 2201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen/Adm-Streets 138.04 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0301.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service IT-Gen & Admn 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Admn-Admn 35.17 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 3001.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General/Admn-Recreation 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0720.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Admin-Planning & Zonin 70.02 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 3170.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General AdmIn-Parks 105.03 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 3201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Administrative/General 2,799.97 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 0801.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment General & Admn-Protective Insp 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 9701.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service PEG-eligible 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6234.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Utility Locates 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 25.04 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6239.635212/31/2018 Telephone Circuits Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6136.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service GIS - Utilities 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6147.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service North Plant Production 70.02 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6101.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Water -Administration 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6716.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Administration 35.01 AIR CARDS 290144 9820934462 6801.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Administrative 8,110.63 203189 1/11/2019 100237 VIKING ELECTRIC 55.83 ELEC FUSES FOR BRINE MACH 290145 S002178966.001 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 55.83 203190 1/11/2019 138027 WATER CONSERVATION SERVICE INC. 294.08 LEAK DETECTION 290146 9109 6160.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Main Maintenance/Repair 294.08 203191 1/11/2019 100459 WEATHER WATCH INC 152.90 WEATHER WATCH-JAN 2019 290232 9908 2240.65351/10/2019 Other Contractual Services Street Plowing/Sanding 152.90 203192 1/11/2019 150657 WELCHER, MICKI 62.50 REFUND SUPPLMNTL LIFE DEDUCT 290233 12.27.18 9592.20211/10/2019 Ded Payable - Insurance Benefit Accrual 62.50 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 22Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203192 1/11/2019 150657 WELCHER, MICKI Continued... 203193 1/11/2019 141999 WERNER ELECTRIC SUPPLY 2,356.35 LED REPLACEMENT BULBSSTP 290147 S010004189.001 6154.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies South Plant Building 2,356.35 203194 1/11/2019 153610 WILLIAMS, JENNY AND BRIAN 2,760.00 R&R 2019-FITNESS EQUIPMENT 290234 5606 6801.62271/10/2019 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General & Administrative 2,760.00 203195 1/11/2019 146686 WILSKE, JOSH 83.82 MILEAGE-DECEMBER 2018 290150 MILEAGE 1218 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 83.82 203196 1/11/2019 113476 WISCONSIN SUPPORT COLLECTIONS TRUST FUND 208.15 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290010 GARNISHMENT 1/5/19 9592.20301/11/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 208.15 203197 1/11/2019 142743 WNAV INC 120.00 SERVICE CALL NORTH OAKS 290154 20167 6801.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General General & Administrative 120.00 203198 1/11/2019 150356 WOLD ARCHITECTS AND ENGINEERS 10,263.16 WOLD, 65% CONST ADMIN 290151 60263 9353.672012/31/2018 Project - Architect POLICE & CITY HALL REMODEL 10,263.16 203199 1/11/2019 104542 WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. 5,252.00 GIS CONSULTING 290152 R-012960-000-2 0301.656712/31/2018 Contractual Programming/Data P IT-Gen & Admn 312.00 DATALINK PROGRAMMING 290152 R-012960-000-2 6136.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General GIS - Utilities 191.25 290153 0-001380-280-21 2803.675212/31/2018 Engineering (Field Services)Quarry Park 876.50 FIELD SERV 11/1-11/30/18 290153 0-001380-280-21 8245.671312/31/2018 Project - Outside Engineering P1245 Quarry Rd 6,631.75 203200 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 3,419.46 WELL HOUSE #22 290155 51-0011688001-1 -122018 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 3,419.46 203201 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 492.63 CENTRAL PKWY STREET LITES 290156 51-6563390-9-12 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 23Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203201 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY Continued... 2418 492.63 203202 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 1,056.61 BURR OAKS LIFT STATION 290157 51-0011013079-4 -122418 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1,056.61 203203 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 3,351.49 CEDAR GROVE PARKING GARAGE 290158 51-0010548879-4 -122018 9116.640512/31/2018 Electricity Cedar Grove Parking Garage 3,351.49 203204 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 209.39 VIKINGS PARKWAY CONTROLLER P 290159 51-0011993854-9 -122718 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 209.39 203205 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 2,227.36 WELL #6 290160 51-6563389-6-12 1018 6154.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations South Plant Building 178.46 WELL #16 290160 51-6563389-6-12 1018 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 2,427.57 WELL #7 290160 51-6563389-6-12 1018 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 72.50 WELL #17 290160 51-6563389-6-12 1018 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 4,905.89 203206 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 99.75 HWY 55 STORM 290161 51-6563388-5-12 1018 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 22.08 KNOX STORM LIFT STATION 290161 51-6563388-5-12 1018 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 121.83 203207 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 210.05 CEDAR GROVE BLVD STREET LITES 290162 51-0280165-0-12 2018 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 210.05 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 24Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203207 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY Continued... 203208 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 304.52 ELECT CABINET-NICOLS RD 290163 51-0010197923-4 -122018 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 304.52 203209 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 15.42 MONUMENTS LIGHTING 290164 51-0010165807-6 -122018 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 15.42 203210 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 233.27 CEDAR GROVE PKWY STREET LITES 290165 51-0010060024-7 -122018 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 233.27 203211 1/11/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 253.45 VIKINGS PARKWAY CONTROLLER Q 290166 51-0011994568-4 -122718 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 253.45 203212 1/11/2019 153605 ZIESE, IAN 75.00 LAND USE WORKSHOP 11/1/18 290167 110118 3001.647612/31/2018 Conferences/Meetings/Training General/Admn-Recreation 75.00 20190101 1/11/2019 100249 FIT 116,093.85 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290251 011119 9880.20111/11/2019 Ded Payable - FIT Payroll 116,093.85 20190102 1/11/2019 100250 COMMISIONER OF REVENUE-PAYROLL 34,562.58 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290252 011119 9880.20121/11/2019 Ded Payable - SIT Payroll 34,562.58 20190103 1/11/2019 100252 FICA 32,573.69 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290253 011119 9880.20141/11/2019 Ded Payable - FICA Payroll 32,573.69 20190104 1/11/2019 100253 MEDICARE 12,041.59 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290254 011119 9880.20151/11/2019 Ded Payable - Medicare Payroll 12,041.59 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 25Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 20190104 1/11/2019 100253 MEDICARE Continued... 20190308 1/11/2019 100693 EAGAN PAYROLL ACCT 607,374.09 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9001.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash General Fund 8,203.51 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9197.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash ETV 68,424.22 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9220.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Public Utilities 17,512.03 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9221.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Civic Arena 2,565.48 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9222.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Cascade Bay 31,540.11 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9223.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Central Park/Community Center 4,111.07 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9225.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Fiber Infrastructure Fund 166,368.10 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9592.11151/11/2019 Claim on Cash Benefit Accrual 44,615.28 PAYROLL ENDING 1/5/19 290250 011019 9592.61441/11/2019 FICA Benefit Accrual 950,713.89 20192500 1/11/2019 115374 MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM-HCSP 29,896.75 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290240 011119 9592.20341/11/2019 Ded Payable-HCSP Benefit Accrual 29,896.75 20193200 1/11/2019 138969 MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM-MNDCP 11,134.70 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290241 011119 9592.20321/11/2019 Ded Pay - Great West Def Comp Benefit Accrual 11,134.70 20194200 1/11/2019 100892 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 43,883.47 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290242 011119 9592.20311/11/2019 Ded Pay - ICMA Benefit Accrual 43,883.47 20195201 1/11/2019 100283 BERKLEY ADMINISTRATORS 40,000.00 WC ADVANCE 290243 010419 9593.16501/11/2019 Worker's Comp Advance to DCA Workers' Compensation Self-In 40,000.00 20195600 1/11/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 500.00 DEPOSIT FOR SWALCHICK&ISKAT 290244 010319 9592.61591/11/2019 VEBA Benefit Accrual 500.00 20195601 1/11/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 98,625.00 DEPOST 1ST QTR 2019 VEBA 290245 010319-1 9592.61591/11/2019 VEBA Benefit Accrual 98,625.00 20195602 1/11/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 10,459.32 FLEX REIMBURSEMENT 290246 010419 9592.22151/11/2019 Flex Plan Withholding Payable Benefit Accrual 10,459.32 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:30R55CKR2LOGIS102V 26Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/11/20191/7/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 20195602 1/11/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT Continued... 20195603 1/11/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 15,369.39 FLEX REIMBURSEMENT 290247 011019 9592.22151/11/2019 Flex Plan Withholding Payable Benefit Accrual 15,369.39 20198001 1/11/2019 100694 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT 76.96 PAYROLL PERIOD 12/23/18-1/5/19 290248 434600-011119 9592.61461/11/2019 PERA - DCP Benefit Accrual 72,556.83 PAYROLL PERIOD 12/23/18-1/5/19 290248 434600-011119 9592.20131/11/2019 Ded Payable - PERA Benefit Accrual 41,962.76 PAYROLL PERIOD 12/23/18-1/5/19 290248 434600-011119 9592.61421/11/2019 PERA - Coordinated Benefit Accrual 54,168.36 PAYROLL PERIOD 12/23/18-1/5/19 290248 434600-011119 9592.61431/11/2019 PERA - Police Benefit Accrual 168,764.91 20198500 1/11/2019 151185 HEALTHPARTNERS INC 1,088.87 DENTAL CLAIMS REIMBURSEMENT 290249 010719 9594.61581/11/2019 Dental Insurance Dental Self-insurance 1,088.87 2,136,222.99 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 2,136,222.99 Total Payments 2,136,222.99 1/10/2019City of Eagan 16:28:42R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/11/20191/7/2019 - Company Amount 896,832.4109001GENERAL FUND 22,307.4509116CEDAR GROVE PARKING GARAGE 8,341.0409197ETV 231,688.8909220PUBLIC UTILITIES 23,295.9109221CIVIC ARENA 4,699.6609222CASCADE BAY 43,157.0009223CENTRAL PARK /COMMUNITY CENTER 4,212.3209225FIBER INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 191.2509328PARK SYS DEV AND R&R 27,953.5809353POLICE & CITY HALL REMODEL 18,813.2909372REVOLVING SAF-CONSTRUCTION 599,221.1709592BENEFIT ACCRUAL 40,000.0009593WORKERS' COMPENSATION SELF-INS 1,088.8709594Dental Self-insurance 19,835.9409695DAK CO DRUG TASK FORCE 195,271.7109880PAYROLL 687.50-09990 INVESTMENT TRUST Report Totals 2,136,222.99 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2 LOGIS102V 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018-- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203344 1/18/2019 146368 ALLEGRA 55.00 PD BUSINESS CARDS 290444 43864 1107.62111/17/2019 Office Printed Material/Forms Support Services 55.00 203345 1/18/2019 119218 ALLENS SERVICE INC. (R) 100.00 DEC 2018 STORAGE 290539 DECEMBER2018 9695.653812/31/2018 Towing Charges Dakota Co Drug Task Force 100.00 203346 1/18/2019 148129 AMAZON 59.72 SMALL TOOLS 290255 868436479463 2401.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Gen/Adm-Central Services 173.06 SUPPLIES 290256 656376996899 3079.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Special Events 7.78 SUPPLIES 290257 446545336574 0720.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General Admin-Planning & Zonin 16.38 SUPPLIES 290257 446545336574 0720.647712/31/2018 Local Meeting Expenses General Admin-Planning & Zonin 32.28 TOOLS 290258 459347787574 6449.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Manhole Insp/Mtn/Repair 17.08 SUPPLIES 290259 759493486547 0801.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General & Admn-Protective Insp 53.99 TOOLS 290260 788586957435 6449.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Manhole Insp/Mtn/Repair 5.82 SUPPLIES 290261 444689994786 0801.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General & Admn-Protective Insp 12.60 SUPPLIES 290261 444689994786 0720.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General Admin-Planning & Zonin 14.90 SUPPLIES 290261 444689994786 0801.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General & Admn-Protective Insp 97.98 PINTLE HITCH 290262 536776748955 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 633.15 TOOLS 290263 576546543976 6449.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Manhole Insp/Mtn/Repair 37.24 SUPPLIES 290264 743456993993 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 144.15 BATTERIES 290265 44995348543 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 149.99 SUPPLIES 290266 464754353865 3078.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Senior Citizens 27.97 SUPPLIES 290267 475743735845 3130.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Recreation Program Support 33.19 ART SALE 290268 649949357769 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 21.58 CLOCK FOR LUNCHROOM 290269 935676336364 2401.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Gen/Adm-Central Services 47.11 SUPPLIES 290270 968358969649 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 81.49 PARTS 290271 989458776675 2010.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts General Engineering 55.02 SUPPLIES 290272 469959545799 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 779.98 DROP HITCH 290273 534876858593 6239.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 13.99 SPEAKERS 290274 837568896444 1104.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 84.57 UNIT 1128 290275 535534449735 1104.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 84.57 NEW SQUAD 290276 557485387569 3511.668012/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 11 5.11 ART SALE 290277 787764599537 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 12.99 HEADSET EXTENSION-A. WAGNER 290278 895878379733 2401.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Gen/Adm-Central Services 113.96 WEBCAMS&TRIPODS 290279 897554657449 6801.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment General & Administrative 19.99 SPEAKERS 290280 957773898578 1221.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment Administration-Fire 119.95 SUPPLIES 290281 865344444467 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 1,663.20 MONITORS 290282 434593883364 1104.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 59.19 SUPPLIES 290283 437988845695 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 1/31/19 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203346 1/18/2019 148129 AMAZON Continued... 110.16 SUPPLIES 290284 463748388444 3071.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies MN State Arts Board 37.20 SUPPLIES 290285 834685846699 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 187.08 SUPPLIES 290286 439799849665 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 46.07 SUPPLIES 290287 456497664996 3057.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Preschool Programs 79.00 SUPPLIES 290287 456497664996 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 37.78 KEYBOARD 290288 447379784558 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 229.23 SUPPLIES 290289 456839983488 1105.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 101.87 SUPPLIES 290290 443877966976 3027.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Holz Farm 11.96 SUPPLIES 290291 599553973537 0301.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment IT-Gen & Admn 17.98 PARTS 290292 463737896556 1104.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 59.46 KEYBOARD 290293 464337797476 0201.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment General & Admn-Admn 8.49 SUPPLIES 290294 494394737955 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 39.90 BANDAGES 290295 599577839968 3001.622212/31/2018 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 35.95 SUPPLIES 290296 789336769675 6146.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies North Plant Building 63.50 SUPPLIES 290297 958949848374 6449.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Manhole Insp/Mtn/Repair 99.95 SUPPLIES 290298 459898738389 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 103.96 SUPPLIES 290299 465659764659 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 14.99 SUPPLIES 290300 476369733689 3170.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies General AdmIn-Parks 108.89 SUPPLIES 290300 476369733689 3130.622212/31/2018 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies Recreation Program Support 79.94 SUPPLIES 290301 778668749436 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 19.99 PRINTER PAPER 290302 759955773775 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 139.99 SUPPLIES 290303 468378665573 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 40.97 SUPPLIES 290303 468378665573 3057.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Preschool Programs 101.99 IPAD 290304 835338334499 0720.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment General Admin-Planning & Zonin 55.40 DANGER SIGNS 290305 879654883948 5501.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment CMF expansion phase II 251.00 SUPPLIES 290306 483335579897 3001.622212/31/2018 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 17.68 SUPPLIES 290306 483335579897 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 20.99 IPAD CASE 290307 444887647646 3071.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies MN State Arts Board 799.99 IPAD 290308 848469386559 3071.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies MN State Arts Board 42.45 IPAD CASE/SLING STUDIO 290309 856696337589 9701.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment PEG-eligible 52.38 SUPPLIES 290310 983565666547 3103.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Site Amenity Maintenance 1,335.51 IPAD CASE/SLING STUDIO 290311 777557963354 9701.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment PEG-eligible 62.54 SUPPLIES 290312 897436895495 3052.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Football 32.94 SUPPLIES 290313 467539796958 1105.621212/31/2018 Office Small Equipment Investigation/Crime Prevention 279.49 SUPPLIES 290314 458687867387 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 39.99 SUPPLIES 290315 443858974746 2201.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Gen/Adm-Streets 9,446.64 203347 1/18/2019 100417 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 7,543.15 SIREN MAINT CONTRACT FOR 2019 290445 84339 1106.65691/17/2019 Maintenance Contracts Emergency Preparedness 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203347 1/18/2019 100417 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC Continued... 7,543.15 203348 1/18/2019 100360 APPLE FORD LINCOLN APPLE VALLEY 198.96 RO 11 UNIT 1104 290446 446495 9001.14151/17/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 907.98 RO 9 UNIT 1138 290447 446628 9001.14151/17/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 10.46 RO 10 UNIT 308 290448 446565 9001.14151/17/2019 Inventory - Parts General Fund 1,117.40 203349 1/18/2019 101609 ASPEN WASTE 325.17 WASTE REMOVAL 290449 S1322047-010119 6603.65391/17/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Building Repair & Maint. 325.17 203350 1/18/2019 151832 AT&T 1,400.00 18-Z-107 LOCATION FEE 290371 298096 9695.658912/31/2018 Forfeiture Expenditures Dakota Co Drug Task Force 1,400.00 203351 1/18/2019 115432 AUDIOVISUAL, INC. 4,589.31 TRICASTER PLATE-LIVE UPGRADE 290364 88593702 9701.664012/31/2018 Machinery/Equipment PEG-eligible 4,589.31 203352 1/18/2019 153646 BACHE, KIMBERLY 105.84 11960-OVRPMNT 4591 HORIZON CIR 290450 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 105.84 203353 1/18/2019 116698 BATTERY STATION, THE 236.00 SCBA BATTERIES 290365 70861 1225.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Fire / EMS Equipment 236.00 203354 1/18/2019 150924 BKJ LAND CO. 324,671.10 CONT 18-08 PMT 1 FINAL 290372 102518 6541.6710 P127212/31/2018 Project - Contract Capital Proj-Renew&Repl-cr1126 324,671.10 203355 1/18/2019 153657 BLOOMINGTON 9321 LLC 15.87 11907-OVRPMNT 2900 SKYLINE DR 290451 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 15.87 203356 1/18/2019 121444 BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF MINNESOTA 57,658.52 HEALTH INSURANCE - FEB19 290454 190102066570 9592.20171/17/2019 Ded Payable-Insurance BCBS Benefit Accrual 325,669.83 HEALTH INSURANCE - FEB19 290454 190102066570 9592.61511/17/2019 Health Insurance Benefit Accrual 383,328.35 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203356 1/18/2019 121444 BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD OF MINNESOTA Continued... 203357 1/18/2019 153658 BLUMBERG, HEATHER 28.04 11907-OVRPMNT 2133 MARBLE LN 290452 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 28.04 203358 1/18/2019 153659 BRONDSTETTER, KELLY 14.35 11907-OVRPMNT 3990 CEDAR GROVE 290453 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 14.35 203359 1/18/2019 142923 BUREAU OF CRIMINAL APPREHENSION 630.00 BCA ACCESS 4TH Q 2018 290373 00000520936 1104.634912/31/2018 Teleprocessing Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 630.00 203360 1/18/2019 142846 CENTURYLINK 141.08 290455 612E12-8187409- JAN19 6101.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 547.74 OAK POND LIFT STATION 290456 612E06-3878017- JAN19 6239.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 423.24 290457 612E12-1089411- JAN19 6101.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 135.74 COMM LINE BTWN TRMNT PLANTS 290458 612E06-1331048- JAN19 6101.63521/17/2019 Telephone Circuits Water -Administration 282.16 290459 612E12-0825197- JAN19 6101.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 141.08 290460 612E12-6449410- JAN19 6101.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 1,671.04 203361 1/18/2019 142837 CENTURYLINK (R) 1,031.79 JAN 2019 TELEPHONE 290461 1458243531 9695.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Dakota Co Drug Task Force 1,031.79 203362 1/18/2019 153660 CHAUDHARY, MARK 122.39 11907-OVRPMNT 1669 HICKORY HIL 290462 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 122.39 203363 1/18/2019 151299 CINTAS 8.62 RUGS 290463 4014884426 3313.65691/17/2019 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 8.62 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203364 1/18/2019 142286 COMCAST Continued... 16.84 PD CABLE -JAN 2019 290470 877210508005718 1-12/20/18 1104.65691/17/2019 Maintenance Contracts Patrolling/Traffic 16.84 203365 1/18/2019 142286 COMCAST 52.65 MONTHLY DUES-1/18-2/17/19 290471 877210508072454 1-010819 6603.63471/17/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Building Repair & Maint. 52.65 203366 1/18/2019 150880 CORE & MAIN LP 2,283.27 HYDRANT REPAIR 290366 J919206 6144.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies Hydrant Maintenance/Repair 2,283.27 203367 1/18/2019 153638 CORNER STONE RENOVATION 74.31 11960-OVRPMNT 3756 COUNTRY CRE 290464 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 74.31 203368 1/18/2019 152118 CORNERSTONE COPY BURNSVILLE 983.00 EXHIBIT BROCHURES 290367 174231 3071.635712/31/2018 Advertising/Publication MN State Arts Board 983.00 203369 1/18/2019 153635 CUSTOM TITLE SERVICES LLC 77.57 11960-OVRPMNT 4310 METCALF DR 290465 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 77.57 203370 1/18/2019 110921 DAKOTA AWARDS & ENGRAVING 727.75 AWARDS 290368 19619 1001.637012/31/2018 General Printing and Binding General/Admn-Human Resources 68.25 AWARDS 290369 19647 1001.637012/31/2018 General Printing and Binding General/Admn-Human Resources 796.00 203371 1/18/2019 130716 DAKOTA COUNTY PT & R 12,330.40 2018 ELECTION EQUIP MAINT.290370 00033451 0401.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts General & Admn-City Clerk 12,330.40 203372 1/18/2019 145515 DAKOTA COUNTY TREASURER-AUDITOR 116.56 GEN # 2483 290497 10643 9695.64801/17/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes Dakota Co Drug Task Force 116.56 203373 1/18/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC 170.02 HOLZ FARM 290374 100914-1-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203373 1/18/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC Continued... 21.64 DIFFLEY/LEXINGTON 290375 101738-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 22.78 DIFFLEY/LEXINGTON 290376 102634-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 38.18 OAK POND SAN LIFT STATION 290377 102843-0-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 25.07 DIFFLEY/LEXINGTON 290378 103085-7-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 29,892.88 RIVER HILLS STREET LIGHTS 290379 129548-4-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 43.89 JOHNNYCAKE/CLIFF SIGNALS 290380 141558-7-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 59.53 GUN CLUB ROAD LIFTSTATION 290381 166469-7-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 161.02 TRAPP LAKE PARK 290382 172633-0-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 2,020.62 HOLLAND STORM 290383 183413-4-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 60.55 ELRENE RD HOCKEY RINK 290384 192536-1DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 822.49 CANTER GLEN STORM 290385 193566-7-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 126.96 LEXINGTON RESERVOIR 290386 200603-9-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 31.92 WESCOTT STORM 290387 201101-3-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 164.56 WOODLANDS STORM 290388 201125-2DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 102.77 NORTHVIEW PARK IRRIGATION 290389 203049-2-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 24.27 OHMAN PARK SHELTER 290390 205375-9-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 27.12 DIFFLEY ROAD TUNNEL LITES 290391 214662-9-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 41.50 DIFFLEY/LEXINGTON 290392 221769-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 14.00 620 CLIFF ROAD AERATOR 290393 226044-6-DEC18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 38.76 MAJESTIC OAKS SAN 290394 288226-4-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 14.00 HAY LAKE AERATOR 290395 371946-5DEC18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 16.28 WESCOTT GAZEBO 290396 393793-5-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 92.16 STEEPLECHASE LIFTSTATION 290397 401500-4-DEC18 6239.640512/31/2018 Electricity Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 661.17 ART HOUSE 290398 412157-0-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 15.49 ART HOUSE GAZEBO 290399 440126-1-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 65.35 MARSH COVE SAN LIFT STATION 290400 441453-8-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 34,774.98 203375 1/18/2019 118917 DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY 2,012.50 BLDG PRMT 12/18 290466 120118 9001.21951/17/2019 Due to State - Permit Surcharg General Fund 2,012.50 203376 1/18/2019 108122 DESIGNWRITE STUDIO'S, INC. 2,101.00 Q4WEB DEVELOP&MAINT 290401 6211 0907.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Web Page 650.00 NOV/DEC2018 EXP EAGAN DESIGN 290402 6213 0902.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Experience Eagan Newsletter 2,751.00 203377 1/18/2019 146799 DHILLON, HARBIR 73.47 11960-OVRPMNT 1326 SHADOW CREE 290467 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 73.47 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203377 1/18/2019 146799 DHILLON, HARBIR Continued... 203378 1/18/2019 100969 DRIVER & VEHICLE SERVICES 44.00 UNMARKED TAB RENEWAL 290472 010819 1104.64801/17/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes Patrolling/Traffic 44.00 203379 1/18/2019 101697 EAGAN CONVENTION & VISITORS BUREAU 68,312.00 LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 9001.221012/31/2018 Due to Convention Bureau General Fund 1,347.82-LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 6801.462112/31/2018 Building Rent General & Administrative 1.55-LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 6801.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 20.00-LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 6801.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg General & Administrative 1,051.65-LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 9337.1386.112/31/2018 Due from ECVB Community Investment 414.98-LODGING TAX - NOV 2018 290410 1118 9337.4613.412/31/2018 Int on IR-ECVB Community Investment 65,476.00 203380 1/18/2019 100387 EAGAN GENERAL REPAIR 75.00 SOUTHERN LAKES 290403 27635 6148.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies North Well Field 3,182.80 GATES FOR ZOO SEWER LINE ROAD 290404 27649 6238.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies Sewer Main Maintenance 3,257.80 203381 1/18/2019 152927 EAGAN GIRLS HOCKEY BOOSTER CLUB 75.00 1/4 PAGE ETV AD 290468 102918-1 9701.63571/17/2019 Advertising/Publication PEG-eligible 75.00 203382 1/18/2019 142805 EAGLE CREEK TITLE 94.15 11960-OVRPMNT 4509 SLATER RD 290469 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 94.15 203383 1/18/2019 108624 EBERT CONSTRUCTION 20,800.41 CONT 18-05 PMT 6 290411 103118-1 5501.6710 P127812/31/2018 Project - Contract CMF expansion phase II 20,800.41 203384 1/18/2019 152152 ECOLAB FOOD SAFETY SPECIALTIES 12.80 TEST STRIPS FOR CONCESSIONS 290405 95642250 6609.622212/31/2018 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies Concession Sales/Vending 12.80 203385 1/18/2019 147619 EDINA REALTY RELOCATION 175.55 11907-OVRPMNT 546 WHITE PINE W 290473 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 175.55 203386 1/18/2019 153661 EISCHENS, MATTHEW 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203386 1/18/2019 153661 EISCHENS, MATTHEW Continued... 17.91 11907-OVRPMNT 2120 CLIFFVIEW D 290474 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 17.91 203387 1/18/2019 153645 ENRIQUEZ, DAISY 132.00 11960-OVRPMNT 3840 WESTBURY LN 290475 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 132.00 203388 1/18/2019 153636 FASTPROPERTY SOLUTIONS LLC 7.36 11960-OVRPMNT 2094 QUARTZ LN 290476 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 7.36 203389 1/18/2019 101886 FASTSIGNS 11.66 ART EXHIBIT SIGN 290406 INV-60266 3081.635712/31/2018 Advertising/Publication Arts & Humanities Council 11.66 203390 1/18/2019 144138 FISCHER MINING LLC 203.50 MAINBREAK FILL 290407 121178 6160.625512/31/2018 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 405.33 MAINBREAK FILL 290408 121257 6160.625512/31/2018 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 608.83 203391 1/18/2019 153650 HALL, DANIEL 80.25 11960-OVRPMNT 4654 STONECLIFF 290477 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 80.25 203392 1/18/2019 100085 HARDWARE HANK 47.14 STP COMPRESSOR 290409 1806169 6155.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies South Plant Production 5.29 PD SUPPLIES 290412 1806229 1104.622612/31/2018 Public Safety Supplies Patrolling/Traffic 4.49 EVIDENCE LOCK REPAIR 290413 1807357 1104.623212/31/2018 Small Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 56.92 203393 1/18/2019 153662 HART, JOHN 81.79 11907-OVRPMNT 604 CRANE CREEK 290478 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 81.79 203394 1/18/2019 138631 HEALTHEAST MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION 85.00 SUSPECT BLOOD DRAW 290417 18-54618 9115.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General DWI Forfeiture 85.00 203395 1/18/2019 100082 HEALTHPARTNERS 1,653.00 DENTAL ADMIN FEE - FEB 19 290479 86901373 9594.61611/17/2019 Dental self-insurance admin fe Dental Self-insurance 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203395 1/18/2019 100082 HEALTHPARTNERS Continued... 1,653.00 203396 1/18/2019 100627 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 149.82 TOOLS 290316 3971109 3304.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 30.67 SUPPLIES 290317 2181210 3304.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 109.91 SUPPLIES 290317 2181210 3313.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Fire Buildings 11.72 PLOW VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 290319 8350079 2244.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 6.22 TACK WAGON REPAIR 290320 5073490 2244.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Equipment Repair/Mtn .48 PLOW TRUCK PARTS 290321 3011489-112118 2244.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 123.91 MAILBOX REPAIR 290322 3011505 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 72.84 BRINE BLDG SUPPLIES 290323 4013077 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 8.98 BLDG MAIN SUPPLIES 290324 3013135 2270.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Building And Grounds-Mtn 2.41 BRINE BLDG SUPPLIES 290325 2023096 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 34.31 SUPPLIES 290326 1010708 3217.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Landscape Mtn-Non-park sites 23.59 ECC-SUPPLIES 290327 10787 3216.625012/31/2018 Landscape Material & Supplies Landscape Mtn-Park sites 90.05 SUPPLIES 290328 9010911 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 53.27 CORE VALLEY 290329 8030698 3103.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Site Amenity Maintenance 104.98 GOAT RINK 290330 8030723 3119.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Rink Amenity Mtn/Setup 16.97 MOONSHINE FILTER 290331 8030731 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 19.88 BALLFIELD BENCH REPAIR 290332 5022488 3118.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Athletic Field Mtn/Setup 12.47 OLD TOWN HALL FLAG REPAIR 290333 4011381 3304.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 66.89 BENCHES 290334 4030914 3103.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Site Amenity Maintenance 22.65 CRACK FILLER 290335 3350098 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 92.96 QUARRY CARPET GLUE SCRAPER 290336 1011634 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 53.00 AIRLINE FOR TANKER TRUCKS 290337 1011636 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 46.01 QUARRY SINK INSTALL PARTS 290338 8011925 3106.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 11.76 MOUSE POISON TRAYS 290339 7011948 3106.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 16.23 PAINTING SUPPLIES 290340 7011977 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 112.44 STEPS AT RAHN 290341 6012081-112818 3119.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Rink Amenity Mtn/Setup 206.10 QUARRY UTILITY SINK 290342 6012089 3106.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 33.39 STEPS AT RAHN 290343 6012090 3119.625212/31/2018 Parks & Play Area Supplies Rink Amenity Mtn/Setup 17.85 STEPS AT RAHN 290344 4012303-113018 3119.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Rink Amenity Mtn/Setup 7.48 LIGHT BULBS 290345 4012311 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 8.97 ELECTRIC GREASE 290346 4012331 3222.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Equipment Mtn 49.95 AXE HOLZ FARM 290347 4612718 3130.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Recreation Program Support 6.20 SUPPLIES 290348 12621 3304.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 28.86 SUPPLIES 290349 12630 3128.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Vehicle Maintenance 23.25 QUARRY SINK PARTS 290350 12659-120418 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 17.34 QUARRY SINK PARTS 290351 9012722 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 39.91 TOOLS 290352 9012735 3222.624012/31/2018 Small Tools Equipment Mtn 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203396 1/18/2019 100627 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES Continued... 6.63 SPRAYER REPAIR 290353 8022944 3127.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Maintenance/Repair 6.88 CORN HOLE SUPPLIES WOOD PUTTY 290354 701295 3001.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 27.57 QUARRY PLUMBING SUPPLIES 290355 7012944 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 35.53 MOONSHINE GARAGE STORAGE 290356 7031905 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 11.15 QUARRY SUPPLIES 290357 4032057 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 40.86 SUPPLIES 290358 4093130 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 8.57 SUPPLIES 290359 3013134 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 7.97 IRRIGATION MAPS 290360 3013174 3117.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Irrigation System Mtn/Install 9.97 TUBING TRAILER 290361 3023054 3106.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Structure Care & Maintenance 4.75 QUARRY PLUMBING SUPPLIES 290362 2013216-121218 3106.623312/31/2018 Building Repair Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 388.71 WATER SOFTENER SALT 290363 2013220 3106.622312/31/2018 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 39.88 PLOW TRUCK SUPPLIES 290548 8011008-111618 2244.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Street Equipment Repair/Mtn 2,322.19 203397 1/18/2019 153651 HOOD, CAROL 22.30 11960-OVRPMNT 3657 PINECREST C 290480 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 22.30 203398 1/18/2019 148985 HP INC. 875.00 LAPTOP-81 2018 CIP 290536 60770344 1104.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 875.00 HP FOR LAPTOP USE FOR SENIOR P 290537 60770385 3078.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Senior Citizens 1,750.00 203399 1/18/2019 153663 HUOT, KERRY 20.91 11907-OVRPMNT 4000 CINNABAR DR 290481 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 20.91 203400 1/18/2019 153664 IMBERY, KAREN 13.71 11907-OVRPMNT 3810 HEATHER DR 290482 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 13.71 203401 1/18/2019 101833 INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, CITY OF 69.72 STORMWATER SERVICE CHARGES2018 290540 05-18573-01-122 118 6401.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Storm Sewer-Administration 69.72 203402 1/18/2019 153649 JACOBSON, DENNIS 90.59 11960-OVRPMNT 3633 WINDTREE DR 290483 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 90.59 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203403 1/18/2019 104485 JANECKY PLUMBING SERVICE, INC.Continued... 1,633.00 PLUMBING REPAIR 290484 117647 6827.65351/17/2019 Other Contractual Services Building Maintenance 1,633.00 203404 1/18/2019 153665 JOHNSON, MEGAN 53.58 11907-OVRPMNT 4313 CLEMSON CIR 290485 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 53.58 203405 1/18/2019 153666 JORGENSEN, CALLEY 20.00 11907-OVRPMNT 3807 LAUREL CT 290486 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 20.00 203406 1/18/2019 153656 KAYSEN, JOHN 7.85 11960-OVRPMNT 3645 BLACKHAWK R 290487 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 7.85 203407 1/18/2019 153653 KELLY, GERALD 30.51 11960-OVRPMNT 860 IVY LANE 290488 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 30.51 203408 1/18/2019 153667 KNUTSON, KELLY 43.63 11907-OVRPMNT 3837 HEATHER DR 290489 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 43.63 203409 1/18/2019 118751 KOENKE, BEN 19.62 MILEAGE KOENKE TO COURT 290418 121918 1104.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking Patrolling/Traffic 19.62 203410 1/18/2019 153655 KOEPLIN, DAVID 46.02 11960-OVRPMNT 1730 COCHRANE AV 290490 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 46.02 203411 1/18/2019 100061 KRAEMER MINING & MATERIALS INC. 217.80 MAINBREAK FILL 290414 275128 6160.625512/31/2018 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 217.80 203412 1/18/2019 153686 KRAMER, LT COL ROSS E. 1,350.71 REFUND REMAINING ESCROW 290519 061218 9001.2245 J04091/17/2019 Escrow - Private Development F General Fund 1,350.71 203413 1/18/2019 148489 KROENING, JOHN 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203413 1/18/2019 148489 KROENING, JOHN Continued... 133.10 11960-OVRPMNT 4156 KINGSTON CT 290491 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 133.10 203414 1/18/2019 153642 KUYATH, BRIAN 29.36 11960-OVRPMNT 669 COVENTRY PKW 290492 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 29.36 203415 1/18/2019 100644 LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES 96.68 LANG LINE USE 290419 4478783 1104.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Patrolling/Traffic 96.68 203416 1/18/2019 153668 LY, SAMUEL 45.18 11907-OVRPMNT 2084 CORAL LANE 290494 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 45.18 203417 1/18/2019 114678 MAGUIRE, MIKE 105.14 DEC MILEAGE 290420 121418 0101.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking Legislative/Policy Development 105.14 203418 1/18/2019 139121 MARCO INC. 1,313.96 PD PRINTER REPLACEMENTS 290421 INV5859427 1104.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 1,313.96 203419 1/18/2019 153609 MARKERTEK 306.00 TRICASTER CABLES 290415 1432313 9701.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts PEG-eligible 35.90 TRICASTER CABLES 290416 1434327 9701.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts PEG-eligible 341.90 203420 1/18/2019 151515 MATHEW, LYDIA 6.30 L. MATHEW REIMBURSEMENT 290422 12/27/18 3092.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies CDBG - Seniors 6.30 203421 1/18/2019 153654 MCCARTHY, MARCIA 62.02 11960-OVRPMNT 1326 JURDY RD 290495 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 62.02 203422 1/18/2019 153641 MCCARTY, CATHERINE 24.45 11960-OVRPMNT 546 WHITE PINE W 290496 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 24.45 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203423 1/18/2019 100133 MIKES SHOE REPAIR Continued... 225.00 UNIFORM-TENNESSEN 290423 12312018 1104.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 225.00 203424 1/18/2019 138393 MINNESOTA DEED 2,625.00 MIF LOAN - CORVIDA - JAN 19 290499 010119 9118.65081/17/2019 MIF Repayment to State MIF Revolving Loan 1,305.18 MIF LOAN = PURAIR - JAN 2019 290500 01012019 9118.6508 MI0011/17/2019 MIF Repayment to State MIF Revolving Loan 3,930.18 203425 1/18/2019 102019 MN DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY 6,415.08 2ND HALF 2018 SP COMP FD 290429 00000519095 9593.638512/31/2018 Insurance Workers' Compensation Self-In 6,415.08 203426 1/18/2019 138430 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP (R) 355.23 DEC 2019 NATURAL GAS 290424 0507678830-0000 1-DEC18 9695.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Dakota Co Drug Task Force 253.68 DEC 2019 NATURAL GAS 290425 0504461082-0000 1-DEC18 9695.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Dakota Co Drug Task Force 608.91 203427 1/18/2019 101921 MOCIC 250.00 MOCIC 2019 DUES 290501 43035-660-2019 1105.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions Investigation/Crime Prevention 250.00 203428 1/18/2019 143252 MOSS & BARNETT 3,250.00 FCC COMMENTS FILING WORK 290430 112818 9701.631112/31/2018 Legal PEG-eligible 3,250.00 203429 1/18/2019 100145 MRPA 165.00 MRPA - MEMBERSHIP-2019 290511 2019 3170.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General AdmIn-Parks 1,579.00 MRPA - MEMBERSHIP 2019 290511 2019 3001.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General/Admn-Recreation 35.00 MRPA - BOB DUES-2019 290511 2019 6601.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General/Administrative-Arena 220.00 MRPA 19 - KT AND MV DUES 290511 2019 6716.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General Administration 485.00 MRPA - MEMBERSHIP 2019 290511 2019 6801.64791/17/2019 Dues and Subscriptions General & Administrative 2,484.00 203430 1/18/2019 104390 NARDINI FIRE EQUIPMENT 234.00 FIRE SUPPRESSION AT FIRE 2 290426 IN00096347 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 234.00 203431 1/18/2019 153644 NELSON, B 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203431 1/18/2019 153644 NELSON, B Continued... 220.00 11960-OVRPMNT 4842 SAFARI PASS 290512 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 220.00 203432 1/18/2019 153648 NELSON, CHRIS 67.76 11960-OVRPMNT 1523 PINETREE TR 290508 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 67.76 203433 1/18/2019 122435 OFFICE DEPOT (R) 90.66 COFFEE, KEYBOARD, TRIGGER 290431 251482379001 9695.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Dakota Co Drug Task Force 90.66 203434 1/18/2019 153669 OGOREK, LISA 46.23 11907-OVRPMNT 4329 LIVINGSTON 290510 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 46.23 203435 1/18/2019 153670 OKAI-JOHNNSON, MATILDA 275.51 11907-OVRPMNT 4548 CINNAMON RI 290513 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 275.51 203436 1/18/2019 150228 OPG-3 INC. 758.75 SCANNER 290432 3050 0801.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment General & Admn-Protective Insp 758.75 SCANNER 290432 3050 0720.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment General Admin-Planning & Zonin 1,517.50 SCANNER 290432 3050 2010.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment General Engineering 3,035.00 203437 1/18/2019 152779 PAAP DRONES LLC 125.00 DRONE VIDEO OF EAGAN 290427 1094 9701.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General PEG-eligible 125.00 203438 1/18/2019 100653 PARADISE CAR WASH 313.20 PD VEHICLE WASHES 290428 52020-121018 1104.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Patrolling/Traffic 634.15 PD CAR WASH-2018 290433 52020-010519 1104.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Patrolling/Traffic 947.35 203439 1/18/2019 150930 PARTNERS TITLE 45.79 11960-OVRPMNT 3465 GREENWOOD C 290503 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 45.79 203440 1/18/2019 150910 PEIFER, ELIZABETH 80.00 11960-OVRPMNT 4176 COUNTRYVIEW 290502 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203440 1/18/2019 150910 PEIFER, ELIZABETH Continued... 80.00 203441 1/18/2019 147463 POPE/DOUGLAS SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT 526.50 MARIJUANA DISPOSAL 290516 011619 9695.65891/17/2019 Forfeiture Expenditures Dakota Co Drug Task Force 526.50 203442 1/18/2019 153671 PROKOP, CHRISTOPHER 132.87 11907-OVRPMNT 2133 JADE PT 290514 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 132.87 203443 1/18/2019 153685 RAFTELIS 4,435.38 STRATEGIC PLANNING 290434 11203 6113.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Preparation/ Research/ Writing 2,056.25 STRATEGIC PLANNING 290435 11193 6113.631012/31/2018 Professional Services-General Preparation/ Research/ Writing 6,491.63 203444 1/18/2019 143557 RANDSTAD (R) 1,444.17 EVID TECH 1/16-1/22/18 290439 R24127193 9695.656112/31/2018 Temporary Help-Labor/Clerical Dakota Co Drug Task Force 1,263.65 EVID TECH 12/23-12/29/18 290440 R24161582 9695.656112/31/2018 Temporary Help-Labor/Clerical Dakota Co Drug Task Force 1,405.47 EVID TECH 12/30-1/5/19 290517 R24205963 9695.65611/17/2019 Temporary Help-Labor/Clerical Dakota Co Drug Task Force 4,113.29 203445 1/18/2019 153643 RESULTS TITLE 30.34 11960-OVRPMNT 1530B CLEMSON DR 290506 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 30.34 203446 1/18/2019 153672 SCHERF, MITCHELL 303.47 11907-OVRPMNT 739 CAMBERWELL D 290515 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 303.47 203447 1/18/2019 153673 SCHUETZE, MARTIN 15.97 11907-OVRPMNT 1691 BLACKHAWK C 290518 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 15.97 203448 1/18/2019 143153 SCIPIONI, CHRISTINA 27.25 SCIPIONI, MILEAGE 11/27-12/31 290541 123118 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 27.25 203449 1/18/2019 151184 SIMPLIFILE 49.00 RECORDING FEE 290520 MNTXJK-01112019 0720.4095 J04301/17/2019 Conditional Use/Special Use General Admin-Planning & Zonin 49.00 RECORDING FEE 290521 MNTXJK-01082019 0720.4207 J04161/17/2019 Rezoning Fees General Admin-Planning & Zonin 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203449 1/18/2019 151184 SIMPLIFILE Continued... 98.00 203450 1/18/2019 153639 SPEARS, ROY 92.52 11960-OVRPMNT 1358 COSMOS LANE 290505 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 92.52 203451 1/18/2019 153674 SPEIKER, ANGELA 42.71 11907-OVRPMNT 4501B CINNAMON R 290522 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 42.71 203452 1/18/2019 100326 ST PAUL, CITY OF 150.00 TRAINING-MACHTEMES 290441 IN00032844 1104.647612/31/2018 Conferences/Meetings/Training Patrolling/Traffic 150.00 203453 1/18/2019 153637 TCF BANK 71.16 11960-OVRPMNT 4396 SVENSK LN 290504 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 71.16 203454 1/18/2019 153675 THERIOT, MELINDA 100.36 11907-OVRPMNT 4092 OAKBROOKE A 290523 121818 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 100.36 203455 1/18/2019 153640 THOMPSON, MICHAEL 197.77 11960-OVRPMNT 4725 OAK CLIFF D 290524 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 197.77 203456 1/18/2019 100107 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 129.10 MONTHLY DUES 290525 3004359587 6603.65691/17/2019 Maintenance Contracts Building Repair & Maint. 129.10 203457 1/18/2019 150730 TOLLEFSON FAMILY PORK 10.00 1/12/19 MARKETFEST SNAP/EBT 290526 011219 3061.6220 PR0031/17/2019 Operating Supplies - General Market Fest 10.00 203458 1/18/2019 153647 TOMAR, ASHISH 19.71 11960-OVRPMNT 3297 HERITAGE LN 290507 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 19.71 203459 1/18/2019 153634 TROY INDUSTRIES INC 717.60 WEAPON MOUNTS 2018 CIP 290436 90445 3511.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 11 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203459 1/18/2019 153634 TROY INDUSTRIES INC Continued... 195.00 AR MOUNTS 2019 CIP 290527 90801 3511.66701/17/2019 Other Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 11 912.60 203460 1/18/2019 100391 U S BANK 500.00 GO REC FAC BOND 2009B 290531 5223749 9223.64921/17/2019 Paying Agent/Bond Destruction Central Park/Community Center 500.00 203461 1/18/2019 111810 U S BANK (R) 40.00 INV LISA FARRELL CARD 290437 2668-121418 1105.652012/31/2018 Major Investigation Expenses Investigation/Crime Prevention 40.00 203462 1/18/2019 115307 ULINE (R) 352.80 GLOVES, EVID BOX 290528 104512482 9695.62201/17/2019 Operating Supplies - General Dakota Co Drug Task Force 352.80 203463 1/18/2019 120163 ULINE INC. 374.00 NTP FILTERCELL PM 290438 104142934 6147.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge North Plant Production 374.00 203464 1/18/2019 119217 VERIZON WIRELESS (R) 168.05 JAN 2018 CELL PHONE 290493 9820938663 9695.63551/17/2019 Cellular Telephone Service Dakota Co Drug Task Force 70.02 JAN 2019 CELL PHONE 290529 9821079530 9695.63551/17/2019 Cellular Telephone Service Dakota Co Drug Task Force 238.07 203465 1/18/2019 100912 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE 50.02 DETECTIVE ROUTER-JAN 19 290530 9821298235 1105.63551/17/2019 Cellular Telephone Service Investigation/Crime Prevention 50.02 203466 1/18/2019 153652 VISKOCIL, CHUCK 76.01 11960-OVRPMNT 815 TRAILS END R 290509 010319 9220.22501/17/2019 Escrow Deposits Public Utilities 76.01 203467 1/18/2019 143966 WAARA, RON 4.36 MILEAGE 12/7/18 290442 120718 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 4.36 203468 1/18/2019 149532 WAHL, KAYE 205.65 K.WAHL REIMBURSEMENT 290532 010419 3078.62271/17/2019 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Senior Citizens 205.65 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203469 1/18/2019 102393 WALDELAND JEWELRY & GIFTS Continued... 35.00 REPAIR OF BADGES 290533 46241 1104.62121/17/2019 Office Small Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 35.00 203470 1/18/2019 119144 WASTE MANAGEMENT-SAVAGE (R) 612.90 JAN 2019 WASTE MANAGEMENT 290534 7983093-2282-3 9695.65391/17/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Dakota Co Drug Task Force 612.90 203471 1/18/2019 102255 WCRA 9,165.58 2019 INSTALLMENT #1 290535 59136 9593.63851/17/2019 Insurance Workers' Compensation Self-In 9,165.58 203472 1/18/2019 149840 WS & D PERMIT SERVICE 103.25 BUILDING PERMIT 290443 152436 0801.408512/31/2018 Building General & Admn-Protective Insp 2.00 BUILDING PERMIT 290443 152436 9001.219512/31/2018 Due to State - Permit Surcharg General Fund 105.25 203473 1/18/2019 119221 XCEL ENERGY (R) 465.54 DEC 2018 ELECTRICITY 290538 51-4403417-1-12 2718 9695.640512/31/2018 Electricity Dakota Co Drug Task Force 465.54 203474 1/18/2019 118089 Z SYSTEMS INC. 15,090.00 2018-NEW CAMERAS, MOUNTS 290542 45440 9701.667012/31/2018 Other Equipment PEG-eligible 15,090.00 203475 1/18/2019 100125 METRO COUNCIL ENVIRONMTL SERV-SAC 571.55-DECEMBER 2018 290549 120118 0801.424612/31/2018 Administrative Fee on SAC Coll General & Admn-Protective Insp 57,155.00 DECEMBER 2018 290549 120118 9220.227512/31/2018 MCES Sewer Availability Charge Public Utilities 56,583.45 20185110 12/31/2018 100283 BERKLEY ADMINISTRATORS 3,167.00 2018 ADMIN FEE 290543 011519 9593.638712/31/2018 Worker's Comp - Administration Workers' Compensation Self-In 3,167.00 20190105 1/18/2019 150536 MONEY MOVERS INC. 66.00 DECEMBER 2018 290544 115031 6807.43211/18/2019 Memberships-Taxable Fitness Center 66.00 20190115 1/18/2019 138388 VANCO SERVICES LLC 223.90 DECEMBER 2018 290545 00009363729 6101.65351/18/2019 Other Contractual Services Water -Administration 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:08R55CKR2LOGIS102V 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/18/201912/31/2018 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 20190115 1/18/2019 138388 VANCO SERVICES LLC Continued... 223.90 20195604 1/18/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 5,690.49 FLEX REIMBURSEMENT 290546 011719 9592.22151/18/2019 Flex Plan Withholding Payable Benefit Accrual 5,690.49 20198501 1/18/2019 151185 HEALTHPARTNERS INC 4,889.59 DENTAL CLAIMS REIMBURSEMENT 290547 011419 9594.61581/18/2019 Dental Insurance Dental Self-insurance 4,889.59 1,029,054.60 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 1,029,054.60 Total Payments 1,029,054.60 1/18/2019City of Eagan 11:08:15R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/18/201912/31/2018 - Company Amount 117,552.8309001GENERAL FUND 85.0009115DWI Forfeiture 3,930.1809118MIF REVOLVING LOAN 24,849.1709197ETV 436,081.6509220PUBLIC UTILITIES 554.7209221CIVIC ARENA 220.0009222CASCADE BAY 1,428.5909223CENTRAL PARK /COMMUNITY CENTER 997.1709335EQUIPMENT REVOLVING 1,466.63-09337 COMMUNITY INVESTMENT 20,855.8109355MAINTENANCE FACILITY EXPANSION 389,018.8409592BENEFIT ACCRUAL 18,747.6609593WORKERS' COMPENSATION SELF-INS 6,542.5909594Dental Self-insurance 9,657.0209695DAK CO DRUG TASK FORCE Report Totals 1,029,054.60 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2 LOGIS102V 1Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203476 1/25/2019 151329 ALL FURNITURE 200.00 ALL FURN-TRAILER JAN19 290742 41481-123118 5045.66601/24/2019 Office Furnishings & Equipment Temporary Office/Moving Expens 200.00 203477 1/25/2019 119218 ALLENS SERVICE INC. (R) 223.00 18-AV-1647 2009 BUICK TOW 290669 205951 9695.653812/31/2018 Towing Charges Dakota Co Drug Task Force 184.00 17-BV-5575 2003 MERC E350 TOW 290670 207648 9695.653812/31/2018 Towing Charges Dakota Co Drug Task Force 330.00 18-LA-375 2006 MERC E500 TOW 290743 206004 9695.65381/24/2019 Towing Charges Dakota Co Drug Task Force 737.00 203478 1/25/2019 152027 ALTEC INDUSTRIES INC 92.95 BALLFIELDS 290734 11087138 3118.62511/24/2019 Athletic Field Supplies Athletic Field Mtn/Setup 92.95 203479 1/25/2019 118668 AMERICAN GLASS & MIRROR 839.00 GLASS REPLACED ON TRAINING CEN 290735 318364 6603.62331/24/2019 Building Repair Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 839.00 203480 1/25/2019 100417 ANCOM COMMUNICATIONS INC 204.00 PAGER PARTS AND CHARGER 290736 84698 1221.62381/24/2019 Communication System Parts Administration-Fire 204.00 203481 1/25/2019 101882 APPLE VALLEY,CITY OF 322.86 CALIBRATION OF FIT TEST MACHIN 290737 6668 1225.63231/24/2019 Testing Services Fire / EMS Equipment 322.86 203482 1/25/2019 119203 ASCAP 237.33 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290838 500584168-2019 3001.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services General/Admn-Recreation 118.67 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290838 500584168-2019 6601.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General/Administrative-Arena 118.67 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290838 500584168-2019 6716.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General Administration 237.33 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290838 500584168-2019 6801.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General & Administrative 712.00 203483 1/25/2019 100009 ASPEN EQUIP CO 7,043.00 PLOW FOR 117 290660 10198617 2240.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 7,043.00 203484 1/25/2019 140466 ASPENWALL TREE SERVICE INC. 975.00 ROYAL OAK TOWER REMOVAL 290661 18-0334 3220.654512/31/2018 Tree Removal Tree Removal 975.00 1/31/19 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 2Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203485 1/25/2019 141341 BAYCOM INC.Continued... 35,861.00 CIP - MDC COMPUTERS FOR FIRE 290662 GO-19038 3512.668012/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 12 35,861.00 203486 1/25/2019 151214 BIRKEMEIER, ALIX 30.00 JUDGES FOR ICE SHOW TRYOUTS 290744 011519 6606.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Ice Show 30.00 203487 1/25/2019 138890 BMI 237.00 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290839 985253 3001.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services General/Admn-Recreation 118.50 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290839 985253 6601.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General/Administrative-Arena 118.50 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290839 985253 6716.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General Administration 237.00 MUSIC LICENSE FEES-2019 290839 985253 6801.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes General & Administrative 711.00 203488 1/25/2019 131767 BOLTON & MENK INC. 1,212.50 PROJECT DESIGN 11/3-11/30/18 290663 227458 8339.671312/31/2018 Project - Outside Engineering P 1339 Diffley Rd/ Braddock Tr 1,212.50 203489 1/25/2019 138079 BORMAN, WANDA 25.00 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 290826 110718 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 25.00 203490 1/25/2019 151982 BRENNER, JAMES 12,500.00 PUBLIC ART 1ST PAYMENT 290745 01092019 3095.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Art House MRAC Grant 12,500.00 203491 1/25/2019 100027 BURNSVILLE, CITY OF 33,666.00 LIVE TRUCK 2018 CIP SPLIT COST 290664 2018-00000009 9701.668012/31/2018 Mobile Equipment PEG-eligible 33,666.00 203492 1/25/2019 148751 CAMPBELL KNUTSON 333.20 CITY ATTORNEY BILL 290665 3407-0013G-1218 0602.631112/31/2018 Legal Prosecuting Attorney 333.20 203493 1/25/2019 115040 CARDIAC SCIENCE, INC. 1,616.00 DEFIB PADS 290738 7343359 1104.62261/24/2019 Public Safety Supplies Patrolling/Traffic 1,616.00 203495 1/25/2019 149593 CELLEBRITE INC 3,700.00 SOFTWARE MAINT RENEWAL 290747 INVUS202203 0301.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 3Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203495 1/25/2019 149593 CELLEBRITE INC Continued... 3,700.00 203496 1/25/2019 142846 CENTURYLINK 66.00 290739 612E12-1121206- JAN19 6101.63471/24/2019 Telephone Service & Line Charg Water -Administration 66.00 203497 1/25/2019 151299 CINTAS 8.62 RUGS 290666 4009970565 3313.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 8.62 RUGS 290667 4010516185 3313.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts Fire Buildings 94.08 SHOP TOWELS 290740 4014572824 2401.62411/24/2019 Shop Materials Gen/Adm-Central Services 168.00 SHOP TOWELS 290741 4014572764 2401.62411/24/2019 Shop Materials Gen/Adm-Central Services 60.52 RUGS 290748 4014572849 3314.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts Central Maintenance 50.20 RUGS 290749 4014572815 3304.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 390.04 203498 1/25/2019 153524 COMCAST 775.00 COMCAST LINE TO BANDSHELL 290668 73910647 9704.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Non-ETV CIP expenditures 775.00 203499 1/25/2019 132315 COOK, DAN 47.61 COOK, DAN MILEAGE 290671 2018 MILEAGE 0301.635312/31/2018 Personal Auto/Parking IT-Gen & Admn 47.61 203500 1/25/2019 150880 CORE & MAIN LP 6,514.73 NEW HANDHELD FOR METER READING 290672 J854481 6162.626012/31/2018 Utility System Parts/Supplies Meter Reading 6,514.73 203501 1/25/2019 113795 CULLIGAN 447.85 SOFTNER SALT 290827 711374 6602.624412/31/2018 Chemicals & Chemical Products Equipment Repair & Maint. 447.85 203502 1/25/2019 100365 DAK CTY CLERK OF COURT 200.00 JEFFREY SOTO JR 290750 225792 9001.22601/24/2019 Bail Deposits General Fund 200.00 203503 1/25/2019 133868 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCIAL SERVICES 21,640.95 PROJ PAYMENT TO COUNTY 290673 00033665 8273.671012/31/2018 Project - Contract P1273 Pilot Knob/Cliff Rd cnty 156.21 ELECTRICITY 290674 00033488 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 159.63 ELECTRICITY 290675 00033489 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 4Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203503 1/25/2019 133868 DAKOTA COUNTY FINANCIAL SERVICES Continued... 103.56 ELECTRICITY 290676 00033490 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 228.56 ELECTRICITY 290677 00033491 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 1,940.87 ELECTRICITY 290678 00033594 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 2,475.00 3RD&4TH QTR SIGNAL MAINT 290679 00033606 6301.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Street Lighting 177.65 TRAFF SIGNAL MAINT 290679 00033606 6301.643212/31/2018 Utility System Repair-Labor Street Lighting 70,020.24 PROJ PAYMENT TO COUNTY 290680 00033493 9375.6713 P118512/31/2018 Project - Outside Engineering Major Street 96,902.67 203504 1/25/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC 21.98 OLD TOWN HALL 290550 100749-1-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 67.06 CARLSON LAKE SAN 290551 102339-9-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 94.02 SOUTHERN HILLS TOWER 290552 103460-2-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 4,536.94 FIRE SAFETY CENTER 290553 108247-8-DEC18 3313.640512/31/2018 Electricity Fire Buildings 2,459.60 PUB WORKS GARAGE 290554 110986-7-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 244.48 YANKEE DOODLE WATER TANK RSVR 290555 112682-0-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 314.65 LONE OAK SAN 290556 112832-1-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 372.86 WELL #1 290557 112885-9-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 85.39 CARLSON LAKE STORM 290558 122797-4-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 243.05 WELL #2 290559 124865-7-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 3,595.50 MUNICIPAL CENTER 290560 127189-9-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 34.99 BLACKHAWK COVE SAN 290561 127325-9-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 103.35 RAHN PARK 290562 132778-2-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 76.31 LEXINGTON STORM STATION 290563 133789-8-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 20.28 ZOO METER 290564 136873-7-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 12,042.11 WELL #4/TREATMENT PLANT 290565 137781-1-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 742.77 LODGEPOLE CT SECURITY LITES 290566 138267-0-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 522.88 CLIFF BOOSTER STATION 290567 139958-3-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 187.81 LEXINGTON BOOSTER STATION 290568 143222-8-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 237.86 FIRE STATION 3 290569 146053-4-DEC18 3313.640512/31/2018 Electricity Fire Buildings 50.51 OAK CHASE STORM 290570 146920-4-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 15.60 COVINGTON STORM 290571 149810-4-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 31.12 TH 77/CO RD 32 SIGNALS 290572 152634-2-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 36.48 TH 77/CO RD 32 SIGNALS 290573 152635-9-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290574 155062-3-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290575 155063-1-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290576 155064-9-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 91.59 SAFARI RESERVOIR 290577 159673-3-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 262.18 HURLEY STORM 290578 159822-6-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 374.17 SCHWANZ STORM 290579 160898-3-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 46.87 LONE OAK/35 SIGNALS 290580 162414-7-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 5Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203504 1/25/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC Continued... 20.28 OAK CLIFF STORM 290581 165267-6-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 2,714.20 NORTHVIEW PARK 290582 167128-8-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 31.45 35/E CLIFF SIGNALS 290583 167845-7-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 28.84 35/E CLIFF SIGNALS 290584 167846-5-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 31.12 35E/PILOT KNOB SIGNALS 290585 167849-9-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 30.54 35E/PILOT KNOB SIGNALS 290586 167850-7-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 37.62 35E/YANKEE DOODLE SIGNALS 290587 167851-5-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 29.98 RAHN PARK 290588 169262-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 424.45 GOAT HILL PARK HOCKEY RINK 290589 170635-7-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 129.71 GOAT HILL PARK BASEBALL FIELD 290590 170636-5-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 66.71 ASHBURY SAN 290591 172471-5-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 96.15 BLUE CROSS PARK 290592 177546-9-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 82.90 YANKEE STORM 290593 180516-7-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1,901.97 WELL #8 & #9 290594 187147-4-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 42.19 BLACKHAWK/CLIFF SIGNALS 290595 187873-5-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 308.54 COUNTRY HOLLOW SAN 290596 193140-1-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 138.14 COUNTRY HOLLOW STORM 290597 193575-8-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 718.89 FIRE STATION 4 290598 195895-8-DEC18 3313.640512/31/2018 Electricity Fire Buildings 214.03 WELL #10 290599 196322-2-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 69.99 THOMAS LAKE STORM 290600 196919-5-DEC18 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 258.57 WELL #11 290601 197761-0-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 62.04 MURPHY SAN 290602 198484-8-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 48.23 CLIFF & CLIFF LAKE RD SIGNALS 290603 198522-5-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 30.78 CLIFF LAKE RD SIGNAL LIGHT 290604 198523-3-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 209.26 WELL #13 290605 200399-4-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 667.98 WELL #12 290606 200417-4-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 2,799.07 WELL #14 290607 200823-3-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 267.68 WELL #15 290608 200922-3-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 5,180.60 SOUTH TREATMENT PLANT 290609 201358-9-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 75.72 BLACKHAWK PAVILLION 290610 211088-0-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 14.00 BLACKHAWK PARK AERATOR 290611 211089-8-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 14.45 WEST GROUP NORTH 290612 212539-1-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1,818.50 POLICE STATION 290613 217026-4-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 6,155.12 CIVIC ICE ARENA 290614 220593-8-DEC18 6601.640512/31/2018 Electricity General/Administrative-Arena 45.72 DENMARK/TWN CNTR SIGNALS 290615 224458-0-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290616 224623-9-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290617 224624-7-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 5.00 CIVIL DEFENSE SIREN 290618 224625-4-DEC18 1106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Emergency Preparedness 149.61 WELL #18 290619 224626-2-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 6Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203504 1/25/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC Continued... 65.68 DEERWOOD RESERVOIR 290620 224893-8-DEC18 6154.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat South Plant Building 101.29 YANKEE/WASHINGTON STREET LITES 290621 226048-7-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 103.57 YANKEE/35E STREET LITES 290622 226049-5-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 180.93 YANKEE/DENMARK STREET LITES 290623 226050-3-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 287.50 YANKEE/PROMENADE STREET LITES 290624 226051-1-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 100.15 NORTHWD/PROMENADE STREET LITES 290625 226052-9-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 615.40 AQUATIC ADMIN BLDG 290626 256881-4-DEC18 6719.640512/31/2018 Electricity Building Maintenance 534.96 AQUATIC PARKING LOT LIGHT 290627 263297-4-DEC18 6719.640512/31/2018 Electricity Building Maintenance 147.98 AQUATIC MECH BLDG 290628 272182-7-DEC18 6719.640512/31/2018 Electricity Building Maintenance 1,033.10 AQUATIC CHANGE FACILITY 290629 272183-5-DEC18 6719.640512/31/2018 Electricity Building Maintenance 14.00 WEST GROUP SOUTH 290630 300763-0-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 36.71 CLUBVIEW/LEXINGTON SIGNALS 290631 313124-0-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 36.13 LEX/N ARMSTRONG BLVD SISGNALS 290632 313127-3-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 669.98 GENERATOR 290633 326096-5-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 41.39 THOMAS LAKE PARK 290634 348080-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 14.00 THRESHER PARK 290635 349188-3-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 40.12 DUCKWOOD/TOWN CNTR SIGNALS 290636 357166-1-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 15.00 1960 CLIFF LAKE RD AERATOR 290637 412466-5-DEC18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 14.23 DEERWOOD/35E SPDSIGN 290638 417173-2-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 32.60 THRESHER PARK BLDG 290639 427290-2-DEC18 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 348.66 SHERMAN CT BRIDGE LITES 290640 440715-1-DEC18 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 14.00 1940 CLIFF LAKE RD 290641 452288-4-DEC18 2271.640512/31/2018 Electricity Boulevard/Ditch Mtn 72.65 RAHN/DIFFLEY RD #LIGHTS 290642 453294-1-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 14.23 4237 DANIEL DRIVE #SIGN 290643 456815-0-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 14.23 4266 DANIEL DRIVE #SIGN 290644 456817-6-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 8,014.32 CIVIC ICE ARENA 290645 463323-6-DEC18 6601.640512/31/2018 Electricity General/Administrative-Arena 116.35 FEDERAL DRIVE STREET LITES 290646 483732-4-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 35.68 DEERWOOD/PILOT KNOB SIGNALS 290647 590475-0-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 228.71 DE SWITCH/COMM BLDG 290648 529232-1-DEC18 6147.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations North Plant Production 743.57 EAGAN SWITCH/COMM BLDG 290649 529233-9-DEC18 6147.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations North Plant Production 404.82 CAMPUS GENERATOR/TRANSFORMER 290650 529234-7-DEC18 6147.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations North Plant Production 399.70 DENMARK LIFT STATION 290651 532128-6-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 430.32 WITHAM LANE LIFT STATION 290652 545622-3-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 37.25 PROMENADE DR #SIGNALS 290653 549208-7-DEC18 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 1,724.45 WELL #3 290654 555257-5-DEC18 6146.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Plant Building 442.33 BRINE/SALT STORAGE 290655 555450-6-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 418.83 UTILITY BUILDING 290656 555451-4-DEC18 6146.640512/31/2018 Electricity North Plant Building 18.05 BLACKHAWK PARK AERATOR 290657 557042-9-DEC18 6520.640512/31/2018 Electricity Basin Mgmt-Aeration 36.26 WIDGEON WAY 290658 571231-0-DEC18 6239.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 7Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203504 1/25/2019 100050 DAKOTA ELECTRIC Continued... 538.20 CENTRAL MAINTENANCE FACILITY 290659 1001469-2-DEC18 3304.640512/31/2018 Electricity Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 69,994.77 203505 1/25/2019 100447 DALCO 89.44 CUSTODIAL SUPPLIES 290751 3402517 3304.62231/24/2019 Building/Cleaning Supplies Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 89.44 203506 1/25/2019 101693 DICK'S SANITATION SERVICE INC. 57.28 COMPOST 290752 DT0002438003 3313.65391/24/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Fire Buildings 55.79 COMPOST 290753 DT0002436296 3304.65391/24/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 53.84 WASTE REMOVAL 290753 DT0002436296 6603.65391/24/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Building Repair & Maint. 166.91 203507 1/25/2019 127815 DOAN, SIIRI SILPALA 204.36 EVENT & PROGRAM SUPPLIES 290828 121018 3097.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies MRAC Comm Arts Grant 2013-14 204.36 203508 1/25/2019 126333 DUNN & SEMINGTON PRINTING DESIGN 120.00 ADVERTISING SIGNS 290829 34977 6601.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General General/Administrative-Arena 120.00 ADVERTISING SIGNS 290830 34986 6601.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General General/Administrative-Arena 480.00 ADVERTISING AT ARENA 290831 33453 6716.635712/31/2018 Advertising/Publication General Administration 720.00 203509 1/25/2019 150747 EAGAN KICK-START ROTARY CLUB 205.00 Q1 19 ROTARY DUES-SPRINGER 290754 422 1221.64771/24/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 205.00 203510 1/25/2019 108624 EBERT CONSTRUCTION 562,463.41 CONT 18-06 PMT 8 290832 123118 5041.671012/31/2018 Project - Contract Phase 1-PD,Garage,&Traing room 562,463.41 203511 1/25/2019 100060 ECM PUBLISHERS INC 208.50 INDOOR MARKET FEST AD 290755 663152 3061.63571/24/2019 Advertising/Publication Market Fest 106.34 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290756 661545 8315.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1315 Woodgate 3rd/Tiberon/Ma 98.16 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290757 661546 8316.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1316 Pinetree Pass 2nd & 4th 98.16 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290758 661547 8317.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1317 Gardenwood Ponds 4th 98.16 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290759 661548 8318.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1318 Oak Pond Hills 1st & 2n 98.16 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290760 661550 8320.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1320 Southern Lake West 98.16 NOTICE OF PH ON IMPROVEMENTS 290761 661549 8319.67181/24/2019 Project - Other Charges P 1319 Majestic Oaks 1st-3rd 805.64 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 8Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203511 1/25/2019 100060 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Continued... 203512 1/25/2019 146802 EMERGENCY RESPONSE SOLUTIONS 13,247.28 CIP- 4 GAS MONITORS 290762 12367 3512.66801/24/2019 Mobile Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 12 13,247.28 203513 1/25/2019 153699 ESP INC 402.00 PROGRAMMING FIRE IP DIALER 290763 011357 5501.67101/24/2019 Project - Contract CMF expansion phase II 402.00 203514 1/25/2019 100467 E-Z SHARP INC 160.00 LABOR TO FIX SKATE SHARPENER 290764 160177 6602.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Equipment Repair & Maint. 236.50 PARTS TO FIX SKATE SHARPENER 290764 160177 6602.62301/24/2019 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Equipment Repair & Maint. 396.50 203515 1/25/2019 100451 FASTENAL COMPANY 25.47 SANDPAPER 290765 MNTC1225735 3129.62201/24/2019 Operating Supplies - General Shop Mtn/General Repairs 25.47 203516 1/25/2019 152154 FELD EQUIPMENT COMPANY INC, ED M 306.10 HI-VIS VESTS 290766 0341793-IN 3201.62241/24/2019 Clothing/Personal Equipment Administrative/General 306.10 203517 1/25/2019 144138 FISCHER MINING LLC 77.66 WATERMAIN REPAIR BACKFILL 290681 121294 6160.625512/31/2018 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 77.66 203518 1/25/2019 147955 GALLS LLC 86.40 UNIFORM MFF BAGS 290767 011654952 1104.62241/24/2019 Clothing/Personal Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 86.40 203519 1/25/2019 101372 GLOBAL SPECIALTY CONTRACTORS 13,853.83 SKATEPARK FINAL BILL 290682 218204-4FINAL 2850.676012/31/2018 Play Equipment HUD Athletic Site 13,853.83 203520 1/25/2019 152667 GRACENOTE MEDIA SERVICES LLC 400.00 ELECTRONIC PROGRAMMING GUIDE 290769 9747015587 9701.63101/24/2019 Professional Services-General PEG-eligible 400.00 203521 1/25/2019 101884 GRAFIX SHOPPE 134.00 GRAPHIX SHOP-YOS BOARD 290683 125210 1224.623012/31/2018 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Engineer 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 9Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203521 1/25/2019 101884 GRAFIX SHOPPE Continued... 134.00 203522 1/25/2019 153697 GROTH, JARVIS 59.25 LICENSE RENEWAL 290690 122618 6201.648012/31/2018 Licenses, Permits and Taxes San Sewer-Administration 100.00 MPCA CLASS SD LICENSE & EXAM 290691 112318 6201.648012/31/2018 Licenses, Permits and Taxes San Sewer-Administration 159.25 203523 1/25/2019 100085 HARDWARE HANK 9.23 PARTS 290684 1806228 3222.623112/31/2018 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Equipment Mtn 17.70 SHOP MATERIALS 290768 1808846 6603.62411/24/2019 Shop Materials Building Repair & Maint. 26.93 203524 1/25/2019 120962 HARSCHUTZ-STIFF, ANN 30.00 JUDGES FOR ICE SHOW TRYOUTS 290770 011519 6606.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Ice Show 30.00 203525 1/25/2019 138432 HAUTH, JAMES 2,483.70 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 290692 120118 1001.647812/31/2018 Tuition and Book Reimbursement General/Admn-Human Resources 2,483.70 203526 1/25/2019 100087 HENNEPIN CTY DISTRICT COURT 50.00 LISA CAMEILLE OMOSHEMIN 290771 225791 9001.22601/24/2019 Bail Deposits General Fund 50.00 203527 1/25/2019 107149 HOEPNER, TROY 23.00 LICENSE RENEWAL 290772 010719 6101.64801/24/2019 Licenses, Permits and Taxes Water -Administration 23.00 203528 1/25/2019 100627 HOME DEPOT CREDIT SERVICES 59.35 SUPPLIES 290728 1330203 6603.62301/25/2019 Repair/Maintenance Supplies-Ge Building Repair & Maint. 49.94 TREE TRIM SUPPLIES 290729 5061660 2272.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Tree Trimming 14.97 BRINE BLDG REPAIR 290730 3014016-122118 2240.625612/31/2018 Snow Removal/Ice Control Suppl Street Plowing/Sanding 43.91 PLOW REPAIR 290731 4033371 2240.62311/25/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 5.01 PLOW REPAIR 290732 3015455 2240.62311/25/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 3.83 PLOW REPAIR 290733 2015589 2240.62311/25/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 177.01 203529 1/25/2019 148985 HP INC. 847.64 LAPTOP-81-2018 BUDGET 290773 60783127 1104.66601/24/2019 Office Furnishings & Equipment Patrolling/Traffic 847.64 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 10Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203529 1/25/2019 148985 HP INC.Continued... 203530 1/25/2019 127279 IMAGE TREND INC. 1,372.00 SOFTWARE MAINT RENEWAL 2019 290774 114612 0301.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 1,372.00 203531 1/25/2019 100508 J R'S APPLIANCE DISPOSAL INC 72.00 RECYCLED FREEZERS 290775 96887 6602.65391/24/2019 Waste Removal/Sanitation Servi Equipment Repair & Maint. 72.00 203532 1/25/2019 143645 JOBSINMINNEAPOLIS.COM 3,800.00 APPLICANT TRACKING1/11-7/10/19 290776 210416 1001.63581/24/2019 Employment Advertising General/Admn-Human Resources 3,800.00 203533 1/25/2019 140758 KENDELL DOORS & HARDWARE INC. 1,403.50 DOOR REPAIR 290833 IN000275 3315.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services City Hall 1,403.50 203534 1/25/2019 124496 KIRVIDA FIRE INC. 470.83 KIRVIDA-SERVICE 1210 290777 7645 1224.64251/24/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Labor Engineer 470.83 203535 1/25/2019 100061 KRAEMER MINING & MATERIALS INC. 112.37 WATERMAIN REPAIR BACKFILL 290778 275300 6160.62551/24/2019 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 224.95 ATHLETIC FIELD SUPPLIES 290779 275299 3118.62511/24/2019 Athletic Field Supplies Athletic Field Mtn/Setup 664.43 WATERMAIN REPAIR BACKFILL 290780 275298 6160.62551/24/2019 Street Repair Supplies Main Maintenance/Repair 1,001.75 203536 1/25/2019 153698 LEADSONLINE LLC 4,728.00 LEADSONLINE-INVES-2019 290781 249148 1105.64571/24/2019 Machinery & Equipment-Rental Investigation/Crime Prevention 4,728.00 203537 1/25/2019 129755 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST (R) 35,263.00 LMCIT 2019 290782 10003137-011419 9695.63851/24/2019 Insurance Dakota Co Drug Task Force 35,263.00 203538 1/25/2019 101622 LEHMAN'S GARAGE INC 1,849.59 CLAIM - NUMBER PENDING 290685 3248 9591.638612/31/2018 Insurance Deductible Risk Management 1,849.59 203539 1/25/2019 146268 LIFE SUPPORT INNOVATIONS 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 11Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203539 1/25/2019 146268 LIFE SUPPORT INNOVATIONS Continued... 2,000.00 CPR/AED/FIRST AID 290783 1607 6104.64761/24/2019 Conferences/Meetings/Training Safety 2,000.00 203540 1/25/2019 100490 LIFEWORKS 54.33 BLDG CONTRACT CLEANING 290686 087505 3106.653712/31/2018 Janitorial Service Structure Care & Maintenance 54.33 203541 1/25/2019 148166 LIFEWORKS U.S. INC. 1,292.28 LIFEWORKS 290784 67679 1001.63191/24/2019 Medical Services - Other General/Admn-Human Resources 1,292.28 203542 1/25/2019 153696 LION 2,179.99 TRAINING MANIQUEN 290785 30144962 1223.62151/24/2019 Reference Materials Training Fire & EMS 2,179.99 203543 1/25/2019 147898 LITIN 82.25 CONCESSION RESALE 290807 505425A 6609.68551/24/2019 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 777.73 CONCESSION RESALE 290834 501886 6609.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 859.98 203544 1/25/2019 100111 LOGIS 488.00 ACCESSEAGAN LOGIS SUPPORT 290687 46292 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 57,293.00 LOGIS SOFT MAINT SUPPORT 290687 46292 0301.656912/31/2018 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 1,170.00 NETWORK SVCS SUPPORT 290688 46390 0301.635012/31/2018 LOGIS IT Services IT-Gen & Admn 58,951.00 203545 1/25/2019 149658 MASSMANN, BRENT 220.71 CLOTHING ALLOW- MASSMANN BOOTS 290786 122918 6201.21151/24/2019 Clothing Allowance San Sewer-Administration 220.71 203546 1/25/2019 100452 METRO VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS ASN 90.00 MEN'S VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 290787 349 3041.63271/24/2019 Sporting Event Officials Adult Volleyball-Men 90.00 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 290787 349 3042.63271/24/2019 Sporting Event Officials Adult Volleyball-Women 420.00 CO-REC VOLLEYBALL OFFICIALS 290787 349 3043.63271/24/2019 Sporting Event Officials Adult Volleyball-Co-Rec 600.00 203547 1/25/2019 100849 MID AMERICA BUSINESS SYSTEMS 3,620.57 SCANNING - BUILDING INSPECTION 290689 745164 0401.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services General & Admn-City Clerk 3,620.57 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 12Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203548 1/25/2019 138083 MIDWEST SAFETY COUNSELORS INC.Continued... 63.06 SAFETY SUPPLIES 290788 IVC0056184 2401.62221/24/2019 Medical/Rescue/Safety Supplies Gen/Adm-Central Services 63.06 203549 1/25/2019 102753 MINNCOR INDUSTRIES 55.00 D OSBERG BUSINESS CARDS 290789 SOI-076608 0201.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies General & Admn-Admn 40.00 K WAHL BUSINESS CARDS 290790 SOI-076600 3001.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 45.00 L RIVAMONTE BUSINESS CARDS 290790 SOI-076600 3001.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies General/Admn-Recreation 1,740.00 MNNCOR FLOATS 290791 SOI-076676 3126.62521/24/2019 Parks & Play Area Supplies Water Quality/Resource Mgmt 1,880.00 203550 1/25/2019 100664 MN CHILD SUPPORT 664.51 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290719 GARNISHMENT 1/19/19 9592.20301/25/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 354.86 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290720 GARNISHMENT 1/19/19-1 9592.20301/25/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 230.73 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290721 GARNISHMENT 1/19/19-2 9592.20301/25/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 1,250.10 203551 1/25/2019 121807 MN CLAY COMPANY USA 913.93 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 290792 108040 3081.62271/24/2019 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 913.93 203552 1/25/2019 138473 MN COUNTY ATTORNEYS ASSOC 132.00 2012 FORFEITURE FORMS 290798 200005086 9695.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies Dakota Co Drug Task Force 132.00 203553 1/25/2019 120087 MN ENERGY RESOURCES CORP 298.62 FIRE STATION 2 290793 0507084666-0000 1-JAN19 3313.64101/24/2019 Natural Gas Service Fire Buildings 203.92 BRIDLE RIDGE PARK 290794 0502896570-0000 6-JAN19 3106.64101/24/2019 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 2,685.22 CIVIC ICE ARENA 290795 0504859971-0000 1-JAN19 6601.64101/24/2019 Natural Gas Service General/Administrative-Arena 169.11 ART HOUSE 290796 0506085756-0000 1-JAN19 3106.64101/24/2019 Natural Gas Service Structure Care & Maintenance 4,415.53 CITY HALL 290797 0507679172-0000 1-JAN19 3304.64101/24/2019 Natural Gas Service Bldg/Facilities Maintenance 7,772.40 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 13Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203554 1/25/2019 102706 MN FORESTRY ASSOC.Continued... 40.00 2019 G. HOVE 290799 2019-HOVE 3201.64791/24/2019 Dues and Subscriptions Administrative/General 40.00 203555 1/25/2019 138397 MN NATIVE LANDSCAPES 6,700.00 THOMAS LAKE PARK 290693 19241 9111.657112/31/2018 Tree mitigation Tree mitigation 6,700.00 203556 1/25/2019 120715 MN OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH 224.00 DRUG SCREENS & PHYSICAL EXAMS 290694 305457 1001.631812/31/2018 Medical Services - Physical Ex General/Admn-Human Resources 224.00 203557 1/25/2019 143590 MN SCIA 195.00 MN SCIA-TRAINING 290800 010417-BERENS 1105.64761/24/2019 Conferences/Meetings/Training Investigation/Crime Prevention 195.00 203558 1/25/2019 107051 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSOC 528.00 MN STATE FIRE CHIEFS ASSC MEMB 290801 300005530 1221.64791/24/2019 Dues and Subscriptions Administration-Fire 528.00 203559 1/25/2019 138247 MN UI FUND 1,271.57 STURGELESKI UNEMPLOYMENT 290702 07986136-010819 3201.615612/31/2018 Unemployment Compensation Administrative/General 378.92 PETERSON UNEMPLOYMENT 290702 07986136-010819 3170.615612/31/2018 Unemployment Compensation General AdmIn-Parks 944.00 ODONNELL UNEMPLOYMENT 290702 07986136-010819 3170.615612/31/2018 Unemployment Compensation General AdmIn-Parks 361.88 ROBERTSON UNEMPLOYMENT 290702 07986136-010819 2201.615612/31/2018 Unemployment Compensation Gen/Adm-Streets 568.00 KENT UNEMPLOYMENT 290702 07986136-010819 1104.615612/31/2018 Unemployment Compensation Patrolling/Traffic 3,524.37 203560 1/25/2019 151289 MOE, DAN 4.00 12/29/18 MARKETFEST SNAP/EBT 290695 122918 3061.6220 PR00312/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Market Fest 75.00 12/29/18 MARKETFEST MARKETBUCK 290695 122918 3061.6220 PR00412/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Market Fest 79.00 203561 1/25/2019 139064 MPFF 15.00 ANNUAL FIRE SERVCIE DAY 290802 012919-SCOTT 1221.64771/24/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 15.00 ANNUAL FIRE SERVCIE DAY 290803 012919-SPRINGER 1221.64771/24/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 15.00 ANNUAL FIRE SERCVIE DAY 290804 012919-BRAMWELL 1221.64771/24/2019 Local Meeting Expenses Administration-Fire 45.00 203562 1/25/2019 102211 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMM 10,500.00 2019 290805 2019-5 0201.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services General & Admn-Admn 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 14Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203562 1/25/2019 102211 MUNICIPAL LEGISLATIVE COMM Continued... 10,500.00 203563 1/25/2019 146669 MURPHY, KATIE 30.00 JUDGES FOR ICE SHOW TRYOUTS 290806 011519 6606.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Ice Show 30.00 203564 1/25/2019 125742 NATIONAL DRIVE 2.00 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290722 011919 9592.20371/25/2019 Ded Payable-Teamsters DRIVE Benefit Accrual 2.00 203565 1/25/2019 129168 NOW MICRO INC. 9,088.00 DELL OPTIPLEX 8 COMPUTERS 290696 502034 9697.666012/31/2018 Office Furnishings & Equipment DCDTF Capital Equipment 9,088.00 203566 1/25/2019 143383 OERTEL ARCHITECTS 15,502.15 TRAPP BLDG DESIGN SERVICES 290697 RM PARK BDLG - INVOICE #2 2842.675112/31/2018 Design & Engineering (External Trapp Farm Park 15,502.15 203567 1/25/2019 108599 OFFICE DEPOT, INC. 176.18 PD OFFICE SUPPLIES 290703 252398810001 1107.621012/31/2018 Office Supplies Support Services 53.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES 290808 253508853001 2401.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies Gen/Adm-Central Services 170.71 OFFICE SUPPLIES 290825 253470612001 2401.62101/24/2019 Office Supplies Gen/Adm-Central Services 400.05 203568 1/25/2019 109423 OFFICE TEAM 864.00 OFFICE TEMP HELP 290809 52559041 6101.65351/24/2019 Other Contractual Services Water -Administration 864.00 203569 1/25/2019 150228 OPG-3 INC. 18,492.00 SOFTWARE MAINT RENEWAL 290815 2992 0301.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 3,200.00 SOFTWARE MAINT RENEWAL 290816 3096 0301.65691/24/2019 Maintenance Contracts IT-Gen & Admn 21,692.00 203570 1/25/2019 100653 PARADISE CAR WASH 11.95 CAR WASH 290698 52025-010519 1221.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Administration-Fire 320.95 CAR WASHES 290699 52020-010519-1 1104.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Patrolling/Traffic 313.20 CAR WASHES 290700 52020-121018-1 1104.635412/31/2018 Car Washes Patrolling/Traffic 646.10 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 15Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203571 1/25/2019 151731 PETERSON, JACOB Continued... 1,047.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 290704 110518 1001.647812/31/2018 Tuition and Book Reimbursement General/Admn-Human Resources 1,047.00 203572 1/25/2019 144472 PRECISE MRM LLC 99.90 AVL ANTENNAS UNITS 110 & 324 290810 IN200-1019678 2240.62311/24/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Street Plowing/Sanding 99.90 203573 1/25/2019 100169 RATWIK ROSZAK ETAL 3,030.00 OUTSIDE LEGAL CONSULT 290701 63510 0603.631112/31/2018 Legal Outside Legal Counsel 3,030.00 203574 1/25/2019 143983 RED'S SAVOY PIZZA 616.00 CONCESSION RESALE-DEC18 290835 123118 6609.685512/31/2018 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 616.00 203576 1/25/2019 138078 ROHNE, AMY 50.40 PROGRAM SUPPLIES 290836 123118 3081.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Arts & Humanities Council 50.40 203577 1/25/2019 149397 SELL, MICHELE 132.97 UNIFORM 2018 SELL-SHOES 3 290713 2018 UNIFORM 1107.622412/31/2018 Clothing/Personal Equipment Support Services 92.99 UNIFORM SELL 290818 01042019 UNIFORM PANTS 1107.62241/24/2019 Clothing/Personal Equipment Support Services 225.96 203578 1/25/2019 147479 SHEEHAN, STEPHEN 219.61 ART SALE 290819 2018 WINTER ART SALE 3081.2290.11/24/2019 Art House-Pottery Sale taxable Arts & Humanities Council 219.61 203579 1/25/2019 102392 SPARTAN PROMOTIONAL GROUP, INC. 2,432.10 VOLUNTEERS-BLANKET 290705 568359 3001.647512/31/2018 Miscellaneous General/Admn-Recreation 1,244.20 LOGO WHITE BAGS 290706 568353 3079.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies Special Events 3,676.30 203580 1/25/2019 107307 SVL SERVICE CORPORATION 1,700.00 HVAC REPAIR 290714 181204-010 3313.653512/31/2018 Other Contractual Services Fire Buildings 1,700.00 203581 1/25/2019 151851 SYSCO-MINNESOTA INC 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 16Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203581 1/25/2019 151851 SYSCO-MINNESOTA INC Continued... 121.20 VENDING RESALE 290811 247257142 6629.68551/24/2019 Merchandise for Resale Vending 277.49 VENDING RESALE 290837 247249582 6629.68551/24/2019 Merchandise for Resale Vending 797.49 CONCESSION RESALE 290837 247249582 6609.68551/24/2019 Merchandise for Resale Concession Sales/Vending 1,196.18 203582 1/25/2019 150730 TOLLEFSON FAMILY PORK 4.00 12/29/18 MARKETFEST SNAP/EBT 290707 122918 3061.6220 PR00312/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Market Fest 10.00 12/29/18 MARKETFEST MARKETBUCK 290707 122918 3061.6220 PR00412/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Market Fest 14.00 203583 1/25/2019 121446 TREE CARE INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 40.00 2019 G. HOVE 290820 2019-HOVE 3201.64791/24/2019 Dues and Subscriptions Administrative/General 40.00 203584 1/25/2019 134200 TREMBLEY, KRISTIN 1,100.00 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 290715 123018 1001.647812/31/2018 Tuition and Book Reimbursement General/Admn-Human Resources 1,100.00 203585 1/25/2019 100236 VAN PAPER 454.40 CLEANING SUPPLIES 290812 488134-00 3106.62231/24/2019 Building/Cleaning Supplies Structure Care & Maintenance 119.26 CLEANING SUPPLIES 290813 488007-00 6603.62231/24/2019 Building/Cleaning Supplies Building Repair & Maint. 573.66 203586 1/25/2019 100912 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE 51.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 1001.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General/Admn-Human Resources 102.02 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Admn-Admn 61.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0501.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Admn-Finance 255.05 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0720.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Admin-Planning & Zonin 385.83 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0805.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Construction Insp-Field 172.71 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0901.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen & Admin-Communications 3,246.10 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 1108.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Communications 927.79 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 2201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen/Adm-Streets 9.15 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 2401.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Gen/Adm-Central Services 982.77 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3001.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General/Admn-Recreation 694.15 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3170.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General AdmIn-Parks 61.22 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3170.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General AdmIn-Parks 153.03 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Administrative/General 28.76 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3106.634712/31/2018 Telephone Service & Line Charg Structure Care & Maintenance 29.23 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3301.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Management 459.09 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 1221.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Administration-Fire 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 17Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203586 1/25/2019 100912 VERIZON WIRELESS, BELLEVUE Continued... 51.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 3071.622712/31/2018 Recreation Equipment/Supplies MN State Arts Board 494.03 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 0301.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service IT-Gen & Admn 460.74 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 2010.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Engineering 214.04 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 9701.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service PEG-eligible 292.99 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6101.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Water -Administration 153.03 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6128.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service CMMS - Utilities 51.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6136.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service GIS - Utilities 255.52 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6201.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service San Sewer-Administration 214.21 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6501.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service G/A - Water Quality 153.03 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6228.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service CMMS - Utilities 153.03 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6601.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General/Administrative-Arena 51.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6716.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General Administration 87.17 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 6801.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service General & Administrative 61.01 CELL PHONES 290708 9821613407 9225.635512/31/2018 Cellular Telephone Service Fiber Infrastructure Fund 10,310.75 203587 1/25/2019 100237 VIKING ELECTRIC 33.33 HANDLE FOR CONTROLLER CAB H 290814 S002178034.001 6301.64321/24/2019 Utility System Repair-Labor Street Lighting 33.33 203588 1/25/2019 100706 WAL MART 10.64 SUPPLIES 290724 006202 1104.622012/31/2018 Operating Supplies - General Patrolling/Traffic 24.36 SNOWBRUSHES FOR SQUADS 290725 006673 1104.623212/31/2018 Small Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 8.00 BOOT LACES 290726 008978 1104.62321/25/2019 Small Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 12.46 SUPPLIES 290727 009252 1104.62311/25/2019 Mobile Equipment Repair Parts Patrolling/Traffic 55.46 203589 1/25/2019 138911 WEILAND, LEON 50.99 L. WEILAND WINTER COAT 290821 121718 6101.62241/24/2019 Clothing/Personal Equipment Water -Administration 50.99 203590 1/25/2019 153525 WHITE BEAR MITSUBISHI 11,715.89 MITSUBISHI PHEV PURCHASE OPTIO 290846 W89563M 3508.66801/24/2019 Mobile Equipment Equip Rev Fd-Dept 08 11,715.89 203591 1/25/2019 153706 WILKIN COUNTY CLERK OF COURT 345.00 TERRELL JASON ARMSTRONG 290822 225792 9001.22601/24/2019 Bail Deposits General Fund 345.00 203592 1/25/2019 113476 WISCONSIN SUPPORT COLLECTIONS TRUST FUND 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 18Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203592 1/25/2019 113476 WISCONSIN SUPPORT COLLECTIONS TRUST FUND Continued... 208.15 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290723 GARNISHMENT 1/19/19 9592.20301/25/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Benefit Accrual 208.15 203593 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 2,902.76 STREET LIGHTS 290709 51-6563390-9-01 0319 6301.640612/31/2018 Electricity-Street Lights Street Lighting 2,902.76 203594 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 106.02 FESTIVAL GROUNDS 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 195.31 CENTRAL PARK PUMP STATION 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 3186.640512/31/2018 Electricity Recreation Program Support 87.70 BAND SHELL 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 343.93 CONCESSION STAND 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 3,584.75 WELL #20 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 9,916.10 ECC ELECTRICITY 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 6824.640512/31/2018 Electricity Utilities 5,200.29 ECC NATURAL GAS 290710 51-6563391-0-01 0419 6824.641012/31/2018 Natural Gas Service Utilities 19,434.10 203595 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 11.31 SKYLINE ROAD HOCKEY RINK 290711 51-6563384-1-01 0419 3104.640512/31/2018 Electricity Site Amenity Installation 12.45 MCKEE ST ICE RINK LIGHTS 290711 51-6563384-1-01 0419 3104.640512/31/2018 Electricity Site Amenity Installation 90.28 QUARRY PARK 290711 51-6563384-1-01 0419 3106.640512/31/2018 Electricity Structure Care & Maintenance 114.04 203596 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 512.40 WELL #6 290712 51-6563389-6-01 0819 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 234.74 WELL #16 290712 51-6563389-6-01 0819 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 19Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 203596 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY Continued... 2,607.66 WELL #7 290712 51-6563389-6-01 0819 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 74.20 WELL #17 290712 51-6563389-6-01 0819 6148.640912/31/2018 Electricity-Wells/Booster Stat North Well Field 3,429.00 203597 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 12.57 ALEXANDER LIFT STATION 290716 51-6563387-4-01 0819 6236.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Assist - Streets 236.08 HIGHWAY 55 SAN 290716 51-6563387-4-01 0819 6236.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Assist - Streets 248.65 203598 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 116.40 HWY 55 STORM 290717 51-656388-5-010 819 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 21.09 KNOX STORM LIFT STATION 290717 51-656388-5-010 819 6439.640812/31/2018 Electricity-Lift Stations Lift Station Maintenanc/Repair 137.49 203599 1/25/2019 101755 XCEL ENERGY 906.45 SIGNALS 290718 51-6563386-3-01 0419 6301.640712/31/2018 Electricity-Signal Lights Street Lighting 906.45 203600 1/25/2019 100244 ZACKS INC 426.53 SNOW SHOVELS 290823 33253 3123.62401/24/2019 Small Tools WInter Park Plowing 426.53 203601 1/25/2019 151094 ZUMWALT, JASON 200.00 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE - ZUMWALT 290824 122218 6201.21151/24/2019 Clothing Allowance San Sewer-Administration 200.00 20190106 1/25/2019 100249 FIT 115,834.42 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290848 012519 9880.20111/25/2019 Ded Payable - FIT Payroll 115,834.42 20190107 1/25/2019 100250 COMMISIONER OF REVENUE-PAYROLL 34,298.11 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290849 012519 9880.20121/25/2019 Ded Payable - SIT Payroll 34,298.11 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 20Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 20190107 1/25/2019 100250 COMMISIONER OF REVENUE-PAYROLL Continued... 20190108 1/25/2019 100252 FICA 32,535.95 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290850 012519 9880.20141/25/2019 Ded Payable - FICA Payroll 32,535.95 20190109 1/25/2019 100253 MEDICARE 12,424.11 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290851 012519 9880.20151/25/2019 Ded Payable - Medicare Payroll 12,424.11 20190110 1/25/2019 147368 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - TAX LEVY 156.64 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290852 012519 9880.20301/25/2019 Ded Pay - Garnishments Payroll 156.64 20190309 1/25/2019 100693 EAGAN PAYROLL ACCT 705,973.41 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9001.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash General Fund 12,326.02 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9197.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash ETV 70,764.03 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9220.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Public Utilities 21,484.84 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9221.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Civic Arena 4,065.84 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9222.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Cascade Bay 34,131.62 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9223.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Central Park/Community Center 3,746.79 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9225.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Fiber Infrastructure Fund 76,626.06 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9592.11151/25/2019 Claim on Cash Benefit Accrual 44,960.06 PAYROLL ENDING 1/19/19 290847 012419 9592.61441/25/2019 FICA Benefit Accrual 974,078.67 20192501 1/25/2019 115374 MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM-HCSP 26,569.27 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290840 012519 9592.20341/25/2019 Ded Payable-HCSP Benefit Accrual 26,569.27 20193201 1/25/2019 138969 MN STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM-MNDCP 11,272.40 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290841 012519 9592.20321/25/2019 Ded Pay - Great West Def Comp Benefit Accrual 11,272.40 20194201 1/25/2019 100892 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST 45,325.26 EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS 290842 012419 9592.20311/25/2019 Ded Pay - ICMA Benefit Accrual 45,325.26 20195605 1/25/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT 12,297.68 FLEX REIMBURSEMENT 290843 012419 9592.22151/25/2019 Flex Plan Withholding Payable Benefit Accrual 12,297.68 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:15R55CKR2LOGIS102V 21Page -Council Check Register by GL Check Register w GL Date & Summary 1/25/20191/21/2019 -- Inv No Account No Account Description Business UnitDoc NoCheck #PO #SubledgerSupplier / ExplanationDateAmount 20195605 1/25/2019 147907 SELECT ACCOUNT Continued... 20198002 1/25/2019 100694 PUBLIC EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT 76.96 PAYROLL PERIOD 1/16/19-1/19/19 290844 012519 9592.61461/25/2019 PERA - DCP Benefit Accrual 72,823.54 PAYROLL PERIOD 1/16/19-1/19/19 290844 012519 9592.20131/25/2019 Ded Payable - PERA Benefit Accrual 41,483.95 PAYROLL PERIOD 1/16/19-1/19/19 290844 012519 9592.61421/25/2019 PERA - Coordinated Benefit Accrual 55,190.82 PAYROLL PERIOD 1/16/19-1/19/19 290844 012519 9592.61431/25/2019 PERA - Police Benefit Accrual 169,575.27 20198502 1/25/2019 151185 HEALTHPARTNERS INC 4,015.36 DENTAL CLAIMS REIMBURSEMENT 290845 012219 9594.61581/25/2019 Dental Insurance Dental Self-insurance 4,015.36 2,577,802.14 Grand Total Payment Instrument Totals Checks 2,577,802.14 Total Payments 2,577,802.14 1/24/2019City of Eagan 16:34:41R55CKS2LOGIS100 1Page -Council Check SummaryNote: Payment amount may not reflect the actual amount due to data sequencing and/or data selection. 1/25/20191/21/2019 - Company Amount 904,751.4709001GENERAL FUND 6,700.0009111Tree mitigation 47,381.0609197ETV 133,312.6609220PUBLIC UTILITIES 43,737.3609221CIVIC ARENA 7,165.4609222CASCADE BAY 49,809.5109223CENTRAL PARK /COMMUNITY CENTER 3,807.8009225FIBER INFRASTRUCTURE FUND 29,355.9809328PARK SYS DEV AND R&R 60,824.1709335EQUIPMENT REVOLVING 562,663.4109353POLICE & CITY HALL REMODEL 402.0009355MAINTENANCE FACILITY EXPANSION 23,450.5909372REVOLVING SAF-CONSTRUCTION 70,020.2409375MAJOR STREET 1,849.5909591RISK MANAGEMENT 388,086.2509592BENEFIT ACCRUAL 4,015.3609594Dental Self-insurance 36,132.0009695DAK CO DRUG TASK FORCE 9,088.0009697DCDTF Capital Equipment 195,249.2309880PAYROLL Report Totals 2,577,802.14 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA D. Approve Contracts Action To Be Considered: To approve the ordinary and customary contracts listed below. Facts: The contracts listed below are in order for Council approval. Following approval, the contracts will be electronically executed by the Mayor and City Clerk. Contracts to be approved: Vendor Service Agreements with the following: o Eagan Men’s Chorus for performances at a Holz Farm events on May 19, Sept. 21 and Dec. 8 o Pony Parties Express for pony rides at Holz Farm events on May 19, Sept. 21 and Sept. 22 o JPS Entertainment for DJ services at the Daddy Daughter dances Event Sponsorship Agreements with the following: o New Horizon Academy for sponsorships of the Big Rig Rally, Halloween Hodgepodge, Movie in the Park and Puppet Wagon o City County Credit Union for sponsorship of the Movie in the Park program o Sun Thisweek for sponsorship of Community Connections, Puppet Wagon, Eagan Market Fest, and the Senior Expo o Think Bank for sponsorship of Eagan Market Fest o Urgency Room for sponsorship of the Kids’s Power of Produce Club at Eagan Market Fest and the Eagan Food Truck Festival Independent Contractor Agreement with Evansen Art Studio for a watercolor workshop Contract with Dakota County Library for art classes held at Dakota County libraries Contract with Applied Ecological Services for the 2019 Parks and Woodland Restoration Project Agreement with Lexipol, LLC, for law enforcement policy manuals and training Agreement with AVI Systems, Inc. for Helo equipment and software Agreement with Verizon Wireless LLC for enhanced wireless services at the City Hall/Police facility Agreement with EPG Security Group for contract security services at the Eagan Community Center Agreement with TruGreen for landscape management services Joint Powers Agreement with Dakota County for utilization of Sentence to Service Program work crews Maintenance Agreements with Schwab-Vollhaber-Lubratt for HVAC maintenance at Fire Station 1, Fire Station 2, Fire Station 3, Fire Station 4 and the Eagan Municipal Center Attachments: (0) The contracts are available from the City Clerk’s Office. Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA E. Approve Updating Recreation Scholarship Program to a Fee Options Program Action To Be Consideration: Approve Policy Modifications and proposal on updated Recreation Scholarship Program to the Fee Options Plan On Monday, November 18 staff discussed details of research and recommended changes to the City’s scholarship program with the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission. APrC recommended moving this policy change forward to City Council. At the Special Meeting of the Eagan City Council on Tuesday, January 8, 2019, staff presented a recommended update to the City’s Recreation Scholarship program and renaming it Fee Options Program. The “fee options” program will allow for a broader range of support for residents in need, to participate in recreation programs, allowing for greater flexibility for people to pay what they can. Per the discussion with Council, additional funding mechanisms will be pursued by staff to create a financial sustainability for the fee options program for future years. 2019 is funded in the Recreation division budget. These additional opportunities including a donate now button that will supplement funds specifically to support the program; and potential sponsorship opportunities. The limits of the program will remain the same with a maximum of $300 per individual. Updating this program will align this with a more equity based platform, allowing for a greater inclusion and overall utilization of our recreation programs by members of the community not currently able to participate. Attachments: (2) CE-1 Fee Options Program outline CE-2 Fee Options Application form Eagan Parks & Recreation Fee Options Fact Sheet Background: • The current City of Eagan Scholarship policy should be updated to meet the current needs of our community. • A change in policy is being requested in order to provide alternative and equitable financial assistance to participants in Eagan Parks & Recreation programs. • Recommendations have been based on a more equitable platform centered on data learned from GARE (Government Alliance on Race Equity), information gathered through community dialogues and staff experience utilizing the current policy. Topic Current Proposed Limits Pays 50% of the fee with a $300 annual limit per individual Covers class fees or a portion of class fee with an initial $300 annual limit per individual with additional fund requests approved by the Parks & Recreation Director. Household No household maximum No household maximum Application Process Income based form Complete self-qualifying income verification form annually. Activities included Youth participation in Parks & Recreation sponsored programs including Cascade Bay Activities with a Rec Trac number which includes Recreation, ECC, Civic Arena, Cascade Bay Ages 18 and younger No age parameters Residency requirement Eagan Residents only Eagan Residents only Policy Name Scholarship Policy Fee Options Plan Funding 40% of Athletic facility fees from non-resident (General Fund expense item of $6,500 in 2019 Budget) Same current level of general funds support, Donate Now option for all program registrants, sponsorships, and possible partnerships. Anticipated timeline: • Discuss program with Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission and move forward to City Council in November 2018. • Discuss program with City Council at January special meeting. • Approval of program in February. • First implementation of the program would be Spring program cycle (March) Eagan Parks & Recreation Fee Options Form Fee options for Eagan residents are available for individuals and families to participate in Eagan Parks & Recreation sponsored recreation programs. The Fee Option plan may be used to cover a class fees or a portion of class fees with a maximum of $300 per participant per year. Information on annual or individual family income is required to determine eligibility. Each participant must indicate the number of persons in their household, and then check the box that contains the amount of annual family income. Income is defined as the total gross annual income of all family and non-family members 18+ years old living within the household. All sources of income must be counted from all persons in the family based on anticipated income expected within the next 12 months. Please list your anticipated income based on your family size. APPLICANT STATEMENT: I hereby certify that the information on this form is accurate and complete. Participant or Beneficiary Name (Please Print) _______________________________________________________ Signature (Parent or Guardian if participant is under 18 years old) ___________________________________________________________ Date_____________ Approval by: Eagan Parks & Recreation Staff Signature Date ___________________________________________________________ Date_____________ Name of Individual or if under 18 Parent/Guardian: Birthdate: Street Address: City: State: Zip: Email Address: Home Phone #: ( ) Work/Cell Phone #: ( ) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA F. Approve Change Order #7 for Project 18-06, Police Department and City Hall Renovation Action to Be Considered: Approve change order #7 for Project 18-06, Police Department and City Hall Renovation Facts: ➢ Contract 18-06 provides for the renovation of the Police Department and City Hall facilities, including remodeled office space, building additions, a training room, and a new parking garage for Police squad cars. ➢ On March 20, 2018, the City Council awarded the base bid and alternates to Ebert Construction. ➢ The cost of the change order is $71,326.78. The most significant change relates to the cold weather costs related to exterior masonry work needing to be done later than anticipated due to unforeseen site conditions in the fall. The other specific changes are noted in the attached letter from Wold Architects. ➢ The cost of the additional work is consistent with bid prices received for relevant bid items on other projects within the city and region. ➢ The cost of the additional work under the change order will be the responsibility of the project contingency fund. ➢ The change order has been reviewed by Wold Architects and the City’s project leadership team, and found to be in order for favorable Council action. Attachments: CF-1 Wold Architects, Summary of Change Order January 30, 2019 Dianne Miller, Assistant City Administrator City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, Minnesota 55122 Re: City of Eagan City Hall and Police Department Facility Remodel and Addition Commission No. 172086 Dear Dianne: We have concluded our review of various contract changes for the additions and renovation of the City Hall and Police Facility and the following recommendations represents a fair value for the work. This change order includes the following items: PR 26.1 During furniture selection, the Finance area was adjusted to accommodate revised furniture layout. In this proposal request, some doors were adjusted to a sliding glass doors and these were not accounted for in the first submitted cost. This represents the cost of those doors approved in the previous proposal request PR 52R During construction, the new Police vehicle garage was shifted to avoid needing to remove the existing bullnose base at the building. This cost also includes both additional costs and a the credit to remove the ramp and railing in the Police garage leading to the exterior door. PR 57 Coordination of the landscaping installation was clarified during construction. This cost represents the adjustment to that scope of work. PR 58 During construction additional patching was required at removed walls which includes patching related the adjustments made to the north wall windows in the Police investigation area. This is a negotiated cost of patching requirements with the masonry and sheetrock contractors. PR 62 During coordination of the new entry addition, the break metal detail on the new curtain wall was adjusted to match the existing conditions. PR 63 By Owner request, the parking lot striping was revised to relocate ADA parking stalls. This cost represents this change. PR 80 During on site coordination, the baseplates for the columns in the front entry needed different anchor points. This cost represents the adjustment to the fabrication of the bolt holes in the baseplates . PR 81 The ballistic window in the Police records area was adjusted to fit the exterior curtain wall frame size. This cost is the credit for the previous glass and the cost for the new glass. Wold Architects and Engineers 332 Minnesota Street, Suite W2000 Saint Paul, MN 55101 woldae.com 1 651 227 7773 Add 4,202.23 Add $587.43 Add $8,132.00 Add $4,962.13 Add $3,147.94 Add $304.95 Add $4,459.20 Add $10,700.00 PLANNERS ARCHITECTS ENGINEERS Letter to Dianne Miller Page 3 PR 84 During coordination with the mechanical contractor, the layout Deduct ($823.28) Total Change Order No. 7 $71,326.78 Once approved by City Council, please have all three Change Orders signed and returned to my attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Sincerely, Wold Architects and Engineers IN Joen McNamara AiA, LEED AP Partner cc: Melissa Stein, Wold Amanda Marcott, Wold SS/CI_Eagan/172086/crsp/jan19 in the mechanical room in the police vehicle garage was adjusted and required less piping for the fire suppression system. This credit reflects that modification. PR 85 The boiler needed to be relocated to accommodate for future Add $2,759.64 removal of existing boilers and to allow for space for future mechanical room equipment. GC 05 This is for the cold weather cost that is related to the exterior Add $19,178.15 masonry work that occurred later than expected due to unforeseen site conditions. GC 06 During installation of the structural angles in the dog kennel Add $1,317.17 area, two additional angles were required. This cost is for the fabrication of these angles. GC 07 There was a discrepancy in pier elevation for the columns in Add $3,675.26 the new entry. This cost represents the material needed to lengthen the column heights to meeting the necessary bearing elevation for the piers that were poured. GC 08 Column baseplate holes did not clear the existing precast Add $2,755.50 flooring system due to variation in topping thickness. This cost is for the extension of the plates to accommodate the existing condition. RFI 183 The existing plank did not extend as far into the front entry Add $5,968.46 addition as was shown on existing drawing. Due to this unforeseen existing condition, the beam needed to be widened and is reflected in this cost. Total Change Order No. 7 $71,326.78 Once approved by City Council, please have all three Change Orders signed and returned to my attention. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, Sincerely, Wold Architects and Engineers IN Joen McNamara AiA, LEED AP Partner cc: Melissa Stein, Wold Amanda Marcott, Wold SS/CI_Eagan/172086/crsp/jan19 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA G. Schedule public hearing date for March 5, 2019 to certify delinquent nuisance abatement bills Action To Be Considered: To schedule a public hearing for March 5, 2019 to consider final assessment of the delinquent nuisance abatement bills and certify them to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. Facts: On a semi-annual basis, the City reviews and considers delinquent nuisance abatement bills for certification to property tax statements for collection. Nuisance abatement bills include fees for false alarm calls, mowing and noxious weed removal, refuse removal and diseased tree removal. Additional information will be provided at the time of the public hearing. Attachments: (0) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA H. Schedule public hearing date for March 5, 2019 to certify delinquent utility bills Action To Be Considered: To schedule a public hearing for March 5, 2019 to consider final assessment of the delinquent utility bills and certify them to Dakota County for collection with property taxes. Facts: On a semi-annual basis, the City reviews and considers delinquent utility bills for certification to property tax statements for collection. Additional information will be provided at the time of the public hearing. Attachments: (0) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA I.Contract 17-09, Vikings Parkway Streetscaping Action To Be Considered: Approve the final payment for Contract 17-09 (Vikings Parkway - Streetscaping) in the amount of $101,182.04 to Peterson Companies and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provision s. Facts: ➢Contract 17-09, provided for the installation of landscaping and irrigation systems as part of the construction of Vikings Parkway through the Viking Lakes development, as identified in the amended feasibility report for Project 1225. ➢On July 5, 2017, the City Council awarded the contract to Peterson Companies for the base bid of $949,879.60. ➢With the approval of the final payment, the total amount paid is 23.5% less than the contract. ➢These improvements have been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department, and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Attachments: (1) CI-1 Payment Summary Vikings Parkway Streetscaping City Contract 17-09 City Project 1225 Original Contract Amount $ 949,879.60 Contract Additions $ -0- Revised Contract Amount $ 949,879.60 Value Completed to Date $ 726,532.72 Amount Previously Paid $ 625,350.68 Final Payment $ 101,182.04 Amount less than Contract $ 223,346.88 Percent less than Contract 23.5% * Explain if greater than 5% Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA J. Contract 18-09, 2018 Water Quality Improvements Action To Be Considered: Approve the final payment for Contract 18-09 (2018 Water Quality Improvements) in the amount of $125,905.89 to BKJ Land Company and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Facts: ➢ Contract 18-09, provided for sediment removal and infrastructure maintenance within four wetlands/basins (Ponds CP-1.1, CP-5, GP-11 and GP-11.1), as identified and approved in the City’s 5-Year CIP (2018-2022). This work helped the City fulfill routine responsibilities to maintain its storm water drainage system in accordance with requirements of the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit administered through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The work supports surface water quality within Eagan lakes and ponds. ➢ On April 3, 2018, the City Council awarded the contract to BKJ Land Company for the base bid of $120,788.85. ➢ With the approval of the final payment, the total amount paid is 4.1% more than the contract. The final cost difference from the base bid amount is a result of the actual quantities of bid items being greater than the estimated quantities. ➢ These improvements have been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department (Water Resources/ Engineering Divisions), and found to be in order for favorable Council action of final payment and acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Attachments (1) CJ-1 Payment Summary Vikings Parkway Street Improvements City Contract 18-09 City Projects 1269, 1270 & 1271 Original Contract Amount $ 120,788.85 Contract Additions $ -0- Revised Contract Amount $ 120,788.85 Value Completed to Date $ 125,905.89 Amount Previously Paid $ -0- Final Payment $ 125,905.89 Amount more than Contract $ 5,117.04 Percent more than Contract 4.1% * Explain if greater than 5% Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA K. Contract 19-07, 2019 Water Quality & Storm Sewer Improvements Action To Be Considered: Approve the plans and specifications for Contract 19-07 (2019 Water Quality & Storm Sewer Improvements) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. Facts: ➢ Contract 19-07 provides for improvements of Ponds BP-29.13, BP-29.2, BP-29.B (Project 1322); Ponds CP-1.3, CP-2, CP-2.1 (Project 1304); and Pond LP-31.1 (Project 1302), as programmed for 2019 in the City’s 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (2019-2023) and authorized by the City Council on June 5, 2018. ➢ The improvements under this contract include sediment removal and minor infrastructure repairs. The improvements will help the City fulfill routine responsibilities to maintain its stormwater drainage system in accordance with requirements of the municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4) permit administered through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. The improvements will support surface water quality within Eagan lakes and ponds. ➢ All construction activity for the improvements will occur within existing public rights-of-way, public property, or easements. The proposed improvements would be funded by the Stormwater Utility Fund. ➢ The plans and specifications have been completed and are being presented to the City Council for approval and authorization for the advertisement of bids. The plans and specifications are available in the City’s Engineering Office for review. ➢ Upon approval, an advertisement will be published in the legal newspaper and upon electronic bidding sites informing contractors of the opportunity to bid. Attachments (0) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA L. Dakota County Aquatic Invasive Species Grant Application Action To Be Considered: Authorize submittal of a grant application to Dakota County for $6,700 to control one aquatic invasive species (AIS) in Holz and Hay lakes for a second year and to control another AIS in several other locations. Facts: ➢ Dakota County has grant funds available to local government units and organizations to implement projects that help to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species (AIS). ➢ On October 3, 2017, the City Council authorized an application be submitted to this program for $7,200 to control Flowering Rush (Butomus ubellatus) in Holz Lake and to conduct AIS prevention activities and related public education and outreach in southeast Eagan. On November 21, 2017, the City Council approved a grant agreement with Dakota County. ➢ Flowering Rush is an AIS known to exist in only three sites in Dakota County, two of which are Holz and Hay lakes, predominant natural resources at Holz Farm and South Oaks parks, respectively, in southeast Eagan. Holz Lake drains water to Hay Lake, which drains to Schwanz Lake (Trapp Farm Park) through the storm sewer system. ➢ The Water Resources Division recently filed the final report for the 2018 project (attachment) that indicates we confirmed and controlled Flowering Rush plants at Holz and Hay lakes. A survey of downstream Schwanz Lake found no evidence of this AIS. The final report indicates the need for continued inspection and control efforts into the future. ➢ Another AIS, Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), is found throughout Eagan and crowds out native plants. The Water Resources Division for many years has conducted several strategies to control Purple Loosestrife with satisfactory results in many places . However, our efforts have been unsatisfactory in certain sites with very dense populations or difficult access. ➢ The proposed $6,700 project would provide for a contractor to control Flowering Rush in Holz and Hay Lakes for a second year and to control some of the challenging Purple Loosestrife infestations in Eagan. Attachment (1) CL-1 2018 Final Report, Dakota County AIS Grant • • • • Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA M. Contract 19-10, 2019 Well Rehabilitation Improvements Action To Be Considered: Receive the bids for Contract 19-10 (2019 Well Rehabilitation Improvements), award the contract to Keys Well Drilling, Inc. for the base bid in the amount of $194,315.00 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Facts: ➢ The City’s Public Works Department (Utilities Division) operates 22 deep water wells as the source of Eagan’s municipal drinking water supply. ➢ The average operational life of a deep water-well is approximately seven years, or 45,000 running hours. On average, the City of Eagan contracts to rehabilitate three wells per year. ➢ At the end of the operational life, wells are refurbished or rehabilitated. Refurbishing includes equipment removal, equipment disassembly and inspection, replacement of worn or broken parts, equipment reassembly, coating protection, televising the actual well (determine physical condition), cleaning the casing, installation, and final inspection/testing. ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council adopted the 5-year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) for Public Works Infrastructure, Part III (2019-2023) and authorized the initiation of the public improvement process for the 2019 programmed improvements. ➢ Contract 19-10 provides for the refurbishing of three City deep water-wells. ➢ On January 17, 2019, three bid proposals were received (see attached summary). The low bid of $194,315.00 was 21% below the project estimate of $248,570.00. ➢ All of the construction activity for said improvements has been designed to occur within existing public right-of-way or easements. ➢ All bids have been reviewed for compliance with the bid specifications and accuracy on unit price extensions and summations. The low bid of $194,315.00 from Keys Well Drilling has been reviewed by Public Works staff and found to be in order for favorable Council action. Attachments (1) CM-1 Bid Summary Bid Date/ Time: 11:00 a.m., Thursday January 17, 2019 Well 2 Estimate: $60,770 Contractors Total Base Bid Over/Under Estimate Keys Well Drilling $46,450 -24% E. H. Renner $61,513 1% Traut Wells $71,745 18% Bergerson-Caswell No Bid Well 7 Estimate: $138,300 Contractors Total Base Bid Over/Under Estimate Keys Well Drilling $108,100 -22% E. H. Renner $146,111 6% Traut Wells $157,540 14% Bergerson-Caswell No Bid Well 15 Estimate: $49,500 Contractors Total Base Bid Over/Under Estimate Keys Well Drilling $39,765 -20% E. H. Renner $52,654 6% Traut Wells $69,100 40% Bergerson-Caswell No Bid 2019 MUNICIPAL WELL REHABILITATION CITY PROJECT NO. 1352 CITY CONTRACT NO. 19-10 BID SUMMARY Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA N. Telecommunications Lease Amendment Agreement - Telecom Action To Be Considered: Approve an amendment to the telecommunication lease agreement with Telecom, for upgrades on the Diffley Reservoir site and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Facts: ➢ The City has received an application from Telecom for upgrades to the wireless communication system antennas on the Diffley Reservoir site located at 1110 Diffley Road in Eagan. ➢ The amendment has been reviewed by the City’s Engineering Consultant, Radio Communication Consultant, City Attorney’s Office and Public Works Department personnel and found to be consistent with other past lease agree ments and in order for favorable Council consideration. Attachment (1) CN-1 Amendment to Lease Agreement L a ndlord Site N am e: D iffley T enant Site N am e: M IN B oom er T enant Site N um ber: L E A SE A G R E E M E N T This Lease Agreement ("Lease" or "Agreement") is entered into by and between the City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Landlord") and Verizon Wireless (VA W) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless, a Delaware limited liability company ("Tenant") as of the Commencement Date, defined below. The Landlord and Tenant are at times collectively referred to hereinafter as the "Parties" or individually as the "Party". In consideration of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Leased Premises. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Lease, Landlord hereby leases to Tenant exclusive and non-exclusive portions of ground space as shown on Exhibit B ("Leased Premises" or "Premises") and certain space on Landlord's water reservoir/water tower ("Reservoir") all as particularly described in Exhibit B ("Site Plan"). The Leased Premises is located on Landlord's property located at 1110 Diffley Road, City of Eagan, County of Dakota, State of Minnesota, legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto (the "Property"), subject to any and all existing easements, leases and encumbrances. Tenant intends to locate and place directional antennas, connecting cables and appurtenances, including radio telephone equipment on the Reservoir and place or construct an equipment building or cabinets on the Property all as shown on the Site Plan ("Antenna Facilities"), the exact location of each to be approved by Landlord's Public Works Director. Landlord provides no guarantee of accuracy of information provided prior to plan approval by Landlord. Tenant shall field verify any as-builts provided by Landlord. As part of the consideration of this Lease Agreement, the Landlord shall have exclusive use of the east six feet of Tenant's equipment building. 2. Term/Renewals. The term of this Lease shall be ten (10) years, commencing on January 1, 2019 (the "Commencement Date") and ending on the date that is (10) years after the Commencement Date. Tenant shall have the right to extend the term of this Lease for three (3) additional terms of five years each ( each a "Renewal Term"). The terms and conditions for each Renewal Term shall be the same terms and conditions as in this Lease, except that the Rent shall be increased as set forth hereinbelow. This Lease shall automatically be extended for each successive five (5) year Renewal Term unless the Tenant notifies Landlord in writing of Tenant's intention not to renew this Lease at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the first term or any Renewal Term. 3. Rent and Fees. a. Landlord and Tenant entered into a Lease Agreement dated November 1, 1992; First Amendment to Lease Agreement dated April 5, 2005; Second Amendment to Lease Agreement dated December 2, 2005; and Third Amendment to Lease Agreement (collectively, MIN Boomer 3791898vl the "Expired Lease"), referenced by Tenant as Contract #NG 11046. As of the Commencement Date, Landlord and Tenant agree that this amended and restated Lease replaces the Expired Lease between Landlord and Tenant in connection with the Property. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Tenant's obligation to pay rent under the Expired Lease shall survive until Tenant has paid all rent for all prior years. b. The annual rent rate for 2019 is $47,756 .00 which shall be paid within sixty (60) days of the full execution of this Lease or January 1, 2019, whichever is later. The annual rent for 2020 and subsequent years shall be paid annually in advance on January 1, without invoice. Tenant acknowledges and agrees that Landlord provides a limited area on its Reservoir for Tenant's antennas, cabling and· radios and that if Tenant exceeds Landlords base space limitations or any limitations on the numbers of antennas or radios as determined by Landlord, Tenant shall pay additional rent in the amount required by Landlord's then current fee schedule. Tenant's current rental rate is also based upon Tenant's existing ground space and Tenant acknowledges that any increase in the size of its ground space may be subject to an increase in the annual rental rate based upon Landlord's then current fee schedule. Any additional rent for any additional equipment or space shall be as provided in an amendment to this Lease and any such additional rent shall increase annually under the same terms provided herein and shall become part of the Base Rent. In addition, Tenant agrees to pay its "proportionate share" of any real estate taxes or payment in lieu of taxes required as a result of this Lease within thirty (30) days of notification by the Landlord. Tenant's "proportionate share" of real estate taxes shall be the percentage determined by dividing the amount of Tenant's exclusive space on the Reservoir by the total amount of space leased on the Reservoir. The Base Rent and all other sums owing to Landlord hereunder which are not paid within thirty (30) days after their due date shall accrue interest from the due date at the rate of one and one-half percent (1 ½%) per month, which interest shall be paid immediately with the delinquent rent payment and/or any other sums due and owing under this Lease. c. Commencing January 1, 2020 and continuing each year thereafter, the annual rent shall be increased annually effective January 1st, by the greater of (i) six (6%) of the previous year's annualized Base rent, or (ii) an amount equal to the increase in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"); provided, however, that the maximum annual increase in any year shall not exceed eight percent (8%). The annual increase shall also apply to any holdover period during which Tenant holds over at the Property with or without Landlord's consent. The CPI shall mean the "Consumer Price Index - for all Urban Consumers, All Cities, All Items (1967-100)" as published by the United States Department of Labor Statistics, or if such index shall be discontinued, the successor index, or if there shall be no successor index, such comparable index as mutually agreed upon by the parties. To determine the annual rental increase to be paid by Tenant under a CPI adjuster, the annualized rental for the previous year shall be multiplied by a percentage figure, computed from a fraction, the numerator of which shall be the CPI for the third quarter of the preceding calendar year and the denominator of which shall be the CPI for the corresponding third quarter one year earlier. Such fraction shall be converted to a percentage equivalent. The resulting percentage figure shall be multiplied by the previous year's rent. d. If this Lease is terminated at a time other than on the last day of the year, annual rent shall be prorated as of the date of termination except for any termination that allows Landlord to receive liquidated damages. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Landlord shall be MIN Boomer 2 Diffley Lease Agreement vi permitted to collect rent until Tenant or Landlord has removed all of Tenant's Antenna Facilities, equipment and improvements located on the Property. Tenant may not add any additional equipment and/or antennas, cables, or other improvements in excess of those shown on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit B, without the prior express written approval of the Landlord. e. Tenant shall pay for all costs of Landlord's inspections and installation project management costs for this project within thirty (30) days after Landlord sends and invoice for such fees to Tenant. In addition to consulting and engineering inspection costs, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all costs associated with reviewing Tenant's application, this Lease and approving Tenant's application, including but not limited to all attorney's fees, staff and administrative review time and third party consultant fees and expenses. Tenant shall further be responsible for all attorney's fees, review fees, inspection costs, consulting fees and any other sums incurred by Landlord in connection with any future amendments of this Lease or any defaults by Tenant under this Lease, including but not limited to failing to keep its Antenna Facilities in good repair and proper working order or failing to pay any sums owed hereunder. All fees and invoices must be paid within thirty (30) days after Landlord sends Tenant an invoice for the same. f. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all of Landlord's costs and expenses in connection with the preparation and negotiation of this Lease and any future amendments of the Lease, including but not limited to, attorney's fees, third party consultant fees, staff administrative time, and any other related fees and costs (collectively, "Landlord Expenses"). Tenant shall pay all of Landlord's Expenses within thirty (30) days after Landlord submits an invoice to Tenant for Landlord's Expenses identifying such Landlord Expenses. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Landlord may require that Tenant deposit an escrow with Landlord to be applied to the Landlord Expenses. Landlord may require that the escrowed funds be deposited as a condition precedent to Landlord reviewing any proposed amendment or change to Tenant's equipment. Landlord shall determine the escrow amount in its sole and absolute discretion. Any escrowed funds not applied to the Landlord Expenses will be refunded to Tenant. If, at any time, Landlord determines that the escrowed funds will be insufficient to reimburse Landlord for the Landlord Expenses, Landlord may require Tenant to deposit additional funds into escrow before completing Landlord's review of the Tenant's proposal. g. If Tenant fails to pay rent or any other sums owed to Landlord under the Lease when due, Tenant shall pay to Landlord interest on such sums at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per annum plus a late fee (to cover Landlord's administrative expenses with such late payment) of Two Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($200.00) per month until all sums owed to Landlord have been paid in full. Tenant shall also be responsible for any attorney's fees, administrative expenses, collection costs and any other sums incurred by Landlord if Tenant fails totimely pay all sums owed to Landlord within the applicable time periods set forth in the Lease. Any failure to pay any sums owed within the applicable time periods set forth here shall be a material default under the Lease. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease. 4. Property Use. Tenant may use the Property and Reservoir for installation, operation, and maintenance of its Antenna Facilities and Antenna Facilities including equipment buildings or MIN Boomer 3 Diffley Lease Agreement vi cabinets for the transmission, reception and operation of a communication use incidental thereto, and for the storage of related equipment in accordance with the terms of this Lease but only to the extent shown on Exhibit B attached hereto. This use shall be non-exclusive except that Landlord may not lease Tenant's exclusive Leased Premises to others. Tenant's use shall consist of antennas attached to the Reservoir, along with cables, appurtenances and an equipment building or cabinets connected to such of Landlord's ground facilities as may be provided in the Site Plan attached as Exhibit B. Tenant may only erect and operate Tenant's Antenna Facilities and the Antenna Facilities as shown on the Site Plan attached as Exhibit B. Tenant may expand but only after the provisions of paragraph 12(a) and 12(b) are satisfied and only if Tenant has obtained Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant shall use the Property in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Landlord agrees to respond to Tenant's request and to reasonably cooperate with Tenant in obtaining, at Tenant's expense (including Landlord's reasonable attorney and administrative fees) any federal licenses and permits required for Tenant's use of the Property. 5. Building Construction Standards. Tenant's Antenna Facilities shall, at all times, be painted and maintained at Tenant's expense, the same colors as the immediate background of the adjoining Reservoir or other color as selected by the Public Works Director. Upon Landlord's request, all new coaxial cables installed by Tenant at the Property shall be manufactured white coaxial cables. All work to be performed by Tenant and its contractors, agents, and employees shall be done in a good and workmanlike manner and of a first class quality and in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth on Exhibit B. Tenant shall not be permitted in any material way to vary its construction from the plans and specifications set forth on Exhibit B without Landlord's prior written consent. Tenant shall timely pay for all work to be performed upon the Property and shall not allow a lien to attach to the Property. Except to the extent caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of Landlord, Tenant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless Landlord from any and all costs, charges, liens, suits, actions, and expenses including but not limited to attorney's fees and court costs, (collectively, "Costs"), arising out of or related to: (1) Tenant's negligence or willful misconduct in the installation, use, operation, maintenance and presence of the Additional Equipment, Tenant's Antenna Facilities or any other equipment of Tenant or its agents, contractors or assigns,; and (2) Tenant's, or tenant's agent's, contractor's or employee's entry or presence upon the Premises; (3) any default, beyond all applicable cure periods, by Tenant under the Lease and any amendments thereto. The terms and conditions of this paragraph shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease. 6. Installation of Equipment and Leasehold Improvements. a. Subject to Landlord's use of the Property, Tenant shall have the right, at its sole cost and expense, to install, operate and maintain in accordance with good engineering practices, with all applicable FCC rules and regulations, on the Property, all necessary Antenna Facilities which facilities may include transmitting and receiving antenna not to exceed that designated in the Site Plan attached as Exhibit B. Tenant shall have the right to add additional antennas and/or equipment beyond that shown on Exhibit B, provided that Tenant obtains Landlord's prior written approval which approval may be granted, withheld or conditioned in Landlord's sole discretion. In connection with any request to add additional antennas or equipment, Landlord may require Tenant to submit an application and reimburse Landlord for all of its costs, expenses, administrative staff time, 3rd party consultants and attorney's fees, all as a MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 4 condition to Landlord's approval. Tenant shall not make any improvements or add additional antennas or equipment beyond what is shown on Exhibit B without Landlord's prior written consent, which may be granted or denied in Landlord's sole discretion upon terms and conditions acceptable to Landlord. b. Tenant's installation of the Antenna Facilities shall be done according to plans approved by Landlord. Any damage done to the Property and/or Reservoir itself during installation and/or during operation shall be repaired or replaced by Tenant, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, within thirty (30) days after notification by Landlord and to Landlord's sole satisfaction. Recommendations for mounting installations and brackets. for cable runs are available from Landlord. Landlord may also require Tenant to use any conduit or vault that may have been installed by Landlord or others upon the Property to limit the number of utility/cable runs through the Property. Any repairs not made within thirty (30) days after notification by Landlord shall be deemed a material default hereunder. Consulting engineering inspection will be provided beginning with the pre-construction conference and continuing through installation/construction/punch-list and verification of as- builts at project completion as determined solely by Landlord, at Tenant's expense. Landlord will not arbitrarily require more inspection than is reasonably necessary to insure the continued delivery of service and security of Landlord's property. Tenant shall pay for all costs of Landlord's Inspections/installation project management costs for this project within thirty (30) days after Landlord sends and invoice for such fees to Tenant. In addition to consulting and engineering inspection costs, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all costs associated with reviewing this Lease and approving Tenant's application, including but not limited to all attorney's fees, staff and administrative review time and third party consultant fees and expenses. All fees and invoices must be paid within thirty (30) days after Landlord sends Tenant an invoice for the same. Failure to pay such invoices shall be considered a material default hereunder. Prior to energizing Tenant's system (start up), all punch list items related to installation must be substantially complete (the exception may be weather related finish painting, etc. as determined by Landlord). c. Tenant shall provide Landlord, within thirty (30) days after Tenant's activates the Antenna Facilities, with a Site Plan in electronic file format compatible to the City's record file system as Exhibit B consisting of as-built drawings of the Antenna Facilities and the improvements installed on the Property, which show the actual location of all equipment and improvements. Said drawings shall be accompanied by a complete and detailed site survey of the property, inventory of all equipment, personal property, and Antenna Facilities. Tenant shall also complete all punch-list items within thirty (30) days after Landlord notifies Tenant or its contractors of any remaining punch-list items related to the construction of the Ground Facilities. d. If Tenant fails to reimburse Landlord for the Landlord Expenses as set forth in this Lease within thirty (30) days after receipt of an invoice from Landlord, or if Tenant fails to provide the information required by Section 6( c) or complete the punchlist items when required Tenant shall be deemed to be in default under this Lease. In addition to being in default hereunder, Tenant shall pay a penalty to Landlord in the amount of One Thousand Five Hundred and 00/100 Dollars ($1,500.00) per month for each month that Tenant fails to pay the invoice MIN Boomer 5 Diffley Lease Agreement vi subm itted by Landlord fo r the Landlord Expenses and/or provide the docum ents required by S e c tio n 6 ( c ) a s th e c a se m a y b e . T h e te rm s o f th is p a ra g ra p h sh a ll su rv iv e th e te rm in a tion or e x p ira tio n o f th is L e a s e . 7 . M a in te n a n c e . a . T e n a n t sh a ll , a t its o w n e x p e n se , m a in ta in a n y o f T e n a n t's e q u ip m e n t o n o r a tta c h e d to th e P ro p e rty in a sa fe c o n d itio n , in g o o d re p a ir a n d in a m a nn e r re a s o n a b ly su ita b le to L a n d lo rd so a s n o t to c o n fl ic t w ith th e u s e o r o th e r le a s e s o f th e P ro p e rty b y L a n d lo rd . T e n a n t sh a ll n o t u nr e a s o n a b ly in te r fe re w ith th e w o rk in g u se o f th e P ro p e rt y , re late d fa ci litie s o r o th e r e q u ip m e n t o f a d d itio n a l te n a n ts o r L a n d lo r d . L a n d lo rd 's u se o f th e P ro p e rt y fo r w ate r re s e rv o ir p u rp o se s sh a ll ta k e p rio r ity o v e r a ll o th e r u s e s o f th e P ro p e rty b y T e n a n t. b . T e n a n t 's re p a ir s o r re v isio n s to m o u n tin g e q u ip m e n t sh a ll b e d o n e m a c c o r d a n c e to p la n s a n d sp e ci fi c atio n s ap p ro v e d b y L a n d lo r d . c . T e n a n t sh a ll h a v e so le re sp o n sib ility fo r th e m a in te n a n c e , re p a ir a n d se c ur ity o f its e q u ip m e n t, p e rso n a l p ro p e rty , A n te n n a F a c ilit ie s , a n d le a s e h o ld im p ro v e m e n ts , a n d sh a ll k e e p th e sa m e in g o o d re p a ir and condition dur ing the Lease term . d. Tenant m ust keep the pro perty free of debris and an yt hing of a dangero us, noxious or offensive natur e or which would create a hazard, undue vibra tion, heat, noise, interfe rence, etc. and in com pliance with all applicable law s. e. In the event the Landlord repaints, repairs or m aintains its Reservoir, it shall be the or im pro ves an y of Landlord's fa cilities located on the Pro perty, Tenant shall be responsible fo r taking adequate m easures to cover, or rem ove, Tenant's equipm ent, personal pro perty or Antenn a Facilities and pro tect such from paint, dam age, debris fa llout or other dangers which m ay occur dur ing the paint restora tion, repair, m aintenance or im pro vem ent pro cess. f. Tenant shall rem ove its Antenna Facilities at Tenant's cost, upon reasonable notice to allow m aintenance, repair, repainting, restora tion or other activity at the Pro perty as required by Landlord. There m ay be scheduled interru ptions in use of the Antenn a Facilities. Except in the case of an em ergency, Landlor d shall give Tenant thirty (30) days' notice ofr epair, repainting, m aintenance, im pro vem ents or restoration that m ay affect Tenant's Antenn a Facilities. In case of an em ergency, Landlord m ay rem ove Tenant's Antenna Facilities but will attem pt to notify Tenant by telephone within a reasonable tim e pro vided that Tenant has pro vided an updated contact num ber. An "em ergency" shall be deem ed to exist only in those situations which constitute an im m ediate thr eat to the health or safe ty of the public or im m ediate danger to the Pro perty. In the event the use of Tenant's Antenn a Facilities is interru pted, Tenant shall have the right to m aintain m obile cellular equipm ent on the fa cility pro perty. Oldest tenants will have priority if space is lim ited. If site will not accommodate mobile equipment, it is Tenant's responsibility to locate suitable auxiliary sites. g. Any additional expense of repainting, repairing, improving or maintaining Landlord's Property caused by Tenant's Antenna Facilities, shall be paid promptly by Tenant to MIN Boomer 6 Diffley Lease Agreement vi Landlord upon Landlord's notice to Tenant of such additional cost. Tenant m ay, along with all other tenants at the Pro perty, unanim ously elect to share additional costs fo r contra ctual repair, repainting, m aintaining and im pro ving of Landlord's fa cility with equipm ent left in place. In this case, Tenants m ay be required to accom m odate reductions in pow er or interru ptions in service required fo r safe ty of contra ctor em ployees. h. In the event Tenan t or its contra ctors or em ployees dam ages any existing tra ils, ro ads, or other im pro vem ents by Landlord at the Pro perty or if Tenant shall im m ediately repair or replace such tra ils, roads or other im pro vem ents. i. Landlord requires Tenant to rem ove snow to allow Tenant access to the Pro perty or Tenant's Leased Prem ises. Tenant shall be responsible fo r any plow ing or snow rem oval deem ed necessar y by Tenant. Tenant shall also be responsible fo r cutting the gra ss and otherwise m aintaining all landscape within Tenant's Leased Prem ises. Landlord shall have no obligation to rem ove any snow , m ow any gra ss or m aintain any landscaping within Tenant's Leased Prem ises. Tenant's fa ilure to pro perly m aintain its Leased Prem ises shall be a m aterial defa ult under this Lease. j. Tenant shall be required to secur e any all perm its required by the City of Eagan, the State of M inn esota or any other govern ing authority in order to constru ct and m aintain th e A n te nn a F a c ilitie s a n d a ll bra ckets previously attached by Tenant with stud welds shall be rem oved and reattached to the Reservoir with seal welds. k. Tenant shall at all tim es m aintain the Leased Prem ises and any buildings or cabinets in a neat and orderly appeara nce. Tenant shall im m ediately repair any peeling paint, gra ffiti, or any other item s affecting the appeara nce of Tenant's Antenn a Facilities as reasonably determ ined by Landlord. Failure to pro perly m aintain the Antenna Facilities shall be a m aterial defa ult under this Lease. I. Tenant at all times during this Lease maintain all landscaping and screening as shown on Exhibit B and Tenant shall repair or place any landscaping that dies, is damages or no longer functions as originally contemplated as reasonably determined by Landlord. 8. Property Access. a. Tenant, at all times during this Lease, shall have vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress over the Property by means of the existing access shown on Exhibit B, subject to notice requirements to Landlord as provided in paragraph 8.b, below. b. Tenant shall have 24-hour a day access to the Property in order to install, operate, and maintain its Antenna Facilities. Tenant shall have access to such facilities only with notice to the Landlord. Tenant shall comply with Landlord's rules, regulations and policies. In the event Tenant needs emergency access to the Property, Tenant shall notify the City of Eagan Police by phone, and such notice shall constitute compliance with this paragraph; otherwise, notice shall be given to the office of the Director of Public Works. In the event that Tenant requests access to the Property after normal business hours, Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for MIN Boomer 7 Diffley Lease Agreement vi any and all expenses incurred by Landlord in providing such access, including but not limited to, overtime pay to Landlord's employees. Tenant shall reimburse Landlord for all such costs within thirty (30) days after Landlord sends Tenant an invoice for the same. c. Landlord shall be allowed and granted access to the Property at reasonable times to examine and inspect Tenant's Antenna Facilities and/or other property for safety reasons or to ensure that the Tenant's covenants are being met, upon twenty-four (24) hours prior notice to Tenant. Tenant's communications equipment is highly sensitive and any entry into Tenant's building or cabinets which could damage or interfere with it must be controlled. Accordingly, Landlord shall not enter Tenant's building or cabinets (other than in an emergency) unless it has given Tenant twenty-four (24) hours' actual notice. In case of emergency, Landlord shall make reasonable efforts to notify Tenant prior to entering Tenant's building or cabinets. 9. Utilities. Tenant shall separately meter charges for the consumption of electricity and other utilities associated with its use of the Property and shall pay all costs associated therewith. All utility meters and boxes shall be located within Tenant's Premises. 10. License Fees. Tenant shall pay, as they become due and payable, all fees, charges and expenses currently required for licenses and/or permits required for Tenant's use of the Property. 11. Compliance With Statutes, Regulations and Approvals. Tenant shall obtain and maintain all certificates, permits, zoning, and other approvals that may be required by any federal, state or local authority (including engineering study, radio frequency interference study, etc.) to use the Property for Tenant's contemplated use. Tenant's Antenna Facilities and any other facilities shall be erected, maintained and operated in accordance with site standards, state statutes, rules and regulations now in effect or that thereafter may be issued by the FCC and related governing bodies. Tenant shall provide, prior to installation, a preliminary engineering calculation on installation design indicating a strong probability of meeting FCC regulatory standards for RF environmental safety. Tenant shall provide, following installation, an FCC Hazardous Radiation Report detailing safety concerns related to installed equipment. 12.a. Interference. Before placement of initial or future antenna facilities, Tenant shall provide Landlord with an interference study detailing interference reduction, protecting Landlord's ability to accommodate existing communications facilities and to allow future antenna installations to be located wherever needed upon the Property. Tenant's installation, operation and maintenance of its transmission facilities shall not damage or interfere in any way with Landlord's Reservoir operations or related repair and maintenance activities. Tenant agrees to cease all such actions which materially interfere with Landlord's use of the Reservoir immediately upon actual notice of such interference. Landlord, at all times during this Lease, reserves the right to take any action it deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to repair, maintain, alter or improve the Property in connection with Reservoir operations as may be necessary. The Landlord agrees to give reasonable advance notice of any such activities to the Tenant if such improvements would materially affect Tenant's Antenna Facilities and to reasonably cooperate with Tenant to carry out such activities with a minimum amount of interference with Tenant's transmission operations. MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 8 B efo re placem ent of additional A ntenn a Facilities, T enant shall pro vide Landlord w ith an interfe rence study acceptable to L andlord, indicating that Tenant's intended use w ill not interfe re w ith any existing com m unications fa cilities on the R eservoir. T enant shall also pro vide Landlord w ith a stru ctura l engineering study acceptable to Landlord, indicating w hether the R eservoir is a b le to stru ctura lly support Tenant's additional A ntenna Facilities w ithout prejudice to the Landlord's prim ary use of the R eservoir as a w ater stora ge, public w orks and public safe ty com m unications fa cility. L andlord in no w ay guara ntees to Tenant subsequent noninterfe rence w ith Tenant's tra nsm ission operations, pro vided, how ever, that in the event an y other part y except a g o v e r nm e nta l u n it , o ffi c e o r a g e n c y r e q u e s t s perm ission to place any type of additional antenna o r tra n s m is s io n fa c ilit y o n th e P ro p e rty, the pro cedur es of this para gra ph 12 shall govern to d e te r m in e w h e th e r s u c h a n t e n n a o r tra n s m is s io n fa cility w ill interfe re w ith T enant's tra nsm ission o p e ra tio n s . If L a n dlord receives any such request fr om an entity requesting to use the Pro perty fo r com m un ications pur poses ("R equester"), Landlord shall subm it the R equester's pro posal, com plete w ith all techn ical specifications reasonably requested by T enant, to T enant fo r review fo r noninterfe rence. T enant shall have thirt y (30) days fo llow ing receipt of said pro posal to m ake a n y o bj e c t io n s th e r e to , a n d fa ilure to m ake any objection w ithin said thirty (30) day period shall b e d e e m e d c o n s e n t b y T e n a n t to th e in s t a ll a tion of antennas or tra nsm ission fa cilities pursuant to s a id proposal. If Tenant gives notice of objection due to interference during such thirty (30) day period and Tenant's objections are verified by Landlord to be valid, then Landlord shall not proceed with such proposal. The Requester shall be responsible for the expenses incurred in any independent validation of Tenant's interference objections, provided, however, should the independent analysis conclude that Tenant's interference objections were invalid, Tenant shall be responsible for any independent validation fees. An emergency, city, public works or public safety governmental unit may be allowed to place antenna or other communications facilities on the Property regardless of potential or actual interference with Tenant's use, provided, however, if Tenant's use of the Property is materially affected, Tenant may terminate this Lease without penalty or payment of liquidated damages as provided in paragraph 14, and provided further, that if a Requester is granted approval to use the Property for communications purposes and thereafter Tenant's use of the Property is materially affected, Tenant shall have the right to terminate this Lease without penalty or payment of liquidated damages as provided in paragraph· 14, and shall have the right to seek relief against such Requester, provided that there shall be no liability to Landlord. Tenant's use and operation of its Antenna Facilities shall not interfere with the use and operation of other communication facilities on the Property, which pre-existed Tenant's facilities. If Tenant's facilities cause impermissible interference, Tenant shall take all measures reasonably necessary to correct and eliminate the interference. If the interference cannot be eliminated in a reasonable time, Tenant shall immediately cease operating its facility until the interference has been eliminated. If the interference cannot be eliminated within ninety (90) days, Landlord may terminate this Agreement and continue to collect rent for the balance of this Agreement. MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 9 b. Maximum Permissible Emission. In all cases, essential emergency governmental systems shall .have the right to operation without being subjected to harmful interference or interruptions from commercial users at the Property. Tenant shall not use, nor shall Tenant permit its employees or contractors to use the Property in any way which causes harmful interference or interruptions to the operation of essential emergency government communications equipment at the Property, or results in radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property to be in excess of the limits specified in 47 C.F.R. § 1.1310 or any other applicable laws or regulations. Tenant shall promptly make any necessary adjustments or repairs should their equipment, due to mal-adjustments, defects or failures, cause harmful interference to other radio communications equipment at the Property, or results in radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at or adjacent to the Property to be in excess of the limits specified in 4 7 C.F.R. § 1.1310 or any other applicable laws or regulations. Assignment of responsibility for excessive radio- frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference not due to equipment mal-adjustments, defects or failures shall be in accordance with the following: (i) Commercial users shall bear primary responsibility to rectify excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference caused by their equipment or a combination of their equipment, to essential emergency governmental systems at the Property. (ii) Government system users shall bear secondary responsibility to rectify excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference caused by their equipment to commercial users at the Property. (iii) The commercial user with the most recent installation or modification shall bear primary responsibility to rectify excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference caused by that installation or modification to pre-existing commercial users. Pre-existing commercial users shall bear secondary responsibility to rectify such excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference. (iv) The commercial user with the most recent installation or modification shall bear primary responsibility to rectify harmful interference received by their system, as a result of their most recent installation or modification, from pre-existing commercial users. Pre-existing commercial users shall bear secondary responsibility to rectify such interference. Primary responsibility shall be defined as providing essentially all necessary analysis, measurements, testing and engineering to determine the cause of, and solution to, excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference. The user with primary responsibility shall make all necessary and reasonable changes, at their sole expense, to their system; i.e. antenna location, frequencies, ER.P. transmitter filtering, etc., to rectify the excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference. MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 10 Secondary responsibility shall be defined as full cooperation with the user bearing primary responsibility, and providing reasonable supplementary analysis, measurements, testing and engineering to determine that cause of, and solution to, excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or harmful interference. The user with secondary responsibility shall make all reasonable changes to their system necessary to rectify the excessive radio-frequency radiation exposure levels at, or adjacent to, the Property, or interference, at the expense of the user with primary responsibility, that do not materially adversely affect performance of their system. Tenant shall provide the City with a copy of any Routine Environmental Evaluations, Environmental Assessments, or other technical information regarding compliance with radio- frequency radiation exposure levels at the Property that are required to be submitted to the FCC pursuant to C.F.R. §§1.1307 and 1.1310. 13. Termination. a. Events of Termination. Except as otherwise provided herein, this Lease may be terminated upon sixty (60) days' written notice to the other party as follows: (i) by either party upon a default of any covenant or term hereof by the other party, which default is not cured within sixty (60) days of receipt of written notice of default to the other party, unless such default may not reasonably be cured within a 60-day period, in which case, this Lease may not be terminated if the defaulting party commences action to cure the default within such 60-day period, proceeds with due diligence to fully cure the default and thereafter cures the default. (ii) by Tenant immediately upon notice to Landlord if Tenant is unable to obtain any license, permit or other governmental approval necessary for the construction and/or operation of the Antenna Facilities or Tenant's business and as a consequent thereof does not commence operation of its business on the Property, provided, however, that if Tenant fails to obtain its permits within six (6) months after the date of this Lease, Tenant's right to terminate after such six (6) month period shall be controlled by paragraph 13(a)(iii) hereof. (iii) by Tenant immediately upon notice to Landlord if Tenant, after having commenced operation on the Property, is unable to maintain any license, permit or other governmental approval necessary to continue the operation of the Antenna Facilities, provided such failure to maintain any license, permit or governmental approval is not due to the actions, inactions or negligence of Tenant. (iv) by Tenant immediately upon notice to Landlord if as a result of activities occurring on the Reservoir or the Property, and caused by Landlord, the Property is or becomes unacceptable for technological reasons, including without limitation, unacceptable RF plan, shadowing or interference, under Tenant's Antenna Facilities, design or engineering specifications or the communications systems to which the Antenna Facilities belong. In order for Tenant to terminate under this Section 13(iv), the activities must have occurred upon the Property and been caused by Landlord. MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 11 (v) by L andlord if it determ ines based on a recom m endation of a s t ru c t ura l engineer registered in the State of M inn esota that the R eservoir is stru ctura lly unsound, in cl udin g, but not lim ited to, con sidera tion of age of the stru cture, dam age or destru ction of all or part of the Pro perty or R eservoir fr om any source, or in its sole discretion that continued occupancy of the Property by T enant is in fa ct a threat to healt h or safe ty. (vi) by L andlord, upon on e (1 ) year's prior w ritten notice to T enant, if the C ity C ouncil decid es, in its sole discretion and fo r any reason , to redevelop the Pro perty in a m ann er in con sistent w ith the continued use of the Pro pert y by T enant and/or discontinue use of the Pro perty fo r tow er or reserv oir pur poses. b. N otice of T erm ination . T he parties sh all giv e notice of term ination in w ritin g as pro v ided in para graph 21. Su ch notice sh all be effectiv e upon receipt as evidenced by the return receipt or such la ter date as stated in the notice. A ll rentals paid fo r the L ease prior to said term in ation date shall be retain ed by L andlord. c. U pon expiration or term in ation of this L ease fo r any reason , T enant shall rem ov e its equipm ent, person al pro perty, A ntenn a Facilities, and all leasehold im provem ents fr om the Pro pert y on or befo re the date of expira tion or term ination , and shall repair any dam age to the P ro perty caused by such equipm ent, norm al w ear and tear excepted; all at T enant's sole cost and expense, w hether rem oved by T enant or Landlord . T he rem ov al of T enant's A ntenn a Facilities shall in cl u de rem ov al of all con crete fo undation s or piers, rem oval of any undergro und utility lin es, repair of any and all w elds or pen etra tions of the R eservoir and rem oval of any conduit or fi lli n g of such con duit w ith sand as specifi cally requested by L andlord. A ny such pro perty or fa cilities w hich are not rem ov ed by the expira tion or term in ation date sh all , at Landlord's option , be deem ed abandon ed by T enant and becom e the pro perty of th e L andlord . In the event T enant leaves any person al pro perty, equipm ent, or any portion of its A ntenn a Facilities on the Pro pert y w ithou t L andlord's w ritten con sent, T en ant shall be reim bur se L andlord fo r the cost ofr em ov ing and disposin g the sam e. N otw ith standin g anyt hing contain ed herein to the con tra ry, T enant shall be liable to L andlord fo r rent until su ch tim e that T enant or L andlord has rem oved the T enant's person al pro pert y, equ ipm ent and A ntenna Facili ties fr om the Pro perty. T enant sh all fu rt her reim bur se L andlord fo r all attorn ey's fe es, court costs, expenses, liabilities and dam ages incurr ed by Landlord as a result of T en ant fa ilin g to com ply w ith its obligation s under the term s of this para gra ph , w hether or not litigation is com m enced. T he term s and con ditions of this para gra ph shall sur viv e the term in ation or expira tion of th is L ease. d. T itle to T en ant's equipm ent, an d all im p ro v em ents in stalled at and affi x ed to the R eservoir or P ro pert y by T enan t sh all be and shall rem ain the pro perty of T enant unless deem ed abandon ed as set fo rth herein . L andlord hereby w aiv es any lien rights it m ay have or acquire w ith respect to su ch pro perty and shall pro m ptl y execute any docum ent, required by a supplier, L andlord, or lender of su ch pro p ert y w hich w aiv es any rights L andlord m ay have or acquire w ith respect thereto. T enant m ay, at any tim e, incl udin g any tim e it vacates the Propert y, rem ove T enant's im pro v em ents, equipm ent, fi xtur es, and all of T enant's person al pro pert y fr om the P ro pert y, unless then becom e the propert y of L andlord as set fo rth in para graph 13(c) above. 14 . L iquidated D am ages; E arl y T erm in ation . In the event Landlord term inates this L ease pursuant to para graph s 13 (a)(v) or (vi) or T enant term in ates th is L ease pur suant to MIN Boomer 12 Diffley Lease Agreement vi paragraphs 13(a)(i) or (ii) such termination shall be effective without the payment by either party of any penalties or liquidated damages. In the event Landlord terminates this Lease pursuant to paragraph 13(a)(i), or Tenant terminates this Lease pursuant to paragraphs 13(a)(iii) or (iv), Tenant shall pay to Landlord liquidated damages equal to the sum of (a) the remaining pro-rata Base Rent for remaining months in the calendar year in which such termination is effective, plus (b) an amount equal to 150% of the annual Base Rent payable in the calendar year in which such termination is effective; provided, however, that if the effective date of the termination occurs in the last calendar year of the then existing term, the liquidated damages shall equal the pro-rated monthly Base Rent for the remaining unexpired term. Tenant shall pay such liquidated damages within thirty (30) days after Landlord or Tenant, as the case may be, terminates this Lease. If Tenant fails to timely pay any such liquidated damages, Tenant shall be obligated to pay all late fees and interest as set forth in Section 3g above in addition to any liquidated damages. Tenant's obligation to pay liquidated damages and any late fees and interest as set forth in this Lease shall survive the termination of this Lease. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as requiring Landlord to terminate the Lease in the event of a default by Tenant and Landlord may pursue any and all remedies available at law in the event of a material breach of this Lease by Tenant. 15. Limitation of Landlord's Liability; Early Termination. In the event the Landlord terminates or otherwise revokes this Lease, other than as provided in paragraphs 13(a)(i), (v) or (vi) above, or Landlord causes interruption of the business of Tenant, Landlord's liability for damages to Tenant shall be limited to the actual and direct costs of equipment removal and shall specifically exclude any recovery for value of the business of Tenant as a going concern, future expectation of profits, loss of business or profit or related damages to Tenant. 16. Insurance. a. Tenant shall carry adequate insurance to protect the parties against any and all claims, demands, actions, judgments, expenses, and liabilities which may arise out of or result directly or indirectly from Tenant's use of the Property. Any applicable policy shall include the Landlord as an additional insured and shall provide that it will be the primary coverage. The insurance coverage shall be Commercial General Liability Insurance Coverage, including premises/operation coverage, bodily injury, property damage, independent contractors liability, completed operations coverage, and contractual liability coverage in a combined single limit of not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) per occurrence, subject to Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000.00) aggregate. Tenant may satisfy this requirement by underlying insurance plus an umbrella policy. Tenant shall also maintain the worker's compensation insurance required by law. Landlord agrees that it is subject to Minnesota Statutes §466. b. Neither party shall be liable to the other ( or to the other's successors or assigns) for any loss or damages caused by fire or any of the risks enumerated in a standard "All Risk" insurance policy, and in the event of such insured loss, neither party's insurance company shall have a subrogated claim against the other. c. Tenant shall provide Landlord, prior to the Commencement Date and before each renewal of the Lease term, evidence of the required insurance in the form of a MIN Boomer 13 Diffley Lease Agreement vi cert ifi cate of in su ra n ce issu ed b y an in sur an ce co m p any licen sed , au th o riz ed or p erm itted to do b u sin ess in th e State of M in n eso ta, w h ich in cl u d es all co v era g e req u ired in p ara g ra ph 16 ( a) ab o v e. Said co v era g e m ay n ot b e can celed , n o n -ren ew ed , or m ateriall y red u ced w ith ou t th irt y (3 0 ) d ay s' w ritten n o tice to L an d lo rd . 17 . D am a ge o r D estru ctio n . If the Property or any portion thereof is destroyed or substantially damaged so as to materially hinder the effective use of the Antenna Facilities, and through no fault or negligence of Tenant, Tenant may elect to terminate this Lease upon thirty (30) days' written notice to Landlord. In such event, all rights and obligations of the parties shall cease as of the date of the damage or destruction and Tenant shall be entitled to the reimbursement of any rent prepaid by Tenant. Landlord shall have no liability for any damage to Tenant caused by another Tenant. 18. Condemnation. In the event the whole of the Property is taken by eminent domain, this Lease shall terminate as of the date title to the Property vests in the condemning authority. In event a portion of the Property is taken by eminent domain, either Party shall have the right to terminate this Lease as of said date of title transfer, by giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other Party. In the event of any taking under the power of eminent domain, Tenant shall not be entitled to any portion of the award paid for the taking and the Landlord shall receive full amount of such award. Tenant hereby expressly waives any right or claim to any portion thereof; all damages, whether awarded as compensation for diminution in value of the leasehold or to fee title of the Property, shall belong to Landlord. Tenant shall have the right to claim and recover from the condemning authority any amounts recoverable by Tenant on account of any and all damage to Tenant's business and any costs or expenses incurred by Tenant in moving/removing its equipment, personal property, Antenna Facilities, and leasehold improvements. 19. Indemnification. Except to the extent caused by the willful misconduct or negligence of Landlord and subject to Chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes, Tenant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Landlord and its elected officials, officers, agents, and representatives, from and against any and all claims, costs, losses, expenses, demands, actions, fines, penalties, or causes of action, including reasonable attorneys' fees and other costs and expenses of litigation, which may be asserted against or incurred by the Landlord or for which the Landlord may be liable, which arise from negligence, willful misconduct, or other fault of Tenant or its employees, agents, or subcontractors in the performance of this Lease or from the installation, operation, use, maintenance, repair, removal, or presence of Tenant's Antenna Facilities, building or cabinets on the Property, and specifically including the representations and warranties of paragraph 20 of this Lease. The indemnification obligations of this paragraph 19 shall survive the termination or expiration of this Lease. 20. Hazardous Substance Indemnification. Except to the extent caused by the willful misconduct or negligence of Landlord and subject to Chapter 466 of Minnesota Statutes, Tenant represents and warrants that its use of the Property herein, will not generate, and Tenant will not store or dispose on the Property nor transport to or over the Property any hazardous substance except as described on Exhibit D attached hereto. Tenant further agrees to hold Landlord harmless from and indemnify Landlord against any release of any such hazardous substance and any damage, loss, or expense or liability resulting from such release including all attorneys' fees, MIN Boomer 14 Diffley Lease Agreement vi costs and penalties incurred as a result thereof. "Hazardous substance" shall be interpreted broadly to mean any substance or material defined or designated as hazardous to toxic waste, hazardous or toxic material, hazardous or toxic or radioactive substance, or other similar term by any federal, state or local environm ental law, regulation or.rule presently in effect or promulgated in the future, as such laws, regulations or rules may be amended from time to time; and it shall be interpreted to include, but not be limited to, any substance which after release into the environment will or may reasonably be anticipated to cause sickness, death or disease. Tenant's obligations under this paragraph 20 shall survive the termination or expiration of this Lease. 21. Notices. All notices, requests, demands, and other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if personally delivered or mailed, certified mail, return receipt requested, to the following addresses: If to Landlord, to: With a copy to: Ifto Tenant, to: With a copy to: City of Eagan Attn.: City Clerk 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 5 5122 And Public Works Director City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills & Bauer P.A. Attn.: Michael G. Dougherty, City Attorney 14985 Glazier A venue, Suite 525 Apple Valley, MN 55124 Verizon Wireless (VA W) LLC d/b/a Verizon Wireless 180 Washington Valley Road Bedminster, New Jersey 07921 Attention: Network Real Estate Verizon Wireless Attn: Real Estate Manager 10801 Bush Lake Road Bloomington, MN 58348 22. Assignment/Nonexclusive. a. Tenant may not assign or sublet this Lease or all or any portion of the Leased Premises without the prior written consent of Landlord which consent may be granted or withheld in Landlord's sole discretion. Notwithstanding the provisions of this paragraph, Tenant shall have the right, without Landlord's consent, to assign this Lease to any parent, subsidiary or MIN Boomer 15 Diffley Lease Agreement vi affiliate of Tenant or any corporation into which Tenant may be merged or consolidated provided such entity has comparable or greater financial strength as does Tenant (Tenant's financial strength shall be measured as of the. Commencement Date of this Agreement) and further provided that in the event of any assignment Tenant shall remain obligated on the this Agreement unless otherwise released by Landlord in writing ("Permitted Assignment"). In order to make a Permitted Assignment under this Agreement, Tenant shall provide Landlord with evidence of Tenant's financial strength as of the Commencement Date and the financial strength of any proposed assignee. Any transfer of all or majority portion of the ownership of Tenant's membership interests, whether by one or multiple transfers, shall be construed as an assignment requiring compliance with this paragraph. Tenant shall not be permitted to assign all or portion of Tenant's rights to manage the Leased Premises without Landlord's prior written consent. b. The parties acknowledge that this is a nonexclusive lease, except as set forth on Exhibit B. Nothing in this Lease shall preclude Landlord from leasing other space for communications equipment or allowing access to the Property to any person or entity which may be in competition with Tenant, or any other party, subject to the conditions set forth in Paragraph 12(a) and 12(b) of this Lease. 23. Successors and Assigns. This Lease shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their respective successors, personal representatives and permitted assigns. 24. Quiet Possession. Landlord covenants and warrants that it has full right and authority to enter in to this Lease for the full term hereof and all renewals and that Tenant, upon paying the rent and upon performing the covenants and agreements hereof to be kept and performed by Tenant, will have, hold and enjoy quiet possession of the Property and the Reservoir and all rights, easements, appurtenances and privileges relating thereto. 25. Miscellaneous. a. Landlord and Tenant represent that each, respectively, has full right, power, and authority to execute this Lease. b. Tenant hereby waives any and all rights to recover against Landlord for any loss or damage arising from any cause to the extent covered by any property insurance required to be carried pursuant to this Lease. Tenant will, from time to time, cause its insurers to issue appropriate waiver of subrogation rights endorsements to all property insurance policies carried in connection with the Antenna Facilities or the Property or the contents of either. c. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties and supersedes all offers, negotiations, and other agreements of any kind. There are not representations or understandings of any kind not set forth herein. Any modification of or amendment to this Lease must be in writing and executed by both parties. d. This Lease shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota and any action shall be venued in Dakota County. e. If any term of this Lease is found to be void or invalid, such invalidity shall not affect the remaining terms of this Lease, which shall continue in full force and effect. MIN Boomer 16 Diffley Lease Agreement vi f. Tenant shall not record a Memorandum of Lease or any other documents against Landlord's property without Landlord's prior written consent. In the event that Tenant desires to record a memorandum of lease and Landlord agrees and consents to the same in writing, Tenant shall be responsible for all costs of recording the same. Tenant further agrees to execute and record a quit claim deed and any other documents satisfactory to Landlord and provide two originals to Landlord upon execution of this Lease or at the time Tenant requests the ability to record a memorandum of lease. Tenant acknowledges that upon the termination of this Lease, Tenant shall be responsible for recording the quit claim deed and any other documents reasonably required by Landlord to show that the Lease and Tenant's interests in the Property have been terminated, all at the sole cost of Tenant. In the event that Tenant fails within thirty (30) days after the expiration or other termination of this Lease, to record the quit claim deed and any other documents reasonably requested by Landlord, Tenant shall be liable to Landlord for all costs incurred by Landlord to compel Tenant to execute and record such documents or such other action to terminate Tenant's interest in the Property, including but not limited to, all attorneys' fees and court costs incurred by Landlord. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event that Tenant fails to record the quit claim deed within thirty (30) days after the expiration or other termination of this Lease, Landlord shall be specifically authorized to record the quit claim deed, at the sole cost and expense of Tenant. Notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary, Tenant shall be required to continue paying Base Rent and all other sums owed hereunder until such time Tenant has recorded the quit claim deed or otherwise provided satisfactory evidence to Landlord that has released any and all claimed interests of Tenant in and to the Property. The terms and conditions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Lease. g. Installation of a Generator. Tenant shall not install an additional generator or replace the existing generator on the Property without Landlord's prior written approval. In the event that Landlord grants approval for the placement of a generator on the Property, or Tenant is permitted to place a generator within its Leased Premises due to an emergency power failure, Tenant agrees to maintain or repair any such generator within its Leased Premises, as located on Exhibit B. Tenant further agrees that Landlord may limit the noise level at the Property, that Landlord may prohibit the use of the generator and that the installation of any generator must fall within the noise level limits set by Landlord. In the event that Tenant exceeds the noise level set forth by Landlord, Tenant shall take all such steps requested by Landlord to reduce the sound levels to the level approved by Landlord, including, but not limited to, installing additional mufflers, or any other requirements that may be requested by Landlord, including but not limited to ceasing all operations of the generator. Tenant may also take its own sound reduction measures, subject to Landlord's prior approval. All sound reduction measures requested by Landlord shall be performed at Tenant's sole cost and expense. If Tenant fails to immediately comply with Landlord's proposed sound reduction measures, Tenant shall be deemed in default hereunder and Landlord may take any and all measures to stop the use of the generator. Tenant shall further repair any and all damage caused by the use of the generator upon the Property. All expenses incurred by Landlord hereunder, including attorneys' fees, shall be paid by Tenant to Landlord upon demand. h. Cross Default. In the event that Tenant eriters into any other leases with Landlord or any other agreements in connection with Tenant's business operations ("Other Agreements"), Tenant shall, at Landlord's sole option, be in default under the terms of this Lease MIN Boomer 1 7 Diffley Lease Agreement vi if T e nant defa ults under one or m ore of the Other Agreem ents, pro vided, however, that Tenant sh a ll h a v e the right to cur e any such default within any tim e set fo rth in the Other Agreem ents. A d e fa ult by Tenant under this Lease shall, at Landlord's option, also constitute a defa ult under all O th e r A g re e m e n ts. T e nant's obligations under this para gra ph shall survive the expira tion or e a rl ie r te rm in atio n o f th is L e a se . i. F e e s u p o n D e fa u lt . In th e e v e n t T e nant defa ults under the term s of this L e a se , T e n a n t sh a ll b e lia b le to L a n d lo rd fo r a ll c o s ts , e x p e n se s, fe e s a n d a tt o rn e y 's fe e s in in c ur re d b y L a n d lo r d in c o nn e c tio n w ith T e n a n t's d e fa u lt. L a n d lor d sh a ll fu rth e r b e p e rm itt e d to p ur s u e a n y a n d a ll cl a im s a n d c a u se s o f a c tio n , a t la w o r e q u ity , in c o n n e c tio n w ith a n y d a m a g e s in c ur re d b y L a n d lo r d . T h e te rm s a n d c o n d itio n s o f th is p a ra g ra p h sh a ll sur v iv e th e te rm in a tio n o f th is L e a s e . j . C o n stru c tio n . L a n d lo r d a n d T e n a n t a g ree that each of them has p art ic ip ate d in th e d ra ftin g o f th is A g re e m e n t a n d th a t th e A g re e m e n t shall not be constru ed a g a in st th e p a rt y th at d ra ft e d it. Both Landlord and Tenant acknow ledge and agree that any Court interpreting the Agreem ent shall not constru e any portion of the Agreem ent in fa vor of or against L a n d lo r d or T e n a n t b a se d u p o n a n y ru le o f la w o r c o n s tru ction that would constru e the A g re e m e n t a g a in s t th e p a rt y th a t d ra ft e d it. k . C o u n te rp a rts . T h is A g re e m e n t m a y b e e x e c u te d in d u p lic a te counterparts, e a c h o f w h ic h w ill b e d e e m e d a n o rig in a l. 1. S ur v iv a l. A ll o f T e n a n t's in d e m n ifi c atio n o b lig a tio n s a n d o b ligations to p a y re n t, fe e s a n d o th e r su m s o w e d to Landlord under the Lease and any am endm ents to the L e a s e sh a ll sur v iv e th e e x p ira tio n o r e a rl ie r te rm in a tio n o f th e L e a s e . [The remainder of this page has been intentionally left blank. Signature page to follow.} MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 18 IN W ITNESS W HERE OF, this Lease was executed as of the day and year first set forth above. LANDLORD : C IT Y O F EAGAN TENANT: Verizon Wireless (VA W) LLC d/b/a Verizon W ireless B y : It s:M ayor B y : It s: C ity C lerk D ate: ----------- Date: / - 'I- I 'I ---"------'------ A P PR O V E D A S TO FORM : B y : E agan C ity A tt orn ey D ate: --------- A P PR O V E D A S T O C O N T E N T : By: Date: ----------- THIS IN STRUMENT WAS DRA FTED BY: DOUGHERTY, MOLENDA, SOLFEST HILLS & BAUER P.A. 14985 Glazier A venue, Suite 525 Apple Valley MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 S A L (rev . 8/17 ) MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 19 E XHIBIT A Parcel ID Number 10-02700-01-014 L eg al D escrip tion The North 800 feet oftbe East ½ of the Northeast ¼ of Section 21, Township 27, Range 23, Dakota County~ Minnesota, BXCEP'f 1). The West 99.00 feet of the Northeast Vtt of the Northeas t Y.t of said Section 27. 2) TI1e East 515,00 feet t)fthe. Wes.t 674,00 feet ofthe North 525.00 feet oHhe Northeast % of the Northeast % of said Section 27. Abstract Property. MIN Boomer D iffl ey L ease A greem ent vl 20 E X H I B I T B S i t e P l a n a n d E q u i p m e n t L i s t S e e a t t a c h e d . MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 21 {9} EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS {1YP ICAL 3 PER SECTOR) l~ ,1 {3) EXIST!NG RRUS12 RADIOS (TYPICAL 1 PER SECTOR} 11 .I {3) EXISTING SECTOR BOXES {TYPICAL 1 PER SECTOR) ·1 l1 11 EXISTING CABLE 11 RISER (BY OTHERS) 11 11 EXISTING OVERFLOW PIPE EXISTING CABLES BEHIND OVERFLOW PIPE EXISTING 12·0 CONDUIT EX1E.NDEO 10' AGL EXISTING 1r0 CONDUIT {9) EXISTI NG PANEL ANT ENNAS (TYP ICAL 3 PER SECTOR) LESSEE 10' X IO' AAll'l<!IA SPN:f. 0 ~-~?~O~-~-D 'X' SECTOR ELEVATION """"'""' lESS£E 4° X tO' NliBINA SPAC:€ ; ,t. 2h, ~)-1 {3) EXIS TING RRUS 12 RAD!OS'ii; (T\'P!CAL 1 PER SEC10 R) ~ II m {3) EXISTING SECTOR BOXES lli {TY PICAL 1 PER SECTOR) ~: II i (4) EX IST ING COAX ! ANO{l)EXISTING~ ~ HYB R!O CABLE ~: ('NP. AT EA . SECT OR} i i a ~i t-'11~ EXISTING 12"0 CONDUIT EXTEN DED 10" AGL [XJSTJNG 12"0 U.G. CONDU IT PROPOSED POS1TIDN Of RELOCA TED ANTENNA {3) EXISTING SECTOR BOXES (TY P!CAL 1 PER SECTO R) 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 I' <if ~ 7 <if ~ 7 <if ~ ? * 4 ~ ,, t \_ EXISTING 12·0 CONDUIT EXTENDED 10' AGL. EXISTING PULL VAULT PROPOSED POSffiON Of RELOCA1£0 ANTENNA. {4) EXISTING COAX ANO (1) [XIST!NG H't'BR!D C ABLE {TYP. AT EA. SECTO R) EXISTING 1 r,t, U.G. CONDU IT 0 PROPOSED 'Y' SECTO R ELEVATION -- DESIGNt..., ROBERT J DAVIS. AlA ARCHITE CT 997 3 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRA IRIE. MN 55344 {952)903-9 299 VER IZ O N WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LA KE ROAD BLOO MINGTON. MN 554 38 (612)720-00 30 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZATION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: TOWER ELE VATIONS DRA WN BY: TRO DATE: 01-0 5-18 CHECKED BY: KNE V.1 09--24-18 V.2 09--24·18 •I V,3 1._Q-:1._1:1§_ 0 PROPOSED 'Z' SECTOR ELEVATION """""""' I ,C Jr L E G ENE RAL NO TES In the event that Special Inspections are not performed ln compllance with the contract terms. bid specifications and/or specified rorm, the General Contractor will be Hable for all damages, construction perfom,ance, failures, and corrective actions related to the same, 2. The following general notes shall apply to drawings and govem unless otherwise noted or specifred. 3. The work delineated in these drawings and described in the specifications shaD conform to codes, standards and regula1ions that have jurisdiction In lhe state of MINNESOTA , and the city of EAGAN, 4. Requirements and regulations pertaining 10 R.F. safety codes and practlces must be !ncol1)0rated In the wort<. even though they may not be listed lndlvk1uaUy and separately Jn either the drawings or the speclflca!lons. 5. Compare field conOltions with archltectural and engineering drawings. Any discrepancies shall be directed lo the Architect for darification prior to fabrication al'ld/or construction. Submit necessary shop dr.:iwings prior to. fabrication for approval by the Architect. No Information or details on these sheets may be used without the permission of the owner, or the architect. 6. Oonotscaledrawings! 11" x 1r drawings to scale 24" x 36" drawings scale muUlply by 2 7. Unless otherwise shown or noted, typical detalls shall be used where applicable. 8. Details shall be considered typical at similar conditions. 9. Safety measures: The contractor shall be solely and completely responsible for the conditions of the job site, including safety of the persons and property and for independent engineering reviews of these conditions. The Architect's or Engineers' Job site review is not intended to include revlew of the adequacy of the contractor's safety measures. 10. Wrthln these plans and specifications, "Owner" Jmplies VERIZON wtRELESS. 11. The work ls the responslbRlty of the general contractor unless noted otherwise. 12. The terms "contractor" and "g.c." refer to the owner's genera! comracto- and 1he general contractor's sub-contractors. lt is the general contractor's responsibility to determine the division of work among sub-con1ractors. 13. The general contractor is responsible in obtaining necessary public and private underground u!itily locate services prior to start or excavating I construciion. VICINITY MAP SITE DIRECTIONS PROJECT INFORMATION SITE NAME: PROJECT NUMBER: SITE ADDRESS: COUNTY: LATITUDE: LONGITUDE: GROUND ELEVATION: ANTENNA TIP HEIGHT: STRUCTURE HEIGHT: MIN BOOMER 1110DIFFLEYRO EAGAN. MN 55123 DAKOTA N44°48' 13.88" W 93• 08' 50.79" g89'AMSL 66' AGL (AWS) 68' AGL {COMM.TE) ANTENNA CENTERLINE HEIGHT: 64' AGL 70.AGL OVERALL STRUCTURE HEIGHT: 77' AGL GENERATOR ON SITE: NO TOWER BUILT: 1989 BASED ON SMCO DATED: 12-0S-17 COAX RUNS: "X" COAA RUN= (4) 1-518" LINES @275' EA (EXISTING) "Y" COAA RUN= (2) 718" LINES @ 155• EA {EXISTING) "Y" COAA RUN= (2) 1-518" LINES @ 155' EA (EXISTING) "2" COAX RUN= (4) 1-5/8" LINES @ 165' EA (EXISTING) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: REMOVE (3) EXISTING PANEL ANTENNAS. (6) ADC 1900 TIA'S, AND (6) OBC-750 DIPLEXERS SHEET INDEX SHEET I SHEET DESCRIPTION T-1 I PROJECT INFORMATION. MAPS, DIRECTIONS. ANO SHEET INDEX A-1,A-2 I SITE PLAN. TOWER ELEVATIONS A--3 I ANTENNA MOUNTING PLAN & ONE-LINE DIAGRAM A-4 I COAX. ANTENNA & TTA KEY A-5 f MISC. PHOTOS S.E.H COATING SPECIFICATIONS ISSUE SUMMARY R EV _ DESCRIPTION SHEET OR DETAIL A ISSUED FOR REVIEW 12-12-17 All B ISSUED FOR OWNER SIGNOFF 01-19-18 All C ISSUED FOR OWNER SIGNOFF 05-02-18 All CONTACTS LESSOR: LESSEE: ARCHITECT: CITY OF EAGAN VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN 55438 STEVE EDWARDS {612) 720-6377 DESIGN 1 ARCHITECTS LLC, 9973 VALLEY VIEW ROAD EDEN PRAIRIE. MN 55344 {952) 903-9299 VERIZON WIRELESS DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS JOB TITLE NAME DATE RF ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION ENGINEER LESSOR/ LICENSOR APPROVAL SIGNATURE PRINTED NAME DATE I I LESSOR/ LICENSOR: PLEASE CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX BELOW D NO CHANGES. D CHANGES NEEDED. SEE COMMENTS ON PLANS. ,,,''1 'j"' ,,,, s:». LICENSED ·, ':. ARCHI1ECT : ' ~,~ 12427 J1;~f' //,,It[#~~,,, 'L••• .. • ,,, lhef eby ce rtlfy !ha tlhlspla n, spi,clfoei,tion or rcpOI'! wat pmpamd by me ortmder my 6irect su~rvts !on a..:!lha tlama(luly reglsl emd Arcr,ftectllflOO' 1he laws0ftheSt3 1eolM'rmesota . R O B E RT J. O A VI S , R ag. No . 124 27 YefA{~,-{ DESIGNb..._ R O B E R T J O A \/1$, A1A A R C H IT E C T 9973 V A LLE Y V IE W RO . EO E.N F'R A 1R lE , M N 5534 4 (952)90 3-929 9 VE RIZ O N WIRE LESS 10B0 1 B U S H tA K E R 0 A 0 B LOO M IN G TO N . M N 55438 (612)7 20.0 030 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZATION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: CONTACTS ISSUE SUMMARY SHEET INDEX DEPARTMENTAL APPROVALS LESSOR APPROVAL PROJECT INFORMATION VICINITY MAP GENERAL NOTES DRAWN BY: MlV DATE: 01-0S..18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12-12-17 REV.a 01-19-18 REV.C 05-02-18 T-1 EXISTING BITUMINOUS DRIVE EXISTING WATER TANK EXISTING 12·0 BURIED CONDUIT. WITH (4) 1-5/8" COAX CABLES AND (1) EXISTING HYBR!D CABLE TOY SECTOR "· ¥', " " "' -~$'~ ~ '\,rt .._(;)~"' ~ c..,<& •'I, EXISTING CABLE PULL VAULT i:, 0 \ -- /---- -- EXISTING 12·, BURIED - CONDU!T. WITH (8) 1-5/8" EXISTING VAULT COAX CABLES AND (2) EXISTING HYBR!D CABLE TO "x" &.."Z" SECTOR (X!ST!NG 18' X 42° LEAS[ AREA © I I I -----, EXISTING 12"0 BUR!ED CONDUIT. WITH (2} 1-5/8" & (2) 7/8~ COAX CABLES AND {1) EXIS!TNG HYBRID CABLE TOY SECTOR 0 ~}:~.'.~~ """"'""' I I EXISTIN~ VER120N WIRELESsj EQUIPMENT BUILDING ! ! II i L _J ,,,''1'j'jj'''/ ,i'?~~ ' 1~;;:--';. ' L1CENS£D ~ ARCHltECT .tt 124~27 /"I:~' -:,."'~·-... .· .· ~; ,,,, ;7!t[F""............ ,,' 1 '11t111t1\\,,,, i lllffilbyconlfylhal1hlsplan. spscllJca1 fonor,e~~ was prcparo'1bymcor11ndcricydifec1 wpervls!on al'ldlhatlamaduly regls!aredAn:hllod tmder !hclamcfth~S!a!eofM&meso ia. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 <Jl,{~.' DESIGN~ ROBERT J DAVIS, AIA ARCHITECT 9973 VALLEY VIEW RD. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952/903-9299 VERIZON WIRELESS 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN S543B (612)720-00 30 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZATION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: SITE PLAN DRAWN BY: MLV DATE: 01-05--18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12M12M17 REV.B 01M19-18 REV.C OS-02M18 I ,( Ji. A-1 (l)EXISTINC ANIENl4IS IND MOUNTING PIPES TO 8£ REM0\£0 {IYPICII. 1 PER SECTOR) ANTEN NA C/L \_ 64' AGl ~ {3} EXISTING RRUS 12 RAD IOS TO REMAIN (TYP!CAL 1 PER SECTOR) 1111 (3) EX!ST!NG SECTOR BOXES TO REMAIN {TY PICAL 1 PER SECTO R) NOTE: <MRA1.L STRUCTURE HEIGHT IS .IFPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SWU. VERIFY AT TIME -OF CONSlRUCTION i11NO N011FY \'fRIZON W1Ra£SS IMM£DIATO.Y Of mf OtSCREPANCIES. (l) EXISTING "'1ENNAS AHO MOUNTING PIPES TO BE RELOCATED (rn>ICAI. 1 PER SECTOR) (4) EXISTING COAX AND {1} EX!SllNG HYBRID CABLE TO REMAIN (TYP. AT EA. SECTOR} EXISTING 1r0 CONDUIT EXTENDED 10' AGL {9) EXISTING P.I\NEL ANTENNAS {TYPICAL 3 P(R SECTOR) Nil'ENNA C/L 64' AGL ~ (J) EX!ST!NG RRUS12 RADIOS {TYPICAL l PER SECTOR) 1111 (J) EXISTING SEC10R BOXES (TYPICAL 1 PER SECTOR) ~ I,, ,Gl \__ (4) EXISTING COAX ANO (1) EXISTING HYBRID CABLE (TYP. AT EA. SECTOR} EXISTING 1r0 CONDUIT EX1ENDE0 10· AGL ,,,'\!ij''''', ._,,,,_~<?, ,.P..~ I ,,, ',§?'!·· . -~v'',, . L1CE:NS£D ·. ~ ARCHITECT =. 12427 ; = -:,v;l;··... s~ ,,,;/f:tF~~/~ ,, '111' ,,,,, lh arc by ceftll y th at thls pl an. s~!lon orreportwa s prc~rcd by me er tinder my direct sv;,aivblona<ldth.111amadufy regisl ~mdAr ch!!ect under !l>e law,:oflhe Stat~olMin neso ta. R O '*'RT J, DAVIS , Reg, No. 12427 ~~··-< Signed: 05,0 2-18 DESIGNb.,. ROOERT J OAVIS, AIA ARCHITECT 9973 VALLEY VIEW RO. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN SS344 (952)90 3-9299 VER IZ O N WIR E L E S S 108 0 1 BUSH LA KE ROAD BLOOMINGTON, MN SS438 (6 12 )72 0-00 30 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZA TION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: TOWER ELEVATIONS EXISTING PUU VAULT EXIST!NG 1r0 CONDUIT EXISTING PULL VAULT [XIS11NG 12"0 CONDUIT 0 E~X l~T IN G T O W E R E LE V A T IO N """"'""' 0 ~-~?~o:.~.o TO W E R E L E V A T IO N """"'""' i<t DRAWN BY: MLV DATE: 01--05-18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12-12-17 REV.B 01-19-18 REV.C 05-02-18 A-2 ONE-LINE OIAGRM! PER SECTOR ---1 ROS£N8ERG£R HYBRID JUMPER. SECTOR SOX TO RRU (MAX. L£NG1H or ,s·i !ll ·-·-,,,- ~ CABlfS TO SttELTER 1/2• COAX JUMPERS (MAX. LENG!H Of 15') ERICSSON RRUS 12 SECTOR BOX MODa SEHNOTES: 1. ALL ATTACHMENTS TO PAINTED SURFACES ARE TO INCLUDE THE PLACEMENT OF NEOPRENE STRIPS BETWEEN HARDWARE ANO POINTS OF CONTACT TO REOUCEIELIMlNATE DAMAGE TO THE PAINTED SURF'ACE. METAL SHIMS ARE REOU!REO IN SITUATIONS WHERE T!GHTENINGA CLAMP MAY CAUSE THE NEOPRENE TO TEAR CAUSING METAL TO METAL CONTACT. WHERE POSSIBLE EXPOSED NEOPRENE SHOULD SE WRAPPED \\IITH WHITE TAPE. FASTENING SEQUENCE SHOULD INCLUDE NYLON WASHERS BETWEEN THE PAINTED SURFACE AND THE GALVANIZED WASHER: 2. ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE rs TO SE GALVANIZED ANO/OR PROVIDED !NA NON.CORRODING MATERIAL 3. CONTRACTOR TO TOUCH UP PAINTING ON EXISTING ANTENNAS: SPOT REPAIRS MADE W ITH BRUSH AND wro FEATliERING SHOUlO SE COMPLETELY ROLLED FOR UNIFORMITY. 4, CONTRACTOR TO TOUCH UP EXISTING ANTENNA MOUNTING PIPES; DEPENDING UPON THEIR CONomoN (DAMAGED/FAILED), THE CITY MAY REQUEST REPLACEMENT. S. ALL EXPOSED JUMPERS AND CABLES ARE TO SE PROVlDEOWlTH MANUFACTURED WHITE JACKETING OR TAPED WHITE, 6. ALL MOUNTING HARDWARE IS TO SE GALVANIZED ANO/OR PROV!DED IN A NON-CORRODING MATERIAL. 7. THE RRUS NEED TO BE ATTACHED SO THAT THEY ARE BEHIND THE ANTENNAS ON THE MOUNTING POLES !F FEASIBLE OR COVERED BY A SHROUD THAT IS ·SHOP PAINTED" TO MATCH THE COLOR OF THE TANK (SE.E ATTACHED DRAWING EXAMPLE). IF SHROUDS FOR THE RRU'S ARE TO BE INSTALLED. THEY MUST SE MOUNTED WITHIN THE TEN ANIS LEASE AREA ANO NOT EXTEND BEYOND tT. THE ENGINEER SHOULD NOTE THAT IT tS THE cm es INTENT TO MAKE THESE UNITS AS INVISIBLE AS POSSIBlE. 8. ALL ABANDONED ANTENNAS, COAXIAL CABLE ANO DETACHABLE EQUIPMENT THAT IS NO LONGER USED ARE TO SE REMOVED OU RING THE FINAL MIGRATION. 9. ALL EQUIPMENT IS TO BE IDENTIFIED BY THE TENANT. 10. NOTE: PER THE CITY OF EAGAN. ALL EQUIPMENT MOUNTED TO THE SIDE OF THE WATER TOWER MUST BE WITHIN THE FOLLOWING PARAMETERS: • MJNJMUM DISTANCE. F'ROM THE TANK WALL; 6" (REQUlREO FOR SERVICING THE WATER TOWER). • MAXIMUM C l STANCE FROM THE TANK WALL: 28" 11, NOTE: THE CITY OF EAGAN WILL NOT ALLOW ANY FIELD CHANGES SO lF THERE ARE ANY CONCERNS ABOUT HOW EQUIPMENT WILL Fff OR BE INSTALLED. 1i WOULD BE BENEFICIAL FOR VERIZON TO 00 A SITE VISIT, TAKE MEASUREMENTS AND CONFIRM lF THE INSTALLATION WILL WORK. 12, CITY NOTE: THE CITY OF EAGAN HAS RECENTLY CHANGED THE WAY rr SILLS FOR TOWERJRESERVOJR SPACE. INSTEAD OF LEASING BY THE NUMBER OF ANTENNA INSTALLED PER SECTOR. A 10'X10' VERTICAL AREA IS THE STANDARD. Am SPACE OCCUPIED BY TELECOMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OUTSIDE OF THAT 10'X10' VERTICAL AREA WI LL NECESSITATE A CHANGE. OR INCREASE IN RENT. IF' YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CONTACT ..nM HAUTH AT 651.675.5216. 09 9000 PNNTINC Touchup point construction related scrapes&: scratches. ROSENBERGER 2-4 (2 RRU) HYBRID CABLE (3) [X!STING SECTO R BOXES MOUNT ED BEL OW RRUS12 RAO!OS TO REMA IN (TY PICAL 1 PER SECTO R) (3} EXISTING SECTO R BOXES MO UNT ED BELOW RRUS 12 RAD IOS (TY PICAL 1 PER SECTOR) B01TOM OISTRIBIJTION BOX (INSIDE EXISl!NG SHELTER) ~E D IA G RA M EXISTING OVE RFL OW PIPE -:., ,.;; (3)EXIS11NGN<TENHASN<D MOU111111G P1P£S TO B£ RELOCATED {!YPICM. 1 PER SECTOR) ;,. "'~,,, "'•· i,{,% r(3)EX1STING RRUS 12 RADIOS (TY PICAL 1 PER SECTOR) \-'·\ (9) EXISTING \4.?. PANEL ANT ENNAS \3 .\ ~ (TY PICA L 3 PER SECTO R) "~- ;,. "'<>a ~ ~?:,', ~::/ i,1/% EXISTING OVE RFL OW PIPE ControctOf to touch up existing antennas, RRU's, ond mounting pipes per SEH Coating Specfficotions Section 09 97 15. Contractor to verify painting specificotians from the city of Eogon and SEH prior to pointing. All hybrid cables to have factory white jacket. All jumpers and REr eeaes shall be taped white. N ~ "'~ 0 EX ISTING M O UNTING DETA IL SCALE: 3/16" = 1'-0" -- E§ 0 PR O PO SED M O UNTING DETA IL SCALE: 3/16p = 1'-0" -= 2•.:.e- E§ \\\''•.''I I ,,t~~,1,,/,,1),q '(;,, ~// ·., ..... _.{p,.~ ' LIC(NS:ED ,:_ ARCHlTEC1 = ~~· .... 12427 Jt/ ,,., ,~l'.:'.r ~~,,, ,,, ..... ,,,,, lhcro byce r!ily !h.3\!his plart, sp ecffi<::a l!on o,repon w...i prepa redbym e0r1,n dcrm ydlre e1 supe rv is!on artd lhs llam a doly reg!MereclArC11~ectuncler tf\e laws cflt 11.1Sta te0fM lnnesota . ROBERT J,OAVIS.Reg.No.12427 Qf,,..{~ ,( DESIGN~ ROBERT J DAVIS, AIA ARCHITE CT 9973 VALLEY VIEW RO. EDEN PRAIRIE, M N 55 34 4 (952)903--9299 VE R IZ O N WIR E L E S S 10801 SUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON. MN 55438 (612)720-0030 PROJECT 20171626783 M IN BO O M ER O PTIM IZA TIO N 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: ANTENNA MOUNTING PLAN ONE-LINE DIAGRAM DRAWN BY: MLV DATE: 01-05-18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12-12-17 REV.B 01-19-16 REV .C OS.02-16 A-3 AZ IMUTil lP OSfTION I FUN CTION I QlY I MAN UFACTU RER MOO£!. MOO l""'""'l""'"NA!OOEN NA! El.EC I MECH I lYPE l£NGTH TIP I CENTER IDOWNTILTIOOWNTILT STATUS QlY. I ~ I MANUFACRJRER I MOOEL I OIEl.ECTRlC 1°~RI (/'I'& I STATUS QlY. MOOEL STATUS ~::: -;_,~- 1 __ css x;~~s:g~2_ +~;5c~~A 101ff ss· _54·_ o· _ o- _ REMAIN -(- ~ _ AN':EW- ~;~~o o;:XWf,~5/~~2;~.-- = ::: -~~ --- 1 _ mm. __ wa~~;oso --~- su· 66' _64'_ O' __ {)'_ REMCM: _L __ MA!N _A NDREW _ AVA7W-50 -{w:soJ~~~LB~mY~~ REMAIN SE~OR~1::: -;:~ --- 1 - ANTEL_ - WB~~~s~;~Tos~_ - ~~~ - _54T 66' _64'_ O" - O' - REMAIN -,- ::~ - £:~::~- A:A~~~:D -Fo:Dmt~:JsR~;:~5' ::~::: -I -- ~ 001900-- REMOY! ;::: -::; 1 __ css x;~~s;i~2_ -~~5c~~~1Q1ff 68' _64'_ Q° _er_ REMAIN -r- ~ __ ANc°:sEW_ ~~;i ~~IDW ~rsa~ 275' :: --------- ---- :~: -;:; --- 1 __ css - __ x~~~s~;;o - +~;sc~:~~:ff ss· _64'_ o· - O'_ REMAIN -(- ~ - ANC:EW- ~v~;~~o ~111i"~ ,ss· = -, -- NJC 001900-- REMOVE Y' ~+~ -f~- ... J --~- -~~t~Q_SO ~_ ~"!: _Sf_-~·- _T __ .[_ ~~ -~- -~I~ -~NQ_R~- !_VE !-~ -(w:stN~~L_B~m~~~ B_E!±'~ SECTOR~+~:: -;:~ --- . 1 _ ANTE L __ W B ~~~xp~:ros~--~~~-~5~:7" 6f __ 64'_ 2" _o ·_ REMAIN --~--::I~ --~~~~:N A:A~~~:D -ro:~lf-~}i;~~:5' ::~::: ~~: -::~ --- 1 __ css x~~~s:~;;D --~~\~~ 10 1ft 6f __ 64'_ o· _o-_ REM AIN -~-~ _A N~EW _ ':~;~ ~~¾,f~od 155' :~~ +--~ ·- ,. __ 1 ...J __ IOC 001900 __ j_ REMOVE I- _ 1 ...J __ IOC 001900 __ j_ REMOVE_, 22£J_!:_1_ 224'1 1.2 1_j __ css _ _j __ X7C -88 0-20 _-j +<S cOMA J..10 1· + 68 " _j _ss ·_L o· .J_ r _J. REMAIN 2ND PORT -45 L1'E ANDREW I AVA7W -5D FO AM T,=-sZa'T 165' REMOVE REMAIN 224' 2.1 -z· ·22., -,:,- SE CT OR 224· 3.1 224" -12- J -.l --~-.l -~~~~~-J -~_1 'i!,1: 1__66..:. 1_~·-L ~-L ~-.!.~ 2HOPORT ] AWS r - 1 - 1 - 1J_ ANT EL _j _W BX065X17M050 -l -AW S _I 54.7"+ 66' l_64'_L 0- j _D'_j_R EMA !N 2ND PO RT PCS r - - 1 - -~~-~I~ RRU -,--1 -MA 1N ~NQ_R~ _ i !_V~!-~D ER!C CSO N RRUS12 ANDREW 1 AVA7W -50 _F0 ",1 _j_l :_5{8 :_j _1s_5'... (1/ROS ENBERC ER HJ-712-009 K'!'BRID JUMPER nm~ SEC 01ST.80XTORRIJ FOAM f,-5/B"J 165" REM AIN ----1 REM AIN REMAI N -1 1-- ,60C; 001900--rREMO\£ I- ·- _1 +- IOC 001900 __ j_REMOVE 22!_1_~1- 224·1 4.2 •_j __ css _ _j __ X7 c-aao-2D _-J +4 5LTEl_101· I_ ,a· 1_64 ._L o- _J _r _J_R EMA IN 2ND PORT -45 COMA .. 1 - I .. -~-+Fffeix _ ANDREW -l AVA7W -50 CSS 08C-7SO REM AIN REMO\£ ----1---------1--- AOO!TI ONAL EX!SIT NG: (1) COl.-1 MSCOPE MA IN OISTR!BUTJON BOX RXXDC -3315 -P F-48 (IN SHELTER ) TO REM AI N {3} COM MSCOPE SECT OR DI STR IBUT ION BOXES RXXOC-10 64-P F-48 (1 AT EA, SECTO R} TO REMA IN FR Ol.-1 SHELTE R BOX TO SECTO R BOX AT •x• SECTO R USE ROSENB ER GER W H ITE HY B RID CA BLE HFW -4791-310 TO REMA IN FR OM SHEL TER BOX TO SECTO R BOX AT 'Y" SECT OR USE ROSENBE RGER W HIT E Hl"B RIO CAB LE HFW -4791-19 0 TO REMAI N FR OM SHELT ER BOX TO SECTO R BOX AT "2" SECTO R USE ROSENB ER GER W HITE HYB RID CAB LE HFW -4791-200 TO REMA !N AZ1MUTillPOS!TKlNI FUNCTION I QlY IMANUFACRJRER MODEL ;so___LJ]JMJ>IB AN OB_fJI[ IJ)f4-S0 ~~75~_165' -~,"17LJ 10'-15' PR OP OSED ANT[N NA KEY I PRO PO SE D COAX KEY I I PRO POSED TTA KEY I MOO COAX DIAMETE R RUN I I I I lYPE STARJS QlY. lYPE MANUFACRJRER MODEL DIELEC1RIC (INCtt} (FEET) ~ QlY. MODEL ' STARJS ' 344·J 2.1 344'1-f."2- , l __ css _ _j __ X?C -86 5-2 --j "sc DMA L 10 l'· j_ 68 ' _j _64 '_L o- _J _o-_J_Exis11NG 2N D PO RT -45 L1 E 1 -, MAIN -w:1N -x· 1.4! 3.1 SE CT OR 34 4· -3.2- 4:f -~;- 1 ANT EL W 8X065X 17M050 AW S 54.7" 66' 64' O' O' EXI STING 2ND PORT AW S 1 -- css _ -- X7C-865-2 _ +45 LT E 10 1· 68' _64'_ O' _er _ txig iNG 2N D PORT -45 COMA TO!AL RRU 1 MAIN -,-- -w:1N , · n · r i -:~~:~- ~~:;~=;~ -~~:~ t~=;1s~ ;;;: ~~:~~:~~ -~ ---- ~ ---- - :: - {!)ROS H/BERGE R HJ -712 -009 ~ .• .. -~- ~'" ... ,,,..,,,. '""' -- ---------" --- ANDREW _ AVA7W -50 _FOAM L1 -SfB :J 275• EX!ST!NG _.. -· .. _ ANDREW AVA7W -5D FO AM J.!.-5/[.l 275' EX!STlNG ·· -· -· .,. SECTOR _!_Oi_J_~1_ 1orl 2.2 J-.1 --~'-- __x7C-880-40 --l t 45 CDMA j_lO lft j_ 68' J_s4·_1- ff J_ er _j_E XIST!NG 2ND PORT -45 lTE 2.0£J_~,_ 104'1 3.2 J _j __ A~- _ W BX065X 17 M05D -l - AW S _L S4.T l 55· j_64'_L 2· J_ O' _j_EXISTING 2ND PORT AW S _!_0£J_~1_ 104·1 ... 4.2 J-1--~'-- __ X7 c-68 o-,o_-j +'5LTEL 10 1· j_ 68 "_j _64 '_L o· _J _rr _J_EXISTING 2ND PORT -45 COMA .IT~ T.QIAL 1 -, 1 -, rij · 1 i _MA!N _ ANDREW _ AVA7W -5D _FO AM )1 ~5/8::.J 275' [X!STING _ MA !N ANDREW AVA7W -5D FO AM . fi -5/8"1 275' EXISTING (1}R0SENSERGfR HJ-712-009 _ .• .._ _,, -,,-~,,... ,.~ • -- ----------- --- ~:~ --:~~~~: - ~~:;:=!b -~~: H:;7s1-;;~: ~~:~~:~~ -- .---- ·· - - - 1_2£J_.£:.1_ 22fl 2.2 J _j __ ~'-- S£J0R~½;f. -f~- 224· ~,_ }?f 4.2 __ x,c.-.'.'.o ... -.' .. o .... J +45 coMA L 10,· j_ 68. _j _54 ._L o· _J _o-_J_,xis11NG 2ND PORj .. __ -=_t_ -45 LTE 1 -_, MAIN -w:1N _ AN.0.RE·W ·. :1. A··V·A···' .. " ... - .. 5. ' .. · ANOB_E~-··· . AVA7W -:-~D _ '.' .. A.". J 1-s/B. :.1_2 .. ,5. · FOA_M __ ~~~-2I~' ..!J __ A~- J _j __ 0e._ W B X06SX 17M OSO AWS 54.7" 66' 64' O' O' EX ISTING 2ND PORT AW S __X7C-880-2D -- +45 LT E 10 1" 68' _64'_ o· _ r _ EX IST ING 2ND PORT -45 COMA RRU ER !CCSO N RRUS 12 -'-- , (1) ROSENBERG!R HJ-712-009 HYBRIOJUMf'tRFROMSEC. r,J<;l.....lK!K..1Q.~l! MAIN MA 1N _ ANDREW --l AVA7W -50 AN DREW AVA7W -50 -~;:~ -t::;I::r~;:· 30 [X!STI NG EX1ST1NG EXISTI NG EX ISTI NG .~1_$T1NG JUM P ER AN OR£W I lD F4-S0 FO AM I 1/2" ]10'c15 ' TOTAL 11As TOTAL 3 ANTENNA KEY SCALE: NONE 2 COAX KEY SCALE:NONE ~ ~ ,,,''1'j'''''' .:::"&~'?:::-· ,P1 i,:,,, ~/ ··-~-::. . LICENSED ,:. ARCHlT(CT - ,, ~ ,2.27 Jrt ///';,'t-tr~~,,,' I I I 'I II 1' \ \ \ !he ..,by a,ntfylhat!hl.<;pla n, "V"clfi e..Uoncrrepo,1 was p,epa,ed by me o, under my d~eCI supo M slo n and 1h.a lla m a d ufy re,gls1ere<!Archl1ectunder the l(?W'S o f1he St lli o fM1 nne so ta . ROBERTJ.DAVIS.Reg.No.12427 Y4,~. ( D E S IG N t.i.. ROBERT J DAVIS. AIA ARCHITECT 9973 VALLEY VIEW RO. EDEN PRA IRIE, MN 55344 (952 )903-9 299 VER IZ O N WIR EL E S S 10801 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOO MINGTON, MN 55438 {612)720-0030 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZATION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: COAX , ANTENNA. & TT A KEY DRAWN BY: MLV DATE: 01-05-18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12-12-17 REV.B 01-19-18 REV.C QS.-02-18 A-4 ,,,''1 j' .,,,,, ,'.o.~. ~- .... ,./)4 I ,, ~~/ ·t?',/".. / L1CE.NS£D \ ~ ARCH1TECT =. 12427 . = "..~. d:iY ,,,,'fti/~~,,, ll«111tl\' lh<lrcbyccrtlfy lhatlhis plan, spec!Uca1lon or1eport was pre pared by me or und er my dl<ee! supeMsionand!hallamaduly mglstel'8CIArchtteaum!er lm!laYJSOft~State o!Mlnnes ola. ROBERT J. DAVIS, Reg. No. 12427 ~~ .. -< Signed: DESIGNb.,. ROBERT J DAVIS. AIA ARCHITECT 9973 VALLEY VIEW RO. EDEN PRAIRIE, MN 55344 (952)903-9299 "Z"SECTOR 3 SCALE: NONE "Y"SECTOR 2 SCALE: NONE VERIZON WIRELESS 10601 BUSH LAKE ROAD BLOOMINGTON. MN 554 38 (612)720-0000 PROJECT 20171626783 MIN BOOMER OPTIMIZATION 1110 DIFFLEY RD EAGAN, MN 55123 SHEET CONTENTS: MISC. PHOTOS DRAWN BY: MLV DATE: 01--05-18 CHECKED BY: KNW REV.A 12-12.17 REV.B OM9-18 REV.C 05-02-18 0 OVERALL TOWER PHOTO SCALE;NONE 0 TOWER COAX PHOTO S SCALE: NONE 0 "X"SECTOR 1 SCALE: NONE A-5 SECTION 09 97 15 COATING SYSTEMS FOR TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section includes painting and painting repair work associated with the installation of antennas, coaxial cables, and other common components with direct attachment to water tank facilities. · 1.02 REFERENCES A. Society for Protective Coatings (SSPC): www.sspc.org 1. Volume 1: Good Painting Practice 2. Volume 2: Systems and Specifications 1.03 SU BM ITT ALS A. Product Data: Submit data sheet for each coating system. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Manufacturers: 1. Sherwin Williams Company www.sherwin-williams.com 2. Tnemec Company www.tnemec.com 3. X-1-M Products www.ximbonder.com PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Visually evaluate surface preparation by comparison with pictorial standards of SSPC-VIS-1-89. 3.02 PREPARATION A. Remove all surface contaminants in accordance with SSPC-SP1 Solvent Cleaning. 1. Do not use hydrocarbon solvents on surfaces to be coated with water-based coatings. B. Clean and remove all rust, slag, weld splatter, weld scabs, mill scale, and loose paint. C. Protect areas adjacent to welding & or grinding operations to prevent damage of surrounding intact paint system. D. Ferrous Metal: SSPC-SP6 Commercial Blast Cleaning E. Galvanized Steel: SSPC-SP7 Brush Off Blast F. Antenna Covers, Coaxial Cable, Non-metallic Substrates and Previously Painted Surfaces: Scarify to de- gloss. SSPC-SP1 with a non-hydrocarbon solvent. G. Surface profile shall be in accordance with manufacturer's product recommendation. H. Re-blast all surfaces: 1. Where rusting has recurred. 2. That do not meet the requirements of these specifications. 3.03 APPLICATION A. Coatings shall be applied in accordance with manufacturer's printed instructions. Coating Systems for Telecommunication Equipment 099715-1 B. Surfaces to be coated shall be clean, dry, and free of airborne dust and contaminants at the time of application and while film is forming. C. Finish coat shall be uniform in color and sheen without streaks, laps, runs, sags or missed areas. D. Shop Painting: Tape-off (2-inch minimum) surfaces that will be in the Heat-Affected-Zone during field welding. E. Component Painting: 1. Interior Exposed Ferrous Metal and Galvanized Steel: a. Product: Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 or Tnemec Series 161 1) Number of Coats: 2 2) Dry Film Thickness: 4.0-6.0 mils (per coat) 3) Color: By Owner 2. Exterior Exposed Ferrous Metal and Galvanized Steel: a. Primer: Sherwin Williams Macropoxy 646 or Tnemec Series 161 or N69 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 4.0-6.0 mils 3) Color: By Owner b. Finish: Sherwin Williams Acrolon 218 or Tnemec Series 10740/10750 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 2.0-3.0 mils 3) Color: By Owner 3. Antenna Covers: a. Primer: Sherwin Williams Pro-Cryl Primer 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 2.0-4.0 mils b. Finish: Sherwin Williams Sher-Cryl HPA 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 2.5-4.0 mils 3) Color: By Owner 4. Coaxial Cable a. Primer: X-1-M 1138 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 2.0-3.0 mils b. Finish: Sherwin Williams Sher-Cryl HPA 1) Number of Coats: 1 2) Dry Film Thickness: 2.5-4.0 mils 3) Color: By Owner 3.04 REPAIR OF AREAS DAMAGED BY WELDING A. Prepare the damage by one of the two following methods as directed by the Engineer. 1. Abrasive-blast to SSPC-SP6. · 2. Mechanically clean to SSPC-SP11. B. Feather edges to provide smooth coating transition. C. Apply prime coat to bare metal surface. D. Mask off rectangular area around prime coat. E. Apply finish coat. 3.05 QUALITY CONTROL A. Measure dry film thickness with a magnetic film thickness gage in accordance with SSPC-PA2. B. Visually inspect dried film for funs, sags, dry spray, overspray, embedded particles and missed areas. C. Repair defective or damaged areas in accordance with Articles 3.02 and 3.03. END OF SECTION Coating Systems for Telecommunication Equipment 09 97 15 - 2 E xhibit C F E E SC H E D U L E NIA MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 22 E x h ib it D HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES INSTALLED BY TENANT Sealed batteries, propane/diesel/gasoline, HVAC system, and a halon/FM200 fire suppression system. MIN Boomer Diffley Lease Agreement vi 23 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA O. Lot 1, Block 6, Gardenwood Ponds Easement Vacation Action To Be Considered: Receive the petition to vacate a portion of a drainage and utility easement on Lot 1, Block 6, Gardenwood Ponds (825 Bear Paw Trail), and schedule a public hearing to be held on March 5, 2019. Facts: ➢ On December 14, 2018, City staff received a petition from Adam Bender, ISPIRI, LLC, on behalf of the owners of Lot 1, Block 6, Gardenwood Ponds (825 Bear Paw Trail), requesting the vacation of a portion of an existing public drainage and utility easement on this property. ➢ The easement was dedicated originally as part of the platting of the Gardenwood Ponds Addition, at no cost to the City. ➢ The purpose of the request is to allow an addition to the house on the property within a portion of the existing easement. Public Works staff have reviewed the request and found the existing easement to be more than adequate for drainage and utility purposes. The requested easement vacation can be accommodated without adversely impacting the purpose of the easement. ➢ Notices for a public hearing will be published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially affected and/or interested parties for comment prior to the public hearing. Attachments (2) CO-1 Location Map CO-2 Legal Description Graphic BLOOMINGTONBURNSVILLEMENDO TA HEIG HTS APPLE VALLEY ROSEMOUNT INVERGROVEHEIGHTS§¨¦494 §¨¦35E §¨¦35E §¨¦35E $+32 $+32 !(43 !(43 !(28 !(28 $+26 $+26 $+31 $+31 $+31 !(30 !(30 !(30 ÕÇ13 ÕÇ13 ÕÇ55 ÕÇ55 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ3 ÕÇ3 ÕÇ77 CLIFF RD DIFFLEY RD YA NKE E DO ODLE RD H WY 1 4 9 LEXINGTON AVEPILOT KNOB RDHWY 77HWY 13I - 35EHWY 55 I - 494 PILOT KNOB RDCLIFF RD CORPORATE CENTER DR. CORPORATE CENTER CUR. TRAPP RD. EAG. INDUST. RD. EAG. INDUST. RD.WEST SERVICE RD.EAGANDALECT.CENTERCT.EAGANDALEB L V D B L U EGE NTIAN ROAD VIKINGS P ARKWAY CO M M ERSDR.WATERS R D.LON E OA KPKWY.LONE OAK D R. COURTHOUSELN.HOLIDAY LN.APOLLO RD. ALDRIN DR.MIKE COLLINS DR.LUNARLN.GEMINI RD.NEIL ARMSTRONG BLVD.LONE OAKCIRAMESCROSSINGR O AD O'NEILL DR OPPERMAN DR.DODD RD.PROMENADEAVE.CLUBVIEW D R.DENMARK AVE.DENMARK AVE.YANKEE PL.O'LE A R Y LNTOWNCENTREDR IVE DUCKWOOD DR.FEDERAL DR.CENTRALP A R K W A Y HIGH SITE DR. NORWEST DR. 81ST ST. W A S HNTNDR.FOUR OAKS RD.COACHMAN RD.ME ADOWVIEW RD. ALEXANDER RD.TERMINAL DR.YANKEE DR.C O M ANC H E R D. SHAWNEE RD.SENE C ARD.KENNEBEC DR.NICOLS RD. SILVER BELL RD.CEDAR GROVE PKW Y.NICOLS RD.ERIN DR.OLD SIB HWY.OLD SIB MEM HWY.RAHN RD.CLIFF L AKERD.SLATER RD.RAHN WAY RAH N CLIFFCT.BLACKHAWK RD.BLACKHAWK RD.GALAXIE AVE.JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RD.THO M A SLAKERD.THOM.CEN TE R DR .WILD E R NESSRUNRD.DEER W OOD DR. NORTHVIEW PARK RD. WESCOTT RD .DODD RD.E L R ENERD. D OD D R D . RED PINE LN. NORTH W OODPKWY.MN H w y 7 7 Cliff Road (Co. Rd. 32)Lexington Ave (Co Rd 43)Blackhawk Rd.Dodd Rd.Butwin Road Deerwood Dr. Wilderness Run Rd Duckwood Dr.Rahn RoadGalaxie Ave.Elr e n e Ro a d Northview Park Rd. Yankee Doodle Rd. (Co. Rd. 28) E l r e n e R d .JohnnyCakeRdgRd.Town Center Dr. Tho m a s LakeRd.Slater Rd.Braddock Tr.Federal DrivePilot Knob Road (Co. Rd. 31)CliffLakeRd.Cedar Grove Pkwy.Lone Oak Dr. Silver Bell Rd. Lexington Pt. Pkwy. N orth w oodPa r k w ay Crestridge Dr.Dodd RoadTowerview Rd.Denmark Ave Wescott Road Nicols Rd. Cliff Road (Co. Rd. 32) Lone Oak Rd. (Co. Rd. 26) Vikings P k wy. R edPin e Ln. Diffley Road (Co. Rd. 30) I-494 MN HWY 55 MN HWY 149MN H WY 1 4 9 MN HWY 55 Ma p of Location for Pr oposedDrainage & Utility Easement VacationLot 1, Block 6Gardenwood Ponds Addition q FIG 1 Date : 11/20/2018G:\1 Engineering\Easement Vacation Files\Graphics\Gardenwood Lot 1, Block 6 Fig 1 Loc ation of ProposedD&U Ea sement Vacation )LJ Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA P. Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Gentian Corporate Center Easement Vacation Action To Be Considered: Receive the petition to vacate portions of drainage and utility easements on Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Gentian Corporate Center and schedule a public hearing to be held on March 5, 2019. Facts: ➢ On January 18, 2019, City staff received a petition from Steven Sabraski, Landform Professional Services, LLC, on behalf of MG Eagan, LLC and Costco Wholesale Corporation, requesting the vacation of portions of previously recorded easements on Lot 1, Block 1, Blue Gentian Corporate Center. ➢ The easements were originally dedicated as part of the platting of the Blue Gentian Corporate Center, at no cost to the City. ➢ The purpose of the request is to allow the development of the site for a Costco warehouse club. ➢ The recording of the proposed Costco Blue Gentian plat will provide dedication of adequate drainage and utility easements for public purposes at no cost to the city. ➢ There are no operating public utilities within the requested vacations, with the exception of a sanitary sewer service which will become privately owned as part of the approval of the Costco Wholesale project. ➢ Notices for a public hearing will be published in the legal newspaper and sent to all potentially affected and/or interested parties for comment prior to the public hearing. Attachments (2) CP-1 Location Map CP-2 Legal Description Graphic BLOOMINGTONMENDOTA HEIGH TS INVERGROVEHEIGHTS§¨¦494 §¨¦35E §¨¦35E $+32 $+32 !(43 !(43 !(28 !(28 $+26 $+26 $+31 $+31 !(30 !(30 !(30 ÕÇ13 ÕÇ13 ÕÇ55 ÕÇ55 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ149 ÕÇ3ÕÇ77 CLIFF RD DIFFLEY RD YANKEE DOO DLE RD H WY 1 4 9 LEXINGTON AVEHWY 77HWY 13I - 35EHWY 55 I - 494 PILOT KNOB RDCLIFF RD CORPORATE CENTER DR. CORPORATE CENTER CUR. TRAPP RD. EAG. INDUST. RD. EAG. INDUST. RD.WEST SERVICE RD.EAGANDALECT.CENTERCT.EAGANDALEB LV D B L U EGE N TIAN ROAD VIKING S P ARKWAY CO M M ERSDR.WATERS R D.LON E OA KPKWY.LONE OAK D R. COURTHOUSELN.HOLIDAY LN.APOLLO RD. ALDRIN DR.MIKE COLLINS DR.LUNARLN.GEMINI RD.NEIL ARMSTRONG BLVD.LONE OAKCIRAMESCROSSINGR O A D O'NEILL DR OPPERMAN DR.DODD RD.PROMENADEAVE.CLUBVIEW DR.DENMARK AVE.DENMARK AVE.YANKEE PL.O'LE A R Y LNTOWNCENTREDRIV E DUCKWOO D DR.FEDERAL DR.CENTRALP A R K W A Y HIGH SITE DR. NORWEST DR. 81ST ST. W A SHNTNDR.FOUR OAKS RD.COACHMAN RD.MEADOWVIEW RD. ALEXANDER RD.TERMINAL DR.YANKEE DR.C O M AN C HE R D. SHAWNEE RD.SENE C ARD.KENNEBEC DR.NICOLS RD. SILVER BELL RD.CEDAR GROVE PKW Y.NICOLS RD.ERIN DR.OLD SIB HWY.RAHN RD.CLIFF L AKERD. RAHN WAY RAH N CLIFFCT.BLACKHAWK RD.BLACKHAWK RD.JOHNNY CAKE RIDGE RD.THO M A SLAKERD.THOM.CEN TE R DR .WILD E R NESSRUNRD.DEER W OOD DR.NORTHVIEW PARK RD. WESCOTT RD.DODD RD.E L R ENERD. D OD D R D . NORTH W OODPKWY.MN Hwy 7 7 Cliff Road (Co. Rd . 32)Lexington Ave (Co Rd 43)Blackhawk Rd.Dodd Rd.Deerwood Dr. Wilderness Ru n Rd Duckwood Dr.Rahn RoadElr e n e Ro a d Northview Park Rd. Yankee Doodle Rd. (Co. Rd. 28) E l r e n e R d .JohnnyCakeRdgRd.Town Center Dr. Tho m a s LakeRd.Braddock Tr.Federal DrivePilot Knob Road (Co. Rd. 31)CliffLakeRd.Cedar Grove Pkwy.Lone Oak Dr. Silver Bell Rd. Lexing ton Pt. Pkwy. N orth w oodPa r k w ay Crestridge Dr.Towerview Rd.Denmark Ave Wescott Roa d Nicols Rd. Cliff Road (Co. Rd . 32) Lone Oak Rd. (Co. Rd. 26) Vikings P k wy. Diffley Road (Co. Rd. 30) I-494 MN HWY 55 MN HWY 149MN H WY 1 4 9 MN HWY 55 Ma p of Location for Pr oposedDrainage & Utility Easement VacationLot 1, Block 1Blue Gentian Cor por ate Center q FIG 1 Date : 1/23/2019L:\USERS\PUBWORKS\Engineering\Easement Vacation Files\Graphics\Blue Gentian Corporate C enter Fig 1 Loc ation of ProposedD&U Ea sement Vacation FIG 2.1 ------1--=i I I I I I COSTCO BLUE GENTIAN EASEMENT VACATION 10 0:, �.c o:, c·-""' • C\I cc PR/D EASEMENT VACATION Description for the proposed Easement Vacation for the plat of BLUE GENTIAN CORPORA TE CENTER. That part of the Drainage and Utility easement dedicated in the plat of BLUE GENTIAN CORPORA TE CENTER, Dakota County, Minnesota which lies northwesterly of the southeasterly 10.00 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, COSTCO BLUE GENTIAN, on file in said Dakota County, Minnesota and which lies South of a line which is parallel with and 10.00 feet South of the following described line; Beginning at the most easterly point of said Lot 1, Block 1; thence westerly along the northerly line of said Lot 1 a distance of 218.53 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the south having a central angle of 13 degrees 41 minutes 07 seconds, a radius of 914.93 feet and a chord which bears South 72 degrees 58 minutes 00 seconds West; thence South 66 degrees 07 minutes 26 seconds West along said northerly line of Lot 1 a distance of 49.34 feet and there terminating. The basis of bearing for this description is said plat of COSTCO BLUE GENTIAN. r.-0 SCALE • • • L A N From Site ID Finish 100 IN • D ---- 200 FEET F 0 R. H• • • • SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS FIG 2.2 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA Q. Private Developments, Final Acceptance Cedar Grove Townhomes 1 and 2 & Dart Warehouse 5 Action To Be Considered: Acknowledge the completion and authorize perpetual City maintenance, subject to warranty provisions, of the following City Private Projects: 15-F (Cedar Grove Townhomes 1 and 2), 16-BP-D (Dart Warehouse 5). Facts: ➢ These developments required the installation of public sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer, which was all performed privately by the developer under the terms and conditions of the development contract agreement or permit to work within right-of-way. ➢ The improvements have been completed, inspected by representatives of the Public Works Department and found to be in order for favorable Council action for acceptance for perpetual maintenance subject to warranty provisions. Attachments (0) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA R. Viking Lakes 3rd Addition Installation of Public Improvements Action To Be Considered: Approve an amendment to the utility agreement with MVE Hotel, LLC, for the installation of public improvements, and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Facts: ➢ On October 16, 2018, the City Council approved an agreement with MVE Hotel, LLC for the installation of public improvements. ➢ Subsequent to this approval, Staff has reviewed the Developer’s proposed plans and believe that the financial guaranty and contract management account should be modified. The financial guaranty is being reduced from $153,485.00 to $60,321.00 and the amount of the finan cial guaranty is reduced from $17,710.00 to $9,280.00. ➢ The agreement has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and the City Attorney, and it is similar to other construction agreements with developers, and in order for favorable Council action. Attachments (1) CR-1 Amendment to Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements FIRST AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS Between MVE Hotel, LLC And CITY OF EAGAN For HOTEL DEVELOPMENT AT VIKING LAKES 2 This First Amendement to Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements (the "Amendment”) is made this ____ day of ____________, 2019 by and between the City of Eagan (hereinafter the "City"), a Minnesota municipal corporation, and MVE Hotel, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (hereinafter collectively the "Developer"). The "City" and the “Developer” are hereinafter collectively known as the "Parties." WHEREAS, the City and Developer entered into an Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements dated October 16, 2018 (the “Agreement”); and WHEREAS, the amount of the Financial Guarantee and Contract Management amounts stated in the Agreement need to be modified to reflect updated estimates for the project cost. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual agreements of the Parties, it is hereby agreed by and between the Parties as follows: 1. Financial Guarantee. Paragraph 2(D) of the Agreement shall be modified as follows: D. To deliver and to keep in existence with the City until completion of the Improvements (as described in Section 4 below) a letter of credit, cash escrow, pledge of securities or other security reasonably acceptable to the City in the amount of Sixty Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-One and 00/100 dollars ($60,321.00) to secure the performance and payment of the Developer's obligations as they relate to the Improvements (the “Security”). 2. Contract Management Amount. Paragraph 2(E) of the Agreement shall be modified as follows: E. To pay the City's costs related to the administration, engineering, legal fees and inspection, which the City estimates to be approximately Nine Thousand Two Hundred Eighty and 00/100 Dollars ($9,280.00). Such costs shall be paid as follows: i) The Developer shall deposit the sum of Nine Thousand Two Hundred Eighty and 00/100 Dollars ($9,280.00) with the City for payment of the City's costs under this Agreement. 3 Except as hereinafter modified, all other terms of the Agreement remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have hereunto set their hands. [SIGNATURE PAGES TO FOLLOW] 4 First Amendment to Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements Signature Page for the City CITY OF EAGAN a Minnesota municipal corporation __________________________________ By: Mike Maguire Its: Mayor ___________________________________ By: Christina M. Scipioni Its: Clerk APPROVED AS TO CONTENT: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ________________________________ __________________________________ By: City Engineer By: City Attorney STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) On this ________________ day of ____________________ 2019 before me a Notary Public within and for said County personally appeared Mike Maguire and Christina M. Scipioni to me personally known, who being each by me duly sworn, each did say that they are respectively the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, the municipality named in the foregoing instrument, and that the seal affixed in behalf of said municipality by authority of its City Council and said Mayor and City Clerk acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said municipality. __________________________________ Notary Public 5 First Amendment to Agreement for Installation of Public Improvements Signature Page for the Developer MVE Hotel, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company By: _______________________________ Its: ____________________________ STATE OF ______________ ) ) ss COUNTY OF _____________) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __________ day of __________________, 2019, by __________________________________, the ___________________ of MVE Hotel, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, on behalf of the limited liability company. ___________________________________ Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills & Bauer P.A. 14985 Glazier Avenue, Suite 525 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 953-8840 (RBB) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA S. Approve Cross Access and Parking License Agreement with Art Works Eagan Actions To Be Considered: To approve Cross Access and Parking License Agreement with Art Works Eagan. Facts: On July 18, 2017, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for Art Works Eagan (AWE). The conditions of approval included “AWE shall enter into a cross-parking agreement with the City to provide the Municipal Campus as an over-flow parking area. ‘No Event Parking’ and ‘Overflow Parking’ signs shall be posted during events.” The City has previously approved several temporary and permanent parking license agreements including agreements for the Cedar Grove Parking Ramp and the Eagan Community Center. The proposed parking license agreement allows cross parking for AWE overflow on City Hall and Ice Arena parking areas and for Old Town Hall overflow on AWE parking areas. The proposed agreement requires AWE to provide a five-day written notice of events that may need overflow parking. Liability and indemnity language have been drafted and approved by the City Attorney. Issues: None Attachments: (1) CS-1 Cross Access and Parking License Agreement CROSS ACCESS AND PARKING LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS CROSS ACCESS AND PARKING LICENSE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made as of this _?,Q_`Zday of yJ�1,- t,30 U1 , 2019, by and between the City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("CITY") and Art Works Eagan, a Minnesota non-profit corporation ("AWE"). The City and AWE are sometimes collectively referred to as the "Parties". RECITALS A. The City owns that certain real property generally known as the City Municipal Campus ("City Property"). B. AWE owns that certain real property located at 3795 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, Minnesota ("AWE Property"). C. As part of the Conditional Use Permit issued for the AWE Property, AWE is required to enter into a cross -parking agreement with the City. D. AWE desires to use parking spaces located on the City Property for overflow parking at the times and upon the conditions set forth herein, and the City has agreed to allow AWE to use such parking spaces on the terms and conditions contained herein. E. The City desires to use the parking spaces located on the AWE Property for overflow parking at the times and upon the conditions set forth herein, and AWE has agreed to allow the City to use such parking spaces on the terms and conditions contained herein. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows: Incorporation of Recitals. The recitals set forth above are hereby incorporated into the terms and conditions of this Agreement. 2. City's Grant to AWE. a. License for Public Parking. The City grants to AWE for the benefit of AWE and its occupants, agents, employees, guests, licensees, and invitees (collectively, "AWE Users") a perpetual nonexclusive license: i. to use that portion of the City Property designated as a surface parking lot depicted on Exhibit A (the "City Parking Area") for vehicular parking or as drive aisles for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress over, on, and across such portions; and ii. to park vehicles on any portion of City Property that is used for vehicular parking (the "City Parking Spaces"). b. AWE's Right to Use. Subject to Section 4 of this Agreement, the City hereby grants AWE and its AWE Users the right to use City Parking Spaces located on the City Property from time to time as set forth herein. c. Conditions to Use of the Parking Area. AWE shall satisfy the following conditions before AWE may use the City Parking Spaces: i. Notice. At least five (5) days before AWE and/or its AWE Users intend to use the City Parking Spaces, AWE shall notify the City in writing (e-mail notification to the City's Director of Community Development is acceptable) of AWE's intention to use the City Parking Spaces. The notice shall include, at minimum, the date of the event and the start time and end time of the event, plus whatever other information the City requests from AWE. ii. City of Eagan Police Department Requirements. AWE shall contact and work directly with the City of Eagan Police Department to coordinate and satisfy any additional parking conditions or requirements as required by the City of Eagan Police Department. iii. Comprehensive General Liability. AWE shall obtain the following minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of this Agreement, with the City included as an additional insured: Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate, products and completed operations Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate Contractual Liability (identifying the contract): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence 2 Property Damage: Personal Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 aggregate $2,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability (non -owned, hired): Bodily Injury: $2,000,000 each occurrence $2,000,000 each accident Property Damage: $2,000,000 each occurrence The coverages specified above may be satisfied by a combination of insurance policies, including umbrella policies. Upon execution of this Agreement, and as requested by the City from time to time, AWE shall provide evidence (e.g. a Certificate of Liability Insurance) of the coverage meeting the requirements to the City. d. Limitations to AWE's Right to Use. AWE acknowledges and agrees the following will limit AWE's right to use the City Parking Spaces located on the City Property: i. City Events. The City shall, at all times, have first priority to use the City Parking Spaces on the City Property for City and City -related events, such as, but not limited to, rentals by third parties. ii. Snow Plow Schedule. Under no circumstances shall the City be required to alter its regular snow plow schedule for the City Property or City lots or sidewalks to accommodate AWE's events. e. Signage. AWE shall erect and maintain signs, such as, "No Event Parking," and "Overflow Parking," plus any other signage required by the City and/or the City of Eagan Police Department during all events. Any and all signs shall be in a size and style that is consistent with other public parking signage in the City and as required by the City. f. Maintenance and Repair. The City, in its sole discretion and as it deems necessary, will maintain and repair the City Property and City Parking Spaces located on the City Property in its sole discretion, and it will, as it deems necessary in its sole discretion, carry out all capital improvements and replacements thereon. Notwithstanding the foregoing, AWE shall be responsible for costs and expenses in connection with any damage to the City Property caused by AWE or its Users. In the event AWE or its Users damage the City Property, 3 AWE shall promptly reimburse the City for all costs and expenses in connection with such damage upon written notice by the City. g. Restrictions on Use. AWE shall not permit any of its Users to use the City Parking Spaces except for the temporary parking of motor vehicles as contemplated herein. 3. AWE's Grant to the City. a. License for Public Parking. AWE grants to the City for the benefit of the City and its occupants, agents, employees, guests, licensees, and invitees a perpetual nonexclusive license: i. to use that portion of the AWE Property designated as a surface parking lot depicted on Exhibit B (the "AWE Parking Area") for vehicular parking or as drive aisles for vehicular and pedestrian ingress and egress over, on, and across such portions; and ii. to park vehicles on any portion of AWE Property that is used for vehicular parking (the "AWE Parking Spaces"). b. Limitation to the City's Right to Use. The City acknowledges and agrees AWE shall, at all times, have first priority to use the AWE Parking Spaces on the AWE Property for AWE events. c. Maintenance and Repair. AWE, in its sole discretion and as it deems necessary, will maintain and repair the AWE Property and AWE Parking Spaces located on the AWE Property and carry out all capital improvements and replacements thereon. 4. Indemnity. AWE shall defend, indemnify, and save harmless the City against any and all liability, suits, actions, claims, costs, damages, and expenses of every kind and description, including court costs and legal fees, for claims of any character, including liability and expenses in connection with the loss of life, personal injury, or damage to property, brought because of any of the following, not caused by the willful or negligent act or failure to act of the City or any person or entity in the City's direct control: (i) any injuries or damages received or sustained by any person, persons, or property on account of, in connection with, or arising out of the use of the City's Property by AWE or AWE Users; or (ii) arising out of any default hereunder; or (iii) in connection with or arising out of this Agreement. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement with respect to any claims or liability accruing prior to such termination. 5. Limitation of Liability. The maximum extent of indemnification AWE shall provide to the City is limited to the amount of AWE's liability insurance limits and coverage. The provisions of this paragraph shall survive the termination of this Agreement with respect to any claims or liability accruing prior to such termination. G, 6. Sale of Property. In the event either party sells its respective property, the selling party may terminate this Agreement upon (60) days' prior notice to the other. 7. Term. This Agreement shall commence on the date that this Agreement is executed by all Parties hereto and may be terminated by either party giving thirty (30) days' written notice to the other. a. Termination by the City. In the event the City terminates this Agreement for any reason whatsoever, the City agrees that the requirement for a cross -parking agreement under AWE's Condition Use Permit will automatically be null and void and that the City will amend and reissue the Conditional Use Permit accordingly. 8. Entire Agreement and Modification. This writing represents the entire agreement and understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes any and all previous agreements of whatever nature between the Parties with respect to the subject matter. This Agreement may not be altered or amended except by an agreement in writing signed by the Parties. 9. Dispute Resolution. The Parties agree any dispute arising out of, related to, or in connection with this Agreement shall be, at the City's sole discretion, resolved by arbitration. In the event the City elects arbitration, the Parties shall follow the American Arbitration Association Rules relating to arbitration, however, the City need not file any arbitration with the American Arbitration Association and may elect to have an arbitrator appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction. Alternatively, in the City's sole discretion, the Parties may resolve their dispute through mediation or a court of competent jurisdiction. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the dates set forth below. [The rest of the page intentionally left bank. Signature pages follow.] 5 CITY'S SIGNATURE PAGE TO CROSS ACCESS AND PARKING LICENSE AGREEMENT City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation By: Mike Maguire Its: Mayor By: Christina M. Scipioni Its: Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing was acknowledged before me this day of , 2019, by Mike Maguire and Christina M. Scipioni, the Mayor and Clerk of the City of Eagan, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the municipal corporation. Notary Public 2 AWE'S SIGNATURE PAGE TO CROSS ACCESS AND PARKING LICENSE AGREEMENT Art Works Eagan, a Minnesota non-profit corporation By: rei Neddermeyer s: Virector of Operations STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF _ ) k g� ,� The foregoing was acknowledged before me this &0 day c2019, by Jerri Neddermeyer, Director of Operations, Art Works Eagan, a Minnesota non- fit corporation, on behalf of the non-profit corporation. Z otary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Dougherty, Molenda, Solfest, Hills & Bauer P.A. 14985 Glazier Avenue, Suite 525 Apple Valley, MN 55124 (952) 432-3136 (PV: 206-4768) 7 IN r�ri rlrr� Designated Parking Area JAL ,f w Yo wor- '. Wescott Rd City Half Addn. �y l iQ } p Police Garage Q Addn, O C Y v Civic Center ImWok ANOMFOOFOO ..110 Exhibit A ® Designated Parking Areas City Property Designated Parking Areas Scheduled City events and rentals have priority in the City -owned parking areas depicted Exhibit B Art Works Eagan (AWE) Designated Parking Areas ® Designated Parking Area Scheduled AWE events and rentals have priority in the AWE owned parking areas depicted Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT T. Final Plat (Costco Blue Gentian), Planned Development Amendment Agreement and Other Development-related Agreements - Costco ACTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a Final Plat (Costco Blue Gentian) to create one lot upon approximately 20 acres north of Blue Gentian Road and Hwy. 55. REQUIRED VOTE FOR APPROVAL: Majority of Councilmembers present FACTS: ➢ On September 4, 2018, the City Council approved a Planned Development Amendment for Costco upon approximately 20-acres located north of Blue Gentian Rd. and Hwy. 55. ➢ On October 16, 2018, the City Council approved a Purchase Agreement for the sale of certain land (the “southwest parcel”) north of Blue Gentian Road for incorporation into the development site, which had previously been acquired from MN DOT for right-of-way and ponding purposes. ➢ Also on October 16, 2018, the City Council authorized a quiet title action prior to conveyance of the southwest parcel, and the City Attorney’s office was successful in eliminating the use restriction. ➢ With the Blue Gentian Corporate Center plat in 2008, the City acquired a 1’ wide outlot along Blue Gentian Rd. for access control to the right-of-way, which is no longer needed. Therefore, the City is joining in the Final Plat because this outlot will be incorporated into the development site as part of Lot 1, Block 1, Costco Blue Gentian. ➢ The Final Plat shows underlying drainage and utility easements dedicated with the prior Blue Gentian Corporate Center plat, as well as drainage and utility easements required for the new plat of Costco Blue Gentian. ➢ A Petition to Vacate certain of the existing easements has been filed, howeve r, the Vacation process will not be complete prior to recording of the Final Plat. As such, Costco is entering into an Encroachment Agreement to accommodate the conflict between the existing easements and proposed fuel canopy structure until the easement Vacation process is complete. ➢ The Dakota County Surveyor has reviewed the Final Plat and it is anticipated to be okayed for mylars before the City Council meeting. ATTACHMENTS: (2) CT-1 Location Map CT-2 Final Plat INTERSTATEHWY.NO.35ELUNAR LANEKENNETH STEAGANDALE BOULEVARDM IK E C O LLIN S D R GRAND OAK CIR WS T A T E T R U N K H W Y.N O .1 4 9 KEEFE STL O N E B L U E WATE R R D DENMARKAVEWESTSERVICEROADVIKINGSLONEO A K PA R K W A YBLUE G E N T IANRDCO. ROAD NO. 43 LEXINGTON AVENUE SO.STATE TRUNK HWY. NO. 55LONE OAK CIRCLEL ARMSTRONG BLVDC OMM ERS D R BEATRICE STAPOLLO ROADGRAND OAK CIR EMCKEE STC.S.A.H. NO.26 (LONE OAK RD.)FIRST STSTATE T R U N K H W Y . NO.14 9 STATEHWYNO.55BLUE GENTIAN RDCLUBVIEWDRAGAN INDUSTRIAL ROADBLUEGENTIANRDAPOLLOROADLexingtonPark01,000500Feet´§¨¦35E§¨¦494Cliff RdDiffley RdYankee Doodle RdLone Oak RdMap Area ExtentSubject SiteLocation MapProject Name: CostcoRequest: Final Plat; PD Amendment & Devel. Agreements Case Nos. 02-FP-01-01-19 & 02-PA-06-07-18 ∆∆ROW BOUNDARY CORNER B25PER MNDOT ROW PLAT NO. 19-42LOT 1BLOCK 180 80 10 101010 10 10 10 1010101010∆20 10 10CERT.OF TITLE 14605679 79 1.00 1.00∆∆∆∆80FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPECAP NO. 24764FOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE, OPENFOUND 1/2" IRON PIPE, OPENFOUND 1/2"IRON PIPE,DAMAGED CAPCERT. O F TI T L E 1 4 6 0 5 6 1.00 BLUE GENTIAN ROADSHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS0100 200SCALE IN FEETCOSTCO BLUE GENTIANBLUE GENTIAN ROADDRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTNORTH LINE OF SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4SECT. 2, 1/4 T27N, R23WSEE DETAILSHEET 3 OF 3BEING10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING STREET LINES ANDREAR LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLAT.S68°30'00"W 501.00 (DEED) 523.43 (MEAS.)N68° 30' 00"E 501.00 (DEED)SOUTH 326.00 (DEED) N00° 18' 13"W 312.41 (MEAS.)370.00D & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERSOUTHEAST CORNER OUTLOT A,BLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERSEE OUTLOT ADETAIL THIS SHEETN73° 59' 18"E 496.93 (MEAS.)N69° 28' 51"E (MEAS.) 217.06N69° 25' 40" E 135.62 (MEAS.)EAST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4NE CORNER OF THE NW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4,SEC. 2, T. 27, R. 23, DAKOTA CO. MNNORTHNO SCALEN00° 19' 22"W 382.83 (MEAS)NORTH 326.00 (DEED)Denotes 1/2 inch iron pipe monument found and if marked, the License number is noted.Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe monument set and marked by License No. 13057.Denotes MnDOT Access Control per documentNo monument symbols shown at any statute required location indicates a plat monumentthat will be set, and which shall be in place within one year of the recording date of the plat.monuments shall be 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe marked by License Number 13057.Bearings based upon the Dakota County Coordinate System. The bearing shown are basedon the west line of NW 1/4 T28N, R23W, SECT. 2 which has a bearing of S00° 21' 44.56"E(DEED) = Deed distance(MEAS)= Measured distance DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTS00°21'44"E 959.001088.70953.70N07° 07' 54"E81.06S28°53' 24" E 10 0.00453.83459.03NW CORNER OF SEC. 2, TWP. 27, R. 23 DAKOTA COUNTY, CAST IRON MONUMENTNORTH LINE OF SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4SECT. 2, T27N, R23W80 84.8325.00256.18S61°52'44"ES28°22'39"W 105.0025.0010 1088.7010POINT A1POINT A2655.241010 10∆∆∆∆∆∆∆N07° 07' 54"EWEST LINE OF THE NW 1/4 OF T28N, R23W, SECT. 2DAKOTA COUNTY133.6540L=188.78R=954.93Δ=11°19'37"D=6°00'00"L=240.15 R=381.97 Δ=36°01'19"SHEET 3 OF3 SHEETS050 100SCALE IN FEETCOSTCO BLUE GENTIANBLUE GENTIAN ROADBEING10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING STREET LINES ANDREAR LOT LINES UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THE PLAT.D & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATEDIN THE BLUE GENTIANCORPORATE CENTERDenotes 1/2 inch iron pipe monument found and if marked, the License number is noted.Denotes 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe monument set and marked by License No. 13057.Denotes MnDOT Access Control per documentNo monument symbols shown at any statute required location indicates a plat monumentthat will be set, and which shall be in place within one year of the recording date of the plat.monuments shall be 1/2 inch by 14 inch iron pipe marked by License Number 13057.Bearings based upon the Dakota County Coordinate System. The bearing shown are basedon the west line of NW 1/4 T28N, R23W, SECT. 2 which has a bearing of S00° 21' 44.56"E(DEED) = Deed distance(MEAS)= Measured distanceROW BOUNDARY CORNER B25PER MNDOT ROW PLAT NO. 19-42 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT U. Planned Development Amendment Agreement and Development-related Agreements - Costco ACTIONS TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the Planned Development Amendment Agreement, and other agreements related to the Costco development located north of Blue Gentian Road and Hwy. 55. REQUIRED VOTE FOR APPROVAL: Majority of Councilmembers present FACTS: ➢ On September 4, 2018, the City Council approved a Planned Development Amendment for Costco upon an approximately 20-acre site north of Blue Gentian Rd. and Hwy. 55. ➢ Conditions of the Planned Development Amendment approval included execution of a Planned Development Amendment Agreement, a Development Agreement, and a Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement. ➢ A Petition to Vacate certain of the existing easements was filed with the Final Plat application, however, the Vacation process will not be complete prior to recording of the Final Plat. As such, Costco is entering into an Encroachment Agreement to accommodate the conflict between the existing easements and proposed fuel canopy structure until the easement Vacation process is complete. ➢ The following development related agreements are attached for City Council approval, and have been signed by the developer: o Planned Development Amendment Agreement o Development Agreement o Stormwater Management Maintenance Agreement o Encroachment Agreement ATTACHMENTS: (2) CU-1 Location Map CU-2 Planned Development Amendment and Other Agreements INTERSTATEHWY.NO.35ELUNAR LANEKENNETH STEAGANDALE BOULEVARDM IK E C O LLIN S D R GRAND OAK CIR WS T A T E T R U N K H W Y.N O .1 4 9 KEEFE STL O N E B L U E WATE R R D DENMARKAVEWESTSERVICEROADVIKINGSLONEO A K PA R K W A YBLUE G E N T IANRDCO. ROAD NO. 43 LEXINGTON AVENUE SO.STATE TRUNK HWY. NO. 55LONE OAK CIRCLEL ARMSTRONG BLVDC OMM ERS D R BEATRICE STAPOLLO ROADGRAND OAK CIR EMCKEE STC.S.A.H. NO.26 (LONE OAK RD.)FIRST STSTATE T R U N K H W Y . NO.14 9 STATEHWYNO.55BLUE GENTIAN RDCLUBVIEWDRAGAN INDUSTRIAL ROADBLUEGENTIANRDAPOLLOROADLexingtonPark01,000500Feet´§¨¦35E§¨¦494Cliff RdDiffley RdYankee Doodle RdLone Oak RdMap Area ExtentSubject SiteLocation MapProject Name: CostcoRequest: Final Plat; PD Amendment & Devel. Agreements Case Nos. 02-FP-01-01-19 & 02-PA-06-07-18 162,391 SFFFE=889.0NOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKINGNOPARKING NOPARKING NOPARKINGNOPARKINGΔΔΔ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ ΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔΔLOT 1BLOCK 1808080101010101010101010101010 201010Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ Δ 81.06 101010100100200SCALE IN FEETBLUE GENT IAN ROADDRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENTNORTH LINE OF SW 1/4 OF THE NW 1/4SECT. 2, 1/4 T27N, R23WSEE ENLARGED AREA501.00 (DEED ) 523 .43 (MEAS .)501.00 (DEED ) 496 .80 (MEAS . ) 326.00 (DEED) 312.41 (MEAS.)3370.00 D & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN COORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN COORPORATE CENTERD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN COORPORATE CENTERLandform and Site to Finish are registered service marks of Landform Professional Services, LLC.RRCOSTCO · Eagan, MN01.17.2019EASEMENT ENCROACHMENT EXHIBITLEGENDEXISTINGEASEMENTENCROACHMENT050100SCALE IN FEETENLARGED AREAD & U EASEMENT DEDICATED IN THEBLUE GENTIAN COORPORATE CENTEREXHIBIT "A" Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA V. Authorize Change Order for ETV Mobile Production Truck Contract to Change Router Control Panel Location Action To Be Considered: Approve change order number 4 to AVI Systems, Inc. contract with the City of Eagan and the City of Burnsville (Cities) to change the router control panel location and raise the contract amount by $1,287.99. Facts: On September 4, 2018 the Cities of Eagan and Burnsville contracted with AVI Systems, Inc. to acquire and install equipment in a mobile television production truck that will be shared between the two cities. The team working on the project has recommended moving a router control panel which will mean purchasing additional equipment. The change will add $1,287.99 to the cost of the work and this change order adds that to the total contract amount which is still less than what was approved in the CIP. Attachment: (1) CV-2 Change Order 4-AVI WORK ORDER NO.4 CITY OF BURNSVILLE & CITY OF EAGAN AVI Systems, Inc. Contractor 9675 W. 761i St.. Ste. 200 Minnegpolis, MN 55344 Dear Sir or Madame: SHARED MOBILE TELEVISION PRODUCTION TRUCK Under your contract dated Sept. 4, 2018, and proceeding Work Order No. 1, 2 & 3 with the City of Burnsville and the City of Eagan (Cities), the Cities hereby approve the following: CHANGING THE LOCATION OF THE ROUTER CONTROL PANEL AND ADDING NECESSARY ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT TO ACCOMMODATE CHANGE PER THE ATTACHED AVI SYSTEMS INC. CHANGE ORDER There will be an extension of 0 business dans from the amended contract terms stating acceptance on Feb. 15, 2019. AMOUNT OF CURRENT TOTAL TOTAL CONTRACT TO CONTRACT ADDITIONS DEDUCTIONS DATE $643,343.09 $1,287.99 (_$0) $644,631.08 Date Approved: Feb. 5, 2019 AVI Systems, Inc. Contractor It's Area Vice President AV, I M Burnsville Communications Coelo'll, ator hj"LLA --" ILi -, -1 Dana Hardie, urnsville Director of Administrative Services Mike Maguire, Eagan Mayor Christina Scipioni, Eagan City Clerk Change Order AVI Systems Inc., 9675 W 76th St Ste 200 Eden Prairie, MN, 55344 1 Phone: (952)949-3700, Fax: (952)949-6000 Proposal Number: 924780 Prepared For: Burnsville, City of Attn: Marty Doll Prepared By: Renea Dalton Phone: (952)949-6040 Email: renea.dalton@avisystems.com BILL TO Attn: Marty Doll Burnsville, City of 100 Civic Center Parkway Finance Department Burnsville, MN, 55337-3817 Phone: (952)895-4494 Email:Marty.Doli@burnsvillemn.gov Customer Number: 11759 COMMENTS PRODUCTS AND SERVICES SUMMARY SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED INTEGRATION SERVICES Proposal Date: January 18, 2019 Change Order: Router Control for RCP box Customer PO: Marty Doll Project: FINAL TRUCK QUOTE Project Number: 939344 SITE Attn: Marty Doll Burnsville, City of 100 Civic Center Parkway Finance Department Burnsville, MN, 55337-3817 Phone: (952)895-4402 Email: Marty. Doll@burnsvillemn.gov Equipment $0.00 Integration $1,271.99 PRO Support $0.00 Shipping & Handling $16.00 Tax $0.00 Grand Total $1,287.99 INTEGRATION SCOPE OF WORK A. SUMMARY: Changing the location of the router control panel. Customer no longer wants this in the custom box. Customer has requested using the cam preview triggers from the RCP to switch the camera feed to the QC monitor. In order to do this we will',need a GPIO to IP box that will send the router change command to the AJA router. AJA recommended a product they have tested from Skaarhoj; this will be the part we will use. PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DETAIL PRODUCTS: Mfq Description Integration On Site Integration Programming Sub -Total: Integration GPIO to IP Box Sub -Total: Total: Qtv Price Extended $256.66 $350.00 $606.66 $665.33 $665.33 $1,271.99 Refer to Page 1 for the Grand Total that includes Taxes, and Shipping & Handling. AGREED AND ACCEPTED BY Customer hereby accepts the above change to goods and/or services from AVI Systems, Inc and agrees to add this Change Order to the original Retail Sales Agreement. Unless stated otherwise in the "Change Order Summary" above, AVI will include all applicable taxes and delivery charges to the amount of each invoice. Pricing in this Change Order is valid for 30 days. C Co any ,� A X Signatu 60 I Printed Nang{ 1-a J 0t Date CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION Company Signature Printed Name Date The company listed in the "Prepared For" line has requested this confidential price quotation, and shall be deemed "Confidential Information" as that term is defined in the T&Cs. This information and document is confidential and is intended solely for the private use of the customer identified above. Customer agrees it will not disseminate copies of this quote to any third party without the prior written consent of AVI. Sharing a copy of this quote, or any portion of the Agreement with any competitor of AVI is a violation of this confidentiality provision. If you are not the intended recipient of this quote (i.e., the customer), you are not properly in possession of this document and you should immediately destroy all copies of it. Printed on January 18, 2019 Page 2 of 2 924780 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting W. Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan Solicitation of Request for Proposals Action To Be Considered: Authorize the advertisement of a Request for Proposals for the Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan. Facts: ➢ Under the Metropolitan Land Planning Act, local communities must prepare and submit to the Metropolitan Council local comprehensive plans that are consistent with the Council's regional system plans. The City Council will soon be considering approval of the City’s updated local comp plan after the recent completion of the Metropolitan Council’s review of the City’s draft plan. ➢ The Metropolitan Council is responsible for regional transportation planning including aviation, highway, and transit systems as well as transit operations. The Council is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Twin Cities metropolitan area and is required by the federal government to provide a continuing, coordinated, comprehensive transportation planning process. Accordingly, included with the City’s recent effort to update the local comp plan is an update of the City’s Transportation Plan. The Council will also be considering approval of this plan update shortly. ➢ Through public review of the City’s draft Transportation Plan update, as well as related Council comments, a refinement of the transportation plan is desired to address bicycling and pedestrian interests. ➢ The City’s current Community Trail System Policy was approved in 2004 and primarily focuses on prioritizing gaps within the trail system . ➢ A Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan would recognize the current trail system and help create a vision for the City’s future network of bicycling an d pedestrian accommodations. The plan would also consider facilities within adjacent communities and opportunities and interests on private property and local businesses. The expected outcome is to increase accessibility, remove barriers, confirm missing gaps in the current system and enhance safety. The master plan would accommodate the inclusion of associated improvements as part of future Public Works Department’s Part III Capital Improvement Plans. The master plan would be an amendment to the soon to be approved Transportation Plan. ➢ The total cost of the preparation of the Bike and Pedestrian Transportation Master Plan is estimated to be $50,000. The cost would be split 50/50 between the Trail Dedication Fund (Parks & Recreation) and the Major Street Fund. ➢ It would be appropriate for the Council to authorize solicitation of requests for proposals at this time in order to more thoroughly address the bicycling and pedestrian interests. Attachment (0) Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019, Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA X. Approve extension of time to record Final Plat (Prowire 2nd Addition) – Ebert Construction Actions To Be Considered: To approve a 30-day extension of time to record the plat for Prowire 2nd Addition upon approximately 4.3 acres located at 4101 Nicols Road. Facts: The Final Subdivision was approved on December 4, 2018. The 60-day time frame for recording expires February 2, 2019. The developer is requesting a 30-day extension of time to record the plat With the extension, the new date for recording will be March 4, 2019. Issues: None Attachments: (2) CP-1 Location Map CP-2 Extension Request STATE T.H. N O. 13CEDARGROVEPKWYJADE PTNICOLS ROADZIRCON LANE DIFFLEY SERVICE RD N SAPPHIRE LN JASPER DR RAHN ROADDI AMONDDRI VEMOONSTONEDRGOLD TRAIL BEAVERDAMROADBLUESTONE LANE BERYL ROADMEDARYAVEGARNETLANE C.S.A.H. NO. 30 CEDAR RDG CIR DURHAM CT NORTH TIMBERWOLFTRAIL CORAL LANEBLUESTONE DRCHIPMUNK COURT CLARK ST ONYXDRNICOLS RO A D FLINT DRTOPAZ DRIVELIMESTONE DRGLENFIELD CTOLD SIBLEY MEMORIAL HIGHWAYSHALE LANESTATEHWY.NO.77(CEDARAVE.) BADGER CT SIBLE Y CTRI V V L Y W A Y CEDARGROVEPKWYSTATE HWY. NO. 77 (CEDAR AVE.)GARNET PTSANDSTONE DREMERALDLANE SANDSTONEDRCOPPERPTNICOLS SERVICE ROADSTA TE T .H . NO . 7 7 (CEDAR AVE ) MARBLELANE RAHN ROADRAHNROADCARN E L I A N L A N E C.S.A.H. NO. 30 (DIFFLEY ROAD)GARNETDRIVE C O P P ERLANE SLATERROADBEAVERDAMCT O L I VI NEDRSHALE LANEEAGANOUTLETSPKWYGLORY DRIVE METCALFDRF L I NTLANE JADE LANE O N Y XPTJASPERDRMICA TRAILDIAMOND DRIVESOUTH TIMBERWOLFTRAIL F E N W A Y BERYL R OA D METCALF DR QUARTZLANE CARNELIAN LANE OPALDRIVE BEARPATHTLA M B E R CT G O L D T R A I L CINNAMONRIDGETRAILDIAMONDDRNICOLS ROADRAHN ROADDIAMOND PT CLARK CTOLDSIBLEYHIGHWAYOPAL P L . JADELANE AMBERDRMETCAFDRIVETURQUOISE TRAILCEDAR GROVE PKWY EAGAN OUTLETS PKWYNICOLS RD/CEDAR GROVE BLVDCinnamonRidge Park River HillsPark Meadowland Park CedarPondPark HighlineTrail Park WoodhavenPark RahnParkRahnAthleticPark BridgeviewPark Location Map 0 1,000500Feet ´ §¨¦35E §¨¦494 Cliff Rd Diffley Rd Yankee Doodle Rd Lone Oak Rd Map Area Extent Subject Site Project Name: Prowire 2nd Addition January 30th, 2019 Julie Strid City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Re: Prowire 2nd Addition Julie – This letter is requesting an additional 30 days to have the plat recorded for Prowire 2nd Addition. Reason for the request: We are still in need of the lenders mortgage satisfaction to be of record so that the plat can be recorded (lender was paid off). Please have this request on the February 5th city council agenda. Sincerely, Vice President – Real Estate / Development Cc: RR Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING A. Project 1307, Lone Oak Circle Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1307 (Lone Oak Circle - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Lone Oak Circle, a commercial roadway, in north-eastern Eagan located east of Lexington Avenue and north of Lone Oak Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of this street is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 11 commercial-industrial properties to be assessed under this improvement, 1 representative of 1 property attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Attachments (2) PHA-1 Feasibility Report PHA-2 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Report for Lone Oak Circle Commercial Street Revitalization City Project No. 1307 January 2, 2019 EAGAN Report for Lone Oak Circle Commercial Street Revitalization City Project No. 1307 January 2, 2019 ! 1 ! � 1 • i I ! ! I IEAGAN �1 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Lone Oak Circle Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1307 Attached is the feasibility report for the Lone Oak Circle Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1307. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: 0,1,764 epartment of Public Works Reviewed By: I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. -ti Aaron Nelson Date: il`i Reg. No. 45795 Date: 1 201 2O f q C- a " -, � FiTV Department Date: ; �` TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 Street Pavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 ProposedImprovements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Permits......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................6 Assessments................................................................................................................7 Assessment Financing Options.....................................................................................8 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................8 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section — Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Background Project Name Lone Oak Circle Project # 1307 Street Area 7,154 Sq. Yds. Street Length 1,288 Feet Streets Included Lone Oak Circle Constructed 1969, 1999 Reconstructed 2000 Crack Sealed - Seal Coated 2005, 2012 Absolute Location S % of Section 2 Township 27, Range 23 Relative Location East of Lexington Avenue North of Lone Oak Road Project Details • Roadway resurfacing (Full width mill & PCI Rating 39/100 2" overlay) Recommended $ 23,374 Replacement of damaged curb & utter Improvement Resurfacing• • Adjustment/Replacement of: Curb Removal 14% Scope o Sanitary/Storm sewer - $ 8,000 Total $ 169,700 $ 111,526 (66%) o Utility castings o Watergate valves o Street signage Commercial Lots 11 • Replacement of damaged commercial driveway entrances Cost Estimate/ Revenue Lone Oak Circle 1 Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 116,100 $ 92,726 $ 23,374 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 26,800 - $ 26,800 Driveway Entrance Repairs $ 18,800 $ 18,800 - Utility Improvements $ 8,000 - $ 8,000 Total $ 169,700 $ 111,526 (66%) $ 58,174 (34%) Lone Oak Circle 1 Jan. 2, 2019 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Lone Oak Circle Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 1,288 feet of commercial roadway in the Lone Oak Circle area in North-Eastern Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The northern 488' of street was originally constructed in 1969 and overlayed in 2000. The southern section of street was constructed in 1999. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the road located within the project area, which is currently in the 19 to 20 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the street was seal coated in 2005 and 2012. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Lone Oak Circle 2 Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide resurfacing (full width mill and overlay) for approximately 1,288 feet of roadway. Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, utility improvements, concrete driveway apron repairs, and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the S % of Section 2, lying East of Lexington Avenue, North of Lone Oak Road, in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2018 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 39, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the Lone Oak Circle 3 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure l The existing street section for this roadway consists of 4-1/2" bituminous pavement supported by 24" gravel base. The entire existing bituminous surface will be milled to accommodate a 2 -inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for commercial streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 14% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. There are a few manhole structures that require new castings and doghouse repairs due to deterioration. These manholes will be financed through the Combined Utility Fund. Lone Oak Circle 4 Driveway Replacement — Many of the adjacent properties have concrete driveway aprons that are in disrepair, and are proposed to be repaired/replaced. The entrances will be reconstructed with 8" -thick concrete aprons in accordance with Eagan Standard Detail 440. These replacements will provide commercial entrances of adequate strength and width, and will be consistent with similar projects in commercial/industrial areas within the project area and throughout the City. Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights—The street lights in the project area (maintained by Xcel Energy) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). Lone Oak Circle 4 Driveway Replacement — Many of the adjacent properties have concrete driveway aprons that are in disrepair, and are proposed to be repaired/replaced. The entrances will be reconstructed with 8" -thick concrete aprons in accordance with Eagan Standard Detail 440. These replacements will provide commercial entrances of adequate strength and width, and will be consistent with similar projects in commercial/industrial areas within the project area and throughout the City. Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights—The street lights in the project area (maintained by Xcel Energy) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). Lone Oak Circle The streets in this commercial were reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The streets are generally 44' wide and are primarily intended for commercial/industrial and truck traffic. There is a trail located along Lone Oak Road that connects pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements available for all users, the streets in this area meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that a right-of-way permit from Dakota County will be required to perform the work within the Lone Oak Road right-of-way. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Lone Oak Circle • Mill & Overlay................................................................... • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ • Commercial Driveway Repairs ............................................... • Utility Improvements............................................................. Total........................................................................... Lone Oak Circle 6 $ 116,100 $ 26,800 $ 18,800 8,000 $169,700 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for commercial roadways. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Mill & Overlay Commercial & Industrial Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Commercial Driveway Repairs Utility Improvements Assessment Ratio Property City 100% - - 100% 100% - 100% Commercial/Industrial Parcels — All commercial/industrial properties (11 total) as shown on Figure 2, adjacent to, or having access on to the street to be improved, are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for commercial roadways, regardless of width. The estimated cost per net acre, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $1,385/ net acre and is calculated as follows: • Total Front Feet (F.F.) = 2,576 F.F. • Total Net Acreage = 66.95 acres • C/I Streets = 2,093 F.F., 44' f -f width An early deterioration credit (5% per year) is proposed for the northern 488' (976 F.F.) of Lone Oak Circle because the pavement condition has deteriorated prior to the anticipated 20 -year pavement life cycle (1/20=5%). o 976 F.F. (488'x2) of Lone Oak Circle deteriorated 1 year before its 20 year life expectancy. o The early deterioration adjustment factor for the area is (976 F.F. x 1/20) / 2,576 F.F.' = 1.9% o 100% - 1.9% = 98.1%. Mill & Overlay — (C/1) o 2,093' C/I Frontage / 2,576' Total Frontage = 81.3% C/I Frontage o $116,100 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 100% (Assessment Rate) x 81.3% (C/I frontage) x 98.1% (Early Deterioration) = $92,596 o $92,596 / 66.95 net acres = $1,383.06, rounded to $1,385 / net acre (C/1) The remaining frontage within the project area (483' or 18.7%) is considered non- assessable under the City's Assessment Policy. Lone Oak Circle 7 Driveway Entrance Replacement — Several properties have driveway entrances with damaged concrete driveway apron sections that will be repaired. Properties are proposed to be assessed for the total cost of repairs. The estimated cost of driveway repairs is approximately $18,800 or $160/ SY and is calculated as follows: • Total area of concrete driveway apron repair = 117.5 SY • Total concrete driveway apron cost = $18,800 • Total cost/SY = $160.00, rounded to $160/ SY Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over ten years for Commercial/Industrial owners. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2019 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a commercial/industrial assessment for every $1,000 assessed, with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: Per $1,000 assessed: Principal / Year Interest /Year Cost / Year 1st Year $100 $53 $153 loth Year $100 $5 $105 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $50,174. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $8,000 utility improvements. Lone Oak Circle 8 Project Cost 1 Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 116,100 $ 92,726 $ 23,374 Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 26,800 - $ 26,800 Driveway Apron Repairs $ 18,800 ' $ 18,800 - Utility Improvements $ 8,000 - $ 8,000 Totals $ 169,700 $ 111,526 $ 58,174 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $50,174. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $8,000 utility improvements. Lone Oak Circle 8 Prosect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 Award Contract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 StartConstruction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Lone Oak Circle 9 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1307 Lone Oak Circle Item No. Item I Unit Unit Price Est I Estimated Cost $ 1,275.48 2021.501 Qty LS Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay Item i Unit Unit Price i QtY Estimated Cost 5% Contingency $ 1,275.48 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 178 $ 1,068.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement- Full Width (1-1/4" Depth) SY $ 2.00 7154 $ 14,308.00 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 465 $ 1,278.75 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 886 $ 46,072.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 54 $ 5,400.00 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve Box EA $ 250.00 3 $ 750.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Mid Section EA $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Top Section w/Cover EA $ 425.00 1 $ 425.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 7 $ 4,900.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 Signage Remove and Replace LS $ 325.00 1 $ 325.00 Subtotal 5% Contingency Subtotal 30% Indirect Costs Part 1- Bituminous Street Overlay $ 85,026.75 $ 4,251.34 $ 89,278.09 $ 26,783.43 $ 116,061.51 Item No. Item i Unit Unit Price i QtY Estimated Cost 5% Contingency $ 1,275.48 2104.501 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 25,509.50 5% Contingency $ 1,275.48 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter LF $ 10.00 420 $ 4,200.00 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 8 $ 112.00 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.5 (100% Crushed) TON $ 25.00 10 $ 250.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 16 $ 1,600.00 2504.602 Irrigation Repair EA $ 160.00 2 $ 320.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings EA $ 550.00 6 $ 3,300.00 2506.602 Remove & Replace Casting 3067V (Catch Basin) EA $ 900.00 2 $ 1,800.00 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses EA $ 400.00 2 $ 800.00 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud EA $ 150.00 2 $ 300.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, B618 LF $ 23.00 420 $ 9,660.00 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter - High Early SY $ 75.00 4 $ 300.00 2531.507 Repair 8" Concrete Driveway Pavement - High Early SY $ 85.00 8 $ 680.00 2540.602 Repair Landscaping EA $ 200.00 1 $ 200.00 2572.503 Application of Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 3150 $ 472.50 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EA $ 175.00 2 $ 350.00 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow -MnDOT3877-2F CY $ 80.00 8 $ 640.00 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 70 $ 525.00 Subtotal $ 25,509.50 5% Contingency $ 1,275.48 Subtotal $ 26,784.98 30% Indirect Costs $ 8,035.49 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 34,820.47 Lone Oak Circle 10 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Q Estimated Cost 688.21 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway/Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement $ 13,764.25 5% Contingency $ 688.21 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway/Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 118 $ 1,652.00 2105.501 Common Excavation CY $ 35.00 8 $ 280.00 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Cl. 5 (100% Crushed) TON $ 25.00 8 $ 200.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 12 $ 1,200.00 2531.507 Repair 8" Concrete Driveway Pavement - High Early SY $ 85.00 118 $ 10,030.00 2575.535 Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 765 $ 114.75 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow— MnDOT 3877-21' TON $ 80.00 2 $ 160.00 2575.604 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 17 $ 127.50 Subtotal $ 13,764.25 5% Contingency $ 688.21 Subtotal $ 14,452.46 30% Indirect Costs $ 4,335.74 Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement $ 18,788.20 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 116,061.51 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 34,820.47 Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement $ 18,788.20 Project 1307 Total Cost $ 169,670.18 Lone Oak Circle 11 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll City Project # 1307 Lone Oak Circle "* net acreage credit for ponding easement Total Assessments 1 70.71 1 66.95 1 0.00 1 $ 92,726 1 117.50 1 $ 18,800 $111,526 C/I Frontage 2093 81.3% Non -Assessable Frontage 483 18.7% Total Frontage 2576 100% Lone Oak Circle 12 Lone Oak Circle Industrial P.I.N. Gross Acreage Net Acreage Unit Assessment Total Street Assessment Concrete Entrance Area(SY) Concrete Entrance Assessment ($160/SY) Total Assessment 2950 Lone Oak Cir* 102250100041 23.66 19.90 $ 1,385 1 $ 27,562 38.0 $6,080 $ 33,642 2980 Lone Oak Cir 102250100021 0.69 0.69 1 $ 1,385 $ 956 22.0 $3,520 $ 4,476 2926 Lone Oak Cir 102250100050 ! 16.00 16.00 $ 1,385 $ 22,160 6.5 $1,040 $ 23,200 part of 2926 Lone Oak Cir 102250100064 1 1.89 i 1.89 i $ 1,385 $ 2,618 $ 2,618 2929 Lone Oak Cir 102250100066 7.91 7.91 $ 1,385 $ 10,955 ! 27.0 $4,320 $ 15,275 2955 Lone Oak Cir 102250100080 4.91 4.91 $ 1,385 $ 6,800 4.0 $640 $ 7,440 2965 Lone Oak Cir 101460001010 2.50 2.50 $ 1,385 $ 3,463 $ 3,463 2975 Lone Oak Cir 101460001020 2.52 2.52 $ 1,385 $ 3,490 13.8 $2,200 $ 5,690 2985 Lone Oak Cir 102251001020 1.70 1.70 $ 1,385 $ 2,355 $ 2,355 2995 Lone Oak Cir 102251001011 3.44 3.44 $ 1,385 $ 4,764 6.3 $1,000 $ 5,764 2995 Lone Oak Cir 102251001012 5.49 5.49 $ 1,385 $ 7,604 R $ 7,604 Subtotal 70.71 66.95 $ 92,726 117.5 $18,800 $111,526 "* net acreage credit for ponding easement Total Assessments 1 70.71 1 66.95 1 0.00 1 $ 92,726 1 117.50 1 $ 18,800 $111,526 C/I Frontage 2093 81.3% Non -Assessable Frontage 483 18.7% Total Frontage 2576 100% Lone Oak Circle 12 F �� 2019 Street Revitalization Project 1307 Lone Oak Circle e1SNE�i 1-494 MEND01AHEIGH1S - � •ate — r' -. ��'I�Y-�, ��e I — Lone Oak Circle "esy�ss ` " �nr•�La Project 1307 .` Lone O ik Rd (Co d,, ••, ..–_ i p 41 �. J � Not wooy Parkway ODL RD Yankee Doodle tl (Co Rd 28) FTOwl. enter D ��iotr i D dDr P a � J / � U er.as.wrr "° !ak• duel Bell R 46 • i � + "Wt Road Ar e� d 4P of �E '� ts,,� v� i P✓ ay r , w E1eneHa. w.'� F orthvlew Park dy,— q C o4nDr .a �Y Iwai® - Y .. j % DI�FFLEY R A�-w rinx r 7 e �� ll\ r4/..JIj r • + f x..arn. -i Le��l`�.P >° I •' s ,n d ir QQ l y BC6m n:D i B! S Y. Document Path: LAUSERS%PUBWORKMEngineeringlProjects12019 Street Improvements11307 - Lone Oak Clrcle11307 Location.mxd Date: 12/12/2018 FIG 1 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1307 Lone Oak Circle Document Path: L:\USERSIPUBWORKS\Engineering\Projects\2019 Street Improvements\1307 -Lone Oak Cirde\1307.mxd Date: 12/20/2018 FIG 2 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1307 Lone Oak Circle Typical Street Sections 60' ROW 44' F -F PAVEMENT SECTION 4.5" BASE COURSE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE 18" AGGREGATE SUB -BASE EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION LONE OAK CIRCLE 60' ROW 44' F -F 1.75" FULL WIDTH MILL �2"TYPE2360BITUMINOUS OVERLAY ___1� BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 4.5" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE 18" COMPACTED SUB -BASE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION LONE OAK CIRCLE Document Path: L:(USERS\PUBWORKS1Eng?neeri�glProjects12019 Street Improvements11307 Lone Oak Circle\1307 Fig 3.mxd 8618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Date: 12/26/2018 FIG 3 Lone Oak Circle Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1307 Informational Meeting — 3:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 28, 2019 Eagan Room Attendance Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer, and 1 representative of a commercial property were in attendance (see attached sign -in sheet). Presentation of Project Details Nelson welcomed the business representative and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. Questions/ Comments 1. Will the road be open during construction? Will access be maintained to driveways? All roads will be open to traffic during construction. We do not anticipate any road closures during the work, however, some phases will require short term lane closures and the contractor will use traffic control devices or flagmen to help direct traffic. Access to driveways should be maintained throughout construction. Half of that business's driveway apron needs to be replaced, but the other half will remain open to traffic. 2. How long will the construction last? The 2019 project will be 1 contract with 12 project areas. The contractor will have flexibility to determine how they phase each area, but construction is anticipated to begin in the first area early May (weather dependent). The size and scope of the improvements in this area will likely result in approximately a 3 to 4 week construction timeframe. The City will mail more detailed construction specific information as construction nears. ASSESSMENTS 3. How are assessments calculated? With commercial properties, the entire cost of the work being performed between the curbs 50/50 with the adjacent property owners. Any work in the curbs and boulevard, and the utility improvements, is paid 100% by the city. Driveway apron repairs are assessed 100% to that property owner. UTILITIES 4. What utility improvements proposed? Both the water main and sanitary sewer pipes have been reviewed and found to be in order, and no improvements are proposed. However, minor repairs and adjustments will be performed to the manholes as needed. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 p.m. Lone Oak Circle City Project 1307 Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 3:30 p.m. Eagan Room NAME.,,\ CONTACT INFO 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 0a� 2019 Street Revitalization -Project 1307 .�� Lone Oak Circle �. ;T:.� Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING B. Project 1308, Poppler Lane Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1308 (Poppler Lane - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Poppler Lane, a residential street, in northern Eagan located south of Lone Oak Road and east of Pilot Knob Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of this street is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 9 residential properties to be assessed under this improvement, 1 resident representing 1 property attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Attachments (2) PHB-1 Feasibility Report PHB-2 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes •a♦sEAGAN Report for Poppler lane Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1308 January 2, 2019 Report for Poppler lane Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1308 January 2, 2019 \ \ \ 1 I IEAGAN To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Poppler Lane Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1308 Attached is the feasibility report for the Poppler Lane Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1308. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: Department of Public Works Reviewed By: Financ ; partment, I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: 1 Reg. No. 45795 Date: /1,201,2C)lg Date: d l To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Poppler Lane Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1308 Attached is the feasibility report for the Poppler Lane Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1308. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: Department of Public Works Reviewed By: Financ ; partment, I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: 1 Reg. No. 45795 Date: /1,201,2C)lg Date: d l TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 Street Pavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 Proposed Improvements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Perm its......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................6 Assessments................................................................................................................6 AssessmentFinancing Options.....................................................................................7 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................7 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section — Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Background Project Name Poppler Lane Project # 1308 i Street Area 2,344 Sq. Yds. Street Length 820 Feet ! Streets Included Poppler Lane Constructed ! 1996 Reconstructed Crack Sealed Seal Coated 2002, 2009 Absolute Location NW % of Section 10 Township 27, Range 23 South of Lone Oak Road Relative Location I East of Pilot Knob Road Project Details • Roadway overlay (edge mill & 1-1/2" PCI Rating 55/100 overlay) Recommended Overlay• Replacement of damaged curb & utter Improvement • Adjustment/Replacement of: Curb Removal 7% Scope o Sanitary/Storm sewer o Utility castings o Water gate valves o Street signage Residential Lots 9 • Utility Improvements Cost Estimate/ Revenue Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 36,700 $ 18,360 $ 18,340 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 12,000 - $ 12,000 Utility Improvements $ 2,800 - $ 2,800 Total $ 51,500 $ 18,360 (36%) $ 33,140 (64%) Poppler Lane 1 Jan. 2, 2019 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Poppler Lane Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 820 feet of residential street in the Poppler Lane neighborhood in Northern Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The street was originally constructed in 1996. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the road located within the project area, which is currently in the 23 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the street was seal coated in 2002 and 2009. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Poppler Lane 2 To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide an overlay (edge mill and overlay) for approximately 820 feet of roadway. Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, utility improvements, and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the NW %, Section 10, lying South of Lone Oak Road, East of Pilot Knob Road, in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2018 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 55, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Poppler Lane 3 Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure 3. The existing street section for this roadway consists of 3" of bituminous pavement supported by 6" gravel base. The existing bituminous surface will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1% -inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for residential streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 7% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures Poppler Lane 4 ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. �1Ad&. ? i Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnIVIUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights—The street lights in the project area (maintained by Dakota Electric Association) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). The street in this neighborhood was reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The street is relatively narrow at 24 feet wide, have low traffic volumes, limited access points, and a trail is available along Lone Oak Road (adjacent to this neighborhood) to connect pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements Poppler Lane 5 available for all users, the streets in this neighborhood meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that a right-of-way permit for Dakota County will be required to perform the work within the Lone Oak Road right-of-way. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Poppler Lane • Mill & Overlay........................................................................ $ 36,700 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ $ 12,000 • Utility Improvements............................................................. 2,80 Total........................................................................... $ 51,500 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. Poppler Lane 6 City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill & Overlay - Low -Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter - 100% Utility Improvements _ 100% Residential Lots—All residential lots (9 single family homes) as shown on Figure 2, having driveway access on to the street to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local residential streets, based on a standard 32 -foot width. The estimated cost per residential unit, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $2,040/ lot and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay - Residential Properties o 1,640' Residential Frontage / 1,640' Total Frontage = 100% o $36,700 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 50% x 100% = $18,350 (Total R-1 Assessment) o $18,350/9 lots= $2,038.89, rounded to $2,040/ single-family lot Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over five years for residential owners. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2019 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a residential lot assessment of $2,040 with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: Principal / Year Interest / Year Cost / Year 5" Year $408 $107 $515 5th Year $408 $18 $426 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: Poppler Lane 7 Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 36,700 $ 18,360 $ 18,340 Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 12,000 - $ 12,000 Utility Improvements $ 2,800 - $ 2,800 i Totals $ 51,500 $ 18,360 (36%) $ 33,140 (64%) Poppler Lane 7 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $30,340. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $2,800 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 AwardContract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 Start Construction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report ........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Poppler Lane 8 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1308 Poppler Lane Item No. Item Unit i I i Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Estimated Cost Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 14,750.87 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2104.501 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 45 $ 270.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement (1-1/4" depth, 6' Width) SY $ 1.30 1280 $ 1,664.00 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 152 $ 418.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 218 $ 11,336.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 11 $ 1,100.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 2 $ 1,400.00 2506.602 Adjust Manhole Casting- Riser Adjustment EA $ 250.00 1 $ 250.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 mage Remove and Replace LS $ 450.00 1 $ 450.00 Subtotal EA $ 85.00 1 $ 85.00 $ 26,888.00 5% Contingency Subtotal 30% Indirect Costs Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 1,344.40 $ 28,232.40 $ 8,469.72 $ 36,702.12 Item No. Item Unit I i Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter 3,404.05 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 14,750.87 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter LF $ 10.00 130 $ 1,300.00 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 17 $ 238.00 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.5 (100% Crushed) TON $ 25.00 5 $ 125.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 9 $ 900.00 2504.602 Irrigation Repair EA $ 160.00 3 $ 480.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings EA $ 550.00 3 $ 1,650.00 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses EA $ 400.00 1 $ 400.00 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud EA $ 150.00 2 $ 300.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Surmountable LF $ 23.00 130 $ 2,990.00 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter - High Early SY $ 75.00 17 $ 1,275.00 2540.602 Repair Underground Electric Fence EA $ 85.00 1 $ 85.00 2540.602 Repair Landscaping EA $ 200.00 1 $ 200.00 2572.503 Application of Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 990 $ 148.50 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EA $ 175.00 2 $ 350.00 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow- MnDOT 3877-2F CY $ 80.00 2.5 $ 200.00 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 22 $ 165.00 Subtotal $ 10,806.50 5% Contingency $ 540.33 Subtotal $ 11,346.83 30% Indirect Costs $ 3,404.05 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 14,750.87 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 36,702.12 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 14,750.87 Project 1308 Total Cost $ 51,452.99 Poppler Lane 9 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll City Project #1308 Poppler Lane Total R-1 Lots 9 9 $ 18,360 Residential Frontage 1,640 100.0% Total Frontage 1,640 100.0% Poppler Lane 10 Poppler Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment Total 3035 Poppler Ln 105840101010 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 1310 Lone Oak Rd 105840000010 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3020 Poppler Ln ! 105840000020 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3030 Poppler Ln 105840000030 1 1$ 2,040 $ 2,040 3046 Poppler Ln 105840000040 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3060 Poppler Ln 105840000050 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3070 Poppler Ln 105840000060 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3055 Poppler Ln 105840101031 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 3045 Poppler Ln 105840101021 1 1 $ 2,040 $ 2,040 Subtotal 9 9$ 18,360 Total R-1 Lots 9 9 $ 18,360 Residential Frontage 1,640 100.0% Total Frontage 1,640 100.0% Poppler Lane 10 %pF Eq �� ;_,; s•;,;�z 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1308 Poppler Lane MENDOTA HEIGHTS N1 .rte' q'yhn. r' � �' i Gwe G'lub laAe t Silver Bell R ®99 rT !, a r. amk Looe O k Rd „y IP racmy awn � _ Poppler Lane �rtk j0D�L y . Project 1308 ---M- RD Yankee Doodle d (Co Rd 26) 28 srm � v lie Pnter13 P t c � j is ®may 1-e6 Lake )lurha m.e Pmk J-® P,.., ....... �il a�lm �wbary,�„ ' A — K ✓ -'Md Y � uke 1 p yj�A. ll 9� IL.aJcrtrl J orthvlew Perk tl y i Ca Y ioQ�'Dr ' ` McGarMr = �., vke � `�®� a ®� DIFFLEY R Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1Engineering\Projec1s120i9 Street lmprovements11308-Poppler Lane11308 Fig 1.mxd Date: 12/12/2018 FIG 1 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1308 p Poppler Lane � P-�� 0 Document Path: L:\USERS\PUBWORKS\Engineering\Projects12019 Street Improvements\1308 - Poppler Lane\1308.mA Date: 12/18/2018 FIG 2 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1308 -•� Poppler Lane o r Typical Street Sections 9 e(SMgO 60' ROW - 24'F-7 PAVEMENT SECTION 3" BASE COURSE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE AGGREGATE SUBGRADE EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION POPPLER LANE 60' ROW 24' F -F 1.25" EDGE MILL 6'-8' WIDE (TYP.) 1.5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY 4., D412 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER B412 CONCRETE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT CURB AND GUTTER 1.5" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION POPPLER LANE Document Path: L:\USERS\PUBWORKS\Engineering\Projects\2019 Street Improvements\1308 - Poppler Lane\1308 Fig 3.mxd Date: 12/12/2018 FIG 3 Poppler Lane (1308) Country Home Heights (1309) Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres (1312) Old Sibley Highway (1313) Meadowland 1St Addition (1314) Informational Meeting — 5:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 Eagan Room Attendance This meeting combined 5 project areas (1308, 1309, 1312, 1313, & 1314)) Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer, and 9 residents representing 9 single family homes in 4 of the neighborhoods were in attendance (see attached sign -in sheet). Nobody from the Old Sibley Highway neighborhood (1313) attended. Presentation of Project Details Nelson welcomed the residents and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. A short ETV video on the street improvement process was also shown. Questions/ Comments Because the meeting had residents from 4 neighborhoods in attendance, much of the discussion was about general project and assessment related questions. Any project specific questions are noted below. STREET CONDITION 1. (Prof. 1309) How old are the streets in the neighborhood? The streets were originally constructed with gravel between 1970 and 1980. They were paved and storm sewer added in 1998. 2. (Proj. 1309) What's the pavement condition in the neighborhood? the average pavement condition index for this neighborhood is 40/100. 3. Why are the improvements being performed now? The streets appear to be in relatively good condition. The condition of the streets are currently at the point that if improvements are not made at this time, the asphalt will deteriorate at a much quicker rate and will likely require more substantial and expensive improvements in the near future. 4. Will cracks appear through the new asphalt? Since the majority of the asphalt is being left in place, it is expected that some of the cracks will reflect through the new asphalt, however the structural integrity of the street will remain. Any cracks will be addressed with routine maintenance and filled as necessary. 5. How long is it expected for the next overlay? Maintenance like this is performed generally on a 20 year cycle, depending on the condition of the streets. As maintenance is nearing, the street condition is reviewed annually to determine the exact year it will be performed. 6. (Proj. 1308) There's a hump in the street on Poppler Ln. just south of Lone Oak Road. Will that be removed? The street surface will be milled and repaved, so the hump should be eliminated. An Engineering Technician will review the area and see if any additional removal or patching is necessary. CURB CONDITION 7. How much damage to the concrete curb and gutter warrants repairs? It is common for concrete to crack. If the crack is tight and the curb is still functional, the curb will likely remain in place. If the crack is separated, heaved, or offset, or large chunks are missing that make the gutter not function properly, then the curb will likely be repaired. DRAINAGE 8. (Proj. 1312) Drainage issue in curb along 1740 Monterey Ln. An Engineering Technician will survey the curb to see if there is a dip, and if it can be fixed. If it can be easily fixed, it will be included in the construction plans. If the entire street needs to be raised for several hundred feet, those improvements are beyond the scope and might need to wait until the street is reconstructed. The Engineering Technician will contact the homeowner after surveying the curb. 9. (Proj. 1309) Drainage issue along curb on Vilas Ln. just south of Avalon Ave. An Engineering Technician will review the area to see what is causing the ponding water and it will be repaired during construction. CONSTRUCTION/PHASING 10. Will the road be open during construction? Will access be maintained to driveways? All roads will be open to traffic during construction. We do not anticipate any road closures during the work, however, some phases will require short term lane closures and the contractor will use traffic control devices or flagmen to help direct traffic. Access to driveways should be maintained throughout construction. If curb needs to be replaced at a driveway, residents can park in front of their homes while the concrete cures. 11. How long will the construction last? How will it be phased? The contractor will have flexibility to determine how they phase each area, and construction is anticipated to begin as soon as early May (weather dependent), and needs to be complete by late June or early July. The size and scope of the improvements in this neighborhood will likely result in approximately a 3-4 week construction timeframe for each of the neighborhoods. The City will mail more detailed construction specific information as construction nears. ASSESSMENTS 12. Does the city require the contractor to pay prevailing wages? The City only requires prevailing wages on projects with State Aid Streets and/or Federal funding. None of these project areas require prevailing wages. 13. How are assessments calculated? With residential properties, the city shares the cost of all work performed between the curbs 50/50 with the adjacent property owners. Any work in the curbs and boulevard, and the utility improvements, is paid 100% by the city. The property owner's portion is split evenly among all lots in the neighborhood. 14. Why are the residents being assessed? Every city finances road rehabilitation differently. Some communities assess 100% of the costs to those that live in the neighborhood and benefit most from the streets, where others don't assess anything and fund the improvements entirely through property taxes. Eagan has had a consistent policy throughout its pavement management program history, where the City finances the majority of the costs through property taxes, and a portion of the costs is assessed to everyone that lives in the neighborhood. Most cities in the metro area assess a portion of the costs. UTILITIES 15. (Proj.1309) When were the public utilities installed, what are their condition, and should they be replaced? Water and sanitary sewer were installed in the 1970's. Storm sewer was installed in 1998 when the streets were paved. All the utilities were reviewed and are in good condition and do not require replacement at this time. STREET LIGHTS 16. (Prof. 1309) Will the city install street lights if requested by the neighborhood? If the neighborhood requests additional street lights, they can petition for the improvements. Staff will contact Xcel Energy and develop a cost estimate, and any associated costs would be paid by the neighborhood. IRRIGATION 17. If an irrigation system is damaged, how are repairs performed? The city will provide flags for property owners to mark their irrigation systems. If they are properly marked, the contractor will have a good chance to avoid damage to the systems. However, if the system is properly marked and still gets damaged, the city's contractor has historically made the repairs. SIGNAGE 18. Why is signage being replaced? The signs are being replaced to meet current reflectivity standards. As signs age and wear, the amount of reflectivity is reduced and they need to be replaced to meet state standards. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. o 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Poppler Lane City Project 1308 Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 5:30 p.m. Eagan Room a� 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1308 Poppler Lane CONTACT INFO 62 -FIG z Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING C. Project 1309, Country Home Heights Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1309 (Country Home Heights - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Country Home Heights, residential streets, in north-central Eagan located east of Pilot Knob Road and north of Lone Oak Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of these streets is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 68 residential properties to be assessed under this improvement, 4 residents representing 4 properties attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Attachments (2) PHC-1 Feasibility Report PHC-2 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Report for Country Home Heights Neighborhood Street Revitalization JF A City Project No. 1309 January 2, 2019 L- R -Me E AG A N Report for Country Home Heights Neighborhood Street Revitalization JF A City Project No. 1309 January 2, 2019 L- R -Me To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Country Home Heights Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1309 Attached is the feasibility report for the Country Home Heights Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1309. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. •-�... �: Aaron Nelson Date: Reg. No. 45795 Reviewed By: Oil",- 7--� partment of Public Works Date: Reviewed By: a Finan a epartment Date: 1 3, !C TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 Street Pavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 ProposedImprovements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Permits......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................6 Assessments................................................................................................................6 AssessmentFinancing Options.....................................................................................7 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................8 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section — Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Background Project Name Country Home Heights Project # 1309 Street Area 21,597 Sq. Yds. Street Length 7,769 Feet Beam Lane Utility Improvements $ 26,400 1970-1980 (gravel Construction) $ 26,400 Constructed $ 106,080 (32%) Burnside Ave. 1998 (Asphalt construction) Reconstructed Egan Ave. Fairlawn Place Crack Sealed - Streets Included Inland Rd. Rainier Ln. Vilas Ln. Seal Coated 2005, 2012 SW % of Section 3 East of Pilot Knob Road Absolute Location Relative Location Township 27, Range 23 North of Lone Oak Road Project Details • Roadway overlay (edge mill & 1-1/2" PCI Rating 40/100 overlay) Recommended Overlay• Replacement of damaged curb & utter Improvement • Adjustment/Replacement of: Curb Removal 7% Scope o Sanitary/Storm sewer o Utility castings o Water gate valves 63 R-1 o Street signage Lots 5 Neigh Park • Utility Repairs Cost Estimate/ Revenue Country Home Heights 1 Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 218,000 $ 106,080 $ 111,920 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 90,200 - $ 90,200 Utility Improvements $ 26,400 - $ 26,400 Total $ 334,600 $ 106,080 (32%) $ 228,520 (68%) Country Home Heights 1 Jan. 1, 2019 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Country Home Heights Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 7,769 feet of residential streets in the Country Home Heights neighborhood in North- Central Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The streets were originally constructed between 1970-1980 (Gravel construction), and 1998 (asphalt construction). Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the roads located within the project area, which are currently in the 20 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the streets were seal coated in 2005 and 2012. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Country Home Heights 2 To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide resurfacing (edge mill and overlay) for approximately 7,769 feet of roadway. Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the SW %, Section 3, lying East of Pilot Knob Road, North of Lone Oak Road, in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2018 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 40, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Country Home Heights 3 Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure 3. The existing street section for this roadway consists of 3" bituminous pavement supported by 6" gravel base. The existing bituminous surface will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1% -inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for residential streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 7% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. There are a few number of manhole structures that require dog house repair/invert repair and new adjusting rings. These improvements will be financed through the Combined Utility Fund. Country Home Heights 4 Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). The streets in this neighborhood were reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The streets are relatively narrow at 28 feet wide, have low traffic volumes, limited access points, and trails are available along Pilot Konb Road and Lone Oak Road (both adjacent to this neighborhood) to connect pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements available for all users, the streets in this neighborhood meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Country Home Heights 5 Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Right-of-way permits will be required form Dakota County for any work within the Pilot Knob Road and Lone Oak Road right-of-way. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (overlaying) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 25%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Country Home Heights • Mill & Overlay........................................................................ $ 218,000 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ $ 90,200 • Utility Improvements............................................................. 26,40 Total........................................................................... $ 334,600 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. Country Home Heights 6 City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill & Overlay - Low -Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% Mill & Overlay— Neighborhood Parks 50% 50% Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter - 100% Utility Improvements 100% Residential and Neighborhood Park Lots — All residential lots (63 single family lots [1 is currently vacant]), and Neighborhood Park lots (5 N.P. lots that are equivalent size as R-1 lots), as shown on Figure 2, having driveway access on to the street to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local residential streets, based on a standard 32 -foot width. The estimated cost per residential and neighborhood park unit, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $1,560/ lot and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay - Residential & Neighborhood Park Properties 0 15,112' Residential Frontage / 15,538' Total Frontage = 97.3% o $218,000 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 50% x 97.3% = $106,057 (Total R-1 & N.P. Assessment) o $106,057 / 68 lots = $1,559.66, rounded to $1,560 / R-1 & N.P. Lot The remaining frontage within the project area (426' or 2.7%) is considered non- assessable under the City's Assessment Policy. Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over five years for residential owners. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2019 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a residential lot assessment of $1,560 with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: Principal / Year I Interest /Year Cost /Year 1St Year $312 $82 $394 5th Year $312 $14 $326 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. Country Home Heights 7 Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $202,120. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $26,400 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Project Cost Property Assessment I City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 218,000 $ 106,080 $ 111,920 j Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 90,200 - $ 90,200 Utility Improvements $ 26,400 - $ 26,400 Totals $ 334,600 $ 106,080 (32%) $ 228,520 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $202,120. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $26,400 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 AwardContract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 Start Construction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Country Home Heights 8 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1309 Country Home Heights Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est City Estimated Cost Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 178 $ 1,068.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement (1- 1/4" depth, 6' Width) SY $ 1.30 11675 $ 15,177.50 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 1404 $ 3,861.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 2005 $ 104,260.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 53 $ 5,300.00 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve Box EA $ 250.00 10 $ 2,500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Mid Section EA $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Top Section w/Cover EA $ 425.00 2 $ 850.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 24 $ 16,800.00 2506.602 Adjust Manhole Casting - Riser Adjustment EA $ 250.00 6 $ 1,500.00 2506.602 Remove & Replace Frame & Ring Casting (27") EA $ 1,250.00 2 $ 2,500.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 Signage Remove and Replace LS $ 1,750.00 1 $ 1,750.00 Subtotal 5% Contingency Subtotal 25% Indirect Costs Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 166,066.50 $ 8,303.33 $ 174,369.83 $ 43,592.46 $ 217,962.28 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est City Estimated Cost Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter LF $ 10.00 1510 $ 15,100.00 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 50 $ 700.00 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.5 (100% Crushed) TON $ 25.00 5 $ 125.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 53 $ 5,300.00 2504.602 Irrigation Repair EA $ 160.00 15 $ 2,400.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings EA $ 550.00 33 $ 18,150.00 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses EA $ 400.00 5 $ 2,000.00 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud EA $ 150.00 3 $ 450.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, B618 LF $ 23.00 1510 $ 34,730.00 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter - High Early SY $ 75.00 50 $ 3,750.00 2540.602 Repair Underground Electric Fence EA $ 85.00 5 $ 425.00 2540.602 Repair Landscaping EA $ 200.00 5 $ 1,000.00 2572.503 Application of Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 8640 $ 1,296.00 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EA $ 175.00 2 $ 350.00 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow - MnDOT 3877-21' CY $ 80.00 21 $ 1,680.00 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 192 $ 1,440.00 Subtotal $ 88,896.00 5% Contingency Subtotal 25% Indirect Costs Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter Country Home Heights 9 $ 4,444.80 $ 93,340.80 $ 23,335.20 $ 116,676.00 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter Project 1309 Total Cost Country Home Heights 10 $ 217,962.28 $ 116,676.00 $ 334,638.28 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment City Project #1309 Country Home Heights Country Home Heights 11 Rainier Ln Burnside Ave R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment Lot Equivalent Total 2980 Pilot Knob Rd 101830005151 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2988 Pilot Knob Rd 101830001051 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1390 Rainier Ln 101830001041 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1391 Rainier Ln 101830005152 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1383 Rainier Ln 101830005161 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1384 Rainier Ln 101830001030 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1 Subtotal 6 6 1,560 2969 $ 9,360 Country Home Heights 11 Inland Rd Burnside Ave R-1 Residential P.I.N. R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment 101830005120 Total 2995 Burnside Ave 101830001020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2998 Burnside Ave 101830002010 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2990 Burnside Ave j 101830002030 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2984 Burnside Ave 101830002050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2976 Burnside Ave 101830002070 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2969 Burnside Ave 101830004030 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2970 Burnside Ave 101830002090 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2950 Burnside Ave 101830003030 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2930 Burnside Ave 101830003020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2910 Burnside Ave 101830003010 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Subtotal 10 10 $ 15,600 Country Home Heights 11 Inland Rd R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total 2969 Inland Rd 101830005120 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2947 Inland Rd 101830005100 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2960 Inland Rd 101830004023 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2943 Inland Rd 101830005080 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2940 Inland Rd 101830004022 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Subtotal 5 5 $ 7,800 Country Home Heights 11 Egan Ave R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total 2885 Egan Ave 101830005040 1 1$ 1,560 $ 1,560 2891 Egan Ave 101830005051 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2903 Egan Ave 101830005060 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2898 Egan Ave 101830006030 1 i 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2905 Egan Ave 101830006050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Country Home Heights 11 2909 Egan Ave 101830006070 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2945 Egan Ave 101830002081 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2935 Egan Ave 101830003050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2950 Egan Ave 101830003051 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2960 Egan Ave 101830003061 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2970 Egan Ave 101830003070 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2975 Egan Ave 101830002060 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2980 Egan Ave 101830003082 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2985 Egan Ave 101830002040 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2995 Egan Ave 101830002020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2990 Egan Ave 101830003081 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 11560 2860 Pilot Knob Rd 101830005020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Subtotal 17 17 $ 26,520 Country Home Heights 12 Fairlawn PI Beam Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment Unit Assessment Total 2899 Fairlawn PI 101830006080 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2894 Fairlawn PI 101830007140 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2890 Fairlawn PI 104330001010 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2893 Fairlawn PI 101830006060 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2875 Fairlawn PI 101830006040 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2866 Fairlawn PI 101830007110 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 101830007030 Subtotal 6 6 1,560 $ $ 9,360 Country Home Heights 12 Vilas Ln Beam Ln R-1 Residential R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total Total 2844 Beam Ln 101830007090 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2832 Beam Ln 101830007070 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2831 Beam Ln 101830008070 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2816 Beam Ln 101830007050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2811 Beam Ln 101830008060 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2810 Beam Ln 101830007030 1 i 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2805 Beam Ln 101830008040 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2804 Beam Ln 101830007010 1 I 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Subtotal 8 8 $ 12,480 Country Home Heights 12 Vilas Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total 2858 Vilas Ln 101830008110 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2848 Vilas Ln 101830008090 11 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2838 Was Ln 101830008050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2830 Vilas Ln 101830008030 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2804 Was Ln 101982501010 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2825 Was Ln 101830009020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2829 Vilas Ln 101830009040 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Country Home Heights 12 2835 Vilas Ln 101830009050 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2841 Was Ln 101830009060 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 2857 Vilas Ln 101830009080 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 vacant 101982501020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 1 Subtotal 11 11 $ 1,560 $ 17,160 Total R-1 Lots 68 68 $ 106,080 R-1 & Neigh. Park Frontage 15,112 97.3% Non -Assessable Frontage 426 2.7% Total Frontage 15538 100.0% Country Home Heights 13 Neighborhood Parks Neighborhood Parks i P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total City of Eagan f 101830008080 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 City of Eagan 101830008100 ! 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 City of Eagan j 101830008120 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 City of Eagan 101830006010 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 City of Eagan 101830006020 1 1 $ 1,560 $ 1,560 Subtotal 5 5 $ 7,800 Total R-1 Lots 68 68 $ 106,080 R-1 & Neigh. Park Frontage 15,112 97.3% Non -Assessable Frontage 426 2.7% Total Frontage 15538 100.0% Country Home Heights 13 s -; 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1309 �lb Country Home Heights 944 N1^ MF.NDOTA HEIGHTS F � r Z . Country Home Heights c Project 1309 epLone O k (Ca C, P Z O 1 oo"'Wood Parkway Or ' ..� sy.• i t ' : " ; ----„ff 28 3 ,P Y ODL R D. Yankee Doodle+d �Co Rn 21)€ 0 R, { _ Tawn lenter D a F. 'itee i M S r SAver Bell R � � "" �'�..,•. y s v d +L I, � }r a `s°• ✓ ' J �.. :tip $c O j aa. •funa . 1 '+�{jl�Af} • f. Go.Ceaa *"® f� ,-�,o "� m-.✓ - orth>new Paik d OW 'U x _DIFFLEY R[ RRa A a e. .. ..e. .� Diffley aa:10 � .�. 3a .i' d � a 9 ry K • aro, � m • , u •� r., r � ! Lew !!4444544 no skun�Rd =M!i�—(q3) ,aT, Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1EngineernglProjects12019 Street Improvements11309 -Country Home Heights11309 Lo-bon—d Date: 12/12/2018 FIG 1 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1309 Country Home Heights n N 1 a$ v�� i ■ p ysDACE C7_- E ry o i �sy� C. 2694 '• - 2943 - ��pp , •�A, _ A�J 2947 � - O. � 2910 .FC ,Lg04 -�y\Q a .•=y1335 - .. �m 2 0 1v6D _ d 1 Yn 7p 2 " Id3D .•297.1 ., = � •--'.. .Q :w 1 2474•. 2V7.5 797.3 r - Of g1SJ - O � _ Ji- 298D 1391 . w 19 h 1+r - -- 2966 Awl NG 'T L 9 •' w' n 297S 2476 1313. 29es 2986 Project Area Legend 'I4z p 't' ry 2995 2490 �Assesable Project Area 2019 Street Improvement r '�w. LANE LAK Ba. � Zoning R_1 A-1 ' Neighborhood Paris o f 9 4Tm. Ri. - aD"�i s� a Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1Engireerirg\Projects12019 Street Improvements11309 -Country Home Heights11309.mxd Date: 12/18/2018 FIG 2 'OA U .•'.• 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1309 Country Home Heights Typical Street Sections 60' ROW w 28' F -F PAVEMENT SECTION 3" BASE COURSE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 60' ROW 28' F -F 1.25" EDGE MILL 6'-8' WIDE (TYP.) 1.5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY � BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION COUNTRY HOME HEIGHTS Document Path: L:(USERS%PUBWORKS1EngineeringlProjecls12019 Street Improvemen:s11309 - Country Home Heights11309 Fig 3.mxd B618 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Date: 12/26/2018 FIG 3 Poppler Lane (1308) Country Home Heights (1309) Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres (1312) Old Sibley Highway (1313) Meadowland 1St Addition (1314) Informational Meeting — 5:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 Eagan Room Attendance This meeting combined 5 project areas (1308, 1309, 1312, 1313, & 1314)) Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer, and 9 residents representing 9 single family homes in 4 of the neighborhoods were in attendance (see attached sign -in sheet). Nobody from the Old Sibley Highway neighborhood (1313) attended. Presentation of Proiect Details Nelson welcomed the residents and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. A short ETV video on the street improvement process was also shown. Questions/ Comments Because the meeting had residents from 4 neighborhoods in attendance, much of the discussion was about general project and assessment related questions. Any project specific questions are noted below. STREET CONDITION 1. (Prof. 1309) How old are the streets in the neighborhood? The streets were originally constructed with gravel between 1970 and 1980. They were paved and storm sewer added in 1998. 2. (Proj. 1309) What's the pavement condition in the neighborhood? the average pavement condition index for this neighborhood is 40/100. 3. Why are the improvements being performed now? The streets appear to be in relatively good condition. The condition of the streets are currently at the point that if improvements are not made at this time, the asphalt will deteriorate at a much quicker rate and will likely require more substantial and expensive improvements in the near future. 4. Will cracks appear through the new asphalt? Since the majority of the asphalt is being left in place, it is expected that some of the cracks will reflect through the new asphalt, however the structural integrity of the street will remain. Any cracks will be addressed with routine maintenance and filled as necessary. S. How long is it expected for the next overlay? Maintenance like this is performed generally on a 20 year cycle, depending on the condition of the streets. As maintenance is nearing, the street condition is reviewed annually to determine the exact year it will be performed. 6. (Prof. 1308) There's a hump in the street on Poppler Ln. just south of Lone Oak Road. Will that be removed? The street surface will be milled and repaved, so the hump should be eliminated. An Engineering Technician will review the area and see if any additional removal or patching is necessary. CURB CONDITION 7. How much damage to the concrete curb and gutter warrants repairs? It is common for concrete to crack. If the crack is tight and the curb is still functional, the curb will likely remain in place. If the crack is separated, heaved, or offset, or large chunks are missing that make the gutter not function properly, then the curb will likely be repaired. DRAINAGE 8. (Proj. 1312) Drainage issue in curb along 3.740 Monterey Ln. An Engineering Technician will survey the curb to see if there is a dip, and if it can be fixed. If it can be easily fixed, it will be included in the construction plans. If the entire street needs to be raised for several hundred feet, those improvements are beyond the scope and might need to wait until the street is reconstructed. The Engineering Technician will contact the homeowner after surveying the curb. 9. (Proj. 1309) Drainage issue along curb on Vilas Ln. just south of Avalon Ave. An Engineering Technician will review the area to see what is causing the ponding water and it will be repaired during construction. CONSTRUCTION/PHASING 10. Will the road be open during construction? Will access be maintained to driveways? All roads will be open to traffic during construction. We do not anticipate any road closures during the work, however, some phases will require short term lane closures and the contractor will use traffic control devices or flagmen to help direct traffic. Access to driveways should be maintained throughout construction. If curb needs to be replaced at a driveway, residents can park in front of their homes while the concrete cures. 11. How long will the construction last? How will it be phased? The contractor will have flexibility to determine how they phase each area, and construction is anticipated to begin as soon as early May (weather dependent), and needs to be complete by late June or early July. The size and scope of the improvements in this neighborhood will likely result in approximately a 3-4 week construction timeframe for each of the neighborhoods. The City will mail more detailed construction specific information as construction nears. ASSESSMENTS 12. Does the city require the contractor to pay prevailing wages? The City only requires prevailing wages on projects with State Aid Streets and/or Federal funding. None of these project areas require prevailing wages. 13. How are assessments calculated? With residential properties, the city shares the cost of all work performed between the curbs 50/50 with the adjacent property owners. Any work in the curbs and boulevard, and the utility improvements, is paid 100% by the city. The property owner's portion is split evenly among all lots in the neighborhood. 14. Why are the residents being assessed? Every city finances road rehabilitation differently. Some communities assess 100% of the costs to those that live in the neighborhood and benefit most from the streets, where others don't assess anything and fund the improvements entirely through property taxes. Eagan has had a consistent policy throughout its pavement management program history, where the City finances the majority of the costs through property taxes, and a portion of the costs is assessed to everyone that lives in the neighborhood. Most cities in the metro area assess a portion of the costs. UTILITIES 15. (Prof. 1309) When were the public utilities installed, what are their condition, and should they be replaced? Water and sanitary sewer were installed in the 1970's. Storm sewer was installed in 1998 when the streets were paved. All the utilities were reviewed and are in good condition and do not require replacement at this time. STREET LIGHTS 16. (Proj. 1309) Will the city install street lights if requested by the neighborhood? If the neighborhood requests additional street lights, they can petition for the improvements. Staff will contact Xcel Energy and develop a cost estimate, and any associated costs would be paid by the neighborhood. IRRIGATION 17. If an irrigation system is damaged, how are repairs performed? The city will provide flags for property owners to mark their irrigation systems. If they are properly marked, the contractor will have a good chance to avoid damage to the systems. However, if the system is properly marked and still gets damaged, the city's contractor has historically made the repairs. SIGNAGE 18. Why is signage being replaced? The signs are being replaced to meet current reflectivity standards. As signs age and wear, the amount of reflectivity is reduced and they need to be replaced to meet state standards. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Country Home Heights City Project 1309 Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 5:30 p.m. Eagan Room NAME CONTACT INFO 1. 2C.19 Street RevitaUaCon - ?•olae 1309 .; Country Home Heights 5. a5us". 11t1,,,,c-T 7. 8. 9. 10. RIP ` �-, 1 I J�- q V ✓r RG z Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING D. Project 1312, Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1312 (Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres, residential streets, in west-central Eagan located south of Yankee Doodle Road and east of Blackhawk Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of these streets is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 52 properties to be assessed under this improvement, 3 residents representing 3 properties attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this pub lic hearing. Attachments (2) PHD-1 Feasibility Report PHD-2 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Report for Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1312 January 2, 2019 �1 EAGAN Report for Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1312 January 2, 2019 To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1312 Attached is the feasibility report for the Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1312. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: epartment of Public Works Reviewed By: I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: Reg. No. 45795 Date: 2Yi&�q FinanIb VDepartment Date: 13, c, % -1 EAGAN To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1312 Attached is the feasibility report for the Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1312. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: epartment of Public Works Reviewed By: I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: Reg. No. 45795 Date: 2Yi&�q FinanIb VDepartment Date: 13, c, TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 StreetPavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 ProposedImprovements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Permits......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................6 Assessments................................................................................................................6 AssessmentFinancing Options.....................................................................................7 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................8 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map 3 Typical Section — Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Background Project Name Ridgeview Acres -Jon Project # 1312 Resurface Croft Acres 24% • Adjustment/Replacement of: Street Area 15,926 Sq. Yds. Street Length 4,656 Feet Total $ 311,500 $ 83,200 (27%) Constructed 1975 52 (R-1) Crestridge Lane Knoll Ridge Drive Overlayed 1999 Crack Sealed - Streets Included Kyllo Lane Monterey Lane Seal Coated 2004, 2011 SE % of Section 17 South of Yankee Doodle Road Absolute Location Township 27, Range 23 Relative Location East of Blackhawk Road Project Details • Roadway resurfacing (Full width mill & 1-1/2" overlay) • Replacement of damaged curb & gutter PCI Rating 38/100 Recommended Improvement Resurface Curb Removal 24% • Adjustment/Replacement of: Scope o Sanitary/Storm sewer Utility Improvements $ 11,800 - o Utility castings Total $ 311,500 $ 83,200 (27%) o Water gate valves o Street signage Residential Lots 52 (R-1) • Utility Improvements Cost Estimate/ Revenue Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 1 Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 172,000 $ 83,200 $ 88,800 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 127,700 - $ 127,700 Utility Improvements $ 11,800 - $ 11,800 Total $ 311,500 $ 83,200 (27%) $ 228,300 (73%) Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 1 Jan. 2, 2018 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Ridgeview Acres — Jon Croft Acres Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 4,656 feet of residential streets in the Ridgeview Acres —Jon Croft Acres neighborhood in westcentral Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The streets were originally constructed in 1975, and were overlayed in 1999. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the roads located within the project area, which are currently in the 20 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the streets were seal coated in 2004 and 2011. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 2 project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide resurfacing (edge mill and overlay) for approximately 4,656 feet of roadway. Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, utility improvements, and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the SE %, Section 17, lying South of Yankee Doodle Road, East of Blackhawk Road, in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2018 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 38, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 3 Prosed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure 3. The existing street section for this roadway consists of 3-1/2" bituminous pavement supported by 6" gravel base. The existing bituminous surface will be milled across its entire width to accommodate a 1% -inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for residential streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due M to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 24% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. There are a few manhole structures that require doghouse/invert repairs due to deterioration. These manholes will be financed through the Combined Utility Fund. Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 4 Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights — The street lights in the project area (maintained by Dakota Electric Association) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). The streets in this neighborhood were reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The streets are relatively narrow at 32 feet wide, have low traffic volumes, limited access points, and a sidewalk is available on Blackhawk Road (adjacent to this neighborhood) to connect pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 5 available for all users, the streets in this neighborhood meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 25%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Ridgeview Acres — Jon Croft Acres • Mill & Overlay........................................................................ $ 172,000 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ $ 127,700 • Utility Improvements............................................................. 11,800 Total........................................................................... $ 311,500 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 6 City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill & Overlay - Low -Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter - 100% Utility Improvements - 100% Residential Lots—All residential lots (52 single family homes) as shown on Figure 2, having driveway access on to the street to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local residential streets, based on a standard 32 -foot width. The estimated cost per residential unit, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $1,600/ lot and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay - Residential Properties o 9,025' Residential Frontage/ 9,312' Total Frontage= 96.9% o $172,000 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 50% x 96.9% = $83,334 (Total R-1 Assessment) o $83,334 / 52 lots = $1,602.58, rounded to $1,600 / single-family lot The remaining frontage within the project area (287' or 3.1%) is considered non- assessable under the City's Assessment Policy. Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over five years for residential owners. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2019 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a residential lot assessment of $1,600 with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: Principal / Year Interest / Year f Cost / Year 1St Year $320 $84 [$404 5th Year ! $320 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. $14 1$334 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 7 Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $216,500. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $11,800 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 Award Contract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 Start Construction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 8 Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 172,000 $ 83,200 $ 88,800 Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 127,700 - $ 127,700 Utility Improvements $ 11,800 - $ 11,800 Totals $ 311,500 I $ 83,200 $ 228,300 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $216,500. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $11,800 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 Award Contract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 Start Construction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 8 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1312 Ridgeview Acres/ Jon Croft Acres Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter 2105.501 Common Excavation 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 20 $ 120.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement - Full Width (1-1/4" Depth) SY $ 2.00 15520 $ 31,040.00 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 1010 $ 2,777.50 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 1440 $ 74,880.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 10 $ 1,000.00 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve Box EA $ 250.00 2 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Mid Section EA $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Top Section w/Cover EA $ 425.00 1 $ 425.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 10 $ 7,000.00 2506.602 Remove & Replace Frame & Ring Casting (27") EA $ 1,250.00 1 $ 1,250.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 Signage Remove and Replace LS $ 1,550.00 1 $ 1,550.00 Subtotal $ 131,042.50 5% Contingency Subtotal 25% Indirect Costs Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 6,552.13 $ 137,594.63 $ 34,398.66 $ 171,993.28 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter 2105.501 Common Excavation 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.S (100% Crushed) 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) 2504.602 Irrigation Repair 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings 2506.602 Remove & Replace Casting 3067V (Catch Basin) 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, D412 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter- High Early 2540.602 Repair Underground Electric Fence 2540.602 Repair Landscaping 2572.503 Application of Waterfor Turf Establishment 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow -MnDOT3877-2F 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) Subtotal LF $ 10.00 2430 $ 24,300.00 SY $ 14.00 32 $ 448.00 CY $ 35.00 10 $ 350.00 TON $ 25.00 20 $ 500.00 TON $ 100.00 70 $ 7,000.00 EA $ 160.00 5 $ 800.00 EA $ 550.00 7 $ 3,850.00 EA $ 900.00 3 $ 2,700.00 EA $ 400.00 6 $ 2,400.00 EA $ 150.00 2 $ 300.00 LF $ 20.00 2430 $ 48,600.00 SY $ 75.00 32 $ 2,400.00 EA $ 85.00 5 $ 425.00 EA $ 200.00 2 $ 400.00 GAL $ 0.15 22275 $ 3,341.25 EA $ 175.00 2 $ 350.00 CY $ 80.00 55 $ 4,400.00 SY $ 7.50 495 $ 3,712.50 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 9 $ 106,276.75 5% Contingency $ 5,313.84 Subtotal $ 111,590.59 25% Indirect Costs $ 27,897.65 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 139,488.23 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 171,993.28 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 139,488.23 Project 1312 Total Cost $ 311,481.52 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 10 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll City Project #1312 Ridgeview Acres -Jon Croft Acres Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 11 Kyllo Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N. EquLotlent # of lots Unit Assessment Total Total 1785 Kyllo Ln 106400004080 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1775 Kyllo Ln 106400004090 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1770 Kyllo Ln 100170075012 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1765 Kyllo Ln 106400004100 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1760 Kyllo Ln 101860000072 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1755 Kyllo Ln 106400004110 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1750 Kyllo Ln 101860000062 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1745 Kyllo Ln 106400004120 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1740 Kyllo Ln 101860000050 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1735 Kyllo Ln 106400004130 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1732 Kyllo Ln 101860000041 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1726 Kyllo Ln 101860000031 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1725 Kyllo Ln 106400004140 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1714 Kyllo Ln 101860000021 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Subtotal Subtotal 14 14 $ $ 22,400 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 11 Monterey Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N EquLotlent # of lots Unit Assessment Total 1720 Monterey Ln 106400004010 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1725 Monterey Ln 106400003150 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1730 Monterey Ln 106400004020 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1735 Monterey Ln 106400003140 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1740 Monterey Ln 106400004030 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1745 Monterey Ln 106400003130 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1750 Monterey Ln 106400004040 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1760 Monterey Ln 106400004050 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1765 Monterey Ln 106500003120 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1775 Monterey Ln 106400003110 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1770 Monterey Ln 106400004060 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1785 Monterey Ln 106400003100 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1780 Monterey Ln 106400004070 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1795 Monterey Ln 106400003090 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Subtotal 14 14 $ 22,400 Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 11 Total R-1 Lots 52 52 $ 83,200 Residential Frontage 9,025 96.9% Non -Assessable Frontage 287 3.1% Total Frontage 9,312 100.0% Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 12 Knoll Ridge Dr R-1 Residential R-1 Residential PIN EquLotlent # of lots Unit Assessment Total 3670 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001010 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3660 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001020 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3650 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001030 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3640 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001040 1 i 1 , $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3630 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001050 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3620 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001060 1 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 3610 Knoll Ridge Dr 106400001070 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1750 Crestridge Ln Subtotal 7 7 1 $ 1,600 $ 11,200 Total R-1 Lots 52 52 $ 83,200 Residential Frontage 9,025 96.9% Non -Assessable Frontage 287 3.1% Total Frontage 9,312 100.0% Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 12 Crestridge Ln R-1 Residential PIN Lot Equivalent ! # of lots Unit Assessment Total 1725 Crestridge Ln 106400002010 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1720 Crestridge Ln 106400003010 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1730 Crestridge Ln 106400003020 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1735 Crestridge Ln 106400002020 1 1 ( $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1745 Crestridge Ln 106400002030 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1740 Crestridge Ln 106400003030 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1751 Crestridge Ln 106400002040 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1750 Crestridge Ln 106400003040 1 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1757 Crestridge Ln 106400002050 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1760 Crestridge Ln 106400003050 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1765 Crestridge Ln 106400002060 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1770 Crestridge Ln 106400003060 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1775 Crestridge Ln 106400002070 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1780 Crestridge Ln 106400003070 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1785 Crestridge Ln 106400002080 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1790 Crestridge Ln 106400003080 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 1795 Crestridge Ln 106400002090 1 1 1 $ 1,600 $ 1,600 Subtotal 1 17 17 $ 27,200 Total R-1 Lots 52 52 $ 83,200 Residential Frontage 9,025 96.9% Non -Assessable Frontage 287 3.1% Total Frontage 9,312 100.0% Ridgeview Acres - Jon Croft Acres 12 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1312 Ridgeview Acres & Jon Croft Acres Nm � o aloaukme NOpd Parkway 49 28 Ridgeview Acres & Jon Croft Acres •Naaeat r Project 1312 Pr Plant cdy rdei Mern. dd I`qs" a4 Facrlr U7. A L 74 � � � 'f J 4' k• i f i f_ 4 c Z Lakek � NxrkY l aka � 1 rf Sliver Bell R f d �. 1 \ ' un wt ca J j Cxrlor Lrbmq r 5a'—, i f / I Polrn r �r 1� s ca.ade Pant crvr: By lwwevJ of TtSkogh Dr H..r•� s J� Lake -'�...® Lake P1*' D � ►� .vi .lam �+ �r m - - ted— i® 30 Lpond Y Stetwn r •"POryd A� 0, + d Prm4 .' Of r _ - Q ^..4 � + P.4 3 1RrfFl e s gun d C.., iR C.hore �. _N s ^� � �:at,.«. Earl onm n..rA � � _ ro �91Hka Earr ?W—.Loke e W. <'Ar..arr,xer Tpl rmnt ►aN' d® Document Path: L3USER&PUBWORMEngin eeringlProjecW2019 Street Improw mentsl1312 -Rid geviewAcres-Jon Croft Acres11312 Location.mxd Date: 12/13/2018 FIG 1 .';,-� 9 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1312 Ridgeview Acres & Jon Croft Acres Document Path: L:\USERS\PUBWORKS\Engineering\Projects\2D19 Street ImprovementsM12 - RidgeviewAcresJon Croft Acres\1312.mxd Date: 12/18/2018 FIG 2 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1312 Ridgeview Acres & Jon Croft Acres Typical Street Sections 7 60' ROW 1.25" FULL WIDTH MILL 32' F -F PAVEMENT SECTION 3.5" BASE COURSE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE D412 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION RIDGEVIEW ACRES - JON CROFT ACRES 60' ROW 32' F -F 1.5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 2" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE D412 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION RIDGEVIEW ACRES - JON CROFT ACRES Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS\Engineering\Projects\2019 Street Improvements11312 - Ridgeview Acres -Jon CroftAcres11312 Fig 3.mxd Date: 12/12/2018 FIG 3 Poppler Lane (1308) Country Home Heights (1309) Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres (1312) Old Sibley Highway (1313) Meadowland 15t Addition (1314) Informational Meeting — 5:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 Eagan Room Attendance This meeting combined 5 project areas (1308, 1309, 1312, 1313, & 1314)) Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer, and 9 residents representing 9 single family homes in 4 of the neighborhoods were in attendance (see attached sign -in sheet). Nobody from the Old Sibley Highway neighborhood (1313) attended. Presentation of Project Details Nelson welcomed the residents and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. A short ETV video on the street improvement process was also shown. Questions/ Comments Because the meeting had residents from 4 neighborhoods in attendance, much of the discussion was about general project and assessment related questions. Any project specific questions are noted below. STREET CONDITION 1. (Proj. 1309) How old are the streets in the neighborhood? The streets were originally constructed with gravel between 1970 and 1980. They were paved and storm sewer added in 1998. 2. (Proj. 1309) What's the pavement condition in the neighborhood? the average pavement condition index for this neighborhood is 40/100. 3. Why are the improvements being performed now? The streets appear to be in relatively good condition. The condition of the streets are currently at the point that if improvements are not made at this time, the asphalt will deteriorate at a much quicker rate and will likely require more substantial and expensive improvements in the near future. 4. Will cracks appear through the new asphalt? Since the majority of the asphalt is being left in place, it is expected that some of the cracks will reflect through the new asphalt, however the structural integrity of the street will remain. Any cracks will be addressed with routine maintenance and filled as necessary. 5. How long is it expected for the next overlay? Maintenance like this is performed generally on a 20 year cycle, depending on the condition of the streets. As maintenance is nearing, the street condition is reviewed annually to determine the exact year it will be performed. 6. (Prof. 1308) There's a hump in the street on Poppler Ln. just south of Lone Oak Road. Will that be removed? The street surface will be milled and repaved, so the hump should be eliminated. An Engineering Technician will review the area and see if any additional removal or patching is necessary. CURB CONDITION 7. How much damage to the concrete curb and gutter warrants repairs? It is common for concrete to crack. If the crack is tight and the curb is still functional, the curb will likely remain in place. If the crack is separated, heaved, or offset, or large chunks are missing that make the gutter not function properly, then the curb will likely be repaired. DRAINAGE 8. (Prof. 1312) Drainage issue in curb along 1740 Monterey Ln. An Engineering Technician will survey the curb to see if there is a dip, and if it can be fixed. If it can be easily fixed, it will be included in the construction plans. If the entire street needs to be raised for several hundred feet, those improvements are beyond the scope and might need to wait until the street is reconstructed. The Engineering Technician will contact the homeowner after surveying the curb. 9. (Prof. 1309) Drainage issue along curb on Vilas Ln. just south of Avalon Ave. An Engineering Technician will review the area to see what is causing the ponding water and it will be repaired during construction. CONSTRUCTION/PHASING 10. Will the road be open during construction? Will access be maintained to driveways? All roads will be open to traffic during construction. We do not anticipate any road closures during the work, however, some phases will require short term lane closures and the contractor will use traffic control devices or flagmen to help direct traffic. Access to driveways should be maintained throughout construction. If curb needs to be replaced at a driveway, residents can park in front of their homes while the concrete cures. 11. How long will the construction last? How will it be phased? The contractor will have flexibility to determine how they phase each area, and construction is anticipated to begin as soon as early May (weather dependent), and needs to be complete by late June or early July. The size and scope of the improvements in this neighborhood will likely result in approximately a 3-4 week construction timeframe for each of the neighborhoods. The City will mail more detailed construction specific information as construction nears. ASSESSMENTS 12. Does the city require the contractor to pay prevailing wages? The City only requires prevailing wages on projects with State Aid Streets and/or Federal funding. None of these project areas require prevailing wages. 13. How are assessments calculated? With residential properties, the city shares the cost of all work performed between the curbs 50/50 with the adjacent property owners. Any work in the curbs and boulevard, and the utility improvements, is paid 100% by the city. The property owner's portion is split evenly among all lots in the neighborhood. 14. Why are the residents being assessed? Every city finances road rehabilitation differently. Some communities assess 100% of the costs to those that live in the neighborhood and benefit most from the streets, where others don't assess anything and fund the improvements entirely through property taxes. Eagan has had a consistent policy throughout its pavement management program history, where the City finances the majority of the costs through property taxes, and a portion of the costs is assessed to everyone that lives in the neighborhood. Most cities in the metro area assess a portion of the costs. UTILITIES 15. (Proj. 1309) When were the public utilities installed, what are their condition, and should they be replaced? Water and sanitary sewer were installed in the 1970's. Storm sewer was installed in 1998 when the streets were paved. All the utilities were reviewed and are in good condition and do not require replacement at this time. STREET LIGHTS 16. (Proj. 1309) Will the city install street lights if requested by the neighborhood? If the neighborhood requests additional street lights, they can petition for the improvements. Staff will contact Xcel Energy and develop a cost estimate, and any associated costs would be paid by the neighborhood. IRRIGATION 17. If an irrigation system is damaged, how are repairs performed? The city will provide flags for property owners to mark their irrigation systems. If they are properly marked, the contractor will have a good chance to avoid damage to the systems. However, if the system is properly marked and still gets damaged, the city's contractor has historically made the repairs. SIGNAGE 18. Why is signage being replaced? The signs are being replaced to meet current reflectivity standards. As signs age and wear, the amount of reflectivity is reduced and they need to be replaced to meet state standards. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres City Project 1312 Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 5:30 p.m. Eaaan Room NAME 1. JZ 1,P C©NA i o P2. U1V15 k C dw, 3. I �� e-& 4. !1 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. CONTACT INFO 20 �jij, {,119 Street RevltaNzabon - Project 1312 0 o Ridgevlew Acres & Jon Cron Acres r / - y,5"y- $ 3472- Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING E. Project 1313, Old Sibley Highway Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1313 (Old Sibley Highway - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Old Sibley Highway, a mixed-use street, in western Eagan located east of Highway 13 and north of Diffley Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of this street is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 241 properties to be assessed under this improvement, no property owners or representatives attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Attachments (1) PHE-1 Feasibility Report 11 Report for Old Sibley Highway Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1313 January 2, 2019 } �0* R19V,- y ' _ 'N.4 AA • �' Yr * a 44, 1,' r EAGAN Report for Old Sibley Highway Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1313 January 2, 2019 } �0* R19V,- y ' _ 'N.4 AA • �' Yr * a 44, 1,' r To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Old Sibley Highway Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1313 Attached is the feasibility report for the Old Sibley Highway Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1313. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: D artment of Public Works Reviewed By: 4 Financ . partment I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: Reg. No. 45795 Date: l 2 x%20 ! 9 1 Date: A ZI EAGAN To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 2, 2019 Re: Old Sibley Highway Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1313 Attached is the feasibility report for the Old Sibley Highway Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1313. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: D artment of Public Works Reviewed By: 4 Financ . partment I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: Reg. No. 45795 Date: l 2 x%20 ! 9 1 Date: A ZI TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 StreetPavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 ProposedImprovements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Permits......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................6 Assessments................................................................................................................6 AssessmentFinancing Options.....................................................................................8 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................8 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Backeround Project Name Old Sibley Highway Project # 1313 Street Area 6,777 Sq. Yds. Street Length 1,782 Feet Overlay & 1-1/2" overlay) Improvement South section - 1970 • North Section (836' east of O.S.M.H. to - Constructed North section - 1998 Curb Removal 8% $ 1,100 South section 1979, 1998 & 1-1/2" overlay) Old Sibley Highway Reconstructed North section — N/A • Adjustment/Replacement of: Total Streets Included o Sanitary/Storm sewer Residential Units (R-3) 236 units Crack Sealed - Seal Coated 2006, 2013 o Street signage SW % of Section 19 East of Highway 13 Absolute Location Township 27, Range 23 Relative Location North of Diffley Rd Project uetaiis • South Section (Diffley to Old Sibley PCI Rating 43/100 Memorial Hwy) — overlay (edge mill & Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ Recommended Overlay & 1-1/2" overlay) Improvement Resurface • North Section (836' east of O.S.M.H. to - $ 22,500 cul-de-sac) — resurfacing (full width mill Curb Removal 8% $ 1,100 - & 1-1/2" overlay) Scope • Replacement of damaged curb & gutter 7,100 - • Adjustment/Replacement of: Total $ 115,500 o Sanitary/Storm sewer Residential Units (R-3) 236 units o Utility castings Commercial/ Ind. Lots 5 Parcels o Water gate valves o Street signage • Utility Improvements Cost Estimate/ Revenue Old Sibley Highway 1 Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 84,800 $ 48,053 $ 36,747 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 22,500 - $ 22,500 Concrete Entrance Repairs $ 1,100 $ 1,100 - Utility Improvements $ 7,100 - $ 7,100 Total $ 115,500 $ 49,153 (43%) $ 66,347 (57%) Old Sibley Highway 1 January 2, 2019 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Old Sibley Highway Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 1,782 feet of residential street (Old Sibley Highway) in western Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The southern section of the street was originally constructed in 1970, and was overlayed in 1979 and 1998. The northern section of the street was originally constructed in 1998, and has not yet been overlayed. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the road located within the project area, which is currently in the 21 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the street was seal coated in 2006 and 2013. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Old Sibley Highway 2 Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide an overlay (edge mill and overlay from Diffley Road to Old Sibley Memorial Highway), and resurfacing (full width mill and overlay) from 836' east of Old Sibley Memorial Highway to the cul-de-sac (approximately 1,782 total feet of roadway). Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, utility improvements, and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the SW %, Section 19, lying East of Highway 13, North of Diffley Road in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2019 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 43, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. Old Sibley Highway 3 The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure 3. The existing street section for this roadway consists of 4-1/2" bituminous pavement supported by 8" gravel base. The existing bituminous surface in the •� southern section will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8'+� wide) to accommodate a 1% -inch `w bituminous overlay, and the northern section will be milled across its entire width to accommodate a 1-1/2" ` overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for residential streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 8% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures Old Sibley Highway 4 ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. There are a few manhole structures that require doghouse/invert repairs and casting ajsutements due to deterioration. These improvements will be financed through the Combined Utility Fund. lima, Ad0b 1_.-- Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for �► compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform TrafficW__ J�_ Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights —The street lights in the project area (maintained by Dakota Electric Association) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). The streets in this area were reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The streets are relatively narrow at 30 feet wide, have low traffic volumes, limited access points, trails internal to the townhome development, and a trail is located along Diffley Road to connect pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced Old Sibley Highway 5 if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements available for all users, the streets in this neighborhood meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that a right-of-way permit from Dakota County will be required to perform the work within the Diffley Road right-of-way. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Old Sibley Highway • Mill & Overlay........................................................................ $ 84,800 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ $ 22,500 • Concrete Entrance Repairs .................................................... $ 1,100 • Utility Improvements............................................................. 7,100 Total........................................................................... $115,500 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. Old Sibley Highway 6 City Special Assessment Policy Mill & Overlay - Low -Density Residential (R-1,2,3) Mill & Overlay—Commercial/ Industrial Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Utility Improvements Concrete Entrance Repairs • Total Front Feet (F.F.) = 3,564 F.F. • C/I Streets = 880 F.F. • R-3 Streets = 2249 F.F. • Unassessable frontage = 435 F.F. • Total Net Acreage = 10.67 net acres Assessment Ratio Property City 50% 50% 100% - - 100% - 100% 100% - Residential Lots — All residential lots (236 townhome units) as shown on Figure 2, having driveway or private street access on to the street to be improved, are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local residential streets, based on a standard 32 -foot width. The estimated cost per residential unit, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $115/ unit and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay - Residential Properties o 2,249' Residential Frontage / 3,564' Total Frontage = 63.1% o $84,800 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 50% x 63.1% _ $26,754 (Total R-3 Assessment) o $26,754/236 units= $113.36, rounded to $115 / townhome unit Commercial/Industrial Parcels — All commercial/industrial properties (5 total) as shown on Figure 2, adjacent to, or having access on to the street to be improved, are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for commercial roadways, regardless of width. The estimated cost per net acre, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $1,960/ net acre and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay — (C/I) o 880' C/I Frontage/ 3,564' Total Frontage= 24.7% C/I Frontage o $84,800 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 100% (Assessment Rate) x 24.7% (C/I frontage) _ $20,946 o $20,946 / 10.67 net acres = $1,963.07, rounded to $1,960 / net acre (C/1) The remaining frontage within the project area (435' or 12.2%) is considered non- assessable under the City's Assessment Policy. Old Sibley Highway 7 Driveway Entrance Replacement — Several properties have driveway entrances with damaged concrete driveway apron sections that will be repaired. Properties are proposed to be assessed for the total cost of repairs. The estimated cost of driveway repairs is approximately $1,100 or $160/ SY and is calculated as follows: • Total area of concrete driveway apron repair = 6 SY • Total concrete driveway apron cost= $1,100 • Total cost/SY = $183.33, rounded to $183/ SY Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over five years for residential owners, and 10 years for commercial/ industrial properties. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2018 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a residential lot assessment of $115, and a C/I assessment of $1,000, with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: $115 R-3 assessment: IPrincipal / Year Interest / Year Cost/ Year 1St Year $23 $6 $29 5th Year $23 $1 [$24 Commercial/ Industrial Per $1,000 assessed: Principal / Year Interest / Year Cost / Year 1St Year $100 $53 $153 loth Year $100 $5 $105 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: Old Sibley Highway 8 Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 84,800 $ 48,053 $ 36,747 Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 22,500 - $ 22,500 Concrete Entrance Repairs $ 1,100 $ 1,100 - Utility Improvements $ 7,100 - $ 7,100 Totals $ 115,500 $ 49,153 $ 66,347 Old Sibley Highway 8 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $59,247. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $7,100 utility improvements. Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ OrderPublic Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications....................................................................Feb. 19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 Award Contract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 StartConstruction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 ProjectCompletion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing......................................................................................Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Old Sibley Highway 9 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1313 Old Sibley Highway Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 20 $ 120.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement (1-1/4" depth, 6' Width) SY $ 1.30 1500 $ 1,950.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement- Full Width (1-1/4" Depth) SY $ 2.00 3245 $ 6,490.00 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 440 $ 1,210.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 630 $ 32,760.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 10 $ 1,000.00 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve Box EA $ 250.00 4 $ 1,000.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Mid Section EA $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Top Section w/Cover EA $ 425.00 1 $ 425.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 8 $ 5,600.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 Signage Remove and Replace LS $ 1,035.00 1 $ 1,035.00 Subtotal $ 62,090.00 5% Contingency Subtotal 30% Indirect Costs Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 3,104.50 $ 65,194.50 $ 19,558.35 $ 84,752.85 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter LF $ 10.00 295 $ 2,950.00 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter SY $ 14.00 33 $ 462.00 2105.501 Common Excavation CY $ 35.00 10 $ 350.00 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.5 (100% Crushed) TON $ 25.00 10 $ 250.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 14 $ 1,400.00 2504.602 Irrigation Repair EA $ 160.00 2 $ 320.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings EA $ 550.00 8 $ 4,400.00 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses EA $ 400.00 2 $ 800.00 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud EA $ 150.00 2 $ 300.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, B618 LF $ 23.00 295 $ 6,785.00 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter - High Early SY $ 75.00 33 $ 2,475.00 2572.503 Application of Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 2250 $ 337.50 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow -MnDOT3877-2F CY $ 80.00 6 $ 480.00 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 50 $ 375.00 Subtotal $ 21,684.50 5% Contingency Subtotal 30% Indirect Costs PartII Repair Existing Curb & Gutter Old Sibley Highway 10 $ 1,084.23 $ 22,768.73 $ 6,830.62 $ 29,599.34 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway/Valley Gutter 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement 2105.501 Common Excavation 2211.501 Aggregate Base, CI.5 (100% Crushed) 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) 2531.507 Repair 8" Concrete Driveway Pavement - High Early Subtotal 5% Contingency Subtotal 30% Indirect Costs Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter Part III - Concrete Entrance Replacement Project 1313 Total Cost SY $ 14.00 6 $ 84.00 SY $ 6.00 2 $ 12.00 CY $ 35.00 2 $ 70.00 TON $ 25.00 1 $ 25.00 TON $ 100.00 1 $ 100.00 SY $ 85.00 6 $ 510.00 Old Sibley Highway 11 $ 801.00 $ 40.05 $ 841.05 $ 252.32 $ 1,093.37 $ 84,752.85 $ 29,599.34 $ 1,093.37 $ 115,445.56 Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll City Project #1313 Old Sibley Highway RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES Old Sibley Highway 12 Old Sibley HWY R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total I 4177 Old Sibley HWY 102242701010 ' 1 $ 115 $ 115 4173 Old Sibley HWY 102242701020 1 $ 115 $ 115 4169 Old Sibley HWY 102242701030 1 $ 115 $ 115 4165 Old Sibley HWY I 102242701040 1 $ 115 $ 115 4161 Old Sibley HWY 102242701050 1 $ 115 $ 115 4157 Old Sibley HWY 102242701060 1 $ 115 $ 115 4153 Old Sibley HWY 102242701070 1 $ 115 $ 115 2221 Liberty Ln Subtotal 7 $ 115 $ 805 Old Sibley Highway 12 Liberty Ln R-1 Residential ff P.I.N. I # Units Unit Assessment Total 2247 Liberty Ln 102242702010 1 $ 115 $ 115 2243 Liberty Ln 102242702020 1 $ 115 $ 115 2239 Liberty Ln 102242702030 1 $ 115 $ 115 2235 Liberty Ln 102242702040 1 $ 115 $ 115 2231 Liberty Ln 102242702050 1 $ 115 $ 115 2229 Liberty Ln 102242702060 1 $ 115 $ 115 2225 Liberty Ln 102242702070 1 $ 115 $ 115 2221 Liberty Ln 102242702080 1 $ 115 $ 115 2217 Liberty Ln 102242702090 1 $ 115 $ 115 2213 Liberty Ln 102242702100 1 $ 115 $ 115 2209 Liberty Ln 102242702110 1 $ 115 $ 115 2205 Liberty Ln 102242702120 1 $ 115 $ 115 2201 Liberty Ln 102242702130 1 $ 115 $ 115 2197 Liberty Ln 102242702140 1 $ 115 ' $ 115 2196 Liberty Ln 102242702150 1 $ 115 $ 115 2198 Liberty Ln 102242702160 1 $ 115 $ 115 2200 Liberty Ln 102242702170 1 $ 115 $ 115 2204 Liberty Ln 102242702180 1 $ 115 $ 115 2208 Liberty Ln 102242702190 1 $ 115 ; $ 115 2212 Liberty Ln 102242702200 1 $ 115 $ 115 2216 Liberty Ln 102242702210 1 $ 115 $ 115 2220 Liberty Ln 102242702220 1 $ 115 $ 115 2224 Liberty Ln 102242702230 1 $ 115 $ 115 2228 Liberty Ln 102242702240 1 $ 115 $ 115 2232 Liberty Ln 102242702250 1 $ 115 $ 115 2236 Liberty Ln 102242702260 1 $ 115 $ 115 2240 Liberty Ln 102242702270 1 $ 115 $ 115 2244 Liberty Ln 102242702280 1 $ 115 $ 115 2248 Liberty Ln 102242702290 1 $ 115 $ 115 Subtotal 29 $ 3,335 Old Sibley Highway 12 Old Sibley Highway 13 Running Brook Rd Rocky Rapids Way R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment 1 Total 2220 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604108 1 $ 115 $ 115 2208 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604102 1 $ 115 $ 115 2206 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604101 1 $ 115 $ 115 2198 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604005 1 $ 115 $ 115 2196 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604004 1 $ 115 $ 115 2200 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604006 1 $ 115 $ 115 2194 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604003 1 $ 115 $ 115 2204 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604008 1 $ 115 $ 115 2190 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604001 1 $ 115 $ 115 2191 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603908 1 $ 115 $ 115 2201 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603903 1 $ 115 $ 115 2199 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603904 1 $ 115 $ 115 2218 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604107 1 $ 115 $ 115 2214 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604105 1 $ 115 $ 115 2216 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604106 1 $ 115 $ 115 2212 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604104 1 $ 115 $ 115 2210 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604103 1 $ 115 $ 115 2202 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604007 1 $ 115 $ 115 2192 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242604002 1 $ 115 $ 115 2193 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603907 1 $ 115 $ 115 2195 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603906 1 $ 115 $ 115 2197 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603905 1 $ 115 $ 115 2203 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603902 1 $ 115 $ 115 2205 ROCKY RAPIDS WAY 102242603901 1 $ 115 $ 115 Subtotal 24 $ 2,760 Old Sibley Highway 13 Running Brook Rd R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total 4169 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604506 1 $ 115 $ 115 4171 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604505 1 $ 115 $ 115 4175 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604503 1 $ 115 $ 115 4177 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604502 1 $ 115 $ 115 4194 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604306 1 $ 115 $ 115 4196 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604307 1 $ 115 $ 115 4198 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604308 1 $ 115 $ 115 4190 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604304 1 $ 115 $ 115 4186 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604302 1 $ 115 $ 115 4184 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604301 1 $ 115 $ 115 4178 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604206 1 $ 115 $ 115 4172 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604203 1 $ 115 $ 115 4185 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604406 1 $ 115 $ 115 4180 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604207 1 $ 115 $ 115 4183 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604407 1 $ 115 $ 115 4192 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604305 1 $ 115 $ 115 4188 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604303 1 $ 115 $ 115 4176 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604205 1 $ 115 $ 115 4174 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604204 1 $ 115 $ 115 4189 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604404 1 $ 115 $ 115 Old Sibley Highway 13 4187 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604405 1 $ 115 $ 115 4191 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604403 1 $ 115 $ 115 4170 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604202 1 $ 115 $ 115 4193 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604402 1 $ 115 $ 115 4182 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604208 1 $ 115 $ 115 4181 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604408 1 $ 115 $ 115 4168 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604201 1 $ 115 $ 115 4195 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604401 1 $ 115 $ 115 4173 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604504 1 $ 115 $ 115 4179 RUNNING BROOK RD 102242604501 1 $ 115 $ 115 102242603604 Subtotal 30 115 $ $ 3,450 Old Sibley Highway 14 Cool Stream Cir R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total 2174 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603805 1 $ 115 $ 115 2172 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603804 1 $ 115 $ 115 2170 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603803 1 $ 115 1 $ 115 2154 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603703 1 $ 115 $ 115 2166 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603801 1 $ 115 $ 115 2156 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603704 1 $ 115 $ 115 2158 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603705 1 $ 115 $ 115 2164 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603708 1 $ 115 $ 115 2159 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603604 1 $ 115 $ 115 2185 COOL STREAM CI R 102242603403 1 $ 115 $ 115 2161 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603603 1 $ 115 $ 115 2167 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603506 1 $ 115 $ 115 2151 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603608 1 $ 115 $ 115 2163 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603602 1 $ 115 $ 115 2175 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603502 1 $ 115 $ 115 2173 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603503 1 $ 115 $ 115 2165 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603601 1 $ 115 $ 115 2171 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603504 1 $ 115 $ 115 2176 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603806 1 $ 115 $ 115 2178 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603807 1 $ 115 i $ 115 2180 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603808 1 $ 115 $ 115 2152 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603702 1 $ 115 $ 115 2168 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603802 1 $ 115 $ 115 2160 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603706 1 $ 115 $ 115 2150 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603701 1 $ 115 F $ 115 2162 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603707 1$ 115 $ 115 2179 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603406 1 $ 115 $ 115 2181 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603405 1 $ 115 $ 115 2189 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603401 1 $ 115 $ 115 2157 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603605 1 $ 115 $ 115 2183 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603404 1 $ 115 $ 115 2187 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603402 1 $ 115 $ 115 2155 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603606 1 $ 115 $ 115 2153 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603607 1 $ 115 J $ 115 2177 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603501 1 $ 115 $ 115 2169 COOL STREAM CIR 102242603505 1 $ 115 $ 115 Subtotal 36 $ 4,140 Old Sibley Highway 14 Old Sibley Highway 15 White Water Way R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total 2222 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604606 1 $ 115 $ 115 2216 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604603 1 $ 115 $ 115 2214 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604602 1 $ 115 $ 115 2212 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604601 1 $ 115 $ 115 2238 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604708 1 $ 115 $ 115 2234 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604706 1 $ 115 $ 115 2232 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604705 1 $ 115 $ 115 2230 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604704 1 $ 115 $ 115 2228 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604703 1 $ 115 $ 115 2217 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604803 1 $ 115 $ 115 2215 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604804 1 $ 115 $ 115 2213 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604805 1 $ 115 $ 115 2221 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604801 1 $ 115 $ 115 2220 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604605 1 $ 115 $ 115 2218 WHITE WATERWAY 102242604604 1 $ 115 $ 115 2236 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604707 1 $ 115 $ 115 2226 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604702 1 $ 115 $ 115 2224 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604701 1 $ 115 $ 115 2219 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604802 1 $ 115 $ 115 2211 WHITE WATER WAY 102242604806 1 $ 115 $ 115 2180 WATER LILLY LN Subtotal 20 $ 115 $ 2,300 Old Sibley Highway 15 Water Lilly Ln R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total 2122 WATER LILLY LN 102242503206 1 $ 115 $ 115 2126 WATER LILLY LN 102242503204 1 $ 115 $ 115 2136 WATER LILLY LN 102242503107 1 $ 115 $ 115 2118 WATER LILLY LN 102242503208 1 $ 115 $ 115 2138 WATER LILLY LN 102242503106 1 $ 115 $ 115 2140 WATER LILLY LN 102242503105 1 $ 115 $ 115 2132 WATER LILLY LN 102242503201 1 $ 115 $ 115 2146 WATER LILLY LN 102242503102 1 $ 115 $ 115 2108 WATER LILLY LN 102242503305 1 $ 115 $ 115 2106 WATER LILLY LN 102242503306 1 $ 115 $ 115 2150 WATER LILLY LN 102242503008 1 $ 115 $ 115 2152 WATER LILLY LN 102242503007 1 $ 115 $ 115 2102 WATER LILLY LN 102242503308 1 $ 115 $ 115 2154 WATER LILLY LN 102242503006 1 $ 115 $ 115 2116 WATER LILLY LN 102242503301 1 $ 115 $ 115 2164 WATER LILLY LN 102242503001 1 $ 115 $ 115 2160 WATER LILLY LN 102242503003 1 $ 115 $ 115 2236 WATER LILLY LN 102242502503 1 $ 115 $ 115 2234 WATER LILLY LN 102242502504 1 $ 115 $ 115 2170 WATER LILLY LN 102242502906 1 $ 115 $ 115 2180 WATER LILLY LN 102242502901 1 $ 115 $ 115 2232 WATER LILLY LN 102242502505 1 $ 115 $ 115 2230 WATER LILLY LN 102242502506 1 $ 115 $ 115 Old Sibley Highway 15 2240 WATER LILLY LN 102242502501 1 $ 115 $ 115 2174 WATER LILLY LN 102242502904 1 $ 115 $ 115 2244 WATER LILLY LN 102242502405 1 1 $ 115 $ 115 2214 WATER LILLY LN 102242502608 1 $ 115 $ 115 2168 WATER LILLY LN 102242502907 1 $ 115 $ 115 2224 WATER LILLY LN 102242502603 1 $ 115 $ 115 2216 WATER LILLY LN 102242502607 1 $ 115 $ 115 2250 WATER LILLY LN 102242502402 1 $ 115 $ 115 2248 WATER LILLY LN 102242502403 1 $ 115 $ 115 2218 WATER LILLY LN 102242502606 1 $ 115 $ 115 2228 WATER LILLY LN 102242502601 1 $ 115 $ 115 2188 WATER LILLY LN 102242502805 1 1 $ 115 $ 115 2186 WATER LILLY LN i 102242502806 1 $ 115 $ 115 2190 WATER LILLY LN 102242502804 1 $ 115 $ 115 2202 WATER LILLY LN 102242502706 1 $ 115 $ 115 2204 WATER LILLY LN 1 102242502705 1 $ 115 $ 115 2196 WATER LILLY LN 102242502801 1 $ 115 $ 115 2206 WATER LILLY LN 102242502704 1 $ 115 $ 115 2124 WATER LILLY LN 102242503205 1 $ 115 $ 115 2134 WATER LILLY LN 102242503108 1 $ 115 $ 115 2120 WATER LILLY LN 102242503207 1 $ 115 1 $ 115 2128 WATER LILLY LN 102242503203 1 $ 115 $ 115 2130 WATER LILLY LN 102242503202 1 $ 115 $ 115 2142 WATER LILLY LN 102242503104 1 $ 115 $ 115 2144 WATER LILLY LN 102242503103 1 $ 115 $ 115 2148 WATER LILLY LN 102242503101 1 $ 115 $ 115 2104 WATER LILLY LN 102242503307 1 $ 115 $ 115 2110 WATER LILLY LN 102242503304 1 $ 115 $ 115 2112 WATER LILLY LN 102242503303 1 $ 115 ' $ 115 2156 WATER LILLY LN 102242503005 1 $ 115 $ 115 2114 WATER LILLY LN 102242503302 1 $ 115 $ 115 2162 WATER LILLY LN 102242503002 1 $ 115 $ 115 2158 WATER LILLY LN 102242503004 1 $ 115 $ 115 2176 WATER LILLY LN 102242502903 1 $ 115 $ 115 2178 WATER LILLY LN 102242502902 1 $ 115 $ 115 2238 WATER LILLY LN 102242502502 1 $ 115 $ 115 I 2220 WATER LILLY LN 102242502605 1 $ 115 $ 115 2172 WATER LILLY LN 102242502905 1 $ 115 $ 115 2166 WATER LILLY LN 102242502908 1 $ 115 $ 115 2222 WATER LILLY LN 102242502604 1 $ 115 $ 115 2242 WATER LILLY LN 102242502406 1 $ 115 $ 115 2246 WATER LILLY LN 102242502404 1 $ 115 $ 115 2252 WATER LILLY LN 102242502401 1 $ 115 $ 115 2226 WATER LILLY LN 102242502602 1 $ 115 $ 115 2184 WATER LILLY LN 102242502807 1 $ 115 $ 115 2198 WATER LILLY LN 102242502708 1 $ 115 $ 115 2192 WATER LILLY LN 102242502803 1 $ 115 $ 115 2182 WATER LILLY LN 102242502808 1 $ 115 j $ 115 2200 WATER LILLY LN 102242502707 1 $ 115 $ 115 2194 WATER LILLY LN 102242502802 1 $ 115 $ 115 2212 WATER LILLY LN 102242502701 1 $ 115 $ 115 Old Sibley Highway 16 2210 WATER LILLY LN 102242502702 1 $ 115 $ 115 2208 WATER LILLY LN 102242502703 1 $ 115 $ 115 Subtotal 76 $ 8,740 Total R-3 Lots 236 $ 27,140 Old Sibley Highway 17 Creekside Ct R-1 Residential P.I.N. # Units Unit Assessment Total 2227 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502104 1 $ 115 $ 115 2225 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502105 1 $ 115 $ 115 2231 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502102 1 $ 115 $ 115 2243 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502305 1 $ 115 $ 115 2245 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502304 1 $ 115 $ 115 2249 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502302 1 $ 115 $ 115 2241 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502201 1 $ 115 $ 115 2239 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502202 1 $ 115 $ 115 2229 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502103 1 $ 115 $ 115 2233 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502101 1 $ 115 $ 115 2237 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502203 1 $ 115 $ 115 2235 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502204 1 $ 115 $ 115 2247 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502303 1 $ 115 $ 115 2251 CREEKSIDE CT 102242502301 1 $ 115 $ 115 Subtotal 14 $ 1,610 Total R-3 Lots 236 $ 27,140 Old Sibley Highway 17 COMMERCIAL/ INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES * net acreage credit for R/W or ponding easement Total Assessments 1 10.95 1 10.67 1 $20,913 1 6.00 1 $ 1,100 $22,013 TOTAL ASSESSMENT (R-3 + C/I + , Driveway) _ .$49,153 Commercial/ Industrial Frontage 880 24.7% Residential Frontage 2249 63.1% Non -Assessable Frontage 435 12.2% Total Frontage 3564 100% Old Sibley Highway 18 Old Sibley Hyw i Concrete Gross I Net Unit Total Street Concrete Entrance Total Industrial P.I.N. Acreage Acreage Assessment Assessment Entrance Assessment i Assessment Area(SY) ($183/SY) 4145 Old Sibley HWY 105910101010 2.01 2.01 $ 1,960 1 $ 3,940 $ 3,940 4135 Old Sibley HWY 105910101020 2.89 2.89 $ 1,960 $ 5,664 $ 5,664 4125 Old Sibley HWY 105910101030 0.80 0.80 1 $ 1,960 $ 1,568 $ 1,568 4065 Old Sibley 100190052040 2.63 2.35 $ 1,960 $ 4,606 6.0 $ 1,100 $ 5,706 HWY* CenterPoint Energy 100190052050 2.62 2.62 $ 1,960 $5,135 $ 5,135 Subtotal 10.95 10.67 1 $20,913 6.0 $ 1,100 $22,013 * net acreage credit for R/W or ponding easement Total Assessments 1 10.95 1 10.67 1 $20,913 1 6.00 1 $ 1,100 $22,013 TOTAL ASSESSMENT (R-3 + C/I + , Driveway) _ .$49,153 Commercial/ Industrial Frontage 880 24.7% Residential Frontage 2249 63.1% Non -Assessable Frontage 435 12.2% Total Frontage 3564 100% Old Sibley Highway 18 `�%0 ", 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1313 Old Sibley Highway Lak e Silver Bell R �j 1_w Rim +�kPark eQ Pm* -'' 9 Y s .�� ,K • Old Sibley Highway Project 1313 , N Fre yy -"�kd Cti �PaCID I °'r }t w % H;lL• �' P !R� � ` ('jaPrLJ �A� f T/ UaJfLake •aL'r,� A d Clrff Ro d (Co.,4 3 rA � r � I 11 ( York 1 f y>rs t Park—Lill Lake Lb— HW 9erSrwwb r'wrt Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1Engineering'Prgects12019 Street Impmvements11313 -Old Sibley Highway11313 Location—c! Date: 1/10/2019 FIG 1 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1313 Old Sibley Highway Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKSIEngineedng\Projects12019 Street Improvements11313 - Old Sibley Hi$may11313.mxd Date: 1/10/2019 FIG 2 °,e it,, \\ 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1313 Old Sibley Highway Typical Street Sections 60' ROW ir- do 32' F -F PAVEMENT SECTION 4.5" BASE COURSE B618 CONCRETE 8" CLASS 5 AGG BASE CURB AND GUTTER COMPACTED SUBGRADE EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION OLD SIBLEY HIGHWAY 1.25' FULL WIDTH MILL ,5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION OLD SIBLEY HIGHWAY Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1EngineeringlProjects12019 Street Improvements11313 -Old Sibiey Highway11313 Fig 3.mxd 8618 f, ....� CURB AND GUTTER Date: 1 211 2/201 8 FIG 3 60' ROW -- — 32' F -F 1.25' FULL WIDTH MILL ,5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION OLD SIBLEY HIGHWAY Document Path: L:IUSERSIPUBWORKS1EngineeringlProjects12019 Street Improvements11313 -Old Sibiey Highway11313 Fig 3.mxd 8618 f, ....� CURB AND GUTTER Date: 1 211 2/201 8 FIG 3 Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARING F. Project 1314, Meadowland 1st Addition Street Improvements Action To Be Considered: Close the public hearing and approve Project 1314 (Meadowland 1st Addition - Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. Facts: ➢ On June 5, 2018, the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering the rehabilitation of Meadowland 1st Addition residential streets, in south-west Eagan located south of Diffley Road and east of Rahn Road. ➢ A structural mill and overlay of these streets is programmed for 2019 in the City of Eagan’s 5-Year CIP (2019-2023). ➢ On January 2, 2019, the draft Feasibility Report was presented to the City Council and a public hearing was scheduled for T uesday, February 5, 2019. ➢ An informational neighborhood meeting was held on January 28 for the adjacent property owners to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 146 properties to be assessed under this improvement, 1 resident representing 1 property attended the meeting. ➢ All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. Attachments (2) PHF-1 Feasibility Report PHF-2 Neighborhood Meeting Minutes •EAGAN • Report for Meadowlands 1ST Addition Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 1314 January 2, 2019 -0- 4 1 =16_ •••r It 1 r I EAGAN To: Honorable Mayor and City Council From: Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer Date: Jan. 19, 2019 Re: Meadowlands 1 st Addition Street Revitalization City Project No.: 1314 Attached is the feasibility report for the Meadowlands 1St Addition Street Revitalization, City Project No. 1314. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Reviewed By: DWpartment of Public Works Reviewed By: Finan4d Department I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Aaron Nelson Date: 1 1 '?'0 i5 Reg. No. 45795 Date: / � Z�Z'-2,0 e Date: 11)611 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary..................................................................................................... 1 Introduction/History.......................................................................................................2 Scope...........................................................................................................................3 AreaTo Be Included.....................................................................................................3 StreetPavement Evaluation.........................................................................................3 ProposedImprovements..............................................................................................4 Easements/Permits......................................................................................................6 Feasibility/Recommendations......................................................................................6 CostEstimate...............................................................................................................7 Assessments................................................................................................................7 AssessmentFinancing Options.....................................................................................8 RevenueSource...........................................................................................................8 ProjectSchedule..........................................................................................................9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section — Mill & Overlay Executive Summary Background Meadowlands 1St PCI Rating 44/100 Project Name Addition Project # 1314 Street Area 24,350 Sq. Yds. Street Length 6,452 Feet Chipmunk Ct. Constructed 1980 Badger Ct. $ 226,700 (63%) o Utility castings Shale Ln. Overlayed 1999 Bear Path TH. Crack Sealed - Streets Included Beaver Dam Ct. • Utility Improvements Timber Wolf Tri S. Timber Wolf Trl N. Seal Coated 2007, 2014 Timber Wolf Ct. NW % of Section 29 South of Diffley Road Absolute Location Township 27, Range 23 Relative Location East of Rahn Road Project Details • Roadway resurfacing (Full width mill & PCI Rating 44/100 Recommended Resurface 1-1/2" overlay) • Replacement of damaged curb & gutter Improvement $ 61,000 Curb Removal 12% • Adjustment/Replacement of: Scope o Sanitary/Storm sewer $ 131,400 (37%) $ 226,700 (63%) o Utility castings o Watergate valves Residential Lots 146 (111) o Street signage • Utility Improvements Cost Estimate/ Revenue Meadowlands 11t Addition 1 Property City Mill & Overlay w/ Signage $ 267,900 $ 131,400 $ 136,500 Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 61,000 - $ 61,000 Utility Improvements $ 29,200 - $ 29,200 Total $ 358,100 $ 131,400 (37%) $ 226,700 (63%) Meadowlands 11t Addition 1 Jan. 2, 2019 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Meadowlands 1St Addition Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ Histo Pavement Management - As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The 6,452 feet of residential streets in the Meadowlands 1st Addition neighborhood in south west Eagan has been identified for 2019 street revitalization improvements. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The streets were originally constructed in 1980, and were overlayed in 1999. Based on the data and engineering strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (approximately 3 years after paving) and a bituminous overlay at approximately 20+ years. Overlaying the roads located within the project area, which are currently in the 20 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the pavement in the area. The City of Eagan's maintenance records indicate that the streets were seal coated in 2007 and 2014. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes extensive patching and crack sealing during the summer prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, where necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street section if not combined with the bituminous overlay proposed with this project. Infrastructure Review - The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer pipes and other structures) in the Meadowlands 1st Addition 2 project area and determined the underground systems are generally in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. To provide a comprehensive review of the project area, the condition and coverage of other infrastructure items maintained by the City and other public agencies within the public right-of- way and easements such as street lights, utility boxes, and above ground storm water ponds/access, and pedestrian features were evaluated. The rehabilitation of City -maintained items is included in this project, if needed. Scope This project will provide resurfacing (full width mill and overlay) for approximately 6,452 feet of roadway. Figure 2 in Appendix C, illustrates the project limits. Included in this project are the following improvements; replacement of damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, utility improvements, and replacement of street signage. Area to Be Included Properties included in the project lie within the NW %, Section 29, lying South of Diffley Road, East Rahn Road, in Township 27, Range 23, in the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota. Street Pavement Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56-100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36-55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct/ Reclaim The 2018 PCI rankings for the street segments have a weighted average pavement condition rating of 44, which falls in the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category, as mentioned above. The street pavement has reached an age where, based on the City's past experience, the integrity of the pavement can rapidly decline if no improvements are performed. Therefore, the 2019 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Any delay of the project may reduce the structural benefit to the street sections and require more substantial rehabilitation. Meadowlands 1st Addition 3 Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements shown in Figure 3. The existing street section for this roadway consists of 4-1/2" bituminous pavement supported by 6" gravel base. The existing bituminous surface will be milled across its entire width to accommodate a 1% -inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for residential streets. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curls & gutter - Damaged curb & gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 12% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard turf will be removed and replaced with seed. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment (45 days for seed), adjacent property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new turf, where possible, to help ensure its growth. Utility Adjustment/Replacement — Sanitary/storm sewer manholes, catch basins, and gate valves will be adjusted, repaired, or replaced based on the condition of castings and supporting structures. Such repairs to the storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main infrastructures ensure quick and easy access by the City for maintenance and other purposes. There are a number of manhole and catch basin structures that require adjustments, castings to be replaced, and doghouse/invert repairs due to deterioration. These improvements will be financed through the Combined Utility Fund. Meadowlands 1" Addition 4 Sidewalk/Path & Pedestrian Ramps — Revisions to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires jurisdictional agencies to provide detectable warnings at all existing pedestrian ramps of sidewalks and paths with public streets that are improved, including street surface improvements. The most common method of providing this detectable warning is through the ~ ?, installation of truncated domes a minimum of< two feet in length across the width of all pedestrian ramps. This project provides for the installation of truncated dome pedestrian ramps along the existing trail wherever they currently do not exist, or are in need of repair. -_-- Signage - Traffic and street identification signage within the project limits have reached the end of their useful life expectancy and are in need of replacement. Signs have been reviewed for compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD). Those that are required by the MnMUTCD will be replaced to improve safety and night time visibility, and those that are not will be permanently removed. Street Lights — The street lights in the project area (maintained by Dakota Electric Association) are in good condition and provide adequate coverage. No modifications to the existing street lights are proposed. Complete Streets — "Complete Streets" is a transportation and design approach that plans, designs, operates, and maintains streets in a means to enable safe, convenient and comfortable travel and access for users of all ages and abilities regardless of their mode of transportation. Meadowlands 15Y Addition 5 Complete Streets allow for safe travel by those walking, bicycling, driving automobiles, riding public transportation, or delivering goods. In 2010, the State of Minnesota adopted a Complete Streets policy, which encourages, but does not require local governments to adopt this policy. The MN Department of Transportation has published a Complete Streets Guidelines for Local Agencies Resource Guide (Feb. 2013). The streets in this neighborhood were reviewed to determine if additional Complete Streets opportunities are available and/or feasible. The streets are relatively narrow at 32 feet wide, have low traffic volumes, limited access points, and a trail is available along Rahn Road and Beaver Dam Road (both adjacent to this neighborhood) to connect pedestrians to the City and regional trail system. Pedestrian curb ramps in the project area at the intersecting sidewalks will be replaced if necessary to meet current ADA design standards. Given the existing and proposed elements available for all users, the streets in this neighborhood meet the intent of the complete streets guidelines. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements are anticipated. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Feasibility and Recommendations The mill and overlay project is necessary to maintain and enhance the structural integrity of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, and increase rideability. It is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. The mill and overlay is feasible in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2019 — 2023) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Meadowlands 1st Addition 6 Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2019 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 25%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Meadowlands 15t Addition • Mill & Overlay........................................................................ $ 267,900 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter ................................ $ 61,000 • Utility Improvements............................................................. 29,200 Total........................................................................... $ 358,100 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for residential streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill & Overlay - Low -Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter - 100% Utility Improvements 100% Residential Lots — All R-1 residential lots (146 single family and twin homes) as shown on Figure 2, having driveway access on to the street to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local residential streets, based on a standard 32 -foot width. The estimated cost per residential unit, based on the City's Assessment Policy, is $900/R-1 lot and is calculated as follows: Mill & Overlay - Residential Properties o 12,641' Residential Frontage/ 12,904' Total Frontage= 98.0% o $267,900 (Mill & Overlay Costs) x 50% x 98.0% = $131,271 (Total R-1 Assessment) o $131,271/ 146 lots= $899.12, rounded to $900/ R-1 residential lot The remaining frontage within the project area (263' or 2.0%) is considered non- assessable under the City's Assessment Policy. Meadowlands 11 Addition 7 Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment and interest will be spread over five years for residential owners. In 2018, the interest rate was set at 4.5%. The 2019 rate is not yet available, however, it is expected to be comparable and based on City policy will be determined by the City Council in the spring. The following payment schedule is an example of a residential lot assessment of $900 with an estimated 4.5% interest for the assessed amounts, and assumes 14 months interest for the first year: rPrincipal / Year Interest / Year Cost /Year i5t Year e I $180 $47 F$227 5th Year i $180 f $8 $188 Bonds may be issued to finance the improvements. Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $197,500. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $29,200 utility improvements. Meadowlands 11 Addition 8 Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay (Including Signage) $ 267,900 $ 131,400 $ 136,500 Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 61,000 - $ 61,000 Utility Improvements $ 29,200 - $ 29,200 Totals $ 358,100 $ 131,400 $ 226,700 The Major Street Fund will finance the estimated street related project deficit of $197,500. The Combined Utility Fund will finance the estimated $29,200 utility improvements. Meadowlands 11 Addition 8 Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing.......................................................................................... Jan. 2, 2019 Informational Meeting..................................................................................... Jan. 28, 2019 PublicHearing....................................................................................................Feb. 5, 2019 Approve Plans and Specifications. ................................................................... Feb.19, 2019 BidDate........................................................................................................ March 28, 2019 Award Contract.................................................................................................April 2, 2019 Start Construction............................................................................................. May 1, 2019 Project Completion.......................................................................................... August, 2019 Final Cost Report ........................................................................................September, 2019 Final Assessment Hearing...................................................................................... Fall, 2019 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ........................................... May 15, 2020 Meadowlands 15t Addition 9 Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate City Project 1314 Meadowland 1st Addition Item No. Item i Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost I Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay 2101.601 Remove Trail Overgrowth 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 2021.501 Mobilization LS $ 6,000.00 1 $ 6,000.00 2104.505 Remove Bituminous Pavement SY $ 6.00 50 $ 300.00 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement (1- 1/4" depth, 6' Width) SY $ 1.30 0 $ Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings 2232.501 Mill Bituminous Pavement - Full Width (1-1/4" Depth) SY $ 2.00 24350 $ 48,700.00 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL $ 2.75 1585 $ 4,358.75 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Overlay) TON $ 52.00 2260 $ 117,520.00 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) TON $ 100.00 10 $ 1,000.00 2504.602 Adjust Gate Valve Box EA $ 250.00 4 $ 1,000.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Mid Section EA $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 2504.602 Repair Gate Valve Top Section w/Cover EA $ 425.00 2 $ 850.00 2506.602 Adjust Frame and Ring Casting (Manhole) EA $ 700.00 23 $ 16,100.00 2506.602 Adjust Manhole Casting - Riser Adjustment EA $ 250.00 0 $ EA 2506.602 Remove & Replace Frame & Ring Casting (27") EA $ 1,250.00 1 $ 1,250.00 2563.601 Traffic Control LS $ 4,000.00 1 $ 4,000.00 SP -1 Signage Remove and Replace LS $ 2,500.00 1 $ 2,500.00 Subtotal $ 204,078.75 5% Contingency Subtotal 25% Indirect Costs Part 1- Bituminous Street Overlay $ 10,203.94 $ 214,282.69 $ 53,570.67 $ 267,853.36 Item No. Item Unit Unit Price Est Qty Estimated Cost Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter 2101.601 Remove Trail Overgrowth 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 2104.503 Remove Concrete Sidewalk (4") 2104.503 Remove Concrete Sidewalk (6") 2104.505 Remove Concrete Driveway /Valley Gutter 2104.523 Salvage Casting 2105.501 Common Excavation 2211.501 Aggregate Base, Cl. 5 (100% Crushed) $ SP WEA240B Wearing Course Mixture (Trail/Parking Lot 2360.501 Overlay) 2360.501 SP WEA340B Wearing Course Mixture (Patch) 2504.602 Irrigation Repair 2506.521 Install Casting 2506.602 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (CB) HDPE Rings 2506.602 Remove & Replace Casting 3067V (Catch Basin) 2506.602 Remove & Replace Casting 3501TB (Catch Basin) 2506.602 Remove & Replace CBMH Structure w/Cstg (4' Dia.) 2506.602 Remove & Replace CB Structure (2' x 3') 2506.602 Remove & Replace CB Structure w/Cstg (2'x 3') 2506.602 Remove & Replace Top Slab 54" Dia (CBM H) 2506.602 Repair/ Grout CB or MH Invert/ Doghouses LS $ 1,500.00 0 $ LF $ 10.00 930 $ 9,300.00 SY $ 6.00 0 $ SF $ 2.50 116 $ 290.00 SF $ 2.50 120 $ 300.00 SY $ 14.00 0 $ EA $ 125.00 0 $ CY $ 35.00 10 $ 350.00 TON $ 25.00 30 $ 750.00 TON $ 80.00 0 $ TON $ 100.00 40 $ 4,000.00 EA $ 160.00 10 $ 1,600.00 EA $ 550.00 0 $ EA $ 550.00 7 $ 3,850.00 EA $ 900.00 13 $ 11,700.00 EA $ 900.00 3 $ 2,700.00 EA $ 5,200.00 0 $ EA $ 3,000.00 0 $ EA $ 3,500.00 0 $ EA $ 1,600.00 0 $ EA $ 400.00 10 $ 4,000.00 Meadowlands 1St Addition 10 2506.602 Install 2 x 3 CB Erosion Barrier Shroud EA $ 150.00 2 $ 300.00 2521.501 6" Concrete Ped Ramp w/ Wet Cast for Truncated Dome Inset SF $ 14.00 100 $ 1,400.00 2521.501 4" Concrete Sidewalk SF $ 6.00 16 $ 96.00 2521.501 6" Concrete Sidewalk SF $ 8.00 120 $ 960.00 2521.501 6" Concrete Bullnose SF $ 12.00 0 $ 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter B612 LF $ 20.00 0 $ 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, B618 LF $ 23.00 45 $ 1,035.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, B624 LF $ 28.00 0 $ 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, D412 LF $ 20.00 885 $ 17,700.00 2531.501 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Surmountable LF $ 23.00 0 $ 2531.507 Concrete Valley Gutter - High Early SY $ 75.00 0 $ 2531.507 8" Concrete Driveway Pavement - High Early SY $ 75.00 0 $ 2531.507 Repair 8" Concrete Driveway Pavement - High Early SY $ 85.00 0 $ 2531.618 Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Paver (2x2) EA $ 80.00 16 $ 1,280.00 2531.618 Truncated Dome Detactable Warning Paver (Radius Plate) EA $ 80.00 0 $ 2540.602 Repair Underground Electric Fence EA $ 85.00 10 $ 850.00 2540.602 Repair Landscaping EA $ 200.00 5 $ 1,000.00 2572.503 Application of Water for Turf Establishment GAL $ 0.15 9450 $ 1,417.50 2573.530 Storm Drain Inlet Protection EA $ 175.00 2 $ 350.00 2575.550 Boulevard Topsoil Borrow —MnDOT3877-2F CY $ 80.00 25 $ 2,000.00 2575.609 Seeding (MnDOT 270 w/Type 5 Hydromulch) SY $ 7.50 200 $ 1,500.00 Subtotal $ 68,728.50 5% Contingency $ 3,436.43 Subtotal $ 72,164.93 25% Indirect Costs $ 18,041.23 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 90,206.16 Part I - Bituminous Street Overlay $ 267,853.36 Part II - Repair Existing Curb & Gutter $ 90,206.16 Project 1314 Total Cost $ 358,059.52 Meadowlands 1ST Addition 11 Appendix B Prelimary Assessment Roll City Project #1314 Meadowland 1st Addition Meadowlands 1St Addition 12 Chipmunk Ct R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots ! Unit Assessment Total 1997 Chipmunk Ct 104805001028 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1991 Chipmunk Ct i 104805001029 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1985 Chipmunk Ct 104805001030 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1979 Chipmunk Ct 104805001031 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1973 Chipmunk Ct 104805001032 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 f 1967 Chipmunk Ct 104805001033 1 ; 1 $ 900 $ 900 1961 Chipmunk Ct 104805001034 ! 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1960 Chipmunk Ct 104805001035 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 ! 1966 Chipmunk Ct 104805001036 1 ! 1 $ 900 $ 900 1972 Chipmunk Ct 104805001037 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1978 Chipmunk Ct 104805001038 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1 1984 Chipmunk Ct 104805001039 1 I 1 $ 900 $ 900 1990 Chipmunk Ct 104805001040 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1996 Chipmunk Ct 104805001041 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 1 14 14 $ 12,600 Meadowlands 1St Addition 12 Badger Ct R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment Total 1995 Badger Ct 104805001081 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1989 Badger Ct 104805001082 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1983 Badger Ct 104805001083 1 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1977 Badger Ct 104805001084 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 i 1971 Badger Ct 104805001085 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1970 Badger Ct 104805001086 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1976 Badger Ct 104805001087 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1982 Badger Ct 104805001088 1 J 1 $ 900 $ 900 1988 Badger Ct 104805001089 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1994 Badger Ct 104805001090 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 10 10 $ 9,000 Meadowlands 1St Addition 12 Shale Ln R-1 Residential P.E.N. Lot Equivalent Lois Unit Assessment Total 1989 Shale Ln j 104805001103 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1992 Shale Ln 104805004011 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1990 Shale Ln 104805004012 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1986 Shale Ln 104805004022 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1984 Shale Ln 104805004021 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1978 Shale Ln 104805004032 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1976 Shale Ln 104805004031 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1968 Shale Ln 104805004041 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1966 Shale Ln 104805004042 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Meadowlands 1St Addition 12 1962 Shale Ln 104805004051 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1960 Shale Ln 104805004052 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 11 11 i $ 9,900 Meadowlands 15t Addition 13 Bear Path Trl R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent 4 Lots i Unit I Assessment Total I 4393 Bear Path TO 104805001102 1 i 1 $ 900 $ 900 4394 Bear Path Trl 104805003170 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4389 Bear Path Trl 104805001101 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4390 Bear Path Trl 104805003160 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4385 Bear Path Tri 104805001100 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4386 Bear Path Trl 104805003150 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 i 4381 Bear Path Trl 104805001099 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4382 Bear Path Trl 104805003140 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4377 Bear Path Trl 104805001098 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4378 Bear Path Trl 104805003130 1 1 , $ 900 $ 900 4376 Bear Path Trl 104805003120 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4373 Bear Path Trl 104805001097 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4374 Bear Path Trl 104805003110 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4372 Bear Path Trl 104805003100 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 i 4368 Bear Path TO 104805003090 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4369 Bear Path Trl 104805001096 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4365 Bear Path TO 104805001095 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4358 Bear Path Trl 104805003080 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4361 Bear Path Trl 104805001094 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4357 Bear Path Trl 104805001093 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4344 Bear Path Trl 104805003070 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4353 Bear Path Trl 104805001092 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1 4349 Bear Path TO 104805001091 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4347 Bear Path TO 104805001080 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4345 Bear Path Trl 104805001079 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4341 Bear Path TO 104805001078 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4337 Bear Path Tri 104805001077 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4334 Bear Path Trl 104805003060 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4333 Bear Path TO 104805001076 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4330 Bear Path Tri 104805003050 1 j 1 $ 900 $ 900 4329 Bear Path TO 104805001075 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4325 Bear Path Trl 104805001074 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4326 Bear Path Trl 104805003040 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4322 Bear Path Trl 104805003030 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4321 Bear Path Trl 104805001073 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4318 Bear Path TO 104805003020 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4317 Bear Path Trl 104805001072 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 4313 Bear Path Tri 104805001071 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 38 38 $ 34,200 Meadowlands 15t Addition 13 Meadowlands 111 Addition 14 Timber Wolf Tri Beaver Dam Ct R-1 Residential P.I.N. R-1 Residential Lots P.I.N. Lot Equivalent # of Lots Unit Assessment 104805001058 Total 1944 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001070 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1948 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001069 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1952 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001068 1 1 ! $ 900 $ 900 1956 Beaver Dam Ct I 104805001067 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1960 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001066 1 i 1 $ 900 $ 900 1964 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001065 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1965 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001064 ' 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1961 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001063 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1957 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001062 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1953 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001061 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1949 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001060 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1945 Beaver Dam Ct 104805001059 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1 $ 900 Subtotal 12 12 104805002170 1 $ 10,800 Meadowlands 111 Addition 14 Timber Wolf Tri R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment I Total 1932 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001058 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1931 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002250 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1935 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002240 1 1 $ 900 1 $ 900 1936 Timber Wolf Trl 5 104805001057 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1939 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002230 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1940 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001056 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1943 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002220 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1944 Timber WolfTrl S 104805001055 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1947 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002210 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1948 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001054 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1951 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002200 1 1 $ 900 j $ 900 1952 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001053 1 1 $ 900 1 $ 900 1955 Timber Wolf Trl S I 104805002190 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1956 Timber Wolf Trl S ! 104805001052 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1959 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002180 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1960 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001051 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1963 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002170 1 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1964 Timber Wolf Trl S ; 104805001050 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1967 Timber Wolf TO S 104805002160 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1968 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001049 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1971 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002150 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1972 Timber Wolf TO S 104805001048 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1975 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805002140 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1976 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001047 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1978 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001046 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1980 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001045 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1982 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001044 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1984 Timber Wolf Trl S 104805001043 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1983 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001042 1 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1981 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001027 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Meadowlands 111 Addition 14 1979 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001026 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1980 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002130 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1975 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001025 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1974 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002120 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1971 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001024 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1968 Timber Wolf Tri N 104805002110 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1969 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001023 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1964 Timber Wolf Tri N 104805002100 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1965 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001022 1 1 $ 900 { $ 900 1960 Timber Wolf Tri N 104805002090 1 1 $ 9C0 $ 900 1961 Timber Wolf TO N ' 104805001021 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1954 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002080 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1957 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001020 1 ! 1 $ 900 $ 900 1953 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001019 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1950 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002070 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1949 Timber WoIfTrl N 104805001018 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1944 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002060 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1945 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805001017 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1938 Timber Wolf TO N 104805002050 1 1 $ 900 , $ 900 1934 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002040 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1930 Timber Wolf TON 1 104805002030 1926 Timber Wolf Tri N 104805002020 1 1 1 1 $ $ 900 900 $ $ 900 900 1922 Timber Wolf Trl N 104805002010 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 53 53 i $ 47,700 Total R-1 Lots 146 i 146 1 1 $ 131,400 Residential Frontage 12,641 98.0% Non -Assessable Frontage 263 2.0% Total Frontage 12,904 100.0% Meadowlands 1st Addition 15 Timber Wolf Tri R-1 Residential P.I.N. Lot Equivalent Lots Unit Assessment Total 1941 Timber Wolf Ct 104705001016 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1927 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001009 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1939 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001015 1 I 1 $ 900 $ 900 1937 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001014 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1935 Timber Wolf Ct 1 104805001013 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1933 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001012 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1931 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001011 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 1929 Timber Wolf Ct 104805001010 1 1 $ 900 $ 900 Subtotal 8 8 $ 7,200 Total R-1 Lots 146 i 146 1 1 $ 131,400 Residential Frontage 12,641 98.0% Non -Assessable Frontage 263 2.0% Total Frontage 12,904 100.0% Meadowlands 1st Addition 15 - 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1314 U •_ •. . ! z Meadowland 1 st Addition N va 10,e rk C.f a fq �3 Z C �~ Frvxt 30 rr i ?� ®® '1 R .t -Pr t ro i° ar1><c 'Cup art p`� II1 4. is e L� Q 9 P Slate 1cres Park SII j _All oZ eJ ,m illackiutu' n rJ 1 g i -Ky1 Y �ti J .y a - ♦ ,C ~014*1 � T'erer%t 'Y J o Dr Meadowland 1st Addition -V- Project 1314 g-- Diffley a o Rd Ftre Herne a Station e Pond tin r r Q f `" • 4 ...sem 7° ' r•,eq - - 1 lwr6 L7WLase Cliff R d (Co l 7 K .e .•a te,, I �Jr �fis t o v.T* j y � rtdgr.hI'Park Almgacst . Lake l e 9 P29W w Asea• 11 p Pak Document Path: LLIUSERS%PUBWORKS1EngineeringlProjects12O19 Street mprovements11314 -Meadowland 1st Addifion11314 Location.mxd Date: 12/13/2018 FIG 1 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1314 Meadowland 1st Addition Ye _ 01FFLQEWR[] .Ccn Ag�Nc.r.#ha _ _ - , -?rx . .-I LU �Z a I, 4263 a 6V Zx 1 9 4279 I}�rl:-' e77H. ex7.• . ''�, -•ti -I193 1i .iei 1i81� ?'a9' g7A4F.L19O�,' .fl'P�'�yey. •a301 Ol❑ nh 1�J,R 7'' 2357 f r 1 ► OEM i ¢ € ■ ' "� DIO EY',RD_ 146* •' 5- CHIPMkJk1(rC-7i - o •l� • r S a s �ilr n 11 M1 �•` a 196F � � sn � •' '_� _ �tl ♦z. • ti .I91N .��� ADGER,CT. - ♦ao. ., S., ¢ 9, bl xl l ` �y ` qhq l>>yj9 •�'L.. s'�Y '�r']��T rB' , Y1 1,6? IL11. �.:y �J� A1NV❑v' '� 4247 ne n -F9L� rs elgl I� rsui y�i 1349 - - 7°•::��� In 96 41st. . . �, r .. I. .�Y - .SOY Jo.... 1 .v ..:•97rR "-.: '•. $Up(RIS���� � •sa6 �"� /a6e ai • ,� ~`� Y ._ _inns ::. i16Y `p s 1•g � --- VL�,Q - i310 1I:, �. - �1C 1361 I - I aV85 IIeS IlYe ur�Y • e3ev I u9n s ]1 ivs9 1393 1301 •Ioi GT a TMO .. Project Area Legend y - �. C3 Assesable Protect Area J Ew- 2019 Street Improvement V" Document Path: LAUSERSIPUBWORKS1Engineermg\ProjectsQO19 Street Improvements11314 - Meadowland 1st AdditionR1314.mxd Date: 12/18/2018 FIG 2 OF -1 ' N 2019 Street Revitalization - Project 1314 Meadowland 1st Addition Typical Street Sections 60' ROW 32' F -F PAVEMENT SECTION 4.5" BASE COURSE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE EXIST. TYPICAL SECTION MEADOWLAND 1 ST ADDITON 60' ROW I, 32' F -F 1.25° FULL WIDTH MILL V1.5" TYPE 2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY �\ I BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CLASS 5 AGG BASE COMPACTED SUBGRADE PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION MEADOWLAND 1ST ADDITION Document Path: L:%USERS%PUBWORKS1Engineedng\Projects12019 Street Improvemerts11314 -Meadowland 1stAddition11314 Fig 3.mxd D412 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER D412 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Date: 12/26/2018 FIG 3 Poppler Lane (1308) Country Home Heights (1309) Ridgeview Acres / Jon Croft Acres (1312) Old Sibley Highway (1313) Meadowland 15t Addition (1314) Informational Meeting — 5:30 P.M. Monday, Jan. 7, 2019 Eagan Room Attendance This meeting combined 5 project areas (1308, 1309, 1312, 1313, & 1314)) Aaron Nelson, Assistant City Engineer, and 9 residents representing 9 single family homes in 4 of the neighborhoods were in attendance (see attached sign -in sheet). Nobody from the Old Sibley Highway neighborhood (1313) attended. Presentation of Project Details Nelson welcomed the residents and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. A short ETV video on the street improvement process was also shown. Questions/ Comments Because the meeting had residents from 4 neighborhoods in attendance, much of the discussion was about general project and assessment related questions. Any project specific questions are noted below. STREET CONDITION 1. (Proj. 1309) How old are the streets in the neighborhood? The streets were originally constructed with gravel between 1970 and 1980. They were paved and storm sewer added in 1998. 2. (Proj. 1309) What's the pavement condition in the neighborhood? the average pavement condition index for this neighborhood is 40/100. 3. Why are the improvements being performed now? The streets appear to be in relatively good condition. The condition of the streets are currently at the point that if improvements are not made at this time, the asphalt will deteriorate at a much quicker rate and will likely require more substantial and expensive improvements in the near future. 4. Will cracks appear through the new asphalt? Since the majority of the asphalt is being left in place, it is expected that some of the cracks will reflect through the new asphalt, however the structural integrity of the street will remain. Any cracks will be addressed with routine maintenance and filled as necessary. S. How long is it expected for the next overlay? Maintenance like this is performed generally on a 20 year cycle, depending on the condition of the streets. As maintenance is nearing, the street condition is reviewed annually to determine the exact year it will be performed. 6. (Prof. 1308) There's a hump in the street on Poppler Ln. just south of Lone Oak Road. Will that be removed? The street surface will be milled and repaved, so the hump should be eliminated. An Engineering Technician will review the area and see if any additional removal or patching is necessary. CURB CONDITION 7. How much damage to the concrete curb and gutter warrants repairs? It is common for concrete to crack. If the crack is tight and the curb is still functional, the curb will likely remain in place. If the crack is separated, heaved, or offset, or large chunks are missing that make the gutter not function properly, then the curb will likely be repaired. DRAINAGE 8. (Proj. 1312) Drainage issue in curb along 1740 Monterey Ln. An Engineering Technician will survey the curb to see if there is a dip, and if it can be fixed. If it can be easily fixed, it will be included in the construction plans. If the entire street needs to be raised for several hundred feet, those improvements are beyond the scope and might need to wait until the street is reconstructed. The Engineering Technician will contact the homeowner after surveying the curb. 9. (Proj. 1309) Drainage issue along curb on Vilas Ln. just south of Avalon Ave. An Engineering Technician will review the area to see what is causing the ponding water and it will be repaired during construction. CONSTRUCTION/PHASING 10. Will the road be open during construction? Will access be maintained to driveways? All roads will be open to traffic during construction. We do not anticipate any road closures during the work, however, some phases will require short term lane closures and the contractor will use traffic control devices or flagmen to help direct traffic. Access to driveways should be maintained throughout construction. If curb needs to be replaced at a driveway, residents can park in front of their homes while the concrete cures. 11. How long will the construction last? How will it be phased? The contractor will have flexibility to determine how they phase each area, and construction is anticipated to begin as soon as early May (weather dependent), and needs to be complete by late June or early July. The size and scope of the improvements in this neighborhood will likely result in approximately a 3-4 week construction timeframe for each of the neighborhoods. The City will mail more detailed construction specific information as construction nears. ASSESSMENTS 12. Does the city require the contractor to pay prevailing wages? The City only requires prevailing wages on projects with State Aid Streets and/or Federal funding. None of these project areas require prevailing wages. 13. How are assessments calculated? With residential properties, the city shares the cost of all work performed between the curbs 50/50 with the adjacent property owners. Any work in the curbs and boulevard, and the utility improvements, is paid 100% by the city. The property owner's portion is split evenly among all lots in the neighborhood. 14. Why are the residents being assessed? Every city finances road rehabilitation differently. Some communities assess 100% of the costs to those that live in the neighborhood and benefit most from the streets, where others don't assess anything and fund the improvements entirely through property taxes. Eagan has had a consistent policy throughout its pavement management program history, where the City finances the majority of the costs through property taxes, and a portion of the costs is assessed to everyone that lives in the neighborhood. Most cities in the metro area assess a portion of the costs. UTILITIES 15. (Proj. 1309) When were the public utilities installed, what are their condition, and should they be replaced? Water and sanitary sewer were installed in the 1970's. Storm sewer was installed in 1998 when the streets were paved. All the utilities were reviewed and are in good condition and do not require replacement at this time. STREET LIGHTS 16. (Proj. 1309) Will the city install street lights if requested by the neighborhood? If the neighborhood requests additional street lights, they can petition for the improvements. Staff will contact Xcel Energy and develop a cost estimate, and any associated costs would be paid by the neighborhood. IRRIGATION 17. If an irrigation system is damaged, how are repairs performed? The city will provide flags for property owners to mark their irrigation systems. If they are properly marked, the contractor will have a good chance to avoid damage to the systems. However, if the system is properly marked and still gets damaged, the city's contractor has historically made the repairs. SIGNAGE 18. Why is signage being replaced? The signs are being replaced to meet current reflectivity standards. As signs age and wear, the amount of reflectivity is reduced and they need to be replaced to meet state standards. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Meadowland 111 Addition City Project 1314 Informational Meeting Monday, January 28, 2019 5:30 p.m. Eagan Room NAME CONTACT INFO 2. J 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2018 Street RevItailzation - Protect 1314 S Meadowland 1stAddlticn Agenda Information Memo February 5, 2019 Eagan City Council Meeting Old Business A. Ordinance Amendment Relative to Exterior Materials – City of Eagan Action To Be Considered: Approve an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Section 11.70, relative to Building Design Standards. Required Vote For Approval: Majority of Council Members Present Facts: The City Council was recently asked to consider a “comparable or superior” material request that staff had deemed a Class III material. Council continued action on the item and asked staff to perform research on the specific material (insulated metal panel system) and how other metro cities view the material and apply standards regarding such systems. Eagan’s metal panel standards are similar to other cities; however, the exterior coverage percentage allowed in other cities ranged from 35%-50%. Research and industry input suggest the quality, durability and architectural treatments available with insulated metal panel systems has evolved significantly and are being widely used in commercial and institutional building types. The amendment adds Insulated Metal Panel Systems as a Class II material and requires a minimum of 35% Class I material for GB, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts located 800 feet or less from a county, state or federal right-of-way. The APC held a Public Hearing on January 22, 2019 and they are recommending approval of the amendment. Attachments: (3) OBA-1 Draft July 24, 2018 APC Minutes OBA-2 Staff report OBA-3 Draft ordinance language Advisory Planning Commission January 22, 2019 Page 8 of 9 C. Exterior Building Materials Applicant Name: Mike Ridley, City of Eagan Application: Ordinance Amendment An Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Sect. 11.70 relative to general building design requirements. File Number: 01-OR-05-12-18 City Planner Ridley introduced this item and highlighted the information presented in the City Staff report dated January 16, 2019. Chair Vanderpoel opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, Chair Vanderpoel closed the public hearing and turned the discussion back to the Commission. Member Weimert moved, Member Whisnant seconded a motion to recommend approval of an Ordinance Amendment to City Code, Chapter 11, Section 11.70, relative to building design requirements. All voted in favor. Motion carried 6-0. PLANNING REPORT CITY OF EAGAN REPORT DATE: January 16, 2019 CASE: 01-OR-05-12-18 APPLICANT: City of Eagan HEARING DATE: January 22, 2019 PROPERTY OWNER: N/A PREPARED BY: Michael J. Ridley, AICP REQUEST: Ordinance Amendment LOCATION: Citywide COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: N/A ZONING: N/A SUMMARY OF REQUEST The City of Eagan is requesting approval of an Ordinance Amendment to City Code, Chapter 11, Section 11.70, relative to Building Design standards. BACKGROUND/HISTORY The Architectural/Exterior Materials standards were created a number of years ago to insure attractive, high quality and durable materials were utilized for new building construction. The City Council was recently asked to consider a “comparable or superior” material request. The City Council discussion acknowledged the building materials industry does not remain static and technological advancements will always be in play. Council continued action on the item and asked staff to perform research on the specific material (insulated metal panel system) and how other metro cities view the material and apply standards regarding such systems. EXISTING CONDITIONS The City Code regulates material standards on a somewhat sliding scale that factors variables related to Zoning District and location. The exterior classes can be summarized as follows: Class I – Durable and high-quality natural materials Class II – Manufactured versions of natural, Class I materials Planning Report – Ordinance Amendment January 22, 2019 Page 2 Class III – Manufactured building systems and less durable materials suitable for use as accents or complementary finishes Class IV – Assorted concrete finishes Class V – Steel, aluminum or iron Essentially, Class I & II materials are attractive, high quality and durable materials that provide variations in color and textures while Class III materials, and beyond, are generally intended to be utilized as an accent finish. EVALUATION OF REQUEST Per City Council direction, City staff surveyed a number of cities and found that Eagan’s metal panel standards are similar to other cities; however, the exterior coverage percentage allowed in other cities ranged from 35%-50%. In addition, research determined that the quality of insulated metal panel systems have progressed dramatically and can provide an exterior far more durable than the typical Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (EIFS) that is non-degradable, low maintenance and energy efficient. The City Council indicated they were open to the insulated metal panel systems comprising more than 35% of a building exterior and being considered a higher quality finish than the current list of Class III materials. Based on information collected and City Council comments, the proposed draft ordinance amendment does three things: Removes “Architectural metal panels which cover a wall” as a Class I material Adds Insulated Metal Panel Systems as a Class II material Requires a minimum of 35% Class I material for GB, I-1 and I-2 zoning districts located 800 feet or less from a county, state or federal right-of-way SUMMARY/CONCLUSION The proposed draft ordinance amendment specifically adds insulated metal panel systems (proposed Class II) and differentiates those from Exterior Insulation Finishing Systems (Class III). Research and industry input suggested the quality, durability and architectural treatments available with insulated metal panel systems have evolved and are more widely being used in commercial and institutional building types. The amendment also removes the always confusing and difficult to define “Architectural metal panels which cover a wall” as a Class I material and establishes a minimum percentage of Class I materials for building proximate to higher traffic roads. Planning Report – Ordinance Amendment January 22, 2019 Page 3 ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED To recommend approval of an Ordinance Amendment to City Code, Chapter 11, Section 11.70, relative to building design requirements. ORDINANCE NO. ____ 2ND SERIES AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF EAGAN, MINNESOTA, AMENDING EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER ELEVEN ENTITLED “LAND USE REGULATIONS (ZONING)” BY AMENDING SECTION 11.70, SUBD. 21, REGARDING BUILDING EXTERIOR MATERIAL STANDARDS AND BY ADOPTING BY REFERENCE EAGAN CITY CODE CHAPTER 1 AND SECTION 11.99 The City Council of the City of Eagan does ordain: Section 1. Chapter 11 of the Eagan City Code is hereby amended by revising Section 11.70, Subd. 21(B)(3)(c)(i)(A) and 11.70, Subd. 21(B)(3)(c)(i)(B)(2) to read as follows: Subd. 21. Design and construction requirements for multiple family, office, commercial, industrial, and public and institutional developments. The following provisions shall apply to any new building construction in Residential Double, Townhouse and Multiple (R-2, R-3, R-4), Limited Business (LB), Neighborhood Business (NB), General Business (GB), Community Shopping Center (CSC), Limited Industrial (I-1), General Industrial (I-2), Research and Development Park (RD) and Business Park (BP) zoning districts: * * * * B. Specific building design requirements. * * * * 3. Exterior building surface materials. * * * * c. Requirements. i. Exterior surface materials of a newly constructed building shall be subject to the following requirements: A. Classes of materials. Exterior building materials shall be divided into Class I, Class II, Class III, Class IV and Class V categories as follows: Class I • Clay-based masonry units; brick (integrally colored) • Natural stone • Glass/spandrel glass • Architectural metal panels which cover a wall (e.g. copper panels, composite metal panels) • Other comparable or superior materials (as approved by the city council) 2 Class II • Specialty concrete block such as textured, burnished block or rock faced block • Masonry stucco • Manufactured stone provided it replicates the appearance of natural stone, not concrete block • Metal panel systems • Other comparable or superior materials (as approved by city council) Class III • Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) • Architecturally precast textured concrete panels • Glass block • Ornamental metal as an accent to the building • Cement-based and architectural products (e.g. Quik-Brik and HardieBoard) • Other comparable or superior materials (as approved by city council) Class IV • Smooth concrete block • Smooth scored concrete block • Smooth concrete tip up panels • Ceramic • Wood • Other comparable or superior materials (as approved by city council) Class V • Steel, sheet or corrugated aluminum, or iron provided it is coated or anodized with a non-reflective, glare-free finish) • Any other material not within the standards set forth in paragraph b.i. B. New constructed buildings shall incorporate the classes of materials as follows: * * * * (2) Buildings within GB, I-1 and I-2, zoning districts and located 800 feet or less from a county, state or federal right-of-way shall use at least two different Class I or Class II materials and the building must be finished with: at least 65 percent Class I materials or 65 percent combination of Class I and II materials provided not less than 35% is Class I materials;, not more than 35 percent of Class III and Class IV materials; in no case shall Class IV materials exceed ten percent. Section 2. Eagan City Code Chapter 1 entitled "General Provisions and Definitions Applicable to the Entire City Code Including 'Penalty for Violation'" and Section 11.99, entitled 3 "Violation a Misdemeanor" are hereby adopted in their entirety by reference as though repeated verbatim. Section 3. Effective Date. This ordinance shall take effect upon its adoption and publication according to law. ATTEST: CITY OF EAGAN City Council ____________________________ ______________________________ By: Christina M. Scipioni By: Mike Maguire Its: City Clerk Its: Mayor Date Ordinance Adopted: Date Ordinance Published in the Legal Newspaper: Date of Advisory Planning Commission Hearing: