610 Opperman Dr - 2007-09-24 Roof Supporting Documents 2007-09-24 ='L`?,: ?? i<??'iENGINEERINGiJUpGMED1'Ti',FOR" 09/19/07 ?'ire Protection Products Alan Benson Speciaity Building Products ? 2726 Summer St. NE ? ? Minneapolis, MN 55413 Fax:(612)78'I-7921 Project: 610 Opperman Drive, Eagan MN Contractor: McGamen / Mulcahy Fire Stopping Category: Joints / Head of Wall Hourly Rating Requested! Type: 1 Hour / F Obtainabte rating is unknown and up to 1 hour or as long as the assemblies sta intact in a fre scenario. JointType: Construction Maximum Joint Width: 1 in. Floor Assembiy: Structural Concrete Stab Wall Assembly: Gypsum Wallboard Assembly Type of Movement: Dynamic Special Conditions: Fire Trak assembly at head of walf, top track is shot to the 6eam flange or it runs By so close to the beam that can't gei mineral wool between beam and wall. The 1-Beams are boxed in with gypsum patches that must be ANJ approved for an hourly rating. Applicafion Details: 1. The I-beam boxed in areas must be AHJ approved for an hourly rating. The configuratlons are various with different patches attached to the existlng wall or a continuation of the wall. The hourly rating is solely dependant on the AHJ approving those drywall patches as extensions of Ihe existing wall assembly and able to achieve an hourly rating. If the approvals are not met the reling is for a smoke and draft seal only. See the examples 6elow: . ;-- - -. .....?.'?i; ;? ? ? ' J I l ? •?T? 3M Fire Barrier Material: FireDam 150+ caulk Based On: HW-D-0134 7his fre resistive design should achieve the obtainable F Rafing requested. This engineering judgment is based on perfortnance results obfained in testing in accordance to ASTM E 1966 (UL 2079). Engineering Judgment Prepared By: Reviewed By: / ?+S 520194 Kristen Jensen cc: Dana Decker Senior Technicai Service Technologist Email: alan.benson@sbpsales.wm 3M Buitding Safety Solutions Department 3M Center, Building 207-1S-02 St. Paul, MN 55144-1000 Page 1 of 1 ? , i : b- ?!A ??:1 . A77ENTION niULERRY M E'\jrO N ff2K/i1. 11I, . 0 COnfi'RACTOR NAME 3050 ECNOIAKEAVE, SUI7E 500 • MAHTOME01, MN 55175 PHONE: 657-770.5250 - FAX:85.1-770-Bti$ PROJECT OAYE SHEET OF LOCATION ' SU&I EGT JOB N ESTlMA7OR I ?i i ? ?-- gl!``?P? U jypmrL. ! r ? SE? DT ?. ?'/f? 4o I ? Please Reply ? No Reply Necessary Sianed:.__ Phase# Activiry Code# Hrs , 1i' renu ATTEMION M EM C / CON7RACTOR NAME ? 3059 ECHO LAKEAVE., SUITE 300 • MqHTOMEDI, MN 55716 PHONE: 651-1765250 • FAY; 551-770-811e PAOJECT DATE SHEET I, OP LOCATIOI`F SU&IEC7 JOB N ES7IMATOP ,..?.'_.... "' • _"_. I ? ? i l- :?t f ? l 1 d I: l1 ? ? ? ?? ? •? ' ,Q' `??? {(/?/?+. gN .` TPA` /? K .5?.?. ? Please Reply 4/A 4 • o ? O No Regly Necessary Phase# Actlvity Code# Signed: Hrs ? I I 1 ?i. l? i? 4• 0 I System No. HW-A-0134 Deceinber OG, 2004 Assembly Rating- I and 2 Hr (See Item 2) LRatlngptAmbient-4CFM/Lin Ft L RatingAt 400 F- 6 CFMlLin Pt Nonunol Joint Width - 374 In. Class fl Movcment Capabitities-17%Compression or Extension A L Floorqssemhly-Min4-I/?int(ticklighlweightornoRnalweight(100-ISOpcO concrete. 2. WallAssembly-71te ! or2 fire rateA gypsum wallboard/steel stud wall assembly shall be wnshucted ofthematerialsand inthe maimer described in ihc individual U400 or V400 Series Wall and Pnrtition Design in the UL Fire Resis(ance Diroctoryand sliall include dic following constrnction feaNres: A. SteelFlourAndCeifingRunners- Floornndceilingmnnersofwallassemblyshallconsistofgalvsteelchannelssizedto accommodntc stecl studs (]tem 213). When U-shaped deBection chaanel (Item 3A) is usecl ceiling runner iastalled kvitlun [he deflection channel wit6 1 in. gap maintnined behveen the top of ceiling mnner and top ofdeflection channel. W hen de4ecnon ehaunel is not nud, ceiling runner secured to concrete floor sfa6 with steel muonry anchors spaced a rruu of 24 in. DC. At. LiglrtGaugeFraming•-SlottedCcilingRunner-Asanalrematemeheceilingmnnerinlteiu2A,slottedceilingrwuurm cunsist oFgalv steel chaimel witli slotted Flanges sized to accommodate steel studs (Item 2$). Slotted cciling rwmer secured to wnerete Itoor sla6 with steel masonry anchors spaced max 24 in. OC. When slotted ceiling mnner is used deFlection channel (item 3A) shall not be used. SLiPTRACK 6YSTEMS INC-SLP-TRK ' A2. Ligh[CaugeFraming*-ClippedCeilingRUnner-AsanaltematetotheceilingrumierinItem52AandZAl,clippedmnner ro consist ofgalv steef cliannel with clips pm(ormed in track ttanges wbich positivefy engage [he inside flange of the steel ytuds (Item 26). Tiack sized to accommodate s[eel sfuds (Item 211). Trnck flanges to be min 2-12 ia Clipped ceiling runner secured ro concrete Floor slab with steel masonry anchors spaced mm 24 in. OC. When c[ipped ceiting runner is used, deflec[ion chsmne] (ICem 3A)shall not6E uscd. TOTAL STEEL SOLUTIONS L L C-Snap Trak A3. LightCaugeF7aming•-NotchedCeilingRunner-Asanaltemntetolheceilingrunnersinltems2Athrough2A2,notched ceding mmiiers Eo consist of Gslinped galv steel c6annel witli notched return flanges sized to accommodate steel s[uds (Item 26). Notched ceiling runner secured to concrete floor slab with steel masonryanchors spared max 24 in. OC. When notched ceiling runneris used defleclion channel (Item 3A) sllall not be ased. DENMAR STEE[, INC-Type SCR B. Studs-Steel studs ro be min 3-5/8 in, wide. Studs cut U2 to 3/4 in, less in length than assembly heieht. S[uds attached toceiling runner with sheet metal screws a min of 12 in. below bottom of deflection channel, wlten deflection diannel is used, W hen deflection channel is not uuQ steel studs shall not be secured to ceiling runnet W 6en slothd ceiling runner ( ftem 2A I) is used steel sYUds secured to slotted ceiling mnner witlt Na 8 by 1/2 in. long wafer head steel serews at midheight of slot an cach side of wall. Slud spacing not 3o exceed 24 in. OC, C. Cypsum Baard'-Gypsum board sheets installed to a min [otal thiclowss of 5!8 in. and 1- 1/4 in. on each side ofivall fora I or2 hr nted assemblies, respectively. Wall to bewnstructed as specified in the individtul Wall and Parti[ion Design in [he UL Fire Resistnnce Directorg except that a nom 3/4 in. gap shall be maiulained henveen the top of thc gypsunt board and the lower surface of the Floor The screws attacLing thegypsum boarA to studsattlhe top oflhe wnll shall be located 1 in, belrnv the bottom ofthe U-shnped deflection channel (ltem }p) or s[otted ceiling wnner (Item 2q l). The hourly flre rating of thejoinl sys(em is dcpendent an the hourly Iire rating af [he wall. 3. JaintSysfem-Mnxseparatioubehveenbottomofflaorandlopofwallis3l4in.Thejoint rystemisdesignedtoaccammods[camne 17 percent cwnpression ur extension from its instalfed wid[h.Thejoint system consists ofa deflec4on chaonel fonniug ma[erial and a fili material, as follaws: A. Detlection Channcl-(Oprional)-A nom 3-3/4 in. wide by min 2 in. deep min 24 ga seeel U-s6aped channel. DeFlection channcl recured W cortcre[e Floor slab with steel maumry anc6ors or by welds spaced max 24 in. OC. The ailing mnner Qtem 2A) is instal led within the deflection channel to main[ain a I in. gnp behveen tlie top oFthe ceiling runner nnd fhc top qFdie deFlection channel. The ceiling runner is not fastened to the deflection channel. B. EYII,VoidorCavity Material'-Caulk-MiuS/8in.[hiclmessoffillmateriylinstalledoneachsideofthewall6etween[hetopofthe SYpsum board and bottom offlooq flush witli each SurFace ofgypsum board. 3M COMPANV-FireD.vn I50+ '8earing the UL Classi6cation Mark . ihis mnleriul,was exirntled and druwn 6y 3dd Fue Pratetlinn Pmdutls Gam lhe 2006 ediliun of ihe Ul Fre Resislonce Uiretlory. i } i C ? N ? a ? F`- E c 't 'o ? SGCT'CON A-A XHBN.HW-D-1011 - Joint Systems Page 1 of 6 XHBN.HW-D-iDii Joint Systems ]oint Systems fiee General [nForcnation far )o' t S s[em System No. HW-D-1011 AuguSG 03, 2007 Assemhly Ratings - 1, 2 and 3 Hr (See Item 2) Naminal laln! WidCh - 3 7n. Claas II and III Movement Capabillties - 100 % Compression and(or Extension C4NFIGURATION A ; ? mhtml:file://C:\Documents and SettingslTHalvorson\I.oca1 Settings\Temporaiy Internet Pil... 9/24/2007 - ._..K. XHBN.HW-D-1011 - Joint Systems Page 2 of 6 C0NFIGURATIQN C 1. Floor Assem6ly - 7he fire-2[ed Flu[etl steel decWroncrete floor assembly shall be mns[ru[[ed of Me matedals an0 in [he manner descrlbed in the Individual Floor-Celling Design in Che UL Fire RESistance Direc[ory. The hourly fire rating of the mhtml:file:NCADocumcnts and SettingslTHalvorson\I.ocal Settings\Temporary Internet Fil... 9/24/2007 CONFIGt.1RATIOIV B X1-1BN.HW-D-1011 - Joint Sysiems Page 3 of 6 floor assemtly sha0 be equal Co or greater ihan the houdy flre ratlng of the wall assembly. The flo0r assembly shall indude ? the Eoliowing tonstrucYion featurer. ? i A. Steel Floor And Porm Unitsx - rvtaz 31n. tleep galv fluted floor anits. i B. Concrete - Min 2-3/2 in. th¢k reinforced (100-15D Ocf) concrete, as measuretl from the top ptane af the FVOOr units. SA. RooF Assem6ly - As an altemate to I[em 1, the fire-rated roof assembly shall be construc[ed of the materials and In the manner descri6ed In the Indlvidual P700, P800 or P900 Series Roof-Ceiling Designs in the UL Fire Resistanre Dvectory % and shall contaln max 3 In. deep galv s[eel Fluted rooF uni[s. 7he hourly fire ra[ing of the roof assemhly shall be equal [o or ' greater than the hourly Fire rating of the wall azsembly. In the case oF spray-applied pro[ection ma[erials on the steel roof units, the join[ system shall be Installetl pnor to the spray-applied protecdon ma[eriaL j i Ie. Floor Assem6ly - ps an alternate [0 7Cem 1, min 4-1/2 in. thick remiorced lightwei9ht or normal weigh[ (100-150 pcf) structural mncrete. , 2. Wall Assembly - 7he 1, 2 or 3 hr fire-rated gypsum boartl /steel stuU wall as5embly shall be consCNCted of Ihe ma[enals and in the manner descn6ed in the indlviduat U400 and V400-Series Wall and Vartition 0¢sogn In the I1L Flre Resis[ance Directory and shall include the Pollowing construction features- A. Llght Gauge Framing• - oeflection Trak - Deflection trak of wall assembiy shall mnsist of min No. 25 gauge qalv steel channels sized to a¢ommodate steel studs ([tems 2C} an6 with ofFSet legs to accommodate wall cladAing (]tem 3A). DeFlectlon trak tns[alied paraflei ar perpendicutar to the Floor uni[s. When installea perpendicular (ConFguratian A), min No. 25 9auge deFlecdon [rak securetl on 6oth sides ta valley of floor units with 1-1/2 In, long weltls spared max 12 In. OC. Mm No. 20 gaUge deFlection trak may be secured with No. 8 by 1/2 In. lOng steel te[ screws spared 12 in. OC. When InStalled parallel (COnFAuration B), min No. 25 gauge deflectlon trak seCUrEd On one si0e to valley of floor units wRh 1-1/2 in. long welds s0aced 12 in. OC. Min No. 25 gua9e deFlectmn [rak may tle secured with No. S by 112 in. steei [ec screws spaced mar 12 In. OC. The other sde of the deFlection trak is securetl to Z-FUrring dips ([[em 25) with two No. 6 by 112 in. long 5[eel tec screws. On wncrete floor (ConOgura[ion C), min No. 20 gaage deFlec[ion trak attached to concrete at ceilin9 with 1/4 In, diam by 1-1/4 in. long steel expanslon anchors spa[ed max 12 in. OC. FIRE TRAK CORP - Shadowline B. Light Gauge Framing- - Clips are attachetl to the inside bottom le9 of the celling runner (Item 2A) wlFh 2- No.B 6y 112 in. long steel self-dnlling haming screws and engage the short Flange of the studs. FIRE TRAK CORP - Slip Clips TOTAL STEEL SOLUTIONS L L C- Retli Klips C. Studs - 5teel sNds to be min 24/21n. wide antl spenhetl in the indivltluaE Wall and Partition Oesi4n in the Ul Fire Resistance DIrec[ory. Studs cu[ 4 InJess In length than the assem6ty height with bottom nestin9 in and restlng on floor runner and with top nestlng in ceiling runner withpu[ attachm¢nt. Stud spa[ing not [a exreed 24 in. OC. D. Gypsum Board* - Gypsum 6oard sheets msta[led antl a[iached Fo studs and runners as specifled in the Indivlduai Wall and PartRion Design in the UL Fire ResisWnce Directory, except tlia[ a nominal 3-1/2 in. gap shall be mainFalned 6etween taD af the gypsum board and the bottom flanqe of the deflectlon trek. 7op row of screws shall be installetl into the s[uds 13-1J21n. below the top edge of the gypsum board sheets. E. Z-PUrring -(Parallel Unfts) - When trak is installed parallel [o floor uniCS, Z-FUrnng clips are attached to the bot[om of the Floor unRS wiFhin the cres[5 and [op of the deflectlon Crak with [wo No. 8 by 1/2 In. long steel tec screws. CIiO spacing not to ezceed 24 in. OG. FIRE TR/4K COIiP - Z-Furnng Clips The hourly assembly rating of the joint syskem is equal ta the Fire rating of the wall. Firestop Configurotion A 3. laint System - Max separation 6etween 6ottom flange of the deflaction trak and top of wa1160ard (at the time af InstallaEion af the 9oint system) is 3 in. TM1e joint system is designed to accommodate a max 100 percent compression or extenston fmm Its Insta[led width. The joint sys[em [onsists oF packing material (Item 3A), wall dadtling ([Cem 38) ane a hll matetlal (Item 3C) as follows: mhtml:file:/1C:1Documents and SettingslTHalvorsonlF.oca! Settings\Temporary Internet FiL.. 9/24/2007 XHBN.HW-D-IOI I - Joint Systems Page 4 of 6 A. Packing Material - Min 4 pcF density mineral wool batt InSUlatian cu[ Go the SBape oF the Flutetl Aeck, 25 percent larger [han the area of the flu[es and compre5setl into the Flutes of the s[eel Floor units above the ceil(ng runner as a permanen[ Porm, 8. Wall Cladtlinp - 5[riDS oF the gypsum 6oard materlal cut to the contour ot the s[ee1 fi0or unics and a[[ached Co the OeflecUOn t2k. The number oF layers, haard type and thkkness and fastener type shall be speclFied for the gypsum b0ard In the indivldual Wall and Partitlon Oesign In the UL Fire Reslstance Directory. Fas[eners shall be maz spaced 3 in. OC. The top of the walt cladding shall he recessed min 1/8 in. [o max 112 In. from the steel floor units and overlap the gypsum 6oard 7 In. C. Fili, void or Cavlry Material"' - Full Gepth of fll material installed on each sitle of the wall be[ween the top of the wall dadding and the surface of the steel Floor units, flush with each surtace ofthe claddinq. EGS NELSON FIRES70P - ES 1399 Sealan[ FPT PLAMMADUR, DIV OF FIRE pROTECTION 7ECHNOLOGIES INC - Acrylic Flrestop Sealant FlammaCUr A308 HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, PIV OF HILTI INC - CP6015, CP606 , F5631A, FS-ONE Sealant JOHNS MANVILLE IN7ERNpTIONAL INC - Flre[emp CI 3M COM7ANY - FB 1000N5, FB 2000, FB 2000+, FD-150+, CP 25 WB+ NATIONAL GYPSUM CO - FS-90 NUCO INC - Self Seal GG-200 PA$SIVE FIRE PROTECTION PpRTNERS -4300N5, 4900OW RECTORSEAL - Meta[aulk 835+, Metacaulk 1000, tllostop SOO+Caulk, Biotherm 100 SPECZFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC - SpeCSeal ES Sealan[ TREMCO INC - TREMS[ap Acrylic UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - FC, RFC W R GRACE & CO - CONN - F53000, F53001, FS3005 Firestap tontiguration B 3. 70irtt System - Max separation hetw0en bottom ftange of the deflection trak and top of walfboard (ak the time of insCallaLion of the jofnt system) Is 3 in. TMa joint system is designed ta accommadate a max 100 percent compression or arztension from its installed width. 7he joint system conslsts of wall clad0ing (I[em 3A) antl a fll ma[erial ([tem 38) as follows: A. Wall Claddirip - S[nps oF the gypsum baard materiel attached [o the deBecdon [rak. The number of layers, hoarA type and thlckness antl Fastener type shall be as speciFletl for the 9ypsum board in the Indivltlual Wall and Partition DeSign In the UL Flre Resistance Directwy. Fasteners shall he max spacetl 31n, pC. The top of the wall clatltling shall be recessed min 118 In. [o maz 1/2 in. from the s[eel floor units antl ovedap the gypsum 6oard 7 In. r mhtml:file://CADocuments and SettingslTHalvoisonlLocal SettingslTemporary Internct Fil... 912412007 XHBN.HW-D-lOI I - Joint Systems B. Fill, Void or Cavity Material• - Full tlepFh of fll macenal Inrtalled on each side af the wall between the top of the wall clatlding antl the surFace of the steel Floor units, flush with each surtace oFthe cladding, EGS NELSON FIRESTOP - ES 1399 Sealant F7T FLpMMAUUR, DIV OF FIRE PROTECTION TECHNOLOGIES INC - Atrylit Firestop Sealant Flammatlur A108 HILTL CONSTRURION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTi INC - CP6015, CP606 , FS611A, FS-ONE Sealant JOHNS MANVILLE INTERNATIONAL INC - Firetemp CI 3M COMPANY - FB 1000N5, F0 2000, FB 2000+, FD-150+, CP 25 W0+ NATIONAL GYPSUM CO - FS-90 NUCU INC - Self Seel GG-200 PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTiON PARTNERS - 4100NS,48000W RECTORSEAL - Metacaulk 835+, Metawulk tllDO, Blos[op SOO+Caulk, Blotherm 100 SPECTFIED TECHNOLOGIES INC - SpecSeal ES Sealant TREMCO INC - TREMStop Acryllc UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - FC, RFC W R GRACE & CO - CONN - F53000, F53001, FS3005 Firestop ConfiguraFion C Page 5 of 6 6 t 3. ]olnt System - Max separation betwean bottom flange of the deflecc5on trak and fop of wallboard (at the time of installafion of the joint sysiem) fs 3 in. The joint syatem Is dosipned ta accommodate a max 100 percenL compresslon or erzkension from fts insFalled width. The )oln[ system consists of wall cladding (Item 3A) and a FlII makerlal (Item 3B) as fallows: A. Wall Clatltling - Stnps of the gypsum board mat¢rial at[ached ta the deFlectlon trek. The number of layers, board tyDe and thlckness antl fastener ry0e shall be as specified far the gyvsum boartl in the intlwidual Wall and Partitlon OeSiBn In the UL Fire Resis[ance DlrectOry. Fasbeners shall he max spaced 3 In. OC. The top of the wall cladaing shall be recessed min 1/81n. to max 1/2 In. from the hattom of the conaete fioar and overlap the gypsum board 7 in. B. Fill. Void or Cavity Materialf - Full depth of fill meterial installeA on each sfde of the wall between the fop of the wall cla0ding and the boc[om of the floor assembly, Flush wlth each surtace of the cladding. EGS NELSON FIRESTOP - ES 1399 SEdidnt FPT FLAMMADUR, DIV OF FIRE PROTECTION TECHNOLOGIES INC - Acrylic FIreS[op Sealan[ Flammadur A308 mhtml:fite://CADocuments and Settings\THalvorson\I.ocal Settings\Temporary Intemet Fil... 9/24/2007 XHBN.I-IW-D-1011 - Joint Systems HILTI CONSTRUCTION CHEMICALS, DIV OF HILTI INC - CP6015, CP606, F56114, FS-ONE Sealant ]OHNS MANVILLE TNTERNA7IONqL INC - Fire[emp CI 3M COMPANY - FB lODONS, FB 2000, FB 2000+, Fp-150+, CP 25 WB+ NATZONAI GYP$IIM CO - FS-90 NUW INC - Self Seai GG200 PASSIVE FIRE PROTECTION VARTNERS - 430ON5, 4800DW RECFORSEAL - Metacaulk 835+, Me[acaulk 1000, Blostop 500+Caulk, Bio[herm 300 SPECIFIED Te[HNOIOGIESINt - SpecSeal ES Sealant TREMCO INC - TREMStap Acrylic UNITED STATES GYPSUM CO - FC, RFC W R GRACE & CO - CONN - F53000, F53001, F53005 'Bearmg [he UL Classficatlon Mark Las[ Uotla[etl on 2007-08-03 Pa9£S4R 5$Jly 'oht 21 2007 UnG I[ re LaboraM '_@5 ?c p The aDVearance of a<ompany's name or product in this data6ase Uoes not in Rself assure tha[ producGS so IdentiFed have been manuFactured under UL's Follow-UO Service. Only thase products bearing the OL Mark should 6e considered [o be Listed and covered under UC5 Follow-Up Servlce. 111ways look for [he Mark on [he product. UL permits the reproduction of the materlal contained In the Onilne Certifica[lon Directory subject to the following contlitions: i. The Guide ]nforma6on, Designs and/or Ustings (files) must 6e presen[e0 In their entirery and in a nommisleading manner, withou[ any manipulacion of the tlata (or drawings). 2. The sta[ement "Reprlnted from the Online Certifi[a[ions Direc[ory with permisslon from Underwriters LahoratorieSlnc." mus[ apPear adJacent to the eztracted maFerial. In atlditlon, the reprin[eE ma[enal must include a copytlght notlce in the following formaC "COpyn9ht ID 2007 Underwrfters Laboratories [na@" 0.n in0apentlanl or9an?:alion e.orkinp tor a saier norlG rnth inle9illy, precision ana knoniedrye mhtml:file://C:\Documents and SettingslTHalvorson\Local Settings\Temporary Intcrnet Fil... 9124/2007 =0? STI NS051705H *Rated Firestop Using SpecSealO ES Elastomeric Sealant Prepared By:John Herban Date:02/20107 I . FfoorarRoofAssembly-Min2•1l2"thickconcreteoverfiutedsteelFlooringun@s(max3"flutes). Roofassemblymay consist of builPUp roof insulation overiluted deck perarchitectural design. Ffuted deck may 6e posifioned perpendicular or parallal to wall assembly. 2. Steel Beam or Joist- Unprotectetl staef 6eam orjoist positionod above wall assembly. Additional beams orjoist may penetrate one or 6oth sides of gypsum wallboard (not shown) with the wallboard cutto fhe contour of ihe penetranL Space Eetween gypsum layers and stael support shall be m in Y. in. to max %, in. 3. Wall Assembfy (7 or 2 Hr) - Gypsum wallboard/stael stud wall assembly buitt per architectural design. W all assem6ly mechanically secured to steel beam. AddNonallayers ofgypsum wallboard boxed around beam and cut to the profile of the iloorassemhly. Layers oFgypsum wallboard rigidly secured to baam and Auted deck wilh adtlifional (raming memhers. Gap widih is max'/.". 4. Sealant -SpecSeal9 ES ElasWmeric Sealant appfied into JoinGS and into gaps eround beams orjoisis to a min 518" thickness, flush with 6oth sides of wall. *Note: Rating of the firestop system is dependent on the perFormance of the wall, roof and steel beam ar joist assemblies under flre exposure with a maximum possible rating of 2 Hr. NOTE: 7he products used In tfiis design have been tested as follows: ASTM E7966N12079: Refer to UL System Nos.: HW-D-0034, HW-D-0103, HW-0-0252 • ASTM E119: Time/Temperature Exposure, Cotton Waste Ignitlon This Design Represents an Engineering Recommendation NOTICE: The Infomwlian conUined herein is basetl upon Inlemal 8 Nird parry tesdng whkh we EeOeve to be accumk. Thia infamation is yravidetl tor englneonng purposes only and untess otharwise nnted, reletes to fira-resislance propartles anly. The usermustdetermine Ihe suilabll(ry ot Ihe producl and Iha tleslgn to ihe inienEed application. Since Na use o(Ihe product is 6eyontl aurconVOl, Specified Teehnologies Inc.'s onty respowl6ility shell be tn refund or replace malerlals fauntl !o be defeclive as per our slentlard werrenty. St. James Medical Center rqe ame St. James MN ass McGough ns ar - culilioloy,es inc. • cuu evans way • somervfne, NJ 03876 •(800) 992-1180 • FAX (908) 231-8415 Section A-A Transmittal Page 1 of 1 Transmittal ?y,,,{?( ??70??? Project [725102] - Thomson 1'1 - Building H McGough Construction 2737 Fairview Avenue North St. Paul, MN 55113-1372 Phane:(651) 633-5050 Fax:(651) 633-5673 Transmittal No. 725102- 00331 To James Dalsin Date 9/4/2007 B. L. Dalsin Roofing Items listed are being sent 8824 Wentworth Avenue South r Bloomington, MN 55420 Enclosed Phone:(952) 881-7663 r Under Separate Cover Fax: (952) 884-4342 Via Courier(2-Hour) Prom Karin McCabe (MCGough Construction) CSI Code 075116 - 8uilt-up Coal Tar Roofing Subject Submittal Package 075116.0: Roofing cc Mark Br (MCGough Constructwn), Mark Foley (McGough Construction), 8ill Scherin6- Gough Construction) (V 1 3'L - We are transmitting the followi g to you: r Product Data r Samples r Shop Drawings r O&M Manuals r Pfans r Architectural Drawings r Letters r Specifications r Prints r Addenda r Engineering Drawings r Change Orders r Submittal Submittals I Pkg. No./Rev. Item No./Rev. Description Copies Reason Due 075116.0 00001.0 Roofing Submittals 2 Rejected Remarks Built-up roofing - rejected - see notes. Roof Accessories - approved as noted. Roof Specialties - approved as noted. https://secure.constructware.com/Cominon/V iew/Document_Display.asp?DocumentType=1... 9/4/2007 ?. `3. L. DALSIt?I RQOFING COfVIPRNY u? %?U 8824 Wentworth Avenue South BLOOMINGTON, MN 55420-2812 (952) 881-ROOf (7663) $/17/07- ----- -----.-725102 FAX: (952) 884-4342 l T- tJ 'ICN ? Bill Scherling____ r,------------ , TU McGou h Construction Thoms-on- --Eagan- -- Cam us ? - -?-- - ------ ------------------ _ JI 2737 Fairview Ave N Building "H" - - ---- ---- -- I ---- -- ? ? --- ---- - St--Paul MN -55113 ------- ---- ------ - ?? -- - ----- - -- - ' ? i-- ----- - ------ ?- ---- --------- - VJ6 A?E SENCING YOU % Attached Un?e, sepaiafe cover via -the ioll,wnng ilems: > Fi7C Shop dr?vaings ; Prints ? PImiS ' Samples % Specificafions $ Copy of lei{er -? Change oider ? Submittals COfIES DAIE NO OCSCRIFIIGN -_- _ _S _Letter Products_and Roof S ecif_cations. S _? Roof Insulation_and_ Membran_e Product_ Data_ _ -8 Roof lnsulation_Workcheet_ ?I --- 8- ? ---- --------------?-?- - g Shop Drawings_.a-ndDetails. THCSE ARE TRANSMITTCD as cliPCked b21uw. x For appioval ., Approved as subms:led ? Resubinit copi,?s for appi oval R For ynur -,sa Fppio?der; as aoted Subrnrt _-_couiev lo dis-ribution X As rFnue-ied PFtnr, ?ad tor correctinns ?. Return ____.-_corrected prmts > X For ?2view and ^.onini-nt ?- _-- - .: F0?? 8lDS L`U[ PRINTS i2ETUFN-L) ".FTER LCAN TO US rtM'.Aas;s -- -- - ---- ----- ---- --- ----- - -- - -- - " - - ---- -_?-- ;James J. Dalsin 'iC? :c ;, '_ - c ••, .( ' . .. t?R. ::'Firt'y RC/': j/ L'S EL •• Color Chart - Architectural Sheetmetal. B LD 952-881-ROOF S.L.Dalsin Roofing 1-663> FA\ 952-88 1- 1 i 12 Conrruer-crn! Konfing ? KeRoofiug * Sbeet Metal * Srirce I944 RH?tWrnmnnh 4%cnue 5uuth BloonunFinn,.\limic.sn[a 95 t'U August 20, 2007 McGough Construction 2737 Fairview Ave N St Paul MN 55113 Attention: BiIlScherling Re: Thomson West - Building H Eagan, MN Contract #725102-005-075100 . . DearBjlN -- _- - ? TfSe following are the roofing products and specifications to be used on the Thomson West Addition, ' Auilding"H". 0- .4155ionl f&,rJl3R,E5 \t@CTION 07 5116 - BUILT-UP ROOFING ra? ?L?n'X ??-?? ? a.) Roof Specification shall be Johns-Manville 4GIG. u b.) Concrete deck shall be coated with. asl?haltic primer followed by 2-plies GlasPly IV FtIt, sow -- mopped ln Type III asphali. ? c.) Base layer oflnsutation and tapered cricket material shali be Polyisocyanurate insulation, mechanically fastened to the steel deck. d.) Top board shall be 1" Fesco board, set in Type ill asphalt. e.) Ply felts shall be Glasply Type IV Fiberglass (4 plies), solid mopped in Type III asphalt. t.) Roofing gravei to be #7 by Aggregate Indctstries. - g.) Cepsheet forflashing details shall be "Dynaflex" by Johns-Manville. h.) Roofing Warranty shall be Twenty (20) Year No-Dollar-Limit by Johns-Manvil e. •? k,?Q??? aPP4a ?a - ' .z ? SECTION 07 7100 - ROOF SPECIALTIES -?????? ??6y?/f?? ??' I a.) Architectural sheetmetal copings, counte ashings and ssoc ated trim shall be 24 gauge . prefinished steel Unaclad (Firestone Metal Products) or Pac Clad (Peterson Aluminum). b.) Unc6rlayment shall be "ICe & Water Shieltl" asphaltic self-adhering membrane. c.) Conceafed metal to be 24 gauge galvanized Paintgrip G-90. d.) Elastomeric sealant shall be GE Silicon Silpruf for concealed applications and "Vulcum" Urethane by Tremco for any exposed caulking , i, SECTION 07 7200 - ROOF ACCESSORIES 14M'??i?0 a.) Roof Hatch shall be 76" x 4'6" by Babcock Davis. Please review our attached product data sheets and shop drawings. If you have any questions or need additional information please call. .? Sincerely, B. L. Dals'n Roofing / / JJD/Iln Ja es J. Dalsin JW Johns Manville 77j + t1 e +N ?'P?rrI1G??afCY? 2 F.? fFJ< < p(!i? r ?4 t S . ,..i_.r. .. .....w .«.._.. r.. .__.r_,.. i.. _.? k- .? .............r_ Specification 4GIG Four Ply Gravel Surfaced Fiber Glass Built-Up Roof. For use over JM insulation, approved decks or other approved insulations, on inclines of up to 3" per foot (250 mmlm). For Regions 1, 2 and 3 Materials per 700 sq. It (9.3 m') of Roaf Area Concrete Primer (if required) 1 gallon (3.8 htors) FeILS: GlasPly Premier or GlasPly IV 4 plies Asphalt (Interply)Trum6ull or other JN Approved Asphal[ Indine per foot Asphalt Nominal Wcight Up [o'h" (13 mm) 170°f, Typr 11, Flat 92 165. (42 kg) 'h" m 3' (13 m 76 mm) 79D°F, Type 111, Steep ar 9216s. (42 kg) 220"F, Typc IV. Special StePp 0 m 3" (0 to 76 mm) Perma Mop _ 9216s. (42 kg) Surfacing _ Flood coat of zsphalt 601bs (27 kg) Gravel 4001bs. (187 kg) or Slag 300 Ibs.(136 kg) Aggregate densrty, size antl coverage will de[ermtne actual weight Appi;,ri:narrun ,inlicdwcighP4i2-6151bs(205 279kg) Gcnc: al This speciflcahon is for use over any type of approved slructurai dcck which is not nailable and which offers a smtable sur(nce to receivn the roof. Poured and pre-cast concrete decks require priming wrth JM Concrete Primer pnor to application of hot asphalt. This spr.cifcation is also for use over JM roo( msulations or other approved rigid roof insulanons, which are not naiiable and which offer a suitablP surface to mstall the rooE Specific wntten approval is reqwred for any roof insulauon nnt manufactured or supphed by 1M Insulanon should be in5talled in aceordance with the appropriate JM Insulation Specdica[ion detailed m the current JM Commeraal/Industrial Roofing Sys[ems Manual This ypecificauon can also be used m certain rei oofng situations Refcr to ;he "Reroofing" sec [ion of the 1M Commeraal! Industrial Ronfinq Systems Manual. This specificauon is not to be used direclly over poured or pre-cast gypsum or hghtweiyht insulanng concrete (i Ils. Design and installatfon ol the deck and/or substrate must result in the roof draining Geely and to outlets mmerous enough and so lowted as to remove waler promptly and compleoely. Areas where water ponds for more than 24 hours are unacceptable and are not eligible to receive a JM Roofing Systems Guarantee. Note All yeneral instruchons con[amed in the arrent 1M Commercial/ Industnal Roofing Systerrs Pf,anua; shoulA beconsidcred part oitha speafcaion Flashiny uceails can he lound m the "9rtuminous Fizshmgs" sec*ior ot;he JfP. Conrt)ernzl.'!ndu;;n;!I Roofing S}"derr,s Manizl Nnn NaJab,e Deck 1 o,Approved I^sulaLan Concrete Pnmer (i! Reqwrea) -- ? \ \ n,cn,i, z" - o` i ? ?, ? ? --- f ? B'iz" Exposure, - ? ? 0o Yo°? \ ¢ \.? . ? Gravel;? + q or51a9o.< ?l= ?.unai?- - GI InFIy Vmmipi .ir 4GIG Gh`Py Iv Application Note: On rooF decks with slopes up tn 1"pPr toot (83 3 mm.+m), the ronfing felts may be installed either perpendicular nr parallel to the mnf inchne. On slopes over 7' per foot (83 3 mmfm), referto Paragraph 617 of this sectlon far speaal rcqwrements llsing GlasPty Premier or GlasPly IV. apply a picce 9" (229 mm) wide, then over that one 79' (457 mm) wide, then over thaL one 2T (686 mm) wide Over Ihese 3 partal sheets install a full width 36" (974 mm) pier.e. The following fel6 are to be applied (ull width, over-lapping the preceding felts by 27112" (699 mm) so ihat at least 4 plies of felt cover the substrate at all locations. Install each felt so that rt is firmly and unitormly set withou[ voids, mm the hor asphal[ (within x257 1±14'Cl o( the EVT) apphedjust befwe the felt at a nominal rete o123 Ibs. per square (l 1 kglrN) , over the ennre suRace Installauon over pomus subsVates such as roof insulatlon may require up [0 331bs of hot asphalt per square (16 kglrrP), Su: fa r.ing Flootl the surface with the appropriate asphnl, at an 2pproximate rate of 601bs, per square (2.9 kgim) Into the hot asphdl6 embed an accep;ahie gravel al a rate ot 4001bs per square (19 5 kg/ni) or an a¢eptahle slag at a ratr of 3001bs por square (14 6 kg/m') Aggregate must be installed so that therr is mmple[e coverage zcross the entlre wrface and at Ieast 50' 0 of the aagrr.ga,e is so6dly zdhered m the hot asphalt Aggregate shoultl meet thc reqmrenients uf ASTM D 1863 Asphalt should mcel the ieqmremonL•, of AgTM D 312 JPA Guarantees reqwre.he use of Trumhull esphalt or another JM Approved Asphal[ iho Cnntractor must provide an Asphait Cnnfiimahon NumbPr (ACN) on projocn which reqwm_ a 1V Guar:ntee ThE: ACN wdl indic;ite Ihat tne zsphalt was registered with the approved zsphalt SOUIC@ Checkwithr JPf Teclmical5eraice=Speualst for Spo;iai atiphait rriqwremen[s in ho:chmares, Foren iden:ical copy W this caecific.^.hon osk for RS-2C3a 6-16 J037 Johns Manville GlasPlyel IV Description GlnsPly IV is a spemally constructed piy}elt that is formed hy coatmg a JM wet process h6er glass mat with a hghtfilm of asphalt whieh is then surfaced wrth a hqmd parting agent [hat prevents stickmg in the rolls evhde providmg a clean, easy-ta-mop surface. Laying 6nes are apPhed on the top surface of the felt so rt can 6e mstalled with che exposure needed to provide the correct number of plies reqwred by the specificauon. Use GlasPly IV is intended for use as an mtegral part of any budtup or modified bitumen roofing system, over naila6le and non-nailahle roof decks and over approved types o( roof insulation When installed over nailable decks, a fiber glass 6ase sheet, such as JM GlasBase", is typically used as the first ply and is usually mechanr cally fastened m the deck. Subsequently, layers of GlasPly IV are se[ in hot asphalt to "6wld-up" the applicable number of plies. Non-nailable decks and approved insulations usually have mulnple layers of GlasPly IV adhered direr.tly [o them with ho[ asphalt GlasPly IV has goaA flexibihty, conforma6diry, and supenor strength m bath the machine and cross machine directions. "8rooming-in" is not necessary, but use of a squeegee on GlasPly IV after laying m hot asphalt will help ensure full contact is rtisde with the asphalt Typical Physical Properties Material meets the requirements of ASTM D 21 78. Type IU. 6ieaking Strength (min ) Ibf/in, (kNlm) Longitudinal (With the Fi6er G rain) ..... .. .............44 0(7 7) Transverse (Acrnss Ihe Fi6er Grain) .. .. ....... ... 44 0 p]I Net Ory Mass of Asphalt impregnated Glass Felt (min ) Ibsl100 ft? Igim') Average of All Rolls ... .... . . .... . 7 D 13421 IrdividualRolis 6 0(293) Mmsture a! Time c( Maru`ar,ture Imax ? .... .. . .. .... . I 04? Mass of Desatuiated Glass Feltlnnn I Ibs.;iDO h? (9'm'i ..... ... . . .. .. . ... ... 1 7183) Brtuminous Szturant (Asph?lt} [mm.j Ibs:10C : Ig;nl ... . .. . . ........ 300461 .Ssh ., .. ,,.. . .. ? ... 70-68`,E Partmg Agen:and S'abd;zer (mcx I !6s.; 100 h f3'm ) ..,.. . . ,. . E 2 (400) Advaniages • Consistenttensile strength end tear resis[ance • Con[rolled porosiry allows the product[a readily accept hot asphati and disperse itthroughout [he entire felt and to siabilize the asphalt aker cooling • Readily accommodates gassing by venting volatile materials and moisture dunng appiication • Low moisture absorp[ion, excellent dimensional stability and resistance to rot makes rt an ideal replacementfor organic felt • Easy to handle, lays flat, minimires workmanship related problems • Flezihiliry antl conformabiliry mimmizes fishmouths, wnnkhng and ridging GlasPly IV is classified by Underwriters Laboratories as a Type G-1 Coated Ply Sheet See the UL Roofmg Materials and Systems Directory for acceptable Class A, 8 or C raaf constructions employinq GlasPly IV Factory Mutual has approved the use of this prnduct m numerous construchons Referto the current eddion ot Ihe FM Approval Gwde for details, Sizes Roll size . .......... . ... .. ... .... . .... .. 5 squares 146 5 mi floll weight .... .......... .. . .... . ... . .... . 381hs 1172 kgl Rall length .. ... .. . ..... ...... . ...., ... ,. 180' 154 9 m? Roll wiJth .. . .... ..... .. ... . . . . ......... . .. 36 10.92 ml 'neter tc the Mi2tenzl Szfety Drta Sheet and P. od„ct L?bel pnor m using this product Foi an idectical copy o'this da[a aheet ask ior RS 2073. Ju? Johns Manville Specification DFE-1(LB) Base Flashing For load-bearing masonry parepet consVUCtion with nailing facilities General This floshing spcrificaUOn ic fof uye on rtiasuny paraputs thai can accr.pt and retmn Ihe ieqwretl merhanical fzstrncrs, and where the roof deck is supported by the pzraprL Note All geneml mstructions comamed in Uie cu?rPn1 JN Commeraall Indu;[nal Roofing Syytems Nanual shall hr, considrred part bf this specifcation. Wall Preparation: Any pwwously installed metal cap or counterFlashing musl be lifled or mmovcA, to permit apphcation o( the base Flashing Apply JM Cancre:c Pnmer ro[he masonry waIL to the fuli heigM of [he proposed bzse flashmg and coun[r.i Flathing and allow the pnmcr to tlry thorouyhly. Matenais Base Flashing: Approximately 1001ineal feet (30 S lineal mcter5) of 6ase tlashmq (R" 1203 mm) high nbove ihe rooQ can he mstalled wOh the following malerin ls. Usage will vary drpentling on ar.tual flashing heigh[ and f eld condRions. FesCant Plus 1001in ft (30,51meal meters) Corwrete Pnmer 'h gal (19 liters) DynaFiex 11 D sq. il (10.2 m) Type III' or Type IV Asphal[ 351b5 (15 9 kg) or MBR Flashing Cement 45 gal (15.1 - 18 9 hters) or MBR Umiry Cement 9 gaL (341 hters) Rpplication Base flashiny The roofing membrane must extend tu [he top nf the cant ihe completetl hase Flashing shall cxtend not less than 8" (203 mm) nor more than 24" (610 mm) zbove the level of the roof, and shell extend onto the mof inem6rane z mmimum of 4" (702 mm) Cut the DynaFlex inm secnons th,rt can be easily handleA and installod (6' - 8' 1183 m- 2 a: m] lonq), and posiUOn upsiAc down on the mombrane, to allow the product ro relax Hot Asphalt Appl ieation: Staningjwt above lhe pnint on the par apet whcre the base flrshing will terminatc, mnp the parapeL the surface aF the roo0ng felu on the cant znd out onto the roof inembrane with hot Type III' or IV asphalt Holding the upper comors of Ihc DynaFlex, pcvnon Its lowar honzontttl edge on [ho roo( membr unc Iminimum 4' 1102 mmJ from b2yc ol canq and lay n mtc plxc ov?r the cam sinp and up the ve.ill The sheel should be "worked-in" m ensuie thut it is fumly ana undornly hnndFd f he zsph.tlr tmipcrnturr sh;dl bp a minimum of,i00 F i21 or a1 tlie EVl wnicYiever ts higher, vahen ihc Dyre:Flex is sot in[c it lhis higher G-mperatorr marmi7m the bondmg ot the bztie (lashmg In cool or wld %vcaLtier, ;he b.iLk of [hn Dyn,Flex shect should G•,a te mnppi?? ?^nfh the Y.otesphq!L ind shorter Ir:ngths o( DvnoFlex shocld bi u5e9 Perm3f,GOFmzynnt hP usFC to irtstall Dy:r:FlPz umeiai]r,virna.nncnNo. tly?riwir ' YIER::tShng-enrG:nNf;F_ „!?^'[^.vnli -% caur? Comn.•rasnmc nLn n?sc ar l:xa - _ '-- c- _Mriai ? hau.6'ao - -"J - . i . Rqn,.ni moe ' oiMflRU" bly ?Nm ? ? c«mmm / ' I ' A sD.11 \ DFE-1 (LB) Cold Adhesive Applicatiore Slamngjust ahove the pomt on the parapet where the base Flashmg wtll mrmmate, coat the parapet, the surface of Ihe mofing felts on the cant and out onto the roof inembrane wRh a layer of M6R Ha-,hing Cenien[ appruximololy'hJ' (I C, mm) Ihick, or a Iayer of MBR Uuhry Cement approximately'/t (3 mm) [hick. Holding the upper comers of the OynaFlex, posrtion its lower honzontal edge on the roof membrane (minimum 4" [702 mm] from base of cant) and lay it mto place over the cant stnp and up the walL The sheet should 6e "workeA-in" [o ensure that it is firmly arM undormly bonded. In both hot and cold apphca[ions, the vurticaljomts shall be overlapped a minimum of 4" (702 mm) and well sealed. Mechanically fasten the base flashfng on 6' (152 mm) centers alonq as rop edge. Fasteners must have a 1" (25 mm) minimum diameter integral r.ap, or bc dnven through 1" (25 mm) minimum diameter ngid metal dis'cs It is recommended Ihat the vertical laps be covr.recl with e'/e" (3 mm) thick leyer of MBR Flzshing Cement or a 4" (102 mm) wide sinp of fbcr giass mesh or ply (el[ embedtled in and trowelled over with a layer of MBR Uuhty Cement. Metal CourrteAlashing Metal r.ountedlashings whPn propudy installed are the prefnrrcd mr,thod of cumplcung ttus Flashing detatl ihey should be ins4illed in accnrdance wrth the me[al manulac[urer's spenfications and detaiL, oi in accordanr,e wRh SMACNA procrdures, rind shwld ovetl ap the hasc Flashing by a minimum o( 4" (102 mm) MBR Cement Comrtedlashing If inetal counterFlashings are no; useQ the 6atie flashing must be Fnished w¢h a 4' (107 mm) wide, 'k' (3 mm) ihick laym of MBR Fleshing Cement or a 4" (102 mm) wide stnp of fiber glass mc,Yi or p!y felt, embr.tlded in a.nd trowclled over v:rth all=' (3 mm) th¢k layer of M11BR Unhry Gement, 6ringiny ;he cement to a Fetither edgc ihe, proredure should also be usrd d the opplca_ion of mr[al cuun!er0etihiri be dclayr.d Surfacing: UynaFlox roquirrs nu zdJainn;il =urfsr.ing ' CaisvC z J!:'. t, J'sc.,l Snr. .„I.si ¢g rt•L^c:r,. u.r o; Iya,: III ., F: aC ir nct clineo?. Foi an id,:nuc,il Lopy of'.hiz ;wn, (rn RS-=?1 i 8-19 Ju Johns Manville DynaFlexc' Descriptian DynaFlex is a prem;um elastomenc, modrfied bitumen flashing sheet incorporatmg a sirong, flexible ffber glass!polyester composite mat in a 61end of SBS IStyrene- Butadiene-Sryrenel rubher and high quality asphalt. This elasromenc, asphaltic 61end product has excel- lentweathering znd elanganon recovery properties. The elasmmer- ic-based asphalt m[he flashing has full recovery properties after 100`/o elongaGUn and lends elasticrty and flexibiliry ro the product The inarganic fiber glass remtorcement, m conjunction wrth the polyester, provides sta6ihry, toughness and flexibdiry to DynaFlex and resists moisNre absorptioa The remtorcement also provides high tensile s[rength and affords better resistance to the factors which aftect flashing performance. The covering layer of ceramic- coated roofing granules provides durabihry along with supenor resistance to damage from wea[her White granule products aIso provide heat reflectance Use DynaFlex is engineered for use as a premium base flashing with SBS modified bi'umFn ar9 trvditional buiit-up roofing membranes DynaFlex is protected wrth factory-applied roofing granules and does not require any additional surfacing. DynaFlex can be used on all [radinonal flashing de[ails and mem- brane terminations. Its fiezibiliry and conformability make it ideal for use on parapetwalls, skylights, roof penetrations, drains, vents and rouf edges. Advantages • Supenor composrte remforcement • Excellent elongation recovery properties • Exceptional weatherabihty • Conformable to tlashing su6stra[es • Flezible and dimensionally sta6le DynaFlex should be installed with Type III or IU asphalt, at a temperature of 400°F (204°C) or at the EVI; whichever is higher, and mechanically fastened as prescribed in the fnstallation specifica- tions. DynaFlex may alsu 6e installed usmg JM MBR' Fiashmg Cement or JM MBR` U[ilrty Cement. Typical PhysicalPropenies Material meets or e:ceeds the criteria for ASTM D 6221, Type I Thickness .... ....... ..... ..... ... ... .. . ..... . . „ 160 mils (4 mm) Tensile Strength Ca 0°F I 18°CI Machine Direction ... ........ 190 Ibs. forceiin width (33 3 kNim) Cross Machine Dvection ... 150 16s force/in width (26.3 kNlm) Elongation Cz0"F (.18°C) Machine Direcnon 40°6 CrossMachireDirechon .... . ... ...... ........ . 409% Tensile-Tear MachineDuection 2251bs;in 1394f,N,m) CressMachmeDirectmr ..... ..2001bslin.250kN.'ml Low Tempera[ure FlexiSfhty . . ... .. .. ..... .i0°F 1-23`C) Dimensmnal Stzbihty Machme Direction ... ..... p 2016 change Cress 64achine D:recooo ... 0 20°? change ' Mztena! ,es;ed n ccco,darce voCh AS(M D 5147 Standard T=st Methcds for Snmp6ng and ies;mg Modrfied Brtuminous Shee! Materials Sizes Rollsae ............. .......... . .......... .............. 75sq ft (7 Om') RaII weight .. ... . . .. ...... ... .. . .. .. . ...... .. 821bs 137 2 k91 Roli leng,h ........ ....... 25 0" 17 63 ml Roll width ..... ......... ..... ........... .. .............. 36' (0.91 ml Gran_i- yb? ,D?p? i F berG;a„? SBS N?ctiAied ? Po4rEtvr ' ? A?,pn,i?t ? ?u-ryosa..^.1:! / ? nlvnEl?rrir? 5?9?ci:.c Refer m ttie Material Sr:fety Ce[a Sheet and ProAuc[ Lahel pricr m ?sirg !hrs prodcc? Fer an :del cs,y cf ,!:is data shaer "k for fiS-4ll2. JM Johns Manville Gascr.?':cr ENRGY 3 is a rigid roof insulation board composed of a dosed ceil polyisocyanurate foam core bonded m the foaming process to universal fiber glass reinforced facers ENRGY3 utilizes an environmentally compliant 6lowing agentcontaining pentane hydrocarbonto enhancethe thermal performance of the foam insulation. This hydro- carbon has zero ozone depletion potential and conforms to the Montreal Protocol established in 1987. ENRGY 3 meets the physical property requirements of ASTM C 1289-01 Type II, Class I, Grade 2 and CAN/ULC S 704. ENRGY 3 specialry products are also available as tapered panels, pre•cut miters and pre-cut crickets. Use ENRGY 3 provides high thermal insulation value over metal, naila6le, and non-nailable ronf decks in buil}-up, modified bitumen and single piy membrane roofing systems It may be applied using hot bitumen, cold adhesives or mechanical fasteners. The universal facer on the top and bottom side provide a suitable surface for mechanical attachmentto a structural deck as well as a suitable ?......,.,.. ._. ,_n ._ _., _ , ?. , _ A. , - ,-.r-..,......E .-..... _ ? „ ? -,,.,., e.....,? . ?..<. f ,t; ';6>f.??/li??l;<<;r;;:71 , _. ? _. . _ ENRGY" 3 Roof Insulation surface to apply hot asphalt or cold adhesives. ENRGY 3 has been rated in Factory Mutual 1A-60 and 1A-90 fire and wind-resistant systems for BUR, modified bitumen and single ply systems in specific constructions. It has been classified by UnderwrRers Laboratories, Inc. as an approved roof insulation in numerous Class A roof constructions and Roof/Ceiling hourly fire-rated assemhlies, end is classified 6y underwriters laboratunes Canada. JM also supports NRCA Bulletin #9 in recommending that a cover board ot Fesco Board, fi6er Glass Roof Insulation or %" Retro-Fit Board 6e installed over foam insulations in hot membrane systems. G.orart,:ges • High thermal efficiency • llmversai facer that is compatible with BUR, modified brtumen and single ply membrane systems • Complles with EPA, CEPA and Montreal Protocol requirements • Meets Clean Air Act Amendments ot 1990 Typ!cel PI-},?ical pruncG.cs Values Test Method Water Ahsorption .... ......... .. <3.5% .. .. ASTM D 2842 Dimensional Sta6ility Change . . Q%. .. . ... ASTM D 2126 Compression Resistance" 10°o Consolydation-psi {kPa). 20 (138) min . ... ASTM D 1621 Moisture Vapor Permeance <i perm, . ....ASTM E 96 (57.9 ng; (Pa•s• m=1 ServiceTemperature .... .,100,0 200`F (-73° ta 931C) Tensile Strength-psf (kPa) . 730l351 nom ,. ASTM D 1623 4,?_ a.ex.•k . ?, u_ .,_. y For Use Over Metal Oecks The minimum th,cknesses of EN RGY 3 insula[mn over metdi d2cl,s &re as `ollcws' Wid[h af Up to 2'd" Up to 3',a" Up ta 43i' Ri6 Opening _(67 mm)_ _I86 mm) (177 mm) _ T?c4ness 1 0' f25 mm) 7 7 130 mm) 1 3' 133 mml of Insulaticn IM,mmuml SL-CS ENRGY3 is available in 4' x 4' (1.22 m x 122 mj or 4' x 8' (122 m x 244 m) 6oards (oYher sizes availa6le 6y special request) and in thicknesses of 1.0" (25 mm) to 4.0" (702 mm). Some sizes are speaal order with minimum order quantr ties. Contact your JM Sales Representative for details. , .,e'C721Pc'`Cttuto'8 "LongTermThermal Resrstance 1L1TR) Thickness ' C-Yalue p-Value jnnm .) I (CanductanceI IAesistance) in mm ? BTU/IMM'•°F) W/m 4 ?hrtl-'F)/BT U m-°ChY 7 0 75 167 ? . 60 ? '..05 I 5 38 111 0 fi3 I 9 0 1 59 1 6 41 104 0 59 9 6 I 70 iJ 43? A58 055 I 10.3 1.61 18 46092 0.52 1a9 1.92 20 Sl' 082 0 47 : 121 2 14 23 58 071 041 140 247 2 5 64 I 063 0.37 I 15 3 2 69 27 E9 060 034 166 282 3 0 76 i G54 0 31 ? 18 5 3.26 32 81 i 051 0 29 ? 198 349 3 3 E4 i, 049 0 20 ; 20.4 3 60 34 86 047 0 27 21 t 377 3 6 91 C45 0 25 I 224 3.94 38 57 042 ? 024 , 237 4.17 40 102 G4C 0.2.3 ? 250 440 `re!,ng -trm?nemv.' "nN. iLTR;va:el v ?e CeV r,,r,? in ao.crcan^ev.daca^l? c:7v 'Lr i.Pn?:c F VNi.e ,t mc:e „m:.mt[ vnl' csl;E'?? =i i ?.? ?': _d!a',cn Refer to the P?laterial Safery Data Sheet znd Protluct Label pnor to using this oroduct. fi5 5131 12 02 Ificmaci s 7 Gil Jourl Johns Manville Fesco'm Board Roof Insulation Descriptian Fesco Board i5 a homogenous msulanon board, composed of expanded per6te, blended with selected binders and hbers The expanded perlrte contams air cells which prawde supenor insulating etticiency. The top surface of the 6oard is sealed with a special TopLoc" coating to prevent excessive a6sorption of asphalt durmg the installation process Fesco Board mcets the physmal require. ments of ASTM C 728. Use Fesco Board Roof Insulation is intended for use as a low thermal roof msulanon board and generai purpose cover board for use over dosed cell foam msulation 6oards m BUA, modified bitumen and some single ply roo`ing systems Fesco Board can be installed using hot asphalt or mechanical fasteners. It has been rated in numerous Factory Mu[ual Class 1A-60, 1A-90 and 1A-180 fire and wind-resistant systems and is also approved for use in specific Underwriters Laboratories, Inc Class A constructions anA Roof/Ceiling hourly fire-rated (P design) assemblies Fesco Board hzs hner. srcr,essfully used m a w;de vanety nf roofing app6ca tions for over forty years Material will have UL labels, only when requested on the order Advantages • Resists damaye iiurti construclion and inainteiiance • Excellent substra[e for most roofing mem6ranes • Dimensionally stable • Excellenifire resistance • TopLoc coa[ing ensures proper membrane adhesian • Minimum recycled conten[ of 25% by weight E) Typical Physical Properties WaterAhsarption, °io by Values Test Method Uolume - 2 hrs ................... .....7.5 m;x .... ...... . .....ASTM C 209 Compression Resistance 5% Consolidation-psi,..,. . .30 (207 kPa) ..... ... ,..ASTM C 165 10% Consolfdaaon-psf .... .....40 (276 kPal Laminar Strength-psi ...... .. . 7(48 kPa).......... .......ASTM C 209 Flezmal Strength-psi ...... ....651448 kPa) .... . . . ASTM C 2D3 Product Densiry-pcf ... .. ....9 (144 kg/m') ... ....... ASTM C 209 Lmear Expansion . ...... .. ... 0 5% max .... ... . ASTM C 209 For Use Over Metal Oecks The mimmum thicknesses of Fesco 8card Roef Irsulation over metal decks are as follows: Up ta 1" Up to 13G" Up to 25'>" Width of Rib Maximum Mazimum Maximum Opening I25 mml (44 mm) (64 mm) Thicknessof ------------------------ Insulatmn ,- 1 1 ?Mineman) (79 nm) (25 mrr.) (38 mr,) Fvcid ccncertraLng loads on insulauor, ffirunan haanng cr Flnt smiace 2" 1?1 mml. Fasco is not ecemri-ended where .emperswes a;e mam[eined in excess of200`F1°3`CI Thermal Performance Thickness in mm C-Value(Conductance) 6TU/(hr•fr-*F) W/m '-°C R-Value(Resistance) (hr•ft'-'FI/6TU m'•°C!W 5/1 19 048 2 73 2.06 37 1 25 0.36 2 04 2.78 49 7:? 38 0.24 1-36 4.17 14 2 51 018 102 5.56 98 S izes Fesco Board is available in 2' x 4' (0 61 m x 1 22 m) and 4' x 4' (1 22 m z 1.22 m) sizes. Other thicknesses available upor request. Reter tc the Mo:eaa' Safety Da!e Sheet and Predcct L2bel pnor te using tnis product. Por sr. idenucal copy cl tLis da[s sheet ask for R&5070 Ju? Johns Manville Description UltraFasY' Fasteners are r12 diameter, phillips or hex head fasteners with a modified buttress thread and corrosion resistant coating, exceeding Factory Mutual Approval Standard :4470 corrosion requirements The UltraFast' fastener has a nominal 0.22" (5.6 mm) thread diameter, with 12.5 threads per inch (125 threads per 25 mm). The UltraFast' Fastener is available with either a#3 phillips head or a'/a" hex head The point is designed for quick installation in new or reroof applications. UltraFast° Locking Plastic Plates are 3" (76 mm) round, high strength polypropylene plates with a special locking feature. UltreFast° Galvalume Metal Plates are 3" (76 mm) round or square, premium 6alvalume metal plates. Use UltraFast' Fasteners and F'lates are used to attach roof insu- lation to either 18-22 gauge (1.2 mm - 0 8 mm) metal, or wood decks. The screw and plate system provides positive attach- ment and resistance to up-lift forces. UltraFast' Fasteners are approved to install JM roof insu- lation within any JM Roofing System Guarantee, either penal sum or NDL. UltraFast' Fasteners and Plates 0.dvarftages • The Buttress thread design provides maximum pullout values and minimizes fastener pullout • The Locking Plastic Plate prevents fastener pop-up • UltraFasT` Fasteners exceed the corrosion resistance standards of Factory Mutual Approval Standard #4470. UltraFast is also approved for use in Dade County, Florida. Application UltraFasY`' Fasteners shall be installed through UltraFast Metal or Locking Plastic Plates at Factory Mutual usage rates and patterns appropriate for the size and rype of insulation. The fastener must penetrate the metal flange a minimum of '/a' (19 mml. The fastener is fully seated when the head is tight agamst the metal plate, or snaps into the UltraFast° Locking Plastic Plates. UltraFasY` (asteners should not be overdriven as to cause the plate surface to deflect more than / e" 11.6 mm). Overtlriven fasteners wdl significantly reduce fastener and plate performance, oossibly damaging the membrane, decrease corrosion resistance and;or sVip the deck. Underdriven or averdriven fasteners will not dis- tribute the load over the pla?e properly A standard screw gun with a disengaging clutch should be used to insta(l UltraFast' fasteners For steel decks, Factory Mutual reqwres that [he fastener penetretes the deck at the rop flanye Sizes and Packaging The UltraFasY' Fastener is available in the following lengths: 15/e" (41 mm) 4Y2" 1114 mm) 21/1" (57 mm) 5" 1127 mm) 2'/e" (73 mm) 6" (152 mm) 3'/4" (83 mm) 7" I178 mm) 31/4" (95 mm) 8" l203 mm) Longeilengths are available. Packaging: 1000 per box. t bit in each box. Packaging in buckets /s available fnr an addi6onal charge. Plates are packaged 1000 per box. Fcfo; to :he Me;e;,e: S;itety Cr.'a Sheet ard Praduc; Lehel prior m usin5 tl:is p-oduct Fer an idennc2l ccpy o? dhis dz:o sree* ask fcr FS-7099. ASPHALT FELT SYSTEMS WITH HOT ROOFING ASPHALT Class A 4. Deck: C-3/4 Incline: 3 lnsulation (Optitmal): -Any thickness, one nr more layers "Tesco". "Fesr.o-Foam". "Fiber Glass Roof Insulation", "ISO ]", "ENR(iY-2", "ENiZGY-3 or azi} UL Classified polyisocyanurate insulation, hot mopped or mechanically fastened ill combination (optional) with I/2 in. "Retro-Fit" cover boazd, or 3i4 in. "Tesco" over polystyrene. Yly Sheet: -7'hrcc nr more plics Type Gt or "G]asPly N", "GlasPly Prenticr", nailcd or hot mopped. Surfacing: -Gravel, crushed stone or slag and hot roofng asphalt. FM Wind Uplift Summary Hot Mopped or Heat Welded BUR, SBS or APP - -- Deck. --- -I--- ? M, C M, C, CWf, G I%; F, - M C - - -- 1-5" E - - - - M. C 2" E. M -- ---i z,rE -M---?--- -- 2???, c- - - - -I E - ns-ul 1_ -- Attach - Insul 2 - Attach Membrane Rati?I I Commenfs ? ------- -- , FF S 1 per 4 RF,F, DB A 3-5 BUR 1-90 1, 5 i 2-4 S8S ( ---- ---- --- -- 2-3 APP DL? S 1 per 2 Optional - - A --- 3-5 BUR - - - t-90 ----- - -- 1, 5 F, FF, FG, RF. 2-4 SBS ? DB 2-3 APP i FF L RF, F, DB S 1 per 2 3-5 BUR 1-90 1, 5 ; I 2-4 SBS I 2-3 APP =F S 1 per 5.33 RF, F, DB A 3-5 BUR 1-90 1, 5 ? 3-4 SBS 3 APP I =F S 1 per 1.45 RF, F, DB A 2-4 SBS 1-150 - _ 1,2.3.5 =F 5 1 per 1.45 RF, F. DB A 3-5 BUR 1-135 I 1,2,3, 5 2-3 APP =,RF,DB, A E,FF,F,RF,DB, A 3-5 BUR 1-300 1,2 2-4 S85 i 2-3 APP A RF A 3-5 BUR 1-915 - 4 -,. - --- 2-4 SBS Deck: M=Metal, G-Concrete, CWF=Cementitious Wood Fiber, G=Gypsum insulation. E=ENRGY 2/ENRGY 3, F=FESCO, FF=FESCO FOAM, DB=Dl1RAB0ARD Attach: S=Appropriate Screws 8. Plates (1 per # indicates fastener density per sq. ft.) A=Asphalt, L=Loose Laid Commenls - L{ leat welded membranes require DuraBoard as top layer of insulation. 2 Laminated Fesco m system that is not mechanically attached limits approval to max. 1-105. 3. Speaal deck requirements see speciFlc approval. 4. Not heat welded systems. 5 Appropnate mechanical fastener: M=UItraFast, C=CD 10, CWF=NT6 NOT[ This is a summary of lhe most common FM approved systems. Not every sys[em is listed here. For a complete listing check the JM Codes section of our website at littp://www.jm.com/roofinq/codes/fmaoorovalquide.shtml • Choose the densiry requiretl by the FM Approval Guide. • Diagram shows number of fasteners required per board in field, perimeter Ifield + 50%) and corner (field + 75%). 1 Fastener per 1.33 Sq. Ft 24 36 42 Fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd fasteners/Bd Field Perimeter Corner 1 Fastener per 1,45 Sq. Ft. 22 33 39 Fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd Field Perimeter Comer 7 Fastener per 2 Sq. Ft. 16 24 28 Fasteners/Bd FastenerslBd Fasteners/Bd Field Perimeter Corner 1 Fastener per 2.61 Sq. R. 12 18 [;;Q fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd Field Perimeter Corner 1 Fastener per 2.9 Sq. Ft. ii S8 20 Fa sten e rs/B d Fa ste ners/B d Fa ste n e rs/Bd Field Perimeter Corner 1 Fastener per 3.2 Sq. Ft. 10 15 18 Fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd Fasteners/Bd Fieid Perimeter Corner 1 Fastener per 4 Sq. Ft. ? 12 14 Fasteners,-6d Fasteners%Bd Fasteners,'Bd Field Perimeter Comer 1 Fastener per 5.33 Sq. Ft. ? 71 Fasteners/Bd Fa;ners,iBd FastenersrBd Feld Penmeter Corner Ju? Johns Manville Fastener Piacement 4 x 8 Ft.11.2 x 24 m/ 8oards 3 spaces @ 24" 3 spaces @ 24" 1 .? ? -?I 12" F -? 12" ? ?-- + + + + -i? 12" ?- --? 12" ?4-- + + + + 1 + + ?. + s" r 8 Fasts / bd. F 1 24" t + + 1 + + + + s" 1 10 Fasts / bd. 1 ? 36 ? H 12 + + + t 1 + + + - , j 24" + + + + 6" r 11 Fasts / bd. r 3 spaces CD 24" 12" ?- -? 12" 14-- + + + + I18, 6+ + + + I18„ + + + + 6" 12 Fasts / bd. T 3 spaces @ 24" -i? 12" 4- -? 12" 6" + + + + + 218„ + + + + ItB., + +++ + 6" 14 Fasts / bd. T t 6 Fasts / bd. t 9 Fasts / bd. Approved Raofing Contrector: Date of Completion: COVERAGE The components of the Roofing System covered 6y this Guarantee are: Membrene Spec. andType Flashing Spec. endType InsulationType Accessaries (Type and Quantity) These Johns Menville Guaranteed components are referretl to below as the ING ARE EXCLUDEO FROMTHETERMS OFTHIS GUARANTEE. ? Johns Manvdle" guarantees to the original Building Owner that during and lahor required to promptly repair the Roofing System m re[um cies in any or all of the component materials of the Roofing Systembr WHATTO DO IF VOUR ROOF LEAKS ? If you should have a roof leak please refer [o direc[mns on trie reverse LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS This Guararrtee is not a maimenance agreemerrt ar an ins ance li ; 6iliry (see reverse side of (his documenq. Fadure [o (ollow he intenan antee does not ob6gate JM lo repair the Roofing Systert or y part of limi[ed to the direct or indirect effect of lightning, fire, h ilsto , earthc speeds in excess of 72 miles per hour, Ib1 misuse, use neg ence, ( als expressiy defined a6ove as the Roofing Syste or po re of aging conditions such as vermin, (d) changes the oofin stem or I 8wldingsu6stratelmechanical,strucluralor e ea he ? JM is not responsible for leaks and dama res mg om ater entry fr Obligation to g System COMPONENTS OF7HE OWNER'S BUILD- the Date of Compleuon, JM wtll pay for the materials aks occur due to: ordinary wear and tear, or deficiem the application of the Roofing Sys[em. r f routi inspeC[iOns and maintenance are (he Bmlding Owner's re sponsi- r ra o the rwerse side of this document will void the Guaran[ee.This Guar- R fing ystem, for Ieaks resWting from lal natural disasters including but not e, madoes, hurncanes or other eMraordinary naturel occurance andlor wind st lation or material failures other than those involving the component materi- I stem components to damaging substances such as od or solvents or m dam uilding's usage [hat are not preapproved in writing by JM, or le) fadure ot the from ewlding movemen[, devgn defects or o[her causesl or improperdrainage. any portion of the Building structure not a parc of the Roofing System. This Guarantee bccomes effectrve whc (1) rtwrver d to r, and (2) ali biils for installatmn, matenals and sr.rvices have been paid in (ull to the Approved Roufinq Contractor and to JM. ntil [hat ti e, tl Gu antee is not m force and has no effect. The parties ayree that any controv ai s rclati thi uarantee shall be first submitted ro mediation under the Construcnon InAustry Ar6itra[ion and Mediation Rules of the Am can Arbit tio asociauo RegularTrack Proceduresl or to such other mediation arrangement as the parties mutualiy agree. No court ui other tribm I sh> ave I risd ion u the meAiation is completetl TOTHE FULLEST EXTENT V MI ED B LA JM D AIMS ANV IMPLIED WARRANTY, WCLUDINGTHEN'ARRANTV OF MERCHANTABILITV AND THE WARRANTY OF FITNESS F A PAQT!7J PURPOSE, AND LIMITS SUCH WARRANN70 i HE DURATION ANDTOTHE EXTENT OFTHE EXPfiESS WAR- RANTV COMAINEO INTHI UARA E THE EXCWSIVE RES LI ND L ILIiV OF JM UNDER iH1S GUAftANTEE ISTO MAKE FEPAIRS NECESSARYTO MAINTAINTHE ROOFING SYSTEM IN A WATERTIGH ONDIT N IN COR CE WITH THE OBLIGATIONS OF JM UNDER iHIS GUARANTEE JM AND ITS AF LIA E 9 FOR ANV INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGESTOTHE BUILDING STRUCTURE NPON WHICHTHE ROOFING SYS EM 5 IXED1 OR TS NTENTS, LOSS OFTIME OR PPOFITS OR ANV INCONVENIENCE. JM ANO ITS AFFlLIATES SHALL NOT BE IIABLE FOR A DA AGES?"CFi E BASED UPON NEGLIGENCE, 6REACH OF WARRANTI; STRICT LIABILITY OR ANY OTHERTHEOFV OF UABILIN OTHERTIIANT EXCLUft9E IIf.BIL V SET FORTH INTHIS GUARANTEE. r1i No one is autharceTto r , alt pr modify the prowsions of [his Guaran[ee other than the Manayer, Marke.ing andTeChmcai Servmos or authorved r,y deleyate. JM's delay or ilure m orcmg the terms andconditions contamed m[his Guaranteeshall not operete as a waiver of such terms and condinons grr This Guarantee is solely enefit of the Bwlding Owner idenufied above and Bwlding Owner's nght, hereunder are not assi3nahlr, Upnn sale oi other [ransfer uf the BwlJing, Bwlding Owner may request transfer of this Guaran[ee tc the new owner, an(I JM may trans`er thfs Guarantee, in its sole discretior. ?.5 only after recerviny sabsfar,rory mfonnnUOn anA paymcnt of a trnns(er fee, which must be paid no later :han 30 days after the Jete of Euilding ownership Iranstcr. ?,j ;til In the evr.nt JM pays for repaus which are reclmred Aue ro tne acts or oimsswns of cthers, JM shall be subro9ated te .II nghts of recoaery ot the BwlAing 'e?) Owner to the extent of the umount of the repavs. Because JM does no: pracuee Engineering or Arr.hitecmre, neither,he issuanee of this Guaran;ee nor any ;eviem- of the Bwidings eonstructipr or insper.non :ar of roof plans fonho BudAing's oof deck) by JM represen;d[rves sholl vnsunrto &ny warrdnty 6y JM u`such phins, spncificaFUns and construcbon or in any .,? way cons'itUte on o..tersion of the torms and condiUOns o( this Guarantee. Any wot insG«LOns aro solely for ihe benofit cf JM ?Y JM does net superv se'i3; i5 it responsitle `er a rncfirg cor'ra?ta ; vvr.rk exCCp1 io the er.:ent s;a!Cd Lereri, ane `^ Ofiny cer.tracfors 2re m.u ayer,is of J61 ''JOHNS MANVILLE P'JM"1, is n Dela'.vare corppration with rs pnnmpal mduing address a[ PO Box 5108, Donver, Colorado 8C217 5108 . ' .i Guarantee Number: Term & Maximum Maintain a WaterY Years b R'00 F i-(;'"i"rf-'(=S Babcock-' B-RHG: Galvanized Steel Roof Hatch Always nghfthere. 1701 Madison Streei NE Minneapolis, tdN 55413 • Toll Free Phone: 888-412-3726 • Toll Free Fax: 888-312-3728 • Www.babcockdavis.com ,? ,,..•---•.,?..-;r:F-azr. .,. _ ? ??n,,;'_'i.,. T--?,.?...» '?? ' ' ?Q.?'dff +"?.'??`.f} ^b•an?F!'?1??.:YN'Y>rf?y? ?-C???F?r' '?L,1 v'?:;rLr?:?k?p? f . i ( ' ;:?;• - _ ? "i ,./_.?h?.. _•Y. » . k 7 i, f L„?1.__ ..n.. ? r ? ... ? .:e?L';•.?.?.::a1?i?...o.tvA.,Lu??.?::Lr.:.x?._.y..:.A:.?.?....?^.L:_........_.._....i-.`?,.::?Lie..._.._'".:.?..__..??.....: '_'"...,.....e.?J....?.:Y:J.?m •?c.???L:v DESCRIPTION The Babwck-Dams B-RHG roct hafch is manufadured Gom galvanized steeNC er.sure years ol dependaGle use even in the mosl exfreme wealher con0ition s The lids are mountetl nn a 72' curb with cap flasning to ensure agamst leakage 8-D rool hatche=_ come slandard wdh compresslon spnngs, zinc plated steel hardware, and insulanun In Ille cover antl at Ihe curb penmeter SPECIFICATIONS Cover & Llner: 14-gauge galvanized sleel cever with a 22-gauge gaivnmzetl sleel Imer Cover is stJlened io wtlhslantl a IIV6 loatl ot 90 psf wdh maxlmum deflecUon ol d. o/ ine Span Cover also wilhstantls a maximum wind uphll of 20 pst Cur6: 14-gauge galvanized steel OpLOnel 7 Double wallcurb alexterwr Hinge: Tamperproof hinge contained wMin hatch as pad of a spnng assembly Lateh: Zine coatetl steel slam latch AIl smgte leal hatches thal exceed 60" hinge tlimension are manufaciurec wilh a zinc coatec7 sleel 2-poiN latch Springs: Greasetl comDr¢ssion spnngs enclosed in telesr.opic Nbes, which counterbalance Ihe tloor lo reqmre r more Ihan 101CS of opening lorce Holtl Open Arm: One lockmg holo open arm Hnrtlware: Zinecnaletl steel Ophonal -j Stamless steel Insule. •?n: 1' thicl. ngN 7m:Auhun in covei aiJ I"al cwb ptinn+eler Mounling Flange: 3 Pinish: FaGOry applied powder cool Warranty: Five years fmm tlate of hnal acceplance eo ? s e E-RH9 ^IN3LE LEAF.^•ECTh?N .:.--,.•I.?a l: ie?:ry I I f . -.' .I' . . . . ' - - ' - . . 24 x 24 610 z 610 30 x 30 762 x 762 30 z 54 762 x 1219 30 s 96 7E2 x 2438 3Ex24 914x610 36 z.i0 314 x 7E2 3E x 35 914 x 51+ ?6 x 98 g 1d x 2438 48 x 46 1215 z 1e19 A'J ii,n, sre huioea cn tna so;ond mmersipn de,?th I Rough op.•nr?p re70:1;a = h,.¢^ c zc °JUCncF Dav:s res.? es Pe; ig,^t to changa fhe Ccsigr or detaas iI <s p:otluc[? W.bho:I no,:ce FtOEIF R-VflLUE EE{LCUlAiOIY Customer: Project. TLio?so? 4Da Address: City: 41?9 ,- g4 i Outside Air ; BuAt-up Roaf ? EPDM Roof 1/2" Fiberboard or Perlite --L0" Fbefl§eaf4-er Perfite 1.00 " Isocyanurate "Isocyanurate 1.50 " Isocyanurate 1.70 " Isocyanurate " Isocyanurate 2.70 " Isocyanurate " Isocyanurate 3.20 " Isocyanurate 3.30 " Isocyanurate " Polystyrene " Fiberboard / in. " Perlite ! in. "Gypsum / in. "Wood Deck / in. ?75 "Concrete Deck / in. Steel Deck 2- /?d r' ?G ? Inside Air 0.17 0 33 0 33 1.39 -- 0.17 , 33 0.17 0.17 Total R: ? 1/P.-vah!e) = U-value 6.00 9.00 10.30 16.60 19.80 2.78 2.78 2a-Y- 0.90 I --- -------- i 125 i --------1 0.08 il ---.2 ?-- --.---- - ---? 0.00 ?I --- - - ------ ------? - i ,I ---=/Z_..- - ------ -{ ?I -------- , ?i ---------- --------- 061 i? 0.61 0.61 0.61 - ------- - --- --- ------? ? -- -- -- - -?: .??? --- -- T: - -- ----- - , 24GAUGEPREFINISHED- COPING -------., I i ATTACHED WITH CONTINUOUS KEEPER STRIP ? i ICE& WqTERSHIEL[ 24 GAUGE PREFINISHED ? FULL NEIGHT COUNTERFLAHSING I TOP OF CANT. i E ? J I DYNAFLEX MODIFIED CAPSHEET..,-' ? BASE FLASHING SET IN HOT .; ' ASPHALT. NAIL 12" O.C. . ? fl ( ? f ---- I ROOFING MEMBRANE 4-PLY B" MIN. TO TOP OFI 1'ypE IV FIBERGLASS I BASE FLASHING ASPHALT & GRAVEL --SURFACE I ? 4"MIN LAP I I ' VV1O00 FIBER CANT I , -- - 1,0"PERUTECOVERBOARD ? ? 3 3" ISOCYANURATE INSULATION I ? / - 2-PLIES FIBERGLASS FELT i 1 VAPOR BARRIER ? : ,. . - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- -- ? PP,RAPET 1/1/ALL FLASHING - -- - - - - - - --- TQMSON DATA-- ------ -- - - - - - r-? - - -- --- --- ---- - -- --- -- - -- I / EXISTING PARAPET ? i AND COPING? 20 Mil VINYL " " -- ? TUCK COUNTERFLASNING UNDER - ?-- - ?" EXISTING COPING DRILLAND DRIVE NEOPRENE ' GASKETED SCREWS INTO ' EXISTING - I i ? I. , FILL GAP WITH _, BATT IN:iUlfii ION ;.f. ? ) ? ??' . ? .. . .? ? •. . ?.` . . . ? - -- - - - ---- - -- - j SIDE PROFILE ? - - - - - - - - -- - --- I I I \ ? --- i i i i ? ? ' ? -- -- --- -- - - - ? ` ° - "--- ------- -'--- ? --? - -- ? ?' ' 4 A404 EXFANS I ON JQi NT VtfALL / T{ E I N DETAf L ? TQMSON DATA - SPRING I.OADED CpUNTERFkASHING TO ALLOW FOR EXPAN51£7N AND CONTRACTION. ? : ? ? B.2 T 2 X 12 BY GENERAL CONTRACTOR __ 5" X 6" METALANGLES 4' 0 C FURNISHED BY ROOFER,INSTALLED BY GENERAL. i - 24 GAUGE PREFINISHED / COVER. 20 MIL VINYL - - CONTROL JOiNT DETAlL TOMSON DATA TYPICAL TAPERED CRICKETS 118"N[ STRUCNRAL SLOPE 1 t CRICKETS SLOPE 114'Yft. t l4" Pri Foal Slooe CRICKET _J ISOCYANURATE FILL - - "-- T --'- I 2 0':SOC°ANJP47EFILL t 3 3• isocvnriuen, e 2 PLY VAPOR *---- BARRIER - -- - - --- - - ----- --- ? ---- -- ? CONCRETE DECK 5tune White SR Sky 81ue 'eaf Regal Red SR B.-ne White SR Rrgul Blue aemlock Gi-An 6rondywine SR • -ti.I': n .°.ii?a , .iJH lti.5s' xt... .. . ,.y plmnirJ SR tle;hic B!ue 'ropicol P-3nre SR : alonio! Red Saidsrone SR Awcid Blue ?etina Gieen SR Teira iotto 5R ?? ? ? . . . .. . ? C ute ?"rry Ezrro ?aik Bronre )rik Iry SR ?ilvei !Aelr.lliz Sk' - ¦ ? w,;,,.rirb? `ry.'?i,;?i:i' '.:+:, -!", :? ' V i ItySCI?u ?R I:(1"k f!'Gf:IP Sne"a;ca1(:iaen ( O3Jef ?R ? LhOriO?l GU7V ?P?k6W?T BIOfi2A "OtiOfl .ri'8tl ;.hCl'loa??,1? l;dnlOl?i?._ S enu Tur! SR !•,?c'?e 6'mk SR - Salar Reflectnnt Qunlifying Color, request n UNACLAD Color Chart or visit www.UNACLAD.com 111cn;nni Nrr,14 for Reflectnnce and Emmitance data Protective fiim must be removed immediately. ; Oil canning is not a cause for rejection. . .. , ? Message Mike Lence Page 1 of 2 From: Bill Scherling [BScherling@mcgough.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 03, 2007 9:07 AM To: Mike Lence Subject: FW: Roof design and rain loads Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Flagged Mike Below is the confirmation from the structural engineer that the roof is designed with "adequate stiffness to preclude progressive deflection", as required for roofs with less than 1/4" slope. Please let me know if you require additional information. Thanks Bill Scherling McGough Conshuction 651-633-5050 Main 651-633-5673 Fax 651-634-4638 Direct 651-324-6302 Cell -----Original Message----- From: Gary R. Strand [mailto:grstrand@sgh.com] Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 10:32 AM To: Bill Scherling Cc: Todd Murphy; Richard Schlosser; JColen@totalsiteteam.com; Smithcolen@aol.com Subject: Roof design and rain loads Bill: The roof construction used over the Thomson addition is a composite steel framed beams and slabs. Based on the local ground snow loads (50 psf) and the potential of water ponding on the roof that has a slope of 1/8" per foot, we've limited the beam purlin deflection to 1/1000 which is in the direction of the water flow towards the roof drains. By limiting the beam deflections we have provided the adequate stiffness to preclude progressive deflections caused by the ponding of water. Gary R. Strand, SECB Associate Principal SIXkFSOti CaUMPERiZ 6 NECrER ? &,a=.xn? or snnw-„ cnd 9vrck+g 6,:lco-,ues Park Plaza 1, 2101 Goifher Road, Suite 250 Rockville, MD 20850 301.417.0999 main 301.825.0503 direct 301.417.9825 fax www.sgh,com -----Original Message----- From: Bili Scherling Sent: Wednesday, September 19, 2007 2:40 PM To: Gary R. Strand Cc: RSchlosser@TiePoint.com; 'Todd Murphy'; Tate Halvorson Subject: Roof design and rain loads 10/08/2007 Message Gary Page 2 of 2 Per our discussion, the City of Egan Building Inspection Department wants to confirm that the roof was designed with "adequate stiffness to preclude progressive deflection..." as required by Code Section 16112 for "roofs with a slope less than one-forth unit vertical in 12 units horizontal". Can you please prepare an email or memo confirming the above? Thanks Bill Scherling McGough Construction 651-633-5050 Main 651-633-5673 Fax 651-634-4638 Direct 651-324-6302 Cell 10/08/2007