610 Opperman Dr - 2007-11-20 Project Special TestingAMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTINC, INC. CONSULTANTS • ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • MATERIALS • FORENSICS REPORT OF PROJECT TESTING SERVICES PROJECT: REPORTED TO: DATA CENTER McGOUGH CONSTRUCT]ON THOMPSON WES7' PUBLISHING 2737 FAIRVIEW AVENUF. NORTH 600 OPPERMAN DRIVL- ROSEVILLE, MN 55] 13-1372 EAGAN, MTNNESOTn DATE: NOVEMBER 20, 2007 ATTN: BILL SCHERLTNG CC: THOMSON WEST YUBI.IS]-]ING AET PROJECT NO.: 20-06980 ATTN: JOHN H]LL INTRODUCTION This report summarizes the resuhs of the project testing services we performed for the recently constructed Data Center at the Thomson West Publishing Faciliry in Eagan, Minnesota. Our services were conducted on a will-cal] basis, as authorized on May 25, 2007, by Bill Scherling oFMcGough Construclion. The scope of our work included the following: • Observing the soils in the bottom of the mass excavations for the building. • Observing the soils in the bottoms of the excavations for the footings of the building. • Performing compaction tests in the wall backfill for the building. • Observing the reinforcing steel placed in the footings for the building. • Performing on-site testing of p]astic concrete. • Performing compressive strength testing of concrete test cylinders. • Observzng welded and bolted connections for the structural steel frame. • Summarizing the resulis of our services in a written repon. L U D c C 22007 ? TM1ns tlocumem shall not be repmtluced, excepl m foll, wtlhoW wntlen aDProval of Amencan Engineering TesUng, Inc 550 Cleveland Avenue North • St. Paul, MN 55114 Phone 651-659-9001 • Toll Free 800-972-6364 • Fax 651-659-1379 • www.amengtest.com Off¢es ihmughout Flonda, Minnesota, South Dakota & Wisconsin AN AFFlRMATNE ACTION ANO EQUAL OPPORTUNITV EMPLOVER AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 2 of 7 PROJECT INFORMATION The construction recently completed consists of a new Data Cenier at the existing Thomson West Publishing facility in Eagan, Minnesota. We understand the new construction: • Has one above-grade ]evel. • Has a finished floor, slab-on-grade elevation of 917.0. • ls supporied by spread footings designed using an allowable soil bearing capacity of 5,000 psf. • Has bottom-of-footing e]evations of 9] 3 for the perimeter footings. • Has approximate overall dimensions of 200' by 402'. • Has a structural steel lrame with a steel frame roof system. • ls able to tolerate up to 1" of total settlement and '/z" of differential serilement over a 30' distance. •]s constructed in accordance with applicable building code reyuirements. Please note that deviations from the above design information could necessitate altering our conclusions and recommendations. Contact us ifthe information stated is different from the actual design. Building location and elevation information obtained at the site, and presented in this report, was referenced to the existing building. BACKGROUND INFORMATION Prior to construction, Braun Intertec Corporation (Braun) performed a subsurface exploratlun program at the referenced site. The results were presented in their January 7, 2007, Geotechnica] Evaluation Report (Braun Project BL-06-06289). ]t was recommended in the report that the proposed building be supporied by spread footings bearing on the natural soils. Refer to those AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 3 of 7 reporis for more detailed information about the soil conditions and recommendations for bui]ding support. EXCAVATION OBSEKVATIONS Excavation Observation and Results We observed the soils exposed in the bottom of lhe mass building excavations for ihe huilding between the dates of June ] 3 and July 16, 2007. Our services were performed on a will-call basis, coordinated with personnel from McGough Construction, which allowed us to observe the entire mass building excavation for the building. In conjunction with observing the excavations, we also perfonned shallow hand auger borings and hand cone penetrometer probes in the bottoms of the excavations. "1'he soils observed in the excavations, and those retrieved by our hand auger borings, were classified in accordance with ASTM: D2488. Estimates were made of ihe strength of the soils by their resistance to advancemenl of the hand auger and from the hand cone penetrometer readmgs. The soils observed in the excavations were compared m the conditions encountered in the previous soil borings. The soils exposed in the boitom of the mass excavation and in the excavations for the footings of the bui]ding consisted of nawrally deposited sands with silt, silty sands and sands. Our hand cone penetrometer readings indicated these naturally deposited soils should be capable of supporting unit stresses of up to 5,000 psf. Based on our observations, hand auger borings, hand cone penetrometer readings and our review of the available information, wejudged these naturally deposited sands to be suitable for support of the anticipated structural loads. The bottoms of the excavations were at planned bottom of footing grade. Compaction TestinQ Results AET personne] performed a total of ] 61 compaction tests in fill, wall backfill and utility backfill placed in the building excavations. The results of these field density tests were compared to the AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 4 of 7 laboratory Standard Proctor maximum dry densilies (ASTM D698) for each different soi] type to calculate the compaction levels for each test. 7'he results of our compaction tests were presented previously in severa] Report(s) of Soi] Density 7 esting. In summary, the soils at the ]ocations and elevations tested were compacted to the specified levels. REINFORCING STEEL OBSERVATIONS Before concrete was placed for the footmgs, walls and slabs of the building, AET personnel observed the location and placement of mild reinforcing steel. Our observations were performed on a will-call basis, when requested by personnel fiom McUough Construction, between June 18 and November 13, 2007. Our services included the following: • Reviewing the most current approved structural drawings present at the jobsite. • Measuring tlie sizes of the formwork and verifying conformance with structural drawings. • Docurnenting the bar sizes, the number of bars, the spacing of bars, and verifying general conformance with the approved drawings. • Documenting Yhat adeyuate bar clearance was provided from forms, subgrade soils, or future concrete surfaces using chairs or other approved devices. = Observing the general appearance of the reinforcing steel bars and formwork. Based on the results of our observations, it is our opinion that lhe reinforcing steel placed in the observed structural elements was in substantia] compliance with the current sVUCtura] drawings. AET does not perform surveying services, therefore, our observations of the reinforcing stee] were based on the positioning of the formwork by the contractor or their subcontractor. We are not responsible for the exact locations of the formwork_ AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 5 of 7 CONCRETE TESTING Field Testing W e performed testing of the plastic concrete as it was being placed for the footings, walls and slabs of the building. Our services included the following: • Measuring the slump of the plastic concrete. • Measuring the percentage of envained and entrapped air in the plastic concrete. • Determining the temperature of the plastic concrete. • Casting 4" diameter by 8" high or 6" diameter by 12" high test cylinders. All testing was performed in accordance with current ASTM procedures The results of the on-site testing were presented in our Reports of Plastic Concrete Testing. Copies of these reports were issued previously under separate cover. The results of our tesis generally satisfied the praject specifications. Compressive Streneth Testinl! We performed compressive strength testing of 153 sets of test cylinders cast by AE"]' persortne] from conerete that was placed for the foundation elements, walls, retaining walls and interior slabs of the building. The resu]ts of these tests were presented in our Reports of Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. Copies ofthese reporis were previously submitied under separate cover. The final results for all sets of test cylinders exceeded the respective 28-day design compressive strengths. AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 6 of 7 OBSERVATIONS OF WELDED CONNECTIONS Between August 28 and 31, 2007, an NDT technician observed the field welded and boited connections for roof deck and joists and structural steel framing within the building. We also observed the welded connections for attachments to the structure. Visua] weld observations were performed in accordance with the requirements of the AWS "Structural Welding Code," Sections DI.1 and 131.3 and/or applicable contract documenis. Individua] welds were visually observed for quality, size and length. The bolted connections were observed for compliance with the "Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or ASTM: A490 Bolts" approved by the Research Council on Structural Connections. Bolled connections were observed for appropriate bolt length, washer installation and ply contact of the joint. For tension control bolts, we also documented that the splined ends were sheared off. The deck welds and deck fasteners were judged to satisfy the requirements of lhe project specifications and the referenced codes. Based on our observations and testing, it is our judgment that the welded and bolted connections which our technicians observed saiisfied the requirements of the referenced codes and project specifications. CLOSURE To protect the client, the public and American Engineering Testing, Inc., this report (and all suppoiling information) is provided for the addressee's own use. No representations are made to parties other than the addressee. AET Project No. 20-06980 - Page 7 of 7 Our services on this project have been conducted to those standards considered norma] for services of this type at this time and location. Other than this, no warranty, either expressed or implied, is intended. Report Prepared By: American Engineering Testing, Inc. Repoil Reviewed By: American Engineering Testing, Inc. Robin L. Fl?c g Staff Engineer Ill ?! if ? x-/ Sleven D. Koenes, PE Principal Engineer MN License No. 13180