03/16/2004 - City Council Communications CommitteeCommunications Committee Notes 3/16/04 Meeting 4:30 P.M. Present: Councilmember Carlson Councilmember Maguire Administrator Hedges Communications Director Garrison Agenda I. Community Center Marketing The committee reviewed the latest Community Center marketing update (attached) including the January campaign for new fitness members. 159 new members were gained from the campaign. New members were asked where they heard about the ECC. The city newsletter and the fitness information special aired on Community Television were the top two sources new members cited. Advertising in weekly papers was disappointing in its results. Councilmember Carlson inquired about the total number of members to date and whether that was in line with projections. A concern was raised regarding food served at the Community Center and whether there were any warnings of what it contained for those suffering from certain allergies (peanut oil for instance.) This would be important information to post in the food vending area (not just at the ECC, but at Cascade Bay, the Civic Arena and elsewhere), and for caterers to make patrons aware. The committee indicated there is still a need for more signage and maps telling people how to get to the Community Center, particularly from the Civic Arena. There is some confusion between the two buildings and there may be a need to change the name to Eagan Ice Arena in the same way there was confusion between the former Community Room at City Hall and the Community Center, resulting in the former being renamed the Eagan Room. Staff continues to work with Map Quest to get the right information displayed instead of a map to St. Paul that currently comes up. Councilmember Carlson suggested future issues of Discover Us promote aspects of the Community Center on the cover regularly. II. Web site update and discussion The committee heard information about current usage statistics including more than 31,000 visits in February and 1.04 million hits. The committee reviewed new functionality to be added to the site in 2004 and recommended the Communications Department research and price new Web capabilities and Best Practices among award-winning cities to determine Eagan’s 2005 budget priorities. Director Garrison will report back to the Committee. Councilmember Maguire expressed concern about the number of clicks it takes to get to certain information on the site and occasional instances of information not coming up. Director Garrison asked that anyone finding something not working on the site e-mail the direct page link to the Communications Department so the problem can be fixed. Newly installed software (Web Trends) should also help spot broken links. III. Standardized City Logo The committee heard a brief overview of the various ways the City of Eagan marks are used on letterhead, signage, and in publications. There is great disparity in depictions of the Eagan tree and various word marks resulting in no clear branding or identification. The committee recommended two alternatives be brought forward to the full City Council for a decision and that official policies enforcing and restricting its use also should be drafted for consideration. The committee noted the need to legally protect such marks by registering them. IV. Technology Task Force Update The committee had no questions about the technology task force materials to be discussed at the 3/16 Council meeting. It was noted that Northwest Airlines is apparently selling excess fiber time. V. Other Councilmember Maguire asked for and the committee received the production schedule for the bimonthly Experience Eagan newsletter. A suggestion was made to consider budgeting for one or more additional four page inserts 1) highlighting how citizens can get involved and engaged, 2) Going in depth on specific issues like Phosphorus, how neighbors can landscape their homes to be more protective of the environment, or 3) featuring a citizen education component on things like greenway issues or neighborhoods. The Committee adjourned prior to the City Council meeting commencing at 6:00 P.M. _________________________ Communications Director