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02/19/2008 - City Council Regular
AGENDA EAGAN CITY COUNCIL EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER BUILDING February 19, 2008 6:30 P.M. I. ROLL CALL & PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE II. ADOPT AGENDA (At approximately 8: 00 p. m. ,the Council will take a short recess) III. RECOGNITIONS & PRESENTATIONS IV. CONSENT AGENDA T' a A. APPROVE MINUTES q B. PERSONNEL ITEMS ID C. APPROVE Check Registers 11 D. APPROVE Premise Permit for the Eagan Lions Club to conduct a charitable gambling operation at Starks Saloon, 3125 Dodd Road 3 E. APPROVE Tree Maintenance Contractor License for Dolphy's Tree Removal, LLP F. APPROVE Tree Maintenance Contractor License for Valley Tree Service p /S G. AUTHORIZE staff to draft an amendment to City Code, Chapter 10. 12, (Animals and Fowl) to include additional small animals p I iv H. APPROVE Parade Permit for the July 4s' Funfest Committee to hold a parade on July 4`', 2008 and waive application fee P 7 I. APPROVE Shows License for the July 4d' Funfest Committee to hold a carnival, street dance and food booths and waive fee P.4 J. APPROVE concessions food and supplies contract for Parks and Recreation concessions operations P K. APPROVE 2008 contract for the July 4* fireworks and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign all appropriate documents P.25L. APPROVE contract for Broadband Technical Consultant P ,35M. APPROVE agreement with Ricoh Corporation to lease new copy machines for City Hall f. 644N. AUTHORIZE disposal of surplus City property P.35 O. APPROVE amendment to Easement Agreement (Great River Energy - O'Leary Park) PpP. APPROVE vacation of public drainage and utility easement, Oak Hills Church P,41 Q. APPROVE Cooperative Agreement for Contract 06-01, TH 149 Reconstruction P1a R. APPROVE the extension of recording the Final Plat for Eagan Youth Housing - CDA iq ~ S. APPOINT City representative to the Dakota County High Performance Partnership (HiPP) Greening Initiative T. AUTHORIZE Preparation of Feasibility Report for Project 969, Elrene Road (Intersection Reconfiguration & 144Upgrade) ! 6 U. AUTHORIZE Letter of Support for Dakota County CDA Participation in Twin Cities Regional Economic D Development Web Portal Program T V. APPROVE Plans and Specs and Authorize Ad for Bids, Contract 08-06 (Northwood Parkway - 35E Overpass) ~AeGW. APPROVE Easement Agreement for Project 768, Northwood Parkway - 35E Overpass V. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PROJECT 963, Nicols Road and Nancy Circle (Street Overlay) B. PROJECT 964, Yankee Doodle Road (Street Improvements) (to be continued indefmitely) C. PROJECT 965, Elrene Road (Street Improvements) p / D. PROJECT 966, Federal Drive (Street Improvements) T PROJECT 968, Lexington Pointe Parkway and Daniel Drive (Street Improvements) P, 0 F. EASEMENT VACATION, Vacation of Public Drainage and Utility Easement, Waters Annex VI. OLD BUSINESS A. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT - Paster Enterprises, LLC. A Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment of approximately 24 acres from Special Area-Office/Service to Special Area-Commercial Retail located in the SE'/. of Section 9. VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. LEGISLATIVE/INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE IX. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (There are no items at this time) A. Call to Order B. Adopt Agenda C. Consent Agenda: D. Old Business E. New Business F. Other Business G. Adjourn X. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA / COUNCIL COMMENTS XI. VISITORS TO BE HEARD (for those persons not on agenda) XII. CLOSED SESSION XIII. ADJOURNMENT The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, or status with regard to public assistance. Auxiliary aids for persons with disabilities will be provided upon advance notice of at least 96 hours. If a notice of less than 96 hours is received, the City of Eagan will attempt to provide such aid. City of Eapn ho TO: HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS FROM: CITY ADMINISTRATOR HEDGES DATE: FEBRARY 15, 2008 SUBJECT: AGENDA INFORMATION FOR FEBRUARY 19, 2008 CITY COUNCIL MEETING ADOPT AGENDA After approval is given to the February 19, 2008 City Council agenda, the following items are in order for consideration. f Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting CONSENT AGENDA The following items referred to as consent items require one (1) motion by the City Council. If the City Council wishes to discuss any of the items in further detail, those items should be removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Old or New Business unless the discussion required is brief. A. APPROVE MINUTES ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the minutes of the February 4, 2008 regular City Council meeting as presented or modified. ATTACH LENTS: 2 • Minutes o the February 4, 2008 regular City Council meeting are enclosed on pages 4 through MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE DRAFT EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Eagan, Minnesota February 4, 2008 A Listening Session was held at 6:00 p.m. prior to the regular City Council meeting. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Fields, Carlson, Tilley and Bakken. There were no visitors who wished to be heard. A regular meeting of the Eagan City Council was held on Monday, February 4, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. at the Eagan Municipal Center. Present were Mayor Maguire, Councilmembers Carlson, Fields, and Tilley. Councilmember Bakken was absent. Also present were City Administrator Tom Hedges, Community Development Director Jon Hohenstein, Planner Sarah Thomas, Planner Pam Dudziak, Public Works Director Tom Colbert, City Attorney Bob Bauer, and Administrative Secretary / Deputy Clerk Mira Pepper. AGENDA City Administrator Hedges noted that a closed session was held prior to the meeting. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the agenda as presented. Aye:4 Nay:0 RECOGNITIONS AND PRESENTATIONS There were no recognitions or presentations. CONSENT AGENDA Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve the Consent Agenda as presented. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 A. Minutes. It was recommended to approve the minutes of the January 15, 2008 regular City Council meeting, as presented. B. Personnel Items. - 1. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Noemi Rivero as Payroll Specialist. 2. It was recommended to approve the hiring of Leah Sperduto as GIS Specialist. 3. It was recommended to approve Daniel Cook as IT Supervisor. 4. It was recommended to approve the hiring of a person to be named as Water Production Maintenance Worker. C. Check Registers. It was recommended to ratify the check registers dated January 10, January 17, and January 24, 2008 as presented. D. Firefighter Per Diem Rate Increase. It was recommended to increase the per diem rate for paid-on-call firefighters attending department approved training and business out of the metro area from $35/day to $40/day. E. Sentence to Serve Pro rg_. It was recommended to approve the renewal of a one year contract with Dakota County for the provision of Sentence to Service work crews and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the appropriate documents. F. Ordinance Amendment. It was recommended to direct staff to draft an amendment to City Code, Chapter 2, Section 2.78 to update and clarify building addressing regulations. G. Ordinance Amendment. It was recommended to authorize staff to draft an amendment to City Code, Chapter 10, Section 10.40 regarding regulation of recreational fires and open burning. H. Premises Permit. It was recommended to adopt a Resolution Approving a Premises Permit for the Eagan Lions Club to Conduct a Charitable Gambling Operation at Cedarvale Lanes, 3883 Cedar Grove Parkway. 1. Contract 08-05. It was recommended to approve the plans and specifications for Contract 08-05 (Citywide Sanitary Sewer Lining) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at the Utility Building, located at 3419 Coachman Point. J. Contract 06-08. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 06-08 (north Ridge Drive Storm Drainage Improvements Citywide - Street Overlays) in the amount of $51,028.70 to G.L. Contracting, Inc., and accept the improvements for perpetual Citymaintenance subject to warranty provisions. 3 Eagan City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 DRAFT Page 2 K. Contract 07-01. It was recommended to approve the final payment for Contract 07-01 (Citywide - Street Overlays) in the amount of $50,980.32 to McNamara Contracting, Inc. and accept the improvements for perpetual City maintenance subject to warranty provisions. L. Contract 07-05. It was recommended to approve an amendment to Inspec's Consulting Engineering Agreement for Contract 07-05 (South Water Treatment Plant - Reroofing) and authorize the Superintendent of Utilities to execute such documents. M. On-Sale Liquor License. It was recommended to approve the temporary on-sale liquor license and waive the license fee for Trinity School at River Ridge for a grand opening event on February 8 and 9. N. Proiect 967. It was recommended to receive the Draft Feasibility Report for Project 967, Wescott Road (Lexington Avenue to Highway 149 - Street Improvements) and schedule a public hearing to be held on March 3, 2008. 0. Bid Award. It was recommended to award equipment contract to Woodway for replacement tread mills for the Eagan Community Center for equipment budgeted for replacement in 2008. PUBLIC HEARINGS BLUE GENTIAN CIRCLE - RIGHT OF WAY VACATION City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding the vacation of public right-of-way known as Blue Gentian Circle. Public Works Director Colbert gave a staff report. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, he closed the public hearing and turned discussion back to the Council Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve the vacation of public-right- of-way known-as Blue Gentian Circle and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT AND VARIANCES SPECTRUM BUSINESS PARK - BRICKS & MORTAR LLC City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding a Conditional Use Permit to allow joint parking for property in Spectrum Business Park, a Variance to allow 9 foot by 19 foot parking stalls and a Variance from the required 20 foot parking setback from Blue Gentian Road and TH 55. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Rick Morphew discussed the location of the trash enclosure and the parking lot design, noting changes made on a revised site plan. Mayor Maguire opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, he closed the public hearing and turned discussion back to the Council. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve a Conditional Use Permit to allow joint parking for property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Spectrum Business Park in the NW ''A of Section 2, subject to the following conditions: Aye: 4 Nay: 0 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 90 days of approval by the City Council, and proof of recording submitted to the City. 2. The trash enclosure shall be constructed of the same materials utilized on the office building and shall comply with applicable provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. 3. The developer shall provide evidence of private ingress/egress easements between Lots 1 and 2, Spectrum Addition for review and approval by the City Attorney prior to building permit approval for the proposed development of Lot 1. 4. The project shall be developed per the revised site plan submitted on February 4, 2008. 4 Eagan City Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT February 4, 2008 . Page 3 d Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve a Variance to allow 9 foot by 19 foot parking stalls for property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Spectrum Business Park in the NW of Section 2, subject to the following condition: Aye: 4 Nay: 0 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 90 days of approval by the City Council, and proof of recording submitted to the City. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve a 10 foot Variance from the required 20 foot parking setback from Blue Gentian Road and TH 55 on property legally described as Lot 1, Block 1, Spectrum Business Park in the NW '/a of Section 2, subject to the following condition: Aye: 4 Nay: 0 1. This Conditional Use Permit shall be recorded at Dakota County within 90 days of approval by the City Council, and proof of recording submitted to the City. OLD BUSINESS COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE. PLAN AMENDMENT - PASTER ENTERPRISES, INC. Mayor Maguire moved, Councihnember Fields seconded a motion to continue this item to February 19, 2007. Aye:4 Nay: 0 NEW BUSINESS PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT - GALAXIE CLIFF PLAZA THIRD ADDITION City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding a Planned Development Amendment to modify the square footage of the existing building, located at 1895 Plaza Drive. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Councilmember Carlson moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve a Planned Development Amendment to modify the square footage of the existing building, located at 1895 Plaza Drive, legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Galaxie Cliff Plaza Third Addition, in the NW'/. of Section 32, subject to the following condition: Aye: 4 Nay: 0 1. A Planned Development Amendment Agreement shall be executed and recorded at the Dakota County Recorder's Office prior to issuance of a building permit. REZONING, PRELIMINARY PLANNED DEVELOPMENT AND FINAL PLAT BLUE GENTIAN CORPORATE CENTER City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding a Rezoning from (BP) Business Park, (A) Agriculture and (R-1) Single-family to (PD) Planned Development; a Preliminary Planned Development for a two-story and five- story office building with underground and structured parking; and a Final Plat to create one lot, all upon approximately 18.08 acres located east of Highway 55 between 1494 and Blue Gentian Road. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Greg Miller discussed the proposed parking plan. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve a Rezoning from (BP) Business Park, (A) Agriculture and (R-1) Single-family to (PD) Planned Development, for approximately 18.08 acres located east of Highway 55 between I494 and Blue Gentian Road in the NW of Section 2. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve a Preliminary Planned Development for a two-story and five-story office building with underground and structured parking upon approximately 18.08 acres located east of Highway 55 between I494 and Blue Gentian Road in the NW of Section 2, subject to the following conditions: Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Eagan City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 DRAFT Page 4 1. The developer shall execute a Preliminary Planned Development Agreement which includes the following plans: Preliminary Site Plan, Preliminary Building Elevations, Preliminary Site Lighting Plan, Preliminary Landscaping Plan, Preliminary Tree Preservation and Mitigation Plan, and Preliminary Signage Plan. 2. A Final Planned Development Agreement shall be executed for each phase of the development. The following plans are necessary for the Final Planned Development Agreement: Final Site Plan, Final Building Elevations, Final Site Lighting Plan, Final Landscaping Plan, Final Tree Preservation and Mitigation Plan, and Final Signage Plan. 3. This Planned Development approves a two-story and five-story building to be constructed in two phases. The two-story portion of the building is 29'6" in height and the five-story portion is 73 feet in height. 4. The developer shall have received approval from the EDA for the acquisition of four properties that are part of this development, which approval requires a separate public hearing and the execution and approval by the EDA of a purchase agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. 5. The property shall be replatted and the plat recorded prior to issuance of any building permits. 6. The developer shall be responsible for verifying with the proper agencies (i.e. Metropolitan Airports Commission, Federal Aviation Association, etc.) that the building height complies with air traffic corridor regulations. 7. Minimum building setbacks shall be as shown on the approved Site Plan. 8. This development shall provide a minimum of 53% green space. 9. All trash storage shall be within the principal building. 10. All mechanical equipment shall be housed inside the building. 11. The on-site infiltration basin shall be designed and constructed to infiltrate the first''/2 inch of storm water runoff from all impervious areas within the development. 12. All existing water and sewer lines not utilized with this development shall be abandoned in accordance with City standards. 13. All existing well and septic systems on the site shall be abandoned in accordance with Dakota County and City standards as part of this development. 14. Because the developer desires access to Blue Gentian Road, it shall negotiate an appropriate contribution for the previous costs associated with the construction of the road, prior to building permit issuance. 15. The developer shall-enter into'an agreement with the City providing for the private maintenance of the development's service drive within public Blue Gentian Road / Circle right-of-way. 16. The development shall be responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from regulatory agencies prior to final plat approval. 17. This development shall accept the City's determination of responsibility and costs of $4,000 (2008 rate) per net developable acre for AUAR Mitigative Traffic Improvements as identified in the Final AUAR document approved by the City council on October 20, 1998, and updated in September 2003. The financial obligation shall be placed in an escrow account with the City to be used solely for financing the AUAR improvements and any unused amount will be returned to the payers upon full development of the AUAR properties. 18. The applicant shall be required to fulfill tree mitigation requirements through the installation of at least one-hundred seventy-seven (177) Category A trees. 19. The applicant shall protect the preserved tree's critical root zones through the placement of required Tree Protective measures (i.e. orange colored silt fence or 4 foot polyethylene laminate safety netting), to be installed at the Drip Line or at the perimeter of the Critical Root Zone, whichever is greater, of significant trees/woodlands to be preserved on-site. 20. The applicant shall contact the City Forestry Division and set up a pre-construction site inspection at least five days prior to the issuance of the grading permit to ensure compliance with the approved Tree Preservation Plan and placement of the Tree Protection Fencing. 21. If trees are permitted to be placed within the right-of-way, the developer shall enter into a maintenance agreement with the City for the private maintenance of landscaping within public Blue Gentian Road / Circle right-of-way. 22. The developer shall provide more information on the Final Landscape Plan demonstrating that the soils will be prepared suitably to support the Swamp White Oak species, or substitute another shade tree species that is better suited to the parking lot islands. 23. The Final Landscape Plan shall show all landscaping including any shrubs and perennial plantings. 4P DRAFT Eagan City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 .Page 5 24. The Final Landscape Plan and Final Mitigation Plans also shall show planting details and specifications. 25. The balance of trees above the amount required to satisfy mitigation shall be re-designated on the Final Landscape and Mitigation Pans as landscape trees. 26. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated. 27. This development shall satisfy Policies 3.1 and 3.3 of the Water Quality and Wetland Management Plan by constructing an infiltration area between two constructed storm basins. 28. This development is not subject to any requirements of Section 11.67 of Eagan City Code. 29. This development shall be subject to a cash parks dedication and cash trails dedication. Said dedications shall be paid at such time as building plans are submitted and approved. The dedications calculation shall be made at the prevailing rate for a commercial/Industrial development. This condition is to be included in the pending Development Agreement. 30. The EIFS material on the west elevation of Phase 1 is considered temporary and shall be removed with the Phase 2 addition. If Phase 2 is not constructed within seven (7) years, then the EIFS material on Phase 1 shall be replaced with a Class I materials matching the rest of the Phase 1 building. 31. Up to two free-standing monument signs, one at each of the two main driveways from Blue Gentian Road, shall be permitted. The monument signs shall be located within the boundaries of the development. The monument signs shall be subject to all other City Sign Code standards regarding setbacks, size, etc. 32. Building signage shall be limited to a total of two signs, not exceeding 2.5% of the fagade on which it/they are located. In addition to these business signs, building mounted address numbers shall be permitted on up to two elevations. 33. A total of 415 parking stalls shall be provided, including up to 64 stalls in proof of parking, with construction of Phase 1. With Phase 2, a total of 1, 192 parking stalls shall be provided. 34. Parking stall dimensions shall be not less than 9' x 18', with two-way drive aisles not less than 24' wide. 35. Site Lighting shall be consistent throughout the development. All fixtures shall be downcast and shielded to prevent glare. Pole mounted fixtures shall not exceed 28 feet in height. Additional lighting shall be provided off the west end of Phase 2 to illuminate the underground parking entrance, turnaround and driveway to Blue Gentian Road. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to approve a Final Plat to create one lot upon approximately 18.08 acres located east of Highway 55 between I-494 and Blue Gentian Road in the NW '/a of Section 2. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Fields seconded a motion to direct staff and the Advisory Planning Commission to prepare a study of commercial-industrial parking standards. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - CITY OF EAGAN City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding an ordinance amendment to Chapter 13, Section 13.30, regarding general grading/drainage/erosion control plan for subdivisions. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 13, Section 13.30, Subdivision 1(D)(2) regarding general grading / drainage / erosion control plans for subdivision. Aye: 3 Nay: 0 (Councilmember Tilley left the room temporarily) ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - CITY OF EAGAN City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding an ordinance amendment to Chapter 11, Section 11.65, Subdivision 9(I)(1)(b)(1) regarding shoreland alterations. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Section 11.65, Subdivision 9(I)(1xb)(1)regarding shoreland alterations. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 7- Eagan City Council Meeting Minutes February 4, 2008 DRAFT Page 6 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - CITY OF EAGAN City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Section 11.70, Subdivision 12 regarding landscaping regulations. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Tilley seconded a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, Section 11.70, Subdivision 12 regarding landscaping regulations. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - CITY OF EAGAN City Administrator Hedges introduced this item regarding an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, specifically as it relates to standard City Code compliance in association with various City approvals. Community Development Director Hohenstein gave a staff report. Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to approve an Ordinance Amendment to Chapter 11, specifically as it relates to standard City Code compliance in association with various City approvals and direct the City Attorney to prepare and submit the amendment to the legal newspaper for publications. Aye: 4 Nay: 0 LEGISLATIVE / INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS UPDATE There were no updates. The regular City Council meeting was recessed at 7:20 p.m. and a meeting of the Economic Development Authority was immediately convened. The regular City Council meeting was reconvened at 7:30 p.m. ADMINISTRATIVE AGENDA There were no items. VISITORS TO BE HEARD There were no visitors who wished to be heard. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Carlson seconded a motion to adjourn the regular meeting at 7:35 p.m. Date Administrative Secretary / Deputy City Clerk If you need these minutes in an alternative form such as large print, Braille, audio tape, etc., please contact the City of Eagan, 3830 Pilot Knob Road, Eagan, MN 55122, (651) 675-5000, (TDD phone: (651) 454-8535). The City of Eagan is committed to the policy that all persons have equal access to its programs, services, activities, facilities and employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, disability, age, sexual orientation, marital status or status with regard to public assistance. U Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting B. PERSONNEL ITEMS Item 1. Reclassification/Communications Coordinator- ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve the reclassification of the Communications Coordinator from Exempt Level 9 to Exempt Level 10. Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting C. RATIFY CHECK REGISTERS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To ratify the check registers dated February 7, 2008. and February 14, 2008 as presented. ATTACHMENTS: • Check registers dated February 7, 2008 and February 14, 2008 are enclosed without page number. Agenda Memo City Council Meeting February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA: D. Premises Permit renewal for Eagan Lions Club to conduct charitable gambling operation at Starks Saloon, 3125 Dodd Road. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Adopt a Resolution Approving a Premises Permit for the Eagan Lions Club to Conduct a Charitable Gambling Operation at Starks Saloon, 3125 Dodd Road. FACTS: • The Eagan Lions Club has applied with the State of Minnesota Gambling Board to renew their permit to conduct charitable gambling (pull-tabs and possibly bar bingo) at Starks Saloon. • They have held a gambling premise permit at this location for the past two years, with no reported problems. They also hold a permit at Cedarvale Lanes. • The Gambling Board requires a resolution from the City approving the premises permit. • All requirements of the application have been met and staff sees no reason to deny. ATTACHMENTS: • Attached as page is a copy of the proposed resolution. Il RESOLUTION CITY OF EAGAN GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD PREMISE PERMIT FOR EAGAN LIONS CLUB WHEREAS, the Eagan Lions Club has applied for a Gambling Control Board Premise Permit for Starks Saloon, 3125 Dodd Road, and WHEREAS, the Eagan Staff has reviewed the application and has not identified any reason to deny; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, hereby approves the Eagan Lions Club application for a premise permit at Starks Saloon, 3125 Dodd Road in Eagan, MN. Motion by: CITY OF EAGAN CITY COUNCIL Seconded by: By: It's Mayor Those in Favor: Those Against: Attest: It's Clerk Date: February 19, 2008 CERTIFICATION I, Maria Petersen, City Clerk of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, do hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was duly passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Eagan, Dakota County, Minnesota, in a regular meeting thereof assembled this 19 day of February, 2008. Maria Petersen, City Clerk Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA E. Tree Maintenance Contractor License - Dolphy's Tree Removal ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Tree Maintenance Contractor License for 2008 for Dolphy's Tree Removal, LLP FACTS: • Dolphy's Tree Removal, LLP, 11044 Courthouse Blvd., Inver Grove Heights, has applied for a Tree Maintenance Contractor License. • All requirements of the application have been met and the license fee has been paid. • Staff has reviewed the application and sees no reason to deny. ATTACHMENTS: None. The application is available for review in the Administration Department. 13 Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA F. Tree Maintenance Contractor License - Valley Tree Service, Inc. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Tree Maintenance Contractor License for Valley Tree Service, Inc. FACTS: • Valley Tree Service, Inc., 7600 West 146' Street, Apple Valley, has applied for a Tree Maintenance Contractor License. • All requirements of the application have been met and the license fee has been paid. • Staff has reviewed the application and sees no reason to deny. ATTACHMENTS: None. The application is available for review in the Administration Department. `1 Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA G. ORDINANCE AMENDMENT - Chapter 10.12 (Animals and Fowl) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Authorize staff to draft an amendment to City Code, Chapter 10. 12, (Animals and Fowl) to include additional small animals. FACTS: • An inquiry regarding the number of animals that are allowed in a residence without a kennel license brought to staff's attention that small animals such as guinea pigs, mice, rats, and other small animals sold as pets were not listed in Subd. 1B of Chapter 10.12 (definitions). • The omission of these small animals from the list can be interpreted in Subd. 2a (kennels) as being illegal to house. • The City Attorney has reviewed this section of the Code and recommends that an amendment be drafted that more clearly defines the types of animals that are allowed as pets with or without a kennel license. ATTACHMENTS: None. Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA H. Parade Permit for the July 4th Funfest Committee and waive permit fee ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Parade Permit for the July 4th Funfest Committee to hold a parade on July 4, 2008 and waive the $25 permit fee. FACTS: • The July 4th Funfest Committee has applied for a permit to old a parade on July 4, 2008. • The parade route will be as follows: Eastbound on Yankee Doodle Road from Highway 13 turning northbound at Central Parkway and terminating at the turn-in to Central Park / Community Center. • The Police Chief has reviewed the proposed parade route and approves. • The City Council has wai=ved the $25 permit fee in the past. ATTACHMENTS: None. I~ Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Shows License for the July 4th Funfest Carnival ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Shows License for the July 4th Funfest Committee to hold a carnival, street dance, food booths, fireworks and events July 3-4, 2008, and waive the license fees. FACTS: • The July 4th Funfest Committee has applied -for a license to hold the annual Funfest Carnival which will include a parade, street dance, food booths, fireworks and other events July 3-4, 2008. • The carnival will be held on the grounds of the Community Center as in past years. • The City Council has waived the $25 license fee and $50 investigation fee in the past. ATTACHMENTS: None. 17 Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 City Council Meeting J. APPROVE concessions food and supplies contract for Parks and Recreation concessions operations. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the selection of Vistar as the primary concessions food and supplies provider for concessions operations at Cascade Bay, Civic Arena, Eagan Community Center and NordMew/Lexington-Diffley athletic facilities from March 1, 2008 through February 28, 2009 and direct staff to prepare the appropriate contract for the Mayor's and City Clerk's signature. FACTS: ■ In an effort to maximize revenue potential and consolidate the overall concessions operation staff has been working on an extensive analysis of product mix and pricing at all concession venues. ■ That analysis led to the Council recommendation that an RFP be developed to solicit bids from vendors to provide these services. ■ The first bid for consolidated concessions was awarded in 2006 with very successful results. ■ Approximately 14 RFPs were distributed with a response deadline of January 31, 2008. ■ Staff reviewed 3 submissions and compared each proposal to the established list of products to be bid. ■ After extensive examination it appears to be in the best interest of the consolidated concessions operation to enter into an annual contract with Vistar. ■ The City of Eagan has been working with Vistar during 2006 and 2007 for concessions products and has experienced a positive working relationship that is expected to continue during this contract period. ATTACHMENTS: Analysis of bids attached on pages R Case Lot ]38.35 Case Lot Price Case Lot Price HOT FOODS Ind. Price Ind Price 2 Ind Price Y All Beef Pub Burgers 4oz 0.89 ; Vistar All Beef Pub. Burgers 2.9oz 0.68 Vistar Hamburger Buns-Freshley 0.19 Vistar Cheesebu rs - 5.75 oz 1.49 imm oz 2.09 25.07 Vistar Chicken N ets desi nate size 0.06 250 count 250 ct 0.10 23.86 Vistar Cinna retzel 1.34 56.18 42/ k 1.40 58.75 Vlstar French fries 5116" - 6/5 Ibs 0.04 3.00/box 18.02 0.04 3.31 19.87 Vistar Funnel Cake (designate size 0.33 5 Inch 15.93 0.45 21.80 Vistar Grilled cheese sandwich 1.14 20.55 No Bid Vistar Heat/Serve Brats 5/1 0.47 10# 23.70 50/ k 0.59 29.32 Vistar Heat/Serve Fully cooked Brats W. 0.50 10# 25.22 Hot D Buns 0.14 13.56 0.18 1.43 25.68 Vistar Hot Dogs - 6/1 all beef (designate size 0.36 10# 21.58 0.39 0.39 25.30 Vistar Mozzarella Sticks - 4 Ibs 0.21 13.38/box 80.28 0.23 14.19 88.74 a Vistar Nacho Cheese -140 oz bag 0.07 9.80/bag 39.21 0.15 10.61 42.43 v Astor Nacho Chips - 3.0 oz-Gehls 0.46 16.51 36/ k 0.53 19.05 Vistar Nacho Chips 3.0 oz BOF 0.33 13.18 Onion Pins (designate size 2.75 # 0.13 5.53/box 22.14 6/2.5# 5.23 31.42` Vistar Popcom (designate size 36 ct/8 oz 0.05 0.43 15.60 vie-irm 0.02 15.89 Vistar Pretzels - 5 oz 0.45 22.40 50/ k 0.51 24.54 s Vistar Po rts 0.36 26.24 61 k 0.46 2.74 " Vistar State Fair Mini Donuts 168 ct 0.17 28.00 0.17 28.00 tie State Fair Mini Donut Bags 1000/ k 0.03 26.40 Watson FROZEN FOODS`..: Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 Champ Caramel Cone - 4.6 oz 0.63 15.06 241 k 0.85 20.40 Vistar Chi Galore - 4.5 oz 0.64 15.46 Vistar Di in Dots - 3.5 oz No bid Giant Vanilla Sandwich - 3.5 oz 0.49 11.82 24/ k 0.70 16.80 Vistar ~x z Hard Ice Cream - 3 gallon B rs 0.05 20.15 Watson Choc Rainforest 0.07 25.29 ' Cotton Candy 0.06 22.05 Elephant Stampede 0.07 25.29 Bubblegum 0.06 22.05 ' Birthday Cake 0.06 22.05 Vanilla 0.05 20.99 Chocolate 0.05 20.99 , Strawberry.' 0.06 23.46 , 0.06 23.46 Mint Chip,-, Cookies & Cream 0.06 23.46 CC Cookie Dough 0.07 25.29 Vanilla Bean 0.07 25.29 rs Rocky Road:. 0.06 23.46 r ' Ice Cream Cu s - 4 oz 0.31 14.64 _ Water Ice Cream Sandwiches - 3.5 oz 0.30 14.36 Vistar Kem IM Bitz 0.98 23.58 Vistar Premium Cookie Sandwich - 4.5 OZ 0.64 15.46 241 k 0.81 19.40 Vistar Strawberry Shortcake Bar - 4.25 oz 0.51 12.15 24/ k 0.69 16.37 "Y - ' Vistar MISCELLANEOlJ3 Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 Cake Cones (designate size 0.05 Standard 45.81 Vistar Waffle Cones- Large 0.21 42.16 NONE Vistar Waffle Cones - Medium 0.20 43.65 Vistar Cotton Can - 3.25 Ibs 0.50 3.971 k 23.83 6/ k 3.30 19.82 Watson 13EVERAGEA ' Ind Price _ 2 Ind Price 2 Ind Prim 2 apple juice boxes Don't carry no bid Ground Coffee (daaanmske)+soz-F*m Fts 0.31 .47/pkg 19.74 Vistar Ground Coffee (deepnwe size) isoz-Fftm 0.36 .54/pkg 22.84 Vistar Premium coffee (dow2naw bwdhRe) 2 oz. 0.47 .95/ k 68.29 Vistar Premium coffee (demonaoe Era W*S) 2 oz 0.51 1.02/ k 73.26 ' Vistar Gatorade - 20 oz 0.67 15.99 24/ k 0.88 21.06 Vistar Hot Chocolate - 1 oz 0.11 31.90 50/ 0.19 9.50 Vistar Water Milk -12 oz 0.88 10.59 ea 1.20 Powerade - 20 oz no bid Slush desi pate size 0.0331 84 00 ist Line Tea bags 0.06 0.96 0 $id„ Watson Iq Page 2 of 3 City of Eagan - Combined Operations Concessions List Updated28-0a Vistar Watson Company 1st Line Case Lot Price Case Lot Price Cass Cot Price., Apparent low bid READY TO EAT ITEMS kKL PrIW' - 2 hW PrIcW: 2 Ind Prim 2 Animal Crackers - 2 oz 0.26 15.37 0.99 23.83 Vistar Baked Le chipsvarlety 0.34 20.65 Vistar Baked Ruffles Cheddar and Sr CR N' 0.34 20.65 Vistar Baked Dodtos Nacho Cheese 0.34 20.65 Visbr Baked Cheetos Crunch 0.34 20.65 Vistae Cheetos - 2.13 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Cherry Fruit Snacks - 3.5 oz 0.30 14.46M 1 0.35 4.20 Vaster Chips Ahoy Cookies - 1.25 oz 0.27 16.08M 1 0.41 4.86 Vistar Doritos Cool Ranch -1.75 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Doritos Nacho Chi -1.75 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Goldfish -1.5 oz 0.24 17.36 Vistar Kraft Cheese & Cracker 0.26 26.09 0.41 6.07 Vistar La KC BBQ 0.34 20.65 Vaster La Regular - 1.5 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Le Sour Cream & Onion -1.5 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Pita chi 0.46 11.12 Vistar Ruffles Reg. 0.34 20.65 Vistar Sun Chi - 1.5 oz 0.34 20.65 Vistar Sunflower Seeds -1.75 oz 0.31 18.73 0.46 5.51 Vistar 0.45 • 17.81 Vistar Old Dutch chips CANDYISWEETS Ind Price' 2 Ind Price. 2 Ind Price 2 Vistar . Airheads - .55 oz 0.64 7.68 0.13 4.41 Watson Nuclear Sgworm 3.5 oz_ 0.54 25.81 Vistar Black Fore Sour Glo-Worms - 3.5 oz 0.70 8.39 0.69 8.28 Watson Disney Nemo Gummi Fish 4.5oz 0.65 7.82 0.70 8.34 Vaster Fruit Snacks - 2.5 oz 0.31 14.92 0.35 4.2 Vistar Heath VC Bar 4oz 0.55 13.18 Vistar Jolly Rancher Twirl Po 4oz 0.49 11.86 Vistar Kit Kai (designate size 0.47 1.61 oz 17.03 0.46 18.47 Watson Laffy Taffy (designate size) Bag 0.70 3.5 oz 8.39 Vaster Lally Taffy (designate size),Ropes 0.16 .81 oz ' 3.76 0.17 4.09 Vaster Lollipops Assorrnent 0.17 75.49 144/ k 0.33 46.41 Vistar M & M Peanut - 1.69 oz 0.44 1.69 oz 21.16 0.50 23.76 Vaster M & M Plain - 1.69 oz 0.44 1.69 oz 21.16 0.50 23.76 Vaster Mike & Ike Original 6oz 0.74 8.91 24/ 0.76 18.13 Vaster Mini Oreos Cookies -1.25 oz 0.28 17.07 12/ 0.41 4.86 Vaster Orange Fruite Snacks - 3.5 oz 121 k 0.35 4.20 Watson Oreo Cookie Sandwich - 3.5 oz 0.64 15.46 24/ k 0.91 21.82 Vaster Premium Cookie Sandwich - 4.5 oz 0.64 crabs o.ws 15.46 0.81 19.40 Vaster Reese Pieces (designate size 0.50 3.5 oz 24.15 0.46 16.47 Watson Reeses (designate size 0.47 1.53 oz 17.03 36/ It 0.46 16.47 Watson Reece's big crunch 0.50 2.45 oz 12.08 24/ k 0.46 10.98 Watson Rice Krispy - 1.3 oz 0.39 31.22 20/ k 0.41 8.19 Vistar Skittles Original - 2.17 oz 0.44 15.87 361 0.50 17.82 Vaster Snickers - 2.07 oz 0.44 15.87 4a/ 0.50 23.76 Vistar Sour Patch Kids 3.5oz 0.50 30.13 60/ 0.51 30.47 Vistar Starburst (designate size 0.44 2.07 oz 15.87 36/pk 0.50 17.82 Meter Starburst (designate size 0.76 3.45 oz 18.32 Vistar Super Ropes - 2.0 oz 0.43 12.90 30/ k 0.44 13.25 Vistar Twix (designate size 0.4412 oz 21.16 36/ k 0.50 17.82 Vistar Twix (designate size 0.76 3.35 oz 18.32 Vistar Twizzlers 6.0 oz 0.63 38.07 60/ k 0.58 39.25 Vistar Take 5 I/C Bar 4oz 0.59 14.22 Vistar Cotton dandy (pre-made) 3.1 oz 0.83 19.88 Vistar 2 Ind Price` 2 COLD FOODS Ind Prlee 2 Ned Price Apple Sauce - 4 oz 0.35 25.33 72/ k 0.34 24.33 Watson Carrots - 4 ibs no bid Fruit Cups - 4 oz 0.48 fruR in I 17.19 Vistar Fruit Cu - 7 oz 0.81 9.73 Vistar Go-Gurt - 2.25 oz no bid Jello Cu (designate size no bid Lunchables - 3.5.4 oz 1.06 18.96 each 1.52 Vistar String Cheese - 1 oz 24/pit 0.33 7.83 Watson 110 0 Page 1 of 3 Per oz. Case Lot Price Case Lot Price Case Lot Price CONDIMENTS Ind Prim 2 Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 BBO Sauce 2oz 0.29 17.13 100! k 0.12 12.02 Watson BBO Sauce Jug no bid Cinnamon Su ar 4/5 # 0.09 7.06/ 28.24 4!5# .OS 6.60 26.40 Watson Creamer - 314 oz 0.03 27.13 1000/ k 0.03 20.80 Watson Ketchup Packets 0.04 8.43 0.03 28.92 Watson Ketchup - Bulk 114 oz 0.04 4.76/ k 28.54 Vistar Ketchup - 16 oz 6/14 oz 0.09 1.26/btl 30.22 Vistar Marinara - 6 Ibs 6/10# 5.03 30.19 Watson Marinara - 2 oz 0.32 19.44 Vistar Mustard Packets 0.01 2.68 200/ k 0.03 5.90 Vistar Mustard - Bulk 6/104 oz 0.04 3.721btl 22.33 Vistar Ranch - 1 oz 0.15 14.82 1001 k 0.16 16.17 Vistar Ranch - Bulk 4/1 al 0.09 10.50/ al 42.00 Vistar Sugar individual packets-2000) <.01 11.05 2000/ k 13.30 Vistar Per oz Case Lot Price Case Lot Price Case Lot Price NON-FOOD ITEMS Ind Price 2 Ind Price 2 Ind Prim 2 Beverage Cu Lids - 16 oz 0.04 41.52 1000/ k 0.05 42.52 Vistar Beverage Cu Lids - 32 oz 0.07 66.42 Vistar Beverage Cu - 16 oz 0.07 65.98 1000/ k 0.05 46.51 Watson Beverage Cu - 32 oz 0.13 79.65 Vistar coffee cups 12oz 0.08 77.77 1000/ k 0.04 38.15 Watson coffee cu 16oz 0.11 109.97 1000/ k 0.05 48.20 Watson coffee cu lids 12 oz 0.05 55.89 0.03 26.67 Watson coffee cu lid 16 oz 0.04 51.63 0.03 26.67 Watson Cotton Candy Bas 0.05 51.16 1000! k 0.04 41.37 Watson espresso cu no bid Foil Sheet 0.03 62.71 500/ k 0.02 71.36 Watson Food Tray 21b 4/250ct 0.03 4/250 ct 25.50 0.03 31.19 Vistar French F Cu 12oz 0.15 147.42 Vistar Gloves <.01 19.18 Vistar Hot Dog Tray (designate size 0.08 39.85 0.02 36.80 Watson Knife- lasbc- unwrapped <.01 10.52 1,0001 k 0.02 21.11 Vistar Liquid Frying Oil 35Ga1 29.49 29.89 Vistar Nacho Cheese Tray Large 0.07 lara a 32.95 5x6 0.06 29.15 Watson Nacho Cheese Tray Small 0.05 small 23.83 Vistar Napkins (designate size <.01 1/4 fold 49.77 12/500 0.09 53.80 Aster Paper Towels 0.78 23.53 0.07 26.67 Vistar Paper Plates-large <.01 18.18 1000/10" 0.06 29.77 Vistar Paper Plates-small <.01 9.62 1000/6" 0.02 18.74 Vistar Popcorn Cup/Bag - 32 oz 0.05 46.29 500/ k 0.11 56.31 Vistar Popcorn Cup/Bag - 46 oz 0.06 56.36 1000/ k 0.14 139.79 Vistar Popcorn Box alt 0.11 52.58 500/ k 0.10 44.90 Watson Popcorn Bag 130oz 0.09 45.82 500/ 1 0.14 70.62 Vistar Sandwich Bags (designate size 0.04 1.89 Watson Si Stix <.01 12.24 100/ k 0.26 26.25 Vistar Souffis Cu - 2 oz 0.01 34.56 2500/ k 0.02 40.39 Vistar Souffle Cu 3.25oz 0.02 46.39 2500/ k 0.03 61.83 Vistar Souffle Lid Large 0.02 43.64 25001 0.03 58.61 Vistar Spoon-plastic- Unwrapped <.01 10.52 1000/ k 0.02 21.11 Vistar Fork plastic - Unwrapped <.01 10.52 1000/ k 0.02 21.11 Vistar Straws <.01 wra 48.55 0.05 55.55 Vistar S oam Cu - 8 oz 0.02 16.51 1000/ k 0.02 20.00 Vistar Wax Paper Sheets 0.01 66.11 0.01 75.98 Vistar Per Slice Case Lot Price Case Lot Price Case Lot Price ADD ALTERNATE1 Pizza Pizza product Red Baron 48/8 4-Cheese Freschetta 12" 0.55 4.43 53.17 chews 1.71 82.27 Pepperoni Freschetta 12" 0.57 4.58 54.95 Pe ron 1.75 84.08 Pizza Tray Slice 0.00 41.85 Pizza Equipment Worldrig on a program with Schwan that may offer a better pizza package Le end ADD ALTERNATE 2 Bid amount - 2yr contract Health Food O lions Item not bid or carried Item added b vendor Products: ~j Pape 3 of 3 Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 City Council Meeting K. APPROVE the 2008 contract for the July 4th fireworks and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sian all appropriate documents. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the 2008 fireworks display contract with RES Specialty Pyrotechnics and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to sign all appropriate documents. FACTS: • The Eagan 4th of July Committee has received a proposed contract from RES Specialty Pyrotechnics to provide the fireworks program for the City of Eagan on July 4, 2008 and has asked for the City's formal approval. • The proposed contract is in. the amount of $27,000 and will provide for a 26-29 minute show depending on the intensity. • The same firm provided the fireworks display in 2007 at a cost of $27,000. ATTACHIIMNTS: • A copy of the proposed contract from RES Specialty Pyrotechnics is enclosed on pagesp~a O~ RES Specialty Pyrotechnics 1MAGIC IN THE AIR DISPLAY CONTRACT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on this 3rd day of January, 2008 between RES Specialty Pyrotechnics, Inc. hereafter referred to as the SELLER and Eagan 4 n of July Committee, hereafter referred to as the BUYER. IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED BETWEEN THE SELLER AND THE BUYER AS FOLLOWS: Service Provided Outdoor Fireworks Display Date(s) Friday, July 4, 2008 Time 10:00 PM (approximately) Duration 26-29 minutes (depending on intensity) Location Eagan Commuhnity Center; Eagan, MN Event Sponsor Eagan 4t' of July Committee OBLIGATIONS OF SELLER: SELLER shall provide all materials, equipment and personnel necessary to perform the above-mentioned display. SELLER is required and will comply with NFPA 1123, Code for Outdoor Display of Fireworks, 2006 edition and NFPA 1126, Pyrotechnics before a Proximate Audience, 2006 edition. SELLER shall provide show liability insurance in the amount of $5,000,000.00 to cover the fireworks display and cleanup. SELLER shall include the BUYER, as co-insured on Certificate of Insurance. OBLIGATIONS OF BUYER: BUYER shall provide a suitable location for firing of the fireworks display. BUYER shall provide and cover all costs for security, safety and cleanup at the display site. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: The terms of this agreement shall begin on the day of the signing of this agreement and shall conclude upon the completion of the display. This agreement shall run no longer than one (1) calendar year. However, if before the date of the scheduled performance, the BUYER has not performed fully its obligations under the terms of this agreement or that the financial credit of the BUYER has been impaired, the SELLER may cancel this agreement at any time. In the event the BUYER does not perform fully all of its obligations herein, the SELLER shall have the option to perform or refuse to perform hereunder, and in either event the BUYER shall be liable to the SELLER for any damages, compensation or costs incurred including but not limited to attorney and court fees in addition to the compensation herein. The SELLER shall retain the right to stop or interrupt the display at any time if, in the opinion of the SELLER, conditions have become unsafe. In event of rain, fireworks may be rescheduled at a mutually agreeable date. 21595 286th Street ■ Belle Plaine, MN 56011 ■ Phone: 952.873.3113 ■ Fax: 952.873.2859 1 a3 PAYMENT: Contracted amount: $27,000.00 inclusive of sales tax, if applicable. ' Contracted amount includes fire watch and permit fee. All payments shall be paid by BUYER to and in the name of RES Specialty Pyrotechnics, Inc. in the form of a company check, certified bank check, money order, or cash. CANCELLATION: In the event the BUYER cancels this agreement any time during the contract period, the SELLER shall be entitled to and receive 25% of the contracted fee for the remainder of the contract period plus compensation for any pre- and post-production costs incurred. THIS AGREEMENT is the whole agreement of the parties' above named. No representation inducement or agreement has been given by one to the other to enter into this agreement other than expressly set forth herein. This agreement shall not be altered, modified, or amended except in writing by a duly authorized officer of each party. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto set their names on the day and year listed below. CONTRACT VALID WHEN-SIGNED BY AUTHORIZED PERSONS. BUYER: SELLER: Erv Haman - RES Specialty Pyrotechnics Title: Title: Director of Business Development Signature: Signature: Date: Date: l " y - O 2 a~ Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 City Council Meeting L. APPROVE CONTRACT FOR BROADBAND TECHNICAL CONSULTANT ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Authorize staff, subject to the approval of the City Attorney and City Administrator, to draw up a contract for signature by the Mayor and City Clerk with Design Nine, a broadband consulting company to fulfill the terms of the broadband consultant RFP previously authorized by the City Council. FACTS: ■ In February, 2007, the Eagan City Council passed, as part of its 2007/2008 goals, the following broadband goal: "Pursue world class Internet speeds, connectivity, and access to all Eagan residents and businesses, by developing a master plan, including finance options and policies, for the installation of high-speed fiber optic broadband. " ■ At the December 10, 2007 Special City Council Meeting, acting on the recommendation of the Finance Committee, the City Council authorized the immediate preparation and distribution of a request for proposals (RFP) to retain a specialized broadband consultant to evaluate the technical merit and financial feasibility of three options previously reviewed and forwarded by the Eagan Technology Working Group. ■ The RFP was issued shortly before the holidays and received nationwide response. ■ The pre-RFP estimate gathered last summer was approximately $75,000. Nine actual proposals were received ranging from a high of $244,500 to a low of 16,000. ■ Proposals were reviewed by a selection committee of Tech Working Group members from Blue Cross, Thomson West and the Chamber of Commerce, plus two city staff, Director of Administrative Services Van Overbeke and Communications Director Garrison and three proposals were identified for final interviews which were conducted on Monday, February 11, 2008. ■ The unanimous recommendation of the selection committee is Design Nine, a nationally recognized broadband consulting firm out of Blacksburg, Virginia, with planning and implementation projects in nine states. ■ The committee recommends Design Nine for their understanding of the scope of the Eagan RFP, the senior team they have committed to the project, and their ability to move Eagan ahead with unbiased evaluation and recommendations to meet the Council's stated goal of world class Internet. ■ Design Nine's fee for these services is $86,500, or about $11,500 above the pre-estimate. However, Design Nine is offering additional services not contemplated in the original estimate to recommend specifications for City Code and policies that will accelerate Eagan's broadband competitiveness and the availability of broadband infrastructure to future proof the community. ■ Most of those responding to the RFP proposed a completion date later than the end of the first quarter as sought in the RFP. Given the complexity of Eagan's expectations and statement of work, a completion date of on or about July 31, 2008 is proposed and seems reasonable. ATTACHMENTS: Eagan's RFP for a broadband technical consultant, pages !U--53~ cs 0 • Cit of Ea an Request for Proposals: Broadband Technical Consultant Contact: Tom Garrison Communications Director City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 (651) 675-5000 tgarrison@cityofeagan.com Dated: December 21, 2007 Responses Due: January 25, 2008 Request for Proposal Broadband Technical Consultant a-7 SCOPE OF SERVICES The City of Eagan, Minnesota desires to retain consultant services with prior fiber to premise/fiber to the home experience to assist it in evaluating which of at least three fiber optic broadband options or concepts would best meet the City Council's stated goal of pursuing "world class Internet speeds, connectivity and access to all Eagan residents and businesses." The City desires to have its own expert(s) engage in high level discussions with the companies offering three fiber to the premise broadband options: • To further define and refine the opportunity with each • To provide independent advice as to the pros and cons of each approach • To recommend to the City Council which approach, or what other option we have not considered, would best meet the City's announced broadband goal in the most expeditious, prudent and financially responsible manner. The selected consultant(s) may not represent or have a financial interest in any specific product or service, and be able to keep an open mind as to whether an open -or closed network, or a strictly private or public approach should be taken, or some public/private partnership is the best way for Eagan to proceed. It may also be necessary, with assistance from the City and/or the companies under consideration, to convene a meeting of Eagan's corporate leaders and possibly the investment community to gauge their willingness to partner in a high speed broadband solution. The City does not guarantee selection of any vendor and reserves its right to reject all offers. Further, the City may or may not accept the lowest price quotation and reserves the right to select the proposal which best meets its needs and selection criteria. BACKGROUND The City of Eagan is the 8th largest city in Minnesota and has approximately 67,000 residents or more than 26,500 households. Eagan is number one in the Twin Cities metropolitan area for job growth, and has experienced a nearly 15% growth in professional, scientific and technical jobs at a time the Twin Cities has a whole has experienced a 6% decline. It has extremely attractive demographics, with one of the highest educational attainment and median education levels of any city its size. It was also named by MONEY Magazine as the 12th most livable city in America (with a population greater than 50,000.) Strategically located in growing Dakota County, just across from the Minneapolis/St. Paul Airport, Eagan is home to the largest software developer in the state, and numerous high tech and leading edge corporations, who have helped advise the City's task force known as the Technology Working Group. Since 2004, the Working Group, aided by the chief technology officers of Thomson West, Norwest Airlines, and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota along with the active support of its Chamber of Commerce, have sought advice from international experts, studied numerous domestic, European and Asian broadband models, and have 2 a~ interviewed nearly a dozen potential firms to gauge their interest in the Eagan opportunity. Those options have been narrowed to three firms the Tech Working Group believes show significant broadband promise for Eagan. Two of those three options appear to indicate that Eagan could be the right opportunity to attract significant outside investment. Though served by large incumbent providers like Comcast and Qwest who are making additional investments in their networks, Eagan's city leaders and business community believe significantly higher broadband speeds (up and down) will be necessary for Eaganto remain competitive on the world stage. There is a desire for more competition and either lowered costs or more megabits per second of service for those costs. The consultant selected may also draw upon previous feasibility work done for Eagan that established densities per mile, aerial vs. underground utility mix, business and residential unit counts, educational attainment, median income data, projected fixed and connection costs, and estimated take rate rates, etc. The City of Eagan's own network has a 30 Mb backbone directly out from the City to the wide area network. Initially the network is running a full gigabit. The City has three IT staff that support 14 City facilities and 400+ users. There are 9 servers. City facilities are connected by city-owned fiber, T1 and point-to-point circuits for data, telephone and radio communications. Additionally, the City has on two occasions invested in additional conduit routes since 2005 to help create future broadband opportunities. Eagan is a member of Local Government Information Systems (LOGIS) which is a consortium of nearly 30 Minnesota local government units whose mission it is to provide "a full range of locally supported, highly reliable MIS and related support services to Minnesota municipal government agencies." The LOGIS consortium is controlled by its members and "stresses common program usage to reduce maintenance and support costs." Though progressive in offering new amenities, Eagan has a focused menu of services, and enjoys a reputation with residents and peer cities for having among the lowest property tax and spending levels in the Twin Cities. GOALS Broadly stated, Eagan wishes to "future proof' its community and become recognized as world class in its broadband capabilities. No policy decision has been made by the City Council about whether this is best achieved via the private sector alone, by the City itself, or in partnership. Further, no decision has been made about whether this is best done all at once, or in a phased approach. Within the first quarter of 2008, if feasible, it is the desire of the City of Eagan to have settled on which approach is most appropriate, and make recommendation to the City Council on specific ways to proceed to achieve its goal of pursuing world class Internet speeds, connectivity and access to Eagan residents and businesses. In short, Eagan is 3 ready to move beyond talking about broadband improvement; it wants to take concrete steps to actually start providing broadband improvement. REPORTING RELATIONSHIP: The point of contact for the consultant(s) retained for this project will be City Communications Director Tom Garrison, who will be able to facilitate tapping the expertise of other city personnel as appropriate (Engineering, Public Works, IT, GIS, Planning, etc.). In addition, Mr. Garrison is the City's liaison to the Eagan Technology Working Group and is able to assist in contacting local business or technology leaders, the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce, etc. SPECIFIC TASKS: • Evaluate at least three broadband service provider options for Eagan as narrowed by the Eagan Tech Working Group and the Eagan City Council. • Determine if there are any other appropriate options the City should be considering at this time to meet its broadband goals. • Act as the City's representative in interactions with potential service providers to define and refine their interest in Eagan. • Work with Eagan's Tech Working Group and business community to develop and refine the specific needs, unmet needs, and objectives stakeholders would have in an Eagan fiber optic network. • Determine the interest key players would have in partnering to fund such a network. • Develop a detailed matrix for evaluating the proposed business model, scope, risk, experience, operating structure, financial costs, and potential funding sources for each high speed broadband option under consideration for the City. • Determine a probable timeline for each broadband option and, using objective criteria, make a preliminary assessment of the likely financial and technical viability of each. • Assess the technology and network architecture proposed including any aesthetic impact of cabinets or infrastructure not located underground. • Comment on the likely redundancy, Quality of Service, customer service support, or points of failure impacts each of the three approaches might have. • Assess what new or innovative service offerings might be involved beyond so- called "triple play," services, and if the option involves video or phone services what City approvals might be necessary. • Evaluate and comment on the various model's ability to grow both the number of users, bandwidth, and services, but also the ability to grow geographically in area served (Dakota County or beyond) with predictable costs and minimal equipment change-out. • Complete and present to the City Council/Technology Working Group summary recommendations and a report on how Eagan can proceed to achieve its stated broadband goal and request authorization for the City to proceed to negotiate with the most viable option(s). • Provide guidance on the next steps the City would need to take and the depth or cost involved if the City were to proceed to a detailed technology examination, and high level engineering and marketing analysis to develop a master plan, 4 finance options and policies for the installation of high speed two-way fiber optic broadband in Eagan. • Make any other suggestions advisable for advancing Eagan's goal of having world class broadband, whether that is regarding policies, partnerships, or infrastructure (e.g., location of a POP, or a redundant central operating facility.) PROPOSAL REQUIRMENTS: All submitted proposals should address the following: 1. The legal name of your business including street address, telephone number, Tax ID and state of incorporation or registration. 2. If this is a joint proposal, please list any partnering firm and provide the identifying information requested above. Be sure to specify their role in the project. 3. Also provide a brief description, overview, or resume of each principal to be involved with the Eagan project, including length of time in the industry, and past experience demonstrating qualifications to provide the requested services. 4. What it is about your approach which may tend to differentiate your proposal from those of other consultants. 5. A description of the proposed project timeline and the major steps in the process 6. Identify total project costs and any cost per hour for assistance beyond scope contemplated in proposal. So we can understand the menu of services you deem appropriate this project, please allocate estimated time and costs to these sub-projects, and the per-hour or per sub- project costs for going beyond what is estimated or contemplated. 7. Describe the expectations and or time/commitments of City staff necessary to complete your work. 8. If, based on the facts given in this RFP, proposer beliefs other services not called out here will be required, the City encourages your identification of those issues. Clearly specify on a separate line item any bid alternates, beyond the scope of services contemplated here, that the City should consider in awarding the contract for consulting. 9. Any other relevant information that supports the submitted proposal. SELECTION CRITERIA (not in any ranked order) ➢ Proposer's ability and capacity to meet all Request for Proposal conditions and expectations as solely determined by the City's selection committee. ➢ The best fit with the City of Eagan's operations ➢ Value and price for services offered ➢ Ability to complete the job in the time allotted ➢ Prior satisfactory conclusion of similar work or evidence of specific experience regarding FTTP/FTTH installations. Prior work with standards committees is a plus. ➢ Stated and demonstrated understanding of the scope of work being sought 5 ➢ Stated and demonstrated understanding of technical and financial issues, industry trends and legal considerations related to fiber deployments in Minnesota. SELECTION PROCESS • If there is a need for formal interviews, an interview team will rate the proposals. Members of the team may include a representative from the Tech Working Group advisory board, staff, and perhaps an outside reviewer not associated with the project. • A presentation of finalists may or may not be required • Because consulting services require the expenditure of funds, the City Council makes the final determination of whether to authorize funds for this project • While reserving the right to reject all proposals, the City anticipates an award on or before February 19, 2007. DEADLINES & SCHEDULE OF EVENTS SUMMARY ➢ Legal Notice published regarding RFP January 4, 2008 ➢ Request For Proposals sent out December 21, 2007 - Jan. 4, `08 ➢ • Notice of intent to respond due: January11, 2008 ➢ Pre-proposal questions due from vendors January 17, ➢ Answers to questions distributed January 18 ➢ Proposals due to the City of Eagan January 25 ➢ Probable interview dates, if necessary February 4-8 ➢ Anticipated approval by City Council February 19, 2008 NOTE: If a vendor does not notify the City of its intent to respond and provide an e-mail address for contact, it will not receive answers to all questions received from proposers. This does not preclude vendors from responding by the RFP due date, however, they will not have the benefit of the provided answers. All proposals must be received by the close of business on Friday, January 25, 2007. The eligible vendor must provide five hard copies of the proposed response and 1 CD ROM containing all documents in a sealed envelope or box prior to the 4:30 p.m. close of business. Incomplete responses will not be considered for the final award. Send Broadband Technical Consultant proposals to: Tom Garrison Communications Director City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122 Questions and intent to respond to: tarrison@cityofeagan.com Updated 12/20/07 6 3a Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008, Eagan City Council Meeting M. APPROVE AGREEMENT WITH RICOH CORPORATION TO LEASE NEW COPY MACHINES FOR CITY HALL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve an agreement with Ricoh Corporation to lease new copy machines for City Hall. FACTS: • In June of 2003, the City entered into a five-year lease with Ricoh Corporation (formerly Savin Corp.) for two high production copy machines which are located on the second floor of City Hall. The current lease is due to expire this June. The machines primarily. serve the departments of Administration, Finance and Parks. • The new copy machines serve as document management centers affording the capability of copying, printing, scanning, sending e-mails, document storage and retrieval. • In determining whether to purchase or lease the equipment, the conclusion was reached that it is more beneficial to lease machines rather than purchase new equipment. The lease option is more attractive due to the rapidly changing technology and the fact that at the end of a machine's useful life, there is little or no resale value associated with the old equipment. • Staff reviewed several state contracts and worked with three different vendors in determining the best type of equipment to replace the existing machines. Based on feedback from staff and the research that was conducted, Ricoh Corporation was the chosen vendor taking into account value, previous experience with the operation and reliability of the equipment and the service history with this company. • The proposal from Ricoh Corporation is for a five-year lease at $859 per month for two machines that produce a total of 145 copies per minute. The monthly lease payment of $859, in addition to the service and supplies charge of $350, equates to a monthly cost of approximately $1,209. Also included with the quote from Ricoh were three color laser printers and three inkjet color printers at no additional charge. • Staff is requesting Council's authorization to enter into an agreement with Ricoh Corporation for the lease of two new multifunction copiers. ATTACHMENTS: • None. C)V Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008, Eagan City Council Meeting N. AUTHORIZE DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS CITY PROPERTY ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize disposal of surplus City property. .FACTS: ➢ In January 1998, the City acquired a Lanier 7320 copier for use by Administration, Finance and Parks and Recreation. After ten years of use, the machine is no longer operable and has no value. ➢ At the February 19, City Council meeting, the Council is being asked to approve an agreement with Ricoh Corporation for the lease of two new copiers to replace the two copiers currently being leased through Ricoh. ➢ As part of that agreement, Ricoh has agreed to recycle the old Lanier copier at no cost to the City. ➢ Staff is requesting Council declare the copier to be surplus property and authorize its disposition. ATTACHMENTS (0): ➢ None. 3~ Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting 0. EASEMENT AMENDMENT AGREEMENT GREAT RIVER ENERGY (O'Leary Park) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve an Easement Amendment Agreement with Great River Energy in O'Leary Park and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • On July 2, 1979, the city granted to Cooperative Power Association and its successors (i.e. Great River Energy) an easement to construct, operate, repair and maintain an electric transmission line over and across that portion of O'Leary Park adjacent to Lexington Ave. • That original easement limited the structure types to that of "single wood pole." • T-Mobile Central LLC desires to replace the existing wood pole with a stronger, steel pole to accommodate a collocated installation of telecommunications antennae on the pole and related support equipment adjacent to the pole within a portion of the easement. • On Sept. 18, 2007, the City Council approved a lease agreement with T-Mobile for the installation of the ground support equipment on park property. One of the conditions of that lease was the required amendment to the GRE easement. • This easement has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and City Attorney's office and found to be in order for favorable Council consideration. Agenda Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting P. OAK HILLS CHURCH ADDITION (LOT 1, BLOCK 1) EASEMENT VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the vacation of public drainage & utility easements on Lot 1, Block 1 Oak Hills Church Addition. FACTS: • On May 16, 2005, City staff received a petition from Paul Danielson, representative of Oak Hills Church, requesting the vacation of a portion of the existing drainage and utility easement on Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Hills Church Addition, southeast of the intersection of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road to accommodate the subdivision of the property. The vacation of the easement was requested to provide adequate buildable areas for two proposed single-family lots on Coachman Road (Oak Hills Church 2na Addition). • Drainage & utility easements were originally dedicated over Pond CP-1 (as designated in the City Storm Water Management Plan) as part of the Oak Hills Church Addition plat to provide for flood storage for large runoff events. The request vacates the excess easement area beyond 3 feet above the calculated I% rainfall event pond level over Pond CP-1 in the southwest corner of the property. • On July 5, 2005, the City Council held a public hearing for the vacation. Notices were published in the legal paper and sent to all potentially affected and/or interested parties for comment prior to the public hearing. No comments or objections to the proposed vacation were received. The Council then continued consideration of the vacation to be concurrent with the Final Subdivision of the property. • On May 15, 2007, the City Council approved the Oak Hills Church 2" a Addition Final Subdivision, but Council action on the vacation of the easement was inadvertently omitted from consideration at that time. There have been no changes in the storm drainage system design in the interim that would raise any new issues at this time. • The request has been reviewed by the Engineering Division and found to be in order for favorable consideration by the Council at this time. ATTACHMENTS: • Location Map, page. • Graphic/Legal Descriptio Tgec3'9 "dZ • Petitioner's Letter, page an. 5(p r - LONE OAK ROAD Q uV D O O `h 0 X Q. O a 2 PROPOSED VACATION v YANKEE DOODLE ROAD ~o- ~-L c SILVER BELL RD. x Y U g ID 1 i 1 DEERWOOD DRIVE Lot 1, Block 1, Oak Hills Church Proposed Easement Vacation Location 5/18/05 City of Eagan J IN AGE ~ EXIST• OEpA,SEME - - T1>+ITY &/0C k~ 71 EASEMENT i OSE ` V Rop oN AREA ~ , CA ' , V A ~ Description Leg For Easement F ` I Vacation of Drainage & UnUty eh of 1 Block 1 of oax gills Chun ('Z ( est 103 feet of 1. 2004. ` e south 110 feet of ti wta County J'mC 27. tivision filed Subd 103' j #3470 , 6t14 Oak }-Nils church I-ot j, Block I-ocation map Easement vacation pondtin9 _ rite of Eagan May 13, 2005 Mr. John Gorder City of Eagan Engineering Department 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55122-1897 Re: Oak Hills Church Petition to Vacate Utility Easement Dear Mr. Gorder: On behalf of the Oak Hills Church we are submitting a petition to vacate a drainage and utility easement. Oak Hills Church is proposing to develop two single-family residential homes on their current 7.09 acre parcel. An application for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment was submitted previously to the City of Eagan Planning Department. Based on their review, it was determined that this petition to vacate the existing drainage and utility easement that encumbers the property must be processed before the Guide Plan amendment can be considered Oak Hills Church received approval in 1997 to construct a church on a 7.09 acre parcel located at the southeast corner of Yankee Doodle Road and Coachman Road. The parcel was previously guided for medium-density residential development. The church development occurs on the north half of the property. The remaining parcel is generally comprised of wetlands. However, there is a non-wetland area along Coachman Road particularly in the southwest corner of the 7.09 acre parcel. This area abuts an existing single-family residential development to the south. This is the area that we are proposing the lots would be located generally east of the existing maintenance facility access to Coachman Road. When the property was platted for the church project, a drainage and utility easement was provided over the entire south portion of the property. The majority of the area is wetland and is part of the City's storm water management system. The area proposed to be vacated is the southwest corner of the property where the two residential lots would be constructed. The limits of the drainage and utility easement is based on maintaining a drainage and utility easement over the wetland area including all portions of the proposed lots lying three feet below the high water elevation of the wetland. Based on information provided by you, it is our understanding that the high water level is 832.2. We have maintained the drainage and utility easement to a minimum elevation of 835.2. Mr. John Gorder May 13, 2005 Page 2 of 2 The following information is being submitted: 1) Petition to Vacate Form 2) Application Fee of $300 3) Legal Description of the property to be vacated 4) Sketch of the property to be vacated Please review the information and let us know if you have everything you need for this submittal. Please call me at 651-643-0407 if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Oak Hills Church Paul B. Danielson Building Committee Member C: Pastor Rod Carlson, OHC Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting Q. CONTRACT 06-01, TH 149 RECONSTRUCTION & UPGRADE (TH 55 - ALBANO TRAIL) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Cooperative Construction Agreement for Contract 06-01, Trunk Highway 149 Reconstruction and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • The City of Eagan is the lead agency in partnership with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) for Contract 06-01 which provides for the upgrade of a 2.7 mile segment of Trunk Highway (TH) 149, beginning north of TH 55 and terminating in Inver Grove Heights at Albano Trail (south of Rich Valley Blvd/Co. Rd. 71). The upgrading of TH 149 to a 4-lane divided roadway includes a new traffic signal at the intersection of Wescott Road, and dedicated safety turn lanes at various street intersections. A trail has also been constructed along the east side between TH 55 and Wescott Road. • Shortly after the reconstruction of TH 149 began, unsuitable soils were found below the proposed roadway that weren't indicated by the pre-design soil borings. These unsuitable soils were subsequently removed and replaced with appropriate backfill material to provide a stable pavement foundation. The final cost to remove the unsuitable soil and install appropriate backfill material is $809,774.25. • As indicated when the estimates for this item were presented to the Council for its approval at the June 19, July 17 and October 2, 2007 meeting, the City requested additional funding from Mn/DOT to help cover the costs associated with the addition of this work to the project contract. • MnDOT has approved $504,924.86 (62.4%) as their final contribution towards the total additional costs incurred. The balance of the costs for this work (37.6%) will be borne by the City ($304,849.39). • A Cooperative Construction Agreement has been prepared between MnDOT and the City for the additional funding. • The Agreement has been reviewed by the Public Works Department and City Attorney's office and found to be in order for favorable Council action. Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008, Eagan City Council Meeting R. EXTENSION FOR RECORDING FINAL PLAT - (EAGAN YOUTH HOUSING) ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To approve a 90-day extension of time to record the final plat for Eagan Youth Housing, located at 1997 and 1999 Gold Trail, in the NW '/4 of Section 20. REQUIRED VOTE FOR APPROVAL: Majority of Councilmembers present FACTS: ➢ The City Council approved the final plat on December 3, 2007. ➢ Pending the CDA's acquisition of the parcel owned by the City, and exploration of possible modifications to the adjacent right-of-way, the plat was not recorded within the initial 60-day period. ➢ The requested 90-day extension would allow until May 1, 2008, for the plat to be recorded. ATTACHMENTS: None Agenda Information Memo February 18, 2008 City Council Meeting S. APPOINT CITY REPRESENTATIVE TO THE DAKOTA COUNTY HIGH PERFORMANCE PARTNERSHIP (HIPP) GREENING INITIATIVE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To appoint Dianne Miller, Assistant to the City Administrator, as the City of Eagan's representative on the HiPP Greening Initiative. FACTS: • On January 30, 2008, Dakota County cities joined together with the County to host the High Performance Partnership (HiPP) Sustainability Summit: Going Green Together. • As an outcome of the summit, each community is asked to appoint one person to serve as the key contact for the HiPP Greening Initiative. • Committee workgroup meetings will begin in March to discuss community- oriented programs, development standards, government operations, and infrastructure. Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting T. PROJECT 969, ELRENE ROAD INTERSECTION RECONFIGURATION & UPGRADE ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Authorize the preparation of a feasibility report by SEH Inc. for Project 969, Elrene Road (Intersection Reconfiguration & Upgrade). FACTS: • On March 20, 2007, the City Council consented to the recommendations of the Yankee Doodle Road Corridor/Access Management Study. The recommendations for the East Segment of the study (Mike Collins Drive to Highway 149) included improvements on Elrene Road south of Yankee Doodle Road in anticipation of a future driveway/access road for Thomson opposite of the intersection of Trails End Road. • On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved the Public Works Department's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (2008-2012) for Public Works Infrastructure, Part III, including Arterial and Collector Improvements throughout the City of Eagan. • Included among the Arterial and Collector Improvements for 2008, is the reconfiguration of the intersection of Elrene Road and Trails End Road, as well as the upgrade of Elrene Road to four lanes between this intersection and Yankee Doodle Road. • The reconfiguration of the Elrene Road and Trails End Road intersection will consider a roundabout vs. a traffic signal. The basis of the analysis will include the anticipated traffic from the future Thomson driveway. • Based on this CIP schedule, it would be appropriate for the City Council to authorize the preparation of a Feasibility Report by the consulting engineering firm of SEH to further refine the scope, cost, schedule and method of financing these proposed improvements. Agenda Memo Eagan City Council Meeting Febuary 19, 2008 Consent Agenda U. CDA PARTICIPATION IN TWIN CITIES REGIONAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WEB PORTAL ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To authorize submission of a letter to Dakota County CDA supporting its financial support of the Twin Cities Regional Economic Development Web Portal project. FACTS: • Following a study of economic development efforts among Dakota County Cities, Chambers, utilities and other entities, Dakota County enacted an Economic Development Strategy in 2006 focused on collaboration with the other entities to facilitate coordination, achieve economies of scale and consider activities that would benefit all of the County's communities. • At the same time a number of organizations have taken steps to better position Minnesota generally and the Twin Cities in particular to be visible and accessible to businesses seeking to expand or locate in the region. • Increasingly, site location efforts are web based, with businesses themselves or site location consultants performing initial analysis on the basis of information regarding communities, services, work force and other issues electronically. Chances to be considered for certain projects or relocations are strongly affected by the ease with which the site locator can locate and distill information of interest to the business. • Professional site locators have indicated that other metropolitan regions have created web portals that provide accessibility to such data. Until recently, efforts to do so have focused on subparts of the region, such as counties, individual cities or area development entities. • Recently, the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce undertook a fresh effort to create a cooperative approach to the development of a web portal, but took the unusual step of indicating explicitly that they did not intend to treat it as an MRCC-specific resource and designed an approach that would not screen or select sites for site locators, but would simply provide an efficient means of access to information about available sites, demographics, work force and other information important to site decisions. • On that basis, the project has drawn support from a number of public and private investors who view it as a means of leveraging proportional investment to jointly provide this service at the appropriate regional level. • Among public stakeholders, the initiative is asking that the Cities of the First Class and Counties consider supporting the program, rather than attempting to solicit support from the multiple cities in the region. To that end, information on 45- the project was presented to Dakota County CDA staff, City staff and area Chambers of Commerce. If Dakota County were to participate, all of its Cities would have access to the site and receive training on its use. • CDA staff indicate that the program would meet one of the objective under the County Economic Development Strategy and that funds are available in the current CDA budget that could be used to support the program. Before doing so, however, the CDA asked whether the Cities and Chambers saw value in participating in the program. The participants indicated that it appears to be a useful tool, that the business plan for the creation and roll out appears sound, that the cost participation approach provides a strong return for the level of investment and that it is important for Dakota County to be among the participants. • CDA staff asked that the Cities consider letters of support for the CDA to use funds for this project to be shared with the CDA board both for initial funding and as background for future budget preparation. Staff asks that the Council consider authorizing such a letter. ATTACHMENTS: • Dakota County Economic Development Strategy on p, e LIZ> • Regional Web Site proposal on pages through Dakota County Economic Development Strategy Vision We envision Dakota County as a globally competitive economy that is vigorous, diversified and innovative, providing opportunity and prosperity for businesses and residents alike, while sustaining a healthy environment and a superior quality of life. Guiding Principles ■ Dakota County government will take a collaborative approach to economic development internally and externally, working among County departments and agencies, as well as with cities and other partners. Care will be taken to avoid duplication. ■ County government will plan for and invest in critical infrastructure (e.g. transportation, telecommunications) and other competitive advantages that support economic growth and vitality. ■ Dakota County government may choose to be involved in economic development projects that o are highly visible and regionally significant in the Twin Cities metro area; o are physically located in more than one community; o involve county and state roads; o create a significant employment, infrastructure or tax base impact; o demonstrate a positive return on investment, or o preserve, enhance or remediate environmental quality. ■ County government may develop economic development initiatives to respond to the need for specialized expertise and economies of scale (i.e. workforce housing, brownfield remediation, telecommunications, workforce development). ■ Dakota County government will use research and policy development as a framework to guide and evaluate economic development strategies and actions. ■ County government will consider workforce, employment, and tax base development to enhance long-term plans and investment decisions. Adopted by the Dakota County Board of Commissioners on 12/19/06 (Res. 06-458) 47 Twin Cities Regional Economic Development Website Proposal to Dakota County February 8, 2008 Situation: As a region, Minneapolis/Saint Paul lags behind other metropolitan areas in offering accurate, detailed and easily obtained economic development information. Site locators today turn first to the Web and often "first cut" relocation/expansion decisions are based on information available on-line. A business interested in the Twin Cities would have to search numerous sites to find infonnation on labor force, available buildings, transportation, utilities, related businesses, community information, quality of life, and other key factors. Objective: Create a collaborative website for the 11-county metro area that incorporates Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology in order to competitively meets the information needs of decision makers for expanding and relocating businesses including information on the economy, workforce, and development assets throughout the metro area. Strategy: Bring together public and private'resources to establish and maintain a high quality website. Website Features: The website will provide real estate, labor force, business information and other critical site location information (e.g. transportation features, foreign trade zones) on a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) platform. Similar systems in use in other metropolitan areas across the country enable a site locator to identify appropriate land and buildings relative to transportation features, as well as workforce characteristics and business locations within a specific time or distance from a prospective building or site. The site has features that support office, industrial and commercial site location decisions. Information about the great Twin Cities region as a business location will also be featured; including topics such as the regional economy, regional workforce, development assets, and quality of life. The Minnesota Commercial Association of Realtors (MnCAR) has agreed to partner with us, ensuring that the regional website has credible, complete, and up-to-date property information. Cities, counties and HRAs will also be able to upload information on properties targeted for redevelopment, transit oriented development, etc. Website Benefits: The website will allow site location decision-makers - for existing companies in the metro area or prospects from outside the area - to access critical information 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the format expected by today's decision- makers. The website is a neutral medium for directing prospects to community contacts based on the site selector's criteria. For each property, the GIS platform will generate contact information for the appropriate Realtor, city/county economic development contacts, and chambers of commerce. The regional website will enable economic development organizations (city, county or non- profit) to generate high quality proposals quickly. Information about potential buildings, workforce characteristics within a specific time or distance of a property can be downloaded and redirected to print, e-mail, Excel, Adobe Acrobat, or Word formats. Building, site and aerial photos can enhance presentations to prospects. . Oversight and Management: The Twin Cities Regional Website Steering Committee is responsible for strategy and governance. The group is supported by the Minneapolis Regional Chamber and Janna King with Economic Development Services. The steering committee is meeting monthly during project start-up and 4-6 meetings per year when the system is operational. Timeline & Funding: Construction of the website began in the fall of 2007, with launch in March 2008. The goal is to secure $500,000 in funding commitments for a 2-year period, raising $125,000 from the public sector annually, to be matched by $125,000 annually by the Chamber and its private sector contributors. Funding at the $250,000 per year level (public and private) provides funding for the following. ■ GIS based web platform, licensing of business & centerline data ■ Project management (consultant, administrative support) ■ Web design and content (non-GIS based content re: the region) ■ Website marketing ■ Search engine optimization Training for staff in all funding organizations Evaluation ■ Contingency Contributions will be made to the Minneapolis Regional Chamber of Commerce Foundation - the Chamber's 501c3 foundation, which will administer the programm. 49 Summary of Project Funding Public Sector Funding Requests: The allocation for securing $125,000 from the public sector is based on the following assumptions. ■ Participation by 11 counties and 3 cities of the first class (a change in the number of participants could change the contribution amount) ■ Minimum contribution of $5,000 per year • Per capita allocation based on 4/1/05 population data As of February 8, 2008 a total of $111,300 has been committed from the public sector, with a number of requests still in process. Private Sector Funding: The Chamber is targeting businesses which have a more direct involvement with economic development such as utilities, banks, developers, contractors, brokers, and SBA 504 companies. Two fund-raising meetings with the private sector participants have been held. Participants were asked for their opinion at the end of the meetings - there was enthusiastic support for the project. One of the most common comments made by participants was "I can't believe we don't have this already." As of February 8, 2008 a total of $110,000 has been committed from the private sector with a number of requests still pending. The following table summarizes the amount of funding requested, and the amount of funding committed to date by the public and private sector. Public Amount requested Committed City of Minneapolis $13,600 $13,600 DEED - State of MN $25,000 25,000 Sherburne County $5,000 5,000 Ramsey County $8,500 8,500 Hennepin County $24,000 $24,000 Saint Paul $10,500 10,500 Washington Co $8,500 8,500 Bloomington $5,000 5,000 Anoka County $11,300 $11,300 Total committed to date $111,00 Recommended, final approval pending , Other Carver County $5,000 No for 2007; possible for 2008 Wright County $5,000 Xcel Energy coordinating Chisago County $5,000 Does not have the $ for 2007 Dakota County $13,600 Pending start up of new EcDev program Isanti County $5,000 Scheduled for review by EDA in early January Scott County $5,000 No from county budget; seeking another source Total Public $1501000 Private Amount requested Committed Kraus Anderson $5,000. $5,000 NWA $5,000 $5,000 Xcel $25,000 25,000 Connexus $5,000 5,000 Merrill Lynch $5,000 5,000 Spedco $5,000 5,000 TC Metro $25,000 10,000 Associated Bank 5,000 5,000 Wells Fargo $15,000 15,000 US Bank $15,000 12,000 Centerpoint $10,000 3,000 Mpls BOMA $5,000 5,000 GRE $10,000 , $10,000 Total committed to dote $120,000 Dakota Electric $5,000 will put it in 2008 budget (L Boyd) Total committed' to date (public and private) $221,400 Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting V. CONTRACT 08-06, NORTHWOOD PKWY - 35E OVERPASS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve the plans and specifications for Contract 08-06 (Northwood Pkwy - 35E Overpass) and authorize the advertisement for a bid opening to be held at 10:30 a.m. on Thursday, April 3, 2008. FACTS: • Contract 08-06 provides for the extension of Northwood Parkway over I-35E from Pilot Knob Road to Denmark Avenue, reconfiguration of the existing Northwood Parkway/ Denmark Avenue intersection with a roundabout, bituminous trails on both sides of Northwood Parkway, and decorative street lighting. • On May 16, 2006, the City Council approved a federal funding agreement for preliminary engineering for Project 768 (Northwood Parkway- Ring Road Extension- Bridge and Street Improvements) with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (Mn/DOT). • On June 19, 2007, the City Council approved the Public Works Department's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (2008-2012) for Public Works Infrastructure, Part III, including the construction of the Northwood Parkway Overpass programmed for 2009. • At the February 12, 2008 Council workshop, the City Council directed the Finance Committee to evaluate funding options to accommodate the potential advancement of the Northwood Parkway Overpass to. the 2008 construction season. They also directed the staff to initiate the bid solicitation process to obtain firm cost estimates for concurrent consideration of contract award. • All of the easements needed for the construction of said improvements have been acquired from the impacted properties. • The plans and specifications have been completed and are being presented to the City Council for their approval and authorization of the advertisement for bids. • An advertisement will be published in the legal newspaper and Construction Bulletin informing contractors of the bid. ATTACHMENTS: • Project Location map, page. • Layout site plan, page ZZLI. 5~ Q ~ 1 UV LONE OAK ROAD U~J ( Co. Rd. 26 ) P ~..P U.S.P.S. i U.S.P.S. Q BULK MAIL Z. cc: O Z > J wQ Q 0- NORTHWOOD ~y PK Proposed Northwood Pkwy Overpass y - Q d Z U w O KEE DOODLE ROAD YANKEE DOODLE ROAD 700 Space ( Co. Rd. 28 ) 4 Park 8~ Ride DR. _ Transit Station (If o ~ J °w PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS > COMPLETED RING O w ROAD SEGMENTS O K Z 0 x r ♦ o FEDERAL ASSISTANCE DUCKWOOD DR l Proposed ♦ Duckwood / 35-E - Interchange I i G:Trans rtation Issues\Exhibit3 City of Earn 5 Ring Road Improvements April 16, 2007 Engineering Department .F y.. eWt A. rya y i X Y . P yi~.~d','.•s~,^qM~a~ r,~ ,,id .w,'✓~~ 5ne ~~~•4 + ~ e v a } fr~~ vhf - . I" . ) IJc s i i t . I'~: ..r' 3 Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting W. PROJECT 768, NORTHWOOD PARKWAY - RING ROAD BRIDGE & STREET IMPROVEMENTS: ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve a Construction and Easement Agreement for Project 768 (Northwood Parkway, Ring-Road Extension - Bridge & Street Improvements) with the owner of Parcel No. 10-22472-092-02 and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute all related documents. FACTS: • The construction. of the Northwood Parkway Overpass requires the acquisition of several permanent and temporary easements from the adjacent properties. • Since the need for this project was initially identified in the early-1990's; a number of the required easements were acquired as conditions of adjacent development approvals. • In addition to standard easement language, the remaining property owner (DDRA Eagan Promenade LLC)- requested the addition of several special provisions, which are offered to be included in the easement agreement. They are: o Property owner consents to the closing of the existing driveway on the northwest corner of the property and construction of a new driveway which intersects the proposed roundabout. o Access to the northwest corner of the property must be maintained at all times during construction. o Landscaping removed for the project will be replaced in a manner that keeps the property owner in compliance with City landscaping requirements applicable to the property. • The property owner will otherwise donate the required permanent and temporary easements resulting in no other acquisition costs to the City. ISSUES: If the City Council would desire to discuss this item, it would be appropriate to direct any discussion to a Closed Session. Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting PUBLIC HEARINGS A. PROJECT 963, NICOLS ROAD/ NANCY CIRCLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Project 963, Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle (Street Improvements) and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. FACTS: • Since 1990, the City has implemented a comprehensive Pavement Management Program that provides timely pavement rehabilitation to our local streets, significantly extending their overall life expectancy. During these past eighteen years, the City has rehabilitated approximately 96 miles of local streets. • The resurfacing of Nicols Road, from Kings Road to Meghans Lane, and Nancy Circle, located east of Nicols Road and south of Cliff Road, has been programmed for 2008 in the City's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. • On June 19, 2007 the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering a street rehabilitation of these streets in western Eagan. • On January 15, 2008, the feasibility report for Project 963 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the adjacent property owners. • An informational neighborhood meeting was held on February 11 for the adjacent property owners and representatives to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 37 total properties (18 single-family, 1 townhome 1 public facility, and 17 commercial/ industrial) proposed to be assessed under this improvement, 7 property owners representing 5 properties attended the informational meeting (see attached meeting minutes). • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility Report, pages through D . • Neighborhood Meeting Minutes, pagejp~ and City of Ea an Report for Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 963 February, 2008 5 City of Ea~an, MikMaguire February 15, 2008 MAYOR Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Eagan Paul Bakken 3830 Pilot Knob Road Peggy Carlson Eagan, MN 55122 Cyndee Fields Meg Tilley Re: Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Street Revitalization City Project No. 963 COUNCIL MEMBERS Dear Mayor and City Council: Thomas Hedges Cr" ADMINISTRATOR Attached is our report for the Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Street Revitalization, City Project No. 963. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. MUNICIPAL CENTER Sincerely, 3830 Pilot Knob Road ✓Jti ° Eagan, MN 55122-1810 v ohn P. Gorder, P.E. 651.675.5000 phone Assistant City Engineer 651.675.5012 fax 651.454.8535 TDD I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of MAINTENANCE FACILITY Minnesota. 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone John P. Gorder 651.675.5360 fax 'Date: -2- l 5 - Did Reg. No. 22813 651.454.8535 TDD Reviewed By: www.cityofeagan.com C 8 Dept. of Public orks Date: ReviewG:--~ Finance Dept. ~ Date: THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. l`, TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal/Certification Table of Contents Page Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1 Scope ........................................................................................................................................................2 Feasibility and Recommendations ........................................................................................................3 Street Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................3 Proposed Improvements .......................................................................................................................4 Rain Gardens/ Infiltration Areas .........................................................................................................6 Easements/Permits ................................................................................................................................6 Cost Estimate 7 Assessments .......................................................................................................................:...................7 Low Density Residential .........................................................................................................8 Parks ........................................................................................................................................8 Commercial/ Industrial ............................................................................................................9 Driveway Replacement ...........................................................................................................9 Assessment Financing Options ............................................................................................................9 Revenue Source .....................................................................................................................................10 Project Schedule .......................................................................................................................10 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2A/B/C Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3A/ B Typical Section - Overlay February 2008 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program, (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The approximately 250 feet of 30' wide Nancy Circle and 1.4 miles of 36 to 52-foot wide Nicols Road are identified for street overlay improvements in 2008. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. These streets were constructed in 1986 and 1987. Based on the data and engineering/ best management practices available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as, needed (at 5 to 7 years, again at 12 to 14 years) with a bituminous overlay at approximately 20 years. Overlaying these roadways located within the project area, which are mainly in the 20 to 25 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the underlying street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the street pavements. The streets in the neighborhood were seal coated various times between 1991 and 2002. Nicols Road / Nancy Circle Page I The Public Works maintenance program typically includes patching and refurbishing during the construction season two years prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, as necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street pavements if not combined with the proposed structural bituminous overlay proposed with this project. The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) in the project area and determined the system is in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Scope This project provides for resurfacing (edge mill and overlay) approximately 1.5 miles of roadway. Figures 2A/B/C, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project area. Included in this project is the replacement of the damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, street signage, pedestrian ramps, concrete entrance aprons, and the modification of portions of Nicols Road from a 4-lane design to a 3-lane roadway with center left-turn lanes. Nicols Road / Nancy Circle PaLre 2 tom, Feasibility and Recommendations This project is necessary to prevent further decay of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, increase ride-ability and add structural strength. This project is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of these streets. By resurfacing all of these streets at one time, an economy of scale benefit will be realized. This project is feasible from an engineering standpoint in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2008 - 2012) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report. Street Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: F PCI Recommended Improvement F56- 100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36 - 55 ; Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0 - 35 Reconstruct The 2007 PCI rankings for Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle has a neighborhood weighted average pavement condition rating of 33 which falls just below the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category. With planned repairs of the existing pavement section under this project, the condition of the pavement will reach the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category. Therefore, with this Nicols Road / Nancy Circle / Page 3 rating and the age of the streets, and the planned repairs, the 2008 construction season is the critical time to construct the bituminous overlay on this street. Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements are shown in Figures 3A & B. The existing street section of Nancy Circle 'i consists of 3" bituminous pavement supported by 4" to 6" gravel base and granular sub grade material, while Nicols' Road consists of 4.5" of pavement supported by 6" of gravel base. Existing pavement sections in poor condition will be removed and replaced. The existing bituminous surface of both streets will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1 V2-inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for a residential street (Nancy Circle) and collector roadways such as Nicols Road. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb and gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 6% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard sod will be removed and replaced by a new 2' wide roll behind each section of curb and gutter that is replaced. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment in the first 30 days after placement, adjacent residents and property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new sod to help ensure its growth. A guide to maintenance of the sod will be distributed to the residents prior to this construction activity. Nicols Road / Nancy Circle ~P g 4 Pavement Markings - 4 Lane to 3 Lane Design - Nicols Road, north of Cliff Road, is a collector roadway similar in width and function to Wescott Road and Silver Bell Road, both of which have been successfully converted in recent years to a 3-lane configuration. Streets with a 3-lane configuration generally reduce crashes and slow speeds. It is proposed under this project to convert this portion of Nicols Road to a 3-lane roadway, with a single northbound lane and a single southbound lane, with dedicated left turn lanes in both directions, with safety lanes on both sides adjacent to the curbs. Signage - All traffic control and street identification signage within the project limits will be replaced due to diminished reflectivity, deteriorated support posts, and the signs or posts no longer meeting City and State standards. Driveway Replacement - While some of the properties along Nicols Road have concrete driveway aprons consistent with current City standards, some commercialt industrial properties were constructed with bituminous driveway entrances and are proposed to be replaced. The entrances will be reconstructed with 7"-thick concrete entrance aprons in accordance with Eagan Standard Detail 440. This driveway entrance replacement provides commercial entrances of adequate strength and width and is consistent with similar past projects in commercial/ industrial areas throughout the City and the other properties within the project area Sidewalk/ Path Pedestrian Ramps - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires jurisdictional agencies to provide detectable warnings at all existing pedestrian ramps of sidewalks and paths with public streets that are improved, including mill & overlay improvements. The most common method of providing this detectable warning is through the installation of truncated domes a minimum of two feet in length across the width of all pedestrian ramps. This project provides for the installation of eight truncated: dome pedestrian ramps on the bituminous paths on local Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Page I intersecting streets with Nicols Road. A public concrete sidewalk was installed along the east side of Nicols from Cliff Road to Pin Oak Drive in 2006. Rain Gardens/ Infiltration Areas Reducing storm water runoff volumes and re-charging the groundwater system through infiltration has recently been emphasized at the local, state, and federal levels of government. At time of development of neighborhoods such as Nancy Circle, provisions for reducing the amount of storm water runoff from impervious surfaces, such as yard rain gardens and infiltration areas were not considered: Neighborhood street revitalization projects as proposed under this project provide an opportunity to investigate potential added storm water runoff controls. City staff will present information on the benefits and features of rain gardens to area residents to solicit interest, as part of the public notices and informational meetings for this project. If residents are interested, City staff will provide educational materials and review specific properties for the feasibility of rain garden installations. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements will be necessary. It. is anticipated that no permits will be required for the project. Nicols Road (north of Cliff Road), is a municipal state aid collector route and therefore, Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid plan approval of construction plans will be required. Nicols Road / Nancy Circle Page 1G Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2008 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: • Edge Mill and Overlay w/Signage $ 300,510 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 50,130 • Concrete Entrance Replacement $ 26,750 Total Project Cost $ 377.390 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for local streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill and Overlay/ Signage • Low Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% • Commercial/ Industrial 100% 0% • Community Parks 75% 25% Repair Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter 0% 100% Concrete Entrance Replacement 100% 0% Nicols Road / Nancy Circle au 7 Low Density - Single Family - All single-family residential equivalent properties on Nancy Circle and Nicols Road (18 Total) as shown on Figure 2C, having direct driveway access on to the streets to be improved are proposed to be assessed, based on the amount of front footage adjacent to the streets within the project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for residential properties (R-1, R-2, R-3) based on a normal residential width street (32 feet). The estimated cost per residential lot equivalent to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $686 per Single Family Lot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Single-Family Frontage =1,652 ff./ 14,616 Total ff. = 11.3% 2) [$300,510 (Mill & Overlay Cost + Signage Cost) x 50% x 32/44 x 11.3%] _ $12,350 [Total Residential Assessment (R-1, 2, 3)] 3) $12,350 (Total Residential Assessment) 4 $686 / lot 18 Single Family Residential Lots Low Density - Townhomes - Townhome residential property (Courthomes of Carrolwood), as shown on Figure 2A, having public street access on to Nicols Road to be improved is proposed to be assessed, based on the amount of front footage adjacent to Nicols Road within the project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for residential properties (R-1, R-2, R-3) based on a normal residential width street (32 feet). The estimated cost per residential lot equivalent to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $7.54 per front foot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Townhome Frontage = 203 f. f./ 14,616 Total f.f. =1.4% 2) [$300,510 (Mill & Overlay Cost + Signage Cost) x 50% x 32/44 x 1.4%] _ $1,530 [Total Townhome Residential Assessment (R-1, 2,. 3)] 3) $1,530 (Total Assessment) 4 $7.54/ F.F. 203 F.F. Townhome F.F. Community Parks - Rahn Park has access on to Nicols Road and is proposed to be assessed under this project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 75% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable to community parks, such as Rahn Park, for collector streets, regardless of width. The estimated cost per adjacent front foot to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $15.45 per front foot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Parks Assessable = 817 f. f. / 14,616 (total f.f.) = 5.6% Nicols Road / Nancy Circle l(Ja~ 8 2) [$300,510 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 75% x 5.6%] =$12,620 (Total Parks Assessment) 3) $12,620 (Parks Assessment) $15.45/ front foot 817 Front Foot - Parks Commercial! Industrial - All commercial and industrial lots as shown on Figures 2AB/C, having driveway access on to Nicols Road are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the mill and overlay. costs are assessable for commercial/ industrial streets, regardless of width. The estimated cost per front foot to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $20.60 per front foot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Commercial/Industrial Assessable = 4,094 ff./ 14,616 f.f = 28% 2) [$300,510 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 100% x 28%] =$84,140 (Total Commercial/ Industrial Assessment) 3) $84,140 (Commercial/Industrial Assessment) 4 $20.60/ F.F. 4,094 F.F. Commercial/Industrial Driveway Entrance Replacement - All adjacent commercial/ industrial properties with driveways not to current City standards are proposed to be assessed the total cost of driveway entrance replacement improvements on the area of driveway installed. The total driveway improvement assessment per lot is calculated based on the individual requirements needed to replace existing bituminous entrances with concrete entrances in accordance with current City standards. The estimated cost of driveway Teplacement -is approximately $96 S.Y. replaced. Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over five years with the interest determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following payment schedule will result based on an estimated 6.0% interest for the assessed amounts: Single Family Residential Lot = $686 Nicols Road / Nancy Circle I-lag Principal Interest Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year First Year $ 137 $37 $174 Fifth Year $ 137 $7 $144 Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay $300,510 $110,640 $189,870 Repair Existing Curb $50,130 -0- $50,130 Concrete Entrances $26,750 $26,750 -0- Totals $377,390 $137,390 $240,000 The City's Major Street Fund will finance the estimated project deficit of $240,000 (64% of total). Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing January 15, 2008 Neighborhood Meeting February 11, 2008 Public Hearing February 19, 2008 Approve Plans and Specifications March, 2008 Award Contract April, 2008 Project Completion August, 2008 Final Cost Report September, 2008 Final Assessment Hearing Fall, 2008 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement ..................................May 15, 2009 Nicols Road / Nancy Circle . acy~ 10 Appendix A -Street Overlay - City Project No. 963 Preliminary Cost Estimate Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle 1. Bituminous Street Overlay Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty. Price Cost Mobilization L.S. 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Mill Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 10,000 $1.20 $12,000 Type 2350/ 60 Wear Course Mixture Ton 3,700 $45.00 $166,500 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 2,000 $2.00 $4,000 Pavement Marking Removal - N. of Meghans L.F. 2,000 $0.75 $1,500 4-Inch White Striping - Latex L.F. 12,800 $0.25 $3,200 4-Inch Double Yellow Striping- Latex L.F. 6,400 $0.50 $3,200 24-Inch Yellow Striping- Latex L.F. 6,400 $0.50 $3,200 Turn Arrows Each 10 $200 $2,000 Adjust Water Valve Box - Riser Adjustment Each 25 $180.00 $4,500 Repair Valve To Section w/ cover Each 2 $280.00 $560 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (Manhole) Each 4 $400.00 $1,600 MH Riser Installation Each 5 $180.00 $400 Traffic Control L.S. 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Replace Traffic & Street Signs L.S. 1 $13,000.00 $13,000 Subtotal $220,160 +5% Contingencies $11,000 Subtotal $231,160 + 30% Indirect Costs $69,350 TOTAL- STREET $300,510 II. Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty- Price Cost Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 800 $5.00 $1,000 D412 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 100 $15.00 $1,500 B618 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 700 $16.00 $11,200 Remove Valle Gutter S.Y. 10 $20.00 $200 7" Concrete Valley Gutter S.Y. 10 $50.00 $500 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting C.B) Each 24 $300.00 $7,200 Sod w/Com ost S.Y. 200 $12.00 $2,400 Bituminous Driveway Patching S.Y. 20 $26.00 $520 Bituminous Street Patching Ton 50 $90.00 $4,500 Bituminous Path Patching S.Y. 50 $26.00 $1,300 Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Paver 2x2 S.F. 80 $40.00 $3,200 4" Concrete Ped Ramp w/ Wet Cast for Truncated Dome Inset S.F. 640 $5.00 $3,200 Subtotal $36,720 +5% Contingencies $1,840 Subtotal $38,560 + 30% Indirect Costs $11,570 TOTAL - CURB $50,130 III. Driveway Entrance Replacement Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty- Price Cost Driveway Entrance Replacement S.Y. 280 $70.00 $19,600 Subtotal $19,600 + 5% Contingencies $980 Subtotal $20,580 + 30% Indirect Costs $6,170 Total - Entrances $26,750 Total Proiect Cost $377,390 Appendix B - City Project No. 963 Preliminary Assessment Roll Nicols Road/ Nancy Circle Street. Overlay R1, 2, 3 Residential Address P.LN Lot Lot Total Equivalents Assessment NANCY CIRCLE 2142 Nancy Cir. 10-77000-030-01 1 $686 $686 . 2144 Nancy Cir. 10470'607'040-011 $6861 $686 2146 Nancy Cir. 10-77000-020-01 1 $686' $686 2148 Nancy Cir. 10-770007050-01 1 $686` $686 4680 Nicols Road 1047000-010-01 1 $6861' $686 4690 Nicols Road 10-77000-060-01` 1 $686- $686 Subtotal 6 NICOLS ROAD 4665 Nicols Point 10-16931-080-01 1 $6864' $686 4669 Nicols Point 10-16931-070-01 1 $686'; . $686 4673 Nicols Point 10-16931' 060-01 1 $686; $686 4677 Nicols Point 10-16931-050-01 1 $686 $686 4681 Nicols Point 10= 693 040-01 1 $686 $686 4687 Nicols Rd. 10-16931.030-01 1 $6861-. $686 4691 Nicols Rd. 10-16931 020-01 1 $686', - $686 4695 Nicols Rd. 10-16931-010-01: 1 $.686 $686 4746 Nicols Rd. 16-58550 010-01- 1 $686:$686 4750 Nicols Rd. 10 -58550-020-01' 1 ',$686r-,,$686 4754 Nicols Rd. 10-58550.-030-01 1 $686 ; . $686 4770 Nicols Rd. 10-39850-020-01 1 $686, $686 Subtotal 12 Total -Single 18 $12,350 ~1 7, Family R2, R3 Townhomes Courthomes of P.I.N. Front Rate/ F.F. Carrolwood Footage 4326 Meghan Ln. 10-48250-407-03 " 203 ff. $7.54 $1,530 Neighborhood Park Rahn Park 10-16600-040-00 817 U. $15.45 $12,620 ~0 ..s Front Rate/ Street D/W COMMERCIAL/ P.I.N. Foot F.F. Overlay D/W Rate D/W Total INDUSTRIAL Assmt SY SY Assmt Assmt No Address - Undeveloped 10-03'000-011-27 256 $20.60 $5,270 $5,270 4325 Nicols Road 10-03000-010-29 270 $20.60 $5,560 $5,560 4345 Nicols Road 10-16820-010-01 227 $20.60 $4,680 $4,680 4355 Nicols Road 10-16820-030-01 132* $20.60 $2,720 $2,720 4381 Cedar Avenue 10-16820-010-02 275* $20.60 $5,670 $5,670 4565 Erin Lane 10-47400-010-01 205* $20.60 $4,220 $4,220 2121 Cliff Drive 10-16620-010-01 235* $20.60 $4,840 $4,840 4595 Nicols Road 10-47401-010-01 325 $20.60 $6,700 65 $96 $6,240 $12,940 2125 Cliff Road 10-16620-010-02 325 $20.60 $6,700 55 $96 $5,280 $11,980 2140 Cliff Road 10-26900-010-01 380 $20.60 $7,830 $7,830 4615 Nicols Road 10-22100-010-01 172 $20.60 $3,540 50 $96 $4,800 $8,340 4625 Nicols Road 10-22100-020-01 213 $20.60 $4,390 50 $96 $4,800 $9,190 4635 Nicols Road 10-16930-010-01 171 $20.60 $3,520 25 $96 $2,400 $5,920 4640 Nicols Road 10-53570-010-01 264 $20.60 $5,440 $5,440 4651 Nicols Road 10-16930-020-01 100 $20.60 $2,060 13 $96 $1,250 $3,310 4655 Nicols Road 10-16930-030-01 110 $20.60 $2,270 12 $96 $1,150 $3,420 4670 Nicols Road 10-03100-060-04 134 $20.60 $2,760 $2,760 Subtotal 4,094 $60,700 280 $26,750 $87,450 * (Net) Includes 75' corner lot credit Total Assessment - Streets = $110,640 *73 J ■C / HAIL Y e r \~(~G~s DEERW OD DR. 0 a o . rc Z x qa IF LEY ROAD DIFFLEY ROAD y Y 3 l LL U Project Location LL U 2 Lij O Q SHALE LN. 4 QO QQ ,y ROAp m U r Z Y H O FL CLIFF ROAD m CLIFF ROAD WALM o NPARK 0 Nmcy W CIR. O PIN pql( DR. U Z PC MANGTON W Q' ~ Y Q U e Z w 2 p O _T/_ APPLE VALLEY G:\Pro'ect & Contract Inforrnation 0963-Nieols Rd-Non Cir\FecsibilityRsport IocaGon ma .dw 9/13/07 Nicols Road -Nancy Circle City of E~~~II Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 1 Engineering Department l Location Map - Project 963 - - DIFFLEY ROAD - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4205 4206 ; • ' 1` ~ L~Ji i I J ~ i i - EQ \ NORTH O 1 300' (~4z2s ! ;~~~~ct^s^ r~ ( U) ~e 1 I' ---s t 1 l I ' f: 40, ? i t J* - MEGHAN~•~ MARBLE LN"1 i •-i I f f! ; _ GLORY DR. ! r - JProj. 954) 4300 . 2180 j i rL I ,J j 4325. II 4316 f ' 1 ! 1 N. 4322 I j' y, C' l (ICY', ja I ! 1: 4326 ~ ~ 17 W i v 4334 i ~ _..i / C t I 434 N:. 40 ! \ LL. j IIy 4146 f 2189 { 4355 ! ti 4352 'k, i z 4358 i i 1 Q CEDAR RIDGE CIR. 064 (Proj. 954) ~i 1 I^f 4370 r_.__..r.._. _J 1 1 I. iJ i ! ' I I i 4376 j ~ Q I 1 4361 w: ~ i SHALE s LEGEND - - - - - - - - - - - / M 11111W ASSESSMENT AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS f is { € II { * 75' CORNER LOT CREDIT G:Project & Controct Info\0963\Fesibility Report\FIG-2AA See Fig. 2B 2_11_08 Nicols Road - Nancy Cir. my of Eno Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 2A Engineering Department Project 963 - Assessment Area N See Fig. 2A ~ ` - - ! I SHALE i ! w E I i S 1 1 I - - 1- 1" = 300' I 1 J~ ~ I 1 ' 1 j 1 n r--- 1 E 1 I f 1 W RAHN PARK 1 LL 1 , , I I W; i Z ( 1 i LLI j> Q II ERIN DR. I I t_.-; 1 I I ! Qi 01 1 i J r CLIFFHILL--W. % ERIN DR._ f i 1 ' 1 ''}I ! I wi._ i i I 456_5_ } 1 I Ii N '2127r CLIFF( DR. Pro 96 1.~ 1 r 4595 ! _ ' 2125 ` i 1 't w w N N LEGEND 1 j 1 M cq: ASSESSMENT AREA `st',+ 1 n i • r'~•.~ I~ STREET IMPROVEMENTS % . CONCRETE DRIVEWAY CLIFF ROAD ENTRANCE * 75' CORNER LOT CREDIT See Fig. 2C G:Project & Contract Info\0963\Fesibility Report\FIG2S_- 9-11-07 Nicols Road - Nancy Circle City of ~~no Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 2B Engineering Department Project 963 -Assessment Area i See Fig_ 7R A& CLIFF ROAD ' - 2140 2130r NORTH 4615 - 1 300' o { 1 Co C7 Cl) I 14625 N 1 ;1146351 1 T V 4640 E ! i--_t f N E 1 a~ ss1 '~oof.f. ~ ! 110 ff.; 4670 ! m ! 4655 ! 46 9 4665 ! 4680 2146 2142 ! ter-' L l 4677 f ! Cn ! 4673 i NANCY L 4687' - c 4690 ; - E m. 2148 2144 r-t ' ! - L n 4691 r l ' r t PIN OAK D--R-NE-- - { 4695 T - - - ! . f-i - 01 y ! i L7~ 1 -t _ -FJ 0 Al Z I n i_ I 1 j l 1 U i i t o r- -I -'---f---a--..._ ~ 4746 J i- 4750 4754 t '~-i I • , j j . _.i 4770 ~ (~-j ~ t 1 ~ 1 ! LEGEND 2145 - r- _ ASSESSMENT AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS - KINGS-ROAD CONCRETE DRIVEWAY / \ ENTRANCE G:Project & Contract Info\0963\Fesibility Report\FIG2 1_7_08 Nicols Road - Nancy Cir. Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 2c City 'd EaEaIl Engineering Department Project 963 - Assessment Area 60'-80' ROW 36'-52' F-F 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE EX. B618 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE CURB & GUTTER Nicols Road Existing Typical Section 60'-80' ROW 36'-52" F-F EDGE MILL (6'-8' wide) Typ. 11/2" TYPE 2350/2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY REPLACE EX. CURB & GUTTER AS DIRECTED BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 4' BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE Nicols Road - Bituminous Overlay Proposed Typical Section ,0-,0-05 Nicols Road -Nancy Circle City of Eap Neighborhood. Street Revitalization Fig. 3A Engineering Departrnent Typical Section - Project 963 60' ROW 29' F-F 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE EX. B618 CURB 6" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE & GUTTER Nancy Circle Existing Typical Section 60' ROW 29' F-F EDGE MILL (6'-8' wide) Typ. F11/2" WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS OVERLAY REPLACE EX. CURB & GUTTER AS DIRECTED BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE Nancy Circle Proposed Typical Section -22-08 Nicols Road -Nancy Circle My of EaRa q Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 313 Engineering Department Typical Section - Project 963 CITY PROJECT NO 963 INFORMATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING NICOLS ROAD/ NANCY CIRCLE STREET REVITALIZATION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2008 5:30 P.M. EAGAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Attendance: John Gorder, Assistant City Engineer, 7 property owners representing 5 properties (see attached sign-in sheet). A. Presentation of Project Details • Gorder welcomed the residents and provided project presentation, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. He also provided information regarding incorrectly placed mailboxes that are at risk for snow plow damage, and rain gardens. B. Questions/ Comments • We are very interested in a rain garden, and wish to be considered for construction in the boulevard area of my yard. City Water Resources staff will contact you to evaluate the appropriateness of rain garden installation, and City participation if this is a good location. • Can something be done to alleviate the steep grade on the Wendy's driveway on Nicols? This has been discussed previously with the property owners and developers. The steep grade on this driveway is a private property issue that can only be addressed on the Wendy's property, with modification of the parking lot and service drives. City staff will make contact with Wendy's representatives to review possible alternatives. • Will access to driveways be limited? Only if a section of curb needs to be replaced adjacent to a driveway, then access will be restricted until the new concrete curb cures and the driveway is patched. • I am concerned about access to commercial properties during driveway construction. The specifications require that vehicle access be provided at all times to commercial properties, if no alternative access is available. This requires the driveways to be constructed in phases to provide for consistent access. The meeting adjourned at 6:15 p.m. GTroj-font/ 963/Minutes Fib NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Nicols Road Project No. 963 Monday, February 11, 2008 City of Eap 5:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS 1. kck~gkr-b kiied Zl 2 2. 4J A-Ir-J LA 3. 7D y 6. k/i4ce 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. G:FORMS/SIGN-IN.Sheet Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting B. PROJECT 964, YANKEE DOODLE ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Continue consideration of Project 964, Yankee Doodle Road (Street Improvements) indefinitely. FACTS: • The resurfacing of Yankee Doodle Road, from Terminal Drive to approximately 600. feet to the west, in northwestern Eagan has been programmed for 2008 in the City's 5- Year Capital Improvement Program. • On June 19, 2007 the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering a street rehabilitation of this portion of Yankee Doodle Road. • On January 15, 2008, the feasibility report for Project 964 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the adjacent property owners. ISSUES: • Issues relating to the removal of the traffic barrier bumpout at Yankee Doodle Road and Terminal Drive, and the Apple Valley police range access warrant consideration of delaying this project until these items are satisfactorily resolved. ~3a Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting C. PROJECT 965, ELRENE ROAD STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Project 965, Elrene Road (Street Improvements) and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. FACTS: • Since 1990, the City has implemented a comprehensive Pavement Management Program that provides timely pavement rehabilitation to our local streets, significantly extending their overall life expectancy. During these past eighteen years, the City has rehabilitated approximately 96 miles of local streets. • The resurfacing of Elrene Road, from Wescott Road Road to Yankee Doodle Road, has been programmed for 2008 in the City's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. • On June 19, 2007 the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering a rehabilitation of this street in eastern Eagan. • On January 15, 2008, the feasibility report for Project 965 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the adjacent property owners. • An informational neighborhood meeting was held on February 11 for the adjacent property owners and representatives to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 5 total properties (4 single-family, 1 commercial/ industrial) proposed to be assessed under this improvement, no one attended the informational meeting. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: PA /I • Feasibility Report , pages6,hroughl. City of Ea an Report for Elrene Road (Wescott Rd. to Yankee Doodle Rd.) Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 965 February, 2008 Q ~F Elrene Road f City of all February 15, 2008 Mike Maguire Honorable Mayor and City Council MAYOR City of Eagan 3830 Pilot Knob Road Paul Bakken Eagan, MN 55122 Peggy Carlson Re: Elrene Road Street Revitalization Cyndee Fields City Project No. 965 Meg Tilley COUNCIL MEMBERS Dear Mayor and City Council: Attached is our report for the Elrene Road Street Revitalization, City Project No. 965. The Thomas Hedges report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, CITY ADMINISTRATOR preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. Sincerely, MUNICIPAL CENTER P^ -XZ r 3830 Pilot Knob Road o! P. Gorder, P.E. Eagan, MN 55122-1810 Assistant City Engineer 651.675.5000 phone I hereby certify that this report was 651.675.5012 fax prepared by me or under my direct supervision 651.454.8535 TDD and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. MAINTENANCE FACILITY 3501 Coachman Point John P. Gorder Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone Date: O Reg. No. 22813 651.675.5360 fax 651.454.8535 TDD Reviewed By: Z- l Date: ' - (G-09, Dept. of LB www.cityofeagan.com Reviewe -01 Finance Dep t.a Date: THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. Elrene Road TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal/Certification Table of Contents Page Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1 Scope .........................................:.............................................................................................................2 Feasibility and Recommendations ........................................................................................................3 Street Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................3 Proposed Improvements .......................................................................................................................4 Easements/Permits ................................................................................................................................5 Cost Estimate 5 Assessments ...........................................................................................................................................6 Low Density Residential .............................................................................:...........................6 Commercial/ Industrial ............................................................................................................7 Assessment Financing Options ............................................................................................................7 Revenue Source .....................................................................................................................................8 Project Schedule .....................................................................................................................................9 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2A/ B/ C Street Improvement/Assessment Area Maps - 3 Typical Section - Overlay Q l,, Elrene Road G.? i% February 2008 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Elrene Road Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program, (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The approximately 1.1 miles of 36' to 44' wide Elrene Road, from Wescott Road to Yankee Doodle Road, is identified for street overlay improvements in 2008. The street was originally constructed in 1974, and overlayed in 1991. Figure 1 illustrates the location of Project 965. Based on the data and engineering/ best management strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (at 5 to 7 years, again at 12 to 14 years) with a bituminous overlay at approximately 20 years. Overlaying this roadway located within the project area, 17 years old, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and further extending the structural life of the underlying street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the street pavement. Elrene Road was seal coated in 1996. Elrene Road Page 1 The Public Works maintenance program typically includes patching and refurbishing during the construction season two years prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, as necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street pavements if not combined with the proposed structural bituminous overlay proposed with this project. The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) in the project area and determined the system is in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Scope This project provides for resurfacing (edge mill and overlay) approximately 1.1 miles of roadways. Figure 2, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project area. Included in this project is the replacement of the damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, street signage, trail overlay, and pedestrian ramps. Elrene Road Page 2 Feasibility and Recommendations This project is necessary to prevent further decay of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, increase ride-ability and add structural strength. This project is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. This project is feasible from an engineering standpoint in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2008 - 2012) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report, in conjunction with other similar projects throughout the City. Street Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56 - 100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36 - 55 , Patch/Repair and/or Overlay 0-35 Reconstruct The 2007 PCI ranking for this portion of Elrene Road is 36 which falls in the lower rankings of the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category. Therefore, with this rating and the age of the street, the 2008 construction season is the critical time to construct the bituminous overlay. Elrene Road ~l Page 3 Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements are shown in Figure 3. The existing street section consists of 4" bituminous pavement supported by 6" gravel base and granular sub grade material. The existing bituminous surface will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1'/2-inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for a collector street. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb and gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 4% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be Y~tmm replaced. Boulevard sod will be removed and replaced by a new 2' wide roll behind each section of ;E curb and gutter that is replaced. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for it's establishment in the first 30 days after placement, adjacent residents are encouraged to consistently water the new sod to help ensure its growth. A guide to maintenance of the sod will be distributed to the residents prior to this construction activity. Signage - All traffic control and street identification signage within the project limits will be replaced due to diminished reflectivity, deteriorated support posts, and the signs or posts no longer meeting City and State standards. Elrene Road ~/f Page 4 Sidewalk/ Path Pedestrian Ramps - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires jurisdictional agencies to provide detectable warnings at all existing pedestrian ramps of sidewalks and paths with public streets that are improved, including mill & overlay improvements. The most common method of providing this detectable warning is through the installation of truncated domes a` Ki minimum of two feet in length across the width of all pedestrian ramps. This project provides for the installation of four truncated r k dome pedestrian ramps on the d " bituminous paths on local intersecting streets. Bituminous Trail - The existing trail along the east side of Elrene Road has reached a condition that requires an 1 %i" bituminous overlay under this project. Easement/Permits All work will, be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements will be necessary. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Elrene Road is a municipal state aid collector route, and therefore, Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid plan approval of construction plans will be required. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2008 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: i Elrene Road Page 5 • Edge Mill and Overlay w/Signage $ 218,300 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter/ Trail Overlay $ 84,070 Total Project Cost 30S 2.370 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for local streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill and Overlay/ Signage • Low Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% • Industrial 100% 0% Repair Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter / Trail 0% 100% Low Density Residential Lots (R-1, R-2, R-3) - All residential equivalent properties (4 Total, all single-family) as shown on Figures 2A/B/C having direct driveway access on to Elrene Road to be improved are proposed to be assessed, based on the amount of front footage within the project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for residential properties (R-1, R-2, R-3) based on a normal residential width street (32 feet). The estimated cost per residential lot equivalent to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $1,210/ Lot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Low Density Residential F.F. = 737 F.F. / 12,052 F.F. = 6.1% 2) $218,300 (Mill & Overlay Cost + Signage Cost) x 50% x 6.1% [percentage of F.F. on Elrene Road] x 32/44 (road width) _ $4,840 [Total Residential Assessment (R-1, 2,3)] 3) $4,840 (Total Residential Assessment) 4 $1,210/ Lot 4 Single-Family Lots Elrene Road Page 6 Commercial/ Industrial - All commercial/ industrial lots (West Publishing) as shown on Figures 2A/ B, having available access on to Elrene Road within the project area are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for commercial/ industrial streets, regardless of width. The estimated cost to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $56,540 and is calculated as follows: 1) % Commercial/Industrial Assessable = 3,124 F.F./ 12,052 Total F.F. = 25.9% 2) [$218,300 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 100%] x 25.9% = $56,540 (Total Commercial/ Industrial Assessment) 3) $56,540 Comm./ Ind. Assessment/ 3,124 F.F. = $18.10/ F.F. Assessment Financing Options Commercial/ Industrial Properties - The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over ten years with the interest determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following payment schedule is an example of a $10,000 assessment with an estimated 6.0% interest for the assessed amounts: Principal Interest ; Cost Per Year Per Year I . Per Year i First Year $1,000 $600 $1,600 Tenth Year $1,000 $60 $1,060 Single-Family Properties - The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over five years with the interest determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following payment schedule will result based on an estimated 6% interest for the assessed amounts: Eirene Road 9 ~ Page 7 Single Family Residential Lot = $1,210 Principal Interest Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year First Year $ 242 $73 $315 Fifth Year $ 242 $15 $257 Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: PROJECT PROPERTY CITY CONTRIBUTION COST ASSESSMENT Mill & Overlay $218,300 $61,380 $156,920 Repair Curb/ Trail $84,070 -0- $84,070 Totals $302,370 $61,380 $240,990 The City's Major Street Fund will finance the estimated project deficit of $240,990 (80% of total). Elrene Road Page 8 qq- Project Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing January 15, 2008 Informational Meeting February 11, 2008 Public Hearing February 19, 2008 Approve Plans and Specifications March, 2008 Award Contract April, 2008 Project Completion ................................................................................August, 2008 Final Cost Report September, 2008 Final Assessment Hearing Fall, 2008 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement May.15, 2009 Elrene Road Page 9 Appendix A -Street Overlay - City Project No. 965 Preliminary Cost Estimate Elrene Road 1. Bituminous Street Overlay Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty. Price Cost Mobilization L.S. 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Mill Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 8,000 $1.15 $9,200 Type 2350/ 60 Wear Course Mixture Ton 2,600 $45.00 $117,000 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 1,370 $2.00 $2,740 Manhole w/ Casting Each 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 Adjust Frame & Ring Castro (Manhole) Each 16 $400.00 $6,400 MH Riser Installation Each 5 $140.00 $700 Replace Traffic & Street Signs L.S. 1 $6,510.00 $6,510 4-Inch White Striping L.F. 4,480 $0.25 $1,120 4-Inch Double Yellow Striping L.F. 6,000 $0.50 $2,800 Pavement MSG. Markin Arrow Each 6 $150.00 $900 Repair GV To Section with Cover (SP 100) Each 1 $300.00 $300 Castro Assembly Each 8 $500.00 $4,000 Crosswalk Markin S.F. 250 $5.00 $1,250 Inlet Protection Each 4 $250.00 $1,000 Traffic Control L.S. 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Subtotal $159,920 + 5% Contingencies $8,000 Subtotal $167,920 + 30% Indirect Costs $50,380 TOTAL- STREET $218,300 II. Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Q . Price Cost Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 500 $5.00 $2,500 B624 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 240 $25.00 $6,000 B618 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 260 $21.00 $5,460 Remove Concrete Valle Gutter S.Y. 7 $20.00 $140 7" Concrete Valle Gutter S.Y. 7 $50.00 $350 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (C.B) Each 11 $300.00 $3,300 ` Elrene Road Remove and Replace C.B. Stucture with Casting Each 2 $2,500.00 $5,000 Sod w/Com ost S.Y. 140 $12.00 $1,680 Bituminous Driveway Patching S.Y. 40 $24.00 $960 1.5" Bituminous Trail Overlay Ton 460 $50.00 $23,000 Bituminous Street Patching Ton 50 $90.00 $4,500 Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Paver (2x2 S.F. 120 $40.00 $4,800 Remove Bit Trail S.F. 600 $1.50 $900 4" Concrete Ped Ramp w/ Wet Cast for Truncated Dome Inset S.F. 600 $5.00 $3,000 Subtotal $61,590 +5% Contingencies $3,080 Subtotal $64,670 + 30% Indirect Costs $19,400 TOTAL - CURB $84,070 Total PrOect Cost $302.370 Elrene Road Appendix B - City Project No. 965 Preliminary Assessment Roll Elrene. Road Street Overlay Address P.I.N. Lot Lot Total Equivalents Assessment RI Residential 3535 Elrene Rd. I0-83700, 13,-04 1 $1;210 $1,210 3585 Elrene Rd. 10-30950 '010=01 1 $1;210 i $1,210 3765 Elrene Rd. 1'0-70790-010-,02-, 1 $1,210 $1,210 3775 Elrene Rd. 10--,70790-090-'OZ 1 $1;210 $1,210 t Subtotal $4,840 P.LN Front Feet -Rate Total Commercial/ Industrial West Publishing 10-83,804-0107,01 3,124 $18.10 $56,540 10 83803 020-00 1078-3803-030.=00, - TOTAL ASSESSMENT = $61,380 Elrene Road Q MENDOTA HEIGHTS I - 494 I - J TR s ho Ss ~ I V ss I~ LONE OAK ROAD TRUN K HiNy N~• 55 Project Location i h44s DR I YANKEE DOODLE. ROAD I I 170 ui Q ~G x Z Z W Z -7- r ~a --TT-:j WESCOTT ROAD .y CITY HALL HALL 0 O~ o0 / .N t. 3 :\Pro' ct & Contract Information\0961-BurrOokHills,\Feasibili Report\Location Plan 11/19/07 Elrene Road City of Eaku Cr 1 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 1 Engineering Department Location Map - Project 965 I LEGEND 1 ` ASSESSMENT AREA STREET IMPROVEMENTS YANKEE DOODLE RD- CO . 4th ADD. r j~ J cNn WEST PUBLISHING OUTLOT C 1 f y-----I 1 -TRAILS END RD. 4.1 F u 10-83803-020-00 4th ADD. WEST PUBLISHING CO. s __j OUTLOT B BITUMINOUS TRAIL OVERLAY v, i :f 3535 j f i gar OAKS r t Trails End Road Report\~IG_ AA (WescOtt t0 Fig. 2A y - G:Project do Contract Info\0953\fesibility Eirene Road N Revitaliz Neighborhood Street Assessment Area I~ Project965 - ation City of Ea~a~ Gnnineering DePartnent OAKS LEGEND ~I JJ eK ASSESSMENT AREA NORTH / ¢t; ® STREET IMPROVEMENTS I I ' PEDESTRIAN RAMP 0 w/ TRUNCATED DOMES 5. ~ 3585 µ 805 0 SV O BITUMINOUS TRAIL OVERLAY c, N 10-83803-020-00 } WEST PUBLISHING Co. 4th ADD.' \ OUTLOT B hs ~ WEST PUBLISHING Co. r Piss 5th ADD. GR~P1 f f "r r' ! Lot 1, Block 1 10-83804010-01 Kt. J1 + k r t WtjypZR~EZ ~ t G:Project do Controet Info\0963\Fesibility Rep. Elrene Road - ( Wescott to Trails End Road ) .t City of Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 2B Engineering Department Project 965 - Assessment Area LEGEND f RAE 0~ 'f:' " SESSMF14-T ARE PROVEMENTS . '\C\4~~ J i \ STREET IM j c, r 1,EDFSTR44 " ED DOMES t 1 NORTH ^ , vv v \ Y~ D -RLAY O\IF 81TUM1NOUS TRp,IL IN,, N O Y y l J 1THHILLS WA 7a L rr~~i i sour', -j Nil Is 'NOOD J i .......,t 3765 ' ~ L J ' / ..,-..t ~ i ~•'7 a q STONEWOODRD f f> r 3776 000 LN. i r 1 FitCtS CT. L L ~ ~ ~ I~ 3 t i 1r J UTH HILLS SCOTT ROAD rails End Road Fig. 2c Wesc° to T Elrene Road ooa Street Revitalization Neighbor, Assessment Area Project 965 _ City of Ea~o~. ~ o .__-rinn Department 80' ROW 36'-44' F-F 7- 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE EX. B618 6" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE CURB & GUTTER Existing Typical Section 80' ROW 36'-44' F-F EDGE MILL (6'-8' wide) Typ. F11/2' TYPE 2350/60 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY REPLACE EX. CURB & GUTTER AS DIRECTED BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE Bituminous Street Overlay Proposed Typical Section :Proj and Contract Info\Elrene 965 \typical sections 1_08_08 Elrene Road - (Wescott Rd. to Trails End Road ) *City of EagaIl Fig. 3 Engineering Department Typical Sections -Project 965 Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting D. PROJECT 966, FEDERAL DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Approve Project 966, Federal Drive (Street Improvements) and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications. FACTS: • Since 1990, the City has implemented a comprehensive Pavement Management Program that provides timely pavement rehabilitation to our local streets, significantly extending their overall life expectancy. During these past eighteen years, the City has rehabilitated approximately 96 miles of local streets. • The resurfacing of Federal Drive, from Yankee Doodle Road to Washington & Surrey Heights Drive, has been programmed for 2008 in the City's 5-Year Capital Improvement Program. • On June 19, 2007 the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering a rehabilitation of this street in eastern Eagan. • On January 15, 2008, the feasibility report for Project 966 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the adjacent property owners. • An informational neighborhood meeting was held on February 13 for the adjacent property owners and representatives to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 3 total properties (1 high-density residential, 2 commercial/ industrial) proposed to be assessed under this improvement, no one attended the informational meeting. • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ATTACHMENTS: • o Feasibility Report, page4 ugh. /C)4 City of Ea an Report for Federal Drive Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 966 February 2008 XS 411~ City of Eakan Mike Maguire February 15, 2008 MAYOR Paul Bakken Honorable Mayor and City Council Peggy Carlson City of Eagan Cyndee Fields 3830 Pilot Knob Road Meg Tilley Eagan, MN 55122 COUNCIL MEMBERS Re: Federal Drive Street Revitalization City Project No. 966 Thomas Hedges CITY ADMINISTRATOR Dear Mayor and City Council: Attached is our report for the Federal Drive Street Revitalization, City Project No. 966. The report presents and discusses the proposed improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and MUNICIPAL CENTER discuss the contents of this report. 3830 Pilot Knob Road Sincerely, Eagan, MN 55122-1810 651.675.5000 phone 651.675.5012 fax ohn P. Gorder, P.E. 651.454.8535 TDD Assistant City Engineer I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision MAINTENANCE FACILITY and that I am a duly Licensed Professional 3501 Coachman Point Engineer under the laws of the State of Eagan, MN 55122 Minnesota. 651.675.5300 phone \ J'~ 651.675.5360 fax John P. Gorder 651.454.8535 TDD Date: a `~7 fl Reg. No. 22813 www.cityofeagan.com Reviewed Byte Dept. of Public orks Date: t , Reviewe THE LONE OAK TREE The symbol of strength and growth in our community. IoC~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transmittal/Certification Table of Contents Page Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1 Scope .......................................................................................................................................................2 Feasibility and Recommendations ........................................................................................................3 Street Evaluation ...................................................................................................................................3 Proposed Improvements .......................................................................................................................4 Easements/Permits ................................................................................................................................5 Cost Estimate 5 Assessments ...........................................................................................................................................6 High Density Residential .........................................................................................................6 Commercial/ Industrial .........................................:..................................................................7 Assessment Financing Options ............................................................................................................T Revenue Source .....................................................................................................................................8 Project Schedule .....................................................................................................................................8 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix*B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2 Street-Trail Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section - Overlay lb7 . February 2008 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Federal Drive Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program, (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. The approximately 0.2 miles of 44' wide Federal Drive located between Yankee Doodle Road and the intersection of Washington Drive and Surrey Heights Drive is proposed for overlay improvements in 2008. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. This portion of Federal Drive was constructed in 1982. Based on the data and engineering/ best management practices strategies available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (at 5 to 7 years, again at 12 to 14 years) with a bituminous overlay at approximately 20 years. Overlaying this roadway, which in the 25 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the street. Federal Drive Pate 1 U? Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the street pavement. The street was seal coated various times between 1989 and 2000. The Public Works maintenance program typically includes patching and refurbishing during the construction season two years prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, as necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street pavement if not combined with the proposed structural bituminous overlay proposed with this project. The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) in the project area and determined the system is in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Scone This project provides for resurfacing (edge mill and overlay) approximately 0.2 miles of roadway. Figure 2, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project area. Included in this project is the replacement of the damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, street signage, and pedestrian ramps. Fedeial Drive 11 Feasibility and Recommendations This project is necessary to prevent further decay of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, increase ride-ability and add structural strength. The mill & overlay portion of the project is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of this street. This project is feasible from an engineering standpoint in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan (2008 - 2012) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report in combination with other similar projects in the area. Street Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56 - 100 Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat 36 - 55 Patch/Repair and/or Overlay FO-35 Reconstruct The 2007 PCI ranking for this portion of Federal Drive has an average pavement condition rating of 21 which falls in the "Reconstruct" category. With the planned repair and replacement of the existing pavement sections under this project, this portion of Federal Drive is now proposed for an overlay only. Federal Drive I'P~ 3 Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements are shown in Figure 3. The existing street section consists of 4" bituminous pavement supported by 8" gravel base and granular sub grade material. The existing bituminous surface will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1 %-inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for a collector street. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb and gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 12% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard sod will be removed and replaced by a new 2' wide roll behind each section of curb and gutter that is replaced. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for its establishment in the first 30 days after placement, adjacent and property owners are encouraged to consistently water the new sod to help ensure its growth. Signage - All traffic control and street identification signage within the project limits will be replaced due to diminished reflectivity, deteriorated support posts, and the signs or posts no longer meeting City and State standards. Federal Drive Page 4 Sidewalk/ Path Pedestrian Ramps -The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires jurisdictional agencies to provide detectable warnings at all existing pedestrian ramps of sidewalks and paths with public streets that are improved, including mill & overlay improvements. The most common method of providing this detectable warning is through the installation of truncated domes a minimum-of two feet in length across the width of all pedestrian ramps. This project provides for the installation of two truncated dome pedestrian ramps on the bituminous paths on local y intersecting streets at Federal Drive and Yankee Doodle Road. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements will be necessary. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Federal Drive is a municipal state aid collector route, and therefore, Minnesota Department of Transportation State Aid plan approval of construction plans will be required. Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2008 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: Edge Mill and Overlay w/Signage $ 41,500 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 31,490 Total Project Cost S72,990 Federal Drive ~je5 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for collector streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill and Overlay/ Signage • High Density Residential (R-4) 75% .25% • Commercial 100% 0% Repair Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter 0% 100% High Density Residential Lots (R-4) - All high-density residential property (1 total) as shown on Figure 2, having direct driveway access on to the portion of Federal Drive to be improved is proposed to be assessed, based on the amount of front footage adjacent to the street within the project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 75% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable to these residential properties (R-4). The estimated cost to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $4,390 and is calculated as follows: 1. % of R-4 Assessable= 355 F.F./1827 F.F. Total= 19.4% 2. [$41,500 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 19.4% (percentage of F.F.) x 32/44 x 75%] _ $4,390 3. $4,390/ 355 F.F. _ $12.36/ F.F. Federal Drive Paee 6 1I~ Commercial/ Industrial - All commercial and industrial lots as shown on Figure 2 having driveway access on to the streets to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for local or collector streets, regardless of width. 1. % of Commercial Assessable = 812 F.F. / 1827 F.F Total = 44.4% 2. [$41,500 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 100% x 44.4%] =$18,440 (Total Commercial/ Industrial Assessment) 3. $18,440/ 812 F.F.4 $22.71/ F.F. Assessment Financing Options Commercial/ Industrial Properties - The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over ten years with the interest determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following payment schedule is an example of a $10,000 assessment with an estimated 6.0% interest for the assessed amounts: Principal Interest Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year First Year i $1,000 $600 $1,600 Tenth Year $1,000 $60 $1,060 Federal Drive 1P~e7 N Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: Project Cost Property Assessment City Contribution Mill and Overlay $41,500 $22,830 $18,670 Repair Existing Curb $31,490 -0- $31,490 Totals $72,990 $229830 $50,160 The City's Major Street Fund will finance the estimated project deficit of $50,160 (69% of total). Project Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing January 15, 2008 Neighborhood Meeting February 13, 2008 Public Hearing I February 19, 2008 Approve Plans and Specifications March, 2008 Award Contract April, 2008 Project Completion ................................................................................August, 2008 Final Cost Report September, 2008 Final Assessment Hearing Fall, 2008 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement May 15, 2009 Federal Drive Paae 8 ICs Appendix A -Street Overlay - City Project No. 966 Preliminary Cost Estimate Federal Drive 1. Bituminous Street Overlay Est. Unit Est. Item Unit QtY. Price Cost Mobilization L.S. 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Mill Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 1100 $1.15 $1,265 Type 2350/ 60 Wear Course Mixture Ton 400 $45.00 $18,000 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 190 $2.00 $380 Manhole w/ Casting Each 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 Adjust Water Valve Box - Riser Adjustment Each 1 $175.00 $175 Replace Traffic & Street Signs L.S. 1 $1,350.00 $1,350 Pavement MSG. Markin (Arrow) Each 6 $150.00 $900 4-Inch Double Yellow Striping L.F. 1150 $1.00 $1,150 12-Inch Yellow Striping L.F. 100 $2.00 $200 24-Inch Stop Bar (Epoxy) L.F. 120 $8.00 $960 Traffic Control L.S. 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Subtotal $30,380 +5% Contingencies $1,520 Subtotal $31,900 + 30% Indirect Costs $9,570 TOTAL- STREET $41,500 H. Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty. Price Cost Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 200 $5.00 $1,000 B618 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 200 $21.00 $4,200 Remove Concrete Valley Gutter. S.Y. 7 $20.00 $140 Remove & Replace Concrete Entrance S.Y. 30 $70.00 $2,100 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (C.B Each 2 $300.00 $600 Sod w/Com ost S.Y. 60 $12.00 $720 Loo Detector Remove/ Replace Each 2 $500.00 $1,000 Bituminous Driveway Patching S.Y. 20 $24.00 $480 Bituminous Path Patching S.Y. 15 $26.00 $390 R & R CB Casting Each 1 $300.00 $300 Bituminous Street Patching Ton 50 $90.00 $4,500 Inlet Protection Each 1 $250.00 $250 Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Paver 2x2 S.F. 24 $40.00 $960 4" Concrete Ped Ram w/ Wet Cast Each 250 $5.00 $1,250 Remove Bit Trail S.F. 120 $1.50 $180 Remove & Replace CB Structure with Casting S.F. 2 $2,500.00 $5,000 Subtotal $23,070 +5% Contingencies $1,150 Subtotal $24,220 + 30% Indirect Costs $7,270 TOTAL - CURB $31,490 Total Proiect Cost: $72,990 /17 Appendix B - City Project No. 966 Preliminary Assessment Roll Federal Drive Street Overlay Address PIN Front Ratel F.F. Total Foot Commercial/ Industrial 3440 Federal Dr. 10-140047010-01 442 $22.71 $10,040 1466 Yankee Doodle 10-14001-010-01 370 $22.71 $8,400 Subtotals - 812 $18,440 Iiieh-Density Residential 3410 Surrey Dr. 10-72995-020'-01 355 $12.36 $4,390 Total $22,830 INTERSTATE 494 $ rR x NRy~ Q ~ NO• s s d Cr 2A: LONE OAK ROAD Z Z~ J TOWERVIEW RD Q ~ Project Location O Y o = J ~ a YANKEE DOO LE RD. J ; Ix- w ~Ib LL Z Z ~ W ~ p X W J WESCOTT ROAD o MC HALL HALL . ~ 3y. !Y DEERWOOD R. Y U .5 Co Project & Contract Information 0957-Blockhawk Oaks Add. Feosibili Ra rt\Location Plan 1/4/08 Federal Drive (Washington Dr. to Yankee Doodle Road) <01100 City of Eak8 1~ Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 1 Engineering Department ` Location Map - Project 966 E DLERD ppp YANKS t H N0.28 ) o,Kr" C COUNTY loop 341p - JJ\//{ 1466 a~ ► U.) _ DR. 3440 11 N No, N ui w , WASHINGTON DR ' Svc ~ ~ - _ LEGEND I 1 gSSE STREET SSMft4T AREA r r r IMPRoveA94 01 FYJ - ~ Was Dr ~ rt\FIG_2PA e poodle Rd. t ~esibility _ Revitalization Area Qot Into\0963 Repo prive ("nke reet 7G:Pro ert & ~ontr Federal , ,,hborhood St ASSessment ~ ect 966 _ Improvement Clay o Eat L P l 80' ROW 44' F-F 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE EX. 8618 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE CURB & GUTTER Existing Typical Section 80' ROW 44' F-F EDGE MILL (6'-8' wide) Typ. 11/2- TYPE 2350/2360 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY REPLACE EX. CURB & BITUMINOUS TACK COAT GUTTER AS DIRECTED 4" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8" CL. 5 AGGREGATE BASE Bituminous Street Overlay Proposed Typical Section : Proj and Contract Info\YonkeeDoodle964 \typical sections t-oB-DB Federal Drive - (Yankee Doodle Rd. to Washington Dr.) City of Eaaall Fig. 3 Engineering Department Project 966 -Typical Section Agenda Information Memo February 19'2008 Eagan City Council Meeting E. PROJECT 968, LEXINGTON POINTE PKWY/ DANIEL DRIVE STREET IMPROVEMENTS ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: 1) Approve Project 968, Lexington Pointe Parkway/Daniel Drive (Street Improvements) as presented and authorize the preparation of detailed plans and specifications, or 2) Direct Project 968, Lexington Pointe Parkway/Daniel Drive (Street Improvements) to be revised to include additional work (to be specified) and presented at a new public hearing. FACTS: • Since 1990, the City has implemented a comprehensive Pavement Management Program that provides timely pavement rehabilitation to our local streets, significantly extending their overall life expectancy. During these past eighteen years, the City has rehabilitated approximately 96 miles of local streets. • The resurfacing of Lexington Pointe Parkway and Daniel Drive, east of Lexington Avenue and south of Diffley Road, has been programmed for 2008 in the City's 5- Year Capital Improvement Program. • On June 19, 2007 the City Council directed staff to prepare a feasibility report considering a rehabilitation of this street in eastern Eagan. • On January 15, 2008, the feasibility report for Project 966 was presented to the City Council and a Public Hearing was scheduled for February 19 to formally present and discuss the report with the adjacent property owners. • An informational neighborhood meeting was held on February 13 for the adjacent property owners and representatives to discuss the proposed improvements. Of the 55 total properties (52 single-family, 3 commercial/ industrial) proposed to be assessed under this improvement, 3 residents representing 3 properties attended the informational meeting (see attached meeting minutes). • All notices have been published in the legal newspaper and sent to all affected property owners informing them of this public hearing. ISSUES: • During this informational neighborhood meeting, the attending residents submitted the enclosed petition from 15 property owners requesting that Daniel Dr. be narrowed and a sidewalk installed on the south side as part of this pavement rehabilitation improvement similar to the recent construction modification of Denmark Ave north of Wescott Rd. While any sidewalk or trail installation could be financed through a combination of the Diffley Market Place $20,000 safety improvement dedication and the City's Major Street Fund, the significant costs of narrowing Daniel Dr would most likely be specially assessed to adjacent properties due to adequate rights of way being available to accommodate a sidewalk/trial. The residents in attendance stated their opposition to any assessments for their requested street narrowing. ATTACHMENTS: • Feasibility Report , pages hrough • Neighborhood Meeting Minutes, page and • Neighborhood Petition, page and City of Ea an Report for Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Neighborhood Street Revitalization City Project No. 968 February 2008 ~a3 City of Ea~an Mike Maguire February 15, 2008 MAYOR Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Eagan Paul Bakken 3830 Pilot Knob Road Peggy Carlson Eagan, MN 55122 Cyndee Fields Re: Lexington Pt. Pkwy. & Daniel Dr. Street Revitalization Meg Tilley City Project No. 968 COUNCIL MEMBERS Dear Mayor and City Council: Thomas Hedges CITY ADMINISTRATOR Attached is our report for the Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Street Revitalization, City Project No. 968. The report presents and discusses the proposed -improvements and includes a cost estimate, preliminary assessment roll and schedule. We would be pleased to meet with the City Council at your convenience to review and discuss the contents of this report. MUNICIPAL CENTER Sincerely, , 3830 Pilot Knob Road" Eagan, MN 55122-1810 916hn P. Gorder, P.E. 651.675.5000 phone Assistant City Engineer 651.675.5012 fax 651.454.8535 TDD I hereby certify that this report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of MAINTENANCE FACILITY Minnesota. 3501 Coachman Point Eagan, MN 55122 651.675.5300 phone John P. Gorder 651.675.5360 fax Date: 0 g Reg. No. 22813 651.454.8535 TDD Reviewed By: www.cityoteagan.com 2 t - t1 g Dept. ;oPubli orks Date: Reviey r. r F THE LONE OAK TREE Finance Dept. Date: The symbol of strength and growth in our commun'Ity. ra~- TABLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Transinittal/Certification Table of Contents Page Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................1 Scope 2 Feasibility and Recommendations 3 Street Evaluation 3 Proposed Improvements 4 Rain Gardens/ Infiltration Areas 7 Easements/Permits 7 Cost Estimate 8 Assessments 8 Low Density Residential 9 Commercial/ Industrial 9 Assessment Financing Options 9 Revenue Source 10 Project Schedule ....................................................................................................................................10 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Preliminary Cost Estimate Appendix B Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix C Figures - 1 Location Map - 2A, B & C Street Improvement/Assessment Area Map - 3 Typical Section - Overlay February 2008 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Eagan, Minnesota Introduction/ History As a part of Eagan's Pavement Management Program, (PMP), the City evaluates streets within the community throughout their life cycle and implements appropriate maintenance strategies. In 1989, a Pavement Management System (PMS) was developed that allowed the City to evaluate the condition of the existing pavement surface for all the streets on a routine basis and schedule timely maintenance. A Five Year Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for street rehabilitation is developed from this information. Approximately one mile of 40' wide local residential streets within the Lexington Pt. Pkwy. & Daniel Dr. neighborhood areas are identified for*street overlay improvements in 2008. Figure 1, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project location. The streets within the neighborhood were constructed in 1989. Based on the data and engineering/ best management practices available at this time, the City's current PMP incorporates local and ongoing maintenance strategies with seal coating occurring as needed (at 5 to 7 years, again at 12 to 14 years) with a bituminous overlay at approximately 20 years. Overlaying these roadways located within the project area, which are mainly in the 20 year time frame, will prevent further decay of the pavement surface, thus protecting and extending the structural life of the underlying street. Timely maintenance work, such as bituminous patching, crack sealing and seal coating have occurred at appropriate intervals during the life of the street pavements. The streets in the neighborhood were seal coated various times between 1990 and 2000. Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 1 1a~ The Public Works maintenance program typically includes patching and refurbishing two construction seasons prior to the overlay. The Public Works crews, as part of the Preparatory Pavement Management Plan, removed and replaced deteriorated pavement areas and placed leveling and maintenance overlays on portions of the streets under consideration, if necessary. These repairs alone will not substantially extend the life expectancy of the street pavements if not combined with the proposed structural bituminous overlay proposed with this project. The Public Works Department has also inspected the utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) in the project area and determined the system is in good working order and that no major repairs are necessary. Scope This project provides for resurfacing (edge mill/ overlay & reclaiming) approximately one mile of roadways. Figure 2, located in Appendix C, illustrates the project area. Included in this project is the replacement of the damaged curb and gutter, adjustments and/or replacement to sanitary/storm sewer utility castings, water gate valves, street signage, and pedestrian ramps. Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive I X7 Page 2 Feasibility and Recommendations This project is necessary to prevent further decay of the pavement section, create a safer driving surface, increase ride-ability and add structural strength. This project is cost effective in that the proposed improvement (resurfacing and reclaiming) is considerably less expensive than complete reconstruction of these streets. By resurfacing all of the streets within the neighborhood at one time, an economy of scale benefit will be realized. This project is feasible from an engineering standpoint in that this type of improvement has been used successfully to extend the life expectancy of numerous other streets throughout the City and the region. This project is in accordance with the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan. (2008 - 2012) for the City of Eagan and the schedule as outlined in the Pavement Management Program. It is recommended that the project be constructed as proposed in this report. Street Evaluation The City of Eagan's Pavement Management System allows the City to evaluate the condition of the existing street surface to help schedule timely maintenance and improvements. The Pavement Condition Index (PCI) ranks the surface condition for each street. The general categories that define PCI rankings are as follows: PCI Recommended Improvement 56 Ol Routine Maintenance/Crack Seal/Seal Coat F36 _-55 i Patch/Repair and/or Overlay FO - 35 Reconstruct The 2007 PCI rankings for the Lexington Pt. Pkwy & Daniel Dr. has a neighborhood weighted average pavement condition rating of 38 which falls in the rankings of the "Patch/Repair and/or Overlay" category. While the 2008 construction season is the optimal time to construct the bituminous overlay on most of the streets in this Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 3 10 neighborhood, Lexington Pointe Parkway (from Lexington Avenue to approximately 1,500 feet east) has reached a condition where the full replacement of the pavement is necessary. The poor condition of this section of Lexington Pointe Parkway is likely due to the large volume of traffic, and heavy construction traffic on this street early in its life cycle, prior to other street outlets available to the neighborhood. Proposed Improvements Pavement - The proposed street improvements are shown in Figure 3. The existing street section consists of 3.5" bituminous pavement supported by to 8" gravel base and granular sub grade material. The existing bituminous surface will be milled adjacent to the existing curb and gutter (6'-8' wide) to accommodate a 1 %Z-inch bituminous overlay. The overlay, combined with the existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for a residential street. The combination of patching and overlay will not eliminate cracking due to the temperature extremes experienced in Minnesota. Bituminous overlays will show some continued frost movements and reflective cracking consistent with the underlying pavement. Routine maintenance will still need to continue under the City's Pavement Management Program. The existing pavement on Lexington Pointe Parkway, from Lexington Avenue to about 1,500 feet to the east, has reached a condition that warrants replacement, and will be recycled as gravel base, with a new 3.5" layer of bituminous pavement placed over the recycled gravel base. The existing bituminous surface, along with 3" of the gravel base will be recycled (milled and replaced) to a depth of approximately 8". This recycled material will be salvaged and used as a base beneath a new 21/2-inch base course and a f - inch wear course bituminous pavement. The new pavement, combined with the recycled material and existing street section, will provide a street section consistent with current City standards for a neighborhood collector street. Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 4 1 a9 Concrete curb & gutter - Damaged curb and gutter will be replaced if severely cracked, spalled, or settled. It is estimated that approximately 10% of the existing concrete curb and gutter will have to be replaced. Boulevard sod will be removed and replaced by a new 2' wide roll behind each section of curb and gutter that is replaced. While the contractor who performs the work is responsible for it's establishment in the first 30 days after placement, adjacent residents are encouraged to consistently water the new sod to help ensure its growth. A guide to maintenance of the sod will be distributed to the residents prior to this construction activity. Signage - All traffic control and street identification signage within the project limits will be replaced due to diminished reflectivity, deteriorated support posts, and the signs or posts no longer meeting City and State standards. Sidewalk/ Path Pedestrian Ramps - The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requires jurisdictional agencies to provide detectable warnings at all existing pedestrian ramps of sidewalks and paths with public streets that are improved, including mill & overlay improvements. The most common method of providing this detectable warning is through the installation of truncated domes a minimum of~ two feet in length across the width of all pedestrian ramps. This project provides for the installation of eight truncated dome pedestrian ramps on the bituminous paths on local intersecting streets at Diffley and Daniel Drive, Lexington Pointe and Lexington Ave. and Lexington Pointe and Wildflower Lane. Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive V age 5 ~ a aY~ s ~ ay^ 34FVi9 1 Example of a recent street overlay project in Eagan (St. Francis Woods, 2005) Mailbox Repair - Some of the mailboxes t WMMtW,t-48WM within this neighborhood have been abmA~I" Ad&m n" be on 00 or b= nom wadi tam" mantm,m ar we tnat taon. identified as "at risk" of being damaged won"n""" W on to OM *two bmm during winter snow and ice operations by Front of Usil i the City Street Maintenance Division. c"rb These mailboxes are installed too low or close to the curb, or aged and deteriorated so that they may not withstand the impact of the snow from a plow. City staff is - communicating to homeowners through 9 ro ,of Pshali nM Extend Forward mailing about these mailbox problems, of vertical Post lower Um 4r specifically in the proposed 2008 street Safety clear revitalization neighborhoods. Zone ' Homeowners with at-risk mailboxes will REMSED STMMMD have the option of repairing the boxes MAIL & PAPER BOX PLATE C4d4p INSTALLATION GUIDELINES am 610 individually, or by signing a waiver to Engmw'9 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 6 1 31 allow the City to repair and the cost assessed to the property. Because the cooperation of property owners, and therefore City involvement, is uncertain, costs for City repair and special assessment is not included in this report. Rain Gardens/ Infiltration Areas Reducing storm water runoff volumes and re-charging the V~ groundwater system through i infiltration has recently been emphasized at the local, state, and federal levels of government. At time of development of neighborhoods. such as Lexington Pt. & Daniel Dr, provisions for reducing the amount of storm water runoff from impervious surfaces, such as yard rain gardens and infiltration areas were not considered. Neighborhood street revitalization projects as proposed under this project provide an opportunity to investigate potential added storm water runoff controls. City staff will present information on the benefits and features of rain gardens to area residents to solicit interest, as part of the public notices and informational meetings for this project. If residents are interested, City staff will provide educational materials and review specific properties for the feasibility of rain garden installations. Easement/Permits All work will be in the public right-of-way. No additional easements will be necessary. It is anticipated that no permits will be required for the resurfacing project. Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 7 13~ Cost Estimate Detailed cost estimates are located in Appendix A. The estimates are based on anticipated 2008 construction costs and include a 5% contingency and indirect cost of 30%, which include legal, administration, engineering, and bond interest. A summary of the costs is as follows: • Edge Mill/ Overlay - Reclaim w/Signage $278,030 • Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter $ 69,200 Total Project Cost $347,230 Assessments Assessments are proposed to be levied against the 'benefited properties for the total improvement with costs allocated in accordance with the City of Eagan's Special Assessment Policy for a mill and overlay improvement for local streets. All assessments will be revised based on final costs. A preliminary assessment roll is included in Appendix B. City Special Assessment Policy Assessment Ratio Property City Mill and Overlay/ Signage • Low Density Residential (R-1,2,3) 50% 50% • Commercial/Industrial 100% 0% Repair Existing Concrete Curb and Gutter 0% 100% Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Page 8 Low Density Residential Lots (R-1, R-2, R-3) - All residential equivalent properties (52 Total, all single-family) as shown on Figures 2A/B/C, having direct driveway access on to the streets to be improved are proposed to be assessed, based on the amount of front footage adjacent to the streets within the project. The City's Assessment Policy states that 50% of the mill and overlay costs are assessable for residential properties (R-1, R-2, R-3) based on a normal residential width street (32 feet). The estimated cost per residential lot equivalent to be assessed based on the City Assessment Policy is $830 per Single Family Lot and is calculated as follows: 1) % Residential Frontage = 7,186 Res. F.F./ 10,614 Total F.F. = 58.8% 2) [$182,560 (Mill & Overlay Cost - Recycling Cost + Signage Cost) 32/40 x 50% x 58.8%] = $42,940 [Total Residential Assessment (R-1, 2, 3)] 3) $42,940 (Total Residential Assessment) _ $830 per Single Family Lot 52 Lots Commercial/ Industrial All commercial and industrial lots as shown on Figure 2 having driveway access on to the streets to be improved are proposed to be assessed. The City's Assessment Policy states that 100% of the resurfacing costs are assessable for local streets, regardless of width. 1) % of Commercial Assessable = 751 F.F. / 10,614 F.F. Total = 7.1% 2) [$278,030 (Mill & Overlay Cost) x 7.1%] = $19,740 Total Comm/ Ind. Assessment 3) $19,740/ 751 F.F. = $27.00/ F.F. Assessment Financing Options The property owner will have the option at the time of the assessment hearing to pay the full assessment or include the assessment in with their property tax statement. If the assessment is included with the property tax statement, the assessment will be spread over ten years with the interest determined by the results of the bond sale used to finance the improvements. The following payment schedule is an example of an estimated single- family lot assessment with an estimated 6.0% interest for the assessed amounts: Single Family Residential Lot = $830 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive 1 ~ ~ Page 9 Principal Interest Cost Per Year Per Year Per Year First Year $ 166 $50 $216 Fifth Year $ 166 $10 $176 Revenue Source A summary of revenue sources is listed below: Project Cost Property City Contribution Assessment Mill and Overlay/ $278,030 $62,680 $215,350 Reclaim Repair Existing Curb $69,200 -0- $69,200 Totals $347,230 $62,680 $284,550 The City's Major Street Fund will finance the estimated project deficit of $284,550 (82% of total). Proiect Schedule Present Feasibility Report to City Council/ Order Public Hearing January 15, 2008 Neighborhood Meeting February 11, 2008 Public Hearing February 19, 2008 Approve Plans and Specifications March, 2008 Award Contract April, 2008 Project Completion August, 2008 Final Cost Report September, 2008 Final Assessment Hearing Fall, 2008 First Payment Due with Property Tax Statement Mayl5, 2009 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive ~~age 10 Appendix A -Street Overlay - City Project No. 968 Preliminary Cost Estimate Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive I. Bituminous Street Overlay Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty. Price Cost Mobilization L.S. 1 $2,500.00 $2,500 Mill Bituminous Pavement S.Y. 5080 $1.15 $5,840 Reclaim Bituminous Pavement/ Aggregate Base 6" Depth) S.Y. 5,500 $5.00 $27,500 Salvage Reclaimed Material C.Y. 320 $5.00 $1,600 Type 2350/ 60 Base Course Mixture (3" - 2 Lifts Ton 950 $43.00 $40,850 Type 2350/ 60 Wear Course Mixture Ton 2200 $45.00 $99,000 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal. 1180 $2.00 $2,360 Manhole w/ Casting Each 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 Adjust Water Valve Box - Riser Adjustment Each 20 $175.00 $3,500 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting (Manhole) Each 13 $400.00 $5,200 MH Riser Installation Each 7 $140.00 $980 Replace Traffic & Street Signs L.S. 1 $5,730.00 $5,730 4-Inch White Striping - Latex Paint L.S. 8,000 $0.25 $2,000 4-Inch Double Yellow Striping - Latex L.F. 5300 $0.50 $2,650 24-Inch White Stop Bar - Latex L.F. 60 $8.00 $480 Traffic Control L.S. 1 $2,000.00 $2,000 Subtotal $203,690 +5% Contingencies $ 10,180 Subtotal $213,870 + 30% Indirect Costs $64,160 TOTAL- STREET $278,030 H. Repair Existing Concrete Curb & Gutter Est. Unit Est. Item Unit Qty- Price Cost Remove Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 1100 $5.00 $5,500 D412 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 700 $20.00 $14,000 B618 Concrete Curb and Gutter L.F. 400 $21.00 $8,400 Remove Concrete Valle Gutter S.Y. 7 $20.00 $140 7" Concrete Valley Gutter S.Y. 7 $50.00 $350 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive . 1 ~e Adjust Frame & Ring Casting C.B Each 13 $300.00 $3,900 Sod w/Com ost - S.Y. 300 $12.00 $3,600 Bituminous Driveway Patching S.Y. 80 $24.00 $1,920 Bituminous Path Patching S.Y. 15 $26.00 $390 Bituminous Street Patching Ton 50 $90.00 $4,500 Truncated Dome Detectable Warning Paver (2x2) S.F. 96 $40.00 $3,840 Inlet Protection Each 4 $250.00 $1,000 Remove Bit Trail S.F. 480 $1.50 $720 4" Concrete Ped Ramp w/ Wet Cast for Truncated Dome Inset S.F. 480 $5.00 $2,400 Subtotal $50 660 +5% Contin encies $2,530 Subtotal $53,200 + 30% Indirect Costs $15,960 TOTAL - CURB $69,200 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive 161 Appendix B - City Project No. 968 Preliminary Assessment Roll Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive Street Improvements Address PIN Lot Lot Property Equivalent Assmt. Assmt. Daniel Dr. 4213 Daniel Dr. 1045030-010-01 1 $830 $830 4217 Daniel Dr. 10-45030-020701 1 $830 $830 4220 Daniel Dr. 10-45091-190701 ? 1 $830 $830 4221 Daniel Dr. 10-45030-030-01 1 $830 $830 4224 Daniel Dr. 1045091480-01 1 $830 $830 4225 Daniel Dr. 10-45030-040-01 1 $830 $830 4229 Daniel Dr. 1045030-050-01 1 $830. $830 4233 Daniel Dr. 1045030-060-01 1 $830, $830 4237 Daniel Dr. 10-45030070-01- 1 $830 $830 4240 Daniel Dr. 104509-1120-02 . 1 $830$830 4241 Daniel Dr. 10=45030-080701 1 $830. $830 4244 Daniel Dr. 10-45091,130=02 1 $830 $830 4258 Daniel Dr. 1045070-290-04 j 1 $836 $830 4262 Daniel Dr. 10=45070-280-04 1 $830 $830 4266 Daniel Dr. 1045670-270-04 1 $830 $830 4270 Daniel Dr. 1045070-260-04 1 $830. $830 4274 Daniel Dr. 10=45070-250-04 1 $830 $830 4278 Daniel Dr. 10-45070,-240-04 1 $830 $830 4282 Daniel Dr. 1"5070-230-04,, 1 $830 $830 4286 Daniel Dr. 10-45070-220-04 1 $830 $830 4290 Daniel Dr. 1045070-210-04 1 $830 $830 Subtotal 21 $17,430 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 4305 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45070-170-03 1 $830 $830 4309 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10=45070-160-03 1 $830 $830 4313 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 1045070-150-03 1 $830 $830 4317 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45070-140-03 1 $830 $830 4321 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45070=130=03 1 $830 $830 4325 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-450707120-03 1 $830 $830 4328 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45071-030-02 1 $830 $830 4329 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45070-110-03 1 $830, $830 4332 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10450717020-02 1 $830 $830 4336 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45071-010-02 1 $,830 $830 4340 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-130-02 > 1 $830 $830 4344 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 1045072-140-02 1 $830 $830 4348 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-150-02 1 $830 $830 4349 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 1045072-100-01 1 $830 $830 4352 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-160-02 1 $830 $830 4353 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-090-01 1 $830 $830 4356 Lexin on Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-170-02 1 $830 $830 Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive 13~ 4357 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-080-01 1 $830 $830 4360 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 1,0-45072-180-02 1 $830 $830 4361 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-070-01 1 $830 $830 4364 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10.45072-190-02 1 $830 $830 4365 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-060-01 1 $830 $830 4368 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-200-02 1 $830 $830 4369 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-050-01 1 $830 $830 4372 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-210-02 1 $830 $830 4373 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-040-01 1 $830 $830 4377 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-030-01 1 $830 $830 4381 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 1045072-020-01 1 $830 $830 4384 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-020-03 1 $830 $830 4385 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-010-01 1 $830 $830 4388 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. 10-45072-010-03 1 $830 $830 Subtotal 31 $25,730 Commercial/ Industrial Front Assmt. Total Footage Rate Outlot C Lex. Pointe 8th 10-45092-030-00 254 F.F. $27.00 $6,858 4300 Lexington Ave 10-22407-010-01 187 F.F. $27.00 $5,049 Outlot A Lex. Pointe 7th 10-45091-010-00 309 F.F. $27.00 $8,343 Subtotal $20,250 Total $63,410 .'Assessment Lexington Pointe Parkway & Daniel Drive 6` CL YANKEE DOODLE ROAD YANKEE DOODLE ROAD ui > Q ~G Q ^n Z 2~ IU.VVI Z O W J O PMs\C0TT ROAD ■ CITY HALL HALL PO ~O ao o0 Y Project Location o~ DIFFLEY ROAD I ~AMF[ o \ R LEXINGTON p D Q M O ,MaocE°i WILDERNESS O ~~0 RUN RD. _ Z O ~ a 1 CLIFF ROAD ii a c 11 LE~Ar.10" 1 AIL,PARK p~GIO .\Pro'ect & Contract Informotion 096B-LeAn onPoint Feasibilit Report Location Plan 1-07-2006 Ambl- Lexington Point Pkwy. & Daniel Drive City of Eap 1 4-b Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 1 Engineering Department ` Location Map - Project 968 no sj OM w" W. It NORTH 1" = 200' ' WILDFLOWER COURT ..r I R'1 i LEXINGTON POINTE 8th W t E OUTLOT C i ~ "rI I 0 W 1! I o I 1 r \V L-~ 0 3 I _J EXIST. TRAIL to f x \1~ LEXINGTON POINT PARKWAY _ 3✓ 0) G) 777' 7777,; "7 A Elm SS,,~~ 11 D d EA3GAN CEDNTERI1 < IL~~J ( ' I ( t l z t 4300 7 `v' I' m WALNUT RIDGE DRIVE L-LJ ED LEGEND I L J ► 1 I I I 1 I/ I ASSESSMENT AREA tjl~ _ ® STREET OVERLAY W STREET (j II L 1 L - r ® RECYCLE/ O RECLAIM Z i !_J + ` 1 Qi PEDESTRIAN RAMP O S j!t L_) {~_J w/ TRUNCATED DOMES J -BRADDOCK TRAIL m 1651 / ~a _ AqR 4377 . j J43t30~ ~ST !4361 1 4357 14353 y 3` L ' 43 2 J 4368 7 + 4364 t Q 4360 4358 4352: I,~ J = G:Pro•ect & Contract Info\0968\Fesibilit Report\FIG_2A 1-08_08 Lexington Pointe Pkwy & Daniel Drive ~lt~ Of no 1 Neighborhood Street Revitalization Fig. 2A 1 Project 968 - Assessment Area Engineering Department f L... i t a t'~ _ 0 m N L A DOCKTRAI 4317`• iy %432 •v (n r Qp~N~ I-EGEND ,-1 4365 ✓ yy 4349 4361 4357 4353 9.G ASSESSMENT AREA y y.,. IT f j `✓,/`~O r i STREET IMPROVEMENTS ! 1 ✓ r ! It ` 4329 C \ 2O l ! { _ - ~ y,~>Y~ ~ 4332 ~ .p ~S ; .465 1 , 434 43cr* j YF3fiU 4353 LLJ \ 1 f t 4244 l ! J s ! i - ILI, 4) ~,.•,1 !4244 f, f ~))jj V,r- ~ f ! i42 1'4262 f` t i f D C L•. t~ U L. I4 % 427 4274 a ♦ 4296 <z c 1290 ! Off; , y= Drive 28 & Daniel r {.ti Re4ort\fIG_2B PkWY' Fes1b+{ity ington Pointe Revitalization t & Contract info\0968\ Lex Ste Assessment Area ood G:Pro ec neighborh Project 968 - _..~rtment i NORTH 1"= 200' DIFFLEY ROAD ' 213 < e c 4217 4221 ' twsoot-otoao 4225 ! 4229 / ' 4220 ` 4233 i J ' l: b 4237 F ` -24, /Z24 ♦ `tea i~°`f ' ~ j ~ 1 U n ! /J J i y D q 4240 ~..r a244 J , - 7 42 tiA See Fig. 2B S LEGEND t~ ASSESSMENT AREA ® STREET OVERLAY • CONCRETE DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE REPLACEMEN G:Pro'ect & Controct Info\0968\Fesibility Report\FIG_2C 1_08-08 Lexington Pointe Pkwy. & Daniel Drive Nei g Street Revitalization Fi 2c City of Eap g g Engineering Department Project 968 - Assessment Area 80' ROW 36'-44" (F-F) ~ti ~7 r Y' "i .b..» ,"\t'"':±• ~•yrf4i. fr'~` w~ l ~ "f~e'r. i ~i 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE EX. D412 OR 8618 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE CURB & GUTTER Existing Typical Section Lexington Point Pkwy. & Daniel Drive 80' ROW 36' F-F F1112' WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS OVERLAY MIN. 0.03 FT. CREPLACE EX. CURB & GUTTER AS NECESSARY 1" BITUMINOUS BINDER 2" BITUMINOUS BASE RECYCLE EX. 3" BIT. SURFACE & 3"- 4" AGGREGATE BASE FOR USE AS NEW GRAVEL BASE (RESHAPE AS NECESSARY, REMOVE EXCESS ) Bituminous Street Improvements - Reclaim / Recycle Lexington Pointe Pkwy. (Lexington Ave. to 1,500' East) 80' ROW 44' F-F EDGE MILL (6'-8' wide) TYP. :~;.y.'eyai!c~r•.: ,4a. sV't .,,•2~~;~`J~iti\y~ttr~~7e'•'•.!~~+'~ :if: REPLACE EX. CURB & GUTTER AS DIRECTED BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 3" BITUMINOUS SURFACE 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE Bituminous Street Overlay Proposed Typical Section 1-07-OB 40> g Lexington Point Pkwy. . & Daniel Drive ~6~ of ~(1~(111 ~ Fig. 3 1 Engineering Department Typical Sections - Project 968 CITY PROJECT NO 968 INFORMATIONAL NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING LEXINGTON POINTE PARKWAY/ DANIEL DRIVE STREET REVITALIZATION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2008 7:30 P.M. EAGAN COUNCIL CHAMBERS Attendance: John Gorder, Assistant City Engineer, 3 residents representing 3 properties (see attached sign-in sheet). A. Presentation of Project Details • Gorder welcomed the residents and presented project information, including details such as construction, costs, schedule and assessments. He also provided information regarding incorrectly placed mailboxes that are at risk for snow plow damage, and the benefits of rain gardens. B. Questions/ Comments • The residents submitted a petition from 15 properties along Daniel Drive requesting the narrowing of Daniel Drive (from its current 44' width) and the installation of a sidewalk similar to the recent construction on Denmark Avenue between Wescott Road and Crestridge Lane. The petitioners would not be in favor of a sidewalk behind the curb in the existing boulevard area. The petition will be forwarded to the City Council with the Project 968 agenda information for their consideration. Sidewalk/ trail and road narrowing are not currently proposed with Project 968. While the Denmark Avenue construction has been successful in reducing vehicle speeds and volumes, and increasing pedestrian safety and use, there are differences between the two sections of roadway in regard to the possible narrowing of Daniel Drive. o Denmark Avenue did not have sufficient right-of-way to allow installation of the sidewalk without narrowing the roadway. The existing right-of-way of Daniel Drive is wide enough to accommodate a sidewalk or trail within its boulevard area. o Denmark Avenue had significantly higher volumes of vehicle traffic (4,500 average daily), that warranted the road narrowing, than Daniel Drive (1,900 average daily) currently experiences. A significant portion of the Denmark Avenue was "cut-through" traffic, while Daniel Drive traffic is mainly local neighborhood in nature. Therefore, road narrowing on Daniel Drive would likely not reduce the volume of traffic. With existing right-of-way sufficient within the boulevard, pedestrian safety can be addressed with the construction of a trail segment without road narrowing. The significant costs of road narrowing would have to be justified by the potential traffic-calming benefits. The City does not have vehicle speed data on Daniel Drive to determine if there is currently a speeding problem that needs to be addressed. • Can this project. be delayed? We've combined Daniel Drive with Lexington Pointe Parkway to achieve economies of scale with construction. Lexington Pointe Parkway, especially the west end, is in poor condition and shouldn't be delayed. Daniel Drive is in better shape and could possibly be delayed. The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. G:Proj-Conti 968/Minutes I4 NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Lexington Pointe Parkway Project No. 968 Monday, February 11, 2008 City of Eatfl 7:30 p.m. NAME ADDRESS 2. lh r - .)3. a~ I e I ~K -l h 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. G:FORMS/SIGN-IN.Sheet 149 2nM Neighborhood Petition As a resident who lives on Daniel Drive or utilizes Daniel Drive for vehicle purposes, we request the Eagan City Council to narrow the width of the street in the same manner as Denmark Avenue. This will allow a sidewalk to be installed without cutting into existing property and will also slow down traffic, which currently has a pattern of speeding down the length of the street. We believe this will increase traffic and pedestrian safety particularly with the incoming addition of an access way into a large retail development on our street. Name Address Phone%mail (optional) i ~e4tla LAU' L 50 99 ir q93 -7 a ~'e l iQ- 2nros Neighborhood Petition As a resident who lives on Daniel Drive or utilizes Daniel Drive for vehicle purposes, we request the Eagan City Council to narrow the width of the street in the same manner as Denmark Avenue. This will allow a sidewalk to be installed without cutting into existing property and will also slow down traffic, which currently has a pattern of speeding down the length of the street. We believe this will increase traffic and pedestrian safety particularly with the incoming addition of an access way into a large retail development on our street. Name Address Phone/e-mail (optional) -481-055 k~►~y I tx~ c,(na,~ Ysb41n +~r (psi br . l051- 45 Z -53 7 Z Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council Meeting F. WATERS ANNEX EASEMENT VACATION ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: Close the public hearing and continue consideration of the public drainage and utility easements vacation within the Waters Annex (Lot 1, Block 1 and Outlots A, B, & C) to be concurrent with future consideration of the Waters Annex Second Addition. FACTS: • On December 19, 2007, City staff received a petition from John Ferrier, representing CSM Corporation, requesting the vacation of public drainage & utility easements within the Waters Annex, northeast of the intersection of Lone Oak Parkway and Lone Oak Drive. • The 5' and 10' wide easements were dedicated as part of the Waters Annex plat as the typical front, rear and side lot easements for drainage and utility purposes. • The purpose of the request is to allow CSM to replat the property, including the realignment of lot lines. The reconfiguration of the parcels on the proposed plat would place some of the existing drainage and utility easements in conflict with the developable portion of the parcels. • New or replacement drainage and utility easements are to be dedicated with the plat of Waters Annex Second Addition. The vacation of the easements would clean up the proposed plat by avoiding future conflicts with underlying recorded dedications. • Notices for the public hearing were published in the legal papers and sent to all potentially affected and/or interested parties for comment prior to the public hearing. No comments have been received to date. • The schedule for the final subdivision of the Waters Annex Second Addition has been delayed until March 3, 2008. The approval of the easement vacations should be continued so that the dedication of the replacement easements occurs consecutively. ATTACHMENTS: • Location Map, page • Easement Vacation Exhibit, page]-C-3--l. GHTS INTERSTATE 494 4 Proposed TR~~~ y Vacation CONE O ~ q O,Q I 6 LONE OAK ROAD TRUNK HWY I No. 55 O LLI I ~ z O I 0 z X J I I YANKEE DOODLE ROAD I ~ I Zc~ I I Waters Annex r.. City of Ea F Proposed Easement Vacation 1-09-08 Location Map Engineering Department . I Eyit;i: ;<t#:s't::s's'ss:< t::;•;s<::::ai»>t'ssss>:. Q ~ I o / of F .j I . -:&:•iiirc'i:aai:}Pi'•ii?i:~:s^y{j'i7•:i ` CANE p t.. A k t 0 DOVE R # 0 100 200 400 I Q~Q iV SCALE IN FEET SEND DESCRIPTIO OF EASEMENTS TO BE VACATED EXISTING EASEMENTS OUTSIDE PROPOSED EASEMENTS I r-a.a rc i w, . All drainage and utility easements dedicated UAW Lk.. HI PROPOSED EASEMENTS in the plat of WATERS ANNEX, tihich plat was PROPOSED EASEMENTS ALLIANT filed of record on December 29, 2006, as EXHIBIT mrun[Frcav,,,. ,uRa Document No. 2484691, in the office of County,,:---.- I EAOAN, MINNESOTA ecor, er, a o a oun y I Agenda Information Memo February 19, 2008 Eagan City Council VI. OLD BUSINESS A. COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLAN AMENDMENT - PASTER ENTERPRISES, INC. ACTION TO BE CONSIDERED: To accept withdrawal of the application for a Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment upon approximately 24 acres located north of Yankee Doodle Road and west of Central Parkway in the SE 1/4 of Section 9. REQUIRED VOTE FOR APPROVAL: Majority of Councilmembers present. FACTS: ➢ Paster Enterprises submitted the proposed land use amendment on March 16, 2005 with a concept plan for a retail commercial shopping center on the site. ➢ The proposal was heard by the Advisory Planning Commission on April 26, 2005. The APC recommended denial. ➢ The proposal first came before the Council on May 17, 2005. The Council requested more detailed information about the development plans and anchor tenants and continued the request to allow the applicant time to secure anchor tenants and prepare detailed development plans. ➢ The request has been continued several times over the past three years. To date, Paster Enterprises has not come forward with the corresponding Preliminary Planned Development and Preliminary Subdivision applications. ➢ Subsequent to preparation of the Council agenda, Paster Enterprises submitted a letter stating withdrawal of their Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment application, with a brief explanation of the circumstances. ATTACHMENTS (2): Location Map, page Correspondence from Paster Enterprises dated February 13, 2008, pages through ~ sa w,0 EaganBounewy Location Map Suetiina Parcel Area Area Building Footprint . ~ co ~ Lw LeJ m •iY p, CE 4 cA o p 6 rwi ~ • ~ m L F~ ® a R. © ~ 4 ® ® omb i 8 r~ a # 4b, Subject Site 1 e l o m t / ®mm®® e~ ,m ® o OONTFIIOAeN0.7a AM ~ e a4~rni • ,7, g ~ ®m oil NIP Ma Q3 to ID a e m ~®E~ v ~a a s® ra @ ~W~Ji ® 1Y IyILI JI~J1 J~ 1 Qe ® n, a. .tee - _ r 1000 0 1000 2000 Feet Development/Developer. XXXX Yankee Doodle Road Application: Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Case No.: 09-CG-02-03-05 Map Prepared using ERSI ArcVlew 3.1. Parcel base map data provided N tom" by Dakota County Office of GIS and Is current as of January 2005. 1~^J THIS MAP IS INTENDED FOR REFERENCE USE ONLY WE city of czagan The City of Eagan and Dakota County do not guarantee the accuracy of this information and are Community DevMopment Department S not responsible for errors or omissions. PASTER ENTEuRiSESUL 2227 University Avenue • Saint Paul, MN 55114_1677 SHOPPING CENTER DEVELOPMENT & MANAGEMENT 651-646-7901•Fax651-646-1389 www.pasterenterprises.corn CENTRAL PLAZA 45th & Central Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, Minnesota February 13, 2008 Ms. Pamela Dudziak CRYSTAL SHOPPING CENTER City of Eagan Bass Lake Road & West Broadway Crystal, Minnesota 3830 Pilot Knob Road Eagan, MN 55112-1897 CRYSTAL TOWN CENTER RE: Perron Property Bass Lake Road & West Broadway Eagan MN Crystal, Minnesota Dear Ms. Dudziak, DODDWAY SHOPPING CENTER Paster Enterprises is withdrawing our application for the Smith & Dodd Road g West Saint Paul, Minnesota Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan Amendment as previously submitted. LAKEVILLE CROSSING As Council and staff are aware, we have been working on 160th & Cedar Avenue g Lakeville, Minnesota this project for several years and to date have been unable to secure the retail anchor tenants necessary to proceed. LEXINGTON PLAZA SHOPPES The most recent retailer we have been working with elected Lexington & Larpenteur not to pursue this site within the last 30 days and as a result, Roseville, Minnesota we believe the most prudent and responsible action is to withdraw our application at this time. MENDOTA PLAZA State Highway 110 & Dodd Road Thank you for your consideration over the past three years. Mendota Heights, Minnesota We look forward to doing business in the City of Eagan in the future. MOUNDSVIEW SQUARE Sincerely, Highway 10 & Long Lake Road PASTER ENTERPRISES, LLC Mounds View, Minnesota NORTHWAY SHOPPING CENTER State Highway 23 & Woodland Howard Paste Lexington/Circle Pines, Minnesota President CC: E. Paster SIBLEY PLAZA K. Henk r West 7th Street & Davern L Q FED 20n Saint Paul, Minnesota Enclosure/Ik SOUTHVIEW SHOPPING CENTER )94 p% MEMBER nv @ O F Southview Boulevard & 13th Ave. S. ,Q'~ South Saint Paul, Minnesota Member of ; International Council 0 -4 of Shopping Centers t 41 W up\