01/14/2020 - City Council SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 14, 2020 5:30 P.M. EAGAN MUNICIPAL CENTER City Councilmembers present: Mayor Maguire, Councilmember Fields, Hansen and Tilley. Councilmember Bakken was absent. City staff present: City Administrator Osberg, Assistant City Administrator Miller, Parks and Recreation Director Pimental, Assistant Parks and Recreation Director Flewellen, Communications and Engagement Director Ellickson, and Public Works Director Matthys. ROLL CALL AND ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Mayor Maguire noted a change in the agenda; State Senator Carlson and State Representative Masin are starting the evening at the Burnsville City Council meeting and will be attending Eagan's Council meeting when the Burnsville meeting is competed. The follow up on 292 Facility Study Concepts will be the first item followed by the Joint Meeting with Eagan's Legislative Delegation. Councilmember Fields moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adopt the agenda as amended. Aye:4 Nay:0 VISITORS TO BE HEARD Ross Bintner, 938 Waterford Drive East, addressed the Council regarding his concerns on perceived inequity of cost application of the City's Special Assessment Policy, specifically relating to the application of the policy for R1 and R3 properties under Project 1367, Duckwood Estates and Project 1373, Hilltop Estates. Theresa Eisele, 4209 Braddock Trail, addressed the Council regarding the need to address pedestrian safety in the City of Eagan and Dakota County. FOLLOW UP ON 292 FACILITY STUDY CONCEPTS City Administrator Osberg introduced the item noting staff is looking for feedback from Council on the study concepts. Cost estimates are included on the presented concepts; however, no financial plans have been assembled. After further conversation with the Council, staff will prepare financial options and bring that information to the Finance Committee, and ultimately back to the Council. Director of Parks and Recreation Pimental gave a staff report. Mark Wentzell, 292 Design Group, gave a presentation providing final details on specific concepts outlined in the comprehensive recreation facility plan. Jeff King, Ballard King and Associates, provided additional information on the specific concepts outlined. The Council, Mr. Wentzell and Mr. King, along with staff, discussed the proposed facility study concepts. The Council took a short break. The Council resumed the conversation on the 292 Facility Study following the conversation with the legislative delegation. Special City Council Minutes January 14, 2020 Page 2 The Council noted their support for exploring how such projects could be funded, but noted no commitments are being made at this time. Council provided the following feedback on the policy questions: 1. Is Council supportive of staff putting together a prioritization schedule for improvements over the next ten years and building into that funding options to present to Finance Committee by mid -2020? Yes 2. Is Council supportive of staff seeking collaboration and/or financial and operational partnerships within the community to specifically build any potential new recreation facilities? Yes, except for Cascade Bay and the Eagan Community Center, which are enterprise facilities. JOINT MEETING WITH EAGAN'S LEGISLATIVE DELEGATION Mayor Maguire welcomed State Senator Carlson and State Representatives Halverson and Masin. State Senator Klein and Representative Richardson were not present. Also present were Anne Finn, Assistant Intergovernmental Relations Director of the League of Minnesota Cities, Thomas Poul, Attorney, Messerli & Kramer, representing the Municipal Legislative Commission; and Charlie Vander Aarde, Metro Cities Government Relations Specialist. City Administrator Osberg noted it is the tradition of the City Council to meet with the legislative delegation at the first Council workshop in January. Each member of the legislative delegation introduced themselves and spoke about the committees they will be serving on in the 2020 session. Each representative from the LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities gave an update on several issues their respective organizations plan to address in the coming legislative session. The Council, representatives from the lobbying organizations, and the legislative delegation discussed what they see coming out of the legislature this year. Mayor Maguire thanked the legislative delegation and representatives from LMC, MLC, and Metro Cities for attending the meeting. There was no other business to be heard. OTHER BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT Councilmember Tilley moved, Councilmember Hansen seconded a motion to adjourn at 9:00 p.m. Aye: 4 Nay:0 Dat Mayor ayor City Clerk