07/09/2019 - Energy and Environment Advisory CommissionEAGAN ESTABLISHED 1860 WORSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF THE ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT ADVISORY COMMISSION Tuesday, July 9, 2019 WORKSHOP MINUTES OF July 9, 2019 A workshop meeting of the Energy and Environment Advisory Commission (EEAC) began at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, 2019 and concluded at 8:22 p.m. Commission Members present included Dave Timmons, Joshua Baker, Stacy Fleenor, Stefnee Trzpuc, Peter Dugan, Ian Ziese and Stacy Miller. Member Mike Supina was absent. Staff member present was Director of Parks & Recreation Andrew Pimental. Discussion of 2018/2019 goals and the upcoming joint meeting and presentation of those goals were discussed briefly and concluded a PowerPoint would be developed in cooperation with staff to highlight 15 minutes of the presentation for highlighting last year's work effort, building 15 minutes to highlight new proposed goals, and allow for a good 15 minutes of open dialogue throughout the presentation. Discussion of 2019/2020 goals occurred next and the following topics were discussed with their merits for including into the work plan for this new year: Water Quality and Use; Education; Energy Action Planning; Climate Action Planning; recycling and organics including food waste, single use plastics, light pollution, and waste haulers Lastly, commission members decided the following three topics would be their areas of focus in 2019/2020. Decisions were based on biggest perceived impacts for the community and how these actions could also support the City's continued participation in the GreenSteps Program. Water resources; Education and Climate Action Planning. Energy Action Planning would be a first-year research topic, similar to climate action planning was last year. Secretary Date