09/12/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission IV September 12, 1974 Eagan Park Committee Minutes Eagan City Hall Members Absent: Chuck Hall Also Present: Chuck Lowry, Ted Wachter, Bill Branch, Greg Franzen The meeting was chaired by Barbara Schmidt. Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates seconded a motion that the minutes be approved as mailed. Chuck Lowry, Director of Dakota County Parksf spoke about the proposed con- vention center (Eagan 320) to be developed South of Cliff Road and North of the proposed zoo site. Mr. Lowry pointed out that the site has been designated as a location for the use of Metropolitan Council bonds and as part of the Dakota County Park plan. He stressed that the 320 acres were heavily wooded and would not easily be replaced and could be used both as a buffer for the zoo and as part of the county trail system. Mr. Lowry also indicated that the zoo board has taken a stand in opposition to development in this area because of the additional traf- _'ic: congestion it would create. After discussion, Myrel Lundsten moved and Neil Coates econded a motion that we recommend to the council that the site be pre- served and used as designated by the Dakota County Park System and the Metro- politan Council. All members voted in favor. -Mr. Lowry also discussed the role of the county in tree control and stated that he felt that the county should provide means for disposal of trees as well as additional education and information. He also indicated that the cost of tree control would probably gradually absorb about one quarter of the park budget. Barbara Schmidt moved and Faye Cooper seconded a motion t at we recommend to the council that they request help from the county for control of tree diseases. All members voted in favor, Mr. Lowry indicated that the county owns a chipper and the proper saws for removing trees. Greg franzen will contact him in about three weeks to arrange for use of the tree spade. A discussion of whether park receipts should be placed in the general fund as they have been or whether there was a way to develop an "accounts receivable" so that receipts could be used more readily was held. It was decided that e should do further research on methods used in other communities. The Timberline proposal was again discussed and it was recommended that the council meet with the consultants and members of the park committee to seek a resolution. Ted Wachter will notify us of the meeting time. Bob Rosene indicated by phone that Westlund Construction had been unable to continue seeding because of the recent rains. The subcontractor Commercial Landscaping requested that they be able to rent Eagan's equipment but the park committee felt that this was not advisable. Ted volunteered to call Bob Rosene to have him put pressure on Westlund to complete the contract. It was decided that if the seeding was not finished at Rahn and Lexington Park by September 20th that we would seek a deduct from the contract for seeding and complete the job ourselves. Greg was also to contact Westlund as a follow-up and remind them that two trees must still be removed from Highview Park. Greg Franzen reviewed the "Summer in the Park" program which was given in two parks for five weeks. One hundred children signed up and the cost of the program was $6960. The posaibi.? :i.t-j of moving the Rahn. Free Ska.ti Rink across the road was discussed.. Gveg proposed to move it acrosa the road and add some fill on the property which would save on the cost of warming houses and attendents. The proposed 24x4O bl;?ck house should be completed by winter and will free the use of two warming houses. Greg will investigate price and size of rink in new lo- cation and he will also check with the school to obtain their opinion about a possible change. Dale Everson will measure the present and future sites for free skating and see whether it is feasible to have tRp free skating rinks at that location. Greg Franzen proposed a three foot barri*ade around the plantings at Cedar Pond to prevent bicycle riding through the plants. Carolyn Thurston moved and Idriil Coates seconded a motion that we proceed with the plan. All members voted in favor. Greg also suggested that we consider moving the berm next to County Home Heights tennis courts and make a 20x40' square for practice courts. All members agreed. Greg will check into type and cost of drinking fountains in Apple Valley and will design a plan for the Peridot Ponding Area. The award of $10,000 bike trail grant to Eagan was discussed and it was decided that we should concentrate on trails in Rahn and Blackhawk Parks first. Thera already is a series of paths going thru Rahn and it was decided to check them to see what type if any surfacing they would need. Dale Everson suggested that we consider the use of lime screenings as well as asphalt and ag--1im-3, A review was made of the Evergreen Park Concept. It was suggested that only one layer of logs be used as a perimeter; that there be no berms around the play area and the play area be enlarged. Barb Schmidt moved that we accept the concept plan as modified. Roger Martin seconded the motion and all members voted in favor. Greg will contact Arnie Carlson about dishing out the play area. Barb Schrr.idt will talk to Alyce Bolke about status of park dedication funds for Gold. Medallion. Assignments were made for the monthly council meetings. A motion was made by Carolyn Thurston and seconded by Neil Coates to request t.r.a council to have Paul Hauge take the park minutes. All members voted in favor. Dale Evsroon discussed the proposed 1975 park budget. The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, Myrel Lundsten, Secretary Eagan Park Committee Next Meeting: October 10th October Council Meetings: Carolyn Thurston