10/10/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF THE EAGAN PARK CO11MITTEE October 10, 1974 The regular meeting of the Park Committee met on October 10, 1974 at 7:30 p.m. Those members absent were Charles Hall and Roger Martin. Presdnt also were Ted Wachter, Greg Franzen, Bill Branch and Paul Hauge. Barbara Schmidt chaired the meeting. MINUTES. A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 12, 1974 meeting with the changes noted by Chuck Lowery in his letter of October 2, 1974 regarding that portion of the minutes relating to the Eagan 320 PUD and tree control. He indicated that the County does not have a tree chipper and that only 240 acres of the Eagan 320 proposal has been suggested as a part of the county park system. ICE MAINTENANCE. Greg Franzen recommended that the Eagan Park Department maintain the ice rinks this winter. They discussed methods of maintenance. A motion was made by Hatteberg, seconded by Schmidt to hire two persons on a part time basis to assist in flooding the rinks during the skating season from approxi- mately December 20th to February 15th. Upon motion by Lundaten, seconded Hatteberg, it was RESOLVED to purchase front tires and broom for the tractor for ice main- :.e nance purposes. Upon further motion by Everson seconded by Thurston, it was RESOLVED to authorize Greg Franzen to hire attendants for the hockey rinks on a schedule of 4 to 9 p.m. on weekdays and 10 to 12 a.m., 1 to 5 p.m., and 6 to 9 p.m. on weekends for a total of 7 to 8 attendants, The committee also discussed other miscellaneous requirements for the winter athletic program including the acquisi- tion of hoses for flooding. CIVIC CENTER. Robert Niebur and Steve Flaten appeared a~ the request of the Park Comaittee representing the Dakota County Area Vocational Technical School an presented a proposed scheme for a civic center for Eagan. The student project presented several alternatives involving an air supported roof structure for a portion of the project with the fabric removable during tho otter and heated interior 4-n the winter. Estimates of cost for such material were given as opposed to estimates for conventional types of roofs. The Park Committee will request a presentation before the City Council on October 29th and indicated that the representatives from the Technical School will continue to work on the project. RAO RST TANK TRUCK. The committee discussed the proposed use of the Rauenhorst truck from December 1st to February 15th, 1975. Greg Franzen was asked to prepare a letter to be sent to Ray Drake at Rauenhorst concerning the proposed use of the truck for rink flooding. BLQCKHAWK PARK IMPROVEMENTS. The committee then discussed the proposed improvements including a gate to the Blackhawk Park and a sketch of the proposed gate was presented. An authorizeticn for construction of the gate was given. MISCELLANEOUS. The committee members also reviewed proposed Evergreen Park recreation improvements and participation in a recreation program at Northview School. SUMMER EQUIPMENT LOCK BOXES, Upon motion by Lundsten, seconded Thurston, it was RESOLVED that Greg be authorized to contact William Lunka and authorize him to construct four lock boxes for summer equipment. RECREATION COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN. The Chairman, Barbara Schmidt appointed Dale Everson as Chairman of the Recreation Committee in light of the resignation by Jan Callenius from the Park Committee. PARK INSPECTION. Barbara indicated that an inspection of parks will be held on Tuesday, October 15th at 2:00 p.m. commencing at Rahn Park. RECREATION POLICY. The Recreation Committee was requested to propose a policy for using hockey lights for suitable recreation purposes during the non- hockey season. BILLS. Upon motion by Everson, seconded Cooper, the bill as presented by Urban Planning was ordered paid. Meeting adjourned at about 11:00 p.m. Re cinder: Carolyn Thurston will attend Council meetings in October and Barbara Schmidt in November.