12/12/1974 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MIN;,"LES OF A JOINT E N2A PARK CC r MI TR EA E & CI] CQO1 iL MEETING EAGAN, M'a~.N~ ZSCjA December 12, 1974 A joint r. eting of the Sagan City Council and Park Committee was held at 700 pm. on December 12, 1974 at the City Hall with all City Council members present. T ho Park Committee members were Thurston, Everson, Coates, Martin ",)c- par, Lear eten and Schmidt. X . "R''rA PARK The Mayor convened the special meeting and indicated that the purpef c c2 the :*r^etirg was in response to the request of the Timberline Assoc. to discuss the proposed acquisition of 10 acres of property for park purposes owned by actin Shields, South of Pilot Knob School and near the intersection of Highway #31 and Lone Oak Road. A number of Timberline residents and asaccia':{on gibers appeared and requested that the Council take action concerning the acquisition of the parcel at the earliest possible time. The Council members and consultants indicated that constant negotiations have been gc•'ng on for several years with Mar. Shields and at this present time W. Shields is considering submitting an application to rezone the balance of epprozi.- s s:ely 17 acres owned by him West of Pilot Knob Road for townhouse purposes. After considerable discussion, the Council directed the City Attorney to pre- pare a proposed purchase agreement for the acquisition of the 10 acre parcel to include dedication for future park contribution with the understanding that the application to rezone the property for b.:1cnco of the 17 acres for townhouse use will be submitted for review by the APC and Council, P,A CV11 iTTSH 1CHTING. The regular Park Committee meeting c mnced at about 8:00 p.m. with Chairperson Sc sddt presiding. Also present were Robert Rosen, City Engineer; Greg Franzen and Paul Hauga, City Attorney, M[IrcTIES. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the minutes of the previous rwoti-h1gg were approtai with the exception that on hoe 3 the word sjor' should be 'nat=e' . G _I,T~T1M CONSTRUCTION GO. The City Engineer discussed tha progress concerning the ccapleti_A. of the contract with Westlund Construction Co. including a request by Westlund for compensation for extra work as outlined by the Engineer, totaling $3,600.00. Its committee discussed the retainage and requested Inc. Rosen to repot ; ssiu to the Park Committee. PAR ;YA11"ENANCE. Greg Franzen reviewed maintenance-problems in various parks fn the Cit; . I M M E ATTENDANTS. Meetings are scheduled during the week of December 16th to instruct park attendants of the ice rink and also first aid instruction to be conducted by Donn Smith. Greg indicated that he will need 14 attendants plus alternates and has 10 strong possibilities to date. Barbara Schmidt agreed to review the method of submitting sad preparing t:Um sheets for the ice rink attendants, SRVLSOR OF ATTEN)ANTS. The committee also discussed Ube hiring of a supervisor for the ice rink attendants and upon motion duly made and seconded, Creg Franzen was authorized to negotiate for the hiring of the supervisor and to report to the Park Committee members informally to confirm the. hiring.. OM, I4TTIr LAW. The City Attorney discussed with the Park Committee the impact of the open mating law on the Park Commftte a eub-committee m0etin8. It was suggested that notices of the meetings be given whenever possible. HIID ACQUISITION CONTRACT. Paul flange reported that progress is being made on anaw=ing the latest letter from BUD requesting information and material to complete the final installment on the BUD acquisition funds. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the meeting adjourned. December 12, 1974 January Council Meetings: Gerber Hatteberg -2®