02/03/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 3, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Those members present were Thurston, Martin, Alt, Masin, Kubik, McNeely, Carroll and Fedde. Absent were members Schumaker and Gustafson. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation and City Planner. AGENDA Chairman Martin asked that the item on co-composting be deferred until the March meeting, and Item "b" under new business add a discussion on appropriate uses for Cedar Elementary School. There being no other additions or changes for the agenda for February 3rd meeting, on a motion by Masin, seconded by Thurston, the agenda was approved. MINUTES Approval of minutes of January 6, 1983. Member Thurston noted two corrections on. page 2 and page 7. Commission member Masin indicated that on page 1 that it was Chairman Martin who made the statement attributed to her. Commission member Carroll stated that on page 1 the word state law should be changed to "estate" law. After further review by the commission, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely with all members voting in favor the minutes of January 6, 1983 were approved as amended. Approval of the special minutes of January 20th, Chairman Martin indicated that on page 2 the insertion of the word "boundary" in the second sentence would be appropriate. On page 4 "Chairman Martin" should be inserted in place of Masin. Commission member Carroll noted the misspelling of two words. There being no other changes or amendments to { the minutes of January 20, 1983, on a motion by Masin, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor, the minutes were approved. COMMITTEE ORGANIZATION Chairman Martin turned the meeting over to the Director of Parks and Recreation for the election of the chair person for 1983. The nomination of commission member Martin and commission member. Carroll were noted and after a secret ballot commission member Martin was reelected as chairman for 1983. Nominations for vice-chair person were accepted. Commission members Thurston and Carroll were nominated and after a secret ballot commission member Thurston was reelected as vice-chair person for 1983. Nominations were open for the position of secretary. Commission member Carroll was unanimously elected to fill this position for 1983. After a brief discussion the Advisory Commission again established the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 P.M. as the regular meeting date for the Advisory Commission. Commission member Martin briefly reviewed the various committees that the commission has had in the past, the development committee, park naming committee, teens, trails and recreation committees. Commission Kubik suggested the combination of trails and development committees into one committee. { Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission February 3, 1983 Page 2 After discussion all members agreed that this would be an appropriate combination. Commission member Martin asked for volunteers for the committee. All members present volunteered. It was agreed that this would be appropriate. Chair- man Martin designated commission member Thurston as the chair person for the sub-committee. Commission members Carroll, Thurston, Martin and McNeely volunteered to serve on the "park name" committee with commission member Carroll acting as chair person. The teen committee to be chaired by commission member McNeely. Members Thurston'and Gustafson were appointed to the sub- committee. The recreation committee is to be chaired by Fedde and Kubik, Masin, Thurston, Schumaker and Gustafson also on the committee. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Chairman Martin indicated that the first item on the agenda related to the platting of Sperry Park. He said because of his association with this item, he would abstain from any voting on actions taken by the commission. City Planner, Dale Runkle noted that the platting of Sperry Park was the re- sult of the need to do away with the long legal description of the "metes and bounds" description into a platted parcel. He stated that this would have the advantage of putting all the lengthy legal description on one re- cordable document. Mr. Runkle continued, showing the limits of the plat, its dedication of roadways and the various easements. He stated that lot 2, as shown on the plat drawing, was the location of the City water tower. He continued saying that as it related to parks dedication that because of the building permit already has been completed the parks dedication did not seem appropriate. The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that if dedication were to be implemented the City's dedication would amount to roughly $360,000. However, a 75% credit for recreational facilities provided would probably be given, decreasing the amount to $90,000. The director went on to explain that Sperry-Univac and the City have had a cooperative arrangement with Sperry providing the location for the existing water tower and other well site locations to the City. The director also indicated that a potential trail alignment from Coachman to Pilot Knob which had previously been identified in the City's comprehensive plan as well as the draft document of the current systems plan. There are no provisions within the preliminary platting for a trail and the Advisory Commission might consider this. -There-was discussion by the Advisory Commission concerning the appropriateness of the dedication of this parcel for cash contribution in light of the fact that they currently have two separate buildings, although the parcel has not been platted. The Director of Parks-and Recreation was asked to review for the commission aspects of the parks dedication on commercial and industrial property to clarify issues. He explained that the 75% credit against the dedication would be the relationship of the intensity of recreational facilities development and the impact on the parks within the community. He stated that the facilities currently being provided by Sperry-Univac for its employees does not place a substantial burden on the park system at this time. Commission members Kubik and Masin stated they had a concern for a connecting trail and that some sort of agreement be worked out to. insure that the City could provide a trail in the future if deemed necessary or desirable. Commission member Kubik stated that it would be good business practice to have something in writing other than a verbal agreement to insure that this could be carried out because personnel and personalities change over time. Commission members discussed the opportunity for future cash dedication, should additional buildings Minutes Advisory Parks Commission February 3, 1983 Page 3 be constructed on the parcel or in case employment expands, placing additional burden on the park system. After discussion by the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Fedde, seconded by Thurston, it was the recommendation to the Council that the City acquire a written agreement for a future trails dedication /trail easement or right to cross from Coachman Park to Pilot Knob Park through the plat. There was additional discussion on the motion by the commission. The director responded to a question, stating that a specific trail alignment need not be determined at this time. Any alignment would have to be sensitive to the concerns of Sperry-Univac for its operations, the needs of the neighborhood, and topo- graphical features. After further discussion, on a call of the motion all members were in favor. Chairman Martin abstained. LEXINGTON SOUTH P.U:D. 13 & 14 City Planner Runkle and the Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed a tentative sketch plan for parcels 13 and 14 of the Lexington South. Planned Unit Development. It was explained that the preliminary application had not yet been filed, but that this was a preliminary review for the commission to ascertain if there were any immediate concerns. The Director of Parks and Recreation pointed out other park land in the area, potential dedications in the planned unit development and how it related to this parcel. After review and discussion by the commission it was determined that it would be appropriate for the development committee to visit the site. It was de- termined that becausea preliminary plat application had not yet been filed, the commission would not set a date at this time. Prior to any review by the commission at a regular meeting, the development committee might be called to visit the site. City Planner Runkle reviewed for the commission two other items which would be on the next commission meeting, indicating that these were presented strictly as an informational item. EAGAN SYSTEMS PLAN STUDY Chairman Martin indicated that the issue before the Advisory Commission at this time would'be to identify additional park sites for design as well as ten (10) park sites for analysis and recommendation by the systems plan consultant. He asked the Director of Parks and Recreation to review for the commission, sites previously identified for preliminary concept work and the remaining sites that could be considered. Commission member Masin questioned the possibility of Burr Oaks as being a park for concept work. Commission member Thurston indicated that some development has already occurred-there and future development would probably be dependent upon acquisition from the South Delaware Hills P.D. Commission member Masin commented that Carnelian Park should also be considered because of its inadequacies. There was a great deal of discussion by the Advisory Commission in regards to potential park sites, with numerous parks being suggested for concept design work. These parks included Carnelian, Pilot Knob, Evergreen, Fish Lake, Schwanz Lake, Donnywood, Windtree, Burr Oaks, Rahn Passive, Heine Pond and Well Site. Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission February 3, 1983 Page 4. Commission members also reviewed for analysis and recommendation, Highview, Donnywood, Country Home, Peridot Path, Burr Oaks, Rahn, Lexington, Carlson Lake, Well Site, Oak Chase, Evergreen, Carnelian. There was an extended discussion by the Advisory Commission concerning the selection of each park site in relationship to population densities, projective growth, and other factors. Chairman Martin indicated that obviously there is problems in selecting the sites to be included for each category because all were important. He asked the commission how it wished to decide. Members indicated that Carnelian, Pilot Knob and Evergreen Parks, assuming Fish Lake would not be reviewed for design work, as being the preferred park for concept design work. It was agreed that members would indicate on a park listing sheet there preference for analysis and recommendations to be given to the Director of-Parks and Recreation for computation. That computation is to be available at the next Advisory Commission meeting to be held with the City Council. JOB DESCRIPTION The Director of Parks and Recreation. indicated that the Advisory Commission had previously desired the opportunity to review, as a reminder, the adopted description of roles and responsibilities write-up and approved in November of 1980. He stated that materials included in the packet had been updated for commission members review. After a brief discussion, Chairman Martin thanked the director for including this in the packet and reminded the advisory members to review this information. Chairman Martin indicated that because of the lateness of the hour he would like to defer until the next meeting items remaining under "Old Business" until the next commission meeting on March 3rd. Members agreed that the items on gifts book, commissions objectives and co-composting be deferred until the March meeting. NEW BUSINESS WINTER SKATING RINKS The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the item concerning the extension of the winter skating season at Carnelian, Woodhaven and Pilot Knob rinks. In response to a question, the director indicated that the attendance at Highview and Lexington rinks was very low. After discussion, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the request to extend the.skating rink schedule recommended by the Director of Parks and Recreation was approved. CEDAR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Chairman Martin related how he had happened to visit Creek Side Community Center in Bloomington. He stated that elementary school was converted into a community center primarily for senior citizen activities. He related to the Advisory Commission the activities that were transpiring during his visit Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission February 3, 1983 Page 5 indicating that he was excited at the potentiality of such programs in Eagan. He continued saying that although Eagan was not large enough now for a senior program of this magnitude, and that it may be a long way off, it did show what a community could'do with such a facility. There was a brief discussion and questions by the commission. Interest was shown by the advisory members to visit the site at some future date. OTHER BUSINESS/REPORTS SIGN MAKING EQUIPMENT The Director of Parks and Recreation reported to the Advisory Commission that a joint use.and purchase agreement for sign making equipment with the City of Burnsville has been completed. He related the particulars concerning the agreement indicating that the City of Eagan would be able to make use of a $4,000 piece of equipment at half the cost, and over the long run be a savings to the City. He related that this equipment would hasten the deployment of park signs to many of the neighborhood parks. FISH LAKE PARK The Director of Parks and Recreation related to the Advisory. Commission the action by the City Planning Commission relative to Fish Lake Park. He went on to explain that the planning commission had endorsed the Parks and Recreation Commission's proposal that this parcel be retained for park purposes. This item would be on the February 15th City Council meeting. Chairman Martin and the Director of Parks and Recreation reminded the Advisory Commission members of its special meeting with the City Council on Tuesday, February 8. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business or action for the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, with all-members voting in favor, the regular meeting of the commission was adjourned at 10:50 P.M. K.L.V. Dated: Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary