03/05/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MARCH 3, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were Thurston, Alt, Fedde, Masin, Martin, Schumaker and Kubik. Absent were members Carroll, McNeely and Gustafson. Also present were Ken Vraa, Parks and Recreation Director and Administrative Intern, Liz Witt. AGENDA There were no changes or additions to the March 3 agenda. On a. motion by .Thurston, seconded-by Masin, the agenda was approved. MINUTES Parks Director Vraa noted corrections to the Sperry Park platting - on page 2 of the February.3 minutes as made by the City Planner. He also said the minutes of the special meeting of February 8 were not available for the March meeting. There were no other corrections noted on the February 3 minutes. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Schumaker with all members voting in favor, the minutes of February 3, 1983 were approved as amended. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A) Coachman Highlands Parks Director Vraa briefly described the Coachman Highlands proposal which was a request to rezone and plat 10.5 acres from an R-4 to an R-3 consisting of 70 townhouses. Director Vraa noted that the developer proposed a land dedication and designated an area on the westerly edge of the development. This particular area is wooded with .a steep grade forming a ravine extending from Letendre Street northward. Director Vraa reminded the Commission that they had already specified Coachman Park as the neighboring facility. Therefore, he recommended a cash dedication be required rather than acceptance of the proposed land dedication. Commission member Masin asked if any other land parcels were mentioned for dedi- cation and if anything would go into the ravine area if we refused to accept this for parks. Director Vraa said that this specific parcel was the only one offered and that it was unbuildable. Commission member Thurston appreciated the fact that the developer was downgrading the zoning. Chairman Martin agreed with Parks Director Vraa's recommendation to accept a cash dedication. The commission cited the following reasons for not accepting the land dedication: 1. The topography is not suitable for parks. 2. There are. parks in the nearby vicinity. If the parcel were contiguous it. may be viewed differently. 3. The proposed.parcel is too small and would be too difficult to develop and maintain. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Alt, it was the recommendation to the Council that a cash dedication be required of the Coachman Highlands developer. The motion carried unanimously. Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission March 3, 1983 Page 2 B) Park Ridge Parks Director Vraa reviewed the Park Ridge Addition proposal for the Commission. He said the area consists of 37.5 acres which would contain 114 single family units. Director Vraa recalled for the commission that this parcel was formerly Galaxie Park P.U.D. which was withdrawn in November, 1982. Park dedication from that P.U.D. had been recommended by the commission to be cash as Ridge Cliff Park was adequate for the area. Director Vraa again recommended a cash dedication from the present developer. There was some discussion about a pathway to Ridge Cliff Park and whether or not the City will maintain ponding easements. It was noted there would be a require- ment for installation of a sidewalk along Covington leading to Ridge Cliff Park. Commission member Thurston noted that the lot sizes are smaller in this proposed development. Chairman Martin agreed with the cash dedication. He made a motion, which was seconded by Fedde, that the City accept a cash dedication for the Park Ridge development. The commission noted that Ridge Cliff Park is 16 acres in size and is sufficient for park in that area. The motion was passed, with all members voting in favor. C) Tiberon (nee Mallard 1st Addition) Parks Director Vraa gave a presentation of the proposed development. Tiberon is to be a replat of Mallard Park 1st addition creating 21 lots from the 11 previously platted. In addition, an adjacent parcel, previously unplatted, would have-5 lots. Director Vraa stated-that a park dedication of 2.1 + acres, to be given to the City from the original Mallard Park P.U.D., is still in arrears. The director continued saying the City did receive the Highline Trail dedication, but there is not a uniform 200' width along the rest of the trail. Director Vraa did say the full 200' is not necessary and that the 60-85' in the Mallard Park vicinity is adequate. He also told the commission that only one house has been built in the entire Mallard Park P.U.D. Chairman Martin asked if the City will receive additional dedication because of the increase in the number of lots. Director Vraa replied that the City would if the original dedication was in cash; but would not, because the dedi- cation took the form of land. He said there could be more dedication from the 1.58 acre parcel which will have five lots. Chairman Martin also wanted to know if the 2.1+ acres due the City is on record somewhere as he didn't want to get into another Fish Lake problem. Director Vraa replied that the owner has been notified of the deficit and has neither confirmed or denied the fact. Commission member Thurston felt any recommendation language should include the fact that the owner is in arrears of this dedication. The City should also have an option to hold a cash escrow for the additional five lots which would give the City control over the dedication. Commission member Alt asked what would happen to the park acreage owed if the owner were to sell off the rest of the land. Director Vraa replied that it depends on what kind of title the buyer receives but that the City would probably have to fight to get the park land. Chairman Martin asked if the City could do anything at the. County level to protect City interests? Commission member Fedde asked if the City could place a lien on the property? Commission member Thurston asked if the City could earmark a specific 2 acre site? Commission member Kubik asked if there were any other options the City could consider? Director Vraa said he would discuss all of these questions with the City Attorney. Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission March 3, 1983 Page 3 Chairman Martin noted that a recommendation was necessary that evening and he moved to recommend the following,-which was seconded by Fedde. 1. That park dedication from the five-lot parcel take the form of a cash escrow in an amount to be determined by staff and to be held until such time as the park land dedication is made. 2. That the Park Commission work to get the 2.1+ acres through notification to the county if possible: 3. That staff and legal counsel should seek other acceptable options and also check to see if a specific 2.1+ - parcel can be earmarked. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS Commission Objectives - 1983 Chairman Martin opened the discussions by commenting that in the past the commission had itemized 10 objectives to be accomplished in a year's time. On last years list were Park Names and the Parks Master Plan. Chairman Martin thought it was time to review the objectives for 1983. Many objectives were mentioned ...the naming of more parks, visiting special-use sites outside of Eagan, develop a Recreation Guide, develop.a parks slide show, a trails plan which needs to be a workable document, review park dedication policy annually, orientation of new commission members, and the possibility of promoting Park & Recreation activities at the July 4 celebration, an inservice program for members to better inform them about trends,and having a trade fair with neighboring communities and have companies come in to show park and recrea- tion equipment. Commission members Masin and Kubik noted the parks master plan will also generate additional projects for the commission. The commission decided to concentrate on naming at least five or six more parks this year. They also want to visit other sites to look at recreational equip- ment available or vita course layouts. The commission would enjoy having speakers in but she/he should provide a rounded presentation and not be biased to a specific product. The commission would also like to explore the trade fair idea. Commission member Thurston suggested we meet with Dakota County Parks Department and talk about the trails. Director Vraa indicated he has had discussion with the County about Lebanon Hills. He suggested that a fall meeting would be a better time to do this. Chairman Martin asked the members to think about objectives some more and that the item be placed on the April 7 agenda. Start-up times and completion dates of objectives will be discussed in April. Composted Material - Update Parks Director Vraa contacted the Waste Control Commission about obtaining compost material for several park sites and some additional for top dressing. Director Vraa reported that Nancy Schumacher of the commission was agreeable to the re- quest and that once official approval is given the material will be delivered and spread, if the area is large in size, at no cost. Director Vraa says the City must provide a soil analysis of sites to be composted. He also said it might be possible to get a screen to filter out the material for $200 rental, which would make this material then suitable for top dressing. Director Vraa commented that the waste control commission may screen the material in the future, Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission March 3, 1983 Page 4 but for now the City should consider renting a screen. Gifts Book - Review Parks Director Vraa handed out a revised gifts book to all commission members. He noted that the format had changed somewhat, but that the final book will be similar to that just received. He also told the commission that in typing a paragraph was left out. The paragraph said that any suggestions, etc., should be placed with Ken Vraa. Commission member Kubik commented that he had read a gift-giving section of another non-profit group that had appropriate wording to be considered. He planned to contact the park director when he finds out the name of the group. The director asked members to make their comments known regarding the gifts book at this time. System Plan - Update Parks Director Vraa stated the neighborhood meetings are slated for the weeks of April 11 and 18. There will be Monday, Wednesday and Thursday meetings each week. Volunteers from the Parks Commission to assist with the meetings will be signed up at the April 7 parks meeting. Director Vraa said that the Trails Plan will be-submitted at the special meeting of the City Council' on March 29. He also said there will not be a spring newsletter but instead the City will put out a colored-one-page insert in, the Eagan Chronicle. The insert will give the spring recreation program and neighborhood meeting notices. Commission member Masin asked where the "Name the Parks" will go? The Parks Commission had planned to have in an earlier newsletter and it never got in. Masin wondered if we could have a contest through the newspaper? Chairman Martin suggested we send letters to homeowners associations to get people interested in attending the neighborhood meetings. Commission member Kubik said it would be helpful to provide babysitting service so more people could come to the meetings. Commission member. Thurston thought she would be able to get Girl Scouts to do that and would check into it. Director Vraa said he would discuss the possibility with the recreation programmer. Chairman Martin suggested we try to reserve the new community room at the Eagan Library for the neighborhood meetings. PARK NAMES The Parks Commission should designate S or 6 parks for signs this year. Two parks have official names, but signs have not been made for them - Lexington and Patrick Eagan. Director Vraa suggested considering signs for those two parks and add three or four more. The following parks have been officially named: Highview, Burr Oaks, Evergreen, Lexington, Cedar Pond, River Hills Park East, Patrick Eagan, Blackhawk and Rahn. Chairman Martin commented that it will be hard to change some names as they are so recognized now. He thought might likely have to stay with Thomas Lake Park and Country Home Heights. Discussion then centered around Northview Park. The site is heavily used for ball games and people often confuse the park with the school and go there. The commission decided that the sub-committee on park names should meet before the next regular park commission meeting and put together a list of recommende d names. Minutes - Advisory Parks Commission March.3, 1983 Page 5 OTHER BUSINESS/REPORTS Winter Program The Commission unanimously stated that the winter report by Dorothy Peterson was excellent. Parks Director Vraa stated there were only a very few minor problems with the operation this year. He did say there is a problem with the hockey boards at Highview. Major repairs may be necessary, usage is down and there are other rinks nearby. Director Vraa asked the commission to consider whether they wish to continue hockey at Highview. This would be considered at a future commission meeting. A final comment on the recreation program was voiced by commission member Kubik. He said the volleyball attendance was excellent - almost too good as there were 15 players on a side. He wondered if additional schools or other locations might be avail- able? Director Vraa said that Pilot Knob School was the only place available at this time. District_196 - Eagan Summer School Program District 196 - Community Education had contacted Eagan to see if they would be interested in working in a compatible program with the district summer school at Thomas Lake School. The Parks and Recreation Department has initiated a fee for service program that will complement the proposed offering by District 196. The cost will be $10-15 but will be canceled if enough children do not enroll. Director Vraa commented that had Eagan not been willing to participate the school district may have decided not to offer a summer school program at Thomas Lake. Fish Lake Park Parks Director Vraa handed out a report containing information submitted by opposing attorneys reference the Fish Lake development. The City Council continued the matter from the March 1 meeting and it will be discussed again at the March 15 meeting. Field Scheduling - New Procedure Last year those youth athletic associations who requested fields were given permits. Unfortunately, time and space restrictions made allocations an arbitrary process and some deserving groups did not get all permits desired and other groups received permits and did not fully utilize them. This year the department will insist upon having the team's schedule before any permits are issued. There might be double headers scheduled with 11-4-hour limits if not enough fields are available. Director Vraa would like the Parks Commission to set a policy in this matter. Chairman Martin directed that it be placed on the April 7 agenda. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business or action for the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Masin, seconded by Kubik, with all members voting in favor, the regular meeting of the commission was adjourned at 9:20 P.M. L.W. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Secretary