05/03/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINITTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF TIIE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COP-MISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA MAY 5, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were Alt, Fedde, Martin, Kubik, Carroll and McNeely. Commission member Masin had notified the commission that she would be late. Absent were members Thurston, Schumaker and Gustafson. Also present were Ken Vraa, Parks and Recreation Director and Administrative Intern, Liz Witt. AGENDA Park Director Vraa added one item to the Other Business/Reports section of the agenda. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Carroll, the agenda was approved as amended. MINUTES Chairman Martin noted that as part of the recommendation for the Woodhaven Addition that number 5 should read, "There shall be a landscaping bond which can be released after the test of two growing seasons for the plantings." And, regarding the Schwanz Lake area, the amount of park land will be decreased by an amount of 33,000} square feet. Doug McNeely moved and JoAnn Alt seconded that the minutes of April 7, 1983, he approved as corrected. The motion carried. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely, the minutes of February 8, 1983, were approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A) Crossroads Apartments Park dedication for this development has already been covered by a planned development agreement for Pilot Knob Heights 1st Addition. There is no trail connection needed as there already is a sidewalk. No action was necessary reference this development. B) Hillcrest Addition Park dedication has already been addressed for this development which is adjacent to and part of proposed Walden Heights. The Advisory Parks Commission did not have to take action on this proposal. C) Cedar Hills is a 56 acre proposal which is part of the Winkler/Jackson planned development. Included in the planned development is the stipulation that 8 acres, will be dedicated as park when the first plat is filed. The acreage includes some highway turnback. In addition, the developers are responsible for grading. The project will be on hold until platting occurs. Commission member Carroll asked if there was to be a pond in the middle of the planned development which would he a part of the park dedication. Director Vraa said there will he a pond easement only. It was not necessary for the Advisory Parks Commission to take any further action at this time. Advisory ('arks Commission Minutes May S. 1983 Page 2 D) Surrey Gardens Two apartment buildings are to be constructed on this site at Yankee Poodle Road and Surrey Heights Road. Director Vraa noted that the developer was under the impression that park dedication for the entire parcel was made when previous additions were constructed. Director Vraa researched the files and minutes and found no indication that the cash dedication paid would cover development of Surrey Gardens. Director Vraa feels Eagan should receive cash dedication and that it is up to the developer to prove that it has already been paid. Commission member Carroll moved and Fedde seconded, to request cash dedication for the 88 apartment units and an extension of the trail along the south side of Yankee Doodle. The motion passed unanimously. E) Eagandale Office Park Replat for a new roadway and transportation plan. Because this is a replat the City can request commercial/industrial park dedication. Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company has asked a waiver of the dedication and the Advisory Planning Commission recommended the waiver to the City Council. The Advisory Parks Commission discussed the Advisory Planning Commission's recommendation and decided that the issue should have been referred to the Parks Commission as should all park matters. Commission member Carroll moved and McNeely seconded to have the commission chairman send a letter to the Planning Commission Chairman expressing concern about this matter. The motion passed unanimously. Parks Director Vraa mentioned that there are already six development proposals coming before the Planning Commission in May. OLD BUSINESS Park Names: The park names sub-committee set a meeting. date for Monday, May 9 at 7:00 p.m. to reach agreement on park name recommendations. Members of the sub-committee are: Carolyn Thurston, Roger Martin, Richard Carroll and Doug McNeely. Commission Objectives: The Parks and Recreation Commission discussed several goals and objectives they would like to accomplish. One ongoing goal will be to continually update park dedication fees The commission would also like to visit other park facilities outside Fagan as they have done in the past. Perhaps there could be a joint meeting of neighboring commissions to view park equipment and/or to discuss joint purchase of maintenance equipment. Commission members would also like to visit special use facilities such as the Edina golf dome, tennis dome, ice arenas and the like but not until fall. They said they enjoy the visits to Eagan parks and wondered if slides were available of all City parks. Director Vraa said he does have some slides and will schedule them for review at one of the fall meetings. The entire commission expressed enthusiasm at viewing park maintenance equipment and to see some pieces in operation. Parks Director Vraa will arrange to have a display ready for the June meeting. System Plan Study - Schwanz Lake Director Vraa noted that SchwanzLake Park was now part of the Trapp family farm land. He commented that it might be appropriate to consider historical families and events of Eagan's history when naming parks. Director Vraa showed a concept plan for the lake area which primarily involves summer use. There will be a shelter, open field, picnic areas, a beach, central parking, a trail system and a boat launch. Advisory Parks Commission Minutes May 5, 1983 Page 3 He commented on other concept plans which had been put together for the site but were not in the portfolio. Other plans called for the acquisition of additional land some of which could be used for special facilities. He also wants to give winter recreation some consideration. Commission member Alt said we should acquire those parcels around the shore- line. Director Vraa said they would have to be purchased. Commission member Carroll stated that homeowners involved should be alerted to the Parks Commission's intent to buy. Director Vraanoted that there are slightly more than two acres and three homeowners involved. Members provided other direction and preference for the plan shown. NEW BUSINESS Easement Request Oak Chase Park Mr.&Mrs. O'Brien wished to have a 30' x 240' easement to facilitate access to the lot immediately east of their property. Director Vraa stated that the commission could 9o along with the request, deny it, or suggest a change in the access point. The latter would mean the roadway would come into the park land for 40-50' before moving back on the existing easement private property. Commission member Carroll noted that the suggested alternative would bring the roadway in at an angle, a potentially hazardous condition with the obstructed view to the south. It was noted that the utilities were already there when the home was purchased so their relocation should not be a factor in the decision. Commission member Masin arrived at 8:35 p.m. Commission member Fedde felt there was no justification for the request - that the commission would be a "nice guy." Commission member Masin commented that the park is long, narrow and small and would hate to lose any of it. All commission members agreed that the park size should not be reduced. Commission member Carroll noted that the relocation of access would bring the driveway to within 50' of the tot lot, and he felt the City should not give up park land which was so difficult to obtain in the first place. Commission member Tlasin wanted to know why the City has had so much trouble with this park area. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said the area was platted before the park dedication was made. More discussion about the merits or deficiencies in the alternate access followed. On a motion by Kuhik, seconded by McNeely to notify the O'Briens that the request does not have merit but if there is more information to be shared the Parks and Recreation Commission would listen and consider the request. The motion passed with Chairman Martin abstaining. Leaf Composting Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed the composting information and requirements needed for the program. He then asked for direction from the commission. Chairman Martin stated he was in favor of having a composting site with a volunteer group supervising. Commission member Kubik was concerned with the supervising . . . He said there had to be control, perhaps a locked gate, scheduled hours of operation and limited access. When asked if there was a site selected, Director Vraa suggested that a place by the reservoir off Cliff Road was a possibility, or Patrick Eagan Park or Northview Park. Other sites should he reviewed, however, and indicated a vacated industrial site might also be suitable. Chairman Martin felt the commission should pursue a composting program but not one of such a magnitude that includes a pick-up program as depicted in other communities. It was noted that the cost to treat the leaves is not high Advisory Parks Commission Hi_nutus May 5, 1983 Page 4 but manpower is needed to haul and turn the leaves. Director Vraa was directed to find out how other communities control the program, determine potential sites, find volunteer groups and come back with a program out- line for final review and commission action. OTHER BUSINESS/REPORTS The Rosemount Athletic Association requested use of Eagan athletic facilities. Chairman Martin suggested the letter be kept on file as justification for ball field needs in Eagan as we are having trouble meeting City requests at this time. Teen Program - 1983: Commission member McNeely reviewed last year's "work" program for teens sighting program difficulties. He thought the commission should look at a different program in 1983. Director Vraa stated there will be special activities scheduled for several Fridays such as Valley Fair, horseback riding, water sliding and tubing The commission approved these activities. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa had provided some additional informational pieces in the packet. He commented that playground equipment will be in- stalled in Lakeside Park this summer, something the neighborhood has wanted for three years. Unauthorized garden plots were then discussed by the commission. Director Vraa said there are 48 authorized plots available in Pilot Knob Park. He commented that he noted two garden plots by residents adjacent to the high- line trail east of Rahn Road. Director Vraa stated that homeowners had removed an old barbed wire fence and threw it near the bike trail. They also threw many large rocks in the same vicinity. There was discussion by the commission regarding the unauthorized use of park land with problems cited. Chairman Martin said the parks commission should direct Parks and Recreation Director Vraa to notify the homeowners that they were misusing public land, that they must discontinue usage of the area and that there is designated area for garden plots available. Director Vraaplanned to write a letter to the homeowners immediately and draft a policy on park usage by residents for the June meeting.- ADJOURNMENT The business was concluded and the meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Secretary