06/02/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA June 2, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were Martin, Masin, Fedde, Thurston, Kubik, Alt and Carroll. Absent were members McNeely and Gustafson. Also present were Ken Vraa, Parks & Recreation Director and Administrative Intern, Liz Witt. City Planner, Dale Runkle, was present to comment on development proposals. Prior to the start of the formal meeting, the commission attended a demonstration of the parks maintenance equipment. Department personnel assembled the various pieces of equipment at Northview Park and each man spoke about the particular uses. Members commented that the demonstration was excellent and most helpful in expanding commission members knowledge of park department responsibilities and accomplishments. AGENDA Additions to the agenda included Park Names under Old Business; Revised Oakwood Heights, to Development Proposals and `kudos" to Park Department Personnel under Other Business. On a motion by Masin, seconded by Kubik, the agenda was approved as amended. MINUTES Chairman Martin noted that in the minutes of May 5th under New Business - Oak Chase Park, the commission said that the park "should not be reduced to the extent requested." On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Thurston, the minutes of May 5, 1983 were approved as corrected. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A) Duckwood Trails 2nd Addition Parks and Recreation Vraa commented that this P.U.D. was originally to consist of two buildings and townhouse units but that it has been modified to two 81 unit structures which have been relocated on the site. Director Vraa noted that parks land dedication has already been satisfied but the developer is proposing to donate approximately 8 acres. The acreage could be combined with DeBoer Park directly to the north of the development. The 8± acres would serve as a buffer area between Duckwood Estates and the pro- posed multiple units. Park Director Vraa said that some of the proposed land donation was high and dry and some was wet and marshy. Staff would suggest additional grading but specific usage for the park land was yet to be determined. Planning Consultant Erkkila has been directed to study the area and develop concept plans. Director Vraa also noted the possibility of getting an additional 3- acres from the Eagan Heights Commercial Park Development which could result in a good size neighborhood park. He commented that this is one of the areas in the community which is in need of a park. A visitor, Pam Wold, asked how much area was needed for a ball field as she Advisory Parks Commission-Minutes June 2, 1983 Page 2 would like to see a ball field in that site. Director Vraa showed the system plan concept for that area and stated a small ball field would be possible. The usable area is very tight because of the lake. Visitor, Holly Bystedt asked if the City were to take cash, and not take the land could the developer do whatever he wished with the 8 acres?* Director Vraa said the developer would probably incorporate the acreage into the homeowners association's common area and not develop additional units on there. Mrs. Wold asked where and when'~a park would be located if this site was not accepted? Director Vraa explained the City has looked at two sites one near Hurley Lake, the other with a proposed elementary school location, but the timing would depend upon financing. Planner Runkle arrived at 7:30. He said he has noticed Eagan Heights Commercial that the City might be interested in the three acres mentioned earlier. Planner Runkle observed that the proposal received approval from the Planning Commission and would be on'the June 21 agenda of the City Council. There were additional questions from visitors and commission members concerning trail access, size of park, park items and timing of development. Planner Runkle, in response to a question regarding grading of the proposed donation by Commission Member Alt, stated the developer can move fill into the area and grade. He commented that the developer has indicated he would also provide grading to site. On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Thurston, the Parks Commission recommended that the City accept the 8± acreage with the condition that grading and seed- ing be worked out to staff specification if the developer uses the site for additional material. The motion carried unanimously. B) Park Cliff Addition City Planner Runkle explained the rezoning involved with the development, which would allow for a deviation from, the R-1 zoning. He stated that the remaining issue to be resolved is the trail dedication. Parks Director Vraa had discussed the trail link with Dakota County Parks. They indicated that the main trail system had been moved but it would be a good opportunity to provide a trail dedication to hook up to the trail system. Commission member Thurston said the City retain the opportunity to have the trail. In response to a question, Director Vraa said the only disadvantage in having the trail would be any additional maintenance. He stated there would be an additional cash dedication for the increased number of lots in the development. On a motion by Thurston and seconded by Fedde, the commission recommended the trail connection to Lebanon Hills Reional Park and that the City re- 0 ceive cash dedication for the single family lots. The motion passed unani- mously. C) Sunset Second Addition City Planner Runkle reviewed the proposed Sunset Second Addition consist- ing of 12 lots directly south of Sunset First. The area will be served by Advisory Parks Commission-Minutes June 2, 1983 Page 3 Schwanz Lake Park and Wedgewood Park which is nearby. Dick Carroll moved and commission member Kubik seconded that the City accept cash dedication for the development. The motion passed unanimously. D) Robin Lane 1st Addition Planner Runkle explained that the development would consist of two apartment buildings with 112 units plus ten townhouse units on approxi- mately9.6 acres of land. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is the proposed park within this service area. The developer will provide a tot lot if the Advisory Commission recommends one. On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Carroll, the recommendation to accept a cash dedication for the develop- ment and for the developer to provide a tot lot. Motion was approved unanimously. E) Blackhawk Acres City Planner Runkle noted that the development is approximately 5.5 acres in size and will consist of 25 townhouse units. Planner Runkle said the Planning Commission had continued the application pending more infor- mation on topography and design and input from neighbors. Commission member Carroll moved and member Alt seconded that the City accept a cash dedication for this development. The motion passed unanimously. F) Mallard Park 4th Addition - a Replat of Mallard 2nd City Planner Runkle explained that in keeping with the new Planning Commission,-City Council guidelines on smaller-lot sizes, the applicant was advised to obtain an R-2 zoning. As for park dedication, Director Vraa said he has been working with Willmus Family Properties to get the previous shortage in park dedication resolved. He further said that Mr. Willmus has agreed that he owes the City 2.3 acres, and has sent a letter stating that. Commission member Thurston asked if the City can negotiate a specific parcel of land to be dedicated and Director Vraa said that would he the case. The Parks Commission did not have to take any action regarding this proposal as the Planner and Parks Director were merely updating the members. G) Oakwood Heights 2nd Addition Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed the development and noted that there has been a revision to the plan from what the commission had seen in May. He reviewed the trails revision as proposed. Director Vraa said he did wnat the Parks Commission to review the trail question for recommendation. He suggested there be a trail across park land plus some easement on private property to connect to the trail system. There is a problem with the high water mark - just exactly what will it be. Chairman Martin wondered if the City could-acquire a portion of the lots rather than an easement. The Director responded that the developer needed the land to meet the square footage requirements/or minimum lot size. Member Alt commented that the public will probably use the shoreline anyway unless Advisory Parks Commission-Minutes June 2, 1983 Page 4 the homeowner puts up a fence. Director Vraa suggested that the trail be built or graded in so that owners know at the time of purchase that a trail is there. Director Vraa said the trail easement will be shown within the ponding easement according to the developer. He said Sienna Corporation will give trail easement throughout the area even though further park dedication is not due at this time. Chairman Martin questioned the status of the large oak tree previously at waters edge. Director Vraa said the tree was now in the water and there is not a control on the lake level at this time. Members expressed concern for the water elevation and the N.O.H.N. the impact to the park. On a motion by Kubik,' seconded by Alt, the commission recoimended the option of obtaining easements in lots 13 and 14 for a trail connection and for the trail to be benched in. In addition, there would be a street trail along Wilderness Run. The motion passed unanimously. .OLD BUSINESS A) Easement - Oak Chase Park Director Vraa stated there had been a further exchange of letters with Mr. & Mrs. O'Brien in response to commission action at the May meeting. Mrs. O'Brien provided cost involved to relocate utilities and to construct a retaining wall. Commission member Thurston observed that as long as the homeowners knew of the easement when they bought the property, the City should not become involved. Member Masin felt the commission was not justified in losing park land when it was so hard to come by. Commission member Carroll moved and Masin seconded the recommendation that the cost of utility relocation should be handled by the utility company and the homeowner. It was further recommended that fill could be placed on park land subject to staff supervision. Commission member Kubik amended the motion to include the proviso that the parks commission will adhere to the policy that park land will not he released unless extreme hardship is demonstrated. The amended motion passed with Chairman Martin abstaining. B) Systems Plan Study -Pilot Knob Park The Parks Commission discussed in detail the concept plans A, B, C, and D for Pilot Knob Park. Commission member Kubik liked the parking provided with plan D as it could be used for softball. He did not like the thought of permanent hockey facilities in this location as too much open space would be lost. He wanted to know if the City could get dual use in the hockey rink area by putting in volleyball in the warmer months. Commission members agreed they liked a sliding area and that feature should be retained as part of any plan adopted. Director Vraa stated that the present hockey site near the school sits too high - it gets too much sun and is windy. He felt the School District would favor Plan p if a trail were put in to get to the rink. Director Vraa said the commission could combine elements of B and D so there would be a sliding hill, a tot lot and play equipment next to the open field and tennis courts, an observation deck, hockey rinks, a ball field near the school and parking. Member Kubik wanted to get input from the school district. Director Vraa will put together the preferred plan Advisory Parks Commission-Minutes June 2, 1983 Page 5 and present it to the school. Mr. Kubik offered to go along to meet with school officials. Members agreed upon the recommended plan. The Director also reviewed Capricorn Park plan, indicating that one major remaining deficiency in the system is for minor league baseball fields. He continued to explain that an alternative would be to acquire additional park land to accommodate two additional fields. There was general dis- cussion and questions by the commission. One of the amenities to the ball field area might include a practice area where the kids could practice hitting, sliding, fielding, and pitching. Member Thurston commented this was a excellent concept and indicated agree- ment. Director Vraa said he will add both the Pilot Knob Park plan and the revised Capricorn to the capital costs involved in implementing the master park plan. A meeting will tentatively be held between the June and July meeting to review the draft of the C.I.P. C) Park Names Member Carroll reported-on a meeting of the Park Names Sub-Committee. He concluded his report saying the Director will mail to each commission member, historical information and Indian names to be considered when making suggested names for parks. Each member should give two names for each listed park and return the list within one week of receipt of mailed infor- mation. The park names could be discussed at the special upcoming commission meeting. NEW BUSINESS Unauthorized Usage of Park Land Parks Director Vraa drafted a policy statement regarding park land usage. The statement reads as follows:. "The usage of City park property by adjacent or other residential property owners for garden plots, storage sheds, wood piles, dog kennels are unauthorized activities for which public parks are not to be used. These usages are outside the intent and purpose for which City parks exist, and constitutes an appropriation of park land for the private benefit of the individual. Usage of parks for individual purposes is counter to public policy and park practice. Therefore, the usage of parks in this manner is opposed by the Commission. The Director of Parks and Recreation shall prohibit further usage of City parks in this manner with the appropriate individuals." On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Kubik, the commission adopted the policy statement with revision. The motion passed unanimously. OTHER BUSINESS a) Department Intern. A student in landscaping will be interning in the parks department. He will develop additional graphics for the trails system, bicycle ways and assist with basic department research in- cluding the fish stocking of the lakes. Advisory Parks Commission-Minutes June 2, 1983 Page 6 b) Budget - Parks Director Vraa noted that staff is starting to prepare the 1984 budget. Commission members were asked to offer comments and address concerns. c) Director Vraa commented that the next round ofLAWCON grants was approaching with applications to be made in July. The director suggested three possible park sites; Fish Lake Park to develop access to the lake; Capricorn Park and Thomas Lake. Director Vraa hoped to purchase the Thomas Lake land out of the P.U.D. and when the cash dedication actually is made the money will be given back via the grant process. Members agreed that all three park 'sites shoul'dbe considered. d) Commission member Kubik wondered if more garden plots could be made available. Director Vraa will look into the matter. e) Chairman Martin indicated he would write letters of appreciation to the parks department personnel who participated in the equipment demonstration on behalf of the commission. f) The park gift brochures are ready and the commission discussed the appropriateness of manning a booth at the Fourth of July festival to distribute the brochure. Director Vraa will contact the July Fourth Association to inquire about booth locations and members are to contact Ken regarding their availability. Concern over excessive drinking at the festival was voiced. Director Vraa said the police department did crack down last year and the situation was much improved. The motion was made by Kubik and seconded by Martin to send a letter to the police departmentrequesting their continued regulation of drinking. The motion passed. g) Applications for the vacancy on the Advisory Parks Commission will be taken through early June. The City Council will probably name the new appointee at the June 21 meeting. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 P.M. L.V. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Secretary /bp