07/07/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA July 7, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were Martin, Masin, Fedde, Kubik, Alt, McNeely, and Carroll. Carolyn Thurston was absent. Also present were Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation and Administra- tive Intern, Liz Witt. Systems Plan Consultant Tim Erkkila was present to review the preliminary development summary. Barb Schmidt, Bob Rosene and Brad Lemberg gave an informational presentation on current plans. for Lebanon Hills Regional Park. AGENDA Commission member Carroll moved and Masin seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried unanimously. MINUTES On a motion by Alt, seconded by Kubik, the minutes of June 2, 1983 were approved. DEVELOPMENT PLANS - LEBANON HILLS PARK Barb Schmidt, Dakota County Parks Department, commented that a $1,250,000 grant had been approved by the Met Council.; The grant will be used for three projects: Sacajawea, Schultz Lake and a recreational vehicle camp- ground across from the zoo. BobRosene, Engineering Consultant, reviewed the plans for Schultz Lake. He described Schultz Lake as.an 11? acre lake which will have depths of up to 16' after dredging. A swimming beach will be made with access off Cliff Road. There will be a control building-at the entrance. The parking lot will take up to 100 cars. He predicts that the beach can serve up to 900 people with 450 an average figure. The beach will have new, clean sand and will measure approximately 50' x 450'. An earth sheltered beach building will be constructed. The building will also house showers, a mechanical room and aconcession stand. There will be a picnic area in the woods by the beach and a field game area as well. Mr. Rosene said there will be clean water at all times with intakeandoutlet valves in place for circulation. Barb Schmidt commented that the usuagewill be controlled by the number of parking spots made available. The Parks Department wishes to observe how many can be accommodated before additional parking is considered. Brad Lemberg, Engineering Consultant, discussed plans for the former Camp Sacajawea and the RV campground. He said the present lodge at Camp Sacajawea will be available for organized groups. This may expand to other groups later. There will be a looped road access to the camp with a link road to the camping area. A toilet-shower shelter will be built in the camping area. An addition will be put on the original lodge and will include toilets, showers, chaperone quarters and a mechanical room. Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 2 The RV campground will have 62 parking spaces equipped with water, sewer and electrical hook-ups. There will be one building housing toilets, showers, laundry and a small retail space where staples would be avail- able. If there are monies available there would be an entrance building with shower/toilet facilities. Mr. Rosene stated that the bid for the park development will be let in seven parts: 1. Road grading and surfacing 2. Dredge and grade the beach. 3. Sink wells for the beach, lodge, and RV area. 4. Install water and sewer utilities 5. Electrical utilities for the RV area and parking lot lighting. 6. Construct the buildings, and 7. Landscaping The first two items are to be let July 12 with the award on July 19. Con- struction should be done by fall and the park operational by next summer. Commission member Kubik commented that McDonough Lake was good for fishing and asked about plans for fishing docks. Mr. Rosene said that Stage II of the plans call for kids fishing docks at McDonough Lake. Barb Schmidt said the horse-and biking trails in the area might be rerouted. Commission member Kubik also asked about back packing and canoe portaging.. Mrs. handed out brochures on that topic to each commission member. She noted that there will ultimately be 2,000 acres in the park. There will be more fishing, more camping, horse trails, cross country ski trails and perhaps a nature center. The park has more security now and more familiies are using it as it was intended to be used. Mr.'Rosenesaid the County intends to eliminate swimming at HollandLake and keep it as a fishing lake. Director Vraa and Barb Schmidt will coordinate a visit to the park site this fall for the Parks and Recreation Commission. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A) Knob HIll Office Site Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that this proposal is a revised preliminary plat. As such it is subject to the Commercial/Industrial park dedication requirements. There are approximately 12.9 acres of commercial/ industrial land involved. On a motion by Martin, seconded by Masin, the Commission recommended that cash dedication be accepted from Knob Hill Office Site. The motion carried unanimously. B) Lexington Place - U.S. Homes Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that this proposal is a pre- liminary plat revision. The developers plan to reduce the number of units by 72 through the elimination of many of the one-bedroom condo units. Director Vraa noted the original recommendation was cash dedication by unit and a trail. Director Vraa said the developers are proposing a tot lot, swimming pool and/or tennis courts for the project. When asked about the history of receiving cash dedication by unit, Director Vraa said the original thinking Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 3 was - the more units, the more people, and the more park land needed. There was some discussion about the amenities being proposed and commission member Masinsaid the developers should take care of them, particularly the tot lots. The commission members felt they should encourage amenities such as a pool but not make it a requirement. Carroll moved and Masin seconded that the park commission accept cash for Lexington Place project, recommend a tot lot and a trail connection to the easterly edge of-the southerly quadrant for future trail connection; subject to staff recommendation. The commission also moved to encourage consideration of a swimming pool and/or tennis courts by the developer. The motion passed unanimously: C) Sun Cliff Addition Parks and Recreation Director Vraa reviewed the proposal for the commission. He stated that Sun Cliff Addition is part of Eagan Hills West Planned Development. Meadowlands was the first completed development in this P.D. The City received dedication in the High Line Trail corridor to satisfy the requirement for park land. However, there is a half acre exception within the High Line corridor which had been reserved for possible street crossing. There will no longer be the possibility of a street crossing so that land should be deeded to the City. He also indicated that the deed for a second exception involved with the taking of I-35E was in the process of being turned over to the City attorney. Director Vraa noted a problem with four lot lines north of the High Line corridor as the trail swings to avoid a pond. These lot lines will-have to be adjusted to conform to the trail and existing City park property. The Director continued saying the P.U.D. agreement for Eagan Hills West calls for 13.5 acres of neighborhood park land and with the approved platting of Sun Cliff, the City would receive approximately 12.5 acres, a reduction of approximately one (1) acre. Staff and system plan consultant have reviewed the park land dedication and feel that the reduction of one acre will not present any major problem for future development. The Director stated however, that the issue of how to make up the park land shortage should be addressed. He went on to say that a trail had previously been proposed to be dedicated and, under this development scheme, did not appear to be needed. This trail was to he given .86 acres credit. The Director indicated that there may be future reduction in other proposed park land in the P.D. Attorney Dave Sellergren, representing the developer, was prepared to discuss the above matters with the Parks Commission. He said there would be no problems with adjustment of lot lines north of the trail as the cul-de-sac alignment can be moved. Mr. Sellergren observed that the development has changed from townhouses to single family dwellings. He has also had discussions with the City Planner regarding the location or necessity of the trail for Sun Cliff Addition. Mr. Sellergren stated that any shortages in park dedication will be made up in cash. He continued saying that the entire park land dedication as shown can be made early with approval of Sun Cliff even though Phase I of the develop- ment constitutes less than a quarter of the development. Chairman Martin Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 4 stated that the Commission is concerned when there is a reduction of neigh- borhood park land. He did not want to see shortages made up in. other, less desirable land parcels and agreed that a cash dedication would be acceptable. Mr. Martin asked when the early dedication for the park would be made. It was stated that the park land could be given to the City at the time of platting of the first phase. There was discussion about plantings to screen the trail from the houses located off of the proposed Bear Path Road. Chairman Martin suggested' the trail be constructed so that potential buyers know of its existence. After there were several questions regarding the land dedication, high line trail, drainage, and once proposed internal trail. After additional discussion, Chairman Martin moved and Carroll seconded to recommend the City accept the park land dedication of 12.5 acres as proposed; there should be provision to address potential drainage problem south of Sun Cliff Road; the dedication of the neighborhood park take place with the platting of Phase I of Sun Cliff Addition; a cash dedication for park land shortages.be made; remaining land within the High Line Trail be deeded to the City; berming and plantings should be made along the SO' trail access. The motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS A) System Plan Study Parks and Recreation Director Vraa and System Plan Consultant, Tim Erkkila, have been working on the park site development costs by cyclical periods. The costs were placed in five planning cycles as it takes more than one year to complete most steps. Director Vraa set guidelines for determining the phasing of development for parks. These guidelines are: (1) Park service areas identified in the systems plan study as rank- ing immediate acquisition or development needs are to be ranked in the first two development cycles. (2) Scheduable facilities - softball, baseball, soccer, etc. have been given high priority. (3) Play equipment installation, when not part of major site and grading improvements are ranked high, within the first three planning cycles. (4) The natural sequence of events must follow: Acquisition - grading and site improvement - athletic improvements and optional park facilities. (5) Removals at neighborhood parks are to be proceeded by installation of replacement facilities. (6) At least one community picnic area, should be included in the first cycle. (7) Park development, contingent on future dedication which is not forecasted to occur within the next two to three years, has been shifted to the last cycle in totality. Plan Consultant Erkkila explained how they arrived at the costs which were done for each park, by category, based upon current prices. There were eight categories, with sub-division under each which were used for cost Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 5 estimating. They made the determination that there will be play equipment in every neighborhood park at $15,000 per module. In the mini-parks a half module, or $7,500, would be needed. Each double tennis court will cost $25,000. A new hockey rink will cost $16,000. Signs, garbage cans, benches, etc. will cost $1,000 per park. Grading is a very costly procedure and will vary with each park site. These costs were based on grading estimates. Building costs were programmed at varying links by structure. Picnic shelter costs were estimated at $3,000-$5,000 while a warming shelter was estimated at $12,000, toliet facilities costs $40,000. A new concrete building of 900 square feet will cost $72,000 and the cost to rehabilitate a building such as at Donnywood will cost approximately $20,000. Mr. Erkkila said he has programmed security lighting at all park sites, with lights at all hockey rinks and two fields at Northview. Chairman Martin and Commission member Carroll stated they would like to see all of the thinking incorporated in the above figures to be included as working papers with the Master Park Plan. Mr. Erkkila noted that all of the documentation will serve as a basis for the Capital Improvements Plan. Thirty-seven sites are included in this review and that figure does not include all of Eagan's sites. The remaining ones will be con- sidered at a later time. Plan Consultant Erkkila distributed a park facilities estimate for Eagan's park system. In addition-to costs of proposed facilities he noted which sites would have a park building. Mr. Erkkila summarized costs by acquisition, site preparation, equipment/athletics, buildings/shelters, lights/utilitities, roads/trails/parking, miscellaneous landscaping, planning/design/engineering and contingency: Plan consultant Erkkila said that once the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission approves the Park Site Development then the Capital Improvement Plan can be developed. He felt the Commission should provide direction on proposed buildings and play equipment as well as the contingency per- centage. Commission members discussed these issues and came to a general agreement that the play equipment module as proposed was the preferred one. The Commission favored the concrete block building rather than one of wood construction. The Commission agreed that the figure of $6 million should be the total cost thus allowing for an increase in the contingency percent and sturdier buildings. The Commission suggested that Plan Consultant Erkkila and Director Vraa review cycles 4 and 5 to see if some activities can be shifted in order to spread the cycle costs out more evenly and to give the older areas more consideration regarding develop- ment. B) DeBoer Park Director Vraa displayed a concept plan for DeBoer Park which included the Duckwood Trail acreage recently agreed to be given as park land. The site would have a trail system which would include a pedestrian bridge to the island. On another island would be an open field. There could be a slalom type course on the hill for skate boarding or a BMX path. There can also be skating to make DeBoer Park a complete neighborhood park. Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 6 Director Vraa says they are looking at ways to alert residents to the existence of a park as it is hard to see from Lexington Avenue. He also plans to review the concept plans with Eagan Heights Commercial Park. No Commission action was necessary for DeBoer Park, but members agreed the scheme was well done. C) Park Names Commission member Carroll submitted the sub-committee's report on park names to the Commission. The committee put together several names for each park to be named. Flyers will be prepared and distributed to the park neighborhoods. Comments, additional suggestions and name preference will be requested. The Commission will give the neighborhood input full consideration when making final determination of park names. Commission member Carroll felt some explanation should be included with the suggestions as to how the names came to be. Director Vraa said the City summer staff or boy scouts might help distribute tfie flyers to the homes. He commented that response might be a problem. NEW BUSINESS Northview Athletic Field Fence Proposal Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that the temporary fences at Northview Park are deteriorating rapidly. He proposed that the City spend $6,000 and seek a matching $6,000 from the ball players associations in order to get permanent'fencing. Director Vraafeels this arrangement would be in keeping with the matching gifts policy adopted in 1981. He did remind the commission that the proposal has not been reviewed by the entire league leadership committee or all the team managers. The commission reacted favorably to the proposal asking Director Vraa to contact the teams with the matching monies proposal and report back to the commission at the August meeting. Proposed Bicycle Route Director Vraa identified the bike route to be completed this year as in- cluding segments on Rahn Road, Beau D'Rue and Johnny Cake Ridge. These trails will serve as connector links from the Cedar Avenue bridge to Bloomington as well as to the Zoo in Apple Valley. These segments will be along the roadway. Commission member Kubik said such bike routes are really not safe. Director Vraa said the trail routes need signage, acting as reassurance to bike riders. In response to a question, he indicated the signs must be on separate posts. There was some discussion as to what to call those segments along the roadway to differentiate them from the regular trails. The Director explained the trails classification and nomenclature. Chairman Martin said the City had no alternate to bike route designation and said that if they appear to be a problem the commission will have to deal with it. He felt the routes should be reviewed after they have been in use for a time. Director Vraa says these segments along the roadway can be identified in the bike pamphlet soon-to-be prepared. Member Alt stated she supports the concept, indicating the signage will improve the trails system. Commission member Carroll said there could be information signs indicating where the on-road segments begin and end. On a motion by Chairman Martin, seconded by Kubik, the commission accepted Director Vraa's recommendation and will review the routes after they have been in use for six months. The motion Advisory Parks Commission - Minutes July 7, 1983 Page 7 passed unanimously. Lawcon Grant Director Vraa studied the.various park parcels that might be eligible for a Lawcon Grant and recommended that Fish Lake Park be selected. He said the grant could be submitted though ownership or a part of it is in dispute. He felt that this issue was close to being resolved. The application would be for $65,000 with a 50% match. Director Vraa felt funding prospects were good as there is almost $1 million available for the metropolitan area and developing communities get half-of that. Water access plans have been acted upon with support. Chairman Martin moved, Masin seconded and the commission voted to approve the Lawcon Grant application and resolution for Fish Lake Park. OTHER Director Vraa said the wood floor at the Woodhaven shelter had caved in because of its bad condition and had to be completely replaced. He also noted that the commission vacancies will be filled this month. Interviews will be held July 13 with appointments to be made at the July 19 Council meeting. Chairman Martin reminded commission members to give some thought to the annual picnic to be held at the end of summer. Commission member Kubik said he was very pleased with the 4th of July celebration and felt the Police Department should be commended for the fine job they did. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Martin moved and Kubik seconded the motion to adjourn at 11:40 P.M. L.W. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Secretary /bp