09/01/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 1, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were: Martin, Jackson, Masin, Bertz, Thurston, Carroll, Alt and Kubik. Absent were McNeely and Fedde. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, City Planner, Dale Runkle and Administrative Intern, Liz Witt. AGENDA Commission member Carroll moved and Masin seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES - It was suggested that on page three of the August 4, 1983 minutes, a heading be inserted to show the change in topic from Surrey Gardens to the Systems Plan Study. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Jackson, the minutes of August 4 were approved as amended. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS PHEASANT KNOLL CONDOMINIUMS Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa reviewed the park dedication of Heine Pond and possible additional acreage to be donated for park purposes by the developer as part of the Blackhawk South PD. Director Vraa stated that the high water mark of 883.51was set by the consulting engineer and the normal water level of 874'. The 883.51 represented the bounce of the lake level during a 100 year storm. In reviewing the park sketch plan, he said it would be difficult to set in a trail, parking and other amenities above the 883.5 water line and stay within the park boundaries. Members questioned the meaning of the 100 year storm elevation, the controlled elevation, park boundaries, current pond elevation and the length of time the pond might be at the high water mark. The director responded that if such a high water mark happens, it would only be at the elevation for a short period of time. He went on to say that because the elevation had been set at that mark, the Systems Plan Consultant was obligated to consider it in the plan design. Parks Director Vraa noted the additional acreage the developer has indicated he may be willing to donate, which is closer to 5 acres rather than 1;. He recommended the additional acreage be accepted as a gift rather than park dedication. Director Vraa said the developer was concerned for after hours in the park. He also expressed a desire to have a trail connection between the development and the park. The director went on to say those concerns should not be a problem and the developer would probably give the land as a gift. Advisory Parks - Minutes September 1, 1983 Page 2 Chairman Martin made a motion, seconded by Kubik, that Heine Pond be accepted as park dedication and that the Commission prefers that the additional acreage be given as a gift. Staff should work out the trail connections and the trail should be placed above the high water mark. The motion was unanimously approved. LAUKKA-BECK RACE TRACK FACILITY City Planner, Dale Runkle, made the presentation. He said that the race track portion of the planned development would encompass 240 acres with approximately 210 additional acres to be for peripheral uses. The planner stated he had been directed by the Advisory Planning Commission to study land use only. The Planning Commission had listened to commentary over a two meeting period and voted unanimously in favor of the rezoning, which would allow a race track facility. Mr. Runkle went on to explain that the Planning Commission also recommended that the track be given three years to develop. If the track is not developed the zoning may change. He continued saying that park dedication requirements would be dependent upon what is ultimately developed on the property. If entirely commercial, the cash dedication should be calculated at the time of development. If there is no race track on the site there may be office, retail and multiple housing possible for development. In answer to the question regarding people living on the race track premises, Director Vraa said there would be staff quarters for those who take care of the horses but no permanent year around housing. The race track people hope to be in operation by the summer of 1985. The rest of the site would be developed in a phased program after the race track is in. Park dedication would be received parcel by parcel on a permit by permit basis. There was discussion as to whether the cash dedication should be made at timed inter- vals. There was also discussion as to the value of the land at the time the building permit is issued vs the value at the time of platting. Planner Runkle commented that when the developers come in with more detailed plans the Commission should determine exact amounts to accept. Director Vraa said the cash dedication would be calculated at the time of final plat and collected with the building permit. The staff can review development of the site to make sure the plans go as specified. There was discussion by the Commission regarding park land needs should the track not develop and residential areas be proposed. After further review, commission member Kubik moved, seconded by Thurston, that 1. A cash dedication be determined at the time of platting and payable when the permit is taken out for each parcel. 2. If the race track site is not selected by the race track commission, the Parks and Recreation Commission reserves the right to review any and all other proposals. 3. The Parks and Recreation Commission would prefer to review each proposed development after the City Council gives approval, and to review each phase of development for dedication requirements. The motion passed unanimously. Advisory Parks - Minutes September 1, 1983 Page 3 NATIONAL CHILD CARE CENTER City Planner, Runkle noted for the Commission that the developer is interested in building a child care center at the NE corner of County Road 30 and Pilot Knob Road. He further stated that the Planning Commission has said the child care center would be a permitted use. Planner Runkle said the location will be on the east half of a large lot and the developer will be in for a lot split at the September APC meeting making them eligible for park dedication. Commission member Thurston moved, seconded by Alt, to recommend a cash dedi- cation for the lot. The motion was unanimously approved. A.J. ADDITION Planner Runkle showed the location of the proposed addition as a one acre lot in the Country Home Heights Addition. The proposal is to divide the acre into three lots. The Planning Commission recommended denial citing safety and access problems. However, Planner Runkle noted that if the City Council approves. the City could get cash dedication for the three lots. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Masin, the Commission recommended the City accept cash dedication for multiple lot use if approved by the City Council. The motion passed unanimously. BEAU D'RUE DRIVE Planner Runkle reviewed the history of the site noting there are two build- ings already in existence and the developers wish to delineate four lots in order to construct two additional buildings at some future time. Once platted the developer may sell on a lot by lot basis. Commission member Bertz moved and Carroll seconded to accept a cash dedication for.lots 1 and 4. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS SYSTEMS PLAN STUDY Parks Director Vraa requested the Commission members review the system plan study for any changes or corrections before the plan is sent to the City Council in draft stage. Commission members discussed the advisability of tieing cost figures to each revenue source in the Funding and Phasing section of the plan. The Commission decided that appropriate phrasing would state the $6 million cost would be made up from bonding, grants and other revenue sources. Chairman Martin also noted that the word "estimated" cost should be included in the report. Commission members did not favor ending the report on the cost factor. Parks Director Vraa said there could be more information in this section of the study. Commission member Kubik asked if an executive summary could be made available for the systems plan. Director Vraa said he would discuss the request with Tim Erkkila, Plans Consultant. Chairman Martin expressed the hope that all Planning Commission and Parks and Recreation Commission Advisory Parks - Minutes September 1, 1983 Page 4 members would personally help to explain and inform the public about a bond issue when the time came. Commission member Kubik felt there should also be a marketable presentation utilizing the overhead and slides. When asked about the possibility of having colored pictures in the systems plan, Director Vraa said they probably would be cost prohibitive. Chairman Martin asked that maps be four times larger and folded into the plan as they are not readable on the 8" by 11'. Parks Director Vraa said 50 copies of the plan would be printed for distribution to the City Council, the Planning Commission, the Park and Recreation Commission, City Hall, the Library and a few for public use. The Commission decided that each member would be assigned a section of the park plan for a detailed review. The review is to be completed by Monday, September 12. Any questions or problem areas are to be highlighted. Chairman Martin moved and George Kubik seconded the motion to accept the Parks System Plan, as amended, and to recommend its approval by the City Council. NEW BUSINESS WOODHAVEN PARK Parks Director Vraa explained'that additional money would be needed to construct a permanent hockey rink and to shift the lighting location than was originally anticipated. He stated that $3,650.00 is needed from the park fund to complete the project. He went on to explain the increase in cost and a change in the scope of the project resulted in the increases. Chairman Martin and Commission member Kubik asked if sand could be mixed in the base so it could be used for volleyball in the summer. Director Vraa said he would indeed consider that possibility, but the volleyball court would not be a true sand court associated with volley- ball as that would not provide an acceptable base for the hockey rink. Commission member Carroll moved, seconded by Bertz, that the expenditure of $3,650 be authorized as requested. The motion was approved. OTHER BUSINESS/REPORTS COACHMAN PARK Director Vraa noted that the last park parcel has been received for this park. COMPOST A memo on compost was included in the packet. Chairman Martin asked if compost could be stored on an other than authorized location until the odor disappated. Director Vraa advised such a plan was not allowable. Advisory Parks - Minutes September 1, 1983 Page 5 APPLE VALLEY PARK COMMISSION AND PARKS TOUR There will be a joint meeting with the Apple Valley Parks and Recreation Committee to tour Lebanon Hills Regional Park to be followed by a social and meeting at the Valleyview Golf Course. Parks Director Vraa was directed to complete arrangements with Apple Valley. Director Vraa also stated he had four parks in Apple Valley and two to four in Burnsville he would like to have the commission tour. Commission members indicated a preference for 8:30 A.M., Saturday, October 15. ANNUAL PICNIC Director Vraa reminded the Commission that Friday, September 9 is the annual picnic at Blackhawk Park for those who can-attend. L.A.W.C.O.N. STATUS - FISH LAKE PARK Director Vraa provided a hand out of the L.A.W.C.O.N. status for Fish Lake Park. Director Vraa stated there are more hurdles to go but that the possibilities are good for Eagan to receive a grant. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Carroll, the meeting was adjourned at 9:32 P.M. L.W. Dated: Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission Secretary