10/06/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 6, 1983 The regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin. Members present were: Martin, Thurston, Kubik and Masin. Absent were Jackson, Bertz, Carroll, Alt, McNeely and Fedde. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa and Administrative staff, Liz Witt. A quorum was not present therefore no official business could be conducted. In the absence of a quorum Director of Parks and Recreation.Vraa held an informational meeting. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Westbury-Addition Director Vraa reviewed the proposed Westbury Addition, and the parks to be dedicated as part of the Lexington South P.U.D. He stated the de- veloper was proposing changes in the shape of the park boundaries, which would provide additional acreage to the park. He continued saying that the topography, vegetation and ponding area would make a trail connection from Wescott Road to Patrick Eagan Park extremely difficult. After re- sponding to numerous questions, he stated that the three- acres, which is in excess of dedication requirements, be a gift to the City rather than a part of dedication. He expressed concern that if the Commission still favored a-trailway connection providing access to Patrick Eagan Park, that it would be severed by a proposed cul-de-sac in the area. He suggested the City might try to trade for lots 14/15, Block 3, for the SW portion of park dedication, to serve as an access point to the park and a small tot lot. Cinnamon Ridge Director Vraa indicated the developers were proposing a reduction in the number of units, thereby decreasing the amount of cash dedication to be given to the City.. Total cash dedication required would be $57,197 payable upon platting of the 300 multiple units. Director Vraa commented that he had been assured by the developers that the grading to the central park area would be completed by fall. Century Addition This development consists of 3.99 acres which would contain five commercial lots. Director Vraa noted the park dedication would be that agreed upon for commercial/industrial property. Page _ OLD BUSINESS Silver Bell Road/Blackhawk Park The property is still landlocked with access pending. This item will be on the November agenda. Systems Plan Study A revised financial page was generally well liked by the Commission. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa commented that Plan Consultant, Erkkila felt the changes offered on the plan by Commission-members were very good. The executive summary for the plan is in process and should be available by the November meeting. NEW BUSINESS Rahn Park Chairman Martin commented favorably on the Rahn Park plans and specs. He hoped the trail could be relocated over the roadway. Kehne House Chairman Martin felt it might be appropriate for a sub-committee to study the potential of the Kehne House. Members Martin, Thurston and Masin agreed to be on the sub-committee. Various ideas were suggested by the members to be reviewed by the committee, Vo-Tech School could rehabilitate the house; check the possibility of a grant to do the repairs and convert the building to a ski chalet, or summer utilization only.- OTHER BUSINESS/REPORTS Capricorn Park/Land Teck Director Vraa advised the Commission that it may not now receive the addi- tional five acre parcel north of Capricorn Park the Commission had hoped to obtain for the City. This is the result of an upcoming development proposal. He stated he would be working with the site's planner to see if it might be possible to get at least a portion of the additional acreage for a ball field. Financing Bond Issue Stratgegies, amounts and priorities of a bond issue must be studied. A sub-committee could be set up to review the whole financing picture. Chairman Martin will consult with Commission members as to their interest and availability. Park Tour The October 15 tour of Apple Valley and Burnsville Parks will be shortened so an official October meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission can be held. Items on the agenda will be the three development proposals, the Kehne House. Dated: Advisory Parks & Recreation-Secreta-r,r