10/15/1983 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS $ RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA October 15, 1983 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 8:30 A.M. Members present were Jackson, Bertz, Carroll, Alt, McNeely, Kubik, Masin, Thurston and Martin. Absent was member Fedde. Also present was the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa. AGENDA Chairman Martin indicated-that the agenda of October 6, 1983 in which a quorum was not present would be utilized for this meeting. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by McNeely, with all members voting in favor the agenda was approved. MINUTES On a motion by Jackson, seconded by Alt with all members voting in favor, the minutes of'September 1, 1983 were approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS Westbury Addition The Director of Parks and Recreation explained that the City has received a preliminary plat for the proposed Westbury Addition by Gabbert Development Corporation. The development lies within the Lexington South Planned Unit. Development. He indicated that Gabbert Development is proposing changes in the park land dedication which was to be dedicated to the City as agreed up- on in the planned unit development. He continued explaining the changes to the park land configuration indicating that the new configuration may add an additional three (3) acres to the park. He continued saying that a trailway extension from Wescott Road to Patrick Eagan Park would be severed by the new plat design. He explained that the proposed park area had severe topo- graphic changes which made such a trailway difficult. The director also explained that park service section 22 did not have a specifically defined neighborhood park, but the future park is'envisioned to be in the trail connection between the Civic Center site and Patrick Eagan. Because of this, the director suggested that the Commission review the possibility of including installation of a tot lot or play equipment apparatus upon a portion of the land to be dedicated within this plat. The director continued explanation of the plat citing other issues for the Commission's consideration and dis- cussion. Chairman Martin indicated that he is in agreement that the need for a trail to the suggested park area would nearly be impossible. Commission member Kubik questioned what could be done other than a trail or play area through the proposed land dedication. There was considerable discussion by the Commission regarding the trail through the proposed park area and access to it from the proposed residential areas. An internal trailway to the Patrick Eagan Park and an access between lots 16 and 15, and the inclusion of park area here for tot lot was also discussed. Commission member Carroll indi- cated that the City was getting back to accepting some unusable land. This was part of the P.U.D. agreement and the Commission should try to salvage the Minutes - October 15, 1983 Page 2 best of the situation. The Commission discussed potential areas for a play equipment area indicating the preference for two lots in the southeast corner, shown at 14 and 15. The Director of Parks and Recreation explained that, in conversations with the developer, that they may be willing to provide the area off of the cul-de-sac as discussed in exchange for originally proposed park property on the west edge. Commission member Kubik suggested that the northern access to the park-should be retained. Chairman Martin suggested that the cul-de-sac access in the southwest corner also be retained for a potential future trail to the proposed neighborhood park and community Civic Center site. There was discussion regarding these two items and an agreement that staff should review the trail access in further detail. After further discussion by the Commission, member Kubik motioned, seconded by Masin, that the City accept the amendment to the park land boundaries as proposed by Gabbert Development with a provisal-that additional park land over the P.U.D. requirements only be accepted as a gift to the City, further that a bituminous trailway along Lexington Avenue from Wescott Road to the southern limits of the plat be included; that the developer provide an access to the park between lots 7 and 23 as shown in the preliminary plat; that the developer provide an internal method to channel residents to the Patrick Eagan Park access. And, that the developer provide a suitable area for play equipment generally in the location of lot 15, block 3: On a vote of the motion, all members were in approval. Zachman Homes - Cinnamon Ridge Planned Development The Director of Parks and Recreation reviewed the Cinnamon Ridge Planned Unit Development indicating that recent revisions resulted in a reduction in the total number of living units. The result of this reduction in units mean a change in the remaining cash dedication requirements. The director indicated that it would be appropriate for the Commission to recognize these changes to be made in the cash to be made with the platting of the multiple units. The director went on to explain, in response to a question, that the grading has not been completed in the central park area at this time. However, there has been assurances that this would be completed. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely, the planned unit development agreement be revised to reflect the dedication requirements to be re-calculated, based on the number of units and rate at time of final platting; and that the developer complete the grading of the central park area as previously agreed to as a condition of plat approval. Century Addition The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the Century Addition Commercial Development located on Yankee Doodle and Coachman Roads. Member Masin expressed concern for this type of development in a tightly packed residential area and questioned whether this was consistent with the zoning area. After additional discussion and review on a motion by McNeely, seconded by Alt, with all members voting in favor, it was the recommendation to the City Council from the Advisory Commission to accept a cash dedication require- ment consistent with commercial/industrial fees and for a bituminous trail along Coachman Road. Minutes - October 15, 1983 Page 3 NEW BUSINESS Annual Review Parks Dedication Fees The Director of Parks and Recreation indicated that an annual review of park dedication fee has been requested by the Advisory Commission in the fall of each year for recommendation to the City Council consideration. Changes are then enacted on January 1st. He further explained to new members of the Advisory Commission the formula which had been used in the past and the methodology for computation of those fees and the history of the rate changes. He explained that it would be up to the Advisory Commission to review the formula and rate involved and make a recommendation if it appears there is a necessity for a 'fee increase. Commission member Masin indicated that from the information provided, it appears fees are in line as there have not been significant changes within the last year. Commission member Jackson stated that he did not see the need to make a change at this time. Chairman Martin indicated that while it was important to. review information carefully, it was also important for the Commission to keep in mind that the City must pay for its parks, at least in part, through the dedication process. He stated he felt that the Commission has an obligation to insure that the developers do not get an.artificial break in paying lower cash dedication fees versus normal acreage dedication requirements. Commission member Kubik stated that he was in total agreement with the chairman. The value of land will increase with new roads and development and it is essential that the City stay abreast of these costs. He went on to say that the Commission should be leery of letting too many years lapse between adjustments, then try to get a large adjustment to try and catch up as has been done in the past. He concluded saying the Commission should work to keep abreast of inflation and land value changes. Members of the Commission reviewed land values and inflation change. Chairman Martin discussed various aspects associated with land costs. Members commented that, if forced to buy land in areas of development it would probably cost higher than the current formula. Members agreed that it was important to stay consistent with inflationary land values on a year to year basis. Commission member Thurston reminded the Commission that the developers would probably not give the City a break on the purchase of the land therefore, the City should try to insure the formula reflect current value increases. Commission member Martin indicated that it was his opinion the fees should be increased slightly, as the Commission has held fast on the parks dedication fee for the past two years with no increase during that time period. Further, he indicated with the rapid rate of growth, the fast pace of residential development, he did not want to see a rapid escalation of land values during the ensuing year, and require the City to play catchup next fall. After additional discussion and on a motion by member Kubik, seconded by Martin, with all members voting in favor, it was the recommendation of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission to the City Council to increase the parks dedication formula to $10,500 per acre effective January 1, 1984. Members commented that this was consistent with inflationary factors during the last year for land and park development costs. Kehne House The Director of Parks and Recreation briefly reviewed the status of the Kehne Minutes - October 15, 1983 Page 4 House and stated that it would be appropriate for the Advisory Commission to thoroughly review this issue with department staff for recommendation to the City Administrator and eventually the City Council. Kubik asked if available information regarding the status of the house which could be made available for review. The Director of Parks and Recreation responsed that Chief Building Inspector, Dale Peterson, had information which would be available to the Commission. After further discussion it was agreed that a sub-committee would be appointed to review with. the Director of Parks and Recreation and appropriate staff, the status of the house, alternate uses and potential repair cost associated with each proposed use. It was suggested by member Kubik that perhaps professional assistance, in the form of an architect, be available. It was concluded that such professional assistance should be limited only to an analysis and recommendation phase versus trying to develop different types of plan concepts. Chairman Martin agreed with this suggestion stating that the sub-committee recognize that if it needs this type of assistance it should be made available to them with such cost and utilization of services to be minimal. With further discussion, Chairman Martin indicated that he would be willing to chair the sub-committee along with members Masin and Kubik. OTHER BUSINESS/ REPORTS The director briefly reported on the status of Capricorn Park and a pro- posed preliminary plat now being prepared for presentation to-the City. He indicated that the developer has shown that he would be willing to provide the City with sufficient land to allow for at least one ball field in Capricorn Park. The director reported that the Fish Lake Park preliminary grant rankings were extremely high and that he had confidence that, barring congressional pull back, that this grant would eventually be funded. The director then reminded the Advisory Commission of the joint meeting with Apple Valley, and distributed an agenda for that meeting indicating that each member would be receiving one in the mail if they had not already. The director asked the chairman of the Commission to select a sub-committee to work with the director in providing assistance and guidance for review of potential funding for a parks bond issue in 1984. Commission members dis- cussed the makeup of the group, its role, information to be reviewed as well as the sensitivity of the City Council for their involvement in such a group. After additional discussion, Chairman Martin asked member Thurston to chair the sub-committee with members Alt and Jackson as part of the sub-committee. Other members of the Commission also volunteered to participate in the-sub- committee's work. Members of the Commission would be informed of any meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Commission then adjourned to a planned tour of Apple Valley and Burnsville City parks returning to the City Hall location at approximately 11:30 A.M. There being no further action by the Advisory Commission the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Martin. Dated: