07/13/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 13, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m. on July 13, 1978 at the City Hall. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Cooper, Loken, Thurston, Coates, and Thomas.- Also present were City staff members Dale Runkle, Zoning Administrator; Barbara Schmidt, Park and Recreation Director; and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent were Committee Members Brown, Martin, and Hagen. MINUTES. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with the following additions to correct typing omissions: Page 8, line 6, after "result" change "to" to "of"; also line 12, the first word, change 'respectively" to "respectfully". ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Upon motion by Coates, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the July 13, 1978 agenda be approved with four additional items as follows: 1) Park dedication fee. 2) Discussion of neighborhood ball park. 3) Discussion of Dakota County Municipal Park Association. 4) Appointment to District 191 Community Advisory Action Council. CITY COUNCIL REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported that the City Council: 1) Approved the hiring of 30 part time employees as recommended by the Park Director, 2) Approved the wage scale for seasonal employees as recommended by the Park Director; 3) Appointed Tarin Holensak for the position of Tree Inspector; 4) Approved the appointment of Terry Lee Baumgart and Jon Gustafson as CETA employees for one year: 5) Approved Rick Loewen for a short term of employment in a CETA position; 6) Approved small equipment purchases for the Park Department; 7) Authorized the Park Director to attend a seminar on planning, design and implementation of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in Chicago for 6-13--78 which a grant was given to the Park Director by the Minnesota Recreation and Park Association for 68% of the total seninar oxpen9ea; 8) Authorized purchase of a used aerator from R. L. Goulds Company in the amount of $1,200; 9) Approved hiring of Dwyer and Associates to provide a survey at a cost of $G00-$700 to establish the south boundary line of Thomas Lake Park; 10) Approved a change order to Project 215 in the amount of $525 for the addition of a second gate and baffle for the Pilot Knob tennis court; 11) Approved the execution of contracts for grants to construct a portion of the Rahn Thomas Trail and to construct two tennis courts with lights at Rahn Park; 12) Approved a grant award in the amount of 75% for the funding of a Pilot Knob Road pedestrian bike trail. All the previous items were reviewed and approved by the City Council at the June 20 and July 10, 1978 City Council meetings. PARK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT. A report was given by Park Director Schmidt regarding the current status progress for park development improvements to Northview Athletic Fields, Pilot Knob tennis courts, the South OaL•s area and the well site park land. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City Council did approve a change order to project 215 for a second gate and baffle in the amount of $525 and requested ratification by the Park Advisory Committee. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Thursten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that a change order to project 215 for a second gate and baffle in the amount of $525 for the Pilot Knob tennis court be approved. Park Director Schmidt further discussed the repair of the :Rahn tennis courts stating that the repairs included 25 yards of asphalt to be patched and an 18 foot concrete curb to be replaced. Park Director Schmidt explained that she is attempting to obtain quotes for this repair work. 2 6--13-73 SUMI'IER RECREATION PROGRAM. Park Director Schmidt reviewed the summer park and recreation program, including the tennis, tumbling and dance, teen center, tiny tots, and also summer in the park programs that are offered as a part of the park and recreation activities for the summer months of 1978. Park Director Schmidt made reference to a recreation report that was provided by Recreation Programmer Dorothy Peterson. STOCKING OF CARLSON LAKE AS A FISHING LAKE. Park Director Schmidt stated that a request was received from Mr. Dave.Peterson of 1300 Balsam Trail to have Carlson Lake stocked as a children's fishing lake. She stated that the Department of Natural Resources will make an investigation of the lake as to its suitability for this purpose and would stock the lake next spring upon request by the City of Eagan conditional to availability of public access, certification that the lake will support fish life over winter months, and an agreement that the City will be responsible for cleaning up debris caused by winter kill of fish population if the same should occur. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Loken, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that Park Director Schmidt be authorized to research the feasibility of stocking Carlson Lake Park as a children's fishing lake by the Department of Natural Resources. PILOT !MOB BIKEWAY. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City is requesting extension of the Pilot Knob bikeway to the road pavement at its beginning and ending rather than ending at the county road right--of-way. She further stated that there is no change order required since the bid specifications called for unit pricing and the distance is minimal allowing the contract award price to not exceed the contract award figure. Park Director Schmidt reported that residents abutting the proposed bikeway are removing sod from the area and have. been receptive to the proposed improvement. She further indicated that trail construction will begin approximately July 17 at the south end of the proposed trail project. 3 6--13--78 BALL DIAMOND FOR BURR OAK PARK. Park Director Schmidt read a letter that was received from residents of Burr Oak Park regarding a specific request for a Lall diamond. After a brief discussion on the matter, Park Director Schmidt was directed to investigate the matter in detail and report back at a future Park Committee meeting.. EVERGREEN PARK ACCIDENT. Park Director Schmidt reported that there was a near drowning in a small pond in Evergreen Park on June 18, 1978. She stated that because the pond is within an existing park residents had requested that the pond be fenced or filled. She stated that she met with residents along with the City Engineer and City Administrator at a neighborhood meeting which occurred on June 20, 1978. She stated that at that meeting an explanation was made regarding the overall storm sewer system and also reasons why ponds are not fenced in the City of Eagan. Park Director Schmidt stated that a recommendation that the pond level and depth be determined by the City staff and some measures be taken to provide a gradual slope rather than a drop off in the pond appeared to satisfy the residents. Park. Director Schmidt stated that the matter is under investigation by the staff and a detailed file will be kept of the incident. PILOT ICNOD HEIGHTS PARK DEDICATION. Park Director Schmidt stated that the matter of additional park dedication for Pilot Knob Heights was researched as directed by the Park Committee. She indicated that all commitments for the entire PUD were satisifed with the dedication around Fish Lake, per information from the City Attorney's Office. EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT. Park Director Schmidt reported that she is working with mike Schimmels, a boy scout in Roger Martin's scout troup, who is interested in building and installing wood duck houses in some of the City parks. 4 6-13-7C WILKENSON LAND. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City has received a letter from an attorney representing the estate of E. Sandra Wilkenson which is an inquiry as to whether the City would be interested in purchasing land formerly owned by E. Sandra Wilkenson for the park system. The Park Committee reviewed the location of the property and after some discussion and in a motion by Thomas, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor. it was determined that the City of Eagan is not in a position to purchase the property due to City policy requiring park land dedication upon development. SUGGESTED GRANT PROJECTS. Park Director Schmidt reviewed several projects for subutission to the Minnesota State Planning Agency for consideration of funding under the fiscal year 1979 state and Lawcon grant program. She proposed that the following trails be considered for funding 1) Thomas Lake Trail; 2) Wilderness Run to Lexington: 3) Rahn Park trails: and 4) Trail through Univac to Pilot Knob. She also proposed that the following parks be considered for funding: 1) Community park in Section 9; 2) Additional development for Northview! 3) Neighborhood park for Section 13 and, 4) Additional park land near the new elementary school which is proposed in District 196. After a long discussion on the matter, it was determined that because of the short time allowed to prepare grant proposals,a park land project adjoining the new school site not be considered for grant funds at this time but the staff was directed to investigate further park land cooperation with Independent School District 196. After proposals and problems regarding the funding were further discussed, a motion was introduced by Coates, seconded by Thursten, and all members voted in favor, that Park Director Schmidt be authorized to pursue funding for park land with priority given to a community park in Section 9 and Northview development. In a motion by Thomas seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, the Park Director was also directed to pursue funding for trails with priority given to extending the Rahn Thomas Trail. 5 6-13-78 PLAYGROUND EOUIPMENT PURCHASE. Park Director Schmidt stated that she has received a request from the residents of South Oaks requesting playground equip- ment. After a brief discussion on the matter, Park Director Schmidt was directed to research the budget to determine available resources for purchasing playground equipment for South Oaks Park. PARK DEDICATION FEES. Park Director Schmidt stated that because of previous and present work load of the City staff, it is recommended that the park dedication fees be reviewed and recommended for revision and that the overall park dedication policy be reviewed immediately in the fall of 1978. Park Director Schmidt indicated that the present policy is to charge $120 per single family lot for cash donation in lieu of park land dedication based upon a residential valuation of $3,000 per acre. She indicated that residential land sales are currently considerably higher'and therefore the per unit charge should be figured accordingly. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Coates, seconded by Cooper, all members voting in favor, it was recommended to the City Council that the land value for determining park land donations be increased from $3,000 per acre to the present land value and that the per unit cash donation for residential development be adjusted on a pro rated basis to reflect the park dedication amount. NJLIGHBORHOOD BALL PARKS. Park Committee Chairperson Lundsten recommended that the neighborhood ball parks be maintained properly to encourage use of the facilities. She stated that base paths and mowing of the outfield is required to improve the overall condition of the ball diamond. Park Director Schmidt indicated that she would review the matter with the maintenance foreman and proceed with improving the ball diamond areas. 6 E-13-78 DAKOTA COUNTY MUNICIPAL PARKS ASSOCIATION. Committee Member Coates reported that in a recent meeting he had with the Dakota County Par]: Director, Mr. Chuck Lowery, it was felt that the Dakota County Municipal Parks Association should be reactivated. After a brief discussion by Park Committee members it was suggested that a topic and purpose be established for the meeting and it was further suggested that regional trails be considered as a topic for the first meeting if municipalities are agreeable to reactivate the Dakota County Municipal Park Association. PARK DEDICATION THOMAS LAKE ADDITIOM. Park Director Schmidt and Zoning Administrator Runkle explained the park land dedication requirements for the proposed Thomas Lake Addition. It was stated that the developer is agreeable to dedicating Outlot A which includes shoreline and a portion of an island adjacent to Thomas Lake Park and further that the park land as proposed as a part of the subdivision exceeds the land dedication requirement. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Brown, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was recommended to the City Council that Outlot A be accepted which includes shoreline and a portion of an island adjacent to Thomas Lake Park to meet park land dedication requirements for the proposed Thomas Lake Addition. INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT 191 COMMUNITY ADVISORY ACTION COUNCIL APPOINT 11T. Chairperson Lundsten recommended that Jean Loken be suggested for appointment as a City representative to the Independent School District 191 Community Advisory Action Council to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Park Committee member Thursten. SAFARI ESTATES DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. Zoning Administrator Runkle. presented the neighborhood study entitled "Neighborhood Study 29" which is located in Section 32. He further presented the preliminary plat for Safari Estates and stated that due to the common boundary with Holland Jensen Park and the topography 7 6-13-78 of the proposed subdivision, a cash dedication was recommended. Park Director Schmidt stated that active park land could be provided by future development or by joint powers agreement to utilize Apple Valley parks within the area. Further discussion on the matter, and in a motion by Chairperson Lundsten, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, a cash dedication was recommended for approval by the proposed Safari Estates plat due to the inability to provide active park land within the plat because of the topography and that active park land will be pursued and considered in future development and further that all passive park land is provided due to the location of the Dakota County Park. SUR1EY HEIGHTS 7TH ADDITION. After a brief presentation by the City staff and in a motion by Laken, seconded by Coates, and all members voting in favor, a cash donation was approved for the Surrey Heights 7th Addition and the City staff was further directed to research the overall cash donation and present a fact finding to the Park Advisory Committee and the City Council. MARTIN SHIELDS ONE ACRE IN SECTION 10. In a motion by Thursten, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, the staff recommendation to accept a cash donation for one lot in Section 10 owned by Martin Shields was approved. I;IGH SITE. Upon recommendation by the City staff and in a motion by Loken; seconded Cooper, all members voting in favor, a cash donation on a per unit basis for the High Site apartment project was approved. With there being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 p.m. Dated: Sec tart' TLH