08/17/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 17, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m. on August 17, 1978. Those present were Vice-Chairperson Coates, Martin, Thomas, Loken, Hagen and Thursten. Also present were City staff members Dale Runkle, Zoning Administrator, and Barb Schmidt, Park Director. Absent were Committee Members Lundsten, Cooper and Brown. MINUTES. Upon motion by Martin, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with the following corrections: Page 2, paragraph 2, line 2, after "progress", change "for" to "of"; and page 7, paragraph 3, line 1 and line 4, strike "Action" from "Community Advisory Action Council". ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. Upon motion by Loken, seconded Hagen, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the August 17, 1978 agenda be approved with the following additions: 1) Discuss publication of minutes under "New Business". 2) Heine 1st Addition Trail under "Old Business". 3) River Hills 9th Addition Park improvements under "Old Business". CITY COUNCIL REPORT. Park Director Schmidt reported that the City Council: 1) Authorized the Mayor and Clerk to sign a Quit Claim Deed to a five acre site in the Lexington South Planned Development. The Council apparently did not act upon the Park Committee's recommendation to sell Outlot B. 2) Awarded the low bid in the amount of $6,000 to Lumberjack Tree Company for the removal of 60 diseased elm trees in Woodhaven Park and 25 diseased elms on Public Works land. 3) The Assessment Committee's recommendation to the City Council to exclude storm sewer charges on park land was discussed. The Park Committee requested City Administrator Hedges to further discuss this matter at the next Park Committee meeting. 8•-17-78 BASEBALL DIATM1ONDS FOR TRAVEL TEAMS. Park Director Schmidt reported that City Council Member Smith expressed a need for one or two Class A baseball diamonds in the City of Eagan for use by travel teams. Park Director Schmidt was ordered to budget for this improvement. Mention was made that final arrangements have been made for the fifth diamond at Northview to be a 90 foot diamond suitable for. baseball. PARK CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT PROGRESS REPORT. The Park Director reported that the courts at Pilot Knob Park are close to completion. It is expected that the courts will be open the afternoon of August 18. Some additional grading and landscaping remains to be done around the perimeter of the court. South Oaks Park has been seeded and there was some dissatisfaction with the seeding conditions. An additional inspection will be made in the middle of this month. The playground area has been excavated but the grade is.not correct at this time and additional fill needs to be placed in that area before the Park Department staff can begin work on the play perimeter. At Northview Park the access road is in and the grading for the ball diamonds has been completed. Well Site Park still needs to have some preliminary work completed before construction of the hockey rink can commence. The contractor has promised that a culvert will be put in this week. PILOT KNOB BIKEWAY. The bike path on Pilot Knob Road is nearing completion as the asphalt is in place. The signs have been ordered. Dakota County will install a bicycle crossing sign. Other signs have been ordered from MnDOT and from a private source and will be installed by Park Department staff. REQUEST FOR STOCKING FISH LAKE AS A CHILDREN'S FISHING LAKE. In a motion.by Thursten, seconded Loken, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the Park Director pursue the designation of Fish Lake as a children's fishing lake subject to adequate public access as defined by the Department of Natural Resources. 2 8-17-78 INSTALLATION OF BALL DIAMOND IN BURR OAKS PARK. The Park Director reported that residents in the neighborhood of Burr Oaks Park were requesting the installa- tion of a ball diamond in that park. Park Director Schmidt reported that the area that the residents suggested was not a part of the park land and that there was presently no area of adequate size and grade to accc:nodate a ball diamond. In a motion by Martin, seconded Thursten, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the Park Director would contact the Burr Oaks residents informing them of other park land proposals in the immediate vicinity and of possible future dedication in Inver Grove Heights adjacent to the Eagan line which will provide flat land for ball diamonds and other active park uses. FALL RECREATION PROGRAM. The Park Director presented a list of fall activities planned for the Fall Recreation Program as designed by Dorothy Peterson, Recreation Programmer. Among those activities planned are Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation at Northview, couples volleyball, opening of teen center, Saturday morning recreation, women's volleyball and two tentative programs. The Park Committee also endorsed her suggestion of programming during the MEA convention. The Park Committee commended Dorothy Peterson for continued excellence in creative and innovative programming of the recreation program for the City of Eagan. GIFT FROM CEDAR HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION. The Park Director reported that the Park Department had received a check in the amount of $212.53 from the Cedar Homeowner's Association which has been inactive since 1967. In a motion by Martin, seconded.Loken, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee ratify the Park Director's suggestion to use these funds for improvements to Rahn Park, which is the park that served the general area in which the members of this Association lived. The Park Committee tentatively suggested that the funds could be used for play equipment. 3 8•-17-78 REPORT ON MEETING WITH DISTRICT 196. Park Director Schmidt reported that she, City Engineer Bob Rosene and Zoning Administrator Runkle had recently met with representatives of School District 196 and discussed the site plan for the new elementary school to be located west of the Evergreen Park area. The School Board was receptive to City comments regarding drainage, installation of sewer lines, and increasing the size of some of the available flat land for a playfield and increasing the size of one of the ball diamonds on the school property. Pathways leading from Evergreen Park to the school and leading to the Rahn Thomas Trail to the school were also discussed at this meeting and it was suggested that in the future a joint agreement be established with the School District similar to the one which has just covered the installation of the pathway at Pilot Knob Elementary School which will provide for the City to contract for improvements on both park and school property with the City paying for that portion of the pathway which is on City land and the School District paying for that portion which is on School property. PARK CURFEW - TENNIS LIGHTING. This item was tabled until the next Park Committee meeting due to the fact that Committee Member Lundsten, who was absent, has some comments and concerns regarding this matter. REVIEW OF GRANT PROPOSALS. Park Director Schmidt reported that four grant proposals have been submitted to the State Planning Agency for consideration for LAWCON and State funding. The proposals include a community athletic park for Section 9, further development of Northview Park, a lighted ball diamond and lights for the existing tennis courts at Rahn Park, and an extension both to the east and to the west of the Rahn Thomas Trail. The first grant proposal requests funding for four lighted tennis courts and two lighted ball diamonds at Northview Park. The ball diamond lighting would also light one football. field. The total amount of this project is $120,000. 4 8-17-78 The second grant proposal is to light existing facilities at Rahn Park. These facilities include the existing tennis courts and the Rahn Park 90 foot ball diamond which also serves for soccer and football. The total amount of this project is $62,000. The third grant proposal is for extension of the Rahn Thomas Trail one mile to the east (at a cost of $40,000) and 1/2 mile to the west (at a cost of $20,000). The fourth grant request is for purchase of eight acres of land in Section 9 at a total project cost of $120,000. Additional land will be added to this proposed park when land is developed in this area. Approximately seven acres could be obtained in this manner. Future plans also include leasing or purchasing land from Univac. KEHNE HOUSE. A report regarding the Kehne house was not available at this time. RESPONSE FROM HUD REGARDING THOMAS LAKE PARK. There has been no response received from HUD at this time regarding use of a portion of Thomas Lake Park for a Fire Station. REPORT ON STATUS OF SURREY HEIGHTS PARK DEDICATION. Park Director Schmidt reported that in a letter received from the City Attorney's office the Park Committee was notified that when park dedication is prepaid and accepted by the City, under the present ordinance, the City will probably not be able to ask for more cash at a later date when the park dedication requirements are subsequently raised. PLAY EQUIPMENT BUDGET - SOUTH OAKS. Park Director Schmidt reported that there is $700 in the operational budget available in addition to a $250 contribu- tion from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc. that could be used for improvements to South Oaks Park. The Playground Equipment Subcommittee was requested to contact residents in the South Oaks area to get their input as to the types of 5 8-17-78 improvements needed in South Oaks Park. In a motion by Thursten, seconded Martin, all members voting aye, it was RESOLVED that available funds from the Park Department budget in the amount of $700 plus $250 from the Park Site Fund represent- ing the contribution from Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Assoc., be designated for improvements for South Oaks Park. SET TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING. The next Trail Subcommittee meeting was set for Thursday, September 7, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. at the Park office. REPORT FROM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL PUBLIC HEARING ON REGIONAL TRAILS POLICY PLY-J. Committee Member Thomas and Committee Member Loken reported that the Trails Subcommittee had prepared and submitted comments to the metropolitan Council Public Hearing on the Regional Trails Policy Plan. These comments affirmed the City of Eagan's support for regional trails but questioned the emphasis of trails in Hennepin County. The report indicated support for regional trails in Dakota County as shown on the Dakota County Trail Plan. Park Director Schmidt stated that Eagan's support of regional trails is important to the planning of the City's local trail system. PARK DEDICATION FROM WILSON ROBINSON, SECTION 24. Zoning Administrator Runkle reported that because of topography in the proposed Oakwood Gates Addition, he would recommend accepting a cash donation in lieu of land dedication. There was some discussion regarding the fact the cash donation which is presently required does not correspond to today's land values. There was further discussion regarding the possibility of accepting land within the plat but the topography was not acceptable for park purposes. In a motion by Thursten, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend to the City Council that a cash donation be accepted in lieu of park land dedica- tion by. Wilson Robinson, developer of Oakwood Gates Addition. 6 8-17-78 CLEARVIF.W LOT SPLIT. The Park Committee discussed the proposed lot split in Clearview Addition and agreed with the staff recommendation that a cash donation would be required if the split is approved. It was mentioned that such an action should be an automatic matter according to previous City policy and that requests for lot splits should not be required to come before the Park Committee unless the land involved is continguous to a present or designated future park site or trail. COAC'4MAN OAKS PARK DEDICATION. Mr. Ted Yoch, representing the Rosewood Corporation, presented the plans for the Coachman Oaks development along with the proposed park dedication. The first phase of the development would include a 14 acre luxury apartment complex. The approximately 1.4 acre park dedication would be located on a parcel of land that the company would purchase outside of the 14 acre site and within the area designated by the Park Committee as the appropriate location for park land in Section 9. Further, Mr. Yoch stated that future plans for development by Rosewood Corporation would result in dedicating additional. park land adjacent to this 1.4 acre. His firm's future plans of development of a total of approximately 74 acres would result in a 7~ acre park. Mr. Yoch stated that the entire development would probably be completed within about 4-5 years. He also stated that the final plat approval for Phase I would probably occur before the first of the year. Park Director Schmidt stated that the City Attorney's office will have to furnish an opinion regarding the dedication of property which is not owned by the developer and which is outside of the area to be platted. John Klein, representing Mr. Yoch, stated that the City could be given fee title to the 1.4 acres. Further, it was discussed that a Development Agreement could be entered into stating intentions for future abutting dedication and allowing for some flexibility as to the exact location of the parcels. In a motion by Hagen, 7 8-17-78 seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to accept the park dedication as proposed by the Rosewood Corporation subject to clarification of the necessary technicalities involved for this type of dedication by the City Attorney's office. REMICK - REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FOR A LOT SPLIT. Zoning Administrator Runkle discussed a request for a variance for a lot split adjacent to Highview Park. Park Committee Members mentioned that attempts had been made to purchase this parcel to provide access for Highview Park. No action was taken. HEINE 1ST ADDITION TRAIL. Park Director Schmidt reported that the developer of Heine 1st Addition had not complied with his earlier park dedication commitment and in fact had sold a lot within his subdivision without recording the required trail easements. In a motion by Martin, seconded Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the Park Committee recommend to the City Council the substitution of an easement on the east side of Lot 8 for the easement between Lots 6 and 7 which the City Council had previously approved to fulfill the park dedication requirements for Heine 1st Addition. RIVER HILLS 9TH PARK IMPROVEMENTS. Linda Victor, representing the River Hills 9th Association, presented a sign design for two signs for the park in River Hills 9th Addition. In a motion by Hagen, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED to approve the sign design and installation of the signs subject to review of specifications by the Park Director. Roger Martin requested that there be a uniform standard for all signs in City parks in the future. He further stated that he would like to see a logo developed to be used on all signs for City parks in the City of Eagan. Park Director Schmidt reported that the target date for the City's contribu- tion of matching funds for play equipment for the River Hills 9th Park will be sometime this fall. 8-17-78 Park Committee members discussed a number of inaccuracies which have recently appeared in the Dakota County Tribune. Particular mention was made of the misquote which stated that the Park Director requested that Evergreen Park Pond should be filled or fenced. Because of the serious nature of the misunderstandings which could occur as a result of these inaccuracies, it was suggested this problem should be called to the City Administrator's attention. Acting Chairperson Neil Coates will pursue this matter. There being no further business, and in a motion by Martin, seconded Thomas, all members voting in favor, the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 p.m. DATED: AUGUST 18, 1978 Secretary 9