02/09/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission a MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA February 9, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m. at the City Hall on February 9, 1978. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Bkdwn, Thursten, Beck, Loken, Thomas, Hagen, Martin, and Cooper. Also present were Zoning Aid Dale Runkle, Park Director Schmidt and City Administrator Hedges. Absent was Committee Member Coates. MINUTES. Upon motion by Thursten, seconded Loken, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with one correction that the reappointment of Roger Martin and Norm Hagen to three year terms on the Eagan Advisory Park Committee be included as a part of the Administrator's report. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported that bids were received by the City of Eagan for the proposed park developments on February 6, 1978.. Consideration of the bids was continued by the Eagan City Council at their regular meeting until the February 21, 1978 meeting to allow the Park Advisory Committee an opportunity to review the,bids that were received. He further stated .that the Resolution as recommended by the Park Advisory Committee pertaining to Community Development Block Grants was given approval 41s recommended. PARK AND'RECRREATION DEPARTMENT REPORT. Park Director Schmidt reported that,Park Advisory Committee Member Hagen is meeting with City staff members at 1:30 p.m. February 10, 1978 to discuss the status of the Park Development bid. Chairperson Lundsten'asked that the Eagan Park visbry Committee meet in special session at 1 2-9-78 6:30 p.m. on February 16, 1978 to review the bids and make a recom- mendation to the City Council for their consideration at the February 21, 1978 meeting. Park Director Schmidt discussed a five year action plan that was included as a part of the Lawcon Grant process. She stated that capital improvements programming affecting the Park Department can be broken into three parts: 1. Operational budget, 2. Capital equipment purchases, and 3. Park development and acquisi- tion. After a brief discussion on the matter, Chairperson Lundsten asked that a Capital Improvements Committee be appointed to review the five year action plan and also discuss future state, regional and federal funding for the park program. Committee Members Loken, Hagen,and Committee Chairperson Lundsten.were appointed to the Capital Improvements Committee. Park Director Schmidt reported on the condition of ice rinks as directed by the Park Committee at the last meeting. She stated that a visible notice at each warming house to notify users whether the warming house is open due to extreme weather conditions was a major concern. Committee Member Loken expressed concern over the aggressive hockey skating that is taking place at the Cedar Pond skating rink. Park Director Schmidt informed the committee that she will post a sign at each warming house to notify users that the facilities will be closed if weather conditions are severe. She also stated that the aggressive hockey skating at the Cedar Pond skating rink would be pursued immediately. Park Director Schmidt informed the Park Committee that Dakota County is considering installing equipment for a diseased wood utilization site in Dakota County Holland.-Jensen Park. This would consist of a debarking machine and a chipper and would be located south of 2 2-9-78 Cliff Road and east of the Jensen Lake swimming area. Park Director Schmidt described the debarking unit as being 401 long and 12' high and stated that it would be operated from approximately 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on weekdays, 2 or ~ days a week. She further stated that residents would be allowed to bring trees in to the site on weekdays and weekends. Committee Member Brown stated that he is in favor of the wood utilization site and feels this operation is an asset to Eagan residents in providing a method to recycle trees into lumber or other practical uses. After further discussion on the matter- and in a motibn b Martifi, sect faded by Seek, all members voting in favor, the Advisory Park Committee endorsed approval of a special permit for the wood utilization site in Holland Jensen Park with special consideration to be given to the noise effect to adjacent neighbors and the park recreation area and to the increased traffic flow. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. Chairperson Lundsten discussed plans for the Park Advisory Committee to meet with the Planning Commission to discuss various philosophies relating to parkland dedication and other related items. City Administrator Hedges stated that the Planning Commission agendas are rather lengthy and the Park Advisory Committee and Planning Commission may want to consider a special meeting to discuss various items of mutual concern. DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE. Chairperson Lundsten reported in the absence of Committee Coates that the Development Committee met on January 26, 1978 and toured the Robert Giefer property which is proposed as a single family residential development. 3 2-9-78 DAKOTA COUNTY TRAIL PLAN. Committee Members Thursten and Thomas reported that they were in attendance with Park Director Schmidt at a Dakota County Planning Commission meeting where the Dakota County Trail Plan was given a public hearing. Committee Member Thursten reported that the preliminary Dakota County Trail Plan was given approval and will be presented to the Dakota County Commissioners for consideration. Park Director Schmidt stated that many horseback riders were present to request horse trails. KEHNE HOUSE. The City Administrator stated that the Kehne house is presently rented by Mr. Jim McGuffee, the Park Department foreman. The City Administrator stated that the house is not insulated and the utility bills are so expensive that Mr. McGuffee is considering moving out of the residence. He further stated that in order to make the house desirable as rental property, a number of improvements should be made which would be costly to the City. The City Admini- strator stated that the Park Committee should review its long range needs and then decide if the house is suitable for future park depart- ment use. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Hagen, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, the City Administrator was directed to make a cost analysis of improving the Kehne house to satisfy normal residential living conditions and also a cost projection for meeting OSHA and state energy code specifi- cations as a public facility if the Kehne house is to be considered for that use in future years. EAGAN WOOD. Park Director Schmidt reported that the staff is recommending that: 1. Cash in lieu of parkland dedication be approved for Eagan Wood due to t11e heavy tree cover and the hilly topography in this proposed pl. 4 2-9--78 2. Trail access from the Eagan Wood plat should be provided between Lots 25 and 26 to connect with the Timbershore Trail ease- ment and prdvide walking access to the residents of Eagan Wood to the trail and park areas around Fish Lake. J. Adcomodations for walkers should be provided by a sidewalk on one side of Duckwood Drive which should be installed when the road is upgraded to residential collector street standards. Mr. John Klein, representing Mr. Robert Giefer, appeared and stated that he is opposed to a trail access between Lots 25 and 26 to connect the Timbershore trail due to the following reasons; 1. if persons are injured walking on the trail, the trail is not accessible for emergency vehicles. 2. The possibility of vandalism if a trail is located adjacent to a house. 3. Valuable trees would be removed if the trail is allowed. 4. A walkway located between Lots 25 and 26 in the proposed Eagan Wood plat would occur on a 25-30% slope. Mr. Klein stated that the developer is in favor of the construc- tion of a sidewalk adjacent to Duckwood Drive. Chairperson Lundsten stated that people residing in the Eagan Wood addition or in adjacent subdivisions will take a shorter walkway to an area and that a designated.;trailway is important to a residential subdivision. Mr. John Klein stated that he had spoken With the City's Planning Consultant, Mr. John Voss, and Mr. Voss had indicated that a sidewalk on Duckwood Drive is more desirable than a trail and that he would not recommend the pathway as designated by the City staff between Lots 25 and 26. Park Director Schmidt stated that there are two 5 2-9-78 unknowns that are being considered by the City staff and one is the status of the trail around Fish Lake and the second consideration is whether a trail would actually be constructed. Committee Member Beck stated that a trailway was approved for the Heine Addition from a cul-de-sac for future access and a link to a park area that is designated for future development abutting the Heine Addition. She further stated that a walkway would more than likely be attractive and be used by the future residents of Eagan wood as a link to the parkland at Fish Lake as explained by Park Director Schmidt. Committee Member Cooper stated that a meandering trail exists in Woodhaven Park with a 30-35% slope offering a functional use for persons who reside in the area. Zoning Administrator Runkle stated that the 6 foot pathway allowed for the Heine Addition was designated to avoid any destruction or removal of trees and that a trail in Eagan Wood Addition could be designated in a similar manner. Park Director Schmidt presented a map illustrating the Fish Lake Trail and showed how the trail is intended to relate to the proposed Eagan Wood Addition. Mr. Klein presented an alternative for designating a trail to connect the Fish Lake Trail along the south boundary of the proposed Eagan Wood Addition. Committee Member Hagen stated that trails should be on existing easements rather than taking private property. Committee Member Brown stated that designation or construc- tion of a trail is not the issue, the issue is providing an easement to allow a trail if it is desired in future years. Chairperson Lundsten asked for consideration on the matter. Mr. John Klein asked that the trail connection be considered with future development of the area to the South of the,area he is platting. Committee Member Loken stated that a short cut for pedestrian walkways is not an issue for ;a cul -sac fur-t., stating that people are not accustomed 2-9-78 to using a cul-de-sac as a walkway. After further discussion on the matter and in a motion by Martin, seconded by Hagen, all members voting in favor, the Advisory Park Committee approved a cash donation in lieu of parkland dedication for the Eagan Wood Addition and request- ed that the City Council consider coratruction of a sidewalk on Duckwood Drive, Denmark Lane and Wescott Road when those roadways are improved in future years. Chairperson Lundsten asked that the City Council clarify the intent of the sidewalk policy for collector streets. EAGAN HILLS WEST. Zoning Administrator, Runkle presented a concept layout for the Eagan Hills West PUD which covers the area of the former-Mission Hills PUD. Dunn and Curry Real.Estate Management Inc. has recently purchased this property from the former developer. He stated that the developer suggested park dedication around the various holding ponds (lakes) within the commercial and residential areas of the PUD. He further discussed the need for parkland suitable for active use north of the high line easement. Park Director Schmidt stated that the parkland should be more centralized and that more land is needed for active park purposes and was not in agreement with the isolated park land areas around the lakes and other areas within the PUD. She stated that isolated park areas are difficult to maintain and provide limited opportunities for active or passive use by residents. She further stated that she was not in favor of the City accepting parkland within commercial areas. Zoning Aid Runkle was asked to convey the concerns of the Park Committee to the developer and request a revised proposal. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Eagan Hills West PUD would be reviewed by the Development Committee at a meeting scheduled for 4:30 p.m. on March 2, 1978. 7 2-9-78 DELAWARE ESTATES. Park Director Schmidt reported that Mr. Dick Parranto, developer of South Delaware Estates has met with City staff and is agreeable to dedicating a five acre active park site-in Inver Grove Heights to the City of Eagan in addition to the 24 acres of passive parkland adjacent to existing Bur Oaks Park. The 24 acre area and the trail leading to the Inver Grove Heights border will be dedicated at the time of final plat approval. These areas should be designated as outlots and dedicated to the City by separate documents. At the same time, Mr. Parranto will also dedi- cate by separate document the five acre area in Inver Grove Heights, the southernmost of the 2 alternates as originally proposed in his letter of January 10, 1978. The City of Eagan will agree not to undertake extensive development of the 5 acre site within five years of the transfer of title and if a suitable neighborhood park for active park use is dedicated to Inver Grove Heights, within that time, Eagan will turn the 5 acre site back to the owner. In a motion by Thursten, seconded by Cooper, all members voting in favor, the Park Advisory Committee approved parkland dedication of a five ecre park site in the City of Inver Grove Heights abutting the South Delaware Estates plat and also 25 acres of passive parkland located in the City of Eagan and a trail connection between the two as a part of the South Delaware Estates plat and subject to the above conditions. /3. 7J 8