02/16/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA February 16, 1978 A special meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held at 6.30 p.m. at the Park Department office on February 16, 1979. Members present were Chairperson Lundsten, Beck, Coates, Hagen, Loken, and Thomas. Also present were Park Director Schmidt, City Planner Voss and City Engineer Keith Gordon. Absent were Committee Members Browx, Cooper, Martin and Thursten. John-'VQss- diicussed a number of items which could be eliminated from Park provemert .Project 215. The Park Department can build the play perimeter at South Oaks and the hockey rink at the well site with a result in a decrease of $16,752.00 in the contract amount. Cost of supplies as. estimated by the department will be approximately $6,550.00 for a savings of $10,000. Installation of the rink will have to be fit into the contractor's work schedule. The contract calls for sod and water which will not be needed in the amounts originally estimated due to the fact that seeding will be delayed until fall. The anticipated reduction on these itemss is approximately $19,000.00 An additional saving can be anticipated if good subbase material is in place when the Northview road is excavated, allowing substitu- tion of 4 inches of crushed rock rather than 6 inches of rock as specified in the contract. This could result in a savings of approximately $9,000.00. In addition, eliminating the alternate on the tennis court surface and fencing could result in.!-& $2,675.00 deduct. Norm Hagen and Barb Schmidt were asked to investigate the differences between 2-16-78 base bid and the alternates and make a recommendation on these items to the City Council. The suggested deducts would result in the following contract amount: Low Bid, Richard Knutson, Inc. $211,049.92 Delete hockey rink - 12,852.00 Delete play area 3,900.00 $194,297.92 Tennis Court alternatives -2,075.00 1TM in a motion by Jean Loken, seconded by Neil Coates, the Park Committee unanimously moved to recommend that the contract for Park Improvement Project #215 be awarded to the low bidder, Richard Knutson, Inc. in the amount of $194,297.92 or $192,222.92, final figure to be specified by Barb Schmidt and Norm Hagen after reviewing the tennis court alternatives. Additional anticipated savings total approximately $28,000. It must be remembered that the Park Department will have to spend $6,550.00 from bond funds for lumber and other materials for the rink and play perimeter. The possibility of reducing quantities on the sod, water, and crushed rock is built into the contract because it is based on unit pricing. Funds for this construction come from Park Site and Bond Funds supplemented by a $53,250.00 grant for Northview development and a $13,687.00 grant for the Pilot Knob tennis court, both grants already received from the State Planning Agency. 2