04/13/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR ME 'ZNG OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE APRi 13, -1 W' 8 A regular meeting of:ahe Ea r Advisory Park Committee was held at 7:00 p.m.-*t-::~the City Hall on April 13, 1978. Those present were Chairperson Lundsten, Brown, Thursten, Beck, Loken, Thomas, Martin, Cooper and Coates. Also present were Zoning Administrator Dale Runkle, Park Director Barb Schmidt, and City Administrator Tom Hedges. Absent was Committee Member Hagen. MINUTES. Upon motion by Thursten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the minutes of the February 9, 1978 meeting and March 14, 1978 meeting be approved with one correction to the February 9, 1978 minutes that on page 5, paragraph 8, 2nd sentence, the words shorter walkway be changed to shortcut. AGENDA. Upon motion by Beck, seconded Martin, all members voting in favor, the agenda as prepared for the April 13, 1978 meeting was approved. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges reported on the parkland development contract that was recently awarded by the City.Council to Richard Knutson Inc. in the amount of $208,974.92. The City Administrator further flfbrmed the committee that the construction of the play perimeter at South Oaks and the hockey rink at the well site were eliminated from the contract by change order and will be done by City staff resultin , in ' a cast -reduction of $16,752.00... 1 The City Administrator further reported that the Parr Corr!ittee is tentatively scheduled for the April 25, 197Q Planning Commission meeting to discuss parkland development philosophy. Park Director Schmidt stated that it is her recommendation to discuss the overall goals and objectives that have been developed by the Park Committee and to explain neighborhood parks, community parks, community athletic fields, trail systems, regional parks and „t?-.r:parkland development as defined in the Park Development (aide. The City Administrator also stated that the Volunteer Fire Department is planning for the locating of a Fire Station at that site and stated that since the parkland was purchased with federal funds through the Department of Housing and Urban Development, that before detailed planning is pursued, as to the compatibility of a fire station and parkland development at Thomas Lake Park, a letter should be sent to the Department of Dousing and Urban Development asking for a legal opinion as to whether a portion of the parkland that was purchased with ederal funds can le used for the construction and development of a fire station. Chairperson Lundsten stated that the Park A.Ovisory Committee has not planned for the development of Thomas Lake Park and therefore it is not possible to conclude whether a fire station is suitable on t!,.at property: until a thorough investigation has been made by the City staff and the Park Advisorv Committee. Upon a trotion by Lundsten, seconded by Loken, all members voting in favor, it was P.FSnLVVED that the city Administrator be directed to submit a letter to the Tepartment of rousing and 2 Urban Development renuestinp; a legal opinion as to whether a fire station could be constructed on land within Thomas Lake Park since federal funding was used for acautsition of that property. WER. City Administrator Wedges explained CA_':'1EL7A't PARK Sr that the City Council has reevaluated the sanitary sewer rain which was proposed to cross Carnelian Park after receiving a petition for sa 3i.tsry **er improvements for Fagan fills `-lest, the City Council has eliminated consideration of crossing Carnelian Park with the sanitary sewer main improvements allowing those persons on rlackhavk Poad to be served by sewer, main from County Road in in conjunction with the rap.an }ills West project. APPLEBAU PART !M PPESENTA'. TO N. Mr. John Klein, representing Ken Applebaum, appeared to discuss a suggested park for a plat that is being considered by Ken Applebaum adjacent to Iluckwood Estates. Ste stated that the plat will include 36 duplex units and 64 fourplex units. Mr. Klein stated that the parkland proposed for purchase by the City consists of 13 acres and includes a 60 foot access from Duckwood Drive to the proposed parkland area. He stated that P''r. Applebaum is willing to sell the 13 acres to the City at a price of ~15,0'f.^C per acre, financed over IA years, with only interest payments of 77 due the first four years and commencing the fifth year, principal and interest payments due for a period of ten wears. Isr. Klein stated that Mr. Applebaum has considered an alternative if the parkland dedication is not 3 accented by the city and will develop the 13 acres by extending a cul-de-sac with a bridge to connect the island of property that exists between the proposed plat and Puckwood Estates. Fark Cormmittee Members questioned whether there are any budget funds available for a purchase of this tyre. The Park Director explained the corr.ittrents for which the park bonds were expressly sold and noted that a passive park is readily available at Patrick Fagan within the normal distance required for community parks. Zoning Administrator Punkle also stated that the Section 15 !tudv indicated a need for an active rather than a passive park in this neighborhood. P,rk. Director Schmidt discussed standards for cottmmunity parks as expressed in the Eagan Park Development Guide which call. for a minimum size of 5n acres for a park of this type. After discussion by the committee members and upon motion of Cornittee IIernber Beck, seconded by Loken, all members voting; in favor, Yr. Applebaur's offer to sell the City approximately 13 acres of land adjacent to Vetoer Lake was respectfully declined due to lack of funds and the fact that the land proposed does not satisfy the need for active parkland within Section 15 and does not meet the criteria for parkland as defined by the Fagan Park, Development Guide. ITFTRO COUNCIL FGUFSTpIfl1 Mr TI!?C. The Park. Committee discussed Committee Member Thomas' report on the Metro Council equestrian informational meeting held on IIarch 27, 1975. The Department of Natural Resources plan to eliminate horses and snowmobiles in State parks was discussed and it was noted that 4 horse owners who were present at the informational meeting did protest the action to eliminate horses Froi the Dakota County side of Fort Snelling State Park. After further discussion on the matter and upon motion by Cot*nittee Member Loken, seconded by Thomas, all members voting in favor, the Park Director was authorized to write to the Department of Natural 'Resources regarding Eagan's concern about the planned elimination of horses and snowmobiles from the na?:ota County site of Fort Snelling State Park with a copv to be sent to the Metropolitan Council, investigation and pursue a grant for equestrian trails in the Ilighline area and cooperate with Diatnonc T riders on pursuing a similar grant for the Pilliams Fros. area which intersects the F'ighline. Park Director Schmidt further stated that whe will address in her co. unicatior_ to the Department of Natural P.esources the fact that the Eagan Park Department was not notified of public hearings on the Development Flan-for and also that Fagan has spent a great deal of time and effort planning the City's trail system which has been predicated on connections with horse trails that were always a part of the plans for Fort Snelling State Park and further that City of Eagan residents have been using these horse trails and should have been made aware of the public hearing. park Committee Members suggested that Mendota eights and other adjacent communities be encouraged to write to the Department of Natural 'Resources and express their concerns about this matter. Pane Director Schmidt was also asked to coordinate with Dakota County and the Department of ?atural 'Resources regarding 5 possible alignr,ents for horse trails within Eagan in an effort to establish a connection between Holland Jensen Park and the Minnesota Valley Trail. Chairperson Lundeten commended Committee Member Thomas on his excellent report of the Metro Council meeting. Committee Member Loken reported on the March 23, trails meeting held by the Eagan Trail Subcommittee Representatives of the Department of Natural Resources in attendance discussed their planning efforts and the Minnesota Department of Transportation discussed the accomodations for trails in the current designs for I-35F, I-4 Lt and Cedar Avenue. Chairperson Lundsten commented on the effective meeting, that was successful in establishing communications between various agencies. SN1PPMOFILE CLUB *"FET.I'C. It was noted that Park Director Schmidt has been invited to attend a meeting of the Eagan Valley Rangers Snowmobile Club to discuss how the City and the Club could work together to provide present and future access to designated snov-mobile trails in Southern rakota County. FIVE; YEAR ACTION I!:NP 1)FVELOPI E 1T PR.oCRA-'. 'There was discussion by various 'rark ^orm±ittee "embers In an effort to schedule steps that are required to update the nark capital improvement program for parkland acquisition and development. Park. Committee Members discussed the need for locating future athletic fields and cor unity parks within the City. It was generally agreed that an updated park plan is of prir^arv importance in selecting projects for future grant proposals. "ark Director Schmidt expressed her hope that planning for these facilities will be an important consideration in the land use 6 plan which Yoning Administrator P nk.le will be working on in the near future. Zoning Administrator Punkle stated that he will provide the Park Committee with an approximate time table for this project. PLY EOUIPME"?' PUT I.C . Park Director Schmidt discussed the success of the previous study that was done by the Park Committee to recommend certain items of play equipment for use in the park program. She asked if Committee Members would be interested in updating the recommended list and working with residents of South Oaks, River Fills Oth and Timberline to select equipment for those sites. Committee "embers Loken and Thursten volunteered to assist Park ?`,irector Schr'idt in this study. PILOT K17nr• TRAIL. Park Director Schmidt reported on the progress of the plans and specifications for completing the bikeway on the west side of Pilot Knob Poad between the intersection of County "oad 3,1 and Vilderness Pun Road. She stated that the County Board had approved the concept of the bikeway at their. April 1.1, 1978 meeting and further that the City Council reviewed the plans as su?-mitted by the City's Engineer, Mr. Bob Rosene, at the April l"), 1978 meeting at which time approval was Riven to the project. She further stated that approval of the grant for this project from the Minnesota Department of Transportation is contingent on their approval of the plans. OAY POND ITILT.c 2'1D ADDITION. The preliriinarv plat for Oak Pond Pills 2nd Addition was discussed. Park Director 7 Schmidt stated that the recomi.endation of the staff was to eliminate the proposed'parkland connection to a small pond east of the plat from the Lexington South perk dedication due to the difficulty in maintaining an area of this type and further that the ponding; area does not meet current criteria for parkland. She then stated that Mr. Ed Dunn, developer of Ledin:ton South, will pay A4,000.00 in cash to the City of Fas?an fort construction of a trail within Oak Pond 'tills 2nd tddi.tion in lieu of the previously agreed upon park area. Parkt?irector Schmidt stated that the trail through Oak Pond Fills 2nd Addition can be accomodated within a corridor 3fl feet above the high water line in the area adjacent to the lake, from. the internal street to Cliff P.oad the corridor should be 110 feet wide due to the steep terrain and the fact that existing residences are located on each side of this area. After further discussion on the matter and upon motion by Committee ''"ember Loken, seconded by '.o:°zri-Atee Member -neck, all members voting in favor, the Park Dedication for Oak Pond Fills 2nd Addition was recommended for approval to the City Council as presented by the city staff with $4,0OO.00 to be accepted in lieu of the pond west of the proposed plat and further that the parkland dedication is subject to staking of the final alignment in the field. DON CF STF'3ON prVr LOPr'"'4T. ?oninp Administrator Runkle presented a proposed plat for ter. Pon Christenson located on the northeast side of Fish Lake. After a brief discussion on the matter and in a motion by Committee *'ember Coates, seconded by Committee ember Martin, all members S voting in favor, it was recorz ended that the Para- pedication requirement be satisfied by cifsh donation per unit to be paid at the time of final plat approval. *{~,CAN HILLS EAST. Zoning Administrator Runkle reviewed the Park medication as proposed for Pagan ails cast which was- approved by the Eagan (itv Council. EAcp 1 HILLS TTFT. 7oning Administrator Runkle reviewed the park and circulation plat for Eagan Hills T-'est. The Park Cot..ittee recommended that the plan be included as an exhibit in the Planning Unit Development Agreement for ra4an wills Vest in accordance with the recommendation for approval made at the ?arch 14, 197P Special Park Committee Tfeeting. RUSTIC HILLS, CAIEP.OTT DrVFLOPITTOT AND C!+:'gr.IACE i°ILLF PLA'•:S. Zoning Administrator Runkle also discussed the preliminary plats entitled "'Rustic rills," "Cameron" and "Carriage Hills." It was recorimended that cash per unit in lieu of parkland dedication be approved for all three preliminary plats as presented. It was discussed that a future provision for a trail access could he dedicated in the Carriage Fills plat if that is desirable at the time the outlot is replatted. There was no action taken on the matter as these items had been referred to City Staff for resolution at the March 1A, 1973 Special Meeting of the Park Committee. R.ESIGNATTMT OF CM ITTFF MTM.MP BECK;. Committee Member Beck submitted a letter of resignation stating that she is moving to Prescott, Wisconsin. Chairperson Lundsten expressed her appreciation to Committee Member Beck for her years of Q enthusiastic and dedicated service to the pare Advisory Coruaittee. The J'eet .ng was adjourned. Dated: 1R