12/21/1978 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARK COMMITTEE EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 21, 1978 A regular meeting of the Eagan Advisory Park Committee was held on December 21, 1978 at the City Hall. Those present were Chair- person Lundsten, Thomas, Martin, Loken, Thursten, and Coates. Also present were City staff members Zoning Administrator Dale Runkle, Park Director Barbara Schmidt, Director of Public Works Tom Colbert and City Administrator Tons Hedges. Absent was Committee Member Hagen. MINUTES. In a motion by Thursten, seconded Coates, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the October 12, 1978 Park Advisory Committee meeting were approved. In a motion by Martin, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor, the minutes of the November 16, 1978 Advisory Park Committee meeting were approved. ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA. In a motion by Coates, seconded by Thursten, all members voting in favor, it was RESOLVED that the December 21, 1978 agenda be approved as presented with one change that Mr. Dave Wallace will not appear to discuss a request;,.for an outdoor pool. ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT. City Administrator Hedges informed the Committee of the resignation of Fay Cooper and the request of the City Council that Advisory Committee members who abstain from voting on items that are recommended to the Council state their reasons for inclusion in the minutes. Park Committee Page 2 12/21/78 LAKE PARK ADDITION. Mark Parranto appeared and presented the proposed development and preliminary plat for Lake Park Addition. Mr. Parranto outlined the proposed preliminary plat and stated that he is making an attempt to buy the peninsula abutting Lots 9 and 10 which is approximately .247 acres from Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management Inc. Park Director Schmidt stated that City staff recommends that $2,000 would be an equitable price for the land involved which shows as proposed park land dedication in the Blackhawk Park PUD. She recommended that the $2,000 be paid to the City of Eagan by Dunn & Curry and be deposited in.the Park Site Fund in exchange for the subtraction of one-fourth of an acre from the Blackhawk Park PUD park land dedication requirement. Park Director Schmidt further stated that since the Lake Park Addition as proposed is a replat of the Rasmussen Addition there are only eight lots which would be affected by park land dedication. She stated that City staff is recommending a cash donation for those eight lots. In a motion by Martin, seconded by Coates, all members voting in favor, the Park Committee recommended that a cash donation be approved for the eight new lots created by the replat of the Rasmussen Addition entitled "Lake Park Addition", and further that the City of Eagan accept a-cash donation for the peninsula described as Outlot A from Dunn & Curry Real Estate Management Inc. which will be applied as a 1/4 acre deduction from the Blackhawk Park PUD park land dedication agreement if said peninsula is added to the plat. Park Committee Page 3 12/21/78 KOA CAMPGROUND REQUEST. Zoning Administrator Runkle presented the preliminary plat for a KOA campground to be located in Section 33 adjacent to the Dakota County park on Pilot Knob Road. Zoning Administrator Runkle informed the Park Advisory Committee that the application was denied by the Planning Commission and the same recommendation is to be made to the City Council. After reviewing the preliminary plat as proposed for a KOA campground a motion was made by Lundsten, seconded Thursten, that a recommendation be made to the City Council that if the KOA campground proposal is approved the Park Advisory Committee would like an opportunity to review the plans in further detail and consider some type of park land dedication and/or cash donation due to the fact that a development of this type could have an impact on the Eagan Park system. THOMAS LAKE VEGETATION. Mr. Robert Dana, a member of the Evaluation Committee of the Nature Conservancy appeared to discuss the prairie grass and vegetation of Thomas Lake Park. As a part of his discussion he noted that if storm water was ponded and/or stored on a portion of Thomas Lake Park for any period of time, the prairie grass would probably not return and would be very difficult and very expensive to reestablish. He also stated that water ponding on Thomas Lake Park would affect and possibly kill any oak trees within two to three weeks. Committee Member Martin asked to what extent people are using prairie grass areas. Mr. Dana stated that hiking is becoming an increasingly popular recreational pastime and prairie grass areas as well as nature conservancies are becoming more popular throughout the country as well as in the State of Minnesota. He stated that flower Park Committee Page 4 12/21/78 viewers, bird watchers, recreational hikers, school classes for educational purposes and other activities are becoming very popular in prairie grass or nature areas. Mr. Dana concluded that he would like an opportunity to review the area with the Park Advisory Committee in mid-July and August to evaluate what Thomas Lake Park has to offer as a prairie grass park area. Chairperson Lundsten directed staff to obtain a spring and summer evaluation of the vegetation in Thomas Lake Park and thanked Mr. Dana for his report. PARK AND RECREATION DIRECTOR REPORT. Park Director Schmidt reported on a number of items under Park Department business on the agenda. She outlined the winter program offerings for 1978- 1979. Park Director Schmidt further reported on a preliminary survey made by the Park Department crew which determined that hundreds of trees on private and public property would be killed if Thomas Lake was raised more than the three inches previously authorized by the City Council. Park Director Schmidt informed the Committee that preliminary approval has been received from the State Planning Agency of a preapplication for a second trail grant for the Rahn Thomas Trail. Approval of the final application would result in a grant for $24,500 with the City's share of $36,750 plus costs for plans and specifications to be provided as determined by the City Council. She reported on-the results of meetings with the Eagan Valley Rangers Snowmobile Club regarding use,.of snowmobiles on the High Park Committe Page 5 12/21/78 Line Trail. Club Members have been unable to obtain permission from private property owners for the necessary links to the High Line area so have withdrawn their request for this season but would like to work with the Park Committee to attempt to provide for snowmobiles on the High Line Trail next winter. Park Director Schmidt also informed the committee that the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has approved Eagan's grant application for $1,248 for 65% of the cost of maintaining the cross country ski trails in Blackhawk and Patrick Eagan Parks for the 1978-79 season. The question of Park Committee support of a trail crossing on the 1-494 bridge was referred to the Trail Committee. HORSES AND SNOWMOBILES IN FORT SNELLING PARK. Committee Member Thomas reported that horses will be allowed in Ft. Snelling State Park effective in the spring of 1979. He further stated that the Department of Natural Resources is planning to schedule a definite season for horseback riding in Ft. Snelling State Park. There was no action taken on this matter. BUDGET. City Administrator Hedges reviewed the Park Department budget as approved by the City Council. MEETING DATE. The next meeting of the Park Committee was tentatively set for February 1, 1979 in order to accomodate the new appointees. PARK DEDICATION FORMULA. A suggested park dedication formula was briefly reviewed and will be discussed further at the next meeting. Park Committee Page 6 12/21/78 TRAIL SUBCOMMITTEE. The next meeting of the Trail Sub- committee was set for January 11, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. at the Park office. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS. Zoning Administrator Dale Runkle reviewed the status of several development proposals on which the Park Committee recently made recommendations. He reported that there are problems with the dedication in Drexel Heights, part of the Pilot Knob Heights PUD, as the high level of Fish Lake has made much of the trail unusable. He noted that the Coachman Oaks park dedication agreement has not yet been signed by the owners and that City staff will define the appropriate location for the 1.4 acre dedication which is to be made at this time. He further noted 'that Mr. Charles Slocum of Unisource Corporation has not signed the agreement for park dedication for Vienna Woods and that approval of the final plat will be delayed until this agreement is finalized. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Dated: 1