01/05/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 5, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:00 P.M.. Members present were Martin, Bertz, Thurston, McNeely, Alt, Kubik, Fedde, Jackson, Masin and Carroll. Also pre- sent were the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa, and Administrative Staff Person, Liz Witt. Larry Frank, Dave Gabbert and Jim Curry were also present to discuss proposed developments. AGENDA Park and Recreation Director Vraa, requested the addition of the Westbury proposed plat to development proposals. Commission member Jackson moved and Masin seconded to approve the agenda as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES Commission member Carroll moved, Thurston seconded, to approve the December 1, 1983 minutes as presented. The motion passed. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A) Berkshire Pond Larry Frank of Derrick Land Company was again present to discuss the Berkshire Pond development. Derrick Land Company proposes 73 lots on 27 acres. The pro- posed park parcel is somewhat over four acres of which 2.5 acres is land and the remainder is in two ponds. Mr. Frank indicated he is having a difficult time selling the homeowners association concept. The potential developer said he was definitely not interested in this concept. Mr. Frank said nothing else had changed in the development from the December Commission review and he would like to dedicate the parcel as park to fulfill the dedication requirements. Chairman Martin noted there is not enough money for small parks which only serve 73 homes. While it may be nice to have a tot lot for each residential development, such a park would not b?nefit the City as a whole. The small size would pose a maintenance and development problem. The proposed park and residential plat is in the Ridgecliff neighborhood park service area and is connected by a walkway. He also reiterated he does not like to see a tot lot so close to water. Chairman Martin stated he preferred the tot lot be located elsewhere and the developer just redraw his lot lines. He did not want the City to accept the parcel fcr a park. Minutes January 5, 1984 Page Two. At the request of Mr. Frank, the discussion then revolved around how much credit might be given the developer if the parcel were included as a pri- vate park. Director Vraa said there is no precedence to his knowledge for private parkland to be given park dedication credit. He noted that approxi- mately 1/3 credit was given for a - smaller than usual parcel in Cinnamon Ridge but it was not a private park site. After a brief discussion, Chairman Martin moved to recommend a cash dedica- tion for Berkshire Pond development. He cited the small size of the parcel; the proximity and accessibility to Ridgecliff Park; the unacceptability of proposed use (tot lot) and the fact the parcel would not benefit the City. Doug McNeely seconded the motion. The Commission approved the recommendation with Commission member Masin abstaining. As a footnote, the Commission did encourage the developer to form a homeowners association to guide the park if he chose to retain the outlot as open space. B) Westbury Plat & Lexington South PUD The Director of Parks and Recreation again introduced the Westbury/Lexington South PUD issue saying the City Council has asked the Commission to again review the issue of parkland in the Westbury Plat. He went on to explain that this issue is also interrelated to the whole issue of parkland in the Lexington South PD. The Director explained that Mr. Curry, owner/developer of the PUD, is hopeful in dedicating remaining parkland. The Director con- tinued to explain other aspects of the early dedication. Director Vraa then stated that the proposed Westbury is a mix of single family and twin homes. In the original planned development, it was pro- posed that 8.3 acres would be dedicated as park. It was the thought at the time of agreement that the park parcel might serve as a connection trail to Patrick Eagan Park from Westcott Road. The proposed Westbury Plat has changed this concept and topography would make such a trail ex- tremely difficult. There is no access from Westcott to the parcel it was explained. Jim Curry of Lexington South spoke to the park dedication issue. He said the entire PD covers 1,153 acres and they've agreed to dedicate approximately 145 + acres or 25 acres + over the 10% required. He stated further that 67.5 acres have been dedicated and 73.6 acres remain to be dedicated. Mr. Curry noted that HUD has. changed its rules and he can now dedicate all the remaining parkland and get out from under the tax burden that waiting for final plats entails. He too would like to have the West- bury park dedication resolved as it is part of Lexington South PD. Chairman Martin commented that in the early days it was undesirable parcels which were given as park dedication. He said the only purpose for the West- bury Park parcel was a trail and now that purpose is no longer valid. He said the parcel would not be an amenity for the City. Chairman Martin pre- ferred to negotiate for park elsewhere in the PD. Commission member Carroll said a passive park is not needed, but that a ball type park is. He further noted that the Parks Commission has a responsibility to the community resi- dents and the parcel in question is really not usable for active activities. Its value is in open space only. Minutes January 5, 1984 Page Three. Jim Curry noted there may be some othersmall areas the City could trade for, but most of the area is spoken for. Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said there is also the question of amount of credit given for the high line trail and ponding-credits which should be calculated and applied against the dedications. Jim Curry and Dave Gabbert-stated they want to continue with development this spring, stating they've been held up for months on the project with easement problems. He felt the City was anxious to move on the project and hoped for a decision by the January 17 City Council Meeting. Commission member Thurston agreed that the Commission must address the park dedication for Westbury as well as with the amount of credit to be given for the parcel. She noted the eight acres under discussion did not include the sliver of land owned by Mr. McCarthy which was between Westcott Road and the proposed park. Commission member Carroll thought the City should look for its ten-acre park on the McCarthy property; but he said the City cannot give credit for this parcel and then not accept it. There was considerable discussion regarding the parcel, credits for ponds, language in the PD and alternatives available. After discussion Chairman Martin stated that it appears the Commission's preference is not to take the parcel for park, but to negotiate elsewhere for a park site. He asked the department staff to study the park dedica- tion given in the Lexington South PD to see if appropriate credit was given and if total acreage is correct. If the figures are short, he added, the City should be given additional acreage elsewhere. Mr. Curry suggested that the park could be outloted at this time to allow the development process to proceed. This, he said, would still allow the Commission time to decide if it wants the park. Parks Director Vraa said he would like to review the park dedication in more detail with Mr. Curry to see if the 145 acres are adequate. He suggested a special meeting be held before the next regular City Council Meeting. This would allow time to study the issue in more detail to assure that the Council knows exactly where the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission stands regarding the proposed park dedication. He stated he did not think Mr. Curry should place the parcel in an outlat pending the park study. Commission member Carroll moved and Fedde seconded to table the Westbury Plat and Lexington South Park dedication to a January 11 meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Minutes January 5, 1984 Page Four. OLD BUSINESS A) Park System - Park Finances Parks and Recreation Director Vraa told the Commission that the City Council approved the Task Force concept and will establish the group soon. Director Vraa has reviewed a list of 25 names with City Administrator Hedges and a final list will be presented to the City Council at its January 17 meeting. He went on to review the material in the packet saying that the Phase I- Working Proposal could be equated to a bond issue for $3.2 million and $1 million for Phase II. As for meeting 1990 needs, the City would be somewhat short of soccer, baseball and softball fields. The number of tennis courts and hockey rinks would be adequate. Member Masin questioned the specific action being taken, i.e. the removal of the hockey facility at Carnelian when it is so heavily used. There was discussion regarding this with the explanation the rink would not be taken out until a replacement was ready. Commission member Kubik reiterated the need to.define the Task Force goal - that of financing. There was a consensus that what had been prepared could be presented to the Task Force for their review. B) Park Names The Park Name Committee Chairman, Richard Carroll, presented the following list of park names to the Commission. The Blue Cross/Blue Shield site was removed from the list. The high line trail was changed to Logger's Trail and Walnut Hill Park was the selected name for Wedgwood Park. The remaining names were accepted as presented (list follows). CURRENTLY KNOWN AS RECOMMENDED NAME OAK CHASE OAK CHASE PARK NORTHVIEW DOWNING ATHLETIC FIELDS THOMAS LAKE THOMAS LAKE CARNELIAN CARNELIAN PARK CAPRICORN GOAT HILL PARK COACHMAN STONECUTTERS PARK CHES MAR ROBBER'S RAVINE PARK CINNAMON RIDGE CINNAMON PARK COUNTRY HOME HEIGHT COUNTRY HOME PARK DEBOER O'LEARY PARK DONNYWOOD BARLEY CORN PARK FISH LAKE FISH LAKE PARK HILL TOP BERRY PATCH PARK PILOT KNOB PILOT KNOB PARK RIDGE CLIFF RIDGECLIFF PARK WEDGEWOOD WALNUT HILL PARK Minutes January 5, 1984 Page Five. CURRENTLY KNOWN AS (CONT.) RECOMMENDED NAME (CONT.) WINDTREE WESCOTT STATION PARK WOODHAVEN WOODHAVEN PARK MEADOWLANDS MEADOWLAND PARK HI LINE LOGGERS TRAIL SCHWANZ LAKE TRAPP FARM PARK Commission member Carroll moved and Jackson seconded to accept the slate of names and recommended Council action for official name designation of parks. The motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Meadowlands Park The Director of Parks and Recreation presented a base map of Meadowlands Park as prepared by Mr. Erkkila. He reminded the Commission that they had requested a training session on the process and issues a Park Planner goes through. The purpose of the base map was for the Commission to now try and "plan" the park. He explained the process to be used and the follow-up session at the next meeting by Mr. Erkkila. Chairman Martin asked to continue with the agenda first and return to this after adjournment. Following adjournment, the Commission met until 11:00 P.M. to go through the "planning" of Meadowlands. Chairman Martin concluded that the planning of Meadowlands was a great learning experience and demonstrated the wide variety of issues which must be addressed throughout the planning process. OTHER BUSINESS A) Kehne House The Director reported that he had contacted an Eagan resident and architect, Roger Sjobeck, to look over the house and do an independent evaluation. He had met with the Chief Building Official and the Director to review the house plans and problems. He has also visited the house and took several pictures. Mr. Sjobeck will need a few weeks to develop ideas, make cost estimates, etc. for the Kehne House. B) Program Directions The City offices recently vacated at 3795 Pilot Knob Road are being remodeled. Parks Director Vraa suggested that the Commission be thinking of uses for the Community Room with senior citizen programs a definite possibility. This will be an agenda item at the February and March meetings. Minutes January 5, 1984 Page Six. C) Grant Applications The final grant application for Fish Lake is almost ready. The Director stated that funding appears very likely for the spring of '84. D) Skating Rinks The skating rinks had to be closed on January 5 and will not be reopened until the weather turns colder and rinks reflooded. E) MEED Intern Director Vraa announced he has a new intern hired under the MEED Program - Jim Sturm, a U Of Minnesota Landscape Architect. He will be with the Parks Department for six months. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Alt, seconded by McNeely, the official Commission Meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M.. Dated: v J Advisory Parks and Recreation Secretary