02/02/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission Subject to Approval MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA FEBRUARY 2, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:00 p.m. All members were present with the exception of Tom Ketcham, who was out of town. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation', Ken Vraa; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; and Parks and Recreation Intern, Jim Sturm. Park Plan Consultant, Tim Erkkila, was present to discuss Meadowland Park concept plans & Rahn Park development. AGENDA There were no additions or corrections to the agenda and on a motion by Commission member Carroll, seconded by Thurston, the agenda was approved as presented. MINUTES Several corrections were noted to the January 5, 1984, minutes. In regard to the Berkshire Pond proposal, the correction on the bottom of page one should read "Chairman Martin stated he prefer- red the tot lot be located elsewhere and the developer just redraw his lot lines. He did not want the City to accept the parcel for a park". On page two, Director Vraa noted approximately 1/3 credit was given for a smaller than usual parcel in Cinnamon Ridge but it was not a private park site. In regards to the financing of the Park System on page four, Commission member Kubik said the goal of the Task Force is defined as financing. No other comment was necessary so the second sentence was deleted; he did not want the park systems plan addressed at all. In regards to Meadowland Park on page five, Chairman Martin concluded the "planning" of Meadowlands was a great learning experience and demonstrated the wide variety of issues which must be addressed throughout the planning process. On a motion by Commission member Thurston, seconded by Bertz, the minutes were approved as corrected.' JANUARY 11, 1984 MINUTES Chairman Martin noted that on the park credit for Outlot A, Kensington Place; the 1.4 acres was credited at a higher rate, based on the value of commercial property for parks dedication. Commission member Jackson moved, Kubik seconded, to approve the January 11, 1984, minutes as corrected. The motion carried. ORGANIZATION A. Election of Officers Director Vraa opened with a call for nominations for a Chairper- son. Roger Martin was nominated and no other names were proposed. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by McNeely, the Commission cast a unanimous ballot for Chairman Martin. Chairman Martin then called for nominations for Vice-Chairperson. Carolyn Thurston was nominated. Martin moved, seconded by Bertz, that the Commission cast a unanimous ballot for Carolyn Thurston. The motion carried. Chairman Martin called for nominations for Secretary and Richard Carroll was named. Commission member Masin moved and McNeely seconded to cast a unanimous ballot for Carroll. The motion carried. B. Meeting Day/Time After some discussion the Commission felt they would continue to meet the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. No official action would take place until 7:15 to accommodate those who could not make the 7:00 p.m. starting time. Commission member Kubik made a motion of the above; McNeely seconded and the motion carried. C. Standing Committees The roster of the 1984 Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission along with its standing committees is as follows: Recreation Park Names Finance George Kubik, Chair Dick Carroll, Chair Carolyn Thurston, Sandy Masin Carolyn Thurston Chair Sandy Bertz Roger Martin Joanne Alt Carolyn Thurston Doug McNeely Bill Jackson Development Special Issues Dick Carroll, Chair Roger Martin, Chair All Other Commission Sandy Masin Members Who Can Attend George Kubik (Newly appointed Commission member Ketcham will make his committee choices by the March meeting date.) DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Sunset Fourth and Fifth Additions Sunset Fourth is within the Lexington South PD and there is no park dedication requirement. Sunset Fifth is one lot being split into two so a cash dedication is in order. Commission member Jackson moved, Bertz seconded, that the Commission recommend a cash dedication for the lot split. The motion carried unan imously. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS B. The Pines This development is part of Hilltop Addition and the park dedica- tion has been fulfilled. Director Vraa suggested the Commission consider the need for a tot-lot. He noted the developers do not expect family type occupancy because of the price range and the fact that one/two bedrooms comprise most of the units. Director Vraa said thought should be given to establishing a policy on the ratio of tot lots; number of units, as well as a guide on recreational areas by age groups - small children, older children, adults, etc. The Commission would then be in a better position to suggest a recreational area based on character of development occupants. The Commission members were in agreement with the Directoi`sassessment. The development of policy would be an appropriate issue for the Special Issues Committee. The Director of Parks and Recreation was requested to prepare some background information for the sub-committee to review. Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, that the Advisory Park and Recreation Commission recommend the developer include a limited recreational area, perhaps in the NE corner. The motion carried. C. Park Service Area 24 Director Vraa noted for the Commission that the Planning Depart- ment has received an informal proposal for a development within this service area. The Commission should consider the needs of the section and review the merits of the proposed development. The Commission then reviewed the service area, its proposed land use, topography, population projection, and other features of the district. There was discussion about the service area needs vs. what is proposed by the developer. Because no formal proposals had been received, no action was taken. D. Willmus - Park Service Area 28 Parks and Recreation Director Vraa updated the Commission on park dedication by Willmus Properties, noting they are behind by approximately 2.3 acres. The Director stated that Mr. Willmus had requested that the City review its position on parks, as he was preparing a development study for his property. Director Vraa said no formal action was necessary. The Commission then reviewed the park service area. It was noted that at one time there had been discussion of obtaining additional park to the East in the Blackhawk PD - but that there was no follow up on this. After discussion, members agreed that it would still want the park from Willmus Properties with suitable access. OLD BUSINESS A. Meadowland Concept Plans Park Plan consultant, Tim Erkkila, presented three concept plans to the Commission for Meadowland Park. (This was the park the Commission worked on at the January meeting.) Scheme #1 showed a typical neighborhood park in the east half behind the homes. The west half had an overlapping soccer/ballfield activity area. This plan kept the high activity area away from the homes but would have higher grading costs. Scheme #2 placed the soccer field to the west and ballfield in the east with other amenities in the middle. A road would have to be constructed to the center of the park for parking facilities. Scheme #3 places neighborhood uses to the west and high activity to the east behind the homes. The ballfield overlaps somewhat with the soccer field. Some Commission members expressed concern with the sliding hills being placed so that sleds would go directly into the ponding areas. Director Vraa asked the Commission to think about the schemes and make a decision at the March meeting. Commission members asked that preliminary cost information, grading, roadway construction, parking lot and land use plans for the area south of the park be provided to aid in the decision making. Park Planning Plan consultant Erkkila briefly outlined a book, Anatomy of a Park, which provides a useful guide to the planning of parks. The steps involved are: 1) survey program development - what do you have 2) inventory on-site; off-site 3) analyze what you want where and relationship of activities 4) analyze the site 5) synthesize plans and see how they work in actual site 6) refine Plan consultant Erkkila suggested commission members refer to the book for issues which should be included when planning a park. The book also has requirements necessary for specific type parks. B. Rahn Park Development Plan consultant Erkkila said survey work was done to verify the aerial photo topography of Rahn Park. Soil borings were also taken to see if the site is buildable and discover possible problem soils. The top soil varied from 2" to 3' with the average equal to 15". Mr. Erklkila said the depth is adequate and the studies were necessary to verify the base data for the parcel. Detailed plans and specifications can now proceed. There was brief discussion regarding whether the project sh,.ould proceed, or wait until the determination of a Bond issue. Members agreed that no further work should proceed until after a bond issue is determined. NEW BUSINESS A. Rules and Procedures for Community Room Parks and Recreation Director Vraa provided the Commission with suggested rules/procedures for community room usage. Commissioner member Carroll expressed his preference not to charge non-profit groups such as the boy scouts to use the community center. Commission member Thurston asked that a log of requests be kept. Director Vraa noted that Dorothy Peterson has been maintaining such a record and will continue. Member Kubik stated he had no problems with the rules and suggested they be accepted with the idea they be reviewed in a year's time. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Thurston, the Commission voted to accept the rules and procedures (attached) and recommend their approval to the City Council. The motion passed unanimously. B. Fiscal Year 1985 LAWCON Grant Parks and Recreation Director Vraa stated that more than one application may be allowed this yearfor LAWCON/LCMR funding; he suggested Schwanz Lake, Thomas Lake and perhaps Coachman parks. The maximum allowable for any one park is $200,000. Director Vraa indicated he will need direction from the Commission by the March meeting as to the priorities for the City. OTHER BUSINESS A. Council Action The City Council approved the Advisory Park and Recreation Commission recommendations as to park dedication requirements and as to the Lexington South PUD. The Council denied Berkshire Pond Parkland dedication, as had been recommended. B. Recreation Committee The Recreation Committee will meet Thursday, February 16, at 7:00 P.M. in the community room. C. Task Force The Director stated that the Citizens Task Force on Parks was organized and would meet on Monday, January 6, at 7:30 p.m. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Masin moved, Chairman Martin seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Adjournment was at 10:10 p.m. Dated: dvisory Parks & Recreation Sec ry