03/01/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, 'MINNESOTA MARCH 1, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:15 p.m. All members were present with the exception of Doug McNeely. Commission member George Kubik had previously notified the Commission he would be late. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; and Parks and Recreation Intern, Jim Sturm. AGENDA Parks Director Vraa added a few minor items to Other Business and Reports. Commission member Carroll moved, seconded by Thurston, the agenda be accepted as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES The minutes of February 2, 1984, were not included in the packet so action was deferred to the April meeting. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Holmes Addition Parks Director Vraa briefly described the Holmes Addition - the platting of one acre into two single-family lots. He recommended a cash dedication be accepted. There was some discussion about a possible trail around the lake. Director Vraa stated that most of the land has already been platted around the lake. A pathway easement would have to be acquired from many property owners in order to get the trail all the way around. On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Jackson, the Commission agreed to recommend a cash dedication for the property. The motion carried unanimously. B. Rose Hill Addition This proposal consists of 14 single-family lots on a cul de sac placed so as to provide access to Blackhawk Lake. Director Vraa recommended that a cash dedication be a condition of plat approval. Commission member Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, that a cash dedication be accepted. The motion carried. C. Safari Estates Director Vraa noted that Ridgecliff is the neighborhood park for the area. Access to the park from this development would be down Covington, or a proposed trail through Dakota County Park. Commission member Alt moved, with Ketcham seconding, to accept cash dedication for Safari Estates. The motion carried. ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 1, 1984 Page 2 D. Oak Cliff Addition Director Vraa explained that this parcel is within the Winkler/Jackson PUD and was first proposed for multiple housing. The proposal now is for single-family. The Winkler/Jackson PUD originally provided for the dedication of 4.4 acres for park and grading to fulfill park dedication requirements. With fewer units proposed, there may be less monies for grading. (There was also a turn-back agreement with MnDot to acquire an additional 4+ acres and the 8+ total acres would form a neighborhood park.) After review and discussion, Chairman Martin moved and Carroll seconded to accept the proposed park property and to recommend the PD agreement calling for dedication with the first phased development, be completed. Further, that grading of the park be completed as previously agreed to. The motion carried unanimously. E. Lexington Square This proposal calls for 372 single-family units on a 132 acre site. The north half is phase I with construction anticipated in 1984. The westerly part is phase II and would go up the following year. Completion of the development is scheduled for three years. The parcel is part of the Lexington South PD and was recently down-zoned to R-2. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted for the Commission that Outlot A is not part of the PD and there must be a separate cash dedication and agreement when it comes in for platting. Commission members voiced their concerns with the Lexington Square proposal. Issues raised were sidewalk and trailway requirements, access to park via Northview Park Road being hampered by parked cars of adjacent homeowners, drainage of the area particularly as it affects the potential parking area within the park, and lighting and screening for the ball fields. Director Vraa noted that Northview Park Road will have 70' R/W with a 44' road surface. Engineering has proposed to shift the road 10' to the north and put the bike trail on the south side of the road. Thus, residents from within Lexington Square, as well as elsewhere, will have access to the park. There was a lengthy review and discussion by the Commission of the proposed plat. Chairman Martin moved, Thurston seconded, that the following concerns must be addressed while considering park dedication for Lexington Square: 1. Surface drainage should be shifted to the north so that the park pond level is not affected by any run off. 2. The proposed 5' sidewalk along Lexington Avenue be changed to an 8' bituminous trail. Members noted that there will be an 8' trail along the west side of Lexington, which is part of another PD. It was noted that Lexington would be similar to Pilot Knob Road, therefore, trails on both sides should be included. 3. The City should require a 15' trail easement within the 50' NSP ease- ment along the eastern edge of the development. 4. The developers should be notified that the City intends to light the ball fields -and that screening-of theba11 fields will be necessary by the City and developer. ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 1, 1984 Page 3 5. Parking on Northview Park Road should not obstruct access to the park or residential driveways. Concern was expressed for possible traffic congestion on Northview Park Road after ball games. Staff was asked to review the possibility of extending the parking area within the Park or for parallel parking adjacent to Northview Road and the soccer field. The motion was unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS A. Meadowland Park Parks & Recreation Director Vraa and Intern Sturm reviewed the three concept plans for Meadowland Park. They cited grading costs, compatibility of various uses and saving vegetation which resulted in a fourth concept plan. In this plan, the ball fields would be in the east, the park entrance would be shifted to the north, the roadway and plantings would separate usages. Commission members suggested moving the tot lot away from the hard ball court and leave the knoll as a sliding area. Commission member Carroll moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend approval of concept plan 4, with the modifications mentioned. The motion was approved. B. Park Names The City Council had set aside some park names requesting background information from the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission. Discussion started with Northview Park which would be named Downing. The Commission listed their reasons for changing the name: 1. The Commission prefers an identity separate from Northview School. There is no access to the park from the school but park users expect there to be a connection because they think the park is part of the school grounds. 2. There is a Northview Park in Burnsville aggravating an already confusing situation. Park Name Committee Chairman, Dick Carroll, was directed to write a response to the Council outlining Commission reasons for the submitted park names. The Commission also wanted to keep the names Stonecutters, Robbers Ravine, Barleycorn and Logger's Trail. Committee Chairman Carroll will include the historical perspective for these names. Trapp Farm will be referred back to the Park Name Committee. Discussion concluded with the suggestion that each park have a plaque explaining the name. NEW BUSINESS A. LAWCON/LCMR Grants Commission members discussed priorities for FY '85 grant applications. The Commission reviewed Coachman Park, Schwanz Lake and Capricorn Park as well ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES March 1, 1984 Page 4 as other possibilities. Director Vraa noted that Schwanz Lake will be a community park and the City will need to acquire additional property from three private homeowners. He said the Capricorn request could be reduced now and returned later for a second request. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by H asin, the Commission recommended to the Council the following priorities for FY 1985 LAWCON/LCMR: 1. Coachman Park 2. Schwanz Lake 3. Capricorn Park Further, that staff be directed to begin the acquisition of the private property on Schwanz Lake. B. Parkland Review - Section 14 Parks & Recreation Director Vraa noted for the Commission that there is interest in development in the area now that sewer is coming in. In order to get a 10-acre park in Section 14, 2 to 6 acres would have to be purchased. Director Vraa commented that the most desirable land for park is probably the most desirable for the developer, making it more difficult to obtain. The Director displayed several graphic illustrations showing locations for possible siting of a park. He explained the ramifications of each as to their limitations and means of acquisition. The Commission had numerous questions and a lengthy discussion, after which Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, to have Director Vraa spell out where the park site is wanted before a plat comes in. The City should be ready to purchase the needed acreage up front. Encouraging the developer to locate the park where the City desires. The motion carried unanimously. C. '84 Commission Objectives The Commission agreed to the following objectives while deferring implementation until after a possible park bond referendum. 1. Park bond referendum 2. Tour special-use facilities 3. A Recreation Plan 4. Review park dedication fee 5. Tour Eagan parks before summer meetings 6. Update Systems Plan in the fall. OTHER BUSINESS A. Task Force Task Force Chairman, Carolyn Thurston, reported that two information meetings had been held; that they have been well-attended; the people are interested and want to be informed. She expected that the task force would soon decide the dollar amount, whether there will be one or two parts and a referendum date. There will probably be a special Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission/City Council meeting to formally set the referendum in motion. ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION HINUTES March 1, 1984 Page 5 B. Sperry Field Parks & Recreation Director Vraa has been notified that Sperry will be requiring more ball field time for company teams. This means the City may have to turn down requests that have heretofore been honored. Vraa said there are no plans to convert youth ball fields to adult ball fields. He said the City has already received 16 new team requests for 1984. This item was informational and no Commission action was necessary. C. Special Issues Committee Roger Sjobeck, Eagan resident and architect, reviewed the Kehne House for the Special Issues Committee at a meeting on February 23. He said the structure is sound but he would need to remeasure to get an accurate cost estimate for repair. He would look at the structure as a home, rental property or a place of recreation. The Sub-committee, after hearing Mr. S jobeck's report, requested he prepare a cost estimate for his time to do a more detailed review of the house. Members suggested that it would appear that the preliminary reviews warrant further study because of the value of the home. The Director responded that a cost-not-to-exceed basis would cost $1,200 and would cover the major areas of concern: 1. Remeasure and develop floor plan 2. Review hallway revision; prepare an analysis 3. Determine,restroom alternatives 4. Review utilities, i.e., heating, lighting & plumbing 5. Cost estimating for house repair. Chairman Martin moved, Carroll seconded, to recommend Roger Sjobeck be retained for up to $1,200 to draft proposals for the Kehne House. The motion carried. D. Recreation Committee Mr. Kubik reported the Recreation Committee had met to review the-on- going recreation programs. The Committee considered resources such as staff time involvement, self-sustaining programs, etc., as well as the people being served. The Committee felt that any increase in recreational activities would require additional staff The Committee is scheduled to meet again on March 14. E. Field Use Policy And Fees The Director of Parks & Recreation stated the Commission had previously approved the use and fee policies in March of 1983, requesting a re-review in 1984. Program Director, Dorothy Peterson, sent a memo citing no changes are necessary norhave there been problems in policies or fees at this time. Commission member Carroll moved, Jackson seconded, that the policies and fees again be accepted without change. The motion carried. ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION C0IIMISSION MINUTES March 1, 1984 Page 6 F. Bluebird Houses In Patrick Eagan Park Director Vraa informed the Commission that a 4-H group received his permission to place bluebird houses in Patrick Eagan Park for a bluebird trail. Commission members were very enthusiastic about the project. G. Seniors Group Meeting Sixty-eight people returned responses to the Seniors Survey indicating a great interest in a seniors program. The Recreation Committee will address senior wants and needs at a future meeting. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Jackson, seconded by Ketcham, the Commission voted to adjourn at 10:25 p.m. vv LW Dated: Z 'z //Advisory Parks--& Rec Sec ary