04/05/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission SUBJECT TO APPROVAL MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA APRIL 5, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:45 when a quorem was present. Members present were Martin, Thurston, Alt, Kubik, Masin and Bertz. Members absent were Carroll, Jackson, Ketcham and McNeely. Also present were the Director of Parks & Recreation, Ken Vraa; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; and Parks & Recreation Intern, Jim Sturm. Bob Hoffman, legal -counsel for Orrin Thompson Homes, was present to discuss Lexington Place South. AGENDA Commission member Masin moved, Alt seconded to approve the agenda as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES February 2, 1984 Two typographical errors were noted in the February 2nd minutes. On a motion by Alt, seconded by Bertz, the minutes were approved as corrected. March 1, 1984 Under Other Business, item D. Recreation Committee, the following change was made: "The committee felt that any increase in recreational activities would require additional staff." Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, to approve the minutes as corrected. The motion carried. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Lexington Place South Bob Hoffman of Larkin, Daly and Hoffman Law Firm and representing Orrin Thompson Developers, presented the Lexington Place South proposal. Mr. Hoffman explained that the developers were proposing to rezone 50 acres from R4 to R1. There would be 134 units with zero lot lines. The developers are proposing that a 5.4 acre outlot be utilized as a private recreation facility. Under consideration is a swimming pool/spa, a recreation building, tennis courts and a ponding area. Mr. Hoffman explained that this is a marketing approach to appeal to home buyers. He stated that a mandatory home owner association would control the park. Mr. Hoffman went on to explain other elements of the proposal and additional background. Mr. Hoffman then posed three questions: 1. Can private park receive park credit? 2. Does the proposed facility satisfy the needs for the 134 units? 3. How much would the cash dedication be? Chairman Martin observed that a swimming pool does not fit with facilities available to the general public. Tennis courts would serve to lessen the demand- on City tennis-courts -so---- cons-iderat-ion-might be given for credit ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES April 5, 1984 Page 2 for these. He did remind the commission that the Berkshire Pond proposal requested credit for a park and it was denied. Commission member Thu rston expressed concern with setting a precedent. If private parks are allowable then every developer would be requesting the same consideration. It was pointed out that the private park would not meet other park needs of the residents, such as ballfield space. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said if credit is determined to be given, the City should make it known that there would be no credit for a swimming pool thus setting precedence for not allowing credit for certain amenities. He reminded the commission that action was not necessary that evening if they felt they did not have sufficient information. Commission member Bertz stated that the City should be very careful that the wording in the developer's agreement and homeowner association is such that the City's interests are safeguarded. She did not want a loophole to occur which would serve to give every tot lot in town park credit. Commission member Kubik agreed. He said the City must be careful that we don't lose our bargaining power of future park dedications. There was discussion as to if other communities had been approached with similar proposals, how much of the park is to be used for ponding, etc. Commission member Masin moved, Kubik seconded, to table the item to the May 3rd agenda requesting staff to prepare a memo in response to the questions that had been raised. The motion carried. B. Wescott Hills Revised Director Vraa noted for the commission that the developers believed the park dedication was paid previously. He said he reviewed the files, found nothing and felt it was incumbent upon the developer to prove payment. On a motion by Martin, seconded by Kubik, the commission approved the recommen- dation to require a cash dedication. C. Brittany 7th Addition Parks & Recreation Director Vraa explained that this was another part of the Tollefson Planned Development consisting of single family homes in Section 33. Brittany 7th is 30 acres and has 50 units. Director Vraa noted that the 30 acres are part of 110 acres presently owned by Mr. J.D. Brown. The City would like to have a neighborhood park in the northern part of the 110 acres but such a park might be difficult to obtain with parcels sold on a piecemeal basis. Chairman Martin moved, seconded by Bertz, that the City accept cash dedication. They further recommended that discussion be initiated with Mr. Brown about siting a park parcel on his acreage adjacent to the Walden Heights park parcel. He then could sell the remainder of his property with the park dedication already-fulfilled. The motion carried unanimously. ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION MINUTES April 5, 1984 Page 3 D. Cedar Cliff Commercial Director Vraa noted for the Commission that park dedication was still forthcoming on this parcel. Commission member Alt moved, Masin seconded, the cash dedication at the commercial-industrial rate be accepted and that there should be an 8' trail along Nicols Rd. and Cliff Rd. The motion carried unanimously. E. Peace Reformed Church Director Vraa said the issue is whether to collect a park dedication requirement from a church platted parcel. Commission member Kubik moved, Thurston seconded, that action be deferred on this proposal until a policy for park dedication from a church and other public entities be researched and developed. The motion carried. F. Group W Group W Cable Company proposes to place a headend facility on a 1.8 parcel near old Highway 13 and old Sibley Highway. Commission member Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, to accept cash dedication at the commercial-industrial rate. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Parks Bond Referendum Director Vraa announced that a special edition of the newsletter will be distributed with the Eagan Chronicle on Sunday, April 15. The parks referendum task force will meet Monday, April 9, to identify tasks which should be carried out. Assignments to promote approval of the referendum will be made e.g., get athletic or home associations to distribute flyers a few days before the referendum. Director Vraa informed commission members of the informational meeting scheduled in May. He also commented that presentations will be made at meetings of the fire and police departments. NEW BUSINESS A. Tree Nursery The Director of Parks & Recreation referenced the packet information concerning the tree nursery. Vraa said that $7,000 is budgeted in 1984 for the reforesta- tion program. Nursery stock could be planted on a staggered basis to insure there will be trees for years to come. Director Vraa said it might be possible to utilize persons assigned by court services to perform a community service to do some cultivating. The Parks Department staff would do all the pruning. Commission member Kubik asked if we could join with other communities in a tree nursery program or if distance would be a problem. Director Vraa said he is looking for an accessible spot with water available. Chairman Martin suggested the senior citizens _be contacted to, see if they are interested in caring for the trees. The consensus of the commission was favorable to having a tree nursery. Director Vraa will review sites and report back to the commission. ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION MINUTES April 5, 1984 Page 4 B. Boat Ordinance A copy of the draft ordinance regulating boating and related water activities within the City, was distributed with the packet. Commission members reviewed the draft and expressed some concern as to enforcement as it related to docks. After review, the Commission expressed approval. OTHER BUSINESS A. Heine Pond Park Director Vraa informed the Commission that the developer is reviewing the possibility of putting in a roadway on park property to be shared with multiple housing units on the east. The item will appear on the May agenda. B. River Hills Park Equipment A request has been received for matching monies to repair/replace play equipment in the River Hill park area. The Commission deferred action on the request until after the referendum. C. District #196 The School District put forth a similar request to River Hills. They are proposing to repair/replace play equipment at Northview School. Director Vraa said that he had offered department assistance, but that the District would have to show how the public could utilize the equipment before any financial assistance could be sought. He said the City could help lay out the play area in lieu of money. Director Vraa will keep the commission advised as to any further contact with the School District. D. Hiring of Roger Sjobeck Director Vraa told the Commission that the City Council has approved the hiring of Roger Sjobeck to review proposals for the Kehne House. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Kubik moved, Martin seconded that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 10:05. LW 41 Dated: W G Advisory Parks & Recreation Secretary