07/12/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JULY 12, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Martin. Members present were Martin, Alt, Masin, Kubik, Thurston, Jackson, Bertz and Ketcham. Members Carroll and Fedde had notified staff they would be unable to attend. Also present were the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ken Vraa; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham; and Parks and Recreation Intern, Jim Sturm. AGENDA Items were added to New Business and Other Business. On a motion by Bertz, seconded by Ketcham, the agenda was approved as amended. MINUTES June 7, 1984: Several corrections were noted for the June 7 minutes. Carolyn Thurston's name was to be added to members present. The spelling of Bill Maurer is to be corrected wherever it appeared in the minutes. On page 6 the reference should be to June 14, not July 14. Commission member Thurston moved, Bertz seconded the minutes be approved as corrected. June 14, 1984: One correction was noted on the next to last page. Instead of "I would approve", the minutes should state "The Commission approved" the recommendation. Commission member Alt moved, Ketcham seconded, that.the minutes of the special meeting of June 14, 1984 be approved as corrected. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Eugene Haeg Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham, briefly explained Mr. Haeg's proposal to rezone and develop five acres into eight single family lots. Access to the site would be off Hackmore for four lots and off Dodd Road for four lots. Schwanz Lake would be the closest park facility. There are no trails proposed. Chairman Martin moved, Bertz seconded, to accept a cash dedication. All voted "aye". B. Sunset 6th Addition 1 Planning Assistant, Ingraham, noted that Sunset 6th Addition consists of 9.6 acres for 29 single family units. He said the Planning Commission continued this proposal for further review as they were concerned with lot size and how the project fits in with nearby developments. Park dedication has been fulfilled through Lexington South Planned Development. Parks Director, Vraa, said this is primarily an informational item. When asked about a trail, Director Vraa said if there is a trail it would go in as part of work on County Road 30 when and if it is upgraded. Commission member Bertz commented that the maintenance of the right-of-way is not all that good and often the City gets the blame. She would like the state and county road departments to do a better job of roadway mowing and maintenance. No action was necessary on this item. C. Blackhawk Oaks Planning Assistant, Ingraham, and Peter Stalland, representing the developer, reviewed the two alternate plans which had been presented to the Planning Commission at their June meeting. Alternate A shows the road cutting across the corner of Blackhawk Park and Alternate B places the road to the west and north of the park corner boundaries and not encroaching on park land. The Planning Commission approved Alternate B. Mr. Stalland said the roadway in Alternate B would be 12' wide with a very steep grade. He said he still preferred the exchange of land with the park which would give the developers a wider, less steep, road. Commission member Thurston said she is very concerned with the loss of vegetation in Plan A because it is obvious that deep cuts will have to be made in order to get the road in. She did not feel the park was getting any benefit from the plans as proposed. Alternate B would prohibit any park access to the northern part of the park. She also noted the City has no guarantee of access to the park from the south so provisions must be considered for access wherever they can be made. Parks and Recreation Director, Vraa, reviewed the list of probable alternatives and areas of decision making. He said that Alternate B will have less impact on the park, but that retaining walls will be put in in either case. He thought that Blackhawk Park will need an internal looped parkway and if one is built, then access from the north may be necessary. He stated further that if Alternate A is selected, the City should consider an access in the north area because there would be substantial disruption to the park- and the City may as well get benefit from the construction. He concluded by saying if Alternate B is selected, the City could continue to use the Riverton access. Peter Stalland said his preference is to exchange a corner of the park for Outlot D along the northerly park border. He agreed there would be vegetation removed as a result of the cut and fill process. He stated there would be a retaining wall along Outlot D. The developers will replant and carry on an erosion prevention program. Mr. Stalland said that at a neighborhood meeting most of those in attendance opposed park access through the development. Chairman Martin said residents may have opposed the access to the park, particularly if other options had not been explained. 2 Member Alt asked if the parking area alternative at the north access had been evaluated. There was a discussion by the Commission and Mr. Stalland regarding the two alternatives. Mr. Martin stated he appreciated Mr. Stalland's desire to move ahead, but that the Commission was charged with a responsibility too. He failed to see an attempt to explore more than the two alternatives that had been presented. Mr. Martin went on to say that if forced to make a recommendation at the time, he would prefer to have an outlot which could provide access to the north area. He feels very strongly that provisions must be made for access and that a professional study of the area would be helpful. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, said that Consultant Erkkila had commented it could be possible to spend up to $1,000 to properly study the Blackhawk Park access. Commission member Kubik observed that while the price is high, we should have a professional study of the area. Commission member Jackson said such a study could benefit both the developers and the City Parks System. Chairman Martin suggested some thought be given to acceptance of an outlot which would extend Riverton into the park. He said the City stands to receive 1.9 acres of park land and it should be reserved for access to Blackhawk Park. Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded that: 1. Blackhawk Park is one of the most valuable and nicest parks in Eagan's system and, as such, great care must be taken in decision making. 2. Staff and the Planning Consultant should review alternative access and a possible internal road system. 3. The Commission recognizes the developer has steep contours to contend with which cause him hardship, but that the City must not lose the option of a northerly access without a thorough review. 4. The Commission prefers to have an easement which could provide access and which would be returned if not utilized. 5. The Commission will review prior to the August 7 City Council meeting. The motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. McCarthy House Scott Nelson, President of the Eagan Athletic Association, distributed a letter outlining the E.A.A.'s assessment of the McCarthy House in Patrick Eagan Park as a potential E.A.A. headquarters. He said the basic structure of the original house is sound, but that it is in generally bad shape. He noted the amount of space in Cedarvale is decreasing steadily and the E.A.A. must make a move. He feels the McCarthy House is a very favorable site where many diverse recreational programs could be situated. The E.A.A. will make electrical, heating, plumbing and building repairs. They 3 are asking the City to pay the monthly electric bill and to provide some signage. The E.A.A. would allow other groups to use the building. Chairman Martin commented that the E.A.A. should strive to maintain the integrity of the house as the City may opt to take over as a historic site at some future time. He suggested the E.A.A. lease the house from the City, thus absolving the City of federal requirements for public facilities. Commission member Thurston said the E.A.A. must make the house safe and secure. Mr. Nelson said the windows would be shuttered and steel doors put in place. He thought the out-of-pocket expense would be approximately $2,000 with all labor to be donated. Chairman Martin wanted to get a reading on the amount of electrical use anticipated. He suggested a cap be placed on the amount to be paid by the City. Commission member Kubik thought the City should pay the electrical costs for a year and then review for a possible cap. Commission member Bertz commented it was better to have the building in use and the E.A.A. would be good tenants. Chairman Martin moved, Thurston seconded, the following recommendations: The City lease the building to the E.A.A. and pay the monthly electrical bills which will be reviewed at the end of a year's time. The City attorney should respond to all insurance questions. Mrs. McCarthy should be notified of the plan. The motion carried unanimously. B. Winkler-Jackson - Concept Plan Review Parks & Recreation Intern, Jim Sturm, reviewed three concept plans for the Winkler site. He noted for the Commission there are two knolls and steep slopes on the 7.7 acre parcel. The developer has already agreed to grading so plans must be ready. Alternate 1 would have a small ball field, sliding hill, hard court, play equipment and an open shelter. A strong entry point with proper signage would enhance identification of the park. There would be dense vegetation along the street to keep the children in. Alternate II flip flops the ball field and shifts other amenities to make room for a small play area. Alternate III has the play equipment closer to the shelter and away from the road. In each case, the setting would be kept as natural as possible. The park would be a neighborhood facility and no parking spaces would be provided. Commission member Kubik said he'd like to see the City provide some "quiet places" in some of the parks rather than all "active". Director Vraa said there should be a neighborhood meeting regarding this park as soon as sufficient numbers of residents actually live in the nearby areas. Members of the Commission liked the presentation and commended Jim for his efforts. Director Vraa was asked to write a letter of appreciation on the Commission's behalf. C. Metro Parks & Open Space Parks and Recreation Director Vraa said there will be metro area information meetings to discuss park and open space development guidelines and policies. Area meetings are July 26 at Burnsville City Hall and August 8 at Blooming City Hall. Director Vraa said Hennepin County carries a great deal of clout and legislation tends to reflect that influence. Further discussion led to the conclusion that Eagan attendees will stress equity in the distribution of monies. Park Director Vraa and Commission members who can, will be at the July 26 meeting. Their observations will be shared at the regular Parks and Recreation Commission meeting on August 2. A letter will then be drafted. for reading at the August 8 meeting. PARK BONDS A. Hiring - Landscape Architect Director Vraa said he had received 23 applications and was in the process of completing seven screening interviews. On Tuesday, July 17, final interviews will be conducted. Commission member Kubik will sit in on the interviews if his work schedule permits. B. Project Status Director Vraa said that the City's Engineering consulting firm has been hired to do base maping of three park sites. The Landscape Architect will be doing more of the decision making as soon as he/she is on board. The intent is to bring other projects up to the "Rahn Park status" and then proceed with a grading and seeding contract. Director Vraa said a second landscape architect will probably be needed later in the year to work on the project. He noted these positions are not being advertised as permanent, but of 3 + or - years duration. Member Kubik questioned the status of the Commission's recommendation for additional recreation and administrative staffing. It was indicated a request would be made in the 1985 budget. C. Processing And Design Standards Director Vraa asked the Commission to be thinking about its role and staff's role in management of the project. Project management will be many faceted and time consuming. Design standards will have to be set. Some standards will be very diverse to accomodate the individual parks. OTHER BUSINESS A. Park Maintenance Director Vraa said maintenance is somewhat behind schedule, but the staff is now getting to some enhancement projects rather than just maintenance. He stated the department had mowed a record number of acres in May and June. Over 400 ball field drags were also performed. B. River Hills Park The River Hills Park east resident contributed $1,500 towards playground equipment for River Hills Park. Director Vraa helped select appropriate equipment and the order is being processed. 5 C. Kehne House Architect Roger Sjobeck is finalizing his report on the Kehne House which can be discussed at a special meeting or at the August meeting. D. District 196 School Usage Parks Director Vraa said he has been running into the problem of not being able to schedule activities in District 196 schools located outside the community. District 196 personnel told the park directors of Rosemount, Apple Valley and Eagan to get together and come up with a plan. The directors requested that the schools work out a schedule to free up space on a more equitable basis. Director Vraa has not received a response to this request. E. Erosion Control Manual A summary of the manual was included in the packet. Parks Director Vraa said that the Public Works Director, Tom Colbert, would be available to discuss erosion control with the Parks Commission. He will try to schedule Director Colbert at the September meeting. F. Heine Strasse Bicycle Trail Director Vraa said he has received complaints from a resident who does not like the bicycle trail, feels it is unsafe and may sue the City. Director Vraa asked Commission members to look at and/or use the trail some time soon and the situation will be discussed again. OTHER BUSINESS For the regular August 2 meeting, the Commission will meet at 5:30 and tour nearby parks with the meeting to be convened at 8:30. A bag lunch will be provided. Director Vraa will try to have an equipment salesman at each park to answer questions about his or her particular equipment. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Kubik moved, Masin seconded, to adjourn the meeting. Time of adjournment was 10:55. G Dated: A visory Pa r s & Recre n Secrets y 6