08/02/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA AUGUST 2, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 8:10 P.M. by Chairman Martin. The meeting was preceded by a tour of several parks in nearby communities. Members present were Fedde, Ketcham, Carroll, Bertz, Martin, Jackson, Thurston and Alt. Absent were Masin and Kubik. Parks and Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham;. and Plan Consultant, Tim Erkkila, were also present. Peter Stalland, representing the developer, and a resident concerned with Blackhawk Park, were present for the Blackhawk Oaks/Blackhawk Lake Addition. AGENDA On a motion by Jackson, seconded by Fedde, the agenda was approved as presented. MINUTES DATED JULY 12, 1984 Commission member Thurston moved, Bertz seconded, that the minutes be approved as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Crossroads Of Eagan - Informational Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, explained that the proposal is for eight quad units off Duckwood Drive. There is a trail in place on Duckwood and no park dedication is due. Director Vraa said the Commission could recommend that the developers designate space for recreational amenities, e.g. volleyball for adults or tot lots for children, dependent upon the age group using the facility. Director Vraa noted the Special Issues Committee was just setting up guidelines for this situation.... the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission would recommend a recreational amenity and the Homeowners Association would determine the uses and would fund and maintain it. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, reminded the Commission that the units in Crossroads are rental, therefore, there would not be a Homeowners Association. Commission member Fedde moved, Ketcham seconded, the recommendation to the developer to provide sufficient green space for activities such as volleyball courts which the tenants could use. All voted in favor. B. Amoco Oil - Winkler/Jackson P.U.D. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, said the developer is proposing to rezone 1.3 acres from Ltd. Business to NB (neighborhood business) to allow a service station. Park dedication on the Winkler/Jackson P.U.D. has been satisfied on the residential development, but not on commercial. Chairman Martin moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend the $.04 per square foot commercial/industrial park dedication. The motion carried unanimously. C. Flour Bin International Planning Assistant, Ingraham, described the proposal as a free standing Flour Bin Restaurant, a service station, a Rapid Oil Change and a Child Care Center. He advised that the Planning Commission had continued this item and it will be on their August agenda. Director Vraa noted there is a trailway on Cliff Road. The item will be back on the September Parks Commission agenda. No action was necessary at this time. D. Windtree - 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th The original proposal has been changed to reflect the Parks & Recreation Commission's desire to have better access to Windtree Park. The developers also propose to give Outlot B to the City and do not expect parkland dedication credit for the gift. Commission Member Carroll moved, seconded by Alt, to thank the developers for changing their proposal to provide the preferred access and for Outlot B. All voted in favor. E. Thomas Lake Place - Jack Safar Planning Assistant, Ingraham, stated that a site north of Thomas Lake and south of the highline trail has been proposed for 238 apartment units in a two building complex. There is some discrepancy in the amount of parkland dedication outstanding on the Blackhawk P.U.D.. The developer has, however, pulled the boundary line back from the peninsula and made several other changes in the alignment resulting in 17.8 acres of park where the agreement calls for 21.58 acres. Parks Director, Vraa, is reviewing the acreage numbers and suggesting changes to the developer to provide more parkland. Mr. Safar is agreeable to moving the tennis courts into the park if the City so desires. He would like the boundary south of the swimming pool area moved 20' further to the south to keep traffic away from the pool. Chairman Martin was in favor of the proposed boundary changes and wanted to know where the additional park acreage owed could be acquired. Director Vraa suggested that now is the time to make a final determination of parkland in the Blackhawk P.U.D.. After some discussion, the Commission decided the dedication could be reviewed at the time of the annual P.U.D. review in November. Chairman Martin moved, Carroll seconded, that the Parks Commission recommend: 1. The relocation of the boundary line as discussed and presented as the staff proposed. 2. That staff work with the developer as to the location of the tennis courts. 3. That City staff monitor erosion control during and after construction and that as many trees as possible are saved. 4. That the developer coordinate trail development with City staff keeping in mind the appropriateness for grant applications. The motion carried unanimously. 2 OLD BUSINESS BLACKHAWK OAKS/BLACKHAWK LAKE ADDITION Parks & Recreation Director Vraa commented that the City Council had postponed action on this development until the Parks & Recreation Commission resolved their concerns. He said that Mr. Peter Stalland had notified the Commission of his successful negotiation with the neighboring landowner so that the road will not encroach on park property at any point. Director Vraa said the Commission still had to resolve the problem of access to Blackhawk Park. Plan Consultant Erkkila presented an analysis of the Blackhawk Park terrain and three schemes for bringing in a road to the park. Scheme A would provide access off Palisade with the roadway curving with the terrain to a parking lot near the lake/wooded area. Scheme A would require cut and fill in excess of 10'. Scheme B would provide access from the south coming through a low area and proceeding north to the parking lot. Grading would be a major cost, but not as bad as Scheme A. Scheme C would also provide access from the south with the road following 35E R/W and then curving through the park following the natural terrain. The trail would be long, but would not require as much grading as the other two schemes. Schemes B and C would require obtaining easement or dedication from the adjacent property owners. Mr. Erkkila commented that the study pointed out the south access will not be easy to obtain or to do. In this respect, it should give the Commission an understanding of the relative importance of dealing with a west/north access and parking. Plan Consultant Erkkila said that he viewed the design/analysis priorities of the park as: 1. Better vehicular access. 2. Lakefront property. 3. Expand the picnic area. 4. Preserve the natural amenities in the park and neighboring parcels. 5. Cash dedication. Mr. Erkkila would like to fill out the parkland around the narrows of the lake, thus providing more lakeshore. He is optimistic that nearby land parcels may be obtainable because the property will be difficult to develop. Mr. Erkkila then presented four options for the Commission to consider: Option A would bring a road/parking lot/observation deck off the private road into the NW corner of the park. This plan would necessitate the taking of one of the Blackhawk Oaks lots. He did not like this option as the road has many twists and turns. The parking lot would cause some disruption. However, it was his opinion that Option B would be less disruptive and provides a better road to the park. Option B is a bike trail to be constructed in conjunction with the private road and then move into the park, perhaps to an observation deck. This would provide an opportunity to see a unique part of the park. Option C provides for the taking of .4 acre from Lot 4, Blackhawk Lake Addition. This would enhance the NE corner of the park and preserve trees. Option D provides road access off Palisade. A small parking lot could be tucked in behind the houses or could be placed in the "tree nursery" or a larger lot near the lake/wooded area as shown in Scheme A. Chairman Martin still preferred a north access and wanted to know why Silver Bell Road couldn't be extended. Mr. Erkkila responded that was a possibility in the original proposal in 1982, but is not an option with the road alignment currently being proposed. Commission member Alt thought the City should opt for a south access and require a bike trail only in the north. She felt it was okay to save Blackhawk Park for later development. Commission member Thurston wanted to keep the City's options open for a north access even if not exercised. Chairman Martin did not want the north access eliminated and suggested a bridge be put in to bring the road across the steep terrain. In his opinion the Palisade access was less desirable, but he didn't like a public access off a private street which would be the case with a north access. He felt the Commission should make their decision at the August 2nd meeting. Peter Stalland, representing the developer, said they could live with a bike trail in the north and the .4 acres taking from Lot 4; but he could not live with a road/parking lot in the north. The project would not be funded if the north road access were a condition. He felt Palisade provided reasonable access. Plan Consultant Erkkila preferred access from Palisade or Davenport. He did not recommend a north road access or building across steep ridges. He felt the Palisade access would require some cut with a large amount of fill, but is still preferable to a more extensive grading associated with a north access. Director Vraa said if the Commission recommends the north bike access, then construction should be part of a construction program. It's better to have the amenity in place before neighboring residences are built. He was of the same opinion if the Commission opted for the Palisade access with the parking lot to go in the nursery area. He said it is necessary to get vehicles into the park and eliminate the on street parking as is the case now. He felt the .4 acre from the Blackhawk Lake Addition would be a desirable addition to capture lakeshore. Commission member Thurston was concerned that if only a trailway is provided, there would be many more cars parked on the street. She felt a parking lot should be put in and it could be screened. She said Blackhawk is a community park and access must be provided for the community. It is not a private preserve for the neighborhood. Commission member Bertz was in favor of a parking lot in the nursery area. She hoped a looped road system is in the long range plans for the park. Commission member Carroll said the Palisade access would provide immediate in-park parking. He felt the long range plans could provide for a south access and the large parking lot, plus a loop road could then be facilitated as shown by the concepts. Commission member Fedde asked what effect the septic tanks would have on the lake. Director Vraa said that Public Works Director Colbert is reviewing these associated problems and will give a report to the City Council on August 7. After continued discussion and review, Commission member Carroll moved, Alt seconded, the following recommendations: 1. The City obtain Option B, a trailway only in the north part of the park. 2. The trailway will be the developer's responsibility and will extend from Blackhawk Road along the private road to the west property line of the park. The trailway is to be 15' wide with a 5' green space along the road, an 8' wide trail bed and a 2' green space along residential property lines. 3. The City accept the .4 acre parcel as dedication from the Blackhawk Lake Addition. 4. Park access will be from Palisade-with a parking lot (for approximately 20 cars) located in the tree nursery area. 5. The balance due in park dedication will be in cash. The motion carried. Commission member Carroll then moved, Bertz seconded, that the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission go on record that the long range plans for Blackhawk Park will include: 1. Access from the south (Scheme B) to a parking lot near the lake/wooded area. 2. Any potential developer in the area should know of the City's plan and place their structures accordingly. 3. That staff continue review with the intent of bringing the Parks System Plan and the Blackhawk Park P.U.D. up to date at the annual P.U.D. review. The motion carried. PARKS BOND UPDATE Parks Director Vraa will ask the City Council at the August 7 meeting for approval to grade four parks and provide lighting at Northview Park. Bob Rosene is doing the preliminary grading plans with City staff to monitor the field work. Not all four parks will be done at one time. Steel posts will probably be too expensive. Thirteen poles are needed and wood poles will cost between $105,000 and $115,000. Steel posts would cost about $35,000 more. Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, will start Monday, August 6. He will review bid documents of the four parks, tennis courts and play equipment. He will also attend Advisory Parks & Recreation meetings. Commission Member Jackson requested a master schedule be prepared for Commission reference. Parks Director Vraa says there is one forthcoming so the City can maintain control of park improvement and development. OTHER BUSINESS A. Budget Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said it is possible for some park improvement to be in place by late 1985. He felt more seasonal staff would be needed. He also requested an additional 1/2 time secretary and an assistant parks director. Additional equipment and material will be needed as a result of the parks development program. An expansion of some recreation is also anticipated. There is much more to be done with recreational programming. A LOGIS program for registration, ball field reservations, etc. is also a part of the 1985 budget request. r B. Kehne House A meeting of the Special Issues Committee was set for August 16, 1984 to go over Roger Sjobeck's report. C. School District 196 - School Use School District 196 staff are still telling the Parks & Recreation Directors to work a schedule out. Director Vraa is not entirely satisfied Eagan will be able to get its requested hours for residents. He is reviewing an alternative of time allocated according to community enrollment whereby Eagan would benefit greatly. He doubts that will happen. D. Annual Picnic The annual picnic will take place on Friday, September 7. E. Lexington South P.U.D. The Director reported that Jim Curry continues to move ahead on deeding parkland over to the City. He did request that an eight acre parcel to be given as a gift be named after his wife. Director Vraa advised him of the policy against such a request and no action was taken. F. Metro Parks & Open Space Meeting Director Vraa will attend the meeting in Bloomington on August 8. No one was able to attend the earlier meeting. Director Vraa will report back to the Commission at the September meeting. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Jackson, seconded by Bertz, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:35 P.M.. Dated: VLOWWWX Advisory Par s & Recreation Secr y -77 Q i ~ ~ J I Q I" T ~ w sdr