09/06/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission t) a MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Martin. Members present were Masin, Martin, Ketcham, Kubik, Bertz, Thurston, Fedde and Carroll. Members absent were Jackson and Alt. Ken Vraa, Director of Parks & Recreation; Greg Ingraham, Planning Assistant; Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect; and Liz Witt, Administrative Assistant were also present. AGENDA Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, added several items to "Other Business". On a motion by Commission member Kubik, seconded by Fedde, the agenda was accepted as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES DATED AUGUST 2, 1984 Commission member Thurston moved, Ketcham seconded, the minutes of August 2,, 1984 be approved as presented. All voted in favor. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Paul Anderson - Flour Bin/Burger King Greg Ingraham explained that the applicant has revised the original proposal by dropping the day care center. The plan now shows two restaurants on a 3.2 acre parcel. After a brief discussion, Commission member Fedde moved, Masin seconded, to recommend a commercial/industrial cash dedication and the requirement that the developers repair any damage to the trail on Cliff Road which might occur during construction. The motion carried. B. Road Machinery & Supply - Sill Addition Greg Ingraham noted for the Commission that the proposal is for a 79,000 square foot building on 13.9 acres. The structure would house road machinery and a sales area. On a motion by Ketcham, seconded by Bertz, the Commission recommended commercial /industrial cash dedication for the development. All voted in favor. C. J.E. Parranto - S & W Industrial Acres Planning Assistant Ingraham said the proposal is for three industrial lots near Highway 13 and Cedar Avenue covering 16.85 acres. There was some discussion about grading and access, but it was noted the Advisory Planning Commission and City Council had already approved the proposal. Commission member Bertz moved, Masin seconded, to recommend the commercial/industrial cash dedication required for the parcel. The motion carried. D. Amoco Oil-Oak Cliff Third Addition Greg Ingraham noted the proposal is part of the Winkler-Jackson P.U.D. calling for 1.1 acres for a service station. An additional 7.8 would be platted as an outlot. Park dedication is due on the 1.1 acres only. A trail dedication was also discussed. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, said the County had indicated they planned to carry a trail into Burnsville from this area, but have not actually started one. Commission members were concerned that if the developer were not required to construct a trail because of possible construction by the County, the City could lose out altogether. Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend a commercial*/industrial cash dedication for the 1.1 acres. In addition, the staff was directed to review the trail construction schedule with the County. If the construction plans are three or more years away, the developer would be required to put in a temporary trail along Cliff Road per staff specifications. The motion carried unanimously. E. Dan Gustafson - Forest Ridge Planning Assistant, Ingraham, described the proposal as consisting of 186 apartment units and 66 townhouse units. All units will be rental for at least ten years. The Planning Commission continued the item until neighborhood meetings are held, but has scheduled a special meeting on September 10 to act on the proposal. The developer has included tennis courts and a swimming pool and will put in a tot lot wherever the City would like one located. Neighbors have not voiced strong objections as the land has always been zoned R-4. The pond is part of the City storm sewer plan. Commission member Kubik felt there should be a trail around the pond to serve some of the adult recreational needs. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, said the topography is very steep around the pond and construction could be difficult. Kubik said that perhaps an unimproved trail could be put in. He was concerned with the lack of green space. Chairman Martin wanted the tot lot to be centrally located, but noted there is so much blacktop and so many buildings there isn't much usable space available. Mr. Kubik stated his agreement with their observation. He continued saying he was disappointed with the entire development because of the amount of hard surface area and lack of green space....._ It was the concensus of the Commission that they had serious doubts about the layout as proposed, particularly the scarcity of green space and the vast amount of blacktop. They felt the recreational needs of adults and children could not be adequately met by the recreational facilities proposed. The Commission would like to see a revised plan which would include a trail by the pond. . The Director of Parks & Recreation was asked to communicate the concerns for Parks & Recreation Commission to the Planning Commission regarding this. Commission member Kubik moved, Carroll seconded, the following recommendations: 1. The tot lot should be centrally located with plans submitted to the Parks Planner for approval. The developer must post a $5,000 bond for the tot lot. 2. There should be a trail on Denmark Avenue. 3. There should be an internal trail which would include the pond area and the tot lot. 4. The staff is directed to negotiate with the developer regarding these recommendations, but if an agreement cannot be reached the Commission would like to review again. The motion carried unanimously. 2 F. Gary King - King First & Second Additions The King Additions are comprised of two 5-acre parcels which the developer hopes to rezone to R-1. One parcel will have five single family units and the other will have eight single family units. Planning. Assistant, Ingraham, said the Planning Commission continued this item pending review of the road grade on Hackmore Drive. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, said he would recommend taking the approximate south one-third of the five acre parcel which extends into the lake. He noted that the Systems Plan Study recommended the City acquire lake property from three contiguous parcels of which the King Addition is one in order to complete Schwanz Lake Park. Commission member Bertz asked if the City didn't already own the lake "land"? Staff was directed to research the ownership. Commission member Thurston moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation that land and water dedication be required with the balance in cash. Staff was directed to calculate the amount of dedication credit for the piece desired and negotiate terms with the developer. All voted in favor. OLD BUSINESS A. Kehne House Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, summarized Architect Roger Sjobeck's proposed designs for Kehne House as discussed at the August 16 Special Issues Meeting. The first design provided for an information area, conference rooms, improved restrooms, a lounge and storage at a cost of $62,000. Design Two provided for a more open look effect and a heatilator fireplace at a cost of $72,000. Neither estimate included architectural, engineering or contingency costs. Director Vraa said the Commision must address what they intend to do with the structure. It must be upgraded in several areas just to keep in a usable state. There would have to be at least a $30,000 outlay to make the house energy efficient and livable. Chairman Martin added that the Commission must decide if they want to keep the house as a recreational facility. Commission member Kubik observed that the. City Parks & Recreation staff is extremely busy at this time and should delay the acquisition of another recreational facility which would require additional funds and staff. Director Vraa said the house does need new windows, doors, bathroom repairs, roofing, insulation, a heatilator fireplace and an improved drainage system in order to be considered a livable, therefore, rentable facility. There was an extended discussion by the Commission on uses for the home, options open for the City at this time, rental rate, access, cost estimate and funding alternatives. It was-the consensus of the Commission that the Kehne House will complement any proposed park/recreation functions and should be maintained as a usable facility. Because the City does not need the facility at this time and has no immediate development plans for Patrick Eagan Park, the Commission thought the house should be upgraded at minimum cost in 1985. Commission member Thurston moved, Kubik seconded, the following recommendations: 1. The. City should continue to maintain Kehne House as a rental unit in order to avoid problems associated with an unoccupied structure. It is to remain a rental unit for at least three years allowing the Parks & Recreation staff sufficient time to review and prepare a Master Park Plan for Patrick Eagan Park. The Recreation Committee should start planning for uses for Kehne House in conjunction with the Master Park Plan review. 2. In order to preserve the house, the City should proceed with the improvements outlined by Mr Sjobeck, including windows, doors, entrance, insulation and drainage repairs at a cost of approximately $30,000 plus architectural, engineering and contingency costs with work to commence in 1984. 3. Architect Sjobeck and staff will supervise the repair work. If costs deviate $5,000 over estimated costs, the Commission wants an immediate and complete report. 4. Funding for the work should come from the Park Site Fund, however, staff should pursue federal funding also. Dakota County Vo Tech students should be utilized wherever feasible. The motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS A. North Park Acquisition Director Vraa reiterated the importance of acquiring the North Area Athletic Fields. He felt it would be appropriate for the City to hire an experienced agent to pursue acquisition on the City's behalf. The process to final acquisition includes data collection and review of general site review, initial inquiries, purchase negotiations and staff consultation. He proposed hiring Mark Parranto at $50 an hour to be the City's agent. Chairman Martin moved, Thurston seconded, that Mark Parranto be hired as proposed at a fee of $50 per hour. The motion carried. PARK BOND A. Play Equipment - Criteria And Analysis Stephen Sullivan, Landscape Architect, provided an analysis of play equipment. He noted the number one concern is safety. There must be safety rails, proper fall zones, appropriate base material and there should not be a confusion of uses.: He stressed, however, that the element of challenge had to be provided, but with a minimum amount of risk. Play equipment should allow for creativity, group interaction, circulation and be non-duplicating. He reviewed nine parks and noted that some are ready for play equipment installation this fall. He listed Peridot Path, Highview, Evergreen, Ridgecliff and Cinnamon Ridge as possibilities. Commission member Thurston said priority should be given to sites where safety is a problem now and equipment does not meet minimum standards. Chairman Martin said a second priority could be for those parks which presently have no equipment. Commission member Kubik thought the inappropriate, obsolete pieces should be removed quickly. Commission member Carroll suggested the City try three or four different equipment manufacturers to give us an opportunity to evaluate their equipment. After discussion, the Commision recommended staff proceed immediately with the equipment selection process with the intention of some equipment yet this fall. B. Tennis Courts Director Vraa said. bids were received and that C & H Construction was the low bidder. Eleven courts will be repaired and resurfaced by the time work is completed. There was discussion and questions by the Commission which were answered suitably to them. C. Rahn Park Vraa said this project is presently out for bid with an award to be made September 18. He noted there were problems encountered with drainage from the parking lot and the access point had to be moved necessitating the leveling of part of the hill. The developer will do the seeding and provide a ball field surface which meets City specifications. D. Northview Athletic Fields The bid for lighting came in at the estimated cost of $105,000. Director Vraa noted the playing field was not properly laid out when originally done and the alignment had to be corrected. He said the fences will be bid and installed yet this year. The City crew will remove and replace the backstops. He said parking will be increased from 80 to 121 spaces, but not this year. OTHER BUSINESS & REPORTS A. 1985 LAWCON/L.C.M.R. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, noted of the three applications submitted by the City, one did receive preliminary approval - that of Schwanz Lake Park. He said a more detailed park plan is due in October with a final review taking place next spring. He anticipates the City will receive $140,000 to enhance Schwanz Lake Park. Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend that the final grant application be made for Schwanz Lake Park. All voted in favor. B. Summer Report The summer playground report will go to the Recreation Committee for review. The Recreation Committee will meet Thursday, September 13, 7:15 - 9:00 P.M.. Mike Fedde was added to the Committee roster. C. Rahn Park - Ground Breaking Ceremonies Director Vraa will arrange the date for the ceremony with the City Council and the time of day is expected to be about 5:00 P.M.. D. 1985 Proposed Budget Director Vraa included the proposed 1985 budget in the packet. He noted that as the park system and facilities expand, costs will increase. He is looking in LOGIS programs for recreational programs to aid with Eagan recreational programming. He said the assistant position is still being considered and that the request for a one-half clerk-typist position has been cut to one- fourth. It was the consensus of the Commission that the Parks & Recreation Department NEEDS the clerk-typist position. They felt that by not having a lower salaried person performing the routine duties, a higher salaried person would have to do the job and that was a real waste of tax dollars. A good example of this is management personnel taking recreation registrations because clerical people were not available. Such work distribution is not a good expenditure of funds and is a detriment to the entire program. With clerk- typing functions increasing due to the passage of the parks bond referendum, it is imperative to have appropriate and adequate staff to handle the work load. Commission member Kubik moved, Chairman Martin seconded, that the clerk-typist position be approved as originally requested for the Parks & Recreation Department. The motion passed unanimously. E. Fall Tour - Major Facilities It was agreed to postpone a fall tour as staff has too much to do. F. Beer Policy Review Director Vraa voiced concerns with a policy, particularly as it relates to ball fields noting some recent trends, changes and requests to review the current policy. He asked how the Commission would care to become involved. The Parks & Recreation Commission prefers to review such a policy as a group rather than assign to the .pecial Issues Committee. Staff was directed to review other community ordinances as well as survey what policies are successful and why. This item will be on the November agenda. G. Boat Ordinance The City Council would like to have gas motors allowed on some Eagan lakes. Commission member Thurston said she believes the lakes are too small to handle gas motors and it would be difficult to police their use. Other members were concerned with possible gas spills and their effect on the water quality. It was noted that the County does not allow gas motors in any County parks. Action on this item was continued until a written communication is received from the County regarding gas motor usage. H. Annual Picnic The picnic has been rescheduled to September 21 to allow time to send invitations, which will be handled by Carolyn Thurston. Tom Ketcham will get the food and Roger. Martin, the-beverages. The picnic will be at Blackhawk or Rahn Park. ADJOURNMENT On a.motion by Fedde, seconded by Berta, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:45 P.M.. Dated: 000, / 7?& .10 5or 'If-lirl"Oor ~dvisory Parks & Recr ecr