10/04/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA OCTOBER 4, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks and Recreation Commission was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Chairman Martin. The meeting was preceded by a ground breaking ceremony at Rahn Park. Members present were Alt, Fedde, Masin, Bertz, Martin, Thurston, Ketcham, Carroll and Kubik. Ken Vraa, Director of Parks and Recreation; Greg Ingraham, Planning Assistant; Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect; and Liz Witt, Administrative Assistant, were also present. Tom Healey, developer, was present for discussion on St. Francis Wood 4th Addition and LeMay's Lake 1st Addition. AGENDA Parks and Recreation Director Vraa added two items to Other Business. Commission member Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, that the agenda be approved as amended. The motion carried. MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 6, 1984 A typographical error was noted on page two of the minutes of the September 6th meeting. A correction on page 4 deleted "heating and plumbing" from the $30,000 improvement cost proposal. Commission member Masin moved, Bertz seconded, that the minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried. RESIGNATION OF BILL JACKSON Commission members directed staff to write a letter of appreciation to Bill Jackson on behalf of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission . The members also included the suggestion that if Bill has an opportunity to reapply sometime in the future, the Commission would like to have him back. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Bell Lexington Addition - NW Bell Telephone Assistant Planner Greg Ingraham explained that Bell Telephone is platting their property into three, one-acre lots. They have a building on Lot 1, will leave Lot 2 for a possible parking lot and construct a digital switching office on Lot 3. The preliminary plat has been approved by the Planning Commission and the City Council subject to park dedication. Commission member Masin moved, Kubik seconded, the recommendation of cash dedication for Lots 2 and 3 and that trail easement along Lone Oak and Lexington Avenue be required for future construction of a trailway. All voted in favor. APC Minutes October 14, 1984 B. Millwork at Eagan - Don Prettyman The developer proposes to rezone 9 acres from A to CSC and build five office/warehouse facilities. All of the area has been designated as outlots. The developer must plat each parcel as he develops it; therefore, the Parks & Recreation Commission will review only Outlots B & C which will be platted for the first two buildings. Commission member Carroll moved, Kubik seconded, that a commercial- industrial cash dedication be recommended for the two outlots with consideration given to the other lots at the time they are platted. All voted in favor. C. Cedar Cliff Commercial - James Durning Under discussion was Outlot H, Cedar Cliff Commercial, which lies along the east side of Scott Trail near Cliff Road. Mr. Kubik questioned the amount of parking and lack of green space, indicating the site was very much a blacktop surface. Planning Assistant Ingraham noted Planning staff had recom- mended some green landscape islands to alleviate the heavy concentration of blacktopped parking for the two proposed office buildings. He reported the developer didn't want to make the snowplowing operation more difficult by including the islands and his wishes prevailed with the Planning Commission. Parks Commission members noted they did not like all of the blacktop area and the lack of green space shown in the proposal. It was noted that some parking spaces on either end of the pond are at right angles with one another making it easy to cause dents in cars when doors are opened. Commission members felt that green islands should be placed there to provide a buffer for cars as well as an aesthetically pleasing area. There was a discussion by the Commission relative to its role and responsibility for this type of issue, noting that landscaping and aesthetics are important to the community. George Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, to recommend: cash dedication at the commercial- industrial rate; a trail to be constructed on Cliff Road; and a sidewalk on Scott Trail. The Commission asked for the consideration of the preservation of as many hardwood trees as possible; the consideration of including green islands at either corner of the pond area to better define the parking area; and moving or screening the trash site visible from Cliff Road. The motion carried unanimously. D. Rahncliff - M.G. Astleford Planning Assistant Ingraham gave a presentation of the plat proposal noting service stations, restaurants and a 200-room hotel are included in the plans. Commission members again expressed concern with so much building and blacktop area and so little green space. Commission member Fedde questioned the direct access to Cliff Road as it afforded the opportunity for cars to cross and park on the existing trailway. Commission member Kubik felt the Special Issues Committee should review a policy for a set percentage of green space required per development as soon as possible. Such a policy could then be jointly discussed with the Planning Commission and City Council. 2 APC Minutes October 4, 1984 After further discussion, Commission member Fedde moved, Alt seconded: 1. To recommend commercial-industrial cash dedication for the platted lots with consideration given to the outlot when it comes in for platting; 2. Because there is so much concrete and asphalt, the Commission recommends the developer delete the three-car space at the north end of the lot and put in a green island; 3. Access should be off Rahn Road with none at Cliff because the latter would conflict with the existing trail; and 4. Staff should review trails along Rahn Road and require a sidewalk with this plat. The motion carried unanimously. Commission memb-r Thurston moved, Carroll seconded, that staff be directed to review the trail plans for Rahn Road south of Cliff with the County. If a County trail is not proposed on the east side of Rahn Road, then the trail will become the responsibility of the developer. Commission member Kubik then requested of staff that trailways be shown on development proposals as presented to the Commission. E. St. Francis Woods 11th Addition - Tom Healey The developer plans to construct 218 townhouse units which would be for sale. The site, near Duckwood and Lexington, is heavily wooded. Mr. Healey stated it is the developer's intention to preserve as many trees as possible. He said a swimming pool was to be installed with the second phase of development. It was noted by the Commission that the area is to be served by O'Leary Park, which will have great demands placed on it with so many new units now being proposed within the service area there. Director Vraa said that trail dedication for Lexington Avenue is required. Commission member Kubik commented he'd like to see an internal pathway in the development which would link all of the amenities. Mr. Healy stated he would be developing a pathway to interconnect the development to the pool location. Richard Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, the following recommendations: 1. Cash dedication for the development,. 2. A trailway along Lexington Avenue, 3. A tot lot be constructed with staff approval of the location, 4. A $5,000 bond for the tot lot, 5. An internal pathway be constructed of natural materials, and 6. Consideration be given to providing an adult recreational space which would be unimproved. All voted in favor. APC Minutes October 4, 1984 F. LeP y's Lake - 1st Addition - Tom Healey Planning Assistant Ingraham described the proposal which is for 288, one and two-bedroom apartment units. The developer also proposes a pool, gazebo, adult recreation space but no tot lot as few children are expected to live in the units. Questions were raised about a trail between buildings and use of the shoreline. Mr. Healey said he would like to put in a private trailway to access the proposed future park to the east. He continued by saying he would discourage the general public from walking along the lake shore and enter into the apartment area complex land. Chairman Martin noted the shore area had originally been shown as proposed future parkland in the systems plan study and he did not want to relinquish it for private development without a thorough review. Parks & Recreation Director Vraa said if we were to acquire the lakeshore as parkland, it would dead end at the apartment complex. He thought chances of acquiring parcels around the lake were extremely remote as they were already platted into lots. He said the developer moved the buildings away from the shore as the City requested and perhaps that is all we should ask. Discussion continued for some time and the Commission could not reach a consensus. It was decided to hold a special meeting to view the site and then reach a decision. George Kubik moved, Martin seconded, to continue theitem to the special meeting. The motion carried. OLD BUSINESS A. Kehne House Chairman Martin and Director Vraa went before the City Council to explain the $30,000 option recommended by the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission. The Council was concerned with security of the building. They also wanted assurances the Parks & Recreation Commission would use the building in three years, what the uses would be and how they would fit in with plans for Patrick Eagan Park. The Council indicated agreement with the dislike of the role of landlord. City staff is to research the costs of a security system and report back to the Council. Member Kubik questioned ways in which the Commission could impress upon the Council the uniqueness and value of the home for recreational use. After dicussion, staff was directed to check with other communities to see how they handled similar situations. The Special Issues Committee will continue to study uses and building security. They will put together a report for future presentation to the Council on uses for the house. B. King 1st and 2nd Additions Director Vraa reported that the City Council did not approve this development due to high road costs. Mr. King is preparing revisions to the proposed plat which would still provide for a land dedication to Schwanz Lake Park. APC Minutes October 4, 1984 NEW BUSINESS A. Jim Curry - Open Space Name Request The Commission discussed Mr. Curry's request to name an 8-acre open space parkland gift for his wife. The Commission discussed the current policy regarding such requests. After a review of alternatives, it was the consensus of the Commission that a plaque should be placed in the area designated by Mr. Curry with the inscription: "DONATED IN HONOR OF BARBARA CURRY", as a fitting honorarium. PARK DEVELOPMENT A. The Director reviewed several models and diagrams which were on display for Commission viewing exhibiting play equipment for various parks. Staff and Commission expressed concern that the dollar amounts allocated for neighborhood parks may not be sufficient. Consideration for increasing these amounts shall be considered. B. New North Park Acquisition Director Vraa reviewed the site parcel near Yankee Doodle and 35E. He said formal negotiations had not commenced but various possibilities for acquisition were being discussed. The City has two approaches--buying one parcel at a fairly high price or picking up landlocked remnant properties at a lower price. There are no cost figures available as yet. C. Rahn Park Ground breaking ceremonies were held prior to the meeting. The $146,000 contract had been let with rough grading expected to take three to four weeks. D. Other Bituminous mats have been laid in three tennis courts and the fence contract for Northview Park was let. COMMISSION REPORTS AND OTHER BUSINESS A. Recreation Committee Committee Chairman Kubik reported that the Committee had met with Dorothy Peterson to discuss present and future recreation programs. In a requested report, it was noted that several programs are growing and Dorothy spends over 40 hours a week on programming alone. In reviewing summer playground programming, the Committee plans to expand the location of Summer in the Park to provide better opportunities. The Committee suggests more amenities be in place at Fish Lake Park before Summer in the Park is held there again. Other changes were also discussed. APC Minutes October 4, 1984 The Committee looked at winter programming and suggested an ice fishing contest together with a treasure hunt and a winter picnic as a possibility. They are considering a permanent sliding hill at Schwanz Lake. Suggested for consideration is the purchase of a mobile "chuck-wagon" at a cost of $1,000. The wagon could be rented out to groups for block parties, etc. George Kubik will report back to the Commission on this and other items. B. Maintenance Director Vraa included a maintenance report in the packet. There were no further questions regarding maintenance activities. C. Parks Acquisition and Development Fund The fund currently has $540,000, most of which is not earmarked for specific projects. Director Vraa noted that more money might be needed for the North Park acquisition than originally anticipated. D. November Agenda Items Agenda items include "beer in park" policy, park dedication review; a timetable for park construction, park bond accounting, and methodology for updating a system plan. E. Composting The City Council approved the City's providing leaf composting for residents. The drop-off point will be at Rahn Park with treatment to be at a site in Wedgewood Park. F. Jim Curry, Lexington South P.U.D. Mr. Curry will be giving the last deeds for over 70 acres of parkland to the City at the October 16 Council meeting. Members are asked to be at the Council meeting to take part in the presentation. G. Special Meetings A special meeting to review Kehne House uses and view the LeMay's Lake site will be Thursday, October 11 a' 6:00 P.M. at City Hall. The Special Issues Committee will discuss a policy for green space requirement at a meeting on October 18, 6:30 P.M. at City Hall. ADJOURNMENT Tom Ketcham moved, Fedde seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:20 P.M. LW Dated: A visory ar s & Re ecr