10/11/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1984 The meeting was cal led to order at 6:00 P.M. by Chairman Martin. Members present included Martin, Fedde, Carroll, Kubik, Masin, Alt, Bertz and Ketcham. Also present were the Director of Parks & Recreation Vraa and Steve Sullivan, Landscape Architect. Chairman Martin lead an on-site tour of the proposed LeMay Lake 1st Addition. It was indicated that the purpose of the meeting was to determine whether the shoreline of LeMay's Lake, within the proposed plat, Is suitable and useable for possible parks purposes. Landscape Architect Steve Sullivan distributed a prepared analysis of the site indicating slopes, setbacks, property corners and extent of parkland dedication if this was to be the selected alternative. There were numerous questions and discussions regarding the potential opportunities for parkland useage, maintenance, zoning of adjacent parcels, and the possibilities of acquiring scenic and trail easements. Members indicated that acquisition by dedication would assure the City absolute control and provide for protection of the site. It was noted, however, that this parcel would then be landlocked and access for development and maintenance would have to be through private property. Development of the trail would be contingent upon successful acquisition of additional property to the east and south. After considerable discussion by the Advisory Commission, on a motion by Carroll, seconded by Alt, with all members voting in favor, that the Parks & Recreation Commission recommend to the City Council that a cash dedication be a condition of plat. Further, that the developer provide for a 75-foot, scenic easement along the shoreline which would prohibit the development of any man-made structure including docks, gazebos, floating rafts, without prior approval of the Parks Recreation Commission and City Council. The developer is also responsibile for providing a tot lot within the development and for the designation of an open, green space area suitable for adult free play. The developer is also to provide for a trail easement within the 75-foot, scenic easement for possible future trail construction by the City. KEHNE HOUSE Chairman Martin indicated that he was proceeding with the writing of a draft for uses of the Kehne House to be presented to the City Council along with the estimated cost for a security system. He indicated that he would be distributing this to other members of the subcommittee on the Kehne House for their review and scrutiny. He indicated he'd hoped to prepare this for presentation to the City Council at its first meeting in November. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to conduct by the Advisory Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. 4 e Dated, / ZPZ A isory Parks & Recrea reta y