11/01/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 1, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:15 P.M.. Members present were Alt, Thurston, Carroll, Ketcham, Martin, Masin, Kubik and Fedde. Commission member Bertz notified the Commission she would be unable to attend. Park & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham, and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt were also present. AGENDA Two items were added to the agenda. 2b - Minutes Of A Special Meeting, October 11, 1984, and 7c - City Code Requirements - Recreation Space. Commission member Masin moved, Kubik seconded, the agenda be approved as amended. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING DATED OCTOBER 11, 1984 Commission member Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, the minutes of October 11, 1984 be approved as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF OCTOBER 4, 1984 Commission member Kubik moved, Carroll seconded, the minutes of October 4, 1984 be approved as presented. The motion was approved. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. LUNKA ADDITION - ROSE LUNKA Planning Assistant Ingraham was present and explained the development proposals. The Lunka proposal is for a split of a one-acre lot. There is a home on one lot so a cash dedication would be appropriate for the new lot. Commission member Fedde moved, Thurston seconded, to accept cash dedication for the lot. All approved. B. OAKWOOD ADDITION - VINCE KENNEDY Fourteen single family units are proposed on 7.5 acres near the Pilot Knob - Lone Oak intersection. All of the lots meet the square footage requirement. There are already three homes on the parcel. A cash dedication would be required for eleven lots. On a motion by Thurston, seconded by Fedde, it was recommended to accept cash dedication for eleven lots. All voted in favor. C. BLACKHAWK TOWNHOUSE APARTMENTS - DOUG JOHNSON The proposed apartment complex calls for 168 units located east of Blackhawk, Just south of Diffley. There will be 21 eight-unit buildings. The developer plans to have a commons building, a tennis court, and perhaps a pool. ADV PARK & REC NOVEMBER 1,-1984 Commission members discussed trail requirements and the proposed amenities. There was concern about the proposed location of the tennis court and whether the subbase material would be adequate to support the amenity. The Commission felt there would be many children living in the complex, and a tot lot should be provided. Commission member Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, the following recommendations: 1. Accept cash dedication for the units. 2. The tennis court construction should be monitored by staff to assure it meets required specifications. A $20,000 bond should be required for the tennis court with 25% withheld for one year after construction is completed. 3. A tot lot, to be reviewed and approved by the staff landscape architect, would be required plus a $5,000 bond to insure its construction. 4. Trail easement should be given for the sections abutting Blackhawk Road. The motion carried unanimously. D. JOHANNES ADDITION - JOHN TRAPPER The proposed development is part of the Gopher-Eagan P.D. and no dedication is forthcoming. The site is located near Elrene Road, north of Windtree Addition. There is a trail along the east side of Elrene. Discussion focused on the possibility of a trail along the north line of the development as proposed in the System Plan. After review and discussion, Chairman Martin moved, Kubik seconded, to recommend a one-half (15') trail easement along the north line of the development for a possible future trail. All voted in favor. E. CEDAR SPACE CENTER ADDITION - NORSE DEVELOPMENT The developer proposes three lots - two of which are to be placed in outlot status and the third to be the site of ten self-storage buildings. Commission member Kubik expressed dislike for the plan, explaining the amount of blacktop, number of buildings and the general layout did not appear to be .aesthetically pleasing. Commission members noted that this. is another of several proposals that has a high percentage of impervious surfaces. It was noted that the plan meets lot coverage requirements, but members disliked the uneven distribution of green space and concentration of hard surfaces. The consensus of the Commission was to not recommend approval of the development as proposed. Commission member Thurston moved, Fedde seconded, to recommend commercial cash dedication if the Council approves the development. The motion carried. F. C.T.C. BUSINESS CAMPUS - SCOTT ANDERSON A 72,000 square foot high tech production building is proposed on a 6.6 acre parcel. An additional thirteen acres was outloted for future residential development. The Planning Commission expressed concern with grading and access and the item was continued to their next meeting. No action was taken. The proposal will be on the Commission's December agenda. ADV PARK & REC NOVEMBER 1, 1984 G. NORTHWESTERN BELL The proposed structure is similar to the building requested at ChesMar Park, but later dropped. The location presently requested is north of Diffley on Lexington Avenue. As it is part of the Lexington South P.D., no park dedication is forthcoming and no action was required. OLD BUSINESS A. SYSTEM PLAN STUDY - UPDATING SYSTEM PLAN Ann Devring of Erkkila & Associates reviewed techniques which could be used to update the System Plan. Such techniques included annual addendums on a section by section basis, page revisions, charts updated and a five-year update. A chart covering these techniques was included in the packet. Ms. Devring suggested the Commission decide when and how often they would like to update the plan. Chairman Martin liked the proposed techniques and thought a special meeting in January should focus entirely on the System Plan update. The Commission expressed the desire to have the revision date placed on all revised pages. After discussion, Chairman Martin moved, Carroll seconded, to accept the update plan methodology. The January meeting was set as the annual review meeting. All voted in favor. B. KEHNE PARK - COUNCIL ACTION Chairman Martin reported the Special Issues Committee prepared a report which included a security report from the police department, and presented it at the October 30, 1984 City Council meeting. The Council approved Phase I (making necessary repairs and making the structure more energy efficient), and Phase II, upgrading the facility for use by the Parks & Recreation Department in three to four years time, or at such time as the Commission recommends its need. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, will work with Architect, Roger Sjobeck, on the plans and specifications. Realistically, the only work which could be accomplished in 1984 will be the fireplace ad bathroom repairs. Director, Vraa, was asked to notify the renters of the approved plan of action. C. NATURAL RESOURCES AMENITIES Chairman Martin reported that the City Council has directed the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission to gather information on natural resources to develop guidelines and then meet with the Council to review and plan a course of action. Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, suggested that Steve Sullivan, and Greg Ingraham of the Planning Department, collect information for a preliminary report which will show impact of specific developments on natural resources. Chairman Martin wanted a matrix of activities undertaken by other cities. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, said he will apply other community guidelines to various development proposals in Eagan. A November 15 meeting is planned. 3 ADV PARK & REC NOVEMBER 1, 1984 NEW BUSINESS A. ANNUAL REVIEW - PARKS DEDICATION After discussion, the item was tabled to the December meeting in order to get additional information on North Park costs and any other costs which could affect park fund monies. B. BEER/FOOD CONCESSION - POLICY DISCUSSION Director Vraa included. policies of various metro area communities in the packet. Generally, beer is restricted or allowed only on weekend tournaments. The Commission raised the following issues they would like reviewed: 1. A policy for neighborhood parks vs. community parks. 2. Who can be a vendor? 3. What would the fees be? 4. How about a clean-up deposit? 5. Should the present policy be retained or should beer be disallowed altogether? The Recreation Committee will review these concerns and come back with recommendations to the whole Commission. PARK BOND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. ACCOUNTING AND COMMISSION REVIEW PROCESS Director Vraa briefly reviewed accounting procedures and fund allocations for the Parks Development Program. He explained how the review process could work, explaining the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission may have to make some decisions for cutting back or expanding projects, based on detail plans. The Commission discussed the need to develoop contingency plans for such a possibility. The Director responded to several questions, after which it was decided that a policy need not be drafted. Mr. Kubik concluded by saying that it appears the Commission would prefer to make a case by case decision recognizing some flexibility must be built into the system for staff and Commission. .Members expressed agreement with what had been presented. B. UPDATE ON CONSTRUCTION PROCESS Steve Sullivan said the lighting fixtures have been delivered to Northview Park and work is still projected to be completed by the end of the month. The ball fields have been realigned and graded. Backstops, posts, fencing and benches are being installed. The parking area has been enlarged by 20 spaces. Tennis courts at Country Home and Pilot Knob Parks have been color coated. Others will be done when the temperature is above 55 degrees. Play equipment is being installed in a couple of parks. Parks Department personnel will install equipment as it comes in. Much of the heavy grading has been done at Rahn Park and fill is going in in the parking lot area. 4 ADV PARK & REC NOVEMBER 1, 1984 C. PARK STRUCTURE COMMITTEE Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, would like the Commission to establish a reviewing committee for investigating design and material alternatives for buildingsfor Eagan's parks. There are sun shelters, warming houses and enclosed buildings which serve various functions. The Director stated that with so many variables involved, the Commission will need to be deeply involved with this process. Members discussed the need for a Study Committee, its role, and what its purpose would be. A member from the Council was also suggested. This item will be on the November 15 agenda for additional discussion. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS A. DISCUSSION OF TWICE A MONTH MEETINGS Director Vraa suggested the Commission consider two meetings a month. Regular business, such as recommendations on development proposals, could be conducted at the first meeting and policy decisions/related business, will be discussed at the second meeting. Members agreed that there should be two meetings in order to get its work completed - one meeting in December and two a month scheduled, as needed, in the coming months. B. NATIONAL RECREATION & PARKS ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE Director Vraa was very impressed with the annual conference. He noted that playground equipment is constantly changing. He did see more emphasis on water activities. He was enthusiastic about the possibility of a water playground at Schwanz Lake. He looked at bleacher seating and was approached by a vendor to show his bleachers in Eagan and then sell them to Eagan at the "reduced" price. C. RECREATION SPACE REQUIREMENTS Chapter 11 in the City Code spells out design and construction requirements for multiple zoning districts. Developers must provide an open recreational area in a ratio to the number of dwelling units. Such requirements will give the Commission leverage to obtain recreational space for multiple dwelling residents. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, will provide Commission members copies of the pertinent code sections. He will also provide copies of the Shoreland and Boating Ordinance recently approved by the City Council. ADJOURNMENT Commission member Ketcham moved, Fedde seconded, that the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:15 P.M.. Dated: ZaA A visory Parks Aecrea ion Secretary 5