11/15/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA NOVEMBER 15, 1984 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice-chair Carolyn Thurston at 7:05 P.M.. Members in attendance were Fedde, Alt, Carroll, Ketcham, Thurston and Bertz. Members Martin and Masin had notified the Commission they would be late. Commission member Kubik was absent. Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa, Landscape Architect, Steven Sullivan, and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt, were also present. The special meeting was called to address various program objectives and policies of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission. LANDSCAPE/SCREENING STUDY Parks Director, Vraa, briefly described the preliminary study, copies of which were distributed as handouts at the meeting. Steve Sullivan then reviewed the study in more detail. He listed seven (7) objectives previously discussed by the Commission's "Special Issues" Subcommittee, in establishing minimum requirements and standards: 1. Establish and maintain forestation of the City. 2. Provide a required minimum amount of landscaping. 3. Preserve significant existing plant material. 4. Provide design guidelines for quality development. 5. Provide plant material specifications. 6. Achieve screening and buffering of undesirable visual elements. 7. Provide ground cover requirements to control soil erosion. LANDSCAPE GUIDELINES The guideline categories addressed by six (6) metro area communities surveyed were presented. Mr. Sullivan went through each category and discussed how each of the communities addressed each area. Members expressed their preference for how it was handled. 1. Minimum number of deciduous overstory and evergreen trees. 2. Minimum size requirement for plant material. 3. Minimum amount of landscape area within a parking lot. 4. Credit for preservation of significant onsite trees. 5. Provide screening of parking lots, loading docks and outside storage areas. 6. Provide buffering and/or screening between residential and differing adjacent land uses. 7. Irrigation 8. Maximum coverage of impervious surface on a site. Adv Parks & Rea Comm November 15, 1984 In response to a question, Parks & Recreation Director, Vraa, noted the present ordinance does not carry much clout, hasn't established a formal policy for review, and has no specific standards either. He said the Commission could set a landscape policy which requires the developer to submit a plan to be approved with the final plat. Landscape Architect, Sullivan, also provided a matrix of activities practiced by the metro communities. He observed that most communities control activities through ordinances, although Coon Rapids and Eden Prairie have formal policies. The approaches used by communities differed, e.g. Coon Rapids lists every tree which can be planted, while Edina lists those trees which can't be planted. The Commission discussed the guidelines at length as well as the form they should take. It was the consensus that ordinances are more enforceable. The Commission also felt that the wording must be flexible so that adjustments can be made to fit the specific plat. Commission member Carroll said landscape maintenance, rather than irrigation, should be addressed in an ordinance. He said the developer must be responsible for maintaining a healthy plant growth beyond just one or two years. Director Vraa said the maintenance requirement could be enforced much like the weed ordinance. A warning would be issued and if ignored, the City does the work and charges the developer. He suggested the possibility of a performance bond which would be released only when the developer had completed the landscape requirements and they were healthy within a year's time of planting. Chairman Martin liked the flexibility in height and number of trees. He felt the City should include the guidelines in an ordinance. Carolyn Thurston said the safety of access to parking lots must also be considered when doing the landscape plan. Other members commented that it was important to screen parking lots, loading docks and outside storage from public view which means .residential areas and nearby public roadways. Dick Carroll said that long low structures should be screened by clusters of trees or planting to mitigate the appearance of the building. One Commission member wanted to provide a list of trees the City doesn't approve, while another had reservations about outlawing any type of tree. Carolyn Thurston commented that there are plenty of tree species available, so eliminating a few should not cause a problem. Director Vraa asked Commission members to determine the Commission's responsibility in the reviewing of a landscape plan. Should the Planning or the Parks & Recreation Commissions be the responsible arbiter? He reminded the Commission that the landscape plan is often not provided until final plat approval. There was discussion about who should review final landscape phases, the review process, and the timing. Adv Parks & Rec Comm November 15, 1984 Chairman Martin noted there would be no decisions made at this meeting regarding this issue. He said that both Advisory Commissions must use the same ordinance regarding any landscape plan, but the Parks & Recreation Commission should have the last approval before going to the City Council. There was discussion by Commission and staff regarding landscaping, with the Commission providing direction to staff. Ken Vraa summarized the Commission's direction by providing for mitigation-of monotonous structures through plantings, be easy for the developer to understand, be enforceable, and the items addressed in the matrix. Staff will review maximum lot coverage in more detail and come back with recommendations. There will be no irrigation guideline, but there will be one on plantings maintenance/perpetual care. PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Steve Sullivan distributed a paper which listed areas of review for park buildings and structures. Staff is setting up an analysis process which would review the use of the building, the building design, the site, the material and building system and features. Commission member Thurston asked to have experts come in to brief the Commission on buildings and structures. Members might also take a tour to look at other communities' buildings. After discussion, it was the consensus of the Commission to be wholly involved in the buildings/structures study rather than a subcommittee. Periodic reports to the Council are to be made. BEER/FOOD CONCESSION POLICY The Recreation Subcommittee will review policy alternatives and bring recommendations to the full Commission. BLEACHERS The bleacher vendor had not contacted Director Vraa so the item was continued to another meeting date, as yet unspecified. Parks & Recreation Commission members were in favor of purchasing a chuckwagon and wanted it identified as sponsored by the Eagan Parks Department. Commission member Masin moved, Fedde seconded, to recommend the purchase of a chuckwagon. All voted in favor. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Martin moved, Thurston seconded, the meeting be adjourned. Time of adjournment was 9:15 P.M.. Dated: X visory Parks & Recrea on Secretary