12/06/1984 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA DECEMBER 6, 1984 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Vice-chair, Carolyn Thurston, at 7:15 P.M.. Members present were Alt, Thurston, Bertz, Fedde, Masin, Carroll and Ketcham. Chairman Martin had notified the Commission he would be out of town and Commission member Kubik had indicated he would be late. Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt; were present. Jim Hill, speaking for Royal Oak Circle, and Maynard Ohm, representing the Eagan Snowmobile Club, were also present. AGENDA Commission member Alt moved, Bertz seconded, the agenda be approved as presented. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF NOVEMBER-1,1984 On page three's heading, the year should be 1984 and on page five, an "s" should be added to "building" in the third line. On a motion by Bertz, seconded by Ketcham, the minutes were approved as corrected. MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF NOVEMBER 15, 1984 On page two, paragraph four, line one, "must" should be changed to "much". On page one, number four, the word "preservation" is misspelled. On a motion by Fedde, seconded by Carroll, the minutes were approved as corrected. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. CTC BUSINESS CAMPUS - SCOTT ANDERSON Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham, explained that part of the development lies within the Blackhawk Park P.U.D., but that this portion is being proposed for residential development. The residential portion will be platted as an outlot. A trail is proposed along both sides of Pilot Knob Road. The commercial area will have one building which will house an assembly business. There will be no chemicals or manufacturing on the site. Greg Ingraham did state that the developer had a good landscaping plan, but that he did not bring it to the meeting. Carolyn Thurston commented that she would like to see the loading dock area screened from the roadway. She made the motion, seconded by Bertz, that the Commission recommend commercial/industrial cash dedication, trail R/W dedication and erosion control with the loading dock screened from Pilot Knob Road. The outlot will be reviewed at the time of platting. The motion carried. 1 ADV PARKS & REC DECEMBER 6, 1984 B. ROYAL OAK CIRCLE - RICHARD ASP The proposed development is an R-4 parcel south of Surrey Heights. Ten buildings are proposed on 21 acres to house 297 apartment units. Jim Hill said the developer was given approval to reduce parking to two (2) per unit, thus decreasing the amount of impervious surface. He noted there is landscaping of parking islands and there are sidewalks to connect the apartments to the westerly portion of the site area. Members noted the uneven distribution of open space and concentration of housing with the plan. Member Ketcham questioned if the open space could be improved to provide for some additional amenities for the residents. Mr. Hill indicated the developer has suggested a trail in the open space area at some time into the future. A tennis court has also been discussed, but no definite plans. Mr. Hill continued, saying the developer would provide the tot lot, pool, internal sidewalk and central building as shown on the plan. Commission member Ketcham said he'd like to see a strong commitment to developing the passive area for recreational purposes. Commission member Thurston added there should be a schedule for construction of the recreational area and a concept plan should be submitted. There was discussion by the Commission relative to the planning of the construction and if there would be other opportunities to review the phases. Members questioned if the development met the City ordinance for providing open play space which Mr. Ketcham had calculated at two acres. Mr. Hill responded that he felt the open space area more than met that requirement. There was a lengthy discussion by the Commission relative to usefulness of the open space, what improvements could be made, grading lines matching adjacent property, erosion control measures and the timing for providing trails, tot lot, etc.. Commission member Alt moved, Carroll seconded, the following recommendations: 1. Cash dedication for the apartment units. 2. A trail on Federal Drive to be completed when the apartments on Federal Drive are complete. 3. A tot lot located in the central area. 4. Erosion.control on the westerly slope. 5. A concept plan be developed for a recreational area to include an internal path and usable play area. 6. The recreational area should be completed and available for use when the last building is under construction or, in five years, whichever comes first. 7. Sidewalks as shown in the preliminary plan which will connect to the "recreational area." 8. Maximize green space and open area. 9. Utilize plantings on the slope as an aid to erosion control. The motion carried unanimously. 2 ADV PARKS & REC DECEMBER 6, 1984 C. WHISPERING WOODS - HILLA CONSTRUCTION Whispering Woods is a preliminary plat and rezoning of 5.8 acres from A to R-1 for ten (10) single family units. There are no trail considerations for the development. After discussion, Commission member Fedde moved, Carroll seconded, to accept cash dedication for the ten (10) units. All voted in favor. D. PILOT KNOB SHOPPING CENTER - FEDERAL LAND COMPANY Federal Land Company is proposing to rezone 20 acres from R-4 to CSC and add the parcel to the Pilot Knob Shopping Center. This is a rezoning request and not a preliminary plat; no action is required. The Commission voiced no concerns, but will review the proposed development at the time of preliminary platting for parks dedication. E. EAGANDALE INDUSTRIAL #7 - ALSCORE AND NW MUTUAL LIFE The proposal is a rezoning and replatting from research and development to light industrial. The replat is subject to cash dedication. Commission members noted there is a great deal of blacktop with the run-off to go into Lemay Lake. They felt a sedimentation pond should be required to filter out the run-off before it gets into the lake. Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham, noted the quantity of plantings exceeds normal requirements. He suggested the Commission consider a green space requirement similar to the building space requirement as it would serve to decrease the amount of impervious surface. Commission member Kubik says it is important to continue emphasizing the Commission's displeasure with the vast amount of hard surface area being proposed by many of the developers. Commission member Kubik moved, Carroll seconded, to recommend cash dedication for the site. The Commission expresses its concern with the lack of green space, the run-off which could harm Lemay Lake in the future.. The motion was unanimously approved. OLD BUSINESS A. ANNUAL REVIEW OF PARK DEDICATION The director stated this item was deferred to this meeting by the Commission to obtain additional information. He then distributed copies of material proposed by Mark Parranto concerning the values and recent sales of residential land in Eagan. The City is presently using a base of $10,500 an acre to determine park dedication. The Commission discussed percentage and dollar increases. Commission member Kubik moved, Fedde seconded, that the City keep abreast of current land values and recommend to the Council that a base of $11,000 an acre be used to calculate dedication amounts in 1985. All voted in favor. 3 ADV PARKS & REC DECEMBER 6, 1984 B. BLACKHAWK PARK - BLACKHAWK P.U.D. The director presented an informative update on the study and issues concerning Blackhawk Park. He indicated that Ed Dunn, Blackhawk Park P.U.D., owes approximately 12-14 acres in parkland dedication. He pointed out other parcels owned by Associated Families, Leo Murphy, and by Kathy Walden, priorities for acquisition, the south access, etc.. He said that an acquisition and development grant is a good candidate for LAWCON funding. There were several questions regarding land value, acreage amounts, access to the park, park plans, etc.. The director indicated Plan Consultant, Tim Erkkila, is working on concept plans for Blackhawk Park which may be ready in January. Members suggested that the City Council be informed of the access issue and need for additional acquisition beyond the required dedication amounts. C. SYSTEM PLAN UPDATING Written comments on the various system plan sections should be submitted to Director, Vraa, by Monday, December 10. A review of the update material is to be presented,to the Commission in January. NEW BUSINESS A. EAGAN SNOWMOBILE CLUB - TRAIL REQUEST Maynard Ohm was present to request the use of City sidewalks and trails to connect the now bisected Highline Trail. The club is also requesting the use of the boulevards on Johnny Cake Road to get to other trails south of Eagan's border. Director of Parks & Recreation, Vraa, reviewed the request and responded to questions regarding existing laws and ordinances controlling snowmobiles. Commission member Alt suggested the Highline Trail should no longer be used by motorized vehicles, citing the City's growth, danger in crossing Blackhawk Road, and trail use conflicts. Commission members Fedde and Kubik did not want to route snowmobiles along City streets or across highly traveled roadways such as Blackhawk Road. Commission member, Bertz, pointed out that until the City forbids snowmobiles completely within the City, they will be on the streets, in the parks, and on the school grounds. The Highline Trail is an appropriate place for them, so let them use it. Commission member, "Thurston, noted that Blackhawk is curved with restricted sight lines near the crossing point and she has great concern for the safety of snowmobilers, motorists, and the liability for the City. Commission member, Carroll, felt the City Attorney should comment on the City's liability if the Commission were to tacitly approve a known safety hazard, i.e. the crossing of City streets for snowmobiles. Members questioned if a trail could be maintained safely for snowmobiles in light of the fact that snowplows will be pushing snow into the area proposed for snowmobile use. The Commission further discussed the pros and cons of snowmobile usage in the Highline. Members agreed that the Highline Trail could continue to be used by snowmobiles, but that they did not care to designate the trail along Blackhawk Road and crossing it as a designated trail. They preferred to grant a one-year extension of multi-use designation for the Highline Trail, but not a crossing on Blackhawk Road. 4 ADV PARKS & REC DECEMBER 6, 1984 On a motion by Bertz, seconded by Kubik, the Commission recommended: 1. There will be two (2) sections of the Highline Trail which will be signed "Snowmobile Trail Ends Here" on either side of Blackhawk Road. 2. The pathway on Blackhawk will not be maintained for snowmobiles in the winter months. Motion approved, Alt voted "no". Commission member Masin moved, Ketcham seconded, the recommendation to allow snowmobile use of Johnny Cake Boulevard from Cliff Road to the Eagan border. All voted in favor. PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. CONSTRUCTION PROJECT UPDATE Steve Sullivan said the light poles and fixtures are in place at Northview Park. The backstops and fences are also in. Playground equipment has been installed at River Hills, Peridot and Cinnamon Parks. Color coating of the tennis courts will be delayed until spring. B. BUILDING AND STRUCTURE ANALYSIS Director Vraa outlined the analysis and worksheet process for the Commission citing the necessity of describing purpose and activity of each building and then refining that process further. Working through the process should produce agreement as to the desired structure. There was some discussion by Commission members resulting in the decision to hold a special meeting on December 13 to work on the architectural program. C. PARK PLANNING PROCESS Because of the late hour, this item was deferred to the January agenda. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORTS A. FALL/WINTER RECREATION PROGRAMS - DOROTHY PETERSON A report of fall recreation programs was included in the packet. Dorothy Peterson previewed new activities which are included in the winter program, e.g. tots' dance, Red Cross babysitting course, tours and a major activity weekend in February consisting of an ice fishing contest, cross-country skiing, sliding and a picnic. The Commission was pleased with the proposed program and would like an update in the early spring. B. The maintenance report will be given at the January meeting. C. There will be an EAW on Pilot Knob Road. Ken Vraa will notify the responsible agency that a trail is planned along both sides of Pilot Knob Road, not one side as they have depicted. 5 ADV PARKS & REC DECEMBER 6, 1984 D. Kehne House - Director Vraa told the Commission that the renters have purchased a house and will vacate Kehne House shortly. He said that repair work will proceed as scheduled. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Kubik, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 11:30 P.M.- Dated: A visory Parks & Recreation Secretary