01/03/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 3, 1985 A regular meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:20 P.M.. Members present were Alt, Carroll, Fedde, Ketcham, Kubik, Martin and Masin. Commission members Thurston and Bertz had notified the Commission they'd be unable to attend. The meeting was staffed by Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, and Planning Assistant, Greg Ingraham. AGENDA Item 7C, Update On Landscape Ordinance, was added to "Other Business". Richard Carroll moved, Fedde seconded, to approve the agenda with the additional item. All voted in favor. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 6, 1984 Commission member Alt moved, Kubik seconded, to approve the minutes of December 6, 1984 as presented. The motion carried. MINUTES OF DECEMBER 13, 1984 On page two the word "intrusion" should be "instruction" for restrooms. There was also a question regarding the necessity of having hot water in the restrooms or warming house. The minutes should be changed to state "hot water is optional." On a motion by Carroll, seconded by Fedde, the minutes of December 13, 1984 were approved as corrected. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS .A. EAGAN WOODS OFFICE PARK -TRAMMELL CROW This development is located south of I-494 and west of Pilot Knob Road. On a wooded site, the developer plans to build a 72,000 square foot office building as the first of a three phase project. Planning Assistant, Ingraham, will work with the developer to assure the required number of parking stalls. A proof of parking plan is to be submitted by the developer. Chairman Martin questioned the number of parking stalls required for an office building. Commission member Carroll is concerned that the final parking plan might result in a large amount of fill in the ravine and a great loss of trees. Commission members were concerned with water runoff. Planning Assistant Ingraham explained that the storm water drains through the ravine, the golf course and into the Minnesota River. He noted a check dam will eventually be put in place to,control the flow of runoff. Commission member Kubik moved, Ketcham seconded, to recommend cash dedication for the office building. All voted in favor. 1 B. RAHNCLIFF SECOND ADDITION - M.G. ASTLEFORD Planning Assistant Ingraham commented that Jim Hill plans to "tighten up" the parking lot and increase the amount of green space. Even with Mr. Hill's proposed change, the Commission was concerned with the lack of green space in the development. Commission member Fedde moved, Alt seconded, the recommendation that more green space be required in this development. The Commission again expressed concern with the increasing frequency of proposals such as Rahncliff which has large amounts of blacktop and little green space. All voted in favor of the motion. Chairman Martin noted that when Outlot A comes in for platting, a trail should be required which would extend to the newly platted lot. C. LEMAY FIRST ADDITION The number of apartment units for this development has been decreased from 286 to 282. The gazebo by the lake has been deleted and the area to the east will not be. platted at this time. Commission member Masin asked if the storm water runoff into the lake is controlled. Greg Ingraham said steps will be taken to monitor the water quality of the lake. No action was required on this item. PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM A. GOAT HILL PARK (CAPRICORN) PLAN REVISIONS Planning Consultant, Erkkila, provided plan revisions to staff necessitated by the change in elevation of Lexington Avenue. The access road was moved to the north, the second ball field and parking lot locations were changed. Commission members were concerned with foul balls, hockey rink lighting and the 20 foot setback on the side of the park adjacent to residences. Commission member Carroll moved, Masin seconded, to accept the revised payment plan for Goat Hill Park. The motion carried. B. SCHWANZ LAKE PARK Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan, presented the summary of the brainstorming session on building/structures from the December 13, 1984 meeting. He said the next step in the process will be the presentation of alternate type structures, costs and priorities. C. ARCHITECTURAL PROGRAMS Architectural programs for Goat Hill and Northview Parks were discussed quite extensively. There were questions on how concessions should be handled. Should they be manned; should there be an outside concessionaire or should groups such as softball teams run them?" Commission members decided to think about these questions and discuss them further at the January 17 meeting. Staff was directed to review how concessions are handled elsewhere and report to the February meeting. Staff will also recommend recreation programs for Goat Hill Park at the next meeting. Northview Park program discussion will be delayed pending a concessions policy. D. FUTURE AGENDA ISSUES AND TIME LINE The January 17 meeting agenda includes Planning Consultant Erkkila's Concept Plan for Blackhawk Park and Public Works Director Tom Colbert's storm water and erosion. February 7 is the annual organization meeting at which officers will be elected. Planning Consultant, Erkkila, will give a System Plan update. Layout plans for Schwanz Lake, Goat Hill and Wedgewood Parks will be discussed. On February 21 cost estimates of these three parks will be reviewed. On March 7 play equipment will be reviewed and Thomas Lake Park will be discussed. OTHER BUSINESS AND REPORT A. COMMUNITY ROOM REPORT Recreation Supervisor, Dorothy Peterson, submitted a 1984 community room activity report in the Commission packet. The Commission accepted the report and concurred with Dorothy's comments. B. RECREATION COMMISSION MEETING Committee members agreed to hold a meeting before the next Commission meeting on January 17, 1985. C. UPDATE ON LANDSCAPE ORDINANCE Planning Assistant, Ingraham, updated the Commission on the status of the Landscape Ordinance. ADJOURNMENT On a motion by Kubik, seconded by Fedde, the meeting was adjourned. Time of adjournment was 10:20 P.M.. Dated: lee 1-' Advisory Parks & Recre tion Secre ary