01/17/1985 - Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ADVISORY PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION EAGAN, MINNESOTA JANUARY 17, 1985 A special meeting of the Advisory Parks & Recreation Commission was called to order by Chairman Martin at 7:10 P.M.. Members present were Alt, Bertz, Carroll, Kubik, Martin, Masin and Thurston. Mike Fedde was absent due to illness and Tom Ketcham arrived near the meeting's conclusion. Parks & Recreation Director, Ken Vraa; Landscape Architect, Steve Sullivan; and Administrative Assistant, Liz Witt, were present. Parks Consultant, Tim Erkkila; and Public Works Director, Tom Colbert, made special presentations. 1) BLACKHAWK PARK - CONCEPT PLAN REVIEW - TIM ERKKILA Steve Sullivan and Ken Vraa showed slides of Blackhawk Lake and adjacent areas. Director Vraa noted that Mrs. Waldron has 4.5 acres of property on the north shore of Blackhawk Lake which is available for acquisition. Ed Dunn owns lakefront acreage, some of which the City might acquire through park dedication with the City purchasing additional acreage. Access via the south route into the park will require acquisition from Leo Murphy. Director Vraa said he may be seeking an Acquisition and Development Grant which will have a greater chance of being funded than just acquisition. He continued, indicating that a, concept plan had been worked on by Mr. Erkkila. for Commission review and comment. Parks Consultant, Tim Erkkila, presented the concept plan for Blackhawk Park which would incorporate an internal trail, a picnic area, canoe/fishing access, an open area for hiking and skiing and benches for seating to comfortably see different scenic views. He suggested that a bridge over the narrow passage of water might be feasible and provide an extension to the trail system. A floating bridge at the east end of the lake might allow for looping of the trail. There were numerous questions and comments regarding grading, access, views and program uses. Commission members generally liked the concept plan and recommended that the City and staff proceed with the acquisition and development planning. In response to a question, Director Vraa said a L.A.W.C.O.N. grant is a possibility with the federal government paying 50%, the state and local 25% each. Commission recommended the City obtain "First Right Of Refusal" for the Waldron property pending the L.A.W.C.O.N. application outcome. 2. PROPOSAL FOR BLUE CROSS/BLUE SHIELD PARK - EARLY ACQUISITION Parks & Recreation Director Vraa reviewed the twelve acre park site which will be created through 7.78 acres of park dedication and 4.22 acres through park acquisition. Blue Cross/Blue Shield is not ready to develop their property for a-couple of years and staff is recommending the City consider acquisition • 1 Adv Parks & Rec Comm January 17, 1985 of the entire twelve acre site at this time. The Director reviewed the priority for development of the park and an outline of the proposal seeking early acquisition by dedication and purchase. Members asked if Blue Cross/Blue Shield was willing to commit themselves to this. Mr. Vraa responded that informal discussions have been very productive and believes a successful acquisition is likely. He went on to explain, indicating that they have an interest in seeing the park under construction. After additional discussion Thurston moved, Carroll, seconded, that Director Vraa proceed with formal negotiations and proposal to Blue Cross/Blue Shield for early acquisition of 10.25 acres and 1.75 acres by purchase as outlined. All voted in favor. 3. PROPOSED LANDSCAPE POLICY - DRAFT REVIEW Included in the packet was a proposed landscape policy. The policy covered the following issues: A. Minimum quantity of landscape material requirements._ B. Loss of existing vegetation to development. C. Lack of landscaped area requirements for parking lots. D. Standards for screening parking lots, utility areas.$'loading docks and outside storage from public roads and adjacent differing land uses. E. Lack of plant specifications thus allowing any type and size to be planted. F. Maintenance requirements. G. Minimum green space requirements. Park Planner, Steve Sullivan, reviewed policies of other communities and proposed recommendations for Eagan. The Commission then discussed the policy issues.' Members were pleased with the report and supported the recommendations. Staff asked the Commission for direction on minimum green space requirement. Commission consensus for minimum percentage green space was 15%. Commission member Kubik suggested that a minimum amount of green space be a requirement. He noted that the more green space, the less runoff and the less environmental impact on our City lakes. There was discussion if the report shall be incorporated into an ordinance rather than a policy. Chairman Martin and Director Vraa suggested the possibility of a joint meeting with the City Council to discuss the draft landscape proposal and to receive further direction from the Council. Commission member Kubik moved, Bertz seconded, that Director Vraa submit the draft of the proposed landscape policy to the City Council. All voted in favor. 4. EROSION CONTROL/WATER QUALITY PRESERVATION Parks & Recreation Director,Vraa, introduced the Director of Public Works, Tom Colbert, who the Commission invited to learn more about what measure the City take to control erosion and maintain water quality. Mr. Colbert addressed the Commission, citing how erosion control is presently handled. City staff reviews the erosion control plan before construction. The grading plan must be approved by the City and bonding is required to insure compliance. Restoration of site after construction is completed is also Adv Parks & Rec Comm January 17, 1985 bonded to insure that the job is done right. Tom said it is difficult to police compliance with erosion control requirements due to the vast amount of construction going on in Eagan and the shortage of staff. When asked about the feasibility of sedimentation ponds, Mr. Colbert said such ponds are being utilized more and more to control and filter runoff. The water is filtered through the sedimentation pond before emptying into another body of water. There were numerous questions by the Commission. Chairman Martin thanked Mr. Colbert for his time and information and indicated Commission support for his efforts. 5. P.U.D. AGREEMENT - EAGAN HEIGHTS COMMERCIAL Director Vraa informally reviewed the P.U.D. noting that originally the Commission recommended a cash dedication, but reserved the right to review each phase of development as it came before the City. However, the Commission's current position is to obtain a land dedication. Federal Land Company is reluctant to give land. Ken asked that two or three Commission members meet with staff to review the many complex issues. Richard Carroll and Carolyn Thurston agreed to meet on Monday, January 21. 6. MURR PROPERTY -INFORMATION ONLY The Murr property is north of Schwanz Lake, a portion of which is desirable to be acquired for that park. Most of the Murr property is under water. Mr. Vraa has talked informally with Mr. Murr to see if he is interested in selling the land and for what price. A sketch plan has been prepared showing about 8,000 square feet of land and 50,000 square feet of water. Staff intends to proceed with additional discussion. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Martin adjourned the meeting at 10: P.M.. Dated: dvisory arks & Recreation Se ary